Commit 99660234 authored by marko's avatar marko

branches/zip: Minor fixes.

lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum(): Correct the comment of the parameter rec.

lock_sec_rec_read_check_and_lock(): Add the debug assertion
ut_ad(mode == LOCK_X || mode == LOCK_S).
parent da54bec7
......@@ -241,10 +241,7 @@ lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum(
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record whose lock state
is stored on the infimum
record of the same page; lock
bits are reset on the
record */
is restored */
const buf_block_t* donator);/* in: page (rec is not
necessarily on this page)
whose infimum stored the lock
......@@ -3232,10 +3232,7 @@ lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum(
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record whose lock state
is stored on the infimum
record of the same page; lock
bits are reset on the
record */
is restored */
const buf_block_t* donator)/* in: page (rec is not
necessarily on this page)
whose infimum stored the lock
......@@ -5170,6 +5167,7 @@ lock_sec_rec_read_check_and_lock(
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(rec) || page_rec_is_supremum(rec));
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
ut_ad(mode == LOCK_X || mode == LOCK_S);
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
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