TIMESTAMP 1 1 SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 'Bug#31700 - PK', f1,f2,f3,SLEEP(1.1) FROM t1 WHERE f1=2
TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.slow_log;
use mysql;
drop table if exists renamed_general_log;
drop table if exists renamed_slow_log;
RENAME TABLE general_log TO renamed_general_log;
ERROR HY000: Cannot rename 'general_log'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to 'general_log'
RENAME TABLE slow_log TO renamed_slow_log;
ERROR HY000: Cannot rename 'slow_log'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to 'slow_log'
use test;
flush tables with read lock;
unlock tables;
SET @@session.long_query_time= @old_long_query_time;