Commit 7a0fa9da authored by Otto Kekäläinen's avatar Otto Kekäläinen Committed by Daniel Black

Deb: Cleanup and document

- Remove unnecessary unused files
- Remove duplicate encryption configuration sample from sources and
  re-use the identical file in RPM directory instead
- Clean away harmful "default-character-set = utf8mb4" from client config
  as it is unnecassary (server enforces utf8mb4 anyway by default) and
  could cause issues with mysqlbinlog and other tools (MDEV-22981).
- Update S3 plugin description to be long enough
- Remove trailing whitespace from support-files and Debian packaging.
- Clean away fixed Lintian issues
- Clean away temporary Salsa-CI fixes now that 10.5.4 is out and is fixed
- Apply wrap-and-sort -a -v
parent 7c1807a0
-rm -f Makefile
.PHONY: all distclean clean install check
-rm -f Makefile
.PHONY: all distclean clean install check
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
## Check MyISAM and Aria unclosed tables.
# - Requires the server to be up.
# - Is supposed to run silently in background.
# - Is supposed to run silently in background.
function check_for_crashed_tables() {
set -e
set -u
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function check_for_crashed_tables() {
LC_ALL=C $MYSQL --skip-column-names --batch -e '
select concat('\''select count(*) into @discard from `'\'',
TABLE_SCHEMA, '\''`.`'\'', TABLE_NAME, '\''`'\'')
TABLE_SCHEMA, '\''`.`'\'', TABLE_NAME, '\''`'\'')
from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA<>'\''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'\'' and TABLE_SCHEMA<>'\''PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA'\'' and ( ENGINE='\''MyISAM'\'' or ENGINE='\''Aria'\'' )' | \
xargs -i $MYSQL --skip-column-names --silent --batch \
--force -e "{}" &>$tempfile
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ function check_for_crashed_tables() {
$MYADMIN processlist status
) >> $tempfile
# Check for presence as a dependency on mailx would require an MTA.
if [ -x /usr/bin/mailx ]; then
mailx -e -s"$MYCHECK_SUBJECT" $MYCHECK_RCPT < $tempfile
if [ -x /usr/bin/mailx ]; then
mailx -e -s"$MYCHECK_SUBJECT" $MYCHECK_RCPT < $tempfile
(echo "$MYCHECK_SUBJECT"; cat $tempfile) | logger -p daemon.warn -i -t$0
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function check_for_crashed_tables() {
## Check for tables needing an upgrade.
# - Requires the server to be up.
# - Is supposed to run silently in background.
# - Is supposed to run silently in background.
function upgrade_system_tables_if_necessary() {
set -e
set -u
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function upgrade_system_tables_if_necessary() {
function check_root_accounts() {
set -e
set -u
logger -p -i -t$0 "Checking for insecure root accounts."
ret=$( echo "SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root' and password='' and plugin in ('', 'mysql_native_password', 'mysql_old_password');" | $MYSQL --skip-column-names )
# !include this file into your my.cnf (or any of *.cnf files in /etc/mysql/conf.d)
# and it will enable data at rest encryption. This is a simple way to
# ensure that everything that can be encrypted will be and your
# data will not leak unencrypted.
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! On MariaDB upgrades it might be replaced with a
# newer version and your edits will be lost. Instead, add your edits
# to the .cnf file after the !include directive.
# NOTE that you also need to install an encryption plugin for the encryption
# to work. See
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# vim: tw=160:nowrap:expandtab:tabstop=3:shiftwidth=3:softtabstop=3
# This program is copyright (c) 2006 Baron Schwartz, baron at xaprb dot com.
# Maintainers since 2013 : Kenny Gryp - Frédéric Descamps
# Maintainers since 2013 : Kenny Gryp - Frédéric Descamps
# Feedback and improvements are gratefully received.
......@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ sub parse_fk_section {
} else {
( $ts, $type ) = $fulltext =~ m/^$s\s+(\w+)/m;
$section->{'ts'} = [ parse_innodb_timestamp( $ts ) ];
$section->{'timestring'} = ts_to_string($section->{'ts'});
$section->{'type'} = $type;
......@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ sub parse_fk_bad_constraint_error {
@{$section}{ qw(reason) } = $fulltext =~ m/:\s*([^:]+)(?= Constraint:|$)/ms;
$section->{'reason'} =~ s/\s+/ /g
if $section->{'reason'};
# Certain data may not be present. Make them '' if not present.
map { $section->{$_} ||= "" }
qw(child_index fk_name col_name parent_table parent_col);
......@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ sub parse_tx_text {
if ( $txn =~ m/^TABLE LOCK|RECORD LOCKS/ ) {
$locks = [parse_innodb_record_locks($txn, $complete, $debug, $full)];
my ( $tables_in_use, $tables_locked )
= $txn
=~ m/^mysql tables in use $d, locked $d$/m;
......@@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@ innotop is a MySQL and InnoDB transaction/status monitor, like 'top' for
MySQL. It displays queries, InnoDB transactions, lock waits, deadlocks,
foreign key errors, open tables, replication status, buffer information,
row operations, logs, I/O operations, load graph, and more. You can
monitor many servers at once with innotop.
monitor many servers at once with innotop.
......@@ -4695,23 +4695,23 @@ sub main {
if ( !$windows ) {
delete $config{max_height};
# Try to lower my priority.
eval { setpriority(0, 0, getpriority(0, 0) + 10); };
# Print stuff to the screen immediately, don't wait for a newline.
# Clear the screen and load the configuration.
# Override config variables with command-line options
my %cmdline =
map { $_->{c} => $opts{$_->{k}} }
grep { exists $_->{c} && exists $opts{$_->{k}} }
foreach my $name (keys %cmdline) {
next if not defined $cmdline{$name};
my $val = $cmdline{$name};
......@@ -4719,23 +4719,23 @@ sub main {
$config{$name}->{val} = $val;
# Make sure no changes are written to config file in non-interactive mode.
if ( $opts{n} ) {
$config{readonly}->{val} = 1;
eval {
# Open the file for InnoDB status
if ( @ARGV ) {
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
open $file, "<", $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename': $OS_ERROR";
# In certain modes we might have to collect data for two cycles
# before printing anything out, so we need to bump up the count one.
if ( $opts{n} && $opts{count} && $config{status_inc}->{val}
......@@ -4743,16 +4743,16 @@ sub main {
while (++$clock) {
my $mode = $config{mode}->{val} || 'Q';
if ( !$modes{$mode} ) {
die "Mode '$mode' doesn't exist; try one of these:\n"
. join("\n", map { " $_ $modes{$_}->{hdr}" } sort keys %modes)
. "\n";
if ( !$opts{n} ) {
@last_term_size = @this_term_size;
@this_term_size = Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize(\*STDOUT);
......@@ -4763,13 +4763,13 @@ sub main {
die("Can't read terminal size") unless @this_term_size;
# If there's no connection to a database server, we need to fix that...
if ( !%connections ) {
print "You have not defined any database connections.\n\n";
# See whether there are any connections defined for this mode. If there's only one
# connection total, assume the user wants to just use innotop for a single server
# and don't ask which server to connect to. Also, if we're monitoring from a file,
......@@ -4782,20 +4782,20 @@ sub main {
# Term::ReadLine might have re-set $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH.
# Prune old data
my $sets = $config{num_status_sets}->{val};
foreach my $store ( values %vars ) {
delete @{$store}{ grep { $_ < $clock - $sets } keys %$store };
%info_gotten = ();
# Call the subroutine to display this mode.
# It may be time to quit now.
if ( $opts{count} && $clock >= $opts{count} ) {
......@@ -4805,7 +4805,7 @@ sub main {
foreach my $cxn ( grep { $dbhs{$_}->{failed} } keys %dbhs ) {
eval { connect_to_db($cxn); }; # Ignore errors entirely here.
# Wait for a bit.
if ( $opts{n} ) {
......@@ -4815,10 +4815,10 @@ sub main {
$char = ReadKey($config{interval}->{val});
# Handle whatever action the key indicates.
if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
......@@ -5620,7 +5620,7 @@ sub display_M {
push @slave_io_status, extract_values($set, $set, $pre, 'slave_io_status');
if ( $linecount < 1 ) {
if ( $linecount < 1 ) {
$channel = 'no_channels';
my $chcxn = $channel . '=' . $cxn;
......@@ -6546,7 +6546,7 @@ sub set_to_tbl {
map { push @group_by, $_ if $_ !~ /^cxn$/ } @{$meta->{group_by}};
$meta->{group_by} = \@group_by;
# if cxn is not visible and there is now more than one connection,
# if cxn is not visible and there is now more than one connection,
# make cxn visible again. assume it's not in group_by if it's not
# visible
else {
......@@ -7187,7 +7187,7 @@ sub distill {
$query .= " " . $t;
# die $orig_query if $query eq 'LOCK lock';
return $query;
......@@ -7524,7 +7524,7 @@ sub do_stmt {
# Test if the cxn should not even be tried
return undef if $dbhs{$cxn}
&& $dbhs{$cxn}->{failed}
&& $dbhs{$cxn}->{failed}
&& ( !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} || !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active} || $dbhs{$cxn}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} );
my $sth;
......@@ -7599,7 +7599,7 @@ sub do_query {
# Test if the cxn should not even be tried
return undef if $dbhs{$cxn}
&& $dbhs{$cxn}->{failed}
&& $dbhs{$cxn}->{failed}
&& ( !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh} || !$dbhs{$cxn}->{dbh}->{Active} || $dbhs{$cxn}->{mode} eq $config{mode}->{val} );
my $sth;
......@@ -7627,7 +7627,7 @@ sub do_query {
return $sth;
......@@ -7892,17 +7892,17 @@ sub migrate_config {
# load_config {{{3
sub load_config {
my ($old_filename, $answer);
if ( $opts{u} or $opts{p} or $opts{h} or $opts{P} or $opts{S} ) {
my @params = $dsn_parser->get_cxn_params(\%opts); # dsn=$params[0]
add_new_dsn($opts{h} || 'localhost', $params[0], 'test.innotop_dl',
add_new_dsn($opts{h} || 'localhost', $params[0], 'test.innotop_dl',
$opts{u} ? 1 : 0, $opts{u}, $opts{p} ? 1 : 0, $opts{p});
if ($opts{c}) {
$conf_file = $opts{c};
# If we don't have a new config file but we do have an old one,
# innotop got upgraded and this is an old config file. Convert it, but
# don't overwrite something existing.
......@@ -7930,14 +7930,14 @@ sub load_config {
$conf_file = $default_central_conf;
else {
# If no config file was loaded, set readonly to 0 if the user wants to
# If no config file was loaded, set readonly to 0 if the user wants to
# write a config
$config{readonly}->{val} = 0 if $opts{w};
# If no connections have been defined, connect to a MySQL database
# If no connections have been defined, connect to a MySQL database
# on localhost using mariadb_read_default_group=client
if (!%connections) {
......@@ -8476,7 +8476,7 @@ sub save_config {
elsif ($conf_file and $opts{w}) {
print "Loaded config file on start-up, so ignoring -w (see --help)\n"
my $dirname = dirname($conf_file);
# if directories don't exist, create them. This could cause errors
......@@ -9819,7 +9819,7 @@ sub get_slave_status {
} else {
my $dbh = connect_to_db($cxn);
my $sql = 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS FOR CHANNEL \'' . $channel . '\'';
my $sql = 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS FOR CHANNEL \'' . $channel . '\'';
my $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql ) ;
my $res = $stmt->fetchall_arrayref({});
......@@ -9835,8 +9835,8 @@ sub get_slave_status {
sub is_func {
......@@ -9902,8 +9902,8 @@ host, use the -h option.
After you've connected, innotop should show you something like the following:
[RO] Query List (? for help) localhost, 01:11:19, 449.44 QPS, 14/7/163 con/run
CXN When Load QPS Slow QCacheHit KCacheHit BpsIn BpsOut
CXN When Load QPS Slow QCacheHit KCacheHit BpsIn BpsOut
localhost Total 0.00 1.07k 697 0.00% 98.17% 476.83k 242.83k
CXN Cmd ID User Host DB Time Query
......@@ -10070,7 +10070,7 @@ L<"cmd_summary"> table, which looks something like the following:
Command Summary (? for help) localhost, 25+07:16:43, 2.45 QPS, 3 thd, 5.0.40
_____________________ Command Summary _____________________
Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
Select_scan 3244858 69.89% 2 100.00%
Select_range 1354177 29.17% 0 0.00%
Select_full_join 39479 0.85% 0 0.00%
......@@ -11189,7 +11189,7 @@ L<"STATUS_VARIABLES">.
=item slave_io_status
Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
=item slave_sql_status
......@@ -11438,8 +11438,8 @@ L<"processlist"> table when prompted).
Your display might now look like the following:
Query List (? for help) localhost, 32:33, 0.11 QPS, 1 thd, 5.0.38-log
CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
localhost Query 49 12933 webusr localhost 19:38 SELECT * FROM
localhost Sending Da 23 2383 webusr localhost 12:43 SELECT col1,
localhost Sleep 120 140 webusr localhost 5:18:12
......@@ -11488,14 +11488,14 @@ matches the row; if it does, the row gets the specified color, and no further
rules are evaluated. The rules look like the following:
state eq Locked black on_red
cmd eq Sleep white
user eq system user white
cmd eq Connect white
cmd eq Binlog Dump white
time > 600 red
time > 120 yellow
time > 60 green
time > 30 cyan
cmd eq Sleep white
user eq system user white
cmd eq Connect white
cmd eq Binlog Dump white
time > 600 red
time > 120 yellow
time > 60 green
time > 30 cyan
This is the default rule set for the L<"processlist"> table. In order of
priority, these rules make locked queries black on a red background, "gray out"
......@@ -11639,9 +11639,9 @@ screen, it will prompt you to choose one of them. Once you do, innotop will
show you something like this:
Editing table definition for Buffer Pool. Press ? for help, q to quit.
name hdr label src
cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
name hdr label src
cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
buf_pool_size Size Buffer pool size IB_bp_buf_poo
buf_free Free Bufs Buffers free in the b IB_bp_buf_fre
pages_total Pages Pages total IB_bp_pages_t
......@@ -11931,15 +11931,15 @@ whitespace).
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
package Innotop::Plugin::Example;
# description: Adds an 'example' column to every table
sub new {
my ( $class, %vars ) = @_;
# Store reference to innotop's variables in $self
my $self = bless { %vars }, $class;
# Design the example column
my $col = {
hdr => 'Example',
......@@ -11951,7 +11951,7 @@ whitespace).
tbl => '',
trans => [],
# Add the column to every table.
my $tbl_meta = $vars{tbl_meta};
foreach my $tbl ( values %$tbl_meta ) {
......@@ -11960,17 +11960,17 @@ whitespace).
# Add the column to the list of visible columns
unshift @{$tbl->{visible}}, 'example';
# Be sure to return a reference to the object.
return $self;
# I'd like to be called when a data set is being rendered into a table, please.
sub register_for_events {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return qw(set_to_tbl_pre_filter);
# This method will be called when the event fires.
sub set_to_tbl_pre_filter {
my ( $self, $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
......@@ -11979,7 +11979,7 @@ whitespace).
$row->{example} = 1;
=head2 Plugin Editor
......@@ -12181,7 +12181,7 @@ Allen K. Smith,
Aurimas Mikalauskas,
Bartosz Fenski,
Brian Miezejewski,
Christian Hammers,
Christian Hammers,
Cyril Scetbon,
Dane Miller,
David Multer,
......@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ After you've connected, innotop should show you something like the following:
.Vb 1
\& [RO] Query List (? for help) localhost, 01:11:19, 449.44 QPS, 14/7/163 con/run
\& CXN When Load QPS Slow QCacheHit KCacheHit BpsIn BpsOut
\& CXN When Load QPS Slow QCacheHit KCacheHit BpsIn BpsOut
\& localhost Total 0.00 1.07k 697 0.00% 98.17% 476.83k 242.83k
\& CXN Cmd ID User Host DB Time Query
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ This mode is similar to mytop's Command Summary mode. It shows the
.Vb 8
\& Command Summary (? for help) localhost, 25+07:16:43, 2.45 QPS, 3 thd, 5.0.40
\& _\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_ Command Summary _\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_\|_
\& Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
\& Name Value Pct Last Incr Pct
\& Select_scan 3244858 69.89% 2 100.00%
\& Select_range 1354177 29.17% 0 0.00%
\& Select_full_join 39479 0.85% 0 0.00%
......@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ Displays data about InnoDB's semaphores and mutexes. Data source:
.IP "slave_io_status" 4
.IX Item "slave_io_status"
Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
Displays data about the slave I/O thread. Data source:
.IP "slave_sql_status" 4
.IX Item "slave_sql_status"
......@@ -1472,8 +1472,8 @@ Your display might now look like the following:
.Vb 1
\& Query List (? for help) localhost, 32:33, 0.11 QPS, 1 thd, 5.0.38\-log
\& CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
\& CXN Cmd Cnt ID User Host Time Query
\& localhost Query 49 12933 webusr localhost 19:38 SELECT * FROM
\& localhost Sending Da 23 2383 webusr localhost 12:43 SELECT col1,
\& localhost Sleep 120 140 webusr localhost 5:18:12
......@@ -1526,13 +1526,13 @@ rules are evaluated. The rules look like the following:
.Vb 9
\& state eq Locked black on_red
\& cmd eq Sleep white
\& user eq system user white
\& cmd eq Connect white
\& cmd eq Binlog Dump white
\& time > 600 red
\& time > 120 yellow
\& time > 60 green
\& cmd eq Sleep white
\& user eq system user white
\& cmd eq Connect white
\& cmd eq Binlog Dump white
\& time > 600 red
\& time > 120 yellow
\& time > 60 green
\& time > 30 cyan
......@@ -1669,9 +1669,9 @@ show you something like this:
.Vb 1
\& Editing table definition for Buffer Pool. Press ? for help, q to quit.
\& name hdr label src
\& cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
\& name hdr label src
\& cxn CXN Connection from which cxn
\& buf_pool_size Size Buffer pool size IB_bp_buf_poo
\& buf_free Free Bufs Buffers free in the b IB_bp_buf_fre
\& pages_total Pages Pages total IB_bp_pages_t
......@@ -1924,15 +1924,15 @@ whitespace).
.Vb 2
\& use strict;
\& use warnings FATAL => \*(Aqall\*(Aq;
\& package Innotop::Plugin::Example;
\& # description: Adds an \*(Aqexample\*(Aq column to every table
\& sub new {
\& my ( $class, %vars ) = @_;
\& # Store reference to innotop\*(Aqs variables in $self
\& my $self = bless { %vars }, $class;
\& # Design the example column
\& my $col = {
\& hdr => \*(AqExample\*(Aq,
......@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ whitespace).
\& tbl => \*(Aq\*(Aq,
\& trans => [],
\& };
\& # Add the column to every table.
\& my $tbl_meta = $vars{tbl_meta};
\& foreach my $tbl ( values %$tbl_meta ) {
......@@ -1953,17 +1953,17 @@ whitespace).
\& # Add the column to the list of visible columns
\& unshift @{$tbl\->{visible}}, \*(Aqexample\*(Aq;
\& }
\& # Be sure to return a reference to the object.
\& return $self;
\& }
\& # I\*(Aqd like to be called when a data set is being rendered into a table, please.
\& sub register_for_events {
\& my ( $self ) = @_;
\& return qw(set_to_tbl_pre_filter);
\& }
\& # This method will be called when the event fires.
\& sub set_to_tbl_pre_filter {
\& my ( $self, $rows, $tbl ) = @_;
......@@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ whitespace).
\& $row\->{example} = 1;
\& }
\& }
\& 1;
.SS "Plugin Editor"
......@@ -2137,7 +2137,7 @@ Allen K. Smith,
Aurimas Mikalauskas,
Bartosz Fenski,
Brian Miezejewski,
Christian Hammers,
Christian Hammers,
Cyril Scetbon,
Dane Miller,
David Multer,
# The MariaDB configuration file
# The MariaDB/MySQL tools read configuration files in the following order:
# 0. "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" symlinks to this file, reason why all the rest is read.
# 1. "/etc/mysql/mariadb.cnf" (this file) to set global defaults,
# 2. "/etc/mysql/conf.d/*.cnf" to set global options.
# 3. "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/*.cnf" to set MariaDB-only options.
......@@ -17,9 +18,9 @@
# use it for options that affect everything
socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
#port = 3306
# Port or socket location where to connect
# port = 3306
socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
# Import all .cnf files from configuration directory
!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
......@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
# Default is Latin1, if you need UTF-8 set this (also in server section)
# default-character-set = utf8mb4
# Example of client certificate usage
# ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/client-cert.pem
# ssl-key=/etc/mysql/client-key.pem
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -637,8 +637,10 @@ Depends: libcurl4,
mariadb-server-10.5 (= ${binary:Version}),
Description: S3 storage engine for MariaDB
Read only table stored in S3.
Description: Amazon S3 archival storage engine for MariaDB
The S3 storage engine allows one to archive MariaDB tables in Amazon S3 (or any
third-party public or private cloud that implements S3 API), but still have
them accessible in MariaDB in read-only mode.
Package: mariadb-plugin-rocksdb
Architecture: amd64 arm64 mips64el ppc64el
......@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ autopkgtest:
extends: .test-piuparts
stage: test extras
allow_failure: true
extends: .test-blhc
......@@ -84,11 +83,9 @@ blhc:
extends: .test-lintian
allow_failure: true
extends: .test-missing-breaks
allow_failure: true
# In addition to Salsa-CI, also run these fully MariaDB specific build jobs
......@@ -124,7 +121,6 @@ fresh install:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
mariadb-10.3.x to mariadb-10.5.y upgrade:
stage: upgrade in Sid
......@@ -165,7 +161,6 @@ mariadb-10.3.x to mariadb-10.5.y upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
mariadb-10.3.x buster to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
stage: upgrade from Buster/Stretch/Jessie
......@@ -210,7 +205,6 @@ mariadb-10.3.x buster to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
mariadb-10.1 to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
stage: upgrade from Buster/Stretch/Jessie
......@@ -255,7 +249,6 @@ mariadb-10.1 to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
test basic features:
stage: test
......@@ -311,7 +304,6 @@ test basic features:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
# Build a piece of software that was designed for libmysqlclient-dev but using the
# libmariadb-dev-compat layer. Should always end up using run-time.
......@@ -335,7 +327,6 @@ build mariadbclient consumer Python-MySQLdb:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
libmysql* to libmariadb* upgrade:
stage: test extras
......@@ -375,7 +366,6 @@ libmysql* to libmariadb* upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
default-libmysqlclient-dev upgrade:
stage: upgrade in Sid
......@@ -402,7 +392,6 @@ default-libmysqlclient-dev upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
default-libmysqlclient-dev on buster upgrade:
stage: upgrade from Buster/Stretch/Jessie
......@@ -431,7 +420,6 @@ default-libmysqlclient-dev on buster upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
default-libmysqlclient-dev on stretch upgrade:
stage: upgrade from Buster/Stretch/Jessie
......@@ -460,7 +448,6 @@ default-libmysqlclient-dev on stretch upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
mariadb-connector-c on stretch upgrade:
stage: upgrade from Buster/Stretch/Jessie
......@@ -489,7 +476,6 @@ mariadb-connector-c on stretch upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
mysql-5.5 to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
stage: upgrade from Buster/Stretch/Jessie
......@@ -534,7 +520,6 @@ mysql-5.5 to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
# Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 involves automatic renaming of auth_socket plugin
# to unix_socket and automaticly re-adding Password column in user table.
......@@ -581,7 +566,6 @@ mysql-5.7 to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
allow_failure: true
# Upgrading from MySQL 8.0 with datadir in place is not possible. Users need to do a data dump.
# The Debian maintainer scripts detect this situation and simply moves old datadir aside and start fresh.
......@@ -648,17 +632,14 @@ to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
- sed -i "s/101/0/g" -i /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d # Enable automatic restarts from maint scripts
- cd ${WORKING_DIR} # Don't repeat this step, it's just cd ./debian/output
- apt-get update
- apt install -y curl systemctl # systemctl shim needed on platforms that don't have systemd
- apt install -y curl
- curl -sS -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mariadb.asc
- echo 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] sid main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mariadb.list
- apt-get update
- apt-get install -y mariadb-server-10.5
# Verify installation of MySQL from Sid
- dpkg -l | grep -iE 'maria|mysql|galera' || true # List installed
# version of 10.4 and early 10.5 do not install an init file, so
# it must be installed here manually
- cp /usr/share/mysql/mysql.init /etc/init.d/mysql; chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysql; service mysql start; sleep 5
- service mysql status
- service mariadb status
- mysql --skip-column-names -e "SELECT @@version, @@version_comment"
- mysql -e "SELECT Host,User,plugin,authentication_string FROM user;" mysql
- mysql -e "SELECT * FROM plugin;" mysql
......@@ -668,7 +649,6 @@ to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
# Verify installation of MariaDB built in this commit
- dpkg -l | grep -iE 'maria|mysql|galera' || true # List installed
- mariadb --version # Client version
- service mysql status
- service mariadb status
- mkdir -p debug # Ensure dir exists before using it
- find /var/lib/mysql -ls > debug/var-lib-mysql.list || true # Ignore errors about "no such file or directory"
# Upstream fix pending:
source-is-missing extra/wolfssl/wolfssl/doc/formats/html/html_changes/menu.js line length is 679 characters (>512)
# Necessary for drop-in-place-replacement upgrades on mysql-server/-client
# since package breaks/replaces these but at the same time also provides them
version-substvar-for-external-package mariadb-client-core-10.5 -> mysql-client-5.5
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