Commit d2d80add authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

first cut or new cursors merge to trunk. addresses #250

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@1881 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent ce8c7462
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "pma.h"
#include "brt.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include "list.h"
#ifndef BRT_FANOUT
#define BRT_FANOUT 16
......@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ struct brt {
// The header is shared. It is also ephemeral.
struct brt_header *h;
BRT_CURSOR cursors_head, cursors_tail;
struct list cursors;
unsigned int nodesize;
unsigned int flags;
......@@ -162,47 +163,7 @@ void toku_brtnode_free (BRTNODE *node);
struct brt_cursor {
BRT brt;
int path_len; /* -1 if the cursor points nowhere. */
BRTNODE path[CURSOR_PATHLEN_LIMIT]; /* Include the leaf (last). These are all pinned. */
int pathcnum[CURSOR_PATHLEN_LIMIT]; /* which child did we descend to from here? */
PMA_CURSOR pmacurs; /* The cursor into the leaf. NULL if the cursor doesn't exist. */
BRT_CURSOR prev,next;
int op; DBT *key; DBT *val; /* needed when flushing buffers */
/* print the cursor path */
void toku_brt_cursor_print(BRT_CURSOR cursor);
/* is the cursor path empty? */
static inline int toku_brt_cursor_path_empty(BRT_CURSOR cursor) {
return cursor->path_len == 0;
/*is the cursor path full? */
static inline int toku_brt_cursor_path_full(BRT_CURSOR cursor) {
return cursor->path_len == CURSOR_PATHLEN_LIMIT;
static inline int toku_brt_cursor_active(BRT_CURSOR cursor) {
return cursor->path_len > 0;
/* brt has a new root. add the root to this cursor. */
void toku_brt_cursor_new_root(BRT_CURSOR cursor, BRT t, BRTNODE newroot, BRTNODE left, BRTNODE right);
/* a brt leaf has split. modify this cursor if it includes the old node in its path. */
void toku_brt_cursor_leaf_split(BRT_CURSOR cursor, BRT t, BRTNODE oldnode, BRTNODE newright);
/* a brt internal node has expanded. modify this cursor if it includes the old node in its path. */
void toku_brt_cursor_nonleaf_expand(BRT_CURSOR cursor, BRT t, BRTNODE oldnode, int childnum, BRTNODE left, BRTNODE right, struct kv_pair *splitk);
/* a brt internal node has split. modify this cursor if it includes the old node in its path. */
void toku_brt_cursor_nonleaf_split(BRT_CURSOR cursor, BRT t, BRTNODE oldnode, BRTNODE left, BRTNODE right);
/* tree command types */
enum brt_cmd_type {
......@@ -210,6 +171,7 @@ enum brt_cmd_type {
/* tree commands */
struct brt_cmd {
enum brt_cmd_type type;
union {
......@@ -245,4 +207,12 @@ extern u_int32_t toku_calccrc32_cmdstruct (BRT_CMD *cmd);
unsigned int toku_brt_pivot_key_len (BRT, struct kv_pair *); // Given the tree
unsigned int toku_brtnode_pivot_key_len (BRTNODE, struct kv_pair *); // Given the node
/* a brt cursor is represented as a kv pair in a tree */
struct brt_cursor {
struct list cursors_link;
BRT brt;
DBT key;
DBT val;
#ifndef BRT_SEARCH_H
#define BRT_SEARCH_H
enum {
BRT_SEARCH_LEFT = 1, /* search left -> right, finds min xy as defined by the compare function */
BRT_SEARCH_RIGHT = 2, /* search right -> left, finds max xy as defined by the compare function */
BRT_SEARCH_ONE = 4, /* look into only one subtree, used for point queries */
struct brt_search;
/* the search compare function should return 0 for all xy < kv and 1 for all xy >= kv
the compare function has liberty in implementing the semantics, but the result should
be a ramp */
typedef int (*brt_search_compare_func_t)(struct brt_search */*so*/, DBT */*x*/, DBT */*y*/);
/* the search object contains the compare function, search direction, and the kv pair that
is used in the compare function. the context is the user's private data */
typedef struct brt_search {
brt_search_compare_func_t compare;
int direction;
DBT *k;
DBT *v;
void *context;
} brt_search_t;
/* initialize the search compare object */
static inline brt_search_t *brt_search_init(brt_search_t *so, brt_search_compare_func_t compare, int direction, DBT *k, DBT *v, void *context) {
so->compare = compare; so->direction = direction; so->k = k; so->v = v; so->context = context;
return so;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "../include/db.h"
#include "cachetable.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "brt-search.h"
int toku_open_brt (const char *fname, const char *dbname, int is_create, BRT *, int nodesize, CACHETABLE, TOKUTXN, int(*)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*), DB*);
#ifndef _TOKUDB_LIST_H
#define _TOKUDB_LIST_H
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
// This list is intended to be embedded in other data structures.
......@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ static inline struct list *list_pop_head(struct list *head) {
static inline void list_move(struct list *newhead, struct list *oldhead) {
struct list *first = oldhead->next;
struct list *last = oldhead->prev;
// assert(!list_empty(oldhead));
newhead->next = first;
newhead->prev = last;
last->next = first->prev = newhead;
......@@ -75,6 +78,4 @@ static inline void list_move(struct list *newhead, struct list *oldhead) {
#define list_struct(p, t, f) ((t*)((char*)(p) - ((char*)&((t*)0)->f)))
......@@ -297,6 +297,42 @@ static unsigned int pma_search(PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v, int lo, int hi, int *fou
static unsigned int pma_search_func(PMA pma, brt_search_t *search, int lo, int hi, int *found) {
assert(0 <= lo && lo <= hi);
if (lo >= hi) {
*found = 0;
return lo;
} else {
int mi = (lo + hi)/2;
assert(lo <= mi && mi < hi);
int omi = mi;
while (mi < hi && !kv_pair_inuse(pma->pairs[mi]))
if (mi >= hi)
return pma_search_func(pma, search, lo, omi, found);
struct kv_pair *kv = kv_pair_ptr(pma->pairs[mi]);
DBT x, y;
int cmp = search->compare(search, search->k ? toku_fill_dbt(&x, kv_pair_key(kv), kv_pair_keylen(kv)) : 0, search->v ? toku_fill_dbt(&y, kv_pair_val(kv), kv_pair_vallen(kv)) : 0);
if (cmp == 0) {
if (search->direction == BRT_SEARCH_LEFT)
return pma_search_func(pma, search, mi+1, hi, found);
return pma_search_func(pma, search, lo, mi, found);
/* we have a match, try to find a better match on the left or right subtrees */
int here;
if (search->direction == BRT_SEARCH_LEFT)
here = pma_search_func(pma, search, lo, mi, found);
here = pma_search_func(pma, search, mi+1, hi, found);
if (*found == 0)
here = mi;
*found = 1;
return here;
// Return the smallest index such that no lower index contains a larger key.
// This will be in the range 0 (inclusive) to toku_pma_index_limit(pma) (inclusive).
// Thus the returned index may not be a valid index into the array if it is == toku_pma_index_limit(pma)
......@@ -840,6 +876,21 @@ enum pma_errors toku_pma_lookup (PMA pma, DBT *k, DBT *v) {
int toku_pma_search(PMA pma, brt_search_t *search, DBT *foundk, DBT *foundv) {
int found;
unsigned int here = pma_search_func(pma, search, 0, pma->N, &found);
struct kv_pair *kv = pma->pairs[here];
if (found && kv_pair_valid(kv)) {
int r = 0;
if (foundk)
r = toku_dbt_set_value(foundk, kv_pair_key(kv), kv_pair_keylen(kv), &pma->skey);
if (r == 0 && foundv)
r = toku_dbt_set_value(foundv, kv_pair_val(kv), kv_pair_vallen(kv), &pma->sval);
return r;
} else
/* returns 0 if OK.
* You must have freed all the cursors, otherwise returns nonzero and does nothing. */
int toku_pma_free (PMA *pmap) {
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "yerror.h"
#include "../include/db.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "brt-search.h"
/* An in-memory Packed Memory Array dictionary. */
/* There is a built-in-cursor. */
......@@ -69,6 +70,8 @@ int toku_pma_insert_or_replace (PMA /*pma*/, DBT */*k*/, DBT */*v*/,
* Don't modify the returned data. Don't free it. */
enum pma_errors toku_pma_lookup (PMA, DBT*, DBT*);
int toku_pma_search(PMA, brt_search_t *, DBT *, DBT *);
* The kv pairs in PMA are split into two (nearly) equal sized sets.
* THe ones in the left half are left in PMA, the ones in the right half are put into NEWPMA.
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