Commit 4eb82a34 authored by Yoni Fogel's avatar Yoni Fogel

refs #5189 Save last_xid in shutdown entry instead of increasing lsn and aliasing

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@45271 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent d70af213
......@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ enum ft_layout_version_e {
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_17 = 17, // Dr. No: Add STAT64INFO_S to brt_header
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_18 = 18, // Dr. No: Add HOT info to brt_header
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19 = 19, // Doofenshmirtz: Add compression method, highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_20 = 20, // Clayface: Add compression method to log_fcreate, mgr_last_xid after begin checkpoint
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_20 = 20, // Deadshot: Add compression method to log_fcreate,
// mgr_last_xid after begin checkpoint,
// last_xid to shutdown
FT_NEXT_VERSION, // the version after the current version
FT_LAYOUT_VERSION = FT_NEXT_VERSION-1, // A hack so I don't have to change this line.
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ toku_log_upgrade_get_footprint(void) {
// return 0 if clean shutdown, TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE if not clean shutdown
static int
verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn) {
verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn, TXNID *last_xid) {
int r;
......@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn
if (le->cmd==LT_shutdown) {
LSN lsn = le->u.shutdown.lsn;
if (last_lsn)
if (last_lsn) {
*last_lsn = lsn;
if (last_xid) {
*last_xid = le->u.shutdown.last_xid;
rval = 0;
......@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn
// return 0 if clean shutdown, TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE if not clean shutdown
static int
verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn) {
verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn, TXNID *last_xid, uint32_t version) {
int r;
......@@ -73,28 +77,51 @@ verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn) {
// Only look at newest log
// basename points to first char after last / in file pathname
basename = strrchr(logfiles[n_logfiles-1], '/') + 1;
int version;
uint32_t version_name;
long long index = -1;
r = sscanf(basename, "log%lld.tokulog%d", &index, &version);
r = sscanf(basename, "log%lld.tokulog%u", &index, &version_name);
assert(r==2); // found index and version
invariant(version_name == version);
assert(version< TOKU_LOG_VERSION); //Must be old
// find last LSN
r = toku_logcursor_create_for_file(&cursor, log_dir, basename);
if (r==0) {
if (r != 0) {
goto cleanup_no_logcursor;
r = toku_logcursor_last(cursor, &entry);
if (r == 0) {
if (r != 0) {
goto cleanup;
if (entry->cmd==LT_shutdown) {
LSN lsn = entry->u.shutdown.lsn;
if (last_lsn)
//TODO: Remove this special case once FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19 (and older) are not supported.
if (version <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19) {
if (entry->cmd==LT_shutdown_up_to_19) {
LSN lsn = entry->u.shutdown_up_to_19.lsn;
if (last_lsn) {
*last_lsn = lsn;
if (last_xid) {
// Use lsn as last_xid.
*last_xid = lsn.lsn;
rval = 0;
else if (entry->cmd==LT_shutdown) {
LSN lsn = entry->u.shutdown.lsn;
if (last_lsn) {
*last_lsn = lsn;
if (last_xid) {
*last_xid = entry->u.shutdown.last_xid;
rval = 0;
r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&cursor);
assert(r == 0);
for(int i=0;i<n_logfiles;i++) {
......@@ -105,14 +132,14 @@ verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn) {
static int
verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(const char *log_dir, uint32_t version, LSN *last_lsn) {
verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(const char *log_dir, uint32_t version, LSN *last_lsn, TXNID *last_xid) {
// return 0 if clean shutdown, TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE if not clean shutdown
int r = 0;
if (version < TOKU_LOG_VERSION) {
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(log_dir, last_lsn);
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(log_dir, last_lsn, last_xid, version);
if (r != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot upgrade TokuDB version %d database.", version);
fprintf(stderr, " Previous improper shutdown detected.\n");
......@@ -121,7 +148,7 @@ verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(const char *log_dir, uint32_t version, LSN
else {
assert(version == TOKU_LOG_VERSION);
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(log_dir, last_lsn);
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(log_dir, last_lsn, last_xid);
return r;
......@@ -130,7 +157,7 @@ verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(const char *log_dir, uint32_t version, LSN
// Actually create a log file of the current version, making the environment be of the current version.
static int
upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN last_lsn) { // the real deal
upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN last_lsn, TXNID last_xid) { // the real deal
int r;
......@@ -148,7 +175,7 @@ upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN last_lsn) { // the rea
r = toku_logger_create(&logger);
assert(r == 0);
toku_logger_set_cachetable(logger, ct);
r = toku_logger_open(log_dir, logger);
r = toku_logger_open_with_last_xid(log_dir, logger, last_xid);
{ //Checkpoint
......@@ -164,7 +191,7 @@ upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN last_lsn) { // the rea
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(log_dir, TOKU_LOG_VERSION, NULL);
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(log_dir, TOKU_LOG_VERSION, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -184,7 +211,9 @@ toku_maybe_upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN * lsn_of_cl
r = toku_recover_lock(log_dir, &lockfd);
if (r == 0) {
if (r != 0) {
goto cleanup_no_lock;
......@@ -192,7 +221,9 @@ toku_maybe_upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN * lsn_of_cl
uint32_t version_of_logs_on_disk;
BOOL found_any_logs;
r = toku_get_version_of_logs_on_disk(log_dir, &found_any_logs, &version_of_logs_on_disk);
if (r==0) {
if (r != 0) {
goto cleanup;
if (!found_any_logs)
r = 0; //No logs means no logs to upgrade.
......@@ -205,22 +236,24 @@ toku_maybe_upgrade_log(const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, LSN * lsn_of_cl
else {
LSN last_lsn;
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(log_dir, version_of_logs_on_disk, &last_lsn);
if (r==0) {
TXNID last_xid;
r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(log_dir, version_of_logs_on_disk, &last_lsn, &last_xid);
if (r != 0) {
goto cleanup;
*lsn_of_clean_shutdown = last_lsn;
*upgrade_in_progress = TRUE;
r = upgrade_log(env_dir, log_dir, last_lsn);
r = upgrade_log(env_dir, log_dir, last_lsn, last_xid);
//Clean up
int rc;
rc = toku_recover_unlock(lockfd);
if (r==0) r = rc;
return r;
......@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@ int toku_logfilemgr_destroy(TOKULOGFILEMGR *lfm) {
return r;
int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir) {
int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir, TXNID *last_xid_if_clean_shutdown) {
int r;
int n_logfiles;
......@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir) {
long long index = -1;
char *basename;
LSN tmp_lsn = {0};
TXNID last_xid = TXNID_NONE;
for(int i=0;i<n_logfiles;i++){
lf_info = toku_xmalloc(sizeof(struct toku_logfile_info));
// find the index
......@@ -74,12 +76,20 @@ int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir) {
lf_info->version = version;
// find last LSN in logfile
r = toku_logcursor_create_for_file(&cursor, log_dir, basename);
if (r!=0)
if (r!=0) {
return r;
r = toku_logcursor_last(cursor, &entry); // set "entry" to last log entry in logfile
if ( r == 0 ) {
if (r == 0) {
lf_info->maxlsn = toku_log_entry_get_lsn(entry);
invariant(lf_info->maxlsn.lsn >= tmp_lsn.lsn);
tmp_lsn = lf_info->maxlsn;
if (entry->cmd == LT_shutdown) {
last_xid = entry->u.shutdown.last_xid;
} else {
last_xid = TXNID_NONE;
else {
lf_info->maxlsn = tmp_lsn; // handle empty logfile (no LSN in file) case
......@@ -93,6 +103,7 @@ int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir) {
*last_xid_if_clean_shutdown = last_xid;
return 0;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ typedef struct toku_logfilemgr *TOKULOGFILEMGR;
int toku_logfilemgr_create(TOKULOGFILEMGR *lfm);
int toku_logfilemgr_destroy(TOKULOGFILEMGR *lfm);
int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir);
int toku_logfilemgr_init(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, const char *log_dir, TXNID *last_xid_if_clean_shutdown);
int toku_logfilemgr_num_logfiles(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm);
int toku_logfilemgr_add_logfile_info(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm, TOKULOGFILEINFO lf_info);
TOKULOGFILEINFO toku_logfilemgr_get_oldest_logfile_info(TOKULOGFILEMGR lfm);
......@@ -197,13 +197,22 @@ const struct logtype logtypes[] = {
{"comment", 'T', FA{{"u_int64_t", "timestamp", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "comment", 0},
// Note: Shutdown log entry is NOT ALLOWED TO BE CHANGED.
// Note: shutdown_up_to_19 log entry is NOT ALLOWED TO BE CHANGED.
// Do not change the letter ('Q'), do not add fields,
// do not remove fields.
// TODO: Kill this logentry entirely once we no longer support version 19.
{"shutdown_up_to_19", 'Q', FA{{"u_int64_t", "timestamp", 0},
// Note: Shutdown log entry is NOT ALLOWED TO BE CHANGED.
// Do not change the letter ('0'), do not add fields,
// do not remove fields.
// You CAN leave this alone and add a new one, but then you have
// to deal with the upgrade mechanism again.
// This is how we detect clean shutdowns from OLDER VERSIONS.
// This log entry must always be readable for future versions.
// If you DO change it, you need to write a separate log upgrade mechanism.
{"shutdown", 'Q', FA{{"u_int64_t", "timestamp", 0},
{"shutdown", '0', FA{{"u_int64_t", "timestamp", 0},
{"TXNID", "last_xid", 0},
{"load", 'l', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "old_filenum", 0},
......@@ -135,12 +135,14 @@ static int close_logdir(TOKULOGGER logger) {
return closedir(logger->dir);
int toku_logger_open (const char *directory, TOKULOGGER logger) {
toku_logger_open_with_last_xid(const char *directory, TOKULOGGER logger, TXNID last_xid) {
if (logger->is_open) return EINVAL;
if (logger->is_panicked) return EINVAL;
int r;
r = toku_logfilemgr_init(logger->logfilemgr, directory);
TXNID last_xid_if_clean_shutdown;
r = toku_logfilemgr_init(logger->logfilemgr, directory, &last_xid_if_clean_shutdown);
if ( r!=0 )
return r;
logger->lsn = toku_logfilemgr_get_last_lsn(logger->logfilemgr);
......@@ -159,12 +161,19 @@ int toku_logger_open (const char *directory, TOKULOGGER logger) {
logger->next_log_file_number = nexti;
toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_logger(logger->txn_manager, logger);
if (last_xid == TXNID_NONE) {
last_xid = last_xid_if_clean_shutdown;
toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_logger(logger->txn_manager, last_xid);
logger->is_open = TRUE;
return 0;
int toku_logger_open (const char *directory, TOKULOGGER logger) {
return toku_logger_open_with_last_xid(directory, logger, TXNID_NONE);
bool toku_logger_rollback_is_open (TOKULOGGER logger) {
return logger->rollback_cachefile != NULL;
......@@ -281,13 +290,7 @@ int toku_logger_shutdown(TOKULOGGER logger) {
TXN_MANAGER mgr = logger->txn_manager;
if (toku_txn_manager_num_live_txns(mgr) == 0) {
TXNID last_xid = toku_txn_manager_get_last_xid(mgr);
// Increase the LSN of the shutdown log entry if it would be smaller
// than last_xid because we use the LSN of the shutdown log entry
// to seed the last_xid on bootup.
if (logger->lsn.lsn < last_xid) {
logger->lsn.lsn = last_xid;
r = toku_log_shutdown(logger, NULL, TRUE, 0);
r = toku_log_shutdown(logger, NULL, TRUE, 0, last_xid);
return r;
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ enum {
int toku_logger_create (TOKULOGGER *resultp);
int toku_logger_open (const char *directory, TOKULOGGER logger);
int toku_logger_open_with_last_xid(const char *directory, TOKULOGGER logger, TXNID last_xid);
int toku_logger_shutdown(TOKULOGGER logger);
int toku_logger_close(TOKULOGGER *loggerp);
int toku_logger_open_rollback(TOKULOGGER logger, CACHETABLE cachetable, BOOL create);
......@@ -1143,6 +1143,16 @@ static int toku_recover_backward_comment (struct logtype_comment *UU(l), RECOVER
return 0;
static int toku_recover_shutdown_up_to_19 (struct logtype_shutdown_up_to_19 *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) {
// nothing
return 0;
static int toku_recover_backward_shutdown_up_to_19 (struct logtype_shutdown_up_to_19 *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) {
// nothing
return 0;
static int toku_recover_shutdown (struct logtype_shutdown *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) {
// nothing
return 0;
......@@ -1195,8 +1205,6 @@ static int toku_recover_backward_hot_index(struct logtype_hot_index *UU(l), RECO
// Effects: If there are no log files, or if there is a clean "shutdown" at
// the end of the log, then we don't need recovery to run.
// Requires: the shutdown log entry does not change between tokudb versions,
// must always remain readable.
// Returns: TRUE if we need recovery, otherwise FALSE.
int tokudb_needs_recovery(const char *log_dir, BOOL ignore_log_empty) {
int needs_recovery;
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static void test_xid_lsn_independent_crash_recovery(int N) {
TXNID last_xid_after = logger_get_last_xid(logger);
invariant(last_xid_after >= last_xid_before);
invariant(last_xid_after == last_xid_before);
shutdown_after_recovery(&logger, &ct);
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ static void test_xid_lsn_independent_shutdown_recovery(int N) {
TXNID last_xid_after = logger_get_last_xid(logger);
invariant(last_xid_after >= last_xid_before);
invariant(last_xid_after == last_xid_before);
shutdown_after_recovery(&logger, &ct);
......@@ -831,10 +831,9 @@ void toku_txn_manager_resume(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager) {
toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_logger(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TOKULOGGER logger) {
toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_logger(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TXNID last_xid) {
invariant(txn_manager->last_xid == TXNID_NONE);
LSN last_lsn = toku_logger_last_lsn(logger);
txn_manager->last_xid = last_lsn.lsn;
txn_manager->last_xid = last_xid;
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void toku_txn_manager_unpin_live_txn_unlocked(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TOKUTXN t
void toku_txn_manager_suspend(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager);
void toku_txn_manager_resume(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager);
void toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_logger(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TOKULOGGER logger);
void toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_logger(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TXNID last_xid);
void toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_recovered_checkpoint(TXN_MANAGER txn_manager, TXNID last_xid);
TXNID toku_txn_manager_get_last_xid(TXN_MANAGER mgr);
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ extern void (*do_assert_hook)(void); // Set this to a function you want called a
#define lazy_assert(a) assert(a) // indicates code is incomplete
#define lazy_assert_zero(a) assert_zero(a) // indicates code is incomplete
#define invariant(a) assert(a) // indicates a code invariant that must be true
#define invariant_null(a) assert_zero(a) // indicates a code invariant that must be true
#define invariant_notnull(a) assert(a) // indicates a code invariant that must be true
#define invariant_zero(a) assert_zero(a) // indicates a code invariant that must be true
#define resource_assert(a) assert(a) // indicates resource must be available, otherwise unrecoverable
#define resource_assert_zero(a) assert_zero(a) // indicates resource must be available, otherwise unrecoverable
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