
- Updated after review
parent a6031b64
......@@ -628,6 +628,10 @@ static void die(const char *fmt, ...)
if (!silent)
printf("not ok\n");
......@@ -3050,11 +3054,7 @@ static void append_stmt_result(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
for (col_idx= 0; col_idx < num_fields; col_idx++)
/* Allocate data for output */
FIXME it may be a bug that for non string/blob types
'max_length' is 0, should try out 'length' in that case
uint max_length= max(field[col_idx].max_length + 1, 1024);
uint max_length= field[col_idx].max_length + 1;
char *str_data= (char *) my_malloc(max_length, MYF(MY_WME | MY_FAE));
bind[col_idx].buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
......@@ -3062,6 +3062,11 @@ static void append_stmt_result(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, MYSQL_STMT *stmt,
bind[col_idx].buffer_length= max_length;
bind[col_idx].is_null= &is_null[col_idx];
bind[col_idx].length= &length[col_idx];
DBUG_PRINT("bind", ("col[%d]: buffer_type: %d, buffer_length: %d",
/* Fill in the data into the structures created above */
......@@ -3197,11 +3202,11 @@ static void append_metadata(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds,
Append affected row count and other info to output
static void append_info(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, ulong affected_rows,
static void append_info(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, ulonglong affected_rows,
const char *info)
char buf[40];
sprintf(buf,"affected rows: %lu\n", affected_rows);
sprintf(buf,"affected rows: %llu\n", affected_rows);
dynstr_append(ds, buf);
if (info)
......@@ -3231,17 +3236,20 @@ static void append_table_headings(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds,
Fetch warnings from server and append to output
Fetch warnings from server and append to ds
Number of warnings appended to ds
static void append_warnings(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, MYSQL* mysql)
static int append_warnings(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, MYSQL* mysql)
uint count;
MYSQL_RES *warn_res;
if (!(count= mysql_warning_count(mysql)))
If one day we will support execution of multi-statements
......@@ -3257,14 +3265,14 @@ static void append_warnings(DYNAMIC_STRING *ds, MYSQL* mysql)
die("Warning count is %u but didn't get any warnings",
dynstr_append_mem(ds, "Warnings:\n", 10);
append_result(ds, warn_res);
Run query using MySQL C API
......@@ -3287,6 +3295,7 @@ static void run_query_normal(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
MYSQL_RES *res= 0;
int err= 0, counter= 0;
DYNAMIC_STRING ds_warnings;
DBUG_PRINT("enter",("flags: %d", flags));
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("query: '%-.60s'", query));
......@@ -3334,7 +3343,7 @@ static void run_query_normal(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
if (!disable_result_log)
ulong affected_rows; /* Ok to be undef if 'disable_info' is set */
ulonglong affected_rows; /* Ok to be undef if 'disable_info' is set */
if (res)
......@@ -3356,7 +3365,7 @@ static void run_query_normal(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
query to find the warnings
if (!disable_info)
affected_rows= (ulong)mysql_affected_rows(mysql);
affected_rows= mysql_affected_rows(mysql);
Add all warnings to the result. We can't do this if we are in
......@@ -3364,7 +3373,15 @@ static void run_query_normal(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
this will break protocol.
if (!disable_warnings && !mysql_more_results(mysql))
append_warnings(ds, mysql);
init_dynamic_string(&ds_warnings, NULL, 0, 256);
if (append_warnings(&ds_warnings, mysql))
dynstr_append_mem(ds, "Warnings:\n", 10);
dynstr_append_mem(ds, ds_warnings.str, ds_warnings.length);
if (!disable_info)
append_info(ds, affected_rows, mysql_info(mysql));
......@@ -3542,6 +3559,7 @@ static void run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
MYSQL_RES *res= NULL; /* Note that here 'res' is meta data result set */
DYNAMIC_STRING ds_prepare_warnings;
DYNAMIC_STRING ds_execute_warnings;
DBUG_PRINT("query", ("'%-.60s'", query));
......@@ -3562,6 +3580,10 @@ static void run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
handle_error(query, command, mysql_stmt_errno(stmt),
mysql_stmt_error(stmt), mysql_stmt_sqlstate(stmt), ds);
#ifndef BUG15518_FIXED
cur_con->stmt= NULL;
goto end;
......@@ -3569,10 +3591,10 @@ static void run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
Get the warnings from mysql_stmt_prepare and keep them in a
separate string
if (!disable_warnings)
init_dynamic_string(&ds_prepare_warnings, "", 1024, 1024);
init_dynamic_string(&ds_prepare_warnings, NULL, 0, 256);
init_dynamic_string(&ds_execute_warnings, NULL, 0, 256);
append_warnings(&ds_prepare_warnings, mysql);
......@@ -3588,7 +3610,7 @@ static void run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
if (cursor_protocol_enabled)
unsigned long type= CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY;
if (mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, (void*) &type))
die("mysql_stmt_attr_set(STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE) failed': %d %s",
mysql_stmt_errno(stmt), mysql_stmt_error(stmt));
......@@ -3654,25 +3676,36 @@ static void run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
mysql_free_result(res); /* Free normal result set with meta data */
/* Clear prepare warnings */
dynstr_set(&ds_prepare_warnings, NULL);
This is a query without resultset
Add warnings from prepare to output
if (!disable_warnings)
dynstr_append(ds, ds_prepare_warnings.str);
if (!disable_warnings)
append_warnings(ds, mysql);
/* Get the warnings from execute */
/* Append warnings to ds - if there are any */
if (append_warnings(&ds_execute_warnings, mysql) ||
dynstr_append_mem(ds, "Warnings:\n", 10);
if (ds_prepare_warnings.length)
dynstr_append_mem(ds, ds_prepare_warnings.str,
if (ds_execute_warnings.length)
dynstr_append_mem(ds, ds_execute_warnings.str,
if (!disable_info)
append_info(ds, (ulong)mysql_affected_rows(mysql), mysql_info(mysql));
append_info(ds, mysql_affected_rows(mysql), mysql_info(mysql));
......@@ -3680,7 +3713,10 @@ static void run_query_stmt(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command,
if (!disable_warnings)
We save the return code (mysql_stmt_errno(stmt)) from the last call sent
......@@ -3778,6 +3814,10 @@ static void run_query(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command, int flags)
("Failed to create view '%s': %d: %s", query_str.str,
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql)));
/* Log error to create view */
verbose_msg("Failed to create view '%s' %d: %s", query_str.str,
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
......@@ -3817,6 +3857,11 @@ static void run_query(MYSQL *mysql, struct st_query *command, int flags)
("Failed to create sp '%s': %d: %s", query_str.str,
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql)));
/* Log error to create sp */
verbose_msg("Failed to create sp '%s' %d: %s", query_str.str,
mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql));
......@@ -4446,24 +4491,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
The whole test has been executed sucessfully
The whole test has been executed _sucessfully_
Time to compare result or save it to record file
The entire output from test is now kept in ds_res
if (!query_executed && result_file && my_stat(result_file, &res_info, 0))
my_stat() successful on result file. Check if we have not run a
single query, but we do have a result file that contains data.
Note that we don't care, if my_stat() fails. For example for
non-existing or non-readable file we assume it's fine to have
no query output from the test file, e.g. regarded as no error.
if (res_info.st_size)
die("No queries executed but result file found!");
if (ds_res.length)
if (result_file)
......@@ -4475,20 +4506,37 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Check that the output from test is equal to result file */
/* Check that the output from test is equal to result file
- detect missing result file
- detect zero size result file
check_result(&ds_res, result_file, 0);
/* No result_file to compare with, print the result to stdout */
/* No result_file specified to compare with, print to stdout */
printf("%s", ds_res.str);
/* The test didn't produce any output */
die("The test didn't produce any output");
if (!query_executed && result_file && my_stat(result_file, &res_info, 0))
my_stat() successful on result file. Check if we have not run a
single query, but we do have a result file that contains data.
Note that we don't care, if my_stat() fails. For example for
non-existing or non-readable file we assume it's fine to have
no query output from the test file, e.g. regarded as no error.
die("No queries executed but result file found!");
if (!got_end_timer)
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ disable_query_log;
drop table if exists t1, t2;
flush tables;
@r/have_ndb.require show variables like "have_ndbcluster";
# @r/server_id.require show variables like "server_id";
--require r/have_ndb.require
show variables like "have_ndbcluster";
# Check that server2 has NDB support
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ disable_query_log;
drop table if exists t1, t2;
flush tables;
@r/have_ndb.require show variables like "have_ndbcluster";
# @r/server_id1.require show variables like "server_id";
--require r/have_ndb.require
show variables like "have_ndbcluster";
# Set the default connection to 'server1'
......@@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ mysqltest: At line 1: Wrong number of arguments to replace_result in 'replace_re
mysqltest: At line 1: Wrong number of arguments to replace_result in 'replace_result a;'
mysqltest: At line 1: Wrong number of arguments to replace_result in 'replace_result a'
mysqltest: At line 1: Wrong number of arguments to replace_result in 'replace_result a '
mysqltest: At line 1: Wrong number of arguments to replace_result in 'replace_result a b c'
mysqltest: At line 1: Wrong number of arguments to replace_result in 'replace_result a b c '
select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;
......@@ -356,6 +357,7 @@ mysqltest: At line 1: Missing connection db
mysqltest: At line 1: Could not open connection 'con2': Unknown database 'illegal_db'
mysqltest: At line 1: Illegal argument for port: 'illegal_port'
mysqltest: At line 1: Illegal option to connect: SMTP
mysqltest: In included file "./var/tmp/con.sql": At line 7: Connection limit exhausted - increase MAX_CONS in mysqltest.c
mysqltest: In included file "./var/tmp/con.sql": At line 3: connection 'test_con1' not found in connection pool
mysqltest: In included file "./var/tmp/con.sql": At line 2: Connection test_con1 already exists
......@@ -394,3 +396,5 @@ root@localhost
this will be executed
this will be executed
mysqltest: Result length mismatch
mysqltest: The test didn't produce any output
......@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
# End of 4.1 tests
echo ok;
......@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@
--exec $MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST --getopt-ll-test=25600M
# End of 4.1 tests
echo ok;
......@@ -368,10 +368,10 @@ select 3 from t1 ;
# Missing delimiter until eof
# The comment will be "sucked into" the sleep command since
# delimiter is missing
--system echo "sleep 7" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "# Another comment" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "sleep 7" > var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "# Another comment" >> var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/tmp/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
# Extra delimiter
......@@ -737,20 +737,20 @@ while ($i)
--error 1
--exec echo "{;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--system echo "while (0)" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "echo hej;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "while (0)" > var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "echo hej;" >> var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/tmp/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
--system echo "while (0)" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "{echo hej;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "while (0)" > var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "{echo hej;" >> var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/tmp/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
--system echo "while (0){" > var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "echo hej;" >> var/log/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "while (0){" > var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--system echo "echo hej;" >> var/tmp/mysqltest.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/log/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST < var/tmp/mysqltest.sql 2>&1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test error messages returned from comments starting with a command
......@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;
--exec echo "replace_result a;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "replace_result a ;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--exec echo "replace_result a b;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--exec echo "replace_result a b; echo OK;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
--exec echo "--replace_result a b c" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--error 1
......@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ select "a" as col1, "c" as col2;
--exec echo " disconnect test_con1; " >> var/tmp/con.sql
--exec echo " dec \$i; " >> var/tmp/con.sql
--exec echo "}" >> var/tmp/con.sql
--exec echo "source var/tmp/con.sql;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
--exec echo "source var/tmp/con.sql; echo OK;" | $MYSQL_TEST 2>&1
# Repeat connect/disconnect, exceed max number of connections
--exec echo "let \$i=200;" > var/tmp/con.sql
......@@ -954,3 +954,29 @@ select "this will not be executed";
select "this will be executed";
# Test zero length result file. Should not pass
--exec touch $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/zero_length_file.result
--exec echo "echo ok;" > $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/query.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST -x var/tmp/query.sql -R var/tmp/zero_length_file.result 2>&1
# Test that a test file that does not generate any output fails.
--exec echo "let \$i= 1;" > $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/query.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL_TEST -x var/tmp/query.sql 2>&1
# Test that mysqltest fails when there are no queries executed
# but a result file exist
# NOTE! This will never happen as long as it's not allowed to have
# test files that does not produce any output
#--exec echo "something" > $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/result_file.result
#--exec echo "let \$i= 1;" > $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/var/tmp/query.sql
#--error 1
#--exec $MYSQL_TEST -x var/tmp/query.sql -R var/tmp/result_file.result 2>&1
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