c_d="$c_d Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db,User),"
c_d="$c_d KEY User (User)"
c_d="$c_d )"
c_d="$c_d comment='Database privileges';"
i_d="INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%','test','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');
INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%','test\_%','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');"
if test!-f$mdata/host.frm
c_h="$c_h CREATE TABLE host ("
c_h="$c_h Host char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Db char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db)"
c_h="$c_h )"
c_h="$c_h comment='Host privileges; Merged with database privileges';"
if test!-f$mdata/user.frm
c_u="$c_u CREATE TABLE user ("
c_u="$c_u Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Password char(45) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Reload_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Shutdown_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Process_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u File_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Super_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Execute_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u max_questions int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u max_updates int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u max_connections int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,User)"
c_u="$c_u )"
c_u="$c_u comment='Users and global privileges';"
i_u="INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('$hostname','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
REPLACE INTO user VALUES ('','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('localhost','');
INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('$hostname','');"
if test!-f$mdata/func.frm
c_f="$c_f CREATE TABLE func ("
c_f="$c_f name char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f ret tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f type enum ('function','aggregate') NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f PRIMARY KEY (name)"
c_f="$c_f )"
c_f="$c_f comment='User defined functions';"
if test!-f$mdata/tables_priv.frm
c_t="$c_t CREATE TABLE tables_priv ("
c_t="$c_t Host char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Db char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t User char(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Table_name char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Grantor char(77) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Timestamp timestamp(14),"
c_t="$c_t Table_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete','Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name),"
c_t="$c_t KEY Grantor (Grantor)"
c_t="$c_t )"
c_t="$c_t comment='Table privileges';"
if test!-f$mdata/columns_priv.frm
c_c="$c_c CREATE TABLE columns_priv ("
c_c="$c_c Host char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Db char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c User char(16) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Table_name char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Column_name char(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Timestamp timestamp(14),"
c_c="$c_c Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
insertintomysql.help_topic(name,description,example)values('impossible_function_1','description of \n impossible_function1','example of \n impossible_function1');
insertintomysql.help_topic(name,description,example)values('impossible_function_2','description of \n impossible_function2','example of \n impossible_function2');
insertintomysql.help_topic(name,description,example)values('impossible_function_3','description of \n impossible_function3','example of \n impossible_function3');
insertintomysql.help_topic(help_topic_id,name,help_category_id,description,example)values(1,'impossible_function_1',@category1_id,'description of \n impossible_function1\n','example of \n impossible_function1');
insertintomysql.help_topic(help_topic_id,name,help_category_id,description,example)values(2,'impossible_function_2',@category1_id,'description of \n impossible_function2\n','example of \n impossible_function2');
insertintomysql.help_topic(help_topic_id,name,help_category_id,description,example)values(3,'impossible_function_3',@category2_id,'description of \n impossible_function3\n','example of \n impossible_function3');
insertintomysql.help_topic(help_topic_id,name,help_category_id,description,example)values(4,'impossible_function_4',@category2_id,'description of \n impossible_function4\n','example of \n impossible_function4');
insertintomysql.help_topic(help_topic_id,name,help_category_id,description,example)values(5,'impossible_function_7',@category3_id,'description of \n impossible_function5\n','example of \n impossible_function7');
for i in$basedir/support-files $basedir/share $basedir/share/mysql $basedir/scripts @pkgdatadir@
# find fill_help_tables.sh
for i in$basedir/support-files $basedir/share $basedir/share/mysql $basedir/scripts `pwd` @pkgdatadir@
if test-f$i/fill_help_tables.sql
if test-f$pkgdatadir/fill_help_tables.sql
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ then
if test$verbose-eq 1
echo"Could not find help file 'fill_help_tables.sql'".
echo"Could not find help file 'fill_help_tables.sql' ;$pkgdatadir; ;$basedir;".
@@ -172,205 +172,21 @@ fi
chown$user$ldata$ldata/mysql $ldata/test;
# Initialize variables
# Check for old tables
if test!-f$mdata/db.frm
if test$verbose-eq 1 ;then
echo"Preparing db table"
# mysqld --bootstrap wants one command/line
c_d="$c_d CREATE TABLE db ("
c_d="$c_d Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_d="$c_d PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db,User),"
c_d="$c_d KEY User (User)"
c_d="$c_d )"
c_d="$c_d comment='Database privileges';"
i_d="INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%','test','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');
INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%','test\_%','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y');"
if test!-f$mdata/host.frm
if test$verbose-eq 1 ;then
echo"Preparing host table"
c_h="$c_h CREATE TABLE host ("
c_h="$c_h Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_h="$c_h PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db)"
c_h="$c_h )"
c_h="$c_h comment='Host privileges; Merged with database privileges';"
if test!-f$mdata/user.frm
if test$verbose-eq 1
if test$verbose-eq 1 ;then
echo"Preparing user table"
c_u="$c_u CREATE TABLE user ("
c_u="$c_u Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Password char(45) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Reload_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Shutdown_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Process_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u File_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Super_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Execute_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u max_questions int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u max_updates int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u max_connections int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
c_u="$c_u PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,User)"
c_u="$c_u )"
c_u="$c_u comment='Users and global privileges';"
i_u="INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
REPLACE INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('localhost','');
if test"$windows"-eq 0
i_u="$i_u INSERT INTO user VALUES ('$hostname','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
REPLACE INTO user VALUES ('$hostname','root','','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','','','','',0,0,0);
INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('$hostname','');"
if test!-f$mdata/func.frm
if test$verbose-eq 1 ;then
echo"Preparing func table"
c_f="$c_f CREATE TABLE func ("
c_f="$c_f name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f ret tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f type enum ('function','aggregate') NOT NULL,"
c_f="$c_f PRIMARY KEY (name)"
c_f="$c_f )"
c_f="$c_f comment='User defined functions';"
if test!-f$mdata/tables_priv.frm
if test$verbose-eq 1 ;then
echo"Preparing tables_priv table"
c_t="$c_t CREATE TABLE tables_priv ("
c_t="$c_t Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Table_name char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Grantor char(77) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Timestamp timestamp(14),"
c_t="$c_t Table_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete','Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_t="$c_t PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name),"
c_t="$c_t KEY Grantor (Grantor)"
c_t="$c_t )"
c_t="$c_t comment='Table privileges';"
if test!-f$mdata/columns_priv.frm
if test$verbose-eq 1 ;then
echo"Preparing columns_priv table"
c_c="$c_c CREATE TABLE columns_priv ("
c_c="$c_c Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Column_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
c_c="$c_c Timestamp timestamp(14),"
c_c="$c_c Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"