Commit 8cb01c51 authored by Marko Mäkelä's avatar Marko Mäkelä

MDEV-16264 fixup: Clean up asynchronous I/O

os_aio_userdata_t: Remove. It was basically duplicating IORequest.

buf_page_write_complete(): Take only IORequest as a parameter.

os_aio_func(), pfs_os_aio_func(): Replaced with os_aio() that has
no redundant parameters. There is only one caller, so there is no
point to pass __FILE__, __LINE__ as a parameter.
parent 118e258a
......@@ -302,16 +302,28 @@ buf_flush_relocate_on_flush_list(
/** Complete write of a file page from buf_pool.
@param bpage written page
@param request write request
@param dblwr whether the doublewrite buffer was used */
void buf_page_write_complete(buf_page_t *bpage, const IORequest &request,
bool dblwr)
@param request write request */
void buf_page_write_complete(const IORequest &request)
ut_ad(!srv_read_only_mode/* ||
request.node->space->purpose == FIL_TYPE_TEMPORARY*/);
buf_page_t *bpage= request.bpage;
ut_ad(bpage->io_fix() == BUF_IO_WRITE);
bool dblwr;
if (bpage->status == buf_page_t::INIT_ON_FLUSH)
bpage->status= buf_page_t::NORMAL;
dblwr= false;
ut_ad(bpage->status == buf_page_t::NORMAL);
dblwr= request.node->space->use_doublewrite();
/* We do not need protect io_fix here by mutex to read it because
this and buf_page_read_complete() are the only functions where we can
......@@ -3423,11 +3423,8 @@ fil_io_t fil_space_t::io(const IORequest &type, os_offset_t offset, size_t len,
goto release_sync_write;
} else {
/* Queue the aio request */
err = os_aio(
IORequest(type, node),
node->name, node->handle, buf, offset, len,
purpose != FIL_TYPE_TEMPORARY && srv_read_only_mode,
node, bpage);
err = os_aio(IORequest(bpage, node, type.type),
buf, offset, len);
/* We an try to recover the page from the double write buffer if
......@@ -3452,62 +3449,44 @@ fil_io_t fil_space_t::io(const IORequest &type, os_offset_t offset, size_t len,
#include <tpool.h>
/** Callback for AIO completion */
void fil_aio_callback(os_aio_userdata_t *data)
void fil_aio_callback(const IORequest &request)
fil_node_t *node= data->node;
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!node))
ut_ad(srv_shutdown_state == SRV_SHUTDOWN_EXIT_THREADS);
buf_page_t *bpage= static_cast<buf_page_t*>(data->message);
if (!bpage)
if (!request.bpage)
/* Asynchronous single page writes from the doublewrite buffer,
or calls from buf_flush_freed_page() don't have access to the page. */
ut_ad(request.type == IORequest::WRITE_ASYNC);
else if (data->type.is_write())
else if (request.is_write())
ut_ad(!srv_read_only_mode || node->space->purpose == FIL_TYPE_TEMPORARY);
bool dblwr= node->space->use_doublewrite();
if (dblwr && bpage->status == buf_page_t::INIT_ON_FLUSH)
bpage->status= buf_page_t::NORMAL;
dblwr= false;
buf_page_write_complete(bpage, data->type, dblwr);
goto write_completed;
/* IMPORTANT: since i/o handling for reads will read also the insert
buffer in fil_system.sys_space, we have to be very careful not to
introduce deadlocks. We never close the system tablespace (0) data
files via fil_system.LRU and we never issue asynchronous reads of
change buffer pages. */
const page_id_t id(bpage->id());
introduce deadlocks. We never close fil_system.sys_space data
files and never issue asynchronous reads of change buffer pages. */
const page_id_t id(request.bpage->id());
if (dberr_t err= buf_page_read_complete(bpage, *node))
if (dberr_t err= buf_page_read_complete(request.bpage, *request.node))
if (recv_recovery_is_on() && !srv_force_recovery)
recv_sys.found_corrupt_fs= true;
ib::error() << "Failed to read page " << id.page_no()
<< " from file '" << node->name << "': " << err;
<< " from file '" << request.node->name << "': " << err;
/** Flush to disk the writes in file spaces of the given type
......@@ -72,11 +72,8 @@ buf_flush_relocate_on_flush_list(
buf_page_t* dpage); /*!< in/out: destination block */
/** Complete write of a file page from buf_pool.
@param bpage written page
@param request write request
@param dblwr whether the doublewrite buffer was used */
void buf_page_write_complete(buf_page_t *bpage, const IORequest &request,
bool dblwr);
@param request write request */
void buf_page_write_complete(const IORequest &request);
/** Assign the full crc32 checksum for non-compressed page.
@param[in,out] page page to be updated */
......@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ class IORequest
constexpr IORequest(buf_page_t *bpage, fil_node_t *node, Type type) :
bpage(bpage), node(node), type(type) {}
constexpr IORequest(Type type= READ_SYNC, buf_page_t *bpage= nullptr) :
bpage(bpage), type(type) {}
constexpr IORequest(const IORequest &old, fil_node_t *node= nullptr) :
bpage(old.bpage), node(node), type(old.type) {}
bool is_read() const { return (type & READ_SYNC) != 0; }
bool is_write() const { return (type & WRITE_SYNC) != 0; }
bool is_LRU() const { return (type & (WRITE_LRU ^ WRITE_ASYNC)) != 0; }
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ class IORequest
buf_page_t* const bpage= nullptr;
/** File descriptor */
const fil_node_t *const node= nullptr;
fil_node_t *const node= nullptr;
/** Request type bit flags */
const Type type;
......@@ -608,12 +608,6 @@ The wrapper functions have the prefix of "innodb_". */
# define os_file_close(file) \
pfs_os_file_close_func(file, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# define os_aio(type, name, file, buf, offset, \
n, read_only, message1, message2) \
pfs_os_aio_func(type, name, file, buf, offset, \
n, read_only, message1, message2, \
__FILE__, __LINE__)
# define os_file_read(type, file, buf, offset, n) \
pfs_os_file_read_func(type, file, buf, offset, n, __FILE__, __LINE__)
......@@ -793,42 +787,6 @@ pfs_os_file_read_no_error_handling_func(
const char* src_file,
uint src_line);
/** NOTE! Please use the corresponding macro os_aio(), not directly this
Performance schema wrapper function of os_aio() which requests
an asynchronous I/O operation.
@param[in,out] type IO request context
@param[in] name Name of the file or path as NUL terminated
@param[in] file Open file handle
@param[out] buf buffer where to read
@param[in] offset file offset where to read
@param[in] n number of bytes to read
@param[in] read_only if true read only mode checks are enforced
@param[in,out] m1 Message for the AIO handler, (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@param[in,out] m2 message for the AIO handler (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@param[in] src_file file name where func invoked
@param[in] src_line line where the func invoked
@return DB_SUCCESS if request was queued successfully, FALSE if fail */
const IORequest&type,
const char* name,
pfs_os_file_t file,
void* buf,
os_offset_t offset,
ulint n,
bool read_only,
fil_node_t* m1,
void* m2,
const char* src_file,
uint src_line);
/** NOTE! Please use the corresponding macro os_file_write(), not directly
this function!
This is the performance schema instrumented wrapper function for
......@@ -950,11 +908,6 @@ to original un-instrumented file I/O APIs */
# define os_file_close(file) os_file_close_func(file)
# define os_aio(type, name, file, buf, offset, \
n, read_only, message1, message2) \
os_aio_func(type, name, file, buf, offset, \
n, read_only, message1, message2)
# define os_file_read(type, file, buf, offset, n) \
os_file_read_func(type, file, buf, offset, n)
......@@ -1202,48 +1155,14 @@ os_aio_init(
Frees the asynchronous io system. */
void os_aio_free();
struct os_aio_userdata_t
fil_node_t* node;
IORequest type;
void* message;
os_aio_userdata_t(fil_node_t*node, IORequest type, void*message) :
node(node), type(type), message(message) {}
/** Construct from tpool::aiocb::m_userdata[] */
os_aio_userdata_t(const char *buf) { memcpy((void*)this, buf, sizeof*this); }
NOTE! Use the corresponding macro os_aio(), not directly this function!
Requests an asynchronous i/o operation.
@param[in,out] type IO request context
@param[in] name Name of the file or path as NUL terminated
@param[in] file Open file handle
@param[out] buf buffer where to read
@param[in] offset file offset where to read
@param[in] n number of bytes to read
@param[in] read_only if true read only mode checks are enforced
@param[in,out] m1 Message for the AIO handler, (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@param[in,out] m2 message for the AIO handler (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@return DB_SUCCESS or error code */
const IORequest&type,
const char* name,
pfs_os_file_t file,
void* buf,
os_offset_t offset,
ulint n,
bool read_only,
fil_node_t* m1,
void* m2);
/** Request a read or write.
@param type I/O request
@param buf buffer
@param offset file offset
@param n number of bytes
@retval DB_SUCCESS if request was queued successfully
@retval DB_IO_ERROR on I/O error */
dberr_t os_aio(const IORequest &type, void *buf, os_offset_t offset, size_t n);
/** Waits until there are no pending writes in os_aio_write_array. There can
be other, synchronous, pending writes. */
Copyright (c) 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, MariaDB Corporation.
Copyright (c) 2013, 2020, MariaDB Corporation.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
......@@ -201,59 +201,6 @@ pfs_os_file_close_func(
/** NOTE! Please use the corresponding macro os_aio(), not directly this
Performance schema wrapper function of os_aio() which requests
an asynchronous i/o operation.
@param[in,type] type IO request context
@param[in] name Name of the file or path as NUL terminated
@param[in] file Open file handle
@param[out] buf buffer where to read
@param[in] offset file offset where to read
@param[in] n number of bytes to read
@param[in] read_only if true read only mode checks are enforced
@param[in,out] m1 Message for the AIO handler, (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@param[in,out] m2 message for the AIO handler (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@param[in] src_file file name where func invoked
@param[in] src_line line where the func invoked
@return DB_SUCCESS if request was queued successfully, FALSE if fail */
const IORequest&type,
const char* name,
pfs_os_file_t file,
void* buf,
os_offset_t offset,
ulint n,
bool read_only,
fil_node_t* m1,
void* m2,
const char* src_file,
uint src_line)
PSI_file_locker_state state;
struct PSI_file_locker* locker = NULL;
/* Register the read or write I/O depending on "type" */
&state, locker, file, n,
type.is_write() ? PSI_FILE_WRITE : PSI_FILE_READ,
src_file, src_line);
dberr_t result = os_aio_func(
type, name, file, buf, offset, n, read_only, m1, m2);
register_pfs_file_io_end(locker, n);
/** NOTE! Please use the corresponding macro os_file_read(), not directly
this function!
This is the performance schema instrumented wrapper function for
......@@ -3854,22 +3854,26 @@ os_file_get_status(
extern void fil_aio_callback(os_aio_userdata_t *data);
extern void fil_aio_callback(const IORequest &request);
static void io_callback(tpool::aiocb* cb)
ut_a(cb->m_err == DB_SUCCESS);
os_aio_userdata_t data(cb->m_userdata);
const IORequest request(*static_cast<const IORequest*>
(static_cast<const void*>(cb->m_userdata)));
/* Return cb back to cache*/
if (cb->m_opcode == tpool::aio_opcode::AIO_PREAD) {
if (cb->m_opcode == tpool::aio_opcode::AIO_PREAD)
} else {
......@@ -4052,91 +4056,82 @@ void os_aio_wait_until_no_pending_writes()
NOTE! Use the corresponding macro os_aio(), not directly this function!
Requests an asynchronous i/o operation.
@param[in,out] type IO request context
@param[in] name Name of the file or path as NUL terminated
@param[in] file Open file handle
@param[out] buf buffer where to read
@param[in] offset file offset where to read
@param[in] n number of bytes to read
@param[in] read_only if true read only mode checks are enforced
@param[in,out] m1 Message for the AIO handler, (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@param[in,out] m2 message for the AIO handler (can be used to
identify a completed AIO operation); ignored
if mode is OS_AIO_SYNC
@return DB_SUCCESS or error code */
const IORequest&type,
const char* name,
pfs_os_file_t file,
void* buf,
os_offset_t offset,
ulint n,
bool read_only,
fil_node_t* m1,
void* m2)
/** Request a read or write.
@param type I/O request
@param buf buffer
@param offset file offset
@param n number of bytes
@retval DB_SUCCESS if request was queued successfully
@retval DB_IO_ERROR on I/O error */
dberr_t os_aio(const IORequest &type, void *buf, os_offset_t offset, size_t n)
ut_ad(n > 0);
ut_ad((n % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0);
ut_ad((offset % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0);
ut_ad(type.is_read() || type.is_write());
ut_ad((n & 0xFFFFFFFFUL) == n);
#endif /* WIN_ASYNC_IO */
if (!type.is_async()) {
if (type.is_read()) {
return(os_file_read_func(type, file, buf, offset, n));
#ifdef UNIV_PFS_IO
PSI_file_locker_state state;
PSI_file_locker* locker= nullptr;
register_pfs_file_io_begin(&state, locker, type.node->handle, n,
__FILE__, __LINE__);
#endif /* UNIV_PFS_IO */
dberr_t err = DB_SUCCESS;
return(os_file_write_func(type, name, file, buf, offset, n));
if (!type.is_async()) {
err = type.is_read()
? os_file_read_func(type, type.node->handle,
buf, offset, n)
: os_file_write_func(type, type.node->name,
buf, offset, n);
#ifdef UNIV_PFS_IO
register_pfs_file_io_end(locker, n);
#endif /* UNIV_PFS_IO */
return err;
if (type.is_read()) {
} else {
compile_time_assert(sizeof(os_aio_userdata_t) <= tpool::MAX_AIO_USERDATA_LEN);
os_aio_userdata_t userdata{m1,type,m2};
compile_time_assert(sizeof(IORequest) <= tpool::MAX_AIO_USERDATA_LEN);
io_slots* slots= type.is_read() ? read_slots : write_slots;
tpool::aiocb* cb = slots->acquire();
cb->m_buffer = buf;
cb->m_callback = (tpool::callback_func)io_callback;
cb->m_group = slots->get_task_group();
cb->m_fh = file.m_file;
cb->m_fh = type.node->handle.m_file;
cb->m_len = (int)n;
cb->m_offset = offset;
cb->m_opcode = type.is_read() ? tpool::aio_opcode::AIO_PREAD : tpool::aio_opcode::AIO_PWRITE;
memcpy(cb->m_userdata, &userdata, sizeof(userdata));
new (cb->m_userdata) IORequest{type};
ut_a(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(cb->m_buffer) % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE
== 0);
ut_a(cb->m_len % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
ut_a(cb->m_offset % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
if (!srv_thread_pool->submit_io(cb))
return DB_SUCCESS;
if (srv_thread_pool->submit_io(cb)) {
os_file_handle_error(type.node->name, type.is_read()
? "aio read" : "aio write");
err = DB_IO_ERROR;
os_file_handle_error(name, type.is_read() ? "aio read" : "aio write");
goto func_exit;
/** Prints info of the aio arrays.
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ enum class aio_opcode
const int MAX_AIO_USERDATA_LEN= 40;
constexpr size_t MAX_AIO_USERDATA_LEN= 3 * sizeof(void*);
/** IO control block, includes parameters for the IO, and the callback*/
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