Commit 747e4528 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

removed copy paste index code

improved handling of bits in last word

  Removed copy paste index code
  removed bits in last word
  fix debug print
  Removed copy paste index code
  better handling of bits in last word
parent 0b849317
......@@ -173,29 +173,17 @@ private:
NdbIndexOperation(Ndb* aNdb);
void closeScan();
int receiveTCINDXREF(NdbApiSignal* aSignal);
// Overloaded method from NdbOperation
void setLastFlag(NdbApiSignal* signal, Uint32 lastFlag);
// Overloaded methods from NdbCursorOperation
int executeCursor(int ProcessorId);
// Overloaded methods from NdbCursorOperation
int indxInit(const class NdbIndexImpl* anIndex,
const class NdbTableImpl* aTable,
NdbConnection* myConnection);
int equal_impl(const class NdbColumnImpl*, const char* aValue, Uint32 len);
int prepareSend(Uint32 TC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 TransactionId);
// Private attributes
const NdbIndexImpl* m_theIndex;
Uint32 m_theIndexDefined[NDB_MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_INDEX][3];
Uint32 m_theIndexLen; // Length of the index in words
Uint32 m_theNoOfIndexDefined; // The number of index attributes
......@@ -821,8 +821,7 @@ protected:
int insertKEYINFO(const char* aValue,
Uint32 aStartPosition,
Uint32 aKeyLenInByte,
Uint32 anAttrBitsInLastWord);
Uint32 aKeyLenInByte);
virtual void setErrorCode(int aErrorCode);
virtual void setErrorCodeAbort(int aErrorCode);
......@@ -370,7 +370,6 @@ operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Dbtux::Index& index)
out << "[Index " << hex << &index;
out << " [tableId " << dec << index.m_tableId << "]";
out << " [fragOff " << dec << index.m_fragOff << "]";
out << " [numFrags " << dec << index.m_numFrags << "]";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < index.m_numFrags; i++) {
out << " [frag " << dec << i << " ";
......@@ -393,7 +392,6 @@ operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Dbtux::Frag& frag)
out << "[Frag " << hex << &frag;
out << " [tableId " << dec << frag.m_tableId << "]";
out << " [indexId " << dec << frag.m_indexId << "]";
out << " [fragOff " << dec << frag.m_fragOff << "]";
out << " [fragId " << dec << frag.m_fragId << "]";
out << " [descPage " << hex << frag.m_descPage << "]";
out << " [descOff " << dec << frag.m_descOff << "]";
......@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@
NdbIndexOperation::NdbIndexOperation(Ndb* aNdb) :
......@@ -72,14 +70,7 @@ NdbIndexOperation::indxInit(const NdbIndexImpl * anIndex,
m_theIndex = anIndex;
m_accessTable = anIndex->m_table;
m_theIndexLen = 0;
m_theNoOfIndexDefined = 0;
for (Uint32 i=0; i<NDB_MAX_ATTRIBUTES_IN_INDEX; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
m_theIndexDefined[i][j] = false;
TcKeyReq * tcKeyReq = CAST_PTR(TcKeyReq, theTCREQ->getDataPtrSend());
tcKeyReq->scanInfo = 0;
theKEYINFOptr = &tcKeyReq->keyInfo[0];
theATTRINFOptr = &tcKeyReq->attrInfo[0];
return 0;
......@@ -172,284 +163,6 @@ int NdbIndexOperation::interpretedDeleteTuple()
return NdbOperation::interpretedDeleteTuple();
int NdbIndexOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
const char* aValuePassed,
Uint32 aVariableKeyLen)
register Uint32 tAttrId;
Uint32 tData;
Uint32 tKeyInfoPosition;
const char* aValue = aValuePassed;
Uint32 xfrmData[1024];
Uint32 tempData[1024];
if ((theStatus == OperationDefined) &&
(aValue != NULL) &&
(tAttrInfo != NULL )) {
* Start by checking that the attribute is an index key.
* This value is also the word order in the tuple key of this
* tuple key attribute.
* Then check that this tuple key has not already been defined.
* Finally check if all tuple key attributes have been defined. If
* this is true then set Operation state to tuple key defined.
tAttrId = tAttrInfo->m_attrId;
tKeyInfoPosition = tAttrInfo->m_keyInfoPos;
Uint32 i = 0;
// Check that the attribute is part if the index attributes
// by checking if it is a primary key attribute of index table
if (tAttrInfo->m_pk) {
Uint32 tKeyDefined = theTupleKeyDefined[0][2];
Uint32 tKeyAttrId = theTupleKeyDefined[0][0];
do {
if (tKeyDefined == false) {
goto keyEntryFound;
} else {
if (tKeyAttrId != tAttrId) {
* We read the key defined variable in advance.
* It could potentially read outside its area when
* it is not a problem as long as the variable
* theTupleKeyDefined is defined
* in the middle of the object.
* Reading wrong data and not using it causes no problems.
tKeyAttrId = theTupleKeyDefined[i][0];
tKeyDefined = theTupleKeyDefined[i][2];
} else {
goto equal_error2;
goto equal_error2;
} else {
goto equal_error1;
* Now it is time to retrieve the tuple key data from the pointer supplied
* by the application.
* We have to retrieve the size of the attribute in words and bits.
m_theIndexDefined[i][0] = tAttrId;
m_theIndexDefined[i][1] = tKeyInfoPosition;
m_theIndexDefined[i][2] = true;
Uint32 sizeInBytes = tAttrInfo->m_attrSize * tAttrInfo->m_arraySize;
* Check if the pointer of the value passed is aligned on a 4 byte
* boundary. If so only assign the pointer to the internal variable
* aValue. If it is not aligned then we start by copying the value to
* tempData and use this as aValue instead.
const int attributeSize = sizeInBytes;
const int slack = sizeInBytes & 3;
if ((((UintPtr)aValue & 3) != 0) || (slack != 0)){
memcpy(&tempData[0], aValue, attributeSize);
aValue = (char*)&tempData[0];
if(slack != 0) {
char * tmp = (char*)&tempData[0];
memset(&tmp[attributeSize], 0, (4 - slack));
const char* aValueToWrite = aValue;
CHARSET_INFO* cs = tAttrInfo->m_cs;
if (cs != 0) {
// current limitation: strxfrm does not increase length
assert(cs->strxfrm_multiply == 1);
unsigned n =
(uchar*)xfrmData, sizeof(xfrmData),
(const uchar*)aValue, sizeInBytes);
while (n < sizeInBytes)
((uchar*)xfrmData)[n++] = 0x20;
aValue = (char*)xfrmData;
Uint32 bitsInLastWord = 8 * (sizeInBytes & 3) ;
Uint32 totalSizeInWords = (sizeInBytes + 3)/4;// Inc. bits in last word
Uint32 sizeInWords = sizeInBytes / 4; // Exc. bits in last word
if (true){ //tArraySize != 0) {
Uint32 tIndexLen = m_theIndexLen;
m_theIndexLen = tIndexLen + totalSizeInWords;
if ((aVariableKeyLen == sizeInBytes) ||
(aVariableKeyLen == 0)) {
} else {
goto equal_error3;
#if 0
else {
* The attribute is a variable array. We need to use the length parameter
* to know the size of this attribute in the key information and
* variable area. A key is however not allowed to be larger than 4
* kBytes and this is checked for variable array attributes
* used as keys.
tAttrSizeInBits = aVariableKeyLen << 3;
tAttrSizeInWords = tAttrSizeInBits >> 5;
tAttrBitsInLastWord = tAttrSizeInBits - (tAttrSizeInWords << 5);
tAttrLenInWords = ((tAttrSizeInBits + 31) >> 5);
if (tAttrLenInWords > tMaxVariableKeyLenInWord) {
return -1;
m_theIndexLen = m_theIndexLen + tAttrLenInWords;
int tDistrKey = tAttrInfo->m_distributionKey;
OperationType tOpType = theOperationType;
if ((tDistrKey != 1)) {
} else {
theDistrKeyIndicator = 1;
* If the operation is an insert request and the attribute is stored then
* we also set the value in the stored part through putting the
* information in the INDXATTRINFO signals.
if ((tOpType == InsertRequest) ||
(tOpType == WriteRequest)) {
// invalid data can crash kernel
if (cs != NULL &&
aValueToWrite + sizeInBytes,
sizeInBytes) != sizeInBytes)
goto equal_error4;
Uint32 ahValue;
Uint32 sz = totalSizeInWords;
AttributeHeader::init(&ahValue, tAttrId, sz);
insertATTRINFO( ahValue );
insertATTRINFOloop((Uint32*)aValueToWrite, sizeInWords);
if (bitsInLastWord != 0) {
tData = *(Uint32*)(aValueToWrite + (sizeInWords << 2));
tData = convertEndian(tData);
tData = tData & ((1 << bitsInLastWord) - 1);
tData = convertEndian(tData);
insertATTRINFO( tData );
* Store the Key information in the TCINDXREQ and INDXKEYINFO signals.
if (insertKEYINFO(aValue, tKeyInfoPosition,
totalSizeInWords, bitsInLastWord) != -1) {
* Add one to number of tuple key attributes defined.
* If all have been defined then set the operation state to indicate
* that tuple key is defined.
* Thereby no more search conditions are allowed in this version.
Uint32 tNoIndexDef = m_theNoOfIndexDefined;
Uint32 tErrorLine = theErrorLine;
int tNoIndexAttrs = m_theIndex->m_columns.size();
unsigned char tInterpretInd = theInterpretIndicator;
m_theNoOfIndexDefined = tNoIndexDef;
theErrorLine = tErrorLine;
if (int(tNoIndexDef) == tNoIndexAttrs) {
if (tOpType == UpdateRequest) {
if (tInterpretInd == 1) {
theStatus = GetValue;
} else {
theStatus = SetValue;
return 0;
} else if ((tOpType == ReadRequest) || (tOpType == DeleteRequest) ||
(tOpType == ReadExclusive)) {
theStatus = GetValue;
// create blob handles automatically
if (tOpType == DeleteRequest && m_currentTable->m_noOfBlobs != 0) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_currentTable->m_columns.size(); i++) {
NdbColumnImpl* c = m_currentTable->m_columns[i];
assert(c != 0);
if (c->getBlobType()) {
if (getBlobHandle(theNdbCon, c) == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
} else if ((tOpType == InsertRequest) || (tOpType == WriteRequest)) {
theStatus = SetValue;
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
} else {
if (theStatus != OperationDefined) {
return -1;
if (aValue == NULL) {
return -1;
if ( tAttrInfo == NULL ) {
return -1;
return -1;
return -1;
return -1;
return -1;
return -1;
int NdbIndexOperation::executeCursor(int aProcessorId)
printf("NdbIndexOperation::executeCursor NYI\n");
// NYI
return -1;
NdbIndexOperation::setLastFlag(NdbApiSignal* signal, Uint32 lastFlag)
TcKeyReq * const req = CAST_PTR(TcKeyReq, signal->getDataPtrSend());
TcKeyReq::setExecuteFlag(req->requestInfo, lastFlag);
NdbIndexOperation::prepareSend(Uint32 aTC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 aTransactionId)
......@@ -548,7 +261,7 @@ NdbIndexOperation::prepareSend(Uint32 aTC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 aTransactionId)
Uint8 tDirtyIndicator = theDirtyIndicator;
OperationType tOperationType = theOperationType;
Uint32 tIndexLen = m_theIndexLen;
Uint32 tIndexLen = theTupKeyLen;
Uint8 abortOption = theNdbCon->m_abortOption;
tcKeyReq->setDirtyFlag(tReqInfo, tDirtyIndicator);
......@@ -683,11 +396,6 @@ NdbIndexOperation::prepareSend(Uint32 aTC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 aTransactionId)
return 0;
void NdbIndexOperation::closeScan()
printf("NdbIndexOperation::closeScan NYI\n");
int receiveTCINDXREF( NdbApiSignal* aSignal)
......@@ -129,12 +129,9 @@ NdbOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
const int slack = sizeInBytes & 3;
if ((((UintPtr)aValue & 3) != 0) || (slack != 0)){
tempData[attributeSize >> 2] = 0;
memcpy(&tempData[0], aValue, attributeSize);
aValue = (char*)&tempData[0];
if(slack != 0) {
char * tmp = (char*)&tempData[0];
memset(&tmp[attributeSize], 0, (4 - slack));
const char* aValueToWrite = aValue;
......@@ -152,9 +149,7 @@ NdbOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
aValue = (char*)xfrmData;
Uint32 bitsInLastWord = 8 * (sizeInBytes & 3) ;
Uint32 totalSizeInWords = (sizeInBytes + 3)/4; // Inc. bits in last word
Uint32 sizeInWords = sizeInBytes / 4; // Exc. bits in last word
if (true){ //tArraySize != 0) {
Uint32 tTupKeyLen = theTupKeyLen;
......@@ -195,8 +190,7 @@ NdbOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
if ((tDistrKey != 1)) {
} else {
theDistrKeyIndicator = 1;
//set_distribution_key(aValue, totalSizeInWords);
* If the operation is an insert request and the attribute is stored then
......@@ -216,21 +210,13 @@ NdbOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
const Uint32 sz = totalSizeInWords;
AttributeHeader::init(&ahValue, tAttrId, sz);
insertATTRINFO( ahValue );
insertATTRINFOloop((Uint32*)aValueToWrite, sizeInWords);
if (bitsInLastWord != 0) {
tData = *(Uint32*)(aValueToWrite + (sizeInWords << 2));
tData = convertEndian(tData);
tData = tData & ((1 << bitsInLastWord) - 1);
tData = convertEndian(tData);
insertATTRINFO( tData );
insertATTRINFOloop((Uint32*)aValueToWrite, sz);
* Store the Key information in the TCKEYREQ and KEYINFO signals.
if (insertKEYINFO(aValue, tKeyInfoPosition,
totalSizeInWords, bitsInLastWord) != -1) {
if (insertKEYINFO(aValue, tKeyInfoPosition, totalSizeInWords) != -1) {
* Add one to number of tuple key attributes defined.
* If all have been defined then set the operation state to indicate
......@@ -239,7 +225,7 @@ NdbOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
Uint32 tNoKeysDef = theNoOfTupKeyDefined;
Uint32 tErrorLine = theErrorLine;
int tNoTableKeys = m_currentTable->m_noOfKeys;
int tNoTableKeys = m_accessTable->m_noOfKeys;
unsigned char tInterpretInd = theInterpretIndicator;
theNoOfTupKeyDefined = tNoKeysDef;
......@@ -365,8 +351,7 @@ NdbOperation::setTupleId()
NdbOperation::insertKEYINFO(const char* aValue,
register Uint32 aStartPosition,
register Uint32 anAttrSizeInWords,
register Uint32 anAttrBitsInLastWord)
register Uint32 anAttrSizeInWords)
NdbApiSignal* tSignal;
NdbApiSignal* tCurrentKEYINFO;
......@@ -386,7 +371,7 @@ NdbOperation::insertKEYINFO(const char* aValue,
tEndPos = aStartPosition + anAttrSizeInWords - 1;
if ((tEndPos < 9) && (anAttrBitsInLastWord == 0)) {
if ((tEndPos < 9)) {
register Uint32 tkeyData = *(Uint32*)aValue;
//TcKeyReq* tcKeyReq = CAST_PTR(TcKeyReq, tTCREQ->getDataPtrSend());
register Uint32* tDataPtr = (Uint32*)aValue;
......@@ -496,25 +481,6 @@ NdbOperation::insertKEYINFO(const char* aValue,
} while (1);
* There could be a last word that only contains partial data. This word*
* will contain zeroes in the rest of the bits since the index expects *
* a certain number of words and do not care for parts of words. *
if (anAttrBitsInLastWord != 0) {
tData = *(Uint32*)(aValue + (anAttrSizeInWords - 1) * 4);
tData = convertEndian(tData);
tData = tData & ((1 << anAttrBitsInLastWord) - 1);
tData = convertEndian(tData);
if (tPosition > 8) {
tCurrentKEYINFO->setData(tData, signalCounter);
} else {
theTCREQ->setData(tData, (12 + tPosition));
return 0;
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