Commit b88da72b authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Bug #5185 mysqldump for windows database gets table names with different case

Added the get_actual_table_name function that issues a SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s'.  This will get the table 
name in the proper case.  We use this table name rather than the one given on the command line.  This will
prevent problems when importing SQL on Linux that was generated on a Windows platform where case can be
an issue.

  call get_actual_table_name to get the table name in the proper case

  call get_actual_table_name to get the table name in the proper case
parent c79f71a3
......@@ -2082,6 +2082,34 @@ static int dump_all_tables_in_db(char *database)
} /* dump_all_tables_in_db */
get_actual_table_name -- executes a SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s' to get the actual table name
from the server for the table name given on the command line. we do this because
the table name given on the command line may be a different case (e.g. T1 vs t1)
static void get_actual_table_name( const char *old_table_name, char *new_table_name, int buf_size )
MYSQL_RES *tableRes;
char query[ NAME_LEN*2+3 + 50 ];
sprintf( query, "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s'", old_table_name );
if (mysql_query_with_error_report(sock, 0, query))
tableRes = mysql_store_result( sock );
row = mysql_fetch_row( tableRes );
strncpy( new_table_name, row[0], buf_size );
} /* get_actual_table_name */
static int dump_selected_tables(char *db, char **table_names, int tables)
......@@ -2116,9 +2144,14 @@ static int dump_selected_tables(char *db, char **table_names, int tables)
print_xml_tag1(md_result_file, "", "database name=", db, "\n");
for (; tables > 0 ; tables-- , table_names++)
numrows = getTableStructure(*table_names, db);
char new_table_name[NAME_LEN*+3];
/* the table name passed on commandline may be wrong case */
get_actual_table_name( *table_names, new_table_name, sizeof(new_table_name) );
numrows = getTableStructure(new_table_name, db);
if (!dFlag && numrows > 0)
dumpTable(numrows, *table_names);
dumpTable(numrows, new_table_name);
my_free(order_by, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
order_by= 0;
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