Commit 4e946b0f authored by Otto Kekäläinen's avatar Otto Kekäläinen Committed by Vicențiu-Marian Ciorbaru
parent 9ed7e967
#!/bin/bash -e
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
......@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
# This command can be used as pipe to syslog. With "-s" it also logs to stderr.
ERR_LOGGER="logger -p daemon.err -t mariadb-server-$MAJOR_VER.postinst -i"
# Specify syslog tag name so it is clear the entry came from this postinst script.
# This will make an error in a logged command immediately apparent by aborting
# the install, rather than failing silently and leaving a broken install.
set -o pipefail
......@@ -31,7 +33,6 @@ case "$1" in
......@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ case "$1" in
mv "$savelink" "$targetdir"
# this should never even happen, but just in case...
mysql_tmp=`mktemp -d -t mysql-symlink-restore-XXXXXX`
mysql_tmp=$(mktemp -d -t mysql-symlink-restore-XXXXXX)
echo "this is very strange! see $mysql_tmp/README..." >&2
mv "$targetdir" "$mysql_tmp"
cat << EOF > "$mysql_tmp/README"
......@@ -79,17 +80,17 @@ EOF
# Ensure the existence and right permissions for the database and
# log files.
if [ ! -d "$mysql_statedir" -a ! -L "$mysql_statedir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_statedir"; fi
if [ ! -d "$mysql_datadir" -a ! -L "$mysql_datadir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_datadir" ; fi
if [ ! -d "$mysql_logdir" -a ! -L "$mysql_logdir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_logdir" ; fi
# log files. Use mkdir option 'Z' to create with correct SELinux context.
if [ ! -d "$mysql_statedir" ] && [ ! -L "$mysql_statedir" ]; then mkdir -Z "$mysql_statedir"; fi
if [ ! -d "$mysql_datadir" ] && [ ! -L "$mysql_datadir" ]; then mkdir -Z "$mysql_datadir" ; fi
if [ ! -d "$mysql_logdir" ] && [ ! -L "$mysql_logdir" ]; then mkdir -Z "$mysql_logdir" ; fi
# When creating an ext3 jounal on an already mounted filesystem like e.g.
# /var/lib/mysql, you get a .journal file that is not modifyable by chown.
# The mysql_statedir must not be writable by the mysql user under any
# circumstances as it contains scripts that are executed by root.
set +e
chown -R 0:0 $mysql_statedir
find $mysql_datadir ! -uid $(id -u mysql) -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown mysql
find $mysql_datadir ! -uid "$(id -u mysql)" -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown mysql
chown -R mysql:adm $mysql_logdir
chmod 2750 $mysql_logdir
set -e
......@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ EOF
# Clean up old flags before setting new one
rm -f $mysql_datadir/debian-*.flag
# Flag data dir to avoid downgrades
touch $mysql_datadir/debian-10.5.flag
touch "$mysql_datadir/debian-$MAJOR_VER.flag"
# initiate databases. Output is not allowed by debconf :-(
# This will fail if we are upgrading an existing database; in this case
......@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ EOF
set -e
# To avoid downgrades.
touch $mysql_statedir/debian-$MAJOR_VER.flag
touch "$mysql_statedir/debian-$MAJOR_VER.flag"
# On new installations root user can connect via unix_socket.
# But on upgrades, scripts rely on debian-sys-maint user and
......@@ -130,6 +131,9 @@ EOF
# --defaults-file option for tools (for the sake of upgrades)
# and thus need /etc/mysql/debian.cnf to exist, even if it's empty.
if [ ! -d "$mysql_cfgdir" ]; then
install -o 0 -g 0 -m 0755 -d $mysql_cfgdir
if [ ! -e "$dc" ]; then
cat /dev/null > $dc
echo "# Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH!" >>$dc
......@@ -189,5 +193,3 @@ if [ -x "$(command -v deb-systemd-helper)" ]; then
exit 0
#!/bin/bash -e
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# Automatically set version to ease maintenance of this file
if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
......@@ -37,17 +41,18 @@ case "$1" in
# - Do NOT purge logs or data if another mysql-sever* package is installed (#307473)
# - Purge logs and data only if they are ours (#307473)
# - Remove the mysql user only after all his owned files are purged.
# - Cleanup the initscripts only if this was the last provider of them
if [ "$1" = "purge" -a ! \( -x /usr/sbin/mysqld -o -L /usr/sbin/mysqld \) ]; then
if [ "$1" = "purge" ] && [ -f "/var/lib/mysql/debian-$MAJOR_VER.flag" ]; then
# we remove the mysql user only after all his owned files are purged
rm -f /var/log/mysql.{log,err}{,.0,.[1234567].gz}
rm -rf /var/log/mysql
db_input high mariadb-server-10.5/postrm_remove_databases || true
db_input high "mariadb-server-$MAJOR_VER/postrm_remove_databases" || true
db_go || true
db_get mariadb-server-10.5/postrm_remove_databases || true
db_get "mariadb-server-$MAJOR_VER/postrm_remove_databases" || true
if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
# never remove the debian.cnf when the databases are still existing
# else we ran into big trouble on the next install!
......@@ -56,13 +61,19 @@ if [ "$1" = "purge" -a ! \( -x /usr/sbin/mysqld -o -L /usr/sbin/mysqld \) ]; the
# directory with file system data. See #829491 for details and
# #608938 for potential mysql-server leftovers which erroneously
# had been renamed.
# Attempt removal only if the directory hasn't already been removed
# by dpkg to avoid failing on "No such file or directory" errors.
if [ -d /var/lib/mysql ]
find /var/lib/mysql -mindepth 1 \
-not -path '*/lost+found/*' -not -name 'lost+found' \
-not -path '*/lost@002bfound/*' -not -name 'lost@002bfound' \
# "|| true" still needed as rmdir still exits with non-zero if
# /var/lib/mysql is a mount point
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /var/lib/mysql || true
rm -rf /var/run/mysqld # this directory is created by the init script, don't leave behind
userdel mysql || true
......@@ -70,5 +81,3 @@ if [ "$1" = "purge" -a ! \( -x /usr/sbin/mysqld -o -L /usr/sbin/mysqld \) ]; the
exit 0
......@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# Automatically set version to ease maintenance of this file
# Just kill the invalid insserv.conf.d directory without fallback
if [ -d "/etc/insserv.conf.d/mariadb/" ]; then
rm -rf "/etc/insserv.conf.d/mariadb/"
if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
......@@ -41,7 +49,7 @@ stop_server() {
################################ main() ##########################
# Check if a flag file is found that indicates a previous MariaDB or MySQL
......@@ -53,12 +61,12 @@ do
# The for loop leaves $flag as the query string if there are no results,
# so the check below is needed to stop further processing when there are
# no real results.
if [ $flag = "$mysql_datadir/debian-*.flag" ]
if [ "$flag" = "$mysql_datadir/debian-*.flag" ]
flag_version=`echo $flag | sed 's/.*debian-\([0-9\.]\+\).flag/\1/'`
flag_version=$(echo "$flag" | sed 's/.*debian-\([0-9\.]\+\).flag/\1/')
# Initialize value if empty
if [ -z "$found_version" ]
......@@ -85,6 +93,15 @@ done
if [ ! -z "$found_version" ]
# MySQL 8.0 in Ubuntu has a bug in packaging and the file is name wrongly
# 'debian-5.7.flag', so in case '5.7' was encountered an extra check needs to
# be done to see is there is a file called undo_001, which is a sign of 8.0.
if [ "$found_version" == "5.7" ] && [ -f "$mysql_datadir/undo_001" ]
# Seems to be a 8.0, flag has wrongly 5.7 (know bug)
echo "$mysql_datadir: found previous version $found_version"
if dpkg --compare-versions "$found_version" '>>' "$this_version"
......@@ -105,17 +122,17 @@ fi
# Instead simply move the old datadir and create a new for this_version.
if [ ! -z "$downgrade_detected" ]
db_input critical mariadb-server-10.5/old_data_directory_saved || true
db_input critical "mariadb-server-$MAJOR_VER/old_data_directory_saved" || true
echo "The file $mysql_datadir/debian-$found_version.flag indicates a" 1>&2
echo "version that cannot automatically be upgraded. Therefore the" 1>&2
echo "previous data directory will be renamed to $mysql_datadir-$found_version and" 1>&2
echo "a new data directory will be initialized at $mysql_datadir." 1>&2
echo "Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed." 1>&2
mv -f $mysql_datadir $mysql_datadir-$found_version
mv -f "$mysql_datadir" "$mysql_datadir-$found_version"
# Also move away the old debian.cnf file that included credentials that are
# no longer valid
mv -f /etc/mysql/debian.cnf /etc/mysql/debian.cnf-$found_version
mv -f /etc/mysql/debian.cnf "/etc/mysql/debian.cnf-$found_version"
# to be sure
......@@ -124,7 +141,7 @@ stop_server
# If we use NIS then errors should be tolerated. It's up to the
# user to ensure that the mysql user is correctly setup.
# Beware that there are two ypwhich one of them needs the 2>/dev/null!
if test -n "`which ypwhich 2>/dev/null`" && ypwhich >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if test -n "$(which ypwhich 2>/dev/null)" && ypwhich >/dev/null 2>&1; then
set +e
......@@ -164,16 +181,18 @@ set -e
# if there's a symlink, let's store where it's pointing, because otherwise
# it's going to be lost in some situations
for dir in DATADIR LOGDIR; do
checkdir=`eval echo "$"$dir`
checkdir=$(eval echo "$"$dir)
if [ -L "$checkdir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$mysql_upgradedir"
# Use mkdir option 'Z' to create with correct SELinux context.
mkdir -pZ "$mysql_upgradedir"
cp -dT "$checkdir" "$mysql_upgradedir/$"
# creating mysql home directory
if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir -a ! -L $mysql_datadir ]; then
mkdir $mysql_datadir
if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir ] && [ ! -L $mysql_datadir ]; then
# Use mkdir option 'Z' to create with correct SELinux context.
mkdir -Z $mysql_datadir
# checking disc space
......@@ -191,7 +210,7 @@ fi
# The "set +e" is necessary as e.g. a ".journal" of a ext3 partition is
# not chgrp'able (#318435).
set +e
find $mysql_datadir ! -uid $(id -u mysql) -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown mysql
find $mysql_datadir ! -uid "$(id -u mysql)" -print0 | xargs -0 -r chown mysql
find $mysql_datadir -follow -not -group mysql -print0 2>/dev/null \
| xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chgrp mysql
set -e
......@@ -200,5 +219,3 @@ set -e
exit 0
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
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