Commit a5424332 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Make some of the PMA fields be unsigned.

Remove some leading __ (double underbars) from some symbols.  (Addresses #8.)
Improve the verification of node sizes (because recovery is having trouble with this.  Addresses #27.)

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@944 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent f9cf264d
......@@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ int toku_deserialize_brtnode_from (int fd, DISKOFF off, BRTNODE *brtnode, int fl
toku_pma_set_dup_mode(result->u.l.buffer, flags);
if (flags & TOKU_DB_DUPSORT) toku_pma_set_dup_compare(result->u.l.buffer, dup_compare);
//printf("%s:%d r PMA= %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, result->u.l.buffer);
......@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ int toku_deserialize_brtnode_from (int fd, DISKOFF off, BRTNODE *brtnode, int fl
for (i=0; i<n_in_buf; i++) {
bytevec key; ITEMLEN keylen;
bytevec val; ITEMLEN vallen;
// The counts are wrong here
int idx __attribute__((__unused__)) = rbuf_int(&rc);
rbuf_bytes(&rc, &key, &keylen); /* Returns a pointer into the rbuf. */
toku_fill_dbt(&keys[i], key, keylen);
......@@ -424,6 +425,7 @@ int toku_deserialize_brtnode_from (int fd, DISKOFF off, BRTNODE *brtnode, int fl
result->u.l.n_bytes_in_buffer += keylen + vallen + KEY_VALUE_OVERHEAD + PMA_ITEM_OVERHEAD;
unsigned int n_read_so_far = rc.ndone;
......@@ -450,6 +452,10 @@ void toku_verify_counts (BRTNODE node) {
if (node->height==0) {
unsigned int sum=0;
PMA_ITERATE(node->u.l.buffer, key __attribute__((__unused__)), keylen, data __attribute__((__unused__)), datalen,
sum+=(PMA_ITEM_OVERHEAD + KEY_VALUE_OVERHEAD + keylen + datalen));
} else {
unsigned int sum = 0;
int i;
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ struct pma_cursor {
struct pma {
enum typ_tag tag;
int dup_mode;
int N; /* How long is the array? Always a power of two >= 4. */
unsigned int N; /* How long is the array? Always a power of two >= 4. */
int n_pairs_present; /* How many array elements are non-null. */
struct kv_pair **pairs;
int uplgN; /* The smallest power of two >= lg(N) */
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ int toku_pmainternal_count_region (struct kv_pair *pairs[], int lo, int hi);
void toku_pmainternal_calculate_parameters (PMA pma);
int toku_pmainternal_smooth_region (TOKUTXN, FILENUM, DISKOFF, struct kv_pair */*pairs*/[], int /*n*/, int /*idx*/, int /*base*/, PMA /*pma*/, int */*new_idx*/);
int toku_pmainternal_printpairs (struct kv_pair *pairs[], int N);
int toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (TOKUTXN, FILENUM, DISKOFF, PMA pma, int idx, int *new_index);
int toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (TOKUTXN, FILENUM, DISKOFF, PMA pma, int idx, unsigned int *new_index);
int toku_pmainternal_find (PMA pma, DBT *); // The DB is so the comparison fuction can be called.
void toku_print_pma (PMA pma); /* useful for debugging, so keep the name short. I.e., not pmainternal_print_pma() */
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ void local_memory_check_all_free(void) {
static void test_make_space_at (void) {
PMA pma;
char *key;
int r, newi;
int r;
unsigned int newi;
struct kv_pair *key_A, *key_B;
key = "A";
......@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ static void test_make_space_at (void) {
printf("r=%d\n", newi);
int i;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma); i++) {
if (pma->pairs[i]) {
......@@ -102,9 +103,9 @@ static void test_make_space_at (void) {
static void test_pma_find (void) {
PMA pma;
int i;
unsigned int i, fidx;
int r;
const int N = 16;
const unsigned int N = 16;
DBT k;
......@@ -118,25 +119,25 @@ static void test_pma_find (void) {
pma->pairs[5] = kv_pair_malloc("hello", 5, 0, 0);
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "hello", 5));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "hello", 5));
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "there", 5));
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "aaa", 3));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "there", 5));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "aaa", 3));
pma->pairs[N-1] = kv_pair_malloc("there", 5, 0, 0);
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "hello", 5));
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "there", 5));
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "aaa", 3));
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "hellob", 6));
r=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "zzz", 3));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "hello", 5));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "there", 5));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "aaa", 3));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "hellob", 6));
fidx=toku_pmainternal_find(pma, toku_fill_dbt(&k, "zzz", 3));
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
if (pma->pairs[i])
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ static int old_pma_resize_array(PMA pma, int asksize, int startx) {
* extract pairs from the pma in the window delimited by lo and hi.
static struct kv_pair_tag *__pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma, int count, int lo, int hi);
static struct kv_pair_tag *pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma, int count, unsigned int lo, unsigned int hi);
* update the cursors in a cursor set given a set of tagged pairs.
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ static int pma_compress_kvspace(PMA pma) {
return -2;
struct mempool new_kvspace;
toku_mempool_init(&new_kvspace, mp, pma->kvspace.size);
int i;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<pma->N; i++) {
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[i];
if (kv_pair_inuse(kv)) {
......@@ -174,42 +174,42 @@ int toku_pma_n_entries (PMA pma) {
return pma->n_pairs_present;
int toku_pma_index_limit (PMA pma) {
unsigned int toku_pma_index_limit (PMA pma) {
return pma->N;
int toku_pmanode_valid (PMA pma, int i) {
assert(0<=i); assert(i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
int toku_pmanode_valid (PMA pma, unsigned int i) {
return kv_pair_valid(pma->pairs[i]);
bytevec toku_pmanode_key (PMA pma, int i) {
bytevec toku_pmanode_key (PMA pma, unsigned int i) {
struct kv_pair *pair;
assert(0<=i); assert(i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
pair = pma->pairs[i];
return kv_pair_key(pair);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_keylen (PMA pma, int i) {
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_keylen (PMA pma, unsigned int i) {
struct kv_pair *pair;
assert(0<=i); assert(i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
pair = pma->pairs[i];
return kv_pair_keylen(pair);
bytevec toku_pmanode_val (PMA pma, int i) {
bytevec toku_pmanode_val (PMA pma, unsigned int i) {
struct kv_pair *pair;
assert(0<=i); assert(i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
pair = pma->pairs[i];
return kv_pair_val(pair);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_vallen (PMA pma, int i) {
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_vallen (PMA pma, unsigned int i) {
struct kv_pair *pair;
assert(0<=i); assert(i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
pair = pma->pairs[i];
return kv_pair_vallen(pair);
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_vallen (PMA pma, int i) {
/* Could pick the same one every time if we wanted. */
int toku_pma_random_pick(PMA pma, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *val, ITEMLEN *vallen) {
#if 1
int i;
unsigned int i;
/* For now a simple implementation where we simply start at the beginning and look. */
for (i=0; i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma); i++) {
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ static int __pma_right_search(PMA pma, DBT *k, int lo, int hi, int *found) {
/* search the index for the left most matching key */
static int __pma_left_search(PMA pma, DBT *k, int lo, int hi, int *found) {
static unsigned int pma_left_search(PMA pma, DBT *k, int lo, int hi, int *found) {
assert(0 <= lo && lo <= hi);
if (lo >= hi) {
*found = 0;
......@@ -333,18 +333,18 @@ static int __pma_left_search(PMA pma, DBT *k, int lo, int hi, int *found) {
while (mi < hi && !kv_pair_inuse(pma->pairs[mi]))
if (mi >= hi)
return __pma_left_search(pma, k, lo, omi, found);
return pma_left_search(pma, k, lo, omi, found);
struct kv_pair *kv = kv_pair_ptr(pma->pairs[mi]);
DBT k2;
int cmp = pma->compare_fun(pma->db, k, toku_fill_dbt(&k2, kv_pair_key(kv), kv_pair_keylen(kv)));
if (cmp > 0)
return __pma_left_search(pma, k, mi+1, hi, found);
return pma_left_search(pma, k, mi+1, hi, found);
if (cmp < 0)
return __pma_left_search(pma, k, lo, mi, found);
return pma_left_search(pma, k, lo, mi, found);
/* we have a match, try to find a match on the left tree */
int here;
here = __pma_left_search(pma, k, lo, mi, found);
here = pma_left_search(pma, k, lo, mi, found);
if (*found == 0)
here = mi;
*found = 1;
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ int toku_pmainternal_find (PMA pma, DBT *k) {
assert(hi <= toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
assert((unsigned)hi <= toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
#if 0
/* If lo points at something, the something should not be smaller than key. */
if (lo>0 && lo < toku_pma_index_limit(pma) && pma->pairs[lo]) {
......@@ -559,6 +559,11 @@ int toku_pmainternal_smooth_region (TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF diskof
int r=toku_log_pmadistribute(txn, toku_txn_get_txnid(txn), filenum, diskoff, ipa);
if (0 && pma) {
printf("Pma state:\n");
PMA_ITERATE_IDX (pma, pidx, key, keylen, data, datalen,
printf(" %d:(%d:%s) (%d:%s)\n", pidx, keylen, (char*)key, datalen, (char*)data));
if (r!=0) return r;
......@@ -642,7 +647,7 @@ int toku_pma_create(PMA *pma, pma_compare_fun_t compare_fun, DB *db, FILENUM fil
/* find the smallest power of 2 >= n */
static int __pma_array_size(PMA pma __attribute__((unused)), int asksize) {
static unsigned int pma_array_size(PMA pma __attribute__((unused)), int asksize) {
while (n < asksize)
n *= 2;
......@@ -660,7 +665,7 @@ int toku_resize_pma_exactly (PMA pma, int oldsize, int newsize) {
return -1;
pma->pairs[pma->N] = (void *) 0xdeadbeef;
int i;
unsigned int i;
for (i=oldsize; i<pma->N; i++) {
pma->pairs[i] = 0;
......@@ -668,10 +673,8 @@ int toku_resize_pma_exactly (PMA pma, int oldsize, int newsize) {
static int pma_resize_array(TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF offset, PMA pma, int asksize, int startz) {
int n;
int oldN = pma->N;
n = __pma_array_size(pma, asksize);
unsigned int oldN = pma->N;
unsigned int n = pma_array_size(pma, asksize);
int r = toku_resize_pma_exactly(pma, startz, n);
if (r!=0) return r;
......@@ -754,7 +757,7 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_first (PMA_CURSOR c) {
int old_position = c->position;
while (!kv_pair_valid(c->pma->pairs[c->position])) {
if (c->position+1<pma->N)
if (c->position+1<(signed)pma->N)
else {
c->position = -1;
......@@ -771,7 +774,7 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_next (PMA_CURSOR c) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
int old_position=c->position;
while (c->position<pma->N) {
while (c->position<(signed)pma->N) {
if (kv_pair_valid(c->pma->pairs[c->position])) {
__pma_delete_resume(pma, old_position);
return 0;
......@@ -807,14 +810,15 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_get_current(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val) {
int toku_pma_cursor_set_key(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
int here, found;
unsigned int here;
int found;
if (pma->dup_mode & TOKU_DB_DUP) {
here = __pma_left_search(pma, key, 0, pma->N, &found);
here = pma_left_search(pma, key, 0, pma->N, &found);
} else
here = toku_pmainternal_find(pma, key);
assert(0<=here ); assert(here<=toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
int r = DB_NOTFOUND;
if (here < pma->N) {
if (here < (unsigned)pma->N) {
DBT k2;
struct kv_pair *pair = pma->pairs[here];
if (kv_pair_valid(pair) &&
......@@ -829,8 +833,8 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_set_key(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key) {
int toku_pma_cursor_set_both(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
int here = toku_pmainternal_find(pma, key);
assert(0<=here ); assert(here<=toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
unsigned int here = toku_pmainternal_find(pma, key);
int r = DB_NOTFOUND;
if (here < pma->N) {
DBT k2, v2;
......@@ -848,12 +852,13 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_set_both(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val) {
int toku_pma_cursor_set_range(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
int here, found;
unsigned int here;
int found;
if (pma->dup_mode & TOKU_DB_DUP)
here = __pma_left_search(pma, key, 0, pma->N, &found);
here = pma_left_search(pma, key, 0, pma->N, &found);
here = toku_pmainternal_find(pma, key);
assert(0<=here ); assert(here<=toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
/* find the first valid pair where key[here] >= key */
int r = DB_NOTFOUND;
......@@ -874,7 +879,7 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_delete_under(PMA_CURSOR c, int *kvsize) {
int r = DB_NOTFOUND;
if (c->position >= 0) {
PMA pma = c->pma;
assert(c->position < pma->N);
assert((unsigned)c->position < pma->N);
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[c->position];
if (kv_pair_valid(kv)) {
if (kvsize)
......@@ -902,13 +907,13 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_free (PMA_CURSOR *cursp) {
/* Make some space for a key to go at idx (the thing currently at idx should end up at to the right.) */
/* (Making space may involve moving things around, including the hole at index.) */
int toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF offset, PMA pma, int idx, int *new_index) {
int toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF offset, PMA pma, int idx, unsigned int *new_index) {
/* Within a range LO to HI we have a limit of how much packing we will tolerate.
* We allow the entire array to be 50% full.
* We allow a region of size lgN to be full.
* At sizes in between, we interpolate.
int size=pma->uplgN;
unsigned int size=pma->uplgN;
int lo=idx;
int hi=idx;
double udt=PMA_UDT_HIGH;
......@@ -918,20 +923,20 @@ int toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF offset
//printf("lo=%d hi=%d\n", lo, hi);
if (lo<0) { hi-=lo; lo=0; }
else if (hi>toku_pma_index_limit(pma)) { lo-=(hi-toku_pma_index_limit(pma)); hi=toku_pma_index_limit(pma); }
else if ((unsigned)hi>toku_pma_index_limit(pma)) { lo-=(hi-toku_pma_index_limit(pma)); hi=toku_pma_index_limit(pma); }
else { ; /* nothing */ }
//printf("lo=%d hi=%d\n", lo, hi);
assert(0<=lo); assert(lo<hi); assert(hi<=toku_pma_index_limit(pma)); assert(hi-lo==size); // separate into separate assertions so that gcov doesn't see branches not taken.
assert(0<=lo); assert(lo<hi); assert((unsigned)hi<=toku_pma_index_limit(pma)); assert((unsigned)(hi-lo)==size); // separate into separate assertions so that gcov doesn't see branches not taken.
assert(udt>0.499); assert(udt<=1);
if (udt<0.5001) { assert(lo==0); assert(hi==toku_pma_index_limit(pma)); }
if (udt<0.5001) { assert(lo==0); assert((unsigned)hi==toku_pma_index_limit(pma)); }
int count = (1+ /* Don't forget space for the new guy. */
toku_pmainternal_count_region(pma->pairs, lo, hi));
double density = (double) count / (double) (hi - lo);
if (density <= udt)
if (lo==0 && hi==toku_pma_index_limit(pma)) {
if (lo==0 && (unsigned)hi==toku_pma_index_limit(pma)) {
/* The array needs to be doubled in size. */
......@@ -959,12 +964,13 @@ int toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF offset
enum pma_errors toku_pma_lookup (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v) {
int here, found;
unsigned int here;
int found;
if (pma->dup_mode & TOKU_DB_DUP) {
here = __pma_left_search(pma, k, 0, pma->N, &found);
here = pma_left_search(pma, k, 0, pma->N, &found);
} else
here = toku_pmainternal_find(pma, k);
assert(0<=here ); assert(here<=toku_pma_index_limit(pma));
if (here==toku_pma_index_limit(pma)) return DB_NOTFOUND;
DBT k2;
struct kv_pair *pair;
......@@ -979,12 +985,12 @@ enum pma_errors toku_pma_lookup (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v) {
/* returns 0 if OK.
* You must have freed all the cursors, otherwise returns nonzero and does nothing. */
int toku_pma_free (PMA *pmap) {
int i;
PMA pma=*pmap;
if (!list_empty(&pma->cursors))
return -1;
if (pma->n_pairs_present > 0) {
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i < pma->N; i++) {
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[i];
if (kv_pair_inuse(kv)) {
......@@ -1011,7 +1017,8 @@ int toku_pma_free (PMA *pmap) {
/* Copies keylen and datalen */
/* returns an error if the key is already present. */
int toku_pma_insert (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v, TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF diskoff, u_int32_t rand4fingerprint, u_int32_t *fingerprint) {
int found, idx;
int found;
unsigned int idx;
if (pma->dup_mode & TOKU_DB_DUPSORT) {
idx = __pma_dup_search(pma, k, v, 0, pma->N, &found);
......@@ -1040,12 +1047,12 @@ int toku_pma_insert (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v, TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISK
if (kv_pair_inuse(pma->pairs[idx])) {
int newidx;
unsigned int newidx;
int r = toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (txn, filenum, diskoff, pma, idx, &newidx); /* returns the new idx. */
if (r!=0) return r;
idx = newidx;
assert(0 <= idx && idx < pma->N);
assert(idx < pma->N);
pma->pairs[idx] = pma_malloc_kv_pair(pma, k->data, k->size, v->data, v->size);
......@@ -1076,8 +1083,9 @@ static int pma_next_key(PMA pma, DBT *k, int here, int n, int *found) {
static int pma_delete_dup (PMA pma, DBT *k, u_int32_t rand4sem, u_int32_t *fingerprint, u_int32_t *deleted_size) {
/* find the left most matching key in the pma */
int found, lefthere;
lefthere = __pma_left_search(pma, k, 0, pma->N, &found);
int found;
unsigned int lefthere;
lefthere = pma_left_search(pma, k, 0, pma->N, &found);
int rightfound = found, righthere = lefthere;
while (rightfound) {
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[righthere];
......@@ -1144,15 +1152,12 @@ static void __pma_delete_finish(PMA pma, int here) {
static void __pma_delete_at(PMA pma, int here) {
int size;
int count;
struct kv_pair_tag *newpairs;
int lgN;
double ldt;
lgN = pma->uplgN;
size = lgN;
unsigned int lgN = pma->uplgN;
unsigned int size = lgN;
double ldt = PMA_LDT_HIGH;
/* check the density of regions from lg(N) size to the entire array */
for (;;) {
......@@ -1165,9 +1170,9 @@ static void __pma_delete_at(PMA pma, int here) {
if (lo < 0) {
hi -= lo;
lo = 0;
if (hi > pma->N)
if ((unsigned)hi > pma->N)
hi = pma->N;
} else if (hi > pma->N) {
} else if ((unsigned)hi > pma->N) {
lo -= hi - pma->N;
hi = pma->N;
if (lo < 0)
......@@ -1186,7 +1191,7 @@ static void __pma_delete_at(PMA pma, int here) {
if (size == lgN)
if (0) printf("delete_at_rebalance %d over %d %d\n", count, lo, hi);
newpairs = __pma_extract_pairs(pma, count, lo, hi);
newpairs = pma_extract_pairs(pma, count, lo, hi);
distribute_data(pma->pairs + lo, hi - lo, newpairs, count, pma);
__pma_update_my_cursors(pma, newpairs, count);
......@@ -1194,16 +1199,16 @@ static void __pma_delete_at(PMA pma, int here) {
ldt -= pma->ldt_step;
size *= 2;
if (0 == lo && pma->N == hi)
if (0 == lo && pma->N == (unsigned)hi)
/* shrink */
size = __pma_array_size(pma, count + count/4);
size = pma_array_size(pma, count + count/4);
if (size == pma->N)
if (0) printf("shrink %d from %d to %d\n", count, pma->N, size);
newpairs = __pma_extract_pairs(pma, count, 0, pma->N);
newpairs = pma_extract_pairs(pma, count, 0, pma->N);
old_pma_resize_array(pma, size, 0);
distribute_data(pma->pairs, pma->N, newpairs, count, pma);
......@@ -1218,7 +1223,8 @@ int toku_pma_insert_or_replace (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v,
u_int32_t rand4fingerprint, u_int32_t *fingerprint) {
//printf("%s:%d v->size=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, v->size);
int r;
int idx, found;
unsigned int idx;
int found;
if (pma->dup_mode & TOKU_DB_DUPSORT) {
idx = __pma_dup_search(pma, k, v, 0, pma->N, &found);
if (found)
......@@ -1255,7 +1261,7 @@ int toku_pma_insert_or_replace (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v,
if (kv_pair_inuse(pma->pairs[idx])) {
int newidx;
unsigned int newidx;
r = toku_pmainternal_make_space_at (txn, filenum, diskoff, pma, idx, &newidx); /* returns the new idx. */
if (r!=0) return r;
......@@ -1278,7 +1284,7 @@ int toku_pma_insert_or_replace (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v,
void toku_pma_iterate (PMA pma, void(*f)(bytevec,ITEMLEN,bytevec,ITEMLEN, void*), void*v) {
int i;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<toku_pma_index_limit(pma); i++) {
struct kv_pair *pair = pma->pairs[i];
if (pair) {
......@@ -1350,9 +1356,9 @@ static void __pma_update_my_cursors(PMA pma, struct kv_pair_tag *tpairs, int n)
static struct kv_pair_tag *__pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma, int npairs, int lo, int hi) {
static struct kv_pair_tag *pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma, int npairs, unsigned int lo, unsigned int hi) {
struct kv_pair_tag *pairs;
int i;
unsigned int i;
int lastpair;
pairs = toku_malloc(npairs * sizeof (struct kv_pair_tag));
......@@ -1360,7 +1366,7 @@ static struct kv_pair_tag *__pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma, int npairs, int lo, int
return 0;
lastpair = 0;
for (i=lo; i<hi; i++) {
assert(0 <= i && i < pma->N);
assert(i < pma->N);
if (pma->pairs[i] != 0) {
assert(pma->pairs[i] != (void*)0xdeadbeef);
pairs[lastpair].pair = pma->pairs[i];
......@@ -1376,7 +1382,7 @@ static struct kv_pair_tag *__pma_extract_pairs(PMA pma, int npairs, int lo, int
static void __pma_relocate_kvpairs(PMA pma) {
int i;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<pma->N; i++) {
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[i];
if (kv) {
......@@ -1423,7 +1429,7 @@ int toku_pma_split(TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum,
assert(toku_pma_n_entries(rightpma) == 0);
/* TODO move pairs to the stack */
pairs = __pma_extract_pairs(origpma, npairs, 0, origpma->N);
pairs = pma_extract_pairs(origpma, npairs, 0, origpma->N);
origpma->n_pairs_present = 0;
......@@ -1581,7 +1587,7 @@ int toku_pma_bulk_insert(TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF diskoff, PMA pma,
void toku_pma_verify(PMA pma) {
int i;
unsigned int i;
struct kv_pair *kv;
/* find the first key in the index */
......@@ -1640,8 +1646,8 @@ void toku_pma_verify_fingerprint (PMA pma, u_int32_t rand4fingerprint, u_int32_t
// If the index is wrong or there is a value already, return nonzero
// There should be no cursors, but if there were they wouldn't need to be updated.
int toku_pma_set_at_index (PMA pma, int idx, DBT *key, DBT *value) {
if (idx<0 || idx>=pma->N) return -1;
int toku_pma_set_at_index (PMA pma, unsigned int idx, DBT *key, DBT *value) {
if (idx>=pma->N) return -1;
if (kv_pair_inuse(pma->pairs[idx])) return -1;
pma->pairs[idx] = pma_malloc_kv_pair(pma, key->data, key->size, value->data, value->size);
......@@ -122,17 +122,17 @@ int toku_pma_cursor_delete_under(PMA_CURSOR c, int *kvsize);
int toku_pma_random_pick(PMA, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *data, ITEMLEN *datalen);
int toku_pma_index_limit(PMA); // How many slots are in the PMA right now?
int toku_pmanode_valid(PMA,int);
bytevec toku_pmanode_key(PMA,int);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_keylen(PMA,int);
bytevec toku_pmanode_val(PMA,int);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_vallen(PMA,int);
unsigned int toku_pma_index_limit(PMA); // How many slots are in the PMA right now?
int toku_pmanode_valid(PMA, unsigned int);
bytevec toku_pmanode_key(PMA, unsigned int);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_keylen(PMA, unsigned int);
bytevec toku_pmanode_val(PMA, unsigned int);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_vallen(PMA, unsigned int);
void toku_pma_iterate (PMA, void(*)(bytevec,ITEMLEN,bytevec,ITEMLEN, void*), void*);
#define PMA_ITERATE_IDX(table,idx,keyvar,keylenvar,datavar,datalenvar,body) ({ \
int idx; \
unsigned int idx; \
for (idx=0; idx<toku_pma_index_limit(table); idx++) { \
if (toku_pmanode_valid(table,idx)) { \
bytevec keyvar = toku_pmanode_key(table,idx); \
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void toku_pma_verify_fingerprint (PMA pma, u_int32_t rand4fingerprint, u_int32_t
// Set the PMA's size, without moving anything.
int toku_resize_pma_exactly (PMA pma, int oldsize, int newsize);
int toku_pma_set_at_index (PMA, int /*index*/, DBT */*key*/, DBT */*value*/); // If the index is wrong or there is a value already, return nonzero
int toku_pma_set_at_index (PMA, unsigned int /*index*/, DBT */*key*/, DBT */*value*/); // If the index is wrong or there is a value already, return nonzero
// Requires: No open cursors on the pma.
int toku_pma_move_indices (PMA pma, INTPAIRARRAY fromto); // Return nonzero if the indices are somehow wrong.
......@@ -180,6 +180,13 @@ static void toku_recover_pmadistribute (struct logtype_pmadistribute *c) {
BRTNODE node = node_v;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<c->fromto.size; i++) {
assert(c->fromto.array[i].a < toku_pma_index_limit(node->u.l.buffer));
assert(c->fromto.array[i].b < toku_pma_index_limit(node->u.l.buffer));
r = toku_pma_move_indices (node->u.l.buffer, c->fromto);
// The bytes in bufer and fingerprint shouldn't change
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