Commit 44ff73e9 authored by Elena Stepanova's avatar Elena Stepanova

MDEV-750 LP:800035 - intermittent rpl_deadlock_innodb failures

A typo in include file caused the timeout counter to be 10x less than
expected. It was fixed in 5.5.20+ along with a bigger change, now also
fixing in 5.1-5.3.
parent d7304375
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if (`SELECT '$_slave_check_configured' = 'No such row'`)
# mysqltest doesn't provide any better way to multiply by 10
--let $_wait_for_slave_param_zero= 0
--let $_slave_timeout_counter= $_slave_timeout$zero
--let $_slave_timeout_counter= $_slave_timeout$_wait_for_slave_param_zero
--let $_slave_continue= 1
while ($_slave_continue)
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