Commit 8bc330c0 authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

closes #5773, merge to main from tokudb.5773, Merging r51027 through r51078 into '.'

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@51079 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 1973914e
......@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ int toku_cmd_leafval_heaviside (OMTVALUE leafentry, void *extra)
// toku_ft_root_put_cmd() accepts non-constant cmd because this is where we set the msn
void toku_ft_root_put_cmd(FT h, FT_MSG_S * cmd, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid);
void toku_ft_root_put_cmd(FT h, FT_MSG_S * cmd, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info);
void *mempool_malloc_from_omt(OMT *omtp, struct mempool *mp, size_t size, void **maybe_free);
// Effect: Allocate a new object of size SIZE in MP. If MP runs out of space, allocate new a new mempool space, and copy all the items
......@@ -1077,6 +1077,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once (
uint32_t idx,
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t *workdonep,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -1089,6 +1090,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
FT_MSG cmd,
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t *workdone,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -1101,6 +1103,7 @@ toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd (
FTNODE node,
int target_childnum,
FT_MSG cmd,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t *workdone,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -1114,6 +1117,7 @@ toku_ft_node_put_cmd (
int target_childnum,
FT_MSG cmd,
bool is_fresh,
GC_INFO gc_info,
size_t flow_deltas[],
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -1539,6 +1539,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once (
uint32_t idx,
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t *workdone,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -1559,7 +1560,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once (
// toku_le_apply_msg() may call mempool_malloc_from_omt() to allocate more space.
// That means le is guaranteed to not cause a sigsegv but it may point to a mempool that is
// no longer in use. We'll have to release the old mempool later.
toku_le_apply_msg(cmd, le, oldest_referenced_xid, &newsize, &new_le, &bn->buffer, &bn->buffer_mempool, &maybe_free, &numbytes_delta);
toku_le_apply_msg(cmd, le, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info, &newsize, &new_le, &bn->buffer, &bn->buffer_mempool, &maybe_free, &numbytes_delta);
if (new_le) {
paranoid_invariant(newsize == leafentry_disksize(new_le));
......@@ -1629,6 +1630,7 @@ struct setval_extra_s {
uint32_t idx;
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid;
GC_INFO gc_info;
uint64_t * workdone; // set by toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once()
STAT64INFO stats_to_update;
......@@ -1661,7 +1663,7 @@ static void setval_fun (const DBT *new_val, void *svextra_v) {
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(svextra->bn, &msg,
svextra->idx, svextra->le,
svextra->oldest_referenced_xid, svextra->gc_info,
svextra->workdone, svextra->stats_to_update);
svextra->setval_r = 0;
......@@ -1674,6 +1676,7 @@ static void setval_fun (const DBT *new_val, void *svextra_v) {
static int do_update(ft_update_func update_fun, DESCRIPTOR desc, BASEMENTNODE bn, FT_MSG cmd, uint32_t idx,
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t * workdone,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update) {
LEAFENTRY le_for_update;
......@@ -1716,7 +1719,7 @@ static int do_update(ft_update_func update_fun, DESCRIPTOR desc, BASEMENTNODE bn
le_for_update = le;
struct setval_extra_s setval_extra = {setval_tag, false, 0, bn, cmd->msn, cmd->xids,
keyp, idx, le_for_update, oldest_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update};
keyp, idx, le_for_update, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update};
// call handlerton's brt->update_fun(), which passes setval_extra to setval_fun()
FAKE_DB(db, desc);
int r = update_fun(
......@@ -1740,6 +1743,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
FT_MSG cmd,
TXNID oldest_known_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t *workdone,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -1781,7 +1785,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(storeddata, storeddatav);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
// if the insertion point is within a window of the right edge of
// the leaf then it is sequential
......@@ -1809,7 +1813,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
if (r == DB_NOTFOUND) break;
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(storeddata, storeddatav);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
......@@ -1825,7 +1829,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(storeddata, storeddatav);
int deleted = 0;
if (!le_is_clean(storeddata)) { //If already clean, nothing to do.
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
uint32_t new_omt_size = toku_omt_size(bn->buffer);
if (new_omt_size != omt_size) {
paranoid_invariant(new_omt_size+1 == omt_size);
......@@ -1851,7 +1855,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(storeddata, storeddatav);
int deleted = 0;
if (le_has_xids(storeddata, cmd->xids)) {
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
uint32_t new_omt_size = toku_omt_size(bn->buffer);
if (new_omt_size != omt_size) {
paranoid_invariant(new_omt_size+1 == omt_size);
......@@ -1872,10 +1876,10 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
r = toku_omt_find_zero(bn->buffer, toku_cmd_leafval_heaviside, &be,
&storeddatav, &idx);
if (r==DB_NOTFOUND) {
r = do_update(update_fun, desc, bn, cmd, idx, NULL, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
r = do_update(update_fun, desc, bn, cmd, idx, NULL, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
} else if (r==0) {
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(storeddata, storeddatav);
r = do_update(update_fun, desc, bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
r = do_update(update_fun, desc, bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
} // otherwise, a worse error, just return it
......@@ -1887,7 +1891,7 @@ toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd (
r = toku_omt_fetch(bn->buffer, idx, &storeddatav);
CAST_FROM_VOIDP(storeddata, storeddatav);
r = do_update(update_fun, desc, bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, workdone, stats_to_update);
r = do_update(update_fun, desc, bn, cmd, idx, storeddata, oldest_known_referenced_xid, gc_info, workdone, stats_to_update);
if (num_leafentries_before == toku_omt_size(bn->buffer)) {
......@@ -2344,6 +2348,7 @@ void toku_bnc_flush_to_child(
make_gc_info(true), // mvcc_needed
......@@ -2379,6 +2384,7 @@ toku_ft_node_put_cmd (
int target_childnum,
FT_MSG cmd,
bool is_fresh,
GC_INFO gc_info,
size_t flow_deltas[],
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -2396,7 +2402,7 @@ toku_ft_node_put_cmd (
// and instead defer to these functions
if (node->height==0) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(compare_fun, update_fun, desc, node, target_childnum, cmd, nullptr, stats_to_update);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(compare_fun, update_fun, desc, node, target_childnum, cmd, gc_info, nullptr, stats_to_update);
} else {
ft_nonleaf_put_cmd(compare_fun, desc, node, target_childnum, cmd, is_fresh, flow_deltas);
......@@ -2416,6 +2422,7 @@ void toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(
FTNODE node,
int target_childnum, // which child to inject to, or -1 if unknown
FT_MSG cmd,
GC_INFO gc_info,
uint64_t *workdone,
STAT64INFO stats_to_update
......@@ -2465,6 +2472,7 @@ void toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(
} else {
......@@ -2481,6 +2489,7 @@ void toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(
BLB(node, childnum),
} else {
......@@ -2500,7 +2509,8 @@ static void inject_message_in_locked_node(
int childnum,
FT_MSG_S *cmd,
size_t flow_deltas[],
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info
// No guarantee that we're the writer, but oh well.
......@@ -2531,6 +2541,7 @@ static void inject_message_in_locked_node(
......@@ -2690,7 +2701,7 @@ static bool process_maybe_reactive_child(FT ft, FTNODE parent, FTNODE child, int
static void inject_message_at_this_blocknum(FT ft, CACHEKEY cachekey, uint32_t fullhash, FT_MSG_S *cmd, size_t flow_deltas[], TXNID oldest_referenced_xid)
static void inject_message_at_this_blocknum(FT ft, CACHEKEY cachekey, uint32_t fullhash, FT_MSG_S *cmd, size_t flow_deltas[], TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info)
// Effect:
// Inject cmd into the node at this blocknum (cachekey).
// Gets a write lock on the node for you.
......@@ -2702,7 +2713,7 @@ static void inject_message_at_this_blocknum(FT ft, CACHEKEY cachekey, uint32_t f
ft_verify_flags(ft, node);
inject_message_in_locked_node(ft, node, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid);
inject_message_in_locked_node(ft, node, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
......@@ -2722,6 +2733,7 @@ static void push_something_in_subtree(
FT_MSG_S *cmd,
size_t flow_deltas[],
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
int depth,
seqinsert_loc loc,
bool just_did_split_or_merge
......@@ -2762,7 +2774,7 @@ static void push_something_in_subtree(
inject_message_in_locked_node(ft, subtree_root, target_childnum, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid);
inject_message_in_locked_node(ft, subtree_root, target_childnum, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
} else {
int r;
int childnum;
......@@ -2851,13 +2863,13 @@ static void push_something_in_subtree(
struct ftnode_fetch_extra bfe;
fill_bfe_for_full_read(&bfe, ft); // should be fully in memory, we just split it
toku_pin_ftnode_off_client_thread_batched(ft, subtree_root_blocknum, subtree_root_fullhash, &bfe, PL_READ, 0, nullptr, &newparent);
push_something_in_subtree(ft, newparent, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, depth, loc, true);
push_something_in_subtree(ft, newparent, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info, depth, loc, true);
if (next_loc != NEITHER_EXTREME || child->dirty || toku_bnc_should_promote(ft, bnc)) {
push_something_in_subtree(ft, child, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, depth + 1, next_loc, false);
push_something_in_subtree(ft, child, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info, depth + 1, next_loc, false);
toku_sync_fetch_and_add(&bnc->flow[0], flow_deltas[0]);
// The recursive call unpinned the child, but
// we're responsible for unpinning subtree_root.
......@@ -2893,12 +2905,17 @@ static void push_something_in_subtree(
inject_message_at_this_blocknum(ft, subtree_root_blocknum, subtree_root_fullhash, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid);
inject_message_at_this_blocknum(ft, subtree_root_blocknum, subtree_root_fullhash, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
void toku_ft_root_put_cmd(FT ft, FT_MSG_S *cmd, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid)
void toku_ft_root_put_cmd(
FT ft,
FT_MSG_S *cmd,
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info
// Effect:
// - assign msn to cmd and update msn in the header
// - push the cmd into the ft
......@@ -2998,22 +3015,22 @@ void toku_ft_root_put_cmd(FT ft, FT_MSG_S *cmd, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid)
// If the root's a leaf or we're injecting a broadcast, drop the read lock and inject here.
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(ft, node);
inject_message_at_this_blocknum(ft, root_key, fullhash, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid);
inject_message_at_this_blocknum(ft, root_key, fullhash, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
} else if (node->height > 1) {
// If the root's above height 1, we are definitely eligible for promotion.
push_something_in_subtree(ft, node, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, 0, LEFT_EXTREME | RIGHT_EXTREME, false);
push_something_in_subtree(ft, node, -1, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info, 0, LEFT_EXTREME | RIGHT_EXTREME, false);
} else {
// The root's height 1. We may be eligible for promotion here.
// On the extremes, we want to promote, in the middle, we don't.
int childnum = toku_ftnode_which_child(node, cmd->, &ft->cmp_descriptor, ft->compare_fun);
if (childnum == 0 || childnum == node->n_children - 1) {
// On the extremes, promote. We know which childnum we're going to, so pass that down too.
push_something_in_subtree(ft, node, childnum, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, 0, LEFT_EXTREME | RIGHT_EXTREME, false);
push_something_in_subtree(ft, node, childnum, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info, 0, LEFT_EXTREME | RIGHT_EXTREME, false);
} else {
// At height 1 in the middle, don't promote, drop the read lock and inject here.
toku_unpin_ftnode_read_only(ft, node);
inject_message_at_this_blocknum(ft, root_key, fullhash, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid);
inject_message_at_this_blocknum(ft, root_key, fullhash, cmd, flow_deltas, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
......@@ -3076,7 +3093,7 @@ void toku_ft_optimize (FT_HANDLE brt) {
FT_MSG_S ftcmd = { FT_OPTIMIZE, ZERO_MSN, message_xids, .u = { .id = {&key,&val} } };
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, TXNID_NONE);
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(true));
......@@ -3151,7 +3168,7 @@ void toku_ft_maybe_insert (FT_HANDLE ft_h, DBT *key, DBT *val, TOKUTXN txn, bool
// do nothing
} else {
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid = (txn) ? txn->oldest_referenced_xid : TXNID_NONE;
toku_ft_send_insert(ft_h, key, val, message_xids, type, oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_send_insert(ft_h, key, val, message_xids, type, oldest_referenced_xid, make_gc_info(!txn->recovered_from_checkpoint));
......@@ -3162,7 +3179,7 @@ ft_send_update_msg(FT_HANDLE brt, FT_MSG_S *msg, TOKUTXN txn) {
: xids_get_root_xids());
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid = (txn) ? txn->oldest_referenced_xid : TXNID_NONE;
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, msg, oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, msg, oldest_referenced_xid, make_gc_info(!txn->recovered_from_checkpoint));
void toku_ft_maybe_update(FT_HANDLE ft_h, const DBT *key, const DBT *update_function_extra,
......@@ -3231,15 +3248,15 @@ void toku_ft_maybe_update_broadcast(FT_HANDLE ft_h, const DBT *update_function_e
void toku_ft_send_insert(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, DBT *val, XIDS xids, enum ft_msg_type type, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid) {
void toku_ft_send_insert(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, DBT *val, XIDS xids, enum ft_msg_type type, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info) {
FT_MSG_S ftcmd = { type, ZERO_MSN, xids, .u = { .id = { key, val } } };
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
void toku_ft_send_commit_any(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid) {
void toku_ft_send_commit_any(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info) {
DBT val;
FT_MSG_S ftcmd = { FT_COMMIT_ANY, ZERO_MSN, xids, .u = { .id = { key, toku_init_dbt(&val) } } };
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
void toku_ft_delete(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn) {
......@@ -3296,14 +3313,14 @@ void toku_ft_maybe_delete(FT_HANDLE ft_h, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn, bool oplsn_vali
// do nothing
} else {
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid = (txn) ? txn->oldest_referenced_xid : TXNID_NONE;
toku_ft_send_delete(ft_h, key, message_xids, oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_send_delete(ft_h, key, message_xids, oldest_referenced_xid, make_gc_info(!txn->recovered_from_checkpoint));
void toku_ft_send_delete(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid) {
void toku_ft_send_delete(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info) {
DBT val; toku_init_dbt(&val);
FT_MSG_S ftcmd = { FT_DELETE_ANY, ZERO_MSN, xids, .u = { .id = { key, &val } } };
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(brt->ft, &ftcmd, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
/* mempool support */
......@@ -4145,7 +4162,7 @@ int fifo_offset_msn_cmp(FIFO &fifo, const int32_t &ao, const int32_t &bo)
* basement node.
static void
do_bn_apply_cmd(FT_HANDLE t, BASEMENTNODE bn, struct fifo_entry *entry, uint64_t *workdone, STAT64INFO stats_to_update)
do_bn_apply_cmd(FT_HANDLE t, BASEMENTNODE bn, struct fifo_entry *entry, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, uint64_t *workdone, STAT64INFO stats_to_update)
// The messages are being iterated over in (key,msn) order or just in
// msn order, so all the messages for one key, from one buffer, are in
......@@ -4170,7 +4187,8 @@ do_bn_apply_cmd(FT_HANDLE t, BASEMENTNODE bn, struct fifo_entry *entry, uint64_t
make_gc_info(true), //mvcc is needed
......@@ -4188,6 +4206,7 @@ struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra {
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid;
uint64_t *workdone;
STAT64INFO stats_to_update;
......@@ -4196,7 +4215,7 @@ int iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd(const int32_t &offset, const uint32_t UU(idx), struc
int iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd(const int32_t &offset, const uint32_t UU(idx), struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra *const e)
struct fifo_entry *entry = toku_fifo_get_entry(e->bnc->buffer, offset);
do_bn_apply_cmd(e->t, e->bn, entry, e->workdone, e->stats_to_update);
do_bn_apply_cmd(e->t, e->bn, entry, e->oldest_referenced_xid, e->workdone, e->stats_to_update);
return 0;
......@@ -4318,6 +4337,7 @@ bnc_apply_messages_to_basement_node(
FTNODE ancestor, // the ancestor node where we can find messages to apply
int childnum, // which child buffer of ancestor contains messages we want
struct pivot_bounds const * const bounds, // contains pivot key bounds of this basement node
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, // may be younger than what's in ancestor, we should grab the value from the highest node we have
bool* msgs_applied
......@@ -4376,13 +4396,13 @@ bnc_apply_messages_to_basement_node(
for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i) {
*msgs_applied = true;
struct fifo_entry *entry = toku_fifo_get_entry(bnc->buffer, offsets[i]);
do_bn_apply_cmd(t, bn, entry, &workdone_this_ancestor, &stats_delta);
do_bn_apply_cmd(t, bn, entry, oldest_referenced_xid, &workdone_this_ancestor, &stats_delta);
} else if (stale_lbi == stale_ube) {
// No stale messages to apply, we just apply fresh messages, and mark them to be moved to stale later.
struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra iter_extra = { .t = t, .bn = bn, .bnc = bnc, .workdone = &workdone_this_ancestor, .stats_to_update = &stats_delta };
struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra iter_extra = { .t = t, .bn = bn, .bnc = bnc, .oldest_referenced_xid = oldest_referenced_xid, .workdone = &workdone_this_ancestor, .stats_to_update = &stats_delta };
if (fresh_ube - fresh_lbi > 0) *msgs_applied = true;
r = bnc->fresh_message_tree.iterate_and_mark_range<struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra, iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd>(fresh_lbi, fresh_ube, &iter_extra);
......@@ -4391,7 +4411,7 @@ bnc_apply_messages_to_basement_node(
// No fresh messages to apply, we just apply stale messages.
if (stale_ube - stale_lbi > 0) *msgs_applied = true;
struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra iter_extra = { .t = t, .bn = bn, .bnc = bnc, .workdone = &workdone_this_ancestor, .stats_to_update = &stats_delta };
struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra iter_extra = { .t = t, .bn = bn, .bnc = bnc, .oldest_referenced_xid = oldest_referenced_xid, .workdone = &workdone_this_ancestor, .stats_to_update = &stats_delta };
r = bnc->stale_message_tree.iterate_on_range<struct iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd_extra, iterate_do_bn_apply_cmd>(stale_lbi, stale_ube, &iter_extra);
......@@ -4420,6 +4440,14 @@ toku_apply_ancestors_messages_to_node (FT_HANDLE t, FTNODE node, ANCESTORS ances
VERIFY_NODE(t, node);
invariant(node->height == 0);
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid = ancestors->node->oldest_known_referenced_xid;
for (ANCESTORS curr_ancestors = ancestors; curr_ancestors; curr_ancestors = curr_ancestors->next) {
if (curr_ancestors->node->oldest_known_referenced_xid > oldest_referenced_xid) {
oldest_referenced_xid = curr_ancestors->node->oldest_known_referenced_xid;
// know we are a leaf node
// An important invariant:
// We MUST bring every available basement node up to date.
......@@ -4439,6 +4467,7 @@ toku_apply_ancestors_messages_to_node (FT_HANDLE t, FTNODE node, ANCESTORS ances
// We don't want to check this ancestor node again if the
......@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ void toku_ft_delete (FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *k, TOKUTXN txn);
// Effect: Delete a key from a brt if the oplsn is newer than the brt lsn. This function is called during recovery.
void toku_ft_maybe_delete (FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *k, TOKUTXN txn, bool oplsn_valid, LSN oplsn, bool do_logging);
void toku_ft_send_insert(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, DBT *val, XIDS xids, enum ft_msg_type type, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid);
void toku_ft_send_delete(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid);
void toku_ft_send_commit_any(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xids);
void toku_ft_send_insert(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, DBT *val, XIDS xids, enum ft_msg_type type, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info);
void toku_ft_send_delete(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info);
void toku_ft_send_commit_any(FT_HANDLE brt, DBT *key, XIDS xids, TXNID oldest_referenced_xids, GC_INFO gc_info);
int toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn (FT_HANDLE, char **error_string) __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result));
......@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ int toku_testsetup_insert_to_leaf (FT_HANDLE brt, BLOCKNUM blocknum, const char
......@@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@ static void add_pair_to_leafnode (struct leaf_buf *lbuf, unsigned char *key, int
.xids = lbuf->xids,
.u = { .id = { &thekey, &theval } } };
uint64_t workdone=0;
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode,0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, &workdone, stats_to_update);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode,0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(true), &workdone, stats_to_update);
static int write_literal(struct dbout *out, void*data, size_t len) {
......@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ typedef TOKU_XA_XID *XIDP; // this is the type that's passed to the logger code
static inline BLOCKNUM make_blocknum(int64_t b) { BLOCKNUM result={b}; return result; }
typedef struct gc_info_s { bool mvcc_needed; } GC_INFO;
static inline GC_INFO make_gc_info(bool mvcc_needed) { GC_INFO result = {mvcc_needed}; return result; }
// This struct hold information about values stored in the cachetable.
// As one can tell from the names, we are probably violating an
// abstraction layer by placing names.
......@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ toku_le_upgrade_13_14(LEAFENTRY_13 old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored
void toku_le_apply_msg(FT_MSG msg,
LEAFENTRY old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT *omtp,
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ static int do_insertion (enum ft_msg_type type, FILENUM filenum, BYTESTRING key,
? toku_fill_dbt(&data_dbt, data->data, data->len)
: toku_init_dbt(&data_dbt) } } };
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(h, &ftcmd, txn->oldest_referenced_xid);
toku_ft_root_put_cmd(h, &ftcmd, txn->oldest_referenced_xid, make_gc_info(!txn->recovered_from_checkpoint));
if (reset_root_xid_that_created) {
TXNID new_root_xid_that_created = xids_get_outermost_xid(xids);
toku_reset_root_xid_that_created(h, new_root_xid_that_created);
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u = {.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode,0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode,0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
leafnode->max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk = msn;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft = msn;
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd, nullptr, nullptr);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd, make_gc_info(false), nullptr, nullptr);
int r = toku_ft_lookup(brt, &thekey, lookup_checkf, &pair);
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
FT_MSG_S badcmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &badval }} };
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &badcmd, nullptr, nullptr);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &badcmd, make_gc_info(false), nullptr, nullptr);
// message should be rejected for duplicate msn, row should still have original val
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
msn = next_dummymsn();
brt->ft->h->max_msn_in_ft = msn;
FT_MSG_S cmd2 = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &val2 }} };
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd2, nullptr, nullptr);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd2, make_gc_info(false), nullptr, nullptr);
// message should be accepted, val should have new value
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ append_leaf(FT_HANDLE brt, FTNODE leafnode, void *key, uint32_t keylen, void *va
// now verify that message with lesser (older) msn is rejected
msn.msn = msn.msn - 10;
FT_MSG_S cmd3 = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &badval } }};
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd3, nullptr, nullptr);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(brt->ft->compare_fun, brt->ft->update_fun, &brt->ft->cmp_descriptor, leafnode, -1, &cmd3, make_gc_info(false), nullptr, nullptr);
// message should be rejected, val should still have value in pair2
......@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ insert_random_message_to_bn(FT_HANDLE t, BASEMENTNODE blb, LEAFENTRY *save, XIDS = valdbt;
size_t memsize;
int64_t numbytes;
toku_le_apply_msg(&msg, NULL, TXNID_NONE, &memsize, save, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numbytes);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, NULL, blb, &msg, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_le_apply_msg(&msg, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), &memsize, save, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numbytes);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, NULL, blb, &msg, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
if (msn.msn > blb->max_msn_applied.msn) {
blb->max_msn_applied = msn;
......@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ insert_same_message_to_bns(FT_HANDLE t, BASEMENTNODE blb1, BASEMENTNODE blb2, LE = valdbt;
size_t memsize;
int64_t numbytes;
toku_le_apply_msg(&msg, NULL, TXNID_NONE, &memsize, save, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numbytes);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, NULL, blb1, &msg, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_le_apply_msg(&msg, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), &memsize, save, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numbytes);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, NULL, blb1, &msg, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
if (msn.msn > blb1->max_msn_applied.msn) {
blb1->max_msn_applied = msn;
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, NULL, blb2, &msg, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, NULL, blb2, &msg, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
if (msn.msn > blb2->max_msn_applied.msn) {
blb2->max_msn_applied = msn;
......@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ flush_to_leaf(FT_HANDLE t, bool make_leaf_up_to_date, bool use_flush) {
if (make_leaf_up_to_date) {
for (i = 0; i < num_parent_messages; ++i) {
if (!parent_messages_is_fresh[i]) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, -1, parent_messages[i], make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
......@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ flush_to_leaf_with_keyrange(FT_HANDLE t, bool make_leaf_up_to_date) {
for (i = 0; i < num_parent_messages; ++i) {
if (dummy_cmp(NULL, parent_messages[i]->, &childkeys[7]) <= 0 &&
!parent_messages_is_fresh[i]) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child, -1, parent_messages[i], make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
......@@ -993,8 +993,8 @@ compare_apply_and_flush(FT_HANDLE t, bool make_leaf_up_to_date) {
if (make_leaf_up_to_date) {
for (i = 0; i < num_parent_messages; ++i) {
if (!parent_messages_is_fresh[i]) {
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child1, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child2, -1, parent_messages[i], NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child1, -1, parent_messages[i], make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_leaf_apply_cmd(t->ft->compare_fun, t->ft->update_fun, &t->ft->descriptor, child2, -1, parent_messages[i], make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
......@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ test_le_apply(ULE ule_initial, FT_MSG msg, ULE ule_expected) {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// Create bad tree (don't do following):
// leafnode->max_msn_applied_to_node = msn;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// dont forget to dirty the node
leafnode->dirty = 1;
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// dont forget to dirty the node
leafnode->dirty = 1;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// dont forget to dirty the node
leafnode->dirty = 1;
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode,0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode,0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// dont forget to dirty the node
leafnode->dirty = 1;
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// dont forget to dirty the node
leafnode->dirty = 1;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ append_leaf(FTNODE leafnode, void *key, size_t keylen, void *val, size_t vallen)
// apply an insert to the leaf node
MSN msn = next_dummymsn();
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT, msn, xids_get_root_xids(), .u={.id = { &thekey, &theval }} };
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, NULL, NULL);
toku_ft_bn_apply_cmd_once(BLB(leafnode, 0), &cmd, idx, NULL, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(false), NULL, NULL);
// dont forget to dirty the node
leafnode->dirty = 1;
......@@ -212,20 +212,27 @@ xid_reads_committed_xid(TXNID tl1, TXNID xc, const xid_omt_t &snapshot_txnids, c
// so we get rid of them.
static void
ule_simple_garbage_collection(ULE ule, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid) {
ule_simple_garbage_collection(ULE ule, TXNID oldest_referenced_xid, GC_INFO gc_info) {
uint32_t curr_index = 0;
uint32_t num_entries;
if (ule->num_cuxrs == 1 || oldest_referenced_xid == TXNID_NONE) {
if (ule->num_cuxrs == 1) {
goto done;
// starting at the top of the committed stack, find the first
// uxr with a txnid that is less than oldest_referenced_xid
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ule->num_cuxrs; i++) {
curr_index = ule->num_cuxrs - i - 1;
if (ule->uxrs[curr_index].xid < oldest_referenced_xid) {
if (gc_info.mvcc_needed) {
// starting at the top of the committed stack, find the first
// uxr with a txnid that is less than oldest_referenced_xid
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ule->num_cuxrs; i++) {
curr_index = ule->num_cuxrs - i - 1;
if (ule->uxrs[curr_index].xid < oldest_referenced_xid) {
else {
// if mvcc is not needed, we can need the top committed
// value and nothing else
curr_index = ule->num_cuxrs - 1;
// curr_index is now set to the youngest uxr older than oldest_referenced_xid
if (curr_index == 0) {
goto done;
......@@ -353,6 +360,7 @@ void
toku_le_apply_msg(FT_MSG msg, // message to apply to leafentry
LEAFENTRY old_leafentry, // NULL if there was no stored data.
TXNID oldest_referenced_xid,
GC_INFO gc_info,
size_t *new_leafentry_memorysize,
LEAFENTRY *new_leafentry_p,
OMT *omtp,
......@@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ toku_le_apply_msg(FT_MSG msg, // message to apply to leafentry
oldnumbytes = ule_get_innermost_numbytes(&ule);
msg_modify_ule(&ule, msg); // modify unpacked leafentry
ule_simple_garbage_collection(&ule, oldest_referenced_xid);
ule_simple_garbage_collection(&ule, oldest_referenced_xid, gc_info);
int rval = le_pack(&ule, // create packed leafentry
......@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ indexer_ft_delete_committed(DB_INDEXER *indexer, DB *hotdb, DBT *hotkey, XIDS xi
} else {
result = toku_ydb_check_avail_fs_space(indexer->i->env);
if (result == 0) {
toku_ft_send_delete(db_struct_i(hotdb)->ft_handle, hotkey, xids, TXNID_NONE);
toku_ft_send_delete(db_struct_i(hotdb)->ft_handle, hotkey, xids, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(true));
return result;
......@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ indexer_ft_insert_committed(DB_INDEXER *indexer, DB *hotdb, DBT *hotkey, DBT *ho
} else {
result = toku_ydb_check_avail_fs_space(indexer->i->env);
if (result == 0) {
toku_ft_send_insert(db_struct_i(hotdb)->ft_handle, hotkey, hotval, xids, FT_INSERT, TXNID_NONE);
toku_ft_send_insert(db_struct_i(hotdb)->ft_handle, hotkey, hotval, xids, FT_INSERT, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(true));
return result;
......@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ indexer_ft_commit(DB_INDEXER *indexer, DB *hotdb, DBT *hotkey, XIDS xids) {
} else {
result = toku_ydb_check_avail_fs_space(indexer->i->env);
if (result == 0)
toku_ft_send_commit_any(db_struct_i(hotdb)->ft_handle, hotkey, xids, TXNID_NONE);
toku_ft_send_commit_any(db_struct_i(hotdb)->ft_handle, hotkey, xids, TXNID_NONE, make_gc_info(true));
return result;
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