Commit 6f2b1823 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

  Let --start-and-exit actually start a server
  Added that test case names can be specified on the comman line
  Added embedded server support
  Added environment variables UMASK, UMASK_DIR
  Pass on return value from sleep_until_file_created(), to fail test
  Fail test if early termination of mysqld servers
  Create intial databases for the second master, and two additional slaves
  Find out if port is still in use, using simple TCP connect
  Use non blocking waitpid() to catch terminations early
  Make a special case spawning the 'mysqltest' application
  Redo the fork() if it returns EAGAIN
  Make sure to record if master or slave terminated
  Improved debugging output
  Improved code that remove PID files to avoid race
  Abort if we can't stop all mysqld servers using our ports
  Many improvements in killing mysqld servers
  Let sleep_until_file_created() catch if server died early
  Added option to disable test cases using <testcase>.disabled file
  If --timer, only try to open file with time data if it exists
  Remove starting/ending space reading server options from file

  Remove starting/ending space reading server options from file
  Added option to disable test cases using <testcase>.disabled file
  If --timer, only try to open file with time data if it exists
  Find out if port is still in use, using simple TCP connect
  Use non blocking waitpid() to catch terminations early
  Make a special case spawning the 'mysqltest' application
  Redo the fork() if it returns EAGAIN
  Make sure to record if master or slave terminated
  Improved debugging output
  Improved code that remove PID files to avoid race
  Abort if we can't stop all mysqld servers using our ports
  Many improvements in killing mysqld servers
  Let sleep_until_file_created() catch if server died early
  Let --start-and-exit actually start a server
  Added that test case names can be specified on the comman line
  Added embedded server support
  Added environment variables UMASK, UMASK_DIR
  Pass on return value from sleep_until_file_created(), to fail test
  Fail test if early termination of mysqld servers
  Create intial databases for the second master, and two additional slaves
parent 43125cb2
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use strict;
sub mtr_get_pid_from_file ($);
sub mtr_get_opts_from_file ($);
sub mtr_fromfile ($);
sub mtr_tofile ($@);
sub mtr_tonewfile($@);
......@@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ sub mtr_fromfile ($) {
open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my $text= join('', <FILE>);
close FILE;
$text =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove starting space, incl newlines
$text =~ s/\s+$//; # Remove ending space, incl newlines
return $text;
......@@ -5,14 +5,19 @@
# same name.
#use Carp qw(cluck);
use Socket;
use Errno;
use strict;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
#use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
sub mtr_run ($$$$$$);
sub mtr_spawn ($$$$$$);
sub mtr_stop_mysqld_servers ($$);
sub mtr_stop_mysqld_servers ($);
sub mtr_kill_leftovers ();
sub mtr_record_dead_children ();
sub sleep_until_file_created ($$$);
# static in C
sub spawn_impl ($$$$$$$);
......@@ -34,7 +39,18 @@ sub mtr_run ($$$$$$) {
my $error= shift;
my $pid_file= shift;
return spawn_impl($path,$arg_list_t,1,$input,$output,$error,$pid_file);
return spawn_impl($path,$arg_list_t,'run',$input,$output,$error,$pid_file);
sub mtr_run_test ($$$$$$) {
my $path= shift;
my $arg_list_t= shift;
my $input= shift;
my $output= shift;
my $error= shift;
my $pid_file= shift;
return spawn_impl($path,$arg_list_t,'test',$input,$output,$error,$pid_file);
sub mtr_spawn ($$$$$$) {
......@@ -45,7 +61,7 @@ sub mtr_spawn ($$$$$$) {
my $error= shift;
my $pid_file= shift;
return spawn_impl($path,$arg_list_t,0,$input,$output,$error,$pid_file);
return spawn_impl($path,$arg_list_t,'spawn',$input,$output,$error,$pid_file);
......@@ -58,7 +74,7 @@ sub mtr_spawn ($$$$$$) {
sub spawn_impl ($$$$$$$) {
my $path= shift;
my $arg_list_t= shift;
my $join= shift;
my $mode= shift;
my $input= shift;
my $output= shift;
my $error= shift;
......@@ -71,55 +87,31 @@ sub spawn_impl ($$$$$$$) {
print STDERR "#### ", "STDIN $input\n" if $input;
print STDERR "#### ", "STDOUT $output\n" if $output;
print STDERR "#### ", "STDERR $error\n" if $error;
if ( $join )
print STDERR "#### ", "RUN ";
print STDERR "#### ", "SPAWN ";
print STDERR "$path ", join(" ",@$arg_list_t), "\n";
print STDERR "#### ", "$mode : $path ", join(" ",@$arg_list_t), "\n";
print STDERR "#### ", "-" x 78, "\n";
my $pid= fork();
if ( ! defined $pid )
mtr_error("$path ($pid) can't be forked");
if ( $pid )
# Parent, i.e. the main script
if ( $join )
# We run a command and wait for the result
# FIXME this need to be improved
my $res= waitpid($pid,0);
my $pid= fork();
if ( $res == -1 )
if ( ! defined $pid )
mtr_error("$path ($pid) got lost somehow");
my $exit_value= $? >> 8;
my $signal_num= $? & 127;
my $dumped_core= $? & 128;
if ( $signal_num )
if ( $! == $!{EAGAIN} ) # See "perldoc Errno"
mtr_error("$path ($pid) got signal $signal_num");
mtr_debug("Got EAGAIN from fork(), sleep 1 second and redo");
redo FORK;
if ( $dumped_core )
mtr_error("$path ($pid) dumped core");
mtr_error("$path ($pid) can't be forked");
return $exit_value;
if ( $pid )
# We spawned a process we don't wait for
return $pid;
......@@ -164,14 +156,134 @@ sub spawn_impl ($$$$$$$) {
sub spawn_parent_impl {
my $pid= shift;
my $mode= shift;
my $path= shift;
if ( $mode eq 'run' or $mode eq 'test' )
my $exit_value= -1;
my $signal_num= 0;
my $dumped_core= 0;
if ( $mode eq 'run' )
# Simple run of command, we wait for it to return
my $ret_pid= waitpid($pid,0);
if ( $ret_pid <= 0 )
mtr_error("$path ($pid) got lost somehow");
$exit_value= $? >> 8;
$signal_num= $? & 127;
$dumped_core= $? & 128;
return $exit_value;
# We run mysqltest and wait for it to return. But we try to
# catch dying mysqld processes as well.
# We do blocking waitpid() until we get the return from the
# "mysqltest" call. But if a mysqld process dies that we
# started, we take this as an error, and kill mysqltest.
# FIXME is this as it should be? Can't mysqld terminate
# normally from running a test case?
my $ret_pid; # What waitpid() returns
while ( ($ret_pid= waitpid(-1,0)) != -1 )
# Someone terminated, don't know who. Collect
# status info first before $? is lost,
# but not $exit_value, this is flagged from
if ( $ret_pid == $pid )
# We got termination of mysqltest, we are done
$exit_value= $? >> 8;
$signal_num= $? & 127;
$dumped_core= $? & 128;
# If one of the mysqld processes died, we want to
# mark this, and kill the mysqltest process.
foreach my $idx (0..1)
if ( $::master->[$idx]->{'pid'} eq $ret_pid )
mtr_debug("child $ret_pid was master[$idx], " .
"exit during mysqltest run");
$::master->[$idx]->{'pid'}= 0;
foreach my $idx (0..2)
if ( $::slave->[$idx]->{'pid'} eq $ret_pid )
mtr_debug("child $ret_pid was slave[$idx], " .
"exit during mysqltest run");
$::slave->[$idx]->{'pid'}= 0;
mtr_debug("waitpid() catched exit of unknown child $ret_pid, " .
"exit during mysqltest run");
if ( $ret_pid != $pid )
# We terminated the waiting because a "mysqld" process died.
# Kill the mysqltest process.
$ret_pid= waitpid($pid,0);
if ( $ret_pid == -1 )
mtr_error("$path ($pid) got lost somehow");
return $exit_value;
# We spawned a process we don't wait for
return $pid;
# Kill processes left from previous runs
# We just "ping" on the ports, and if we can't do a socket connect
# we assume the server is dead. So we don't *really* know a server
# is dead, we just hope that it after letting the listen port go,
# it is dead enough for us to start a new server.
sub mtr_kill_leftovers () {
# First, kill all masters and slaves that would conflict with
......@@ -199,10 +311,23 @@ sub mtr_kill_leftovers () {
mtr_stop_mysqld_servers(\@args, 1);
# We now have tried to terminate nice. We have waited for the listen
# port to be free, but can't really tell if the mysqld process died
# or not. We now try to find the process PID from the PID file, and
# send a kill to that process. Note that Perl let kill(0,@pids) be
# a way to just return the numer of processes the kernel can send
# signals to. So this can be used (except on Cygwin) to determine
# if there are processes left running that we cound out might exists.
# But still after all this work, all we know is that we have
# the ports free.
# We scan the "var/run/" directory for other process id's to kill
my $rundir= "$::glob_mysql_test_dir/var/run"; # FIXME $path_run_dir or something
# FIXME $path_run_dir or something
my $rundir= "$::glob_mysql_test_dir/var/run";
if ( -d $rundir )
......@@ -218,22 +343,32 @@ sub mtr_kill_leftovers () {
if ( -f $pidfile )
my $pid= mtr_get_pid_from_file($pidfile);
if ( ! unlink($pidfile) )
# Race, could have been removed between I tested with -f
# and the unlink() below, so I better check again with -f
if ( ! unlink($pidfile) and -f $pidfile )
mtr_error("can't remove $pidfile");
push(@pids, $pid);
if ( $::glob_cygwin_perl or kill(0, $pid) )
push(@pids, $pid); # We know (cygwin guess) it exists
if ( @pids )
if ( $::glob_cygwin_perl )
# We have no (easy) way of knowing the Cygwin controlling
# process, in the PID file we only have the Windows process id.
system("kill -f " . join(" ",@pids)); # Hope for the best....
mtr_debug("Sleep 5 seconds waiting for processes to die");
......@@ -241,170 +376,124 @@ sub mtr_kill_leftovers () {
kill(9, @pids);
mtr_debug("Sleep 1 second waiting for processes to die");
sleep(1) # Wait one second
} while ( $retries-- and kill(0, @pids) );
if ( kill(0, @pids) )
if ( kill(0, @pids) ) # Check if some left
mtr_error("can't kill processes " . join(" ", @pids));
# FIXME maybe just mtr_warning() ?
mtr_error("can't kill process(es) " . join(" ", @pids));
# We may have failed everything, bug we now check again if we have
# the listen ports free to use, and if they are free, just go for it.
foreach my $srv ( @args )
if ( mtr_ping_mysqld_server($srv->{'port'}, $srv->{'sockfile'}) )
mtr_error("can't kill old mysqld holding port $srv->{'port'}");
# Shut down mysqld servers
# Shut down mysqld servers we have started from this run of this script
# To speed things we kill servers in parallel.
# The argument is a list of 'pidfiles' and 'socketfiles'.
# We use the pidfiles and socketfiles to try to terminate the servers.
# This is not perfect, there could still be other server processes
# left.
# To speed things we kill servers in parallel. The argument is a list
# of 'ports', 'pids', 'pidfiles' and 'socketfiles'.
# Force flag is to be set only for killing mysqld servers this script
# didn't create in this run, i.e. initial cleanup before we start working.
# If force flag is set, we try to kill all with mysqladmin, and
# give up if we have no PIDs.
# FIXME On Cygwin, and maybe some other platforms, $srv->{'pid'} and
# $srv->{'pidfile'} will not be the same PID. We need to try to kill
# both I think.
# FIXME On some operating systems, $srv->{'pid'} and $srv->{'pidfile'}
# will not be the same PID. We need to try to kill both I think.
sub mtr_stop_mysqld_servers ($$) {
sub mtr_stop_mysqld_servers ($) {
my $spec= shift;
my $force= shift;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If the process was not started from this file, we got no PID,
# we try to find it in the PID file.
# First try nice normal shutdown using 'mysqladmin'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $any_pid= 0; # If we have any PIDs
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# We loop with waitpid() nonblocking to see how many of the ones we
# are to kill, actually got killed by mtr_mysqladmin_shutdown().
# Note that we don't rely on this, the mysqld server might have stop
# listening to the port, but still be alive. But it is a start.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach my $srv ( @$spec )
if ( ! $srv->{'pid'} and -f $srv->{'pidfile'} )
$srv->{'pid'}= mtr_get_pid_from_file($srv->{'pidfile'});
if ( $srv->{'pid'} )
if ( $srv->{'pid'} and (waitpid($srv->{'pid'},&WNOHANG) == $srv->{'pid'}) )
$any_pid= 1;
$srv->{'pid'}= 0;
# If the processes where started from this script, and we know
# no PIDs, then we don't have to do anything.
if ( ! $any_pid and ! $force )
# cluck "This is how we got here!";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# First try nice normal shutdown using 'mysqladmin'
# We know the process was started from this file, so there is a PID
# saved, or else we have nothing to do.
# Might be that is is recorded to be missing, but we failed to
# take away the PID file earlier, then we do it now.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
start_reap_all(); # Don't require waitpid() of children
my %mysqld_pids;
foreach my $srv ( @$spec )
if ( -e $srv->{'sockfile'} or $srv->{'port'} )
# FIXME wrong log.....
# FIXME, stderr.....
# Shutdown time must be high as slave may be in reconnect
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $::opt_user);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--password=");
if ( -e $srv->{'sockfile'} )
if ( $srv->{'pid'} )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--socket=%s", $srv->{'sockfile'});
$mysqld_pids{$srv->{'pid'}}= 1;
if ( $srv->{'port'} )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%s", $srv->{'port'});
mtr_add_arg($args, "--connect_timeout=5");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--shutdown_timeout=20");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--protocol=tcp"); # FIXME new thing, will it help?!
mtr_add_arg($args, "shutdown");
# We don't wait for termination of mysqladmin
mtr_spawn($::exe_mysqladmin, $args,
"", $::path_manager_log, $::path_manager_log, "");
# Wait for them all to remove their pid and socket file
# Race, could have been removed between I tested with -f
# and the unlink() below, so I better check again with -f
for (my $loop= $::opt_sleep_time_for_delete; $loop; $loop--)
if ( -f $srv->{'pidfile'} and ! unlink($srv->{'pidfile'}) and
-f $srv->{'pidfile'} )
my $pidsockfiles_left= 0;
foreach my $srv ( @$spec )
if ( -e $srv->{'sockfile'} or -f $srv->{'pidfile'} )
$pidsockfiles_left++; # Could be that pidfile is left
mtr_error("can't remove $srv->{'pidfile'}");
if ( ! $pidsockfiles_left )
if ( $loop % 20 == 1 )
mtr_warning("Still processes alive after 10 seconds, retrying for $loop seconds...");
mtr_debug("Sleep for 1 second waiting for pid and socket file removal");
sleep(1); # One second
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If no known PIDs, we have nothing more to try
# If the processes where started from this script, and we had no PIDS
# then we don't have to do anything.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $any_pid )
if ( ! keys %mysqld_pids )
# cluck "This is how we got here!";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# We may have killed all that left a socket, but we are not sure we got
# them all killed. If we suspect it lives, try nice kill with SIG_TERM.
# Note that for true Win32 processes, kill(0,$pid) will not return 1.
# In mtr_mysqladmin_shutdown() we only waited for the mysqld servers
# not to listen to the port. But we are not sure we got them all
# killed. If we suspect it lives, try nice kill with SIG_TERM. Note
# that for true Win32 processes, kill(0,$pid) will not return 1.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach my $sig (15,9)
my $process_left= 0;
foreach my $srv ( @$spec )
if ( $srv->{'pid'} and
( -f $srv->{'pidfile'} or kill(0,$srv->{'pid'}) ) )
mtr_warning("process $srv->{'pid'} not cooperating, " .
"will send signal $sig to process");
kill($sig,$srv->{'pid'}); # SIG_TERM
if ( ! $process_left )
my $retries= 10; # 10 seconds
kill($sig, keys %mysqld_pids);
while ( $retries-- and kill(0, keys %mysqld_pids) )
last SIGNAL;
mtr_debug("Sleep 1 second waiting for processes to die");
sleep(1) # Wait one second
mtr_debug("Sleep for 5 seconds waiting for processes to die");
sleep(5); # We wait longer than usual
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -437,8 +526,8 @@ sub mtr_stop_mysqld_servers ($$) {
foreach my $file ($srv->{'pidfile'}, $srv->{'sockfile'})
if ( -e $file )
# Know it is dead so should be no race, careful anyway
if ( -f $file and ! unlink($file) and -f $file )
mtr_warning("couldn't delete $file");
......@@ -454,9 +543,147 @@ sub mtr_stop_mysqld_servers ($$) {
# FIXME We just assume they are all dead, for Cygwin we are not
# really sure
# FIXME We just assume they are all dead, we don't know....
# Shut down mysqld servers using "mysqladmin ... shutdown".
# To speed this up, we start them in parallel and use waitpid() to
# catch their termination. Note that this doesn't say the servers
# are terminated, just that 'mysqladmin' is terminated.
# Note that mysqladmin will ask the server about what PID file it uses,
# and mysqladmin will wait for it to be removed before it terminates
# (unless passes timeout).
# This function will take at most about 20 seconds, and we still are not
# sure we killed them all. If none is responding to ping, we return 1,
# else we return 0.
sub mtr_mysqladmin_shutdown () {
my $spec= shift;
my @mysql_admin_pids;
my @to_kill_specs;
foreach my $srv ( @$spec )
if ( mtr_ping_mysqld_server($srv->{'port'}, $srv->{'sockfile'}) )
push(@to_kill_specs, $srv);
foreach my $srv ( @to_kill_specs )
# FIXME wrong log.....
# FIXME, stderr.....
# Shutdown time must be high as slave may be in reconnect
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $::opt_user);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--password=");
if ( -e $srv->{'sockfile'} )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--socket=%s", $srv->{'sockfile'});
if ( $srv->{'port'} )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%s", $srv->{'port'});
if ( $srv->{'port'} and ! -e $srv->{'sockfile'} )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--protocol=tcp"); # Needed if no --socket
mtr_add_arg($args, "--connect_timeout=5");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--shutdown_timeout=20");
mtr_add_arg($args, "shutdown");
# We don't wait for termination of mysqladmin
my $pid= mtr_spawn($::exe_mysqladmin, $args,
"", $::path_manager_log, $::path_manager_log, "");
push(@mysql_admin_pids, $pid);
# We wait blocking, we wait for the last one anyway
foreach my $pid (@mysql_admin_pids)
waitpid($pid,0); # FIXME no need to check -1 or 0?
# If we trusted "mysqladmin --shutdown_timeout= ..." we could just
# terminate now, but we don't (FIXME should be debugged).
# So we try again to ping and at least wait the same amount of time
# mysqladmin would for all to die.
my $timeout= 20; # 20 seconds max
my $res= 1; # If we just fall through, we are done
while ( $timeout-- )
foreach my $srv ( @to_kill_specs )
$res= 1; # We are optimistic
if ( mtr_ping_mysqld_server($srv->{'port'}, $srv->{'sockfile'}) )
mtr_debug("Sleep 1 second waiting for processes to stop using port");
sleep(1); # One second
$res= 0;
next TIME;
last; # If we got here, we are done
return $res;
# The operating system will keep information about dead children,
# we read this information here, and if we have records the process
# is alive, we mark it as dead.
sub mtr_record_dead_children () {
my $ret_pid;
# FIXME the man page says to wait for -1 to terminate,
# but on OS X we get '0' all the time...
while ( ($ret_pid= waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG)) > 0 )
mtr_debug("waitpid() catched exit of child $ret_pid");
foreach my $idx (0..1)
if ( $::master->[$idx]->{'pid'} eq $ret_pid )
mtr_debug("child $ret_pid was master[$idx]");
$::master->[$idx]->{'pid'}= 0;
foreach my $idx (0..2)
if ( $::slave->[$idx]->{'pid'} eq $ret_pid )
mtr_debug("child $ret_pid was slave[$idx]");
$::slave->[$idx]->{'pid'}= 0;
sub start_reap_all {
......@@ -467,6 +694,32 @@ sub stop_reap_all {
sub mtr_ping_mysqld_server () {
my $port= shift;
my $remote= "localhost";
my $iaddr= inet_aton($remote);
if ( ! $iaddr )
mtr_error("can't find IP number for $remote");
my $paddr= sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
my $proto= getprotobyname('tcp');
if ( ! socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) )
mtr_error("can't create socket: $!");
if ( connect(SOCK, $paddr) )
close(SOCK); # FIXME check error?
return 1;
return 0;
# Wait for a file to be created
......@@ -474,33 +727,38 @@ sub stop_reap_all {
sub sleep_until_file_created ($$) {
sub sleep_until_file_created ($$$) {
my $pidfile= shift;
my $timeout= shift;
my $pid= shift;
my $loop= $timeout;
while ( $loop-- )
for ( my $loop= 1; $loop <= $timeout; $loop++ )
if ( -r $pidfile )
return 1;
mtr_debug("Sleep for 1 second waiting for creation of $pidfile");
if ( $loop % 20 == 1 )
# Check if it died after the fork() was successful
if ( waitpid($pid,&WNOHANG) == $pid )
mtr_warning("Waiting for $pidfile to be created, still trying for $loop seconds...");
return 0;
mtr_debug("Sleep 1 second waiting for creation of $pidfile");
if ( ! -r $pidfile )
if ( $loop % 60 == 0 )
mtr_error("No $pidfile was created");
my $left= $timeout - $loop;
mtr_warning("Waited $loop seconds for $pidfile to be created, " .
"still waiting for $left seconds...");
return 0;
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ sub mtr_report_test_name($);
sub mtr_report_test_passed($);
sub mtr_report_test_failed($);
sub mtr_report_test_skipped($);
sub mtr_report_test_disabled($);
sub mtr_show_failed_diff ($);
sub mtr_report_stats ($);
......@@ -72,7 +73,14 @@ sub mtr_report_test_skipped ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_SKIPPED';
if ( $tinfo->{'disable'} )
print "[ disabled ] $tinfo->{'comment'}\n";
print "[ skipped ]\n";
sub mtr_report_test_passed ($) {
......@@ -95,9 +103,18 @@ sub mtr_report_test_failed ($) {
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED';
print "[ fail ]\n";
# FIXME Instead of this test, and meaningless error message in 'else'
# we should write out into $::path_timefile when the error occurs.
if ( -f $::path_timefile )
print "Errors are (from $::path_timefile) :\n";
print mtr_fromfile($::path_timefile); # FIXME print_file() instead
print "\n(the last lines may be the most important ones)\n";
print "Unexpected termination, probably when starting mysqld\n";
sub mtr_report_stats ($) {
......@@ -84,10 +84,11 @@ use Sys::Hostname;
#use Carp;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Data::Dumper;
#use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
#use diagnostics;
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
......@@ -165,14 +166,12 @@ our $glob_user= 'test';
our $glob_use_embedded_server= 0;
our $glob_basedir;
our $glob_do_test;
# The total result
our $path_charsetsdir;
our $path_client_bindir;
our $path_language;
our $path_tests_bindir;
our $path_timefile;
our $path_manager_log; # Used by mysqldadmin
our $path_slave_load_tmpdir; # What is this?!
......@@ -192,8 +191,10 @@ our $exe_master_mysqld;
our $exe_mysql;
our $exe_mysqladmin;
our $exe_mysqlbinlog;
our $exe_mysql_client_test;
our $exe_mysqld;
our $exe_mysqldump; # Called from test case
our $exe_mysql_fix_system_tables;
our $exe_mysqltest;
our $exe_slave_mysqld;
......@@ -208,6 +209,7 @@ our $opt_current_test;
our $opt_ddd;
our $opt_debug;
our $opt_do_test;
our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv
our $opt_embedded_server;
our $opt_extern;
our $opt_fast;
......@@ -232,8 +234,6 @@ our $opt_local_master;
our $master; # Will be struct in C
our $slave;
our $opt_master_myport;
our $opt_slave_myport;
our $opt_ndbcluster_port;
our $opt_ndbconnectstring;
......@@ -297,8 +297,6 @@ sub command_line_setup ();
sub executable_setup ();
sub environment_setup ();
sub kill_and_cleanup ();
sub collect_test_cases ($);
sub sleep_until_file_created ($$);
sub ndbcluster_start ();
sub ndbcluster_stop ();
sub run_benchmarks ($);
......@@ -306,6 +304,7 @@ sub run_tests ();
sub mysql_install_db ();
sub install_db ($$);
sub run_testcase ($);
sub report_failure_and_restart ($);
sub do_before_start_master ($$);
sub do_before_start_slave ($$);
sub mysqld_start ($$$$);
......@@ -357,10 +356,18 @@ sub main () {
if ( $opt_start_and_exit )
# FIXME what about ndb?
if ( mysqld_start('master',0,[],[]) )
mtr_report("Servers started, exiting");
mtr_error("Can't start the mysqld server");
if ( $opt_bench )
......@@ -447,8 +454,8 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
$path_manager_log= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var/log/manager.log";
$opt_current_test= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var/log/current_test";
$opt_master_myport= 9306;
$opt_slave_myport= 9308;
my $opt_master_myport= 9306;
my $opt_slave_myport= 9308;
$opt_ndbcluster_port= 9350;
# Read the command line
......@@ -532,6 +539,8 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
@opt_cases= @ARGV;
# Put this into a hash, will be a C struct
$master->[0]->{'path_myddir'}= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var/master-data";
......@@ -598,7 +607,7 @@ sub command_line_setup () {
# Look at the command line options and set script flags
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_record and ! @ARGV)
if ( $opt_record and ! @opt_cases )
mtr_error("Will not run in record mode without a specific test case");
......@@ -733,7 +742,8 @@ sub executable_setup () {
mtr_error("Can't find embedded server 'mysqltest'");
$path_tests_bindir= "$glob_basedir/libmysqld/examples";
......@@ -749,7 +759,8 @@ sub executable_setup () {
$exe_mysqltest= "$glob_basedir/client/mysqltest";
$path_tests_bindir= "$glob_basedir/tests";
if ( -f "$glob_basedir/client/.libs/mysqldump" )
......@@ -768,22 +779,26 @@ sub executable_setup () {
$exe_mysqlbinlog= "$glob_basedir/client/mysqlbinlog";
$exe_mysqld= "$glob_basedir/sql/mysqld";
$path_client_bindir= "$glob_basedir/client";
$exe_mysqld= "$glob_basedir/sql/mysqld";
$exe_mysqladmin= "$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin";
$exe_mysql= "$path_client_bindir/mysql";
$exe_mysql_fix_system_tables= "$glob_basedir/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables";
$path_language= "$glob_basedir/sql/share/english/";
$path_charsetsdir= "$glob_basedir/sql/share/charsets";
my $path_tests_bindir= "$glob_basedir/tests";
$path_client_bindir= "$glob_basedir/bin";
$path_tests_bindir= "$glob_basedir/tests";
$exe_mysqltest= "$path_client_bindir/mysqltest";
$exe_mysqldump= "$path_client_bindir/mysqldump";
$exe_mysqlbinlog= "$path_client_bindir/mysqlbinlog";
$exe_mysqladmin= "$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin";
$exe_mysql= "$path_client_bindir/mysql";
$exe_mysql_fix_system_tables= "$path_client_bindir/scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables";
if ( -d "$glob_basedir/share/mysql/english" )
$path_language ="$glob_basedir/share/mysql/english/";
......@@ -804,6 +819,33 @@ sub executable_setup () {
$exe_mysqld= "$glob_basedir/bin/mysqld";
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server )
if ( -f "$path_client_bindir/mysqltest_embedded" )
# FIXME valgrind?
error("Cannot find embedded server 'mysqltest_embedded'");
if ( -d "$path_tests_bindir/mysql_client_test_embedded" )
# FIXME special $exe_master_mysqld and $exe_slave_mysqld
......@@ -846,13 +888,18 @@ sub environment_setup () {
# Also command lines in .opt files may contain env vars
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'UMASK'}= "0660"; # The octal *string*
$ENV{'UMASK_DIR'}= "0770"; # The octal *string*
$ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= $glob_use_running_server;
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
$ENV{'MASTER_MYPORT'}= $opt_master_myport;
$ENV{'SLAVE_MYPORT'}= $opt_slave_myport;
$ENV{'MASTER_MYSOCK'}= $master->[0]->{'path_mysock'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYSOCK1'}= $master->[1]->{'path_mysock'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYPORT'}= $master->[0]->{'path_myport'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYPORT1'}= $master->[1]->{'path_myport'};
$ENV{'SLAVE_MYPORT'}= $slave->[0]->{'path_myport'};
$ENV{'MASTER_MYSOCK'}= $master->[0]->{'path_mysock'};
......@@ -875,203 +922,6 @@ sub handle_int_signal () {
# Collect information about test cases we are to run
sub collect_test_cases ($) {
my $suite= shift; # Test suite name
my $testdir;
my $resdir;
if ( $suite eq "main" )
$testdir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/t";
$resdir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/r";
$testdir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/suite/$suite/t";
$resdir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/suite/$suite/r";
my @tests; # Array of hash, will be array of C struct
opendir(TESTDIR, $testdir) or mtr_error("Can't open dir \"$testdir\": $!");
foreach my $elem ( sort readdir(TESTDIR) ) {
my $tname= mtr_match_extension($elem,"test");
next if ! defined $tname;
next if $opt_do_test and ! defined mtr_match_prefix($elem,$opt_do_test);
my $path= "$testdir/$elem";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Skip some tests silently
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_start_from and $tname lt $opt_start_from )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Skip some tests but include in list, just mark them to skip
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $tinfo= {};
$tinfo->{'name'}= $tname;
$tinfo->{'result_file'}= "$resdir/$tname.result";
push(@tests, $tinfo);
if ( $opt_skip_test and defined mtr_match_prefix($tname,$opt_skip_test) )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
# FIXME temporary solution, we have a hard coded list of test cases to
# skip if we are using the embedded server
if ( $glob_use_embedded_server and
mtr_match_any_exact($tname,\@skip_if_embedded_server) )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Collect information about test case
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$tinfo->{'path'}= $path;
$tinfo->{'timezone'}= "GMT-3"; # for UNIX_TIMESTAMP tests to work
if ( defined mtr_match_prefix($tname,"rpl") )
if ( $opt_skip_rpl )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
# FIXME currently we always restart slaves
$tinfo->{'slave_restart'}= 1;
if ( $tname eq 'rpl_failsafe' or $tname eq 'rpl_chain_temp_table' )
$tinfo->{'slave_num'}= 3;
$tinfo->{'slave_num'}= 1;
# FIXME what about embedded_server + ndbcluster, skip ?!
my $master_opt_file= "$testdir/$tname-master.opt";
my $slave_opt_file= "$testdir/$tname-slave.opt";
my $slave_mi_file= "$testdir/$tname.slave-mi";
my $master_sh= "$testdir/$";
my $slave_sh= "$testdir/$";
if ( -f $master_opt_file )
$tinfo->{'master_restart'}= 1; # We think so for now
# This is a dirty hack from old mysql-test-run, we use the opt file
# to flag other things as well, it is not a opt list at all
my $extra_master_opt= mtr_get_opts_from_file($master_opt_file);
foreach my $opt (@$extra_master_opt)
my $value;
$value= mtr_match_prefix($opt, "--timezone=");
if ( defined $value )
$tinfo->{'timezone'}= $value;
$extra_master_opt= [];
$tinfo->{'master_restart'}= 0;
$value= mtr_match_prefix($opt, "--result-file=");
if ( defined $value )
$tinfo->{'result_file'}= "r/$value.result";
if ( $opt_result_ext and $opt_record or
-f "$tinfo->{'result_file'}$opt_result_ext")
$tinfo->{'result_file'}.= $opt_result_ext;
$extra_master_opt= [];
$tinfo->{'master_restart'}= 0;
$tinfo->{'master_opt'}= $extra_master_opt;
if ( -f $slave_opt_file )
$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}= mtr_get_opts_from_file($slave_opt_file);
$tinfo->{'slave_restart'}= 1;
if ( -f $slave_mi_file )
$tinfo->{'slave_mi'}= mtr_get_opts_from_file($slave_mi_file);
$tinfo->{'slave_restart'}= 1;
if ( -f $master_sh )
if ( $glob_win32_perl )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'master_sh'}= $master_sh;
$tinfo->{'master_restart'}= 1;
if ( -f $slave_sh )
if ( $glob_win32_perl )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'slave_sh'}= $slave_sh;
$tinfo->{'slave_restart'}= 1;
# We can't restart a running server that may be in use
if ( $glob_use_running_server and
( $tinfo->{'master_restart'} or $tinfo->{'slave_restart'} ) )
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
closedir TESTDIR;
return \@tests;
# Handle left overs from previous runs
......@@ -1189,6 +1039,10 @@ sub run_benchmarks ($) {
if ( ! $glob_use_embedded_server and ! $opt_local_master )
$master->[0]->{'pid'}= mysqld_start('master',0,[],[]);
if ( ! $master->[0]->{'pid'} )
mtr_error("Can't start the mysqld server");
......@@ -1301,10 +1155,12 @@ sub run_suite () {
sub mysql_install_db () {
mtr_report("Installing Test Databases");
# FIXME not exactly true I think, needs improvements
install_db('master', $master->[0]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('master', $master->[1]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('slave', $slave->[0]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('slave', $slave->[1]->{'path_myddir'});
install_db('slave', $slave->[2]->{'path_myddir'});
return 0;
......@@ -1422,6 +1278,12 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
mtr_tofile($master->[0]->{'path_myerr'},"CURRENT_TEST: $tname\n");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If any mysqld servers running died, we have to know
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start masters
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1439,14 +1301,24 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ( ! $master->[0]->{'pid'} )
if ( $opt_with_ndbcluster and ! $master->[1]->{'pid'} )
if ( ! $master->[1]->{'pid'} )
if ( $tinfo->{'master_opt'} )
if ( @{$tinfo->{'master_opt'}} )
$master->[0]->{'uses_special_flags'}= 1;
......@@ -1469,6 +1341,11 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
$tinfo->{'slave_opt'}, $tinfo->{'slave_mi'});
if ( ! $slave->[$idx]->{'pid'} )
......@@ -1502,12 +1379,21 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
"mysqltest returned unexpected code $res, " .
"it has probably crashed");
sub report_failure_and_restart ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
print "\n";
if ( ! $opt_force )
print "Aborting: $tname failed. To continue, re-run with '--force'.";
print "Aborting: $tinfo->{'name'} failed. To continue, re-run with '--force'.";
print "\n";
if ( ! $opt_gdb and ! $glob_use_running_server and
! $opt_ddd and ! $glob_use_embedded_server )
......@@ -1524,8 +1410,6 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
print "Resuming Tests\n\n";
......@@ -1609,6 +1493,8 @@ sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$) {
my $extra_opt= shift;
my $slave_master_info= shift;
# print STDERR Dumper($extra_opt);
my $sidx= ""; # Index as string, 0 is empty string
if ( $idx > 0 )
......@@ -1893,9 +1779,8 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$$$) {
$master->[$idx]->{'path_myerr'}, "") )
return $pid;
return sleep_until_file_created($master->[$idx]->{'path_mypid'},
$master->[$idx]->{'start_timeout'}, $pid);
......@@ -1905,13 +1790,12 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$$$) {
$slave->[$idx]->{'path_myerr'}, "") )
return $pid;
return sleep_until_file_created($slave->[$idx]->{'path_mypid'},
$master->[$idx]->{'start_timeout'}, $pid);
mtr_error("Can't start mysqld FIXME");
return 0;
sub stop_masters_slaves () {
......@@ -1944,7 +1828,7 @@ sub stop_masters () {
mtr_stop_mysqld_servers(\@args, 0);
sub stop_slaves () {
......@@ -1966,7 +1850,7 @@ sub stop_slaves () {
mtr_stop_mysqld_servers(\@args, 0);
......@@ -1992,17 +1876,32 @@ sub run_mysqltest ($$) {
my $cmdline_mysql=
"$exe_mysql --host=localhost --port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
"--socket=$master->[0]->{'path_mysock'} --user=root --password=";
"$exe_mysql --host=localhost --user=root --password= " .
"--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
my $cmdline_mysql_client_test=
"$exe_mysql_client_test --no-defaults --testcase --user=root --silent " .
"--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
my $cmdline_mysql_fix_system_tables=
"$exe_mysql_fix_system_tables --no-defaults --host=localhost --user=root --password= " .
"--basedir=$glob_basedir --bindir=$path_client_bindir --verbose " .
"--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " .
# FIXME really needing a PATH???
# $ENV{'PATH'}= "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bsd:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/bin/X11:$ENV{'PATH'}";
$ENV{'MYSQL'}= $exe_mysql;
$ENV{'MYSQL'}= $cmdline_mysql;
$ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP'}= $cmdline_mysqldump;
$ENV{'MYSQL_BINLOG'}= $exe_mysqlbinlog;
$ENV{'CLIENT_BINDIR'}= $path_client_bindir;
$ENV{'TESTS_BINDIR'}= $path_tests_bindir;
$ENV{'MYSQL_BINLOG'}= $cmdline_mysqlbinlog;
$ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES'}= $cmdline_mysql_fix_system_tables;
$ENV{'MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST'}= $cmdline_mysql_client_test;
$ENV{'CHARSETSDIR'}= $path_charsetsdir;
my $exe= $exe_mysqltest;
my $args;
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