Commit 6043a0d9 authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub

split long lines, use get_mysql_service_properties()

parent 89f6c74b
Get Properties of an existing mysqld Windows service
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include "winservice.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Get version from an executable file
void get_file_version(const char *path, int *major, int *minor, int *patch)
DWORD version_handle;
char *ver= 0;
UINT len;
DWORD size;
void *p;
*major= *minor= *patch= 0;
size= GetFileVersionInfoSize(path, &version_handle);
if (size == 0)
ver= (char *)malloc(size);
if(!GetFileVersionInfo(path, version_handle, size, ver))
goto end;
goto end;
memcpy(&info,p ,sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO));
*major= (info.dwFileVersionMS & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
*minor= (info.dwFileVersionMS & 0x0000FFFF);
*patch= (info.dwFileVersionLS & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
void normalize_path(char *path, size_t size)
char buf[MAX_PATH];
if (*path== '"')
char *p;
strcpy_s(buf, MAX_PATH, path+1);
p= strchr(buf, '"');
if (p)
strcpy_s(buf, MAX_PATH, path);
GetFullPathName(buf, MAX_PATH, buf, NULL);
strcpy_s(path, size, buf);
Retrieve some properties from windows mysqld service binary path.
We're interested in ini file location and datadir, and also in version of
the data. We tolerate missing mysqld.exe.
Note that this function carefully avoids using mysql libraries (e.g dbug),
since it is used in unusual environments (windows installer, MFC), where we
do not have much control over how threads are created and destroyed, so we
cannot assume MySQL thread initilization here.
int get_mysql_service_properties(const wchar_t *bin_path,
mysqld_service_properties *props)
int numargs;
wchar_t mysqld_path[MAX_PATH + 4];
wchar_t *file_part;
wchar_t **args= NULL;
int retval= 1;
props->datadir[0]= 0;
props->inifile[0]= 0;
props->mysqld_exe[0]= 0;
props->version_major= 0;
props->version_minor= 0;
props->version_patch= 0;
args= CommandLineToArgvW(bin_path, &numargs);
if(numargs != 3)
goto end;
if(wcsncmp(args[1], L"--defaults-file=", 16) != 0)
goto end;
GetFullPathNameW(args[0], MAX_PATH, mysqld_path, &file_part);
if(wcsstr(mysqld_path, L".exe") == NULL)
wcscat(mysqld_path, L".exe");
if(wcsicmp(file_part, L"mysqld.exe") != 0 &&
wcsicmp(file_part, L"mysqld.exe") != 0 &&
wcsicmp(file_part, L"mysqld-nt.exe") != 0)
/* The service executable is not mysqld. */
goto end;
wcstombs(props->mysqld_exe, args[0], MAX_PATH);
wcstombs(props->inifile, args[1]+16, MAX_PATH);
normalize_path(props->inifile, MAX_PATH);
if (GetFileAttributes(props->inifile) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
goto end;
/* If mysqld.exe exists, try to get its version from executable */
if (GetFileAttributes(props->mysqld_exe) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
get_file_version(props->mysqld_exe, &props->version_major,
&props->version_minor, &props->version_patch);
GetPrivateProfileString("mysqld", "datadir", NULL, props->datadir, MAX_PATH,
if (props->datadir[0])
normalize_path(props->datadir, MAX_PATH);
/* Check if datadir really exists */
if (GetFileAttributes(props->datadir) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
goto end;
/* There is no datadir in ini file, bail out.*/
goto end;
If version could not be determined so far, try mysql_upgrade_info in
database directory.
if(props->version_major == 0)
char buf[MAX_PATH];
FILE *mysql_upgrade_info;
sprintf_s(buf, MAX_PATH, "%s\\mysql_upgrade_info", props->datadir);
mysql_upgrade_info= fopen(buf, "r");
if (fgets(buf, MAX_PATH, mysql_upgrade_info))
int major,minor,patch;
if (sscanf(buf, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch) == 3)
props->version_major= major;
props->version_minor= minor;
props->version_patch= patch;
retval = 0;
return retval;
\ No newline at end of file
Extract properties of a windows service binary path
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <windows.h>
typedef struct mysqld_service_properties_st
char mysqld_exe[MAX_PATH];
char inifile[MAX_PATH];
char datadir[MAX_PATH];
int version_major;
int version_minor;
int version_patch;
} mysqld_service_properties;
extern int get_mysql_service_properties(const wchar_t *bin_path,
mysqld_service_properties *props);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -70,8 +70,12 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall RemoveDataDirectory(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
return WcaFinalize(er);
/* Check for if directory is empty during install, sets "<PROPERTY>_NOT_EMPTY" otherise */
extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckDirectoryEmpty(MSIHANDLE hInstall, const wchar_t *PropertyName)
Check for if directory is empty during install,
sets "<PROPERTY>_NOT_EMPTY" otherise
extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckDirectoryEmpty(MSIHANDLE hInstall,
const wchar_t *PropertyName)
......@@ -112,7 +116,8 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckDirectoryEmpty(MSIHANDLE hInstall, const wchar_t
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Directory %S is empty or non-existent", PropertyName);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Directory %S is empty or non-existent",
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Directory %S is NOT empty", PropertyName);
......@@ -225,22 +230,22 @@ wchar_t *strip_quotes(wchar_t *s)
It can happen that SERVICENAME or DATADIR
MSI properties are in inconsistent state after somebody upgraded database
We catch this case during uninstall. In particular, either service is not removed
even if SERVICENAME was set (but this name is reused by someone else) or data
directory is not removed (if it is used by someone else). To find out whether
service name and datadirectory are in use For every service, configuration is
read and checked as follows:
We catch this case during uninstall. In particular, either service is not
removed even if SERVICENAME was set (but this name is reused by someone else)
or data directory is not removed (if it is used by someone else). To find out
whether service name and datadirectory are in use For every service,
configuration is read and checked as follows:
- look if a service has to do something with mysql
- If so, check its name against SERVICENAME. if match, check binary path against
INSTALLDIR\bin. If binary path does not match, then service runs under different
installation and won't be removed.
- Check options file for datadir and look if this is inside this installation's
datadir don't remove datadir if this is the case.
"Don't remove" in this context means that custom action is removing SERVICENAME property
or CLEANUPDATA property, which later on in course of installation mean that either datadir
or service is retained.
- If so, check its name against SERVICENAME. if match, check binary path
against INSTALLDIR\bin. If binary path does not match, then service runs
under different installation and won't be removed.
- Check options file for datadir and look if this is inside this
installation's datadir don't remove datadir if this is the case.
"Don't remove" in this context means that custom action is removing
SERVICENAME property or CLEANUPDATA property, which later on in course of
installation mean, that either datadir or service is kept.
void CheckServiceConfig(
......@@ -262,7 +267,8 @@ void CheckServiceConfig(
goto end;
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "MySQL service %S found: CommandLine= %S", other_servicename, commandline);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "MySQL service %S found: CommandLine= %S",
other_servicename, commandline);
if (wcsstr(argv[0], bindir))
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "executable under bin directory");
......@@ -281,7 +287,8 @@ void CheckServiceConfig(
else if (!same_bindir)
"Service name matches, but not the executable path directory, mine is %S", bindir);
"Service name matches, but not the executable path directory, mine is %S",
WcaSetProperty(L"SERVICENAME", L"");
......@@ -299,8 +306,8 @@ void CheckServiceConfig(
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "parsed defaults file is %S", defaults_file);
if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"mysqld", L"datadir", NULL, current_datadir, MAX_PATH,
defaults_file) == 0)
if (GetPrivateProfileStringW(L"mysqld", L"datadir", NULL, current_datadir,
MAX_PATH, defaults_file) == 0)
"Cannot find datadir in ini file '%S'", defaults_file);
......@@ -311,16 +318,19 @@ void CheckServiceConfig(
/* Convert to Windows path */
if (GetFullPathNameW(current_datadir, MAX_PATH, normalized_current_datadir, NULL))
if (GetFullPathNameW(current_datadir, MAX_PATH, normalized_current_datadir,
/* Add backslash to be compatible with directory formats in MSI */
wcsncat(normalized_current_datadir, L"\\", MAX_PATH+1);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "normalized current datadir is '%S'", normalized_current_datadir);
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "normalized current datadir is '%S'",
if (_wcsicmp(datadir, normalized_current_datadir) == 0 && !same_bindir)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "database directory from current installation, but different mysqld.exe");
"database directory from current installation, but different mysqld.exe");
WcaSetProperty(L"CLEANUPDATA", L"");
......@@ -335,22 +345,22 @@ void CheckServiceConfig(
would normally mean user has done an upgrade of the database and in this case
uninstall should neither delete service nor database directory.
If this function find that service is modified by user (mysqld.exe used by service
does not point to the installation bin directory), MSI public variable SERVICENAME is
removed, if DATADIR is used by some other service, variables DATADIR and CLEANUPDATA
are removed.
If this function find that service is modified by user (mysqld.exe used by
service does not point to the installation bin directory), MSI public variable
SERVICENAME is removed, if DATADIR is used by some other service, variables
DATADIR and CLEANUPDATA are removed.
The effect of variable removal is that service does not get uninstalled and datadir
is not touched by uninstallation.
The effect of variable removal is that service does not get uninstalled and
datadir is not touched by uninstallation.
Note that this function is running without elevation and does not use anything that would
require special privileges.
Note that this function is running without elevation and does not use anything
that would require special privileges.
extern "C" UINT CheckDBInUse(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
static BYTE buf[256*1024]; /* largest possible buffer for EnumServices */
static char config_buffer[8*1024]; /*largest possible buffer for QueryServiceConfig */
static char config_buffer[8*1024]; /*largest buffer for QueryServiceConfig */
wchar_t *servicename= NULL;
......@@ -373,7 +383,8 @@ extern "C" UINT CheckDBInUse(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
servicename, datadir, bindir);
scm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL,
if (scm == NULL)
ExitOnFailure(E_FAIL, "OpenSCManager failed");
......@@ -397,17 +408,21 @@ extern "C" UINT CheckDBInUse(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
for (ULONG i=0; i < num_services; i++)
SC_HANDLE service= OpenServiceW(scm, info[i].lpServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG);
SC_HANDLE service= OpenServiceW(scm, info[i].lpServiceName,
if (!service)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_VERBOSE, "Checking Service %S", info[i].lpServiceName);
QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW *config= (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW *)(void *)config_buffer;
(QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW *)(void *)config_buffer;
DWORD needed;
BOOL ok= QueryServiceConfigW(service, config,sizeof(config_buffer), &needed);
BOOL ok= QueryServiceConfigW(service, config,sizeof(config_buffer),
if (ok)
CheckServiceConfig(servicename, datadir, bindir, info[i].lpServiceName, config);
CheckServiceConfig(servicename, datadir, bindir, info[i].lpServiceName,
......@@ -454,14 +469,17 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckDatabaseProperties (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
ErrorMsg= L"A service with the same name already exists. Please use a different name.";
L"A service with the same name already exists. "
L"Please use a different name.";
goto err;
DWORD SkipNetworkingLen= MAX_PATH;
MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"SKIPNETWORKING", SkipNetworking, &SkipNetworkingLen);
MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"SKIPNETWORKING", SkipNetworking,
MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"PORT", Port, &PortLen);
if(SkipNetworking[0]==0 && Port[0] != 0)
......@@ -488,14 +506,17 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckDatabaseProperties (MSIHANDLE hInstall)
if (haveInvalidPort)
ErrorMsg = L"Invalid port number. Please use a number between 1025 and 65535.";
ErrorMsg =
L"Invalid port number. Please use a number between 1025 and 65535.";
goto err;
short port = (short)_wtoi(Port);
if (!IsPortFree(port))
ErrorMsg = L"The TCP Port you selected is already in use. Please choose a different port.";
ErrorMsg =
L"The TCP Port you selected is already in use. "
L"Please choose a different port.";
goto err;
......@@ -550,7 +571,8 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall CreateDatabaseRollback(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Enables/disables optional "Launch upgrade wizard" checkbox at the end of installation
Enables/disables optional "Launch upgrade wizard" checkbox at the end of
......@@ -589,7 +611,8 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckServiceUpgrades(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
SC_HANDLE scm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL,
if (scm == NULL)
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
......@@ -621,31 +644,30 @@ extern "C" UINT __stdcall CheckServiceUpgrades(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
(QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW*)(void *)config_buffer;
DWORD needed;
BOOL ok= QueryServiceConfigW(service, config,sizeof(config_buffer), &needed);
BOOL ok= QueryServiceConfigW(service, config,sizeof(config_buffer),
if (ok)
bool isMySQL;
int major;
int minor;
wchar_t program[MAX_PATH]={0};
GetMySQLVersion(config->lpBinaryPathName, program, &isMySQL, &major, &minor);
Only look for services that have mysqld.exe outside of the current
installation directory.
if(isMySQL && (wcsstr(program,installDir) == 0))
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "found service %S, major=%d, minor=%d",
info[i].lpServiceName, major, minor);
if(major < installerMajorVersion
|| (major == installerMajorVersion && minor <= installerMinorVersion))
mysqld_service_properties props;
if (get_mysql_service_properties(config->lpBinaryPathName, &props))
Only look for services that have mysqld.exe outside of the current
installation directory.
if(strstr(props.mysqld_exe,installDir) == 0)
upgradableServiceFound= true;
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "found service %S, major=%d, minor=%d",
info[i].lpServiceName, props.version_major, props.version_minor);
if(props.version_major < installerMajorVersion
|| (props.version_major == installerMajorVersion &&
props.version_minor <= installerMinorVersion))
upgradableServiceFound= true;
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