Commit 4221f04a authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Merged 4.0 change into 4.1

  Merged new default "--force" (can be switched off using "--one-error") from 4.0 into 4.1
parents 135cdcef a9aff01e
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use Sys::Hostname;
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ GetOptions(
......@@ -310,6 +311,7 @@ if ($opt_stage <= 2)
$command.= " $opt_make_options" if (defined($opt_make_options) && $opt_make_options ne "");
print LOG "Do-compile: Build successful\n";
......@@ -372,11 +374,14 @@ $ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"}= ("$test_dir/lib" .
if ($opt_stage <= 5 && !$opt_no_test && !$opt_no_mysqltest)
my $flags= "";
my $force= "";
$flags.= " --with-ndbcluster" if ($opt_with_cluster);
$flags.= " --force" if (!$opt_one_error);
system("mkdir $bench_tmpdir") if (! -d $bench_tmpdir);
check_system("./mysql-test-run $flags --tmpdir=$bench_tmpdir --master_port=$mysql_tcp_port --slave_port=$slave_port --ndbcluster_port=$ndbcluster_port --manager-port=$manager_port --no-manager --sleep=10", "tests were successful");
# 'mysql-test-run' writes its own final message for log evaluation.
......@@ -555,7 +560,10 @@ Do not run any tests.
Do not run the benchmark test (written in perl)
Do not run the the mysql-test-run test (Same as 'make test')
Do not run the mysql-test-run test (Same as 'make test')
Terminate the mysql-test-run test after the first difference (default: use '--force')
Do not compile or install Perl modules, use the system installed ones
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