Commit 682c4d07 authored by Mattias Jonsson's avatar Mattias Jonsson


parents 866d10a4 771c823a
......@@ -4815,7 +4815,7 @@ int ha_partition::info(uint flag)
Calculates statistical variables
records: Estimate of number records in table
We report sum (always at least 2)
We report sum (always at least 2 if not empty)
deleted: Estimate of number holes in the table due to
We report sum
......@@ -4854,13 +4854,13 @@ int ha_partition::info(uint flag)
stats.check_time= file->stats.check_time;
} while (*(++file_array));
if (stats.records < 2 &&
if (stats.records && stats.records < 2 &&
!(m_file[0]->ha_table_flags() & HA_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT))
stats.records= 2;
if (stats.records > 0)
stats.mean_rec_length= (ulong) (stats.data_file_length / stats.records);
stats.mean_rec_length= 1; //? What should we set here
stats.mean_rec_length= 0;
if (flag & HA_STATUS_CONST)
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