SELECT table_schema, count(*) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema IN ('mysql', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA', 'test', 'mysqltest') GROUP BY TABLE_SCHEMA;
@@ -265,6 +265,11 @@ def mysql user Update_priv 6 N NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci e
def mysql user User 2 NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL
def mysql user x509_issuer 35 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL
def mysql user x509_subject 36 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL
def mysql vtmd_template col_renames 5 NULL YES blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references Column name mapping from previous lifetime NEVER NULL
def mysql vtmd_template end 2 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references TRX_ID of table lifetime end NEVER NULL
def mysql vtmd_template frm_image 4 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references Table structure during period [start, end) NEVER NULL
def mysql vtmd_template name 3 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) select,insert,update,references Table name during period [start, end) NEVER NULL
def mysql vtmd_template start 1 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references TRX_ID of table lifetime start NEVER NULL