Commit 7c81f15e authored by Marko Mäkelä's avatar Marko Mäkelä

Merge 10.1 into bb-10.2-mdev-11782

parents fd0479ce 2dc5d8bb
# Include this script only after using
# where $_expect_file_name was initialized.
# Write file to make start up the server again
--exec echo "restart" > $_expect_file_name
if ($restart_parameters)
--exec echo "restart: $restart_parameters" > $_expect_file_name
if (!$restart_parameters)
--exec echo "restart" > $_expect_file_name
# Turn on reconnect
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format = `Barracuda`;
Warning 131 Using innodb_file_format is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table = ON;
create table t1(c1 bigint not null, b char(200), c varchar(200)) engine=innodb encrypted=yes encryption_key_id=1;
show warnings;
Level Code Message
......@@ -15,14 +11,14 @@ set current_num = current_num + 1;
end while;
set autocommit=0;
call innodb_insert_proc(2000);
set autocommit=1;
update t1 set c1 = c1 +1;
select count(*) from t1;
# Kill the server
# ibdata1 yes on expecting NOT FOUND
NOT FOUND /privatejanprivate/ in ibdata1
# t1 yes on expecting NOT FOUND
......@@ -55,5 +51,3 @@ FOUND /publicmessage/ in ib_logfile0
NOT FOUND /publicmessage/ in ib_logfile1
drop procedure innodb_insert_proc;
drop table t1;
Warning 131 Using innodb_file_format is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
......@@ -6,19 +6,6 @@
# MDEV-9011: Redo log encryption does not work
let $innodb_file_format_orig = `SELECT @@innodb_file_format`;
let $innodb_file_per_table_orig = `SELECT @@innodb_file_per_table`;
let $innodb_file_format_orig = `SELECT @@innodb_file_format`;
let $innodb_file_per_table_orig = `SELECT @@innodb_file_per_table`;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format = `Barracuda`;
SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table = ON;
create table t1(c1 bigint not null, b char(200), c varchar(200)) engine=innodb encrypted=yes encryption_key_id=1;
show warnings;
......@@ -35,16 +22,13 @@ end//
delimiter ;//
set autocommit=0;
call innodb_insert_proc(2000);
set autocommit=1;
update t1 set c1 = c1 +1;
select count(*) from t1;
-- source include/
--let $MYSQLD_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`
--let ib1_IBD = $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibdata1
--let t1_IBD = $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t1.ibd
......@@ -53,6 +37,8 @@ select count(*) from t1;
--let SEARCH_RANGE = 10000000
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=privatejanprivate
-- source include/
--echo # ibdata1 yes on expecting NOT FOUND
-- let SEARCH_FILE=$ib1_IBD
-- source include/
......@@ -68,7 +54,7 @@ select count(*) from t1;
--echo # Restart mysqld --innodb_encrypt_log=0
-- let $restart_parameters=--innodb_encrypt_log=0
-- source include/
-- source include/
insert into t1 values(5000, substring(MD5(RAND()), -64), REPEAT('publicmessage',10));
insert into t1 values(5001, substring(MD5(RAND()), -64), REPEAT('publicmessage',10));
......@@ -106,9 +92,3 @@ insert into t1 values(5004, substring(MD5(RAND()), -64), REPEAT('publicmessage',
drop procedure innodb_insert_proc;
drop table t1;
# reset system
EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table = $innodb_file_per_table_orig;
EVAL SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format = $innodb_file_format_orig;
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ perl;
use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR', 'SEEK_END';
my $page_size = $ENV{'INNODB_PAGE_SIZE'};
my $restart = 'restart';
my $restart;
# It is impractical to ensure that CREATE TABLE t will extend ibdata1.
......@@ -36,17 +36,14 @@ if ($ENV{'MYSQLD_IS_DEBUG'})
while(<FILE>) { unless (/\0*/gso) { $empty_tail= 0; last } }
if ($empty_tail)
$restart = 'restart: --innodb-data-file-size-debug=' . $size;
$restart = "--innodb-data-file-size-debug=$size";
truncate(FILE, $page_size * $root);
close FILE;
open(FILE, ">$ENV{MYSQLTEST_VARDIR}/log/start_mysqld.txt") || die;
print FILE '--exec echo "', $restart, '" > $_expect_file_name
--source include/
print FILE "--let \$restart_parameters=$restart\n" if $restart;
print FILE "--source include/\n";
close FILE;
open(FILE, "+<", "$ENV{'MYSQLD_DATADIR'}test/ibd4.ibd") or die;
truncate(FILE, $page_size * 4);
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