Commit b8eee5cd authored by unknown's avatar unknown



  Auto merged
parents 48dd2efb 37cff57f
......@@ -173,9 +173,16 @@ case "$mode" in
# Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
# running or not, start it again.
$0 stop
$0 start
# usage
echo "usage: $0 start|stop"
echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart"
exit 1
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Este pacote cont
%package bench
Release: %{release}
Requires: %{name}-client MySQL-DBI-perl-bin perl
Requires: %{name}-client perl-DBI perl
Summary: MySQL - Benchmarks and test system
Group: Applications/Databases
Summary(pt_BR): MySQL - Medies de desempenho
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ RBR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
# Ensure that needed directories exists
install -d $RBR/etc/{logrotate.d,rc.d/init.d}
install -d $RBR/etc/{logrotate.d,init.d}
install -d $RBR/var/lib/mysql/mysql
install -d $RBR/usr/share/{sql-bench,mysql-test}
install -d $RBR%{_mandir}
......@@ -290,14 +290,20 @@ install -m644 $MBD/sql/mysqld.sym $RBR/usr/lib/mysql/mysqld.sym
# Install logrotate and autostart
install -m644 $MBD/support-files/mysql-log-rotate $RBR/etc/logrotate.d/mysql
install -m755 $MBD/support-files/mysql.server $RBR/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
install -m755 $MBD/support-files/mysql.server $RBR/etc/init.d/mysql
# Create symbolic compatibility link safe_mysqld -> mysqld_safe
# (safe_mysqld will be gone in MySQL 4.1)
ln -sf ./mysqld_safe $RBR/usr/bin/safe_mysqld
if test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
# Shut down a previously installed server first
if test -x /etc/init.d/mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Giving mysqld a couple of seconds to exit nicely"
sleep 5
elif test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Giving mysqld a couple of seconds to exit nicely"
......@@ -313,7 +319,15 @@ if test ! -d $mysql_datadir/mysql; then mkdir $mysql_datadir/mysql; fi
if test ! -d $mysql_datadir/test; then mkdir $mysql_datadir/test; fi
# Make MySQL start/shutdown automatically when the machine does it.
/sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
if test -x /sbin/insserv
/sbin/insserv /etc/init.d/mysql
# use chkconfig on Red Hat and newer SuSE releases
elif test -x /sbin/chkconfig
/sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
# Create a MySQL user. Do not report any problems if it already
# exists. This is redhat specific and should be handled more portable
......@@ -334,31 +348,37 @@ chown -R mysql $mysql_datadir
chmod -R og-rw $mysql_datadir/mysql
# Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
/etc/init.d/mysql start
# Allow safe_mysqld to start mysqld and print a message before we exit
sleep 2
%post Max
# Restart mysqld, to use the new binary.
# There may be a better way to handle this.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Giving mysqld a couple of seconds to restart"
sleep 5
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql start
sleep 2
echo "Restarting mysqld."
/etc/init.d/mysql restart > /dev/null 2>&1
if test $1 = 0
if test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
# Stop MySQL before uninstalling it
if test -x /etc/init.d/mysql
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null
/etc/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null
# Remove autostart of mysql
/sbin/chkconfig --del mysql
# for older SuSE Linux versions
if test -x /sbin/insserv
/sbin/insserv -r /etc/init.d/mysql
# use chkconfig on Red Hat and newer SuSE releases
elif test -x /sbin/chkconfig
/sbin/chkconfig --del mysql
# We do not remove the mysql user since it may still own a lot of
# database files.
......@@ -412,7 +432,7 @@ fi
%attr(644, root, root) /usr/lib/mysql/mysqld.sym
%attr(644, root, root) /etc/logrotate.d/mysql
%attr(755, root, root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql
%attr(755, root, root) /etc/init.d/mysql
%attr(755, root, root) /usr/share/mysql/
......@@ -482,6 +502,17 @@ fi
* Wed Nov 27 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
- moved init script from /etc/rc.d/init.d to /etc/init.d (the majority of
Linux distributions now support this scheme as proposed by the LSB either
directly or via a compatibility symlink)
- Use new "restart" init script action instead of starting and stopping
- Be more flexible in activating the automatic bootup - use insserv (on
older SuSE versions) or chkconfig (Red Hat, newer SuSE versions and
others) to create the respective symlinks
* Wed Sep 25 2002 Lenz Grimmer <>
- MySQL-Max now requires MySQL >= 4.0 to avoid version mismatches
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