Commit dc905718 authored by Andrei Elkin's avatar Andrei Elkin

MDEV-742: read-only, pure myisam, binlog-*, @@skip_log_bin corner cases

(Pushed to 10.5)
Are addressed along the following policies.
Prepared read-only, or on non-transactional engines, or
binlog-* filter in binlog, or skipped to binlog XA:s remains in the xid cache after disconnect.
But their consequent completion with Commit or Rollback differs.

1. The read-only at reconnect marks XID to fail for future
completion with ER_XA_RBROLLBACK.

2. `binlog-*` filtered XA when it changes engine data is regarded
as loggable even when nothing got cached for binlog.
An empty XA-prepare group is recorded. Consequent Commit-or-Rollback
succeeds in the Engine(s) as well as recorded into binlog.

3. The same applies to the non-transactional engine XA.

4. @@skip_log_bin=OFF does not record anything at XA-prepare (obviously),
but the completion event is recorded into binlog to admit
inconsistency with slave.

The following actions are taken by the patch.

At XA-prepare:
  when empty binlog cache - don't do anything to binlog if RO,
  otherwise write empty XA_prepare (assert(binlog-filter case)).
At Disconnect:
  when Prepared && RO (=> no binlogging was done)
    set Xid_cache_element::error := ER_XA_RBROLLBACK
    *keep* XID in the cache, and rollback the transaction.
At XA-"complete":
   Discover the error, if any don't binlog the "complete", return the error to the user.

RO patch review notes.
parent a467e675
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ while ($i)
--echo *** Must have 'xatest' in the list
# second time yields no error
--error 0
--error 0,1402
--eval $op
disconnect con2;
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ XA RECOVER;
--source include/
# It will conclude now
--error 0,1402
--eval $terminate_with 'trx1$type'
--replace_result $conn3_id CONN_ID
......@@ -32,4 +33,5 @@ XA RECOVER;
--source include/
# It will conclude now
--error 0,1402
--eval $terminate_with 'trx3$type'
......@@ -44,5 +44,181 @@ connection slave;
include/ [master:t1, slave:t1]
include/ [master:t2, slave:t2]
connection master;
drop table t1, t2;
*** At the start of read-only section gtid list is:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000002' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000002 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-11]
set @query1="select 1";
set @query2="select count(*) into @s2 from t1";
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_2';
select count(*) into @s2 from t1;
xa end 'ro_2';
xa prepare 'ro_2';;
disconnect master_ro_2;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_1';
select 1;
xa end 'ro_1';
xa prepare 'ro_1';;
disconnect master_ro_1;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_2';
select count(*) into @s2 from t1;
xa end 'ro_2';
xa prepare 'ro_2';;
disconnect master_ro_2;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_1';
select 1;
xa end 'ro_1';
xa prepare 'ro_1';;
disconnect master_ro_1;
*** 2 prepared xa:s must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 4 0 ro_2
1 4 0 ro_1
*** Zero prepared xa:s must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of read-only section gtid list has 0 more compare with previous check:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000003' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000003 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-11]
create database test_ign;
set @@sql_log_bin = 0;
create table test_ign.t (a int) engine=InnoDB;
set @@sql_log_bin = 1;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'rw_no_binlog';
insert into test_ign.t set a=1;
xa end 'rw_no_binlog';
xa prepare 'rw_no_binlog';;
disconnect master_rw_no_binlog;
*** rw_no_binlog must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 12 0 rw_no_binlog
*** Zero must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of --binlog-ignore-db section gtid list has 2 more:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000004' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000004 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-13]
connection master;
create table t3 (a int) engine=innodb;
*** the disconnected prepare case
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
set @@binlog_format=statement;
xa start 'rw_binlog_only';
delete from t3;
xa end 'rw_binlog_only';
xa prepare 'rw_binlog_only';
disconnect master_rw_binlog_only;
connection master;
*** rw_binlog_only must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 14 0 rw_binlog_only
*** Zero must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** the same connection complete case.
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
set @@binlog_format=statement;
xa start 'rw_binlog_only';
delete from t3;
xa end 'rw_binlog_only';
xa prepare 'rw_binlog_only';
*** rw_binlog_only must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 14 0 rw_binlog_only
disconnect master_rw_binlog_only;
*** Zero must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of ineffective in engine section gtid list has 5 more:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000005' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000005 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-18]
create table tm (a int) engine=myisam;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'rw_myisam';
insert into tm set a=1;
xa end 'rw_myisam';
xa prepare 'rw_myisam';;
disconnect master_rw_myisam;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'rw_myisam';
insert into tm set a=1;
xa end 'rw_myisam';
xa prepare 'rw_myisam';;
disconnect master_rw_myisam;
*** rw_myisam prepared must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 9 0 rw_myisam
*** Zero prepared xa:s must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of MyISAM "xa" section gtid list has 7 more compare with previous check:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000006' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000006 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-25]
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
set @@session.sql_log_bin = OFF;
xa start 'skip_binlog';
insert into t2 values(1);
xa end 'skip_binlog';
xa prepare 'skip_binlog';
disconnect master_skip_binlog;
*** skip_binlog must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 11 0 skip_binlog
connection master;
call mtr.add_suppression("Slave: XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID");
xa rollback 'skip_binlog';
*** Zero must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of --binlog-ignore-db section gtid list has 2 more:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000007' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000007 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-27]
connection slave;
include/ [errno=1397]
set @@global.sql_slave_skip_counter= 1;
connection master;
drop database test_ign;
drop table t1, t2, t3, tm;
......@@ -53,7 +53,183 @@ connection slave;
include/ [master:t1, slave:t1]
include/ [master:t2, slave:t2]
connection master;
drop table t1, t2;
*** At the start of read-only section gtid list is:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000002' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000002 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-11]
set @query1="select 1";
set @query2="select count(*) into @s2 from t1";
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_2';
select count(*) into @s2 from t1;
xa end 'ro_2';
xa prepare 'ro_2';;
disconnect master_ro_2;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_1';
select 1;
xa end 'ro_1';
xa prepare 'ro_1';;
disconnect master_ro_1;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_2';
select count(*) into @s2 from t1;
xa end 'ro_2';
xa prepare 'ro_2';;
disconnect master_ro_2;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'ro_1';
select 1;
xa end 'ro_1';
xa prepare 'ro_1';;
disconnect master_ro_1;
*** 2 prepared xa:s must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 4 0 ro_2
1 4 0 ro_1
*** Zero prepared xa:s must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of read-only section gtid list has 0 more compare with previous check:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000003' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000003 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-11]
create database test_ign;
set @@sql_log_bin = 0;
create table test_ign.t (a int) engine=InnoDB;
set @@sql_log_bin = 1;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'rw_no_binlog';
insert into test_ign.t set a=1;
xa end 'rw_no_binlog';
xa prepare 'rw_no_binlog';;
disconnect master_rw_no_binlog;
*** rw_no_binlog must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 12 0 rw_no_binlog
*** Zero must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of --binlog-ignore-db section gtid list has 2 more:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000004' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000004 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-13]
connection master;
create table t3 (a int) engine=innodb;
*** the disconnected prepare case
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
set @@binlog_format=statement;
xa start 'rw_binlog_only';
delete from t3;
xa end 'rw_binlog_only';
xa prepare 'rw_binlog_only';
disconnect master_rw_binlog_only;
connection master;
*** rw_binlog_only must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 14 0 rw_binlog_only
*** Zero must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** the same connection complete case.
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
set @@binlog_format=statement;
xa start 'rw_binlog_only';
delete from t3;
xa end 'rw_binlog_only';
xa prepare 'rw_binlog_only';
*** rw_binlog_only must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 14 0 rw_binlog_only
disconnect master_rw_binlog_only;
*** Zero must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of ineffective in engine section gtid list has 5 more:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000005' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000005 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-18]
create table tm (a int) engine=myisam;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'rw_myisam';
insert into tm set a=1;
xa end 'rw_myisam';
xa prepare 'rw_myisam';;
disconnect master_rw_myisam;
connection master;
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
xa start 'rw_myisam';
insert into tm set a=1;
xa end 'rw_myisam';
xa prepare 'rw_myisam';;
disconnect master_rw_myisam;
*** rw_myisam prepared must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 9 0 rw_myisam
*** Zero prepared xa:s must be in the list:
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of MyISAM "xa" section gtid list has 7 more compare with previous check:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000006' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000006 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-25]
connect master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,;
set @@session.sql_log_bin = OFF;
xa start 'skip_binlog';
insert into t2 values(1);
xa end 'skip_binlog';
xa prepare 'skip_binlog';
disconnect master_skip_binlog;
*** skip_binlog must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
1 11 0 skip_binlog
connection master;
call mtr.add_suppression("Slave: XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID");
xa rollback 'skip_binlog';
*** Zero must be in the list:
connection master;
xa recover;
formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data
*** At the end of --binlog-ignore-db section gtid list has 2 more:
flush logs;
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000007' limit 1,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000007 # Gtid_list 1 # [0-1-27]
connection slave;
include/ [errno=1397]
set @@global.sql_slave_skip_counter= 1;
connection master;
drop database test_ign;
drop table t1, t2, t3, tm;
connection slave;
SET @@global.gtid_pos_auto_engines="";
# param $xid to name xa and take part in the connection name
# param $query to execute as the xa body
# param $db_ign the default database
--connect (master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,)
--eval xa start '$xid'
--eval $query
--eval xa end '$xid'
--eval xa prepare '$xid';
......@@ -69,5 +69,286 @@ source include/;
let $diff_tables= master:t2, slave:t2;
source include/;
# Read-only XA remains prepared after disconnect and must rollback at XA-complete
# after recoonect. To the read-only also belongs non-transactional engine XA.
--connection master
--echo *** At the start of read-only section gtid list is:
flush logs;
--let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--source include/
set @query1="select 1";
set @query2="select count(*) into @s2 from t1";
--let $ro_cases=2
--let $db=test
# No disconnect
--let $p_trx=$ro_cases
while ($p_trx)
--connection master
--let $xid=ro_$p_trx
--let $query=`SELECT @query$p_trx`
--let $complete=`select if(floor(rand()*10)%2,'COMMIT','ROLLBACK')`
--error 0
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
--dec $p_trx
--let $p_trx=$ro_cases
# With diconnect
while ($p_trx)
--connection master
--let $xid=ro_$p_trx
--let $query=`SELECT @query$p_trx`
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
--dec $p_trx
--echo *** $ro_cases prepared xa:s must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
--let $p_trx=$ro_cases
while ($p_trx)
--let $xid=ro_$p_trx
--let $complete=`select if(floor(rand()*10)%2,'COMMIT','ROLLBACK')`
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--dec $p_trx
--echo *** Zero prepared xa:s must be in the list:
xa recover;
--echo *** At the end of read-only section gtid list has 0 more compare with previous check:
flush logs;
--let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--source include/
# XA logging cases while some of XA resources are read-only
# A1. Binlog filter
--let $db=test_ign
--eval create database $db
set @@sql_log_bin = 0;
--eval create table $db.t (a int) engine=InnoDB
set @@sql_log_bin = 1;
--let $xid=rw_no_binlog
--let $query=insert into $db.t set a=1
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
--echo *** $xid must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
--let $complete=`select if(floor(rand()*10)%2,'COMMIT','ROLLBACK')`
--error 0
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--echo *** Zero must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
# restore for the following tests
--let $db=test
--echo *** At the end of --binlog-ignore-db section gtid list has 2 more:
flush logs;
--let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--source include/
# A2. Opposite to A1, ineffective execution in Engine may create a
# binlog transaction
connection master;
create table t3 (a int) engine=innodb;
--echo *** the disconnected prepare case
--let $xid=rw_binlog_only
--let $query=delete from t3
--connect (master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,)
set @@binlog_format=statement;
# --source
--eval xa start '$xid'
--eval $query
--eval xa end '$xid'
--eval xa prepare '$xid'
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
connection master;
--echo *** $xid must be in the list:
xa recover;
--let $complete=`select if(floor(rand()*10)%2,'COMMIT','ROLLBACK')`
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--echo *** Zero must be in the list:
xa recover;
--echo *** the same connection complete case.
connection master;
--let $xid=rw_binlog_only
--let $query=delete from t3
--connect (master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,)
set @@binlog_format=statement;
# --source
--eval xa start '$xid'
--eval $query
--eval xa end '$xid'
--eval xa prepare '$xid'
--echo *** $xid must be in the list:
xa recover;
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
--echo *** Zero must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
--echo *** At the end of ineffective in engine section gtid list has 5 more:
flush logs;
--let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--source include/
# A3 MyISAM "xa" logs empty XA-prepare group, followed by
# an XA-complete event
create table tm (a int) engine=myisam;
# No disconnect
--connection master
--let $xid=rw_myisam
--let $query=insert into tm set a=1
--let $complete=`select if(floor(rand()*10)%2,'COMMIT','ROLLBACK')`
--error 0
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
# With diconnect
--connection master
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
--echo *** $xid prepared must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
--let $complete=`select if(floor(rand()*10)%2,'COMMIT','ROLLBACK')`
--eval xa $complete '$xid'
--echo *** Zero prepared xa:s must be in the list:
xa recover;
--echo *** At the end of MyISAM "xa" section gtid list has 7 more compare with previous check:
flush logs;
--let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--source include/
# B. Session binlog disable does not log even empty XA-prepare but XA-complete will be
# logged despite of that.
--let $db=test
--let $xid=skip_binlog
--let $query=insert into t2 values(1)
--connect (master_$xid,,root,,$db,$MASTER_MYPORT,)
set @@session.sql_log_bin = OFF;
--eval xa start '$xid'
--eval $query
--eval xa end '$xid'
--eval xa prepare '$xid'
--disconnect master_$xid
--source include/
--echo *** $xid must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
--connection master
call mtr.add_suppression("Slave: XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID");
--eval xa rollback '$xid'
--echo *** Zero must be in the list:
--connection master
xa recover;
--echo *** At the end of --binlog-ignore-db section gtid list has 2 more:
flush logs;
--let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
--source include/
--source include/
# Expected error on slave and manual correction
--connection slave
let $slave_sql_errno= 1397; # ER_XAER_NOTA
source include/;
set @@global.sql_slave_skip_counter= 1;
--source include/
connection master;
drop table t1, t2;
--eval drop database test_ign
drop table t1, t2, t3, tm;
......@@ -1367,6 +1367,29 @@ int ha_prepare(THD *thd)
Like ha_check_and_coalesce_trx_read_only to return counted number of
read-write transaction participants limited to two, but works in the 'all'
Also returns the last found rw ha_info through the 2nd argument.
uint ha_count_rw_all(THD *thd, Ha_trx_info **ptr_ha_info)
unsigned rw_ha_count= 0;
for (auto ha_info= thd->transaction.all.ha_list; ha_info;
ha_info= ha_info->next())
if (ha_info->is_trx_read_write())
*ptr_ha_info= ha_info;
if (++rw_ha_count > 1)
return rw_ha_count;
Check if we can skip the two-phase commit.
......@@ -5173,4 +5173,5 @@ void print_keydup_error(TABLE *table, KEY *key, myf errflag);
int del_global_index_stat(THD *thd, TABLE* table, KEY* key_info);
int del_global_table_stat(THD *thd, const LEX_CSTRING *db, const LEX_CSTRING *table);
uint ha_count_rw_all(THD *thd, Ha_trx_info **ptr_ha_info);
......@@ -2040,8 +2040,8 @@ static int binlog_rollback_by_xid(handlerton *hton, XID *xid)
(void) thd->binlog_setup_trx_data();
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK);
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_XA_ROLLBACK ||
(thd->transaction.xid_state.get_state_code() == XA_ROLLBACK_ONLY));
return binlog_rollback(hton, thd, TRUE);
......@@ -10009,6 +10009,10 @@ int TC_LOG_BINLOG::unlog(ulong cookie, my_xid xid)
static bool write_empty_xa_prepare(THD *thd, binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr)
return binlog_commit_flush_xa_prepare(thd, true, cache_mngr);
int TC_LOG_BINLOG::unlog_xa_prepare(THD *thd, bool all)
......@@ -10017,10 +10021,28 @@ int TC_LOG_BINLOG::unlog_xa_prepare(THD *thd, bool all)
binlog_cache_mngr *cache_mngr= thd->binlog_setup_trx_data();
int cookie= 0;
if (!cache_mngr || !cache_mngr->need_unlog)
return 0;
cookie= BINLOG_COOKIE_MAKE(cache_mngr->binlog_id, cache_mngr->delayed_error);
if (!cache_mngr->need_unlog)
Ha_trx_info *ha_info;
uint rw_count= ha_count_rw_all(thd, &ha_info);
bool rc= false;
if (rw_count > 0)
/* an empty XA-prepare event group is logged */
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
for (ha_info= thd->transaction.all.ha_list; rw_count > 1 && ha_info;
ha_info= ha_info->next())
DBUG_ASSERT(ha_info->ht() != binlog_hton);
rc= write_empty_xa_prepare(thd, cache_mngr); // normally gains need_unlog
trans_register_ha(thd, true, binlog_hton, 0); // do it for future commmit
if (rw_count == 0 || !cache_mngr->need_unlog)
return rc;
cookie= BINLOG_COOKIE_MAKE(cache_mngr->binlog_id, cache_mngr->delayed_error);
cache_mngr->need_unlog= false;
return unlog(cookie, 1);
......@@ -820,6 +820,12 @@ bool trans_xa_detach(THD *thd)
if (thd->transaction.xid_state.xid_cache_element->xa_state != XA_PREPARED)
return xa_trans_force_rollback(thd);
else if (!thd->transaction.all.is_trx_read_write())
ha_rollback_trans(thd, true);
thd->transaction.xid_state.xid_cache_element= 0;
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