Commit c368878f authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

cleanup: comments and whitespaces

parent 4b061ec4
......@@ -4990,7 +4990,7 @@ class select_result :public select_result_sink
virtual uint field_count(List<Item> &fields) const
{ return fields.elements; }
virtual bool send_result_set_metadata(List<Item> &list, uint flags)=0;
virtual bool initialize_tables (JOIN *join=0) { return 0; }
virtual bool initialize_tables (JOIN *join) { return 0; }
virtual bool send_eof()=0;
Check if this query returns a result set and therefore is allowed in
......@@ -5542,7 +5542,7 @@ class select_union_direct :public select_unit
bool postponed_prepare(List<Item> &types);
bool send_result_set_metadata(List<Item> &list, uint flags);
int send_data(List<Item> &items);
bool initialize_tables (JOIN *join= NULL);
bool initialize_tables (JOIN *join);
bool send_eof();
bool flush() { return false; }
bool check_simple_select() const
......@@ -3002,8 +3002,7 @@ bool JOIN::make_aggr_tables_info()
curr_all_fields->elements - curr_fields_list->elements;
ORDER *dummy= NULL; //TODO can use table->group here also
if (create_postjoin_aggr_table(curr_tab,
curr_all_fields, dummy, true,
if (create_postjoin_aggr_table(curr_tab, curr_all_fields, dummy, true,
distinct, keep_row_order))
......@@ -3274,8 +3273,8 @@ JOIN::create_postjoin_aggr_table(JOIN_TAB *tab, List<Item> *table_fields,
ha_rows table_rows_limit= ((order == NULL || skip_sort_order) &&
!table_group &&
!select_lex->with_sum_func) ?
select_limit : HA_POS_ERROR;
!select_lex->with_sum_func) ? select_limit
if (!(tab->tmp_table_param= new TMP_TABLE_PARAM(tmp_table_param)))
......@@ -9373,7 +9372,7 @@ bool JOIN::get_best_combination()
uint aggr_tables= (group_list ? 1 : 0) +
(select_distinct ?
(tmp_table_param. using_outer_summary_function ? 2 : 1) : 0) +
(tmp_table_param.using_outer_summary_function ? 2 : 1) : 0) +
(order ? 1 : 0) +
(select_options & (SELECT_BIG_RESULT | OPTION_BUFFER_RESULT) ? 1 : 0) ;
......@@ -16628,8 +16627,6 @@ static void create_tmp_field_from_item_finalize(THD *thd,
update the record in the original table.
If modify_item is 0 then fill_record() will
update the temporary table
@param convert_blob_length If >0 create a varstring(convert_blob_length)
field instead of blob.
0 on error
......@@ -16947,6 +16944,10 @@ setup_tmp_table_column_bitmaps(TABLE *table, uchar *bitmaps)
temporary table
@param table_alias possible name of the temporary table that can
be used for name resolving; can be "".
@param do_not_open only create the TABLE object, do not
open the table in the engine
@param keep_row_order rows need to be read in the order they were
inserted, the engine should preserve this order
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ typedef struct st_join_table {
Window_funcs_computation* window_funcs_step;
List of topmost expressions in the select list. The *next* JOIN TAB
List of topmost expressions in the select list. The *next* JOIN_TAB
in the plan should use it to obtain correct values. Same applicable to
all_fields. These lists are needed because after tmp tables functions
will be turned to fields. These variables are pointing to
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