Commit a9a717a6 authored by unknown's avatar unknown


parents f9130cfc 83dd923a
......@@ -1159,7 +1159,10 @@ NdbEventBuffer::nextEvent()
NdbEventOperationImpl *op= data->m_event_op;
DBUG_PRINT_EVENT("info", ("available data=%p op=%p", data, op));
// blob table ops must not be seen at this level
* If merge is on, blob part sub-events must not be seen on this level.
* If merge is not on, there are no blob part sub-events.
assert(op->theMainOp == NULL);
// set NdbEventOperation data
......@@ -1175,13 +1178,6 @@ NdbEventBuffer::nextEvent()
// NUL event is not returned
if (data->sdata->operation == NdbDictionary::Event::_TE_NUL)
DBUG_PRINT_EVENT("info", ("skip _TE_NUL"));
int r= op->receive_event();
if (r > 0)
......@@ -1203,6 +1199,12 @@ NdbEventBuffer::nextEvent()
gci_ops = m_available_data.next_gci_ops();
assert(gci_ops && (op->getGCI() == gci_ops->m_gci));
// to return TE_NUL it should be made into data event
if (data->sdata->operation == NdbDictionary::Event::_TE_NUL)
DBUG_PRINT_EVENT("info", ("skip _TE_NUL"));
// the next event belonged to an event op that is no
......@@ -1800,19 +1802,19 @@ NdbEventBuffer::insertDataL(NdbEventOperationImpl *op,
// event with same op, PK found, merge into old buffer
Uint32 old_op = data->sdata->operation;
if (unlikely(merge_data(sdata, ptr, data)))
op->m_has_error = 3;
Uint32 new_op = data->sdata->operation;
// make Gci_ops reflect the merge by delete old and add new
EventBufData_list::Gci_op g = { op, (1 << old_op) };
// bucket->m_data.del_gci_op(g); // XXX whats wrong? fix later
g.event_types = (1 << new_op);
// merge is on so we do not report blob part events
if (! is_blob_event) {
// report actual operation, not composite
// there is no way to "fix" the flags for a composite op
// since the flags represent multiple ops on multiple PKs
EventBufData_list::Gci_op g = { op, (1 << sdata->operation) };
......@@ -2381,21 +2383,18 @@ void EventBufData_list::append_list(EventBufData_list *list, Uint64 gci)
EventBufData_list::add_gci_op(Gci_op g, bool del)
EventBufData_list::add_gci_op(Gci_op g)
DBUG_PRINT_EVENT("info", ("p.op: %p g.event_types: %x", g.op, g.event_types));
assert(g.op != NULL);
assert(g.op != NULL && g.op->theMainOp == NULL); // as in nextEvent
Uint32 i;
for (i = 0; i < m_gci_op_count; i++) {
if (m_gci_op_list[i].op == g.op)
if (i < m_gci_op_count) {
if (! del)
m_gci_op_list[i].event_types |= g.event_types;
m_gci_op_list[i].event_types &= ~ g.event_types;
m_gci_op_list[i].event_types |= g.event_types;
} else {
if (m_gci_op_count == m_gci_op_alloc) {
Uint32 n = 1 + 2 * m_gci_op_alloc;
......@@ -2413,7 +2412,6 @@ EventBufData_list::add_gci_op(Gci_op g, bool del)
m_gci_op_alloc = n;
assert(m_gci_op_count < m_gci_op_alloc);
assert(! del);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
i = m_gci_op_count;
......@@ -145,9 +145,7 @@ public:
Gci_ops *first_gci_ops();
Gci_ops *next_gci_ops();
// case 1 above; add Gci_op to single list
void add_gci_op(Gci_op g, bool del = false);
// delete bit from existing flags
void del_gci_op(Gci_op g) { add_gci_op(g, true); }
void add_gci_op(Gci_op g);
// case 2 above; move single list or multi list from
// one list to another
......@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
* operation and its post/pre data
* 2) In event API version >= 5.1 separate commits within same GCI are
* by default merged. This is required to read blob data via NdbBlob.
* optionally merged. This is required to read blob data via NdbBlob.
* In this test merge is on by default.
* Option --separate-events disables GCI merge and implies --no-blobs.
* This is used to test basic events functionality.
......@@ -56,6 +58,10 @@
* Event merge in NDB API handles idempotent INS o INS and DEL o DEL
* which are possible on NF (node failure). This test does not handle
* them when --separate-events is used.
struct Opts {
......@@ -72,6 +78,7 @@ struct Opts {
my_bool one_blob;
const char* opstring;
uint seed;
int maxtab;
my_bool separate_events;
uint tweak; // whatever's useful
my_bool use_table;
......@@ -79,6 +86,7 @@ struct Opts {
static Opts g_opts;
static const uint g_maxpk = 1000;
static const uint g_maxtab = 100;
static const uint g_maxopstringpart = 100;
static const char* g_opstringpart[g_maxopstringpart];
static uint g_opstringparts = 0;
......@@ -91,8 +99,6 @@ static NdbTransaction* g_con = 0;
static NdbOperation* g_op = 0;
static NdbScanOperation* g_scan_op = 0;
static const char* g_tabname = "tem1";
static const char* g_evtname = "tem1ev1";
static const uint g_charlen = 5;
static const char* g_charval = "abcdefgh";
static const char* g_csname = "latin1_swedish_ci";
......@@ -102,9 +108,6 @@ static uint g_blobpartsize = 2000;
static uint g_blobstripesize = 2;
static const uint g_maxblobsize = 100000;
static const NdbDictionary::Table* g_tab = 0;
static const NdbDictionary::Event* g_evt = 0;
static NdbEventOperation* g_evt_op = 0;
static NdbBlob* g_bh = 0;
......@@ -151,6 +154,9 @@ static int& g_loglevel = g_opts.loglevel; // default log level
#define ll2(x) \
do { if (g_loglevel < 2) break; ndbout << x << endl; } while (0)
#define ll3(x) \
do { if (g_loglevel < 3) break; ndbout << x << endl; } while (0)
static void
......@@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ errdb()
if (g_bh != 0) {
const NdbError& e = g_bh->getNdbError();
if (e.code != 0)
ll0(++any << " evt_op: error " << e);
ll0(++any << " bh: error " << e);
if (! any)
ll0("unknown db error");
......@@ -209,7 +215,7 @@ struct Col {
static Col g_col[] = {
static const Col g_col[] = {
{ 0, "pk1", NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, true, false, 1, 4 },
{ 1, "pk2", NdbDictionary::Column::Char, true, false, g_charlen, g_charlen },
{ 2, "seq", NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned, false, false, 1, 4 },
......@@ -229,7 +235,7 @@ ncol()
if (g_opts.no_blobs)
n -= g_blobcols;
else if (g_opts.one_blob)
n -= (g_blobcols - 1);
n -= (g_blobcols - 2);
return n;
......@@ -252,17 +258,49 @@ getcol(const char* name)
return getcol(i);
struct Tab {
char tabname[20];
const Col* col;
const NdbDictionary::Table* tab;
char evtname[20];
const NdbDictionary::Event* evt;
Tab(uint idx) :
sprintf(tabname, "tem%d", idx);
sprintf(evtname, "tem%dev", idx);
static Tab* g_tablst[g_maxtab];
static uint
return g_opts.maxtab;
static Tab&
tab(uint i)
assert(i < maxtab() && g_tablst[i] != 0);
return *g_tablst[i];
static int
createtable(Tab& t)
g_tab = 0;
NdbDictionary::Table tab(g_tabname);
ll2("createtable: " << t.tabname); = 0;
NdbDictionary::Table tab(t.tabname);
chkrc((cs = get_charset_by_name(g_csname, MYF(0))) != 0);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = g_col[i];
const Col& c = t.col[i];
NdbDictionary::Column col(;
......@@ -295,16 +333,16 @@ createtable()
g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary();
if (! g_opts.use_table) {
if (g_dic->getTable(g_tabname) != 0)
chkdb(g_dic->dropTable(g_tabname) == 0);
if (g_dic->getTable(t.tabname) != 0)
chkdb(g_dic->dropTable(t.tabname) == 0);
chkdb(g_dic->createTable(tab) == 0);
chkdb((g_tab = g_dic->getTable(g_tabname)) != 0);
chkdb(( = g_dic->getTable(t.tabname)) != 0);
g_dic = 0;
if (! g_opts.use_table) {
// extra row for GCI probe
chkdb((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0);
chkdb((g_op = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_tabname)) != 0);
chkdb((g_op = g_con->getNdbOperation(t.tabname)) != 0);
chkdb(g_op->insertTuple() == 0);
Uint32 pk1;
char pk2[g_charlen + 1];
......@@ -321,17 +359,94 @@ createtable()
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxtab(); i++)
chkrc(createtable(tab(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
droptable(Tab& t)
ll2("droptable: " << t.tabname);
if (! g_opts.use_table) {
g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary();
chkdb(g_dic->dropTable(g_tab->getName()) == 0);
g_tab = 0;
chkdb(g_dic->dropTable(t.tabname) == 0); = 0;
g_dic = 0;
return 0;
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxtab(); i++)
chkrc(droptable(tab(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
createevent(Tab& t)
ll2("createevent: " << t.evtname);
t.evt = 0;
g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary();
NdbDictionary::Event evt(t.evtname);
assert( != 0);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = g_col[i];
evt.mergeEvents(! g_opts.separate_events);
#if 0 // XXX random bugs
if (g_dic->getEvent(t.evtname) != 0)
chkdb(g_dic->dropEvent(t.evtname) == 0);
chkdb(g_dic->createEvent(evt) == 0);
chkdb((t.evt = g_dic->getEvent(t.evtname)) != 0);
g_dic = 0;
return 0;
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxtab(); i++)
chkrc(createevent(tab(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
dropevent(Tab& t, bool force = false)
ll2("dropevent: " << t.evtname);
g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary();
chkdb(g_dic->dropEvent(t.evtname) == 0 || force);
t.evt = 0;
g_dic = 0;
return 0;
static int
dropevent(bool force = false)
for (uint i = 0; i < maxtab(); i++)
chkrc(dropevent(tab(i), force) == 0 || force);
return 0;
struct Data {
struct Txt { char* val; uint len; };
union Ptr { Uint32* u32; char* ch; Txt* txt; void* v; };
......@@ -445,15 +560,15 @@ operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Data& d)
case NdbDictionary::Column::Text:
case NdbDictionary::Column::Blob:
Data::Txt& t = *d.ptr[i].txt;
Data::Txt& txt = *d.ptr[i].txt;
bool first = true;
uint j = 0;
while (j < t.len) {
while (j < txt.len) {
char c[2];
c[0] = t.val[j++];
c[0] = txt.val[j++];
c[1] = 0;
uint m = 1;
while (j < t.len && t.val[j] == c[0])
while (j < txt.len && txt.val[j] == c[0])
j++, m++;
if (! first)
out << "+";
......@@ -471,10 +586,11 @@ operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Data& d)
// some random os may define these
#undef NUL
#undef UNDEF
#undef INS
#undef DEL
#undef UPD
#undef NUL
static const uint g_optypes = 3; // real ops 0-2
......@@ -485,7 +601,7 @@ static const uint g_optypes = 3; // real ops 0-2
struct Op { // single or composite
enum Kind { OP = 1, EV = 2 };
enum Type { NUL = -1, INS, DEL, UPD };
enum Type { UNDEF = -1, INS, DEL, UPD, NUL };
Kind kind;
Type type;
Op* next_op; // within one commit
......@@ -499,10 +615,10 @@ struct Op { // single or composite
Data data[2]; // 0-post 1-pre
bool match; // matched to event
Uint32 gci; // defined for com op and event
void init(Kind a_kind) {
void init(Kind a_kind, Type a_type = UNDEF) {
kind = a_kind;
assert(kind == OP || kind == EV);
type = NUL;
type = a_type;
next_op = next_com = next_gci = next_ev = next_free = 0;
free = false;
num_op = num_com = 0;
......@@ -518,12 +634,9 @@ struct Op { // single or composite
static NdbOut&
operator<<(NdbOut& out, Op::Type t)
operator<<(NdbOut& out, Op::Type optype)
switch (t) {
case Op::NUL:
out << "NUL";
switch (optype) {
case Op::INS:
out << "INS";
......@@ -533,8 +646,11 @@ operator<<(NdbOut& out, Op::Type t)
case Op::UPD:
out << "UPD";
case Op::NUL:
out << "NUL";
out << (int)t;
out << (int)optype;
return out;
......@@ -554,41 +670,149 @@ operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Op& op)
static int
seteventtype(Op* ev, NdbDictionary::Event::TableEvent te)
Op::Type t = Op::NUL;
Op::Type optype = Op::UNDEF;
switch (te) {
case NdbDictionary::Event::TE_INSERT:
t = Op::INS;
optype = Op::INS;
case NdbDictionary::Event::TE_DELETE:
t = Op::DEL;
optype = Op::DEL;
case NdbDictionary::Event::TE_UPDATE:
t = Op::UPD;
optype = Op::UPD;
ll0("EVT: " << *ev << ": bad event type" << (int)te);
ll0("EVT: " << *ev << ": bad event type " << hex << (uint)te);
return -1;
ev->type = t;
ev->type = optype;
return 0;
struct Counter { // debug aid
const char* name;
uint count;
Counter(const char* a_name) : name(a_name), count(0) {
friend class NdbOut& operator<<(NdbOut& out, const Counter& counter) {
out << << "(" << counter.count << ")";
return out;
operator uint() {
return count;
Counter operator ++(int) {
ll3(*this << "++");
Counter tmp = *this;
return tmp;
Counter operator --(int) {
ll3(*this << "--");
assert(count != 0);
Counter tmp = *this;
return tmp;
static Op* g_opfree = 0;
static uint g_freeops = 0;
static uint g_usedops = 0;
static uint g_gciops = 0;
static uint g_maxcom = 10; // max ops per commit
static Op* g_pk_op[g_maxpk];
static Op* g_pk_ev[g_maxpk];
static uint g_seq = 0;
static NdbRecAttr* g_ev_ra[2][g_maxcol]; // 0-post 1-pre
static NdbBlob* g_ev_bh[2][g_maxcol]; // 0-post 1-pre
static Op* g_rec_ev;
static uint g_ev_pos[g_maxpk];
static uint g_num_gci = 0;
static uint g_num_ev = 0;
static const uint g_maxgcis = 500; // max GCIs seen during 1 loop
// operation data per table and each loop
struct Run : public Tab {
bool skip; // no ops in current loop
NdbEventOperation* evt_op;
uint gcicnt; // number of CGIs seen in current loop
Uint64 gcinum[g_maxgcis];
Uint32 gcievtypes[g_maxgcis][2]; // 0-getGCIEventOperations 1-nextEvent
uint tableops; // real table ops in this loop
uint blobops; // approx blob part ops in this loop
uint gciops; // commit chains or (after mergeops) gci chains
Op* pk_op[g_maxpk]; // GCI chain of ops per PK
Op* pk_ev[g_maxpk]; // events per PK
uint ev_pos[g_maxpk]; // counts events
NdbRecAttr* ev_ra[2][g_maxcol]; // 0-post 1-pre
NdbBlob* ev_bh[2][g_maxcol]; // 0-post 1-pre
Run(uint idx) :
void reset()
int i, j;
skip = false;
evt_op = 0;
gcicnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g_maxgcis; i++) {
gcinum[i] = (Uint64)0;
gcievtypes[i][0] = gcievtypes[i][1] = (Uint32)0;
tableops = 0;
blobops = 0;
gciops = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g_maxpk; i++) {
pk_op[i] = 0;
pk_ev[i] = 0;
ev_pos[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; i < 2; j ++) {
for (i = 0; i < g_maxcol; i++) {
ev_ra[j][i] = 0;
ev_bh[j][i] = 0;
int addgci(Uint64 gci)
assert(gcicnt < g_maxgcis);
chkrc(gcicnt == 0 || gcinum[gcicnt - 1] < gci);
gcinum[gcicnt++] = gci;
return 0;
void addevtypes(Uint64 gci, Uint32 evtypes, uint i)
assert(gcicnt != 0 && gci == gcinum[gcicnt - 1]);
assert(evtypes != 0);
assert(i < 2);
gcievtypes[gcicnt - 1][i] |= evtypes;
static Run* g_runlst[g_maxtab];
static uint
return maxtab();
static Run&
run(uint i)
assert(i < maxrun() && g_runlst[i] != 0);
return *g_runlst[i];
static void
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
g_tablst[i] = g_runlst[i] = new Run(i);
static Op*
getop(Op::Kind a_kind)
getop(Op::Kind a_kind, Op::Type a_type = Op::UNDEF)
if (g_opfree == 0) {
assert(g_freeops == 0);
......@@ -604,14 +828,16 @@ getop(Op::Kind a_kind)
assert(g_freeops != 0);
op->init(a_kind, a_type);
op->free = false;
ll3("getop: " << op);
return op;
static void
freeop(Op* op)
ll3("freeop: " << op);
assert(! op->free);
op->free = true;
......@@ -623,26 +849,16 @@ freeop(Op* op)
static void
resetmem(Run& r)
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < g_maxcol; i++) {
g_ev_ra[j][i] = 0;
g_ev_bh[j][i] = 0;
if (g_rec_ev != 0) {
g_rec_ev = 0;
Uint32 pk1;
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++)
g_ev_pos[pk1] = 0;
r.ev_pos[pk1] = 0;
// leave g_seq
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
if (g_pk_op[pk1] != 0) {
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
if (r.pk_op[pk1] != 0) {
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
while (tot_op->next_gci != 0) {
Op* gci_op = tot_op->next_gci;
while (gci_op->next_com != 0) {
......@@ -659,21 +875,33 @@ resetmem()
g_pk_op[pk1] = 0;
r.pk_op[pk1] = 0;
if (g_pk_ev[pk1] != 0) {
Op* tot_op = g_pk_ev[pk1];
if (r.pk_ev[pk1] != 0) {
Op* tot_op = r.pk_ev[pk1];
while (tot_op->next_ev != 0) {
Op* ev = tot_op->next_ev;
tot_op->next_ev = ev->next_ev;
g_pk_ev[pk1] = 0;
r.pk_ev[pk1] = 0;
static void
if (g_rec_ev != 0) {
g_rec_ev = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
assert(g_usedops == 0);
g_num_gci = g_num_ev = 0;
g_gciops = g_num_ev = 0;
static void
......@@ -706,10 +934,11 @@ static const uint g_ncomp = sizeof(g_comp)/sizeof(g_comp[0]);
static int
checkop(const Op* op, Uint32& pk1)
Op::Type t = op->type;
if (t == Op::NUL)
Op::Type optype = op->type;
assert(optype != Op::UNDEF);
if (optype == Op::NUL)
return 0;
chkrc(t == Op::INS || t == Op::DEL || t == Op::UPD);
chkrc(optype == Op::INS || optype == Op::DEL || optype == Op::UPD);
const Data& d0 = op->data[0];
const Data& d1 = op->data[1];
......@@ -726,19 +955,19 @@ checkop(const Op* op, Uint32& pk1)
// the rules are the rules..
if ( {
chkrc(ind0 == 0); // always PK in post data
if (t == Op::INS)
if (optype == Op::INS)
chkrc(ind1 == -1);
if (t == Op::DEL)
if (optype == Op::DEL)
chkrc(ind1 == -1); // no PK in pre data
if (t == Op::UPD)
if (optype == Op::UPD)
chkrc(ind1 == 0);
if (! {
if (t == Op::INS)
if (optype == Op::INS)
chkrc(ind0 >= 0 && ind1 == -1);
if (t == Op::DEL)
if (optype == Op::DEL)
chkrc(ind0 == -1 && ind1 >= 0); // always non-PK in pre data
if (t == Op::UPD)
if (optype == Op::UPD)
chkrc(ind0 == -1 || ind1 >= 0); // update must have pre data
if (! c.nullable) {
......@@ -750,10 +979,10 @@ checkop(const Op* op, Uint32& pk1)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
const Data& d = op->data[j];
if (d.ind[i] == 0) {
const Data::Txt& t = *d.ptr[i].txt;
const Data::Txt& txt = *d.ptr[i].txt;
int k;
for (k = 0; k < t.len; k++) {
chkrc(strchr(g_charval, t.val[k]) != 0);
for (k = 0; k < txt.len; k++) {
chkrc(strchr(g_charval, txt.val[k]) != 0);
......@@ -837,6 +1066,7 @@ copyop(const Op* op1, Op* op3)
static int
compop(const Op* op1, const Op* op2, Op* op3) // op1 o op2 = op3
assert(op1->type != Op::UNDEF && op2->type != Op::UNDEF);
Comp* comp;
if (op2->type == Op::NUL) {
copyop(op1, op3);
......@@ -882,67 +1112,69 @@ compop(const Op* op1, const Op* op2, Op* op3) // op1 o op2 = op3
static int
createeventop(Run& r)
g_evt = 0;
g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary();
NdbDictionary::Event evt(g_evtname);
ll2("createeventop: " << r.tabname);
chkdb((r.evt_op = g_ndb->createEventOperation(r.evtname)) != 0);
r.evt_op->mergeEvents(! g_opts.separate_events); // not yet inherited
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = g_col[i];
Data (&d)[2] = g_rec_ev->data;
if (! c.isblob()) {
chkdb((r.ev_ra[0][i] = r.evt_op->getValue(, (char*)d[0].ptr[i].v)) != 0);
chkdb((r.ev_ra[1][i] = r.evt_op->getPreValue(, (char*)d[1].ptr[i].v)) != 0);
} else {
chkdb((r.ev_bh[0][i] = r.evt_op->getBlobHandle( != 0);
chkdb((r.ev_bh[1][i] = r.evt_op->getPreBlobHandle( != 0);
evt.mergeEvents(! g_opts.separate_events);
if (g_dic->getEvent(evt.getName()) != 0)
chkdb(g_dic->dropEvent(evt.getName()) == 0);
chkdb(g_dic->createEvent(evt) == 0);
chkdb((g_evt = g_dic->getEvent(evt.getName())) != 0);
g_dic = 0;
return 0;
static int
g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary();
chkdb(g_dic->dropEvent(g_evt->getName()) == 0);
g_evt = 0;
g_dic = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(createeventop(run(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
executeeventop(Run& r)
chkdb((g_evt_op = g_ndb->createEventOperation(g_evt->getName())) != 0);
g_evt_op->mergeEvents(! g_opts.separate_events); // not yet inherited
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = g_col[i];
Data (&d)[2] = g_rec_ev->data;
if (! c.isblob()) {
chkdb((g_ev_ra[0][i] = g_evt_op->getValue(, (char*)d[0].ptr[i].v)) != 0);
chkdb((g_ev_ra[1][i] = g_evt_op->getPreValue(, (char*)d[1].ptr[i].v)) != 0);
} else {
chkdb((g_ev_bh[0][i] = g_evt_op->getBlobHandle( != 0);
chkdb((g_ev_bh[1][i] = g_evt_op->getPreBlobHandle( != 0);
ll2("executeeventop: " << r.tabname);
chkdb(r.evt_op->execute() == 0);
return 0;
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(executeeventop(run(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
dropeventop(Run& r, bool force = false)
ll2("dropeventop: " << r.tabname);
if (r.evt_op != 0) {
chkdb(g_ndb->dropEventOperation(r.evt_op) == 0 || force);
r.evt_op = 0;
return 0;
static int
dropeventops(bool force = false)
chkdb(g_ndb->dropEventOperation(g_evt_op) == 0);
g_evt_op = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(dropeventop(run(i), force) == 0 || force);
return 0;
......@@ -956,11 +1188,12 @@ waitgci(uint ngci)
while (1) {
chkdb((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0);
{ // forced to exec a dummy op
Tab& t = tab(0); // use first table
Uint32 pk1;
char pk2[g_charlen + 1];
pk1 = g_maxpk;
sprintf(pk2, "%-*u", g_charlen, pk1);
chkdb((g_op = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_tabname)) != 0);
chkdb((g_op = g_con->getNdbOperation(t.tabname)) != 0);
chkdb(g_op->readTuple() == 0);
chkdb(g_op->equal("pk1", (char*)&pk1) == 0);
chkdb(g_op->equal("pk2", (char*)&pk2[0]) == 0);
......@@ -982,14 +1215,15 @@ waitgci(uint ngci)
// scan table and set current tot_op for each pk1
static int
scantable(Run& r)
ll2("scantable: " << r.tabname);
NdbRecAttr* ra[g_maxcol];
NdbBlob* bh[g_maxcol];
Op* rec_op = getop(Op::OP);
Data& d0 = rec_op->data[0];
chkdb((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0);
chkdb((g_scan_op = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(g_tabname)) != 0);
chkdb((g_scan_op = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(r.tabname)) != 0);
chkdb(g_scan_op->readTuples() == 0);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
......@@ -1017,27 +1251,27 @@ scantab()
ret = bh[i]->getDefined(ind);
assert(ret == 0);
if (ind == 0) {
Data::Txt& t = *d0.ptr[i].txt;
Data::Txt& txt = *d0.ptr[i].txt;
Uint64 len64;
ret = bh[i]->getLength(len64);
assert(ret == 0);
t.len = (uint)len64;
delete [] t.val;
t.val = new char [t.len];
memset(t.val, 'X', t.len);
Uint32 len = t.len;
ret = bh[i]->readData(t.val, len);
assert(ret == 0 && len == t.len);
txt.len = (uint)len64;
delete [] txt.val;
txt.val = new char [txt.len];
memset(txt.val, 'X', txt.len);
Uint32 len = txt.len;
ret = bh[i]->readData(txt.val, len);
assert(ret == 0 && len == txt.len);
// to see the data, have to execute...
chkdb(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0);
assert(memchr(t.val, 'X', t.len) == 0);
assert(memchr(txt.val, 'X', txt.len) == 0);
assert(ind >= 0);
d0.ind[i] = ind;
assert(g_pk_op[pk1] == 0);
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1] = getop(Op::OP);
assert(r.pk_op[pk1] == 0);
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1] = getop(Op::OP);
copyop(rec_op, tot_op);
tot_op->type = Op::INS;
......@@ -1049,8 +1283,17 @@ scantab()
return 0;
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(scantable(run(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static void
makedata(const Col& c, Data& d, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
makedata(const Col& c, Data& d, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type optype)
uint i =;
if ( {
......@@ -1072,15 +1315,15 @@ makedata(const Col& c, Data& d, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
d.ind[i] = 0;
} else if (t == Op::DEL) {
} else if (optype == Op::DEL) {
} else if (i == getcol("seq").no) {
d.seq = g_seq++;
d.ind[i] = 0;
} else if (t == Op::INS && ! g_opts.no_implicit_nulls && c.nullable && urandom(10, 100)) {
} else if (optype == Op::INS && ! g_opts.no_implicit_nulls && c.nullable && urandom(10, 100)) {
d.noop |= (1 << i);
d.ind[i] = 1; // implicit NULL value is known
} else if (t == Op::UPD && ! g_opts.no_missing_update && urandom(10, 100)) {
} else if (optype == Op::UPD && ! g_opts.no_missing_update && urandom(10, 100)) {
d.noop |= (1 << i);
d.ind[i] = -1; // fixed up in caller
} else if (! g_opts.no_nulls && c.nullable && urandom(10, 100)) {
......@@ -1111,22 +1354,22 @@ makedata(const Col& c, Data& d, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
case NdbDictionary::Column::Blob:
const bool tinyblob = (c.type == NdbDictionary::Column::Blob);
Data::Txt& t = *d.ptr[i].txt;
delete [] t.val;
t.val = 0;
Data::Txt& txt = *d.ptr[i].txt;
delete [] txt.val;
txt.val = 0;
if (g_opts.tweak & 1) {
uint u = g_blobinlinesize + (tinyblob ? 0 : g_blobpartsize);
uint v = (g_opts.tweak & 2) ? 0 : urandom(strlen(g_charval));
t.val = new char [u];
t.len = u;
memset(t.val, g_charval[v], u);
txt.val = new char [u];
txt.len = u;
memset(txt.val, g_charval[v], u);
uint u = urandom(tinyblob ? g_blobinlinesize : g_maxblobsize);
u = urandom(u); // 4x bias for smaller blobs
u = urandom(u);
t.val = new char [u];
t.len = u;
txt.val = new char [u];
txt.len = u;
uint j = 0;
while (j < u) {
assert(u > 0);
......@@ -1134,7 +1377,7 @@ makedata(const Col& c, Data& d, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
if (k > u - j)
k = u - j;
uint v = urandom(strlen(g_charval));
memset(&t.val[j], g_charval[v], k);
memset(&txt.val[j], g_charval[v], k);
j += k;
......@@ -1148,25 +1391,25 @@ makedata(const Col& c, Data& d, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
static void
makeop(const Op* prev_op, Op* op, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
makeop(const Op* prev_op, Op* op, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type optype)
op->type = t;
op->type = optype;
const Data& dp = prev_op->data[0];
Data& d0 = op->data[0];
Data& d1 = op->data[1];
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = getcol(i);
makedata(c, d0, pk1, t);
if (t == Op::INS) {
makedata(c, d0, pk1, optype);
if (optype == Op::INS) {
d1.ind[i] = -1;
} else if (t == Op::DEL) {
} else if (optype == Op::DEL) {
assert(dp.ind[i] >= 0);
if (
d1.ind[i] = -1;
copycol(c, dp, d1);
} else if (t == Op::UPD) {
} else if (optype == Op::UPD) {
assert(dp.ind[i] >= 0);
if (d0.ind[i] == -1) // not updating this col
copycol(c, dp, d0); // must keep track of data
......@@ -1180,14 +1423,30 @@ makeop(const Op* prev_op, Op* op, Uint32 pk1, Op::Type t)
reqrc(pk1 == pk1_tmp);
static uint
approxblobops(Op* op)
uint avg_blob_size = g_maxblobsize / 4; // see makedata()
uint avg_blob_ops = avg_blob_size / 2000;
uint n = 0;
if (! g_opts.no_blobs) {
n += avg_blob_ops;
if (! g_opts.one_blob)
n += avg_blob_ops;
if (op->type == Op::UPD)
n *= 2;
return n;
static void
makeops(Run& r)
ll1("makeops: " << r.tabname);
Uint32 pk1 = 0;
while (1) {
if (g_opts.opstring == 0) {
if (g_usedops >= g_opts.maxops) // use up ops
if (r.tableops + r.blobops >= g_opts.maxops) // use up ops
pk1 = urandom(g_opts.maxpk);
} else {
......@@ -1197,17 +1456,17 @@ makeops()
ll2("makeops: pk1=" << pk1);
// total op on the pk so far
// optype either NUL=initial/deleted or INS=created
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
if (tot_op == 0)
tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1] = getop(Op::OP);
tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1] = getop(Op::OP, Op::NUL);
assert(tot_op->type == Op::NUL || tot_op->type == Op::INS);
// add new commit chain to end
Op* last_gci = tot_op;
while (last_gci->next_gci != 0)
last_gci = last_gci->next_gci;
Op* gci_op = getop(Op::OP);
Op* gci_op = getop(Op::OP, Op::NUL);
last_gci->next_gci = gci_op;
Op* com_op = getop(Op::OP);
Op* com_op = getop(Op::OP, Op::NUL);
gci_op->next_com = com_op;
// length of random chain
uint len = ~0;
......@@ -1215,18 +1474,18 @@ makeops()
len = 1 + urandom(g_maxcom - 1);
len = 1 + urandom(len - 1); // 2x bias for short chain
ll2("makeops: com chain");
uint n = 0;
while (1) {
// random or from current g_opts.opstring part
Op::Type t;
Op::Type optype;
if (g_opts.opstring == 0) {
if (n == len)
do {
t = (Op::Type)urandom(g_optypes);
} while (tot_op->type == Op::NUL && (t == Op::DEL || t == Op::UPD) ||
tot_op->type == Op::INS && t == Op::INS);
optype = (Op::Type)urandom(g_optypes);
} while (tot_op->type == Op::NUL &&
(optype == Op::DEL || optype == Op::UPD) ||
tot_op->type == Op::INS && optype == Op::INS);
} else {
const char* str = g_opstringpart[g_loop % g_opstringparts];
uint m = strlen(str);
......@@ -1241,10 +1500,12 @@ makeops()
const char* p = "idu";
const char* q = strchr(p, c);
assert(q != 0);
t = (Op::Type)(q - p);
optype = (Op::Type)(q - p);
Op* op = getop(Op::OP);
makeop(tot_op, op, pk1, t);
makeop(tot_op, op, pk1, optype);
r.blobops += approxblobops(op);
// add to end
Op* last_op = com_op;
while (last_op->next_op != 0)
......@@ -1262,15 +1523,40 @@ makeops()
// copy to gci level
copyop(com_op, gci_op);
tot_op->num_com += 1;
g_num_gci += 1;
r.gciops += 1;
g_gciops += 1;
ll1("makeops: used ops = " << g_usedops << " com ops = " << g_num_gci);
ll1("makeops: " << r.tabname << ": com recs = " << r.gciops);
static void
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
run(i).skip = false;
for (i = 0; i + 1 < maxrun(); i++)
run(urandom(maxrun())).skip = true;
uint cnt = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
cnt += ! run(i).skip;
ll1("use " << cnt << "/" << maxrun() << " tables in this loop");
static void
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
if (! run(i).skip)
ll1("makeops: used recs = " << g_usedops << " com recs = " << g_gciops);
static int
addndbop(Op* op)
addndbop(Run& r, Op* op)
chkdb((g_op = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_tabname)) != 0);
chkdb((g_op = g_con->getNdbOperation(r.tabname)) != 0);
switch (op->type) {
case Op::INS:
chkdb(g_op->insertTuple() == 0);
......@@ -1308,10 +1594,10 @@ addndbop(Op* op)
chkdb(g_op->setValue(, (const char*)0) == 0);
} else {
const Data::Txt& t = *d.ptr[i].txt;
const Data::Txt& txt = *d.ptr[i].txt;
g_bh = g_op->getBlobHandle(;
if (d.ind[i] == 0)
chkdb(g_bh->setValue(t.val, t.len) == 0);
chkdb(g_bh->setValue(txt.val, txt.len) == 0);
chkdb(g_bh->setValue(0, 0) == 0);
g_bh = 0;
......@@ -1326,48 +1612,54 @@ static int
Op* gci_op[g_maxtab][g_maxpk];
uint left = 0; // number of table pks with ops
int i;
Uint32 pk1;
Op* gci_op[g_maxpk];
uint left = 0; // number of pks with ops
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
gci_op[pk1] = 0;
// total op on the pk
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
if (tot_op == 0)
if (tot_op->next_gci == 0) {
assert(g_loop != 0 && tot_op->type == Op::INS);
for (i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++) {
Run& r = run(i);
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
gci_op[i][pk1] = 0;
// total op on the pk
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
if (tot_op == 0)
if (tot_op->next_gci == 0) {
assert(g_loop != 0 && tot_op->type == Op::INS);
// first commit chain
assert(tot_op->next_gci != 0);
gci_op[i][pk1] = tot_op->next_gci;
// first commit chain
assert(tot_op->next_gci != 0);
gci_op[pk1] = tot_op->next_gci;
while (left != 0) {
i = urandom(maxrun());
pk1 = urandom(g_opts.maxpk);
if (gci_op[pk1] == 0)
if (gci_op[i][pk1] == 0)
Run& r = run(i);
// do the ops in one transaction
chkdb((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0);
Op* com_op = gci_op[pk1]->next_com;
Op* com_op = gci_op[i][pk1]->next_com;
assert(com_op != 0);
// first op in chain
Op* op = com_op->next_op;
assert(op != 0);
while (op != 0) {
ll2("runops:" << *op);
chkrc(addndbop(op) == 0);
chkrc(addndbop(r, op) == 0);
op = op->next_op;
chkdb(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0);
gci_op[pk1]->gci = com_op->gci = g_con->getGCI();
ll2("commit: gci=" << com_op->gci);
gci_op[i][pk1]->gci = com_op->gci = g_con->getGCI();
ll2("commit: " << run(i).tabname << " gci=" << com_op->gci);
g_con = 0;
// next chain
gci_op[pk1] = gci_op[pk1]->next_gci;
if (gci_op[pk1] == 0) {
gci_op[i][pk1] = gci_op[i][pk1]->next_gci;
if (gci_op[i][pk1] == 0) {
assert(left != 0);
......@@ -1377,14 +1669,14 @@ runops()
// move com chains with same gci under same gci entry
static int
static void
mergeops(Run& r)
ll2("mergeops: " << r.tabname);
uint mergecnt = 0;
Uint32 pk1;
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
if (tot_op == 0)
Op* gci_op = tot_op->next_gci;
......@@ -1408,24 +1700,32 @@ mergeops()
gci_op2 = gci_op2->next_gci;
assert(g_num_gci != 0);
assert(r.gciops != 0 && g_gciops != 0);
gci_op = gci_op->next_gci = gci_op2;
ll1("mergeops: used ops = " << g_usedops << " gci ops = " << g_num_gci);
return 0;
ll1("mergeops: " << r.tabname << ": gci recs = " << r.gciops);
static void
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
ll1("mergeops: used recs = " << g_usedops << " gci recs = " << g_gciops);
// set bit for equal post/pre data in UPD, for use in event match
static void
cmppostpre(Run& r)
ll2("cmppostpre: " << r.tabname);
Uint32 pk1;
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
Op* gci_op = tot_op ? tot_op->next_gci : 0;
while (gci_op != 0) {
if (gci_op->type == Op::UPD) {
......@@ -1446,6 +1746,148 @@ cmppostpre()
static void
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
static int
findevent(const NdbEventOperation* evt_op)
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++) {
if (run(i).evt_op == evt_op)
chkrc(i < maxrun());
return i;
static void
geteventdata(Run& r)
Data (&d)[2] = g_rec_ev->data;
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = getcol(i);
int ind, ret;
if (! c.isblob()) {
NdbRecAttr* ra = r.ev_ra[j][i];
ind = ra->isNULL();
} else {
NdbBlob* bh = r.ev_bh[j][i];
ret = bh->getDefined(ind);
assert(ret == 0);
if (ind == 0) { // value was returned and is not NULL
Data::Txt& txt = *d[j].ptr[i].txt;
Uint64 len64;
ret = bh->getLength(len64);
assert(ret == 0);
txt.len = (uint)len64;
delete [] txt.val;
txt.val = new char [txt.len];
memset(txt.val, 'X', txt.len);
Uint32 len = txt.len;
ret = bh->readData(txt.val, len);
assert(ret == 0 && len == txt.len);
d[j].ind[i] = ind;
static int
addgcievents(Uint64 gci)
uint count = 0;
uint seen_current = 0;
Uint32 iter = 0;
while (1) {
Uint32 evtypes = 0;
const NdbEventOperation* evt_op =
g_ndb->getGCIEventOperations(&iter, &evtypes);
if (evt_op == 0)
// evt_op->getGCI() is not defined yet
int i;
chkrc((i = findevent(evt_op)) != -1);
run(i).addevtypes(gci, evtypes, 0);
seen_current += (g_evt_op == evt_op);
chkrc(seen_current == 1);
ll1("addgcievents: " << count);
return 0;
static int
uint mspoll = 1000;
uint npoll = 6; // strangely long delay
ll1("poll " << npoll);
Uint64 gci = (Uint64)0;
while (npoll != 0) {
int ret;
ret = g_ndb->pollEvents(mspoll);
if (ret <= 0)
while (1) {
g_evt_op = g_ndb->nextEvent();
if (g_evt_op == 0)
Uint64 newgci = g_evt_op->getGCI();
assert(newgci != 0);
g_rec_ev->gci = newgci;
if (gci != newgci) {
ll1("new gci: " << gci << " -> " << newgci);
gci = newgci;
// add slot in each tab|e
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < maxtab(); i++)
chkrc(run(i).addgci(gci) == 0);
chkrc(addgcievents(gci) == 0);
int i;
chkrc((i = findevent(g_evt_op)) != -1);
Run& r = run(i);
NdbDictionary::Event::TableEvent evtype = g_evt_op->getEventType();
chkrc(seteventtype(g_rec_ev, evtype) == 0);
r.addevtypes(gci, (Uint32)evtype, 1);
ll2("runevents: EVT: " << *g_rec_ev);
// check basic sanity
Uint32 pk1 = ~(Uint32)0;
chkrc(checkop(g_rec_ev, pk1) == 0);
// add to events
Op* tot_ev = r.pk_ev[pk1];
if (tot_ev == 0)
tot_ev = r.pk_ev[pk1] = getop(Op::EV);
Op* last_ev = tot_ev;
while (last_ev->next_ev != 0)
last_ev = last_ev->next_ev;
// copy and add
Op* ev = getop(Op::EV);
copyop(g_rec_ev, ev);
last_ev->next_ev = ev;
ll1("runevents: used ops = " << g_usedops << " events = " << g_num_ev);
return 0;
static int
cmpopevdata(const Data& d1, const Data& d2)
......@@ -1474,9 +1916,8 @@ cmpopevdata(const Data (&d1)[2], const Data (&d2)[2])
static int
matchevent(Op* ev)
matchevent(Run& r, Op* ev)
Op::Type t = ev->type;
Data (&d2)[2] = ev->data;
// get PK
Uint32 pk1 = d2[0].pk1;
......@@ -1484,10 +1925,10 @@ matchevent(Op* ev)
// on error repeat and print details
uint loop = 0;
while (loop <= 1) {
uint g_loglevel = loop == 0 ? g_opts.loglevel : 2;
ll1("matchevent: pk1=" << pk1 << " type=" << t);
int g_loglevel = loop == 0 ? g_opts.loglevel : 2;
ll1("matchevent: " << r.tabname << ": pk1=" << pk1 << " type=" << ev->type);
ll2("EVT: " << *ev);
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
Op* gci_op = tot_op ? tot_op->next_gci : 0;
uint pos = 0;
bool ok = false;
......@@ -1506,21 +1947,21 @@ matchevent(Op* ev)
com_op = com_op->next_com;
// match agains GCI op
// match against GCI op
if (gci_op->type != Op::NUL) {
const Data (&d1)[2] = gci_op->data;
if (cmpopevdata(d1, d2) == 0) {
bool tmpok = true;
if (gci_op->type != t) {
ll2("***: wrong type " << gci_op->type << " != " << t);
if (gci_op->type != ev->type) {
ll2("***: wrong type " << gci_op->type << " != " << ev->type);
tmpok = false;
if (gci_op->match) {
ll2("***: duplicate match");
tmpok = false;
if (pos != g_ev_pos[pk1]) {
ll2("***: wrong pos " << pos << " != " << g_ev_pos[pk1]);
if (pos != r.ev_pos[pk1]) {
ll2("***: wrong pos " << pos << " != " << r.ev_pos[pk1]);
tmpok = false;
if (gci_op->gci != ev->gci) {
......@@ -1537,10 +1978,10 @@ matchevent(Op* ev)
gci_op = gci_op->next_gci;
if (ok) {
ll1("matchevent: match");
ll2("matchevent: match");
return 0;
ll1("matchevent: ERROR: no match");
ll0("matchevent: ERROR: no match");
if (g_loglevel >= 2)
return -1;
......@@ -1549,19 +1990,20 @@ matchevent(Op* ev)
static int
matchevents(Run& r)
ll1("matchevents: " << r.tabname);
uint nomatch = 0;
Uint32 pk1;
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
Op* tot_ev = g_pk_ev[pk1];
Op* tot_ev = r.pk_ev[pk1];
if (tot_ev == 0)
Op* ev = tot_ev->next_ev;
while (ev != 0) {
if (matchevent(ev) < 0)
if (matchevent(r, ev) < 0)
ev = ev->next_ev;
......@@ -1570,13 +2012,22 @@ matchevents()
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(matchevents(run(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
matchops(Run& r)
ll1("matchops: " << r.tabname);
uint nomatch = 0;
Uint32 pk1;
for (pk1 = 0; pk1 < g_opts.maxpk; pk1++) {
Op* tot_op = g_pk_op[pk1];
Op* tot_op = r.pk_op[pk1];
if (tot_op == 0)
Op* gci_op = tot_op->next_gci;
......@@ -1606,84 +2057,52 @@ matchops()
return 0;
static void
static int
Data (&d)[2] = g_rec_ev->data;
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < ncol(); i++) {
const Col& c = getcol(i);
int ind, ret;
if (! c.isblob()) {
NdbRecAttr* ra = g_ev_ra[j][i];
ind = ra->isNULL();
} else {
NdbBlob* bh = g_ev_bh[j][i];
ret = bh->getDefined(ind);
assert(ret == 0);
if (ind == 0) { // value was returned and is not NULL
Data::Txt& t = *d[j].ptr[i].txt;
Uint64 len64;
ret = bh->getLength(len64);
assert(ret == 0);
t.len = (uint)len64;
delete [] t.val;
t.val = new char [t.len];
memset(t.val, 'X', t.len);
Uint32 len = t.len;
ret = bh->readData(t.val, len);
assert(ret == 0 && len == t.len);
d[j].ind[i] = ind;
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(matchops(run(i)) == 0);
return 0;
static int
matchgcievents(Run& r)
uint mspoll = 1000;
uint npoll = 6; // strangely long delay
ll1("poll " << npoll);
while (npoll != 0) {
int ret;
ret = g_ndb->pollEvents(mspoll);
if (ret <= 0)
ll1("matchgcievents: " << r.tabname);
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < r.gcicnt; i++) {
Uint32 t0 = r.gcievtypes[i][0];
Uint32 t1 = r.gcievtypes[i][1];
ll1("gci: " << r.gcinum[i] << hex << " report: " << t0 << " seen: " << t1);
if (r.skip)
chkrc(t0 == 0 && t1 == 0);
if (t0 == 0 && t1 == 0)
while (1) {
NdbEventOperation* tmp_op = g_ndb->nextEvent();
if (tmp_op == 0)
reqrc(g_evt_op == tmp_op);
chkrc(seteventtype(g_rec_ev, g_evt_op->getEventType()) == 0);
g_rec_ev->gci = g_evt_op->getGCI();
// get indicators and blob value
ll2("runevents: EVT: " << *g_rec_ev);
// check basic sanity
Uint32 pk1 = ~(Uint32)0;
chkrc(checkop(g_rec_ev, pk1) == 0);
// add to events
Op* tot_ev = g_pk_ev[pk1];
if (tot_ev == 0)
tot_ev = g_pk_ev[pk1] = getop(Op::EV);
Op* last_ev = tot_ev;
while (last_ev->next_ev != 0)
last_ev = last_ev->next_ev;
// copy and add
Op* ev = getop(Op::EV);
copyop(g_rec_ev, ev);
last_ev->next_ev = ev;
// check if not reported event op seen
chkrc(t0 != 0);
// check if not reported event type seen
chkrc((~t0 & t1) == 0);
// the other way does not work under merge
if (g_opts.separate_events) {
// check if reported event op not seen
chkrc(t1 != 0);
// check if reported event type not seen
chkrc((t0 & ~t1) == 0);
ll1("runevents: used ops = " << g_usedops << " events = " << g_num_ev);
return 0;
static int
for (uint i = 0; i < maxrun(); i++)
chkrc(matchgcievents(run(i)) == 0);
return 0;
......@@ -1711,27 +2130,29 @@ static int
chkrc(createtable() == 0);
chkrc(createevent() == 0);
for (g_loop = 0; g_opts.loop == 0 || g_loop < g_opts.loop; g_loop++) {
ll0("=== loop " << g_loop << " ===");
chkrc(scantab() == 0); // alternative: save tot_op for loop > 0
chkrc(scantable() == 0); // alternative: save tot_op for loop > 0
g_rec_ev = getop(Op::EV);
chkrc(createeventop() == 0);
chkdb(g_evt_op->execute() == 0);
chkrc(executeeventop() == 0);
chkrc(waitgci(3) == 0);
chkrc(runops() == 0);
if (! g_opts.separate_events)
chkrc(mergeops() == 0);
chkrc(runevents() == 0);
ll0("counts: gci = " << g_num_gci << " ev = " << g_num_ev);
ll0("counts: gci ops = " << g_gciops << " ev ops = " << g_num_ev);
chkrc(matchevents() == 0);
chkrc(matchops() == 0);
chkrc(dropeventop() == 0);
chkrc(matchgcievents() == 0);
chkrc(dropeventops() == 0);
// time erases everything..
chkrc(waitgci(1) == 0);
......@@ -1751,51 +2172,54 @@ my_long_options[] =
{ "abort-on-error", 1001, "Do abort() on any error",
(gptr*)&g_opts.abort_on_error, (gptr*)&g_opts.abort_on_error, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "loglevel", 1002, "Logging level in this program (default 0)",
{ "loglevel", 1002, "Logging level in this program 0-3 (default 0)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.loglevel, (gptr*)&g_opts.loglevel, 0,
GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "loop", 1003, "Number of test loops (default 3, 0=forever)",
{ "loop", 1003, "Number of test loops (default 5, 0=forever)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.loop, (gptr*)&g_opts.loop, 0,
GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "maxops", 1004, "Approx number of PK operations (default 1000)",
GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "maxops", 1004, "Approx number of PK operations per table (default 1000)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.maxops, (gptr*)&g_opts.maxops, 0,
GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "maxpk", 1005, "Number of different PK values (default 10)",
{ "maxpk", 1005, "Number of different PK values (default 10, max 1000)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.maxpk, (gptr*)&g_opts.maxpk, 0,
GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "no-blobs", 1006, "Omit blob attributes (5.0: true)",
{ "maxtab", 1006, "Number of tables (default 10, max 100)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.maxtab, (gptr*)&g_opts.maxtab, 0,
GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "no-blobs", 1007, "Omit blob attributes (5.0: true)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.no_blobs, (gptr*)&g_opts.no_blobs, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "no-implicit-nulls", 1007, "Insert must include all attrs"
{ "no-implicit-nulls", 1008, "Insert must include all attrs"
" i.e. no implicit NULLs",
(gptr*)&g_opts.no_implicit_nulls, (gptr*)&g_opts.no_implicit_nulls, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "no-missing-update", 1008, "Update must include all non-PK attrs",
{ "no-missing-update", 1009, "Update must include all non-PK attrs",
(gptr*)&g_opts.no_missing_update, (gptr*)&g_opts.no_missing_update, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "no-multiops", 1009, "Allow only 1 operation per commit",
{ "no-multiops", 1010, "Allow only 1 operation per commit",
(gptr*)&g_opts.no_multiops, (gptr*)&g_opts.no_multiops, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "no-nulls", 1010, "Create no NULL values",
{ "no-nulls", 1011, "Create no NULL values",
(gptr*)&g_opts.no_nulls, (gptr*)&g_opts.no_nulls, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "one-blob", 1011, "Only one blob attribute (default 2)",
{ "one-blob", 1012, "Only one blob attribute (default 2)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.one_blob, (gptr*)&g_opts.one_blob, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "opstring", 1012, "Operations to run e.g. idiucdc (c is commit) or"
{ "opstring", 1013, "Operations to run e.g. idiucdc (c is commit) or"
" iuuc:uudc (the : separates loops)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.opstring, (gptr*)&g_opts.opstring, 0,
GET_STR_ALLOC, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "seed", 1013, "Random seed (0=loop number, default -1=random)",
{ "seed", 1014, "Random seed (0=loop number, default -1=random)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.seed, (gptr*)&g_opts.seed, 0,
GET_INT, REQUIRED_ARG, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "separate-events", 1014, "Do not combine events per GCI (5.0: true)",
{ "separate-events", 1015, "Do not combine events per GCI (5.0: true)",
(gptr*)&g_opts.separate_events, (gptr*)&g_opts.separate_events, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "tweak", 1015, "Whatever the source says",
{ "tweak", 1016, "Whatever the source says",
(gptr*)&g_opts.tweak, (gptr*)&g_opts.tweak, 0,
GET_UINT, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "use-table", 1016, "Use existing table 'tem1'",
{ "use-table", 1017, "Use existing tables",
(gptr*)&g_opts.use_table, (gptr*)&g_opts.use_table, 0,
GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0,
......@@ -1812,10 +2236,6 @@ usage()
static int
if (g_opts.maxpk > g_maxpk) {
ll0("setting maxpk to " << g_maxpk);
g_opts.maxpk = g_maxpk;
if (g_opts.separate_events) {
g_opts.no_blobs = true;
......@@ -1837,16 +2257,25 @@ checkopts()
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < g_opstringparts; i++) {
const char* s = g_opstringpart[i];
while (*s != 0)
if (strchr("iduc", *s++) == 0)
while (*s != 0) {
if (strchr("iduc", *s++) == 0) {
ll0("opstring chars are i,d,u,c");
return -1;
if (s == g_opstringpart[i] || s[-1] != 'c')
if (s == g_opstringpart[i] || s[-1] != 'c') {
ll0("opstring chain must end in 'c'");
return -1;
if (g_opts.no_nulls) {
g_opts.no_implicit_nulls = true;
if (g_opts.maxpk > g_maxpk ||
g_opts.maxtab > g_maxtab) {
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -1876,10 +2305,8 @@ main(int argc, char** argv)
if (g_evt_op != 0) {
g_evt_op = 0;
delete g_ndb;
delete g_ncc;
return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
......@@ -228,6 +228,16 @@ max-time: 2500
cmd: test_event
args: -n CreateDropNR -l 2
max-time: 600
cmd: test_event_merge
args: --no-implicit-nulls --separate-events --maxops 10000
max-time: 600
cmd: test_event_merge
args: --no-implicit-nulls --no-multiops
max-time: 600
cmd: testBasic
args: -n PkRead T1
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