Commit 45809273 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

MDEV-4665 crash when referencing missing function in a subquery

don't ignore the return value fix_fields()
parent 44e5fcde
create table t (a int);
create or replace view v as select 1 from t where a;
delete from v where (select g());
ERROR 42000: FUNCTION test.g does not exist
drop view v;
drop table t;
# MDEV-4665 crash when referencing missing function in a subquery
create table t (a int);
create or replace view v as select 1 from t where a;
delete from v where (select g());
drop view v;
drop table t;
......@@ -3683,6 +3683,7 @@ bool TABLE_LIST::prep_where(THD *thd, Item **conds,
bool no_where_clause)
bool res= FALSE;
for (TABLE_LIST *tbl= merge_underlying_list; tbl; tbl= tbl->next_local)
......@@ -3731,10 +3732,11 @@ bool TABLE_LIST::prep_where(THD *thd, Item **conds,
if (tbl == 0)
if (*conds && !(*conds)->fixed)
(*conds)->fix_fields(thd, conds);
res= (*conds)->fix_fields(thd, conds);
if (!res)
*conds= and_conds(*conds, where->copy_andor_structure(thd));
if (*conds && !(*conds)->fixed)
(*conds)->fix_fields(thd, conds);
if (*conds && !(*conds)->fixed && !res)
res= (*conds)->fix_fields(thd, conds);
if (arena)
thd->restore_active_arena(arena, &backup);
......@@ -3742,7 +3744,7 @@ bool TABLE_LIST::prep_where(THD *thd, Item **conds,
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