diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/Ndb.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/Ndb.hpp
index 0a58bfb3abcc54d14dda62c9fa6a1c0e719196a3..39f6a2a02bdca9af1d09b2515ef6f5a3149296ca 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/Ndb.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/Ndb.hpp
@@ -52,15 +52,6 @@
    The execution can be of two different types, 
    <var>Commit</var> or <var>NoCommit</var>.
-   (A transaction's execution can also be divided into three 
-   steps: prepare, send, and poll. This allows us to perform asynchronous
-   transactions.  More about this later.)
    If the execution is of type <var>NoCommit</var>, 
    then the application program executes part of a transaction,
    but without committing the transaction.
@@ -94,28 +85,13 @@
    To execute several parallel synchronous transactions, one can either 
    use multiple <code>Ndb</code> objects in several threads, or start multiple 
    applications programs.  
-   Another way to execute several parallel transactions is to use
-   asynchronous transactions.
    @section secNdbOperations            Operations
-   Each <code>NdbTransaction</code> (that is, a transaction) 
+   Each <code>NdbTransaction</code>
    consists of a list of operations which are represented by instances 
    of <code>Ndb*Operation</code>.
-   Operations are of two different kinds:
-   -# standard operations, and
-   -# interpreted program operations.
    <h3>Single row operations</h3>
    After the operation is created using <code>NdbTransaction::getNdbOperation()</code>
    (or <code>NdbTransaction::getNdbIndexOperation()</code>), it is defined in the following 
@@ -163,11 +139,8 @@
    We will now discuss in somewhat greater detail each step involved in the creation 
    and use of synchronous transactions.
   //  Edit stop point - JS, 20041228 0425+1000
    <h4>Step 1: Define single row operation type</h4>
    The following types of operations exist:
     -# NdbOperation::insertTuple : 
@@ -207,14 +180,13 @@
    Normally the attribute is defined by its name but it is
    also possible to use the attribute identity to define the
-   The mapping from name to identity is performed by the Table object.
-   NdbIndexOperation::getValue returns an NdbRecAttr object
+   NdbOperation::getValue returns an NdbRecAttr object
    containing the read value.
    To get the value, there is actually two methods.
    The application can either
    - use its own memory (passed through a pointer aValue) to
-     NdbIndexOperation::getValue, or
+     NdbOperation::getValue, or
    - receive the attribute value in an NdbRecAttr object allocated
      by the NDB API.
@@ -224,367 +196,176 @@
    Ndb::closeTransaction have been called.
    The result of reading data from an NdbRecAttr object before
    calling NdbTransaction::execute is undefined.
-   <h3>Interpreted Program Operations</h3>
-   The following types of interpreted program operations exist:
-    -# NdbOperation::interpretedUpdateTuple :
-       updates a tuple using an interpreted program
-    -# NdbOperation::interpretedDeleteTuple :
-       delete a tuple using an interpreted program
-    -# NdbOperation::openScanRead : 
-       scans a table with read lock on each tuple
-    -# NdbOperation::openScanExclusive : 
-       scans a table with exclusive update lock on each tuple
-   The operations interpretedUpdateTuple and interpretedDeleteTuple both
-   work using the unique tuple key.
-   These <em>interpreted programs</em> 
-   make it possible to perform computations
-   inside the NDB Cluster Kernel instead of in the application
-   program.
-   This is sometimes very effective, since no intermediate results
-   are sent to the application, only the final result.
+   @subsection secScan              Scan Operations 
+   Scans are roughly the equivalent of SQL cursors.
+   Scans can either be performed on a table (@ref NdbScanOperation) or 
+   on an ordered index (@ref NdbIndexScanOperation).
-  <h3>Interpreted Update and Delete</h3>
+   Scan operation are characteriesed by the following:
+   - They can only perform reads (shared, exclusive or dirty)
+   - They can potentially work with multiple rows
+   - They can be used to update or delete multiple rows
+   - They can operate on several nodes in parallell
-   Operations for interpreted updates and deletes must follow a
-   certain order when defining operations on a tuple.
-   As for read and write operations,
-   one must first define the operation type and then the search key.
-   -# The first step is to define the initial readings.
-      In this phase it is only allowed to use the
-      NdbOperation::getValue method.
-      This part might be empty.
-   -# The second step is to define the interpreted part.
-      The methods supported are the methods listed below except
-      NdbOperation::def_subroutine and NdbOperation::ret_sub
-      which can only be used in a subroutine.
-      NdbOperation::incValue and NdbOperation::subValue
-      increment and decrement attributes
-      (currently only unsigned integers supported).
-      This part can also be empty since interpreted updates
-      can be used for reading and updating the same tuple.
-      <p>
-      Even though getValue and setValue are not really interpreted
-      program instructions, it is still allowed to use them as
-      the last instruction of the program.
-      (If a getValue or setValue is found when an interpret_exit_ok
-      could have been issued then the interpreted_exit_ok
-      will be inserted.
-      A interpret_exit_ok should be viewed as a jump to the first
-      instruction after the interpreted instructions.)
-   -# The third step is to define all updates without any
-      interpreted program instructions.
-      Here a set of NdbOperation::setValue methods are called.
-      There might be zero such calls.
-   -# The fourth step is the final readings.
-      The initial readings reads the initial value of attributes
-      and the final readings reads them after their updates.
-      There might be zero NdbOperation::getValue calls.
-   -# The fifth step is possible subroutine definitions using
-      NdbOperation::def_subroutine and NdbOperation::ret_sub.
-   @subsection secScan              Scanning 
-   The most common use of interpreted programs is for scanning
-   tables.  Scanning is a search of all tuples in a table.  
-   Tuples which satisfy conditions (a search filter) 
-   stated in the interpreted program 
-   are sent to the application.
-   Reasons for using scan transactions include
-   need to use a search key different from the primary key
-   and any secondary index.
-   Or that the query needs to access so many tuples so that 
-   it is more efficient to scan the entire table.
-   Scanning can also be used to update information.  
-   The scanning transaction itself is however 
-   not allowed to update any tuples.
-   To do updates via scanning transactions, the tuples 
-   need to be handed over to another transaction which is 
-   executing the actual update.
-   Even though a scan operation is part of a transaction, 
-   the scan transaction is not a normal transaction.
-   The locks are <em>not</em> kept throughout the entire 
-   scan transaction, since this would imply non-optimal performance.  
-   <em>
-   A transaction containing a scan operation can only 
-   contain that operation.  
-   No other operations are allowed in the same transaction.
-   </em>
-   The NdbOperation::openScanRead operation 
-   only sets a temporary read lock while
-   reading the tuple. 
-   The tuple lock is released already when the
-   result of the read reaches the application. 
-   The NdbOperation::openScanExclusive operation sets an 
-   exclusive lock on the tuple 
-   and sends the result to the application. 
-   Thus when the application reads the data it is still
-   locked with the exclusive lock. 
-   If the application desires to update the tuple it may transfer
-   the tuple to another transaction which updates the tuple.
-   The updating transaction can consist of a combination of tuples 
-   received from the scan and normal operations. 
-   For transferred operations it is not necessary to provide the
-   primary key.  It is part of the transfer. 
-   You only need to give the operation type and the 
-   actions to perform on the tuple.
-   The scan transaction starts like a usual transaction,
-   but is of the following form:
-    -# Start transaction
-    -# Get NdbOperation for the table to be scanned
-    -# Set the operation type using NdbOperation::openScanRead or 
-       NdbOperation::openScanExclusive
-    -# Search conditions are defined by an interpreted program
-       (setValue and write_attr are not allowed, since scan transactions
-       are only allowed to read information).
-       The instruction interpret_exit_nok does in this case
-       not abort the transaction, it only skips the tuple and 
-       proceeds with the next.  
-       The skipped tuple will not be reported to the application.
-    -# Call NdbTransaction::executeScan to define (and start) the scan.
-    -# Call NdbTransaction::nextScanResult to proceed with next tuple.  
-       When calling NdbTransaction::nextScanResult, the lock on any 
-       previous tuples are released.
-       <br>
-       If the tuple should be updated then it must be transferred over
-       to another updating transaction.  
-       This is performed by calling
-       NdbOperation::takeOverForUpdate or takeOverForDelete on 
-       the scanning transactions NdbOperation object with the updating 
-       transactions NdbTransaction object as parameter.  
-       <p>
-       If NdbOperation::takeOverFor* returns NULL then the 
-       operation was not successful, otherwise it returns a reference
-       to the NdbOperation which the updating transaction has received
-    -# Use Ndb::closeTransaction as usual to close the transaction. 
-       This can be performed even if there are more tuples to scan.
-   See also example program in section @ref select_all.cpp.
-   However, a new scan api is under development, using NdbScanOperation
-   and NdbScanFilter. NdbScanFilter makes it easier to define a search
-   criteria and is recommended instead of using Interpreted Programs.
-   The scan transaction starts like a usual transaction,
-   but is of the following form:
-    -# Start transaction
-    -# Get NdbScanOperation for the table to be scanned
-    -# NdbScanOperation::readTuples(NdbOperation::LM_Exclusive) returns a handle to a 
-       NdbResultSet. 
-    -# Search conditions are defined by NdbScanFilter
-    -# Call NdbTransaction::execute(NoCommit) to start the scan.
-    -# Call NdbResultSet::nextResult to proceed with next tuple.  
-       When calling NdbResultSet::nextResult(false), the lock on any 
-       previous tuples are released and the next tuple cached in the API
-       is fetched. 
-       <br>
-       If the tuple should be updated then define a new update operation 
-       (NdbOperation) using NdbResultSet::updateTuple().
-       The new update operation can the be used to modify the tuple.
-       When nextResult(false) returns != 0, then no more tuples 
-       are cached in the API. Updated tuples is now commit using 
-       NdbTransaction::execute(Commit).
-       After the commit, more tuples are fetched from NDB using 
-       nextResult(true).
-    -# Use Ndb::closeTransaction as usual to close the transaction. 
-       This can be performed even if there are more tuples to scan.
-       See the scan example program in @ref ndbapi_scan.cppn for example
-       usage of the new scan api.
-   <h3>Interpreted Programs</h3>
-   Interpretation programs are executed in a
-   register-based virtual machine.
-   The virtual machine has eight 64 bit registers numbered 0-7.
-   Each register contains type information which is used both
-   for type conversion and for type checking.
+   After the operation is created using <code>NdbTransaction::getNdbScanOperation()</code>
+   (or <code>NdbTransaction::getNdbIndexScanOperation()</code>), it is defined in the following 
+   three steps:
+   -# Define the standard operation type, using <code>NdbScanOperation::readTuples()</code>
+   -# Specify search conditions, using @ref NdbScanFilter and/or @ref NdbIndexScanOperation::setBound
+   -# Specify attribute actions, using <code>NdbOperation::getValue()</code>
+   -# Executing the transaction, using <code>NdbTransaction::execute()</code>
+   -# Iterating through the result set using <code>NdbScanOperation::nextResult</code>
-   @note Arrays are currently <b>not</b> supported in the virtual machine.
-         Currently only unsigned integers are supported and of size
-         maximum 64 bits.
+   Here are two brief examples illustrating this process. For the sake of brevity, 
+   we omit error-handling.
+   This first example uses an <code>NdbScanOperation</code>:
+   @code
+     // 1. Create
+     MyOperation= MyTransaction->getNdbScanOperation("MYTABLENAME");
+     // 2. Define type of operation and lock mode
+     MyOperation->readTuples(NdbOperation::LM_Read);
-   All errors in the interpretation program will cause a
-   transaction abort, but will not affect any other transactions.
+     // 3. Specify Search Conditions
+     NdbScanFilter sf(MyOperation);
+     sf.begin(NdbScanFilter::OR);
+     sf.eq(0, i);   // Return rows with column 0 equal to i or
+     sf.eq(1, i+1); // column 1 equal to (i+1)
+     sf.end();
-   The following are legal interpreted program instructions:
-   -# incValue        : Add to an attribute
-   -# subValue        : Subtract from an attribute
-   -# def_label       : Define a label in the interpreted program
-   -# add_reg         : Add two registers
-   -# sub_reg         : Subtract one register from another
-   -# load_const_u32  : Load an unsigned 32 bit value into a register
-   -# load_const_u64  : Load an unsigned 64 bit value into a register
-   -# load_const_null : Load a NULL value into a register
-   -# read_attr       : Read attribute value into a register
-   -# write_attr      : Write a register value into an attribute
-   -# branch_ge       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
-   -# branch_gt       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
-   -# branch_le       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
-   -# branch_lt       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
-   -# branch_eq       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
-   -# branch_ne       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
-   -# branch_ne_null  : Jumps if register does not contain NULL value
-   -# branch_eq_null  : Jumps if register contains NULL value
-   -# branch_label    : Unconditional jump to label
-   -# interpret_exit_ok  : Exit interpreted program
-                           (approving tuple if used in scan)
-   -# interpret_exit_nok : Exit interpreted program
-                           (disqualifying tuple if used in scan)
+     // 4. Attribute Actions
+     MyRecAttr= MyOperation->getValue("ATTR2", NULL);
+   @endcode
-   There are also three instructions for subroutines, which
-   are described in the next section.
+   The second example uses an <code>NdbIndexScanOperation</code>:
+   @code
+     // 1. Create
+     MyOperation= MyTransaction->getNdbIndexScanOperation("MYORDEREDINDEX", "MYTABLENAME");
-   @subsection subsubSub                Interpreted Programs: Subroutines
+     // 2. Define type of operation and lock mode
+     MyOperation->readTuples(NdbOperation::LM_Read);
-   The following are legal interpreted program instructions for
-   subroutines:
-   -# NdbOperation::def_subroutine : 
-      Defines start of subroutine in interpreted program code
-   -# NdbOperation::call_sub : 
-      Calls a subroutine
-   -# NdbOperation::ret_sub : 
-      Return from subroutine
+     // 3. Specify Search Conditions
+     // All rows with ATTR1 between i and (i+1)
+     MyOperation->setBound("ATTR1", NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundGE, i);
+     MyOperation->setBound("ATTR1", NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundLE, i+1);    
-   The virtual machine executes subroutines using a stack for
-   its operation.
-   The stack allows for up to 24 subroutine calls in succession.
-   Deeper subroutine nesting will cause an abort of the transaction.
+     // 4. Attribute Actions 
+     MyRecAttr = MyOperation->getValue("ATTR2", NULL);
+   @endcode
-   All subroutines starts with the instruction
-   NdbOperation::def_subroutine and ends with the instruction
-   NdbOperation::ret_sub.
-   If it is necessary to return earlier in the subroutine
-   it has to be done using a branch_label instruction
-   to a label defined right before the 
-   NdbOperation::ret_sub instruction.
+   <h4>Step 1: Define scan operation operation type</h4>
+   Scan operations only support 1 operation, @ref NdbScanOperation::readTuples or @ref NdbIndexScanOperation::readTuples
-   @note The subroutines are automatically numbered starting with 0.
-         The parameter used by NdbOperation::def_subroutine 
-	 should match the automatic numbering to make it easier to 
-	 debug the interpreted program.
+   @note If you want to define multiple scan operations within the same transaction,
+         then you need to call NdbTransaction::getNdb*ScanOperation for each
+         operation.
-   @section secAsync                    Asynchronous Transactions
-   The asynchronous interface is used to increase the speed of
-   transaction executing by better utilizing the connection
-   between the application and the NDB Kernel.
-   The interface is used to send many transactions 
-   at the same time to the NDB kernel.  
-   This is often much more efficient than using synchronous transactions.
-   The main reason for using this method is to ensure that 
-   Sending many transactions at the same time ensures that bigger 
-   chunks of data are sent when actually sending and thus decreasing 
-   the operating system overhead.
+   <h4>Step 2: Specify Search Conditions</h4>
+   The search condition is used to select tuples.
+   If no search condition is specified, the scan will return all rows
+   in the table.
-   The synchronous call to NdbTransaction::execute 
-   normally performs three main steps:<br>
-   -# <b>Prepare</b> 
-      Check transaction status
-      - if problems, abort the transaction
-      - if ok, proceed
-   -# <b>Send</b> 
-      Send the defined operations since last execute
-      or since start of transaction.
-   -# <b>Poll</b>
-      Wait for response from NDB kernel.
+   Search condition can be @ref NdbScanFilter which can be used on both
+   @ref NdbScanOperation and @ref NdbIndexScanOperation or bounds which
+   can only be used on index scans, @ref NdbIndexScanOperation::setBound.
+   An index scan can have both NdbScanFilter and bounds
-   The asynchronous method NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare 
-   only perform step 1.
-   (The abort part in step 1 is only prepared for.  The actual 
-   aborting of the transaction is performed in a later step.)
+   @note When NdbScanFilter is used each row is examined but maybe not 
+   returned. But when using bounds, only rows within bounds will be examined.
-   Asynchronous transactions are defined and executed 
-   in the following way.
-   -# Start (create) transactions (same way as for the 
-       synchronous transactions)
-   -# Add and define operations (also as in the synchronous case)
-   -# <b>Prepare</b> transactions 
-       (using NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare or 
-       NdbTransaction::executeAsynch)
-   -# <b>Send</b> transactions to NDB Kernel
-       (using Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions, 
-       NdbTransaction::executeAsynch, or Ndb::sendPollNdb)
-   -# <b>Poll</b> NDB kernel to find completed transactions 
-       (using Ndb::pollNdb or Ndb::sendPollNdb)
-   -# Close transactions (same way as for the synchronous transactions)
+   <h4>Step 3: Specify Attribute Actions</h4>
-   See example program in section @ref ndbapi_example2.cpp.
+   Now it is time to define which attributes should be read.
+   Normally the attribute is defined by its name but it is
+   also possible to use the attribute identity to define the
+   attribute.
+   NdbOperation::getValue returns an NdbRecAttr object
+   containing the read value.
+   To get the value, there is actually two methods.
+   The application can either
+   - use its own memory (passed through a pointer aValue) to
+     NdbOperation::getValue, or
+   - receive the attribute value in an NdbRecAttr object allocated
+     by the NDB API.
+   The NdbRecAttr object is released when Ndb::closeTransaction
+   is called.
+   Thus, the application can not reference this object after
+   Ndb::closeTransaction have been called.
+   The result of reading data from an NdbRecAttr object before
+   calling NdbTransaction::execute is undefined.
+   <h3> Using Scan to update/delete </h3>
+   Scanning can also be used to update/delete rows.
+   This is performed by
+   -# Scan using exclusive locks, NdbOperation::LM_Exclusive
+   -# When iterating through the result set, for each row optionally call 
+      either NdbScanOperation::updateCurrentTuple or 
+      NdbScanOperation::deleteCurrentTuple
+   -# If performing <code>NdbScanOperation::updateCurrentTuple</code>, 
+      set new values on record using ordinary @ref NdbOperation::setValue.
+      NdbOperation::equal should _not_ be called as the primary key is 
+      retreived from the scan.
+   @note that the actual update/delete will not be performed until next 
+   NdbTransaction::execute (as with single row operations), 
+   NdbTransaction::execute needs to be called before locks are released,
+     see @ref secScanLocks
+   <h4> Index scans specific features </h4> 
+   The following features are available when performing an index scan
+   - Scan subset of table using @ref NdbIndexScanOperation::setBound
+   - Ordering result set ascending or descending, @ref NdbIndexScanOperation::readTuples
+   - When using NdbIndexScanOperation::BoundEQ on distribution key 
+     only fragment containing rows will be scanned.
-   This prepare-send-poll protocol actually exists in four variants:
-   - (Prepare-Send-Poll).  This is the one-step variant provided
-     by synchronous transactions.
-   - (Prepare-Send)-Poll.  This is the two-step variant using
-     NdbTransaction::executeAsynch and Ndb::pollNdb.
-   - Prepare-(Send-Poll).  This is the two-step variant using
-     NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare and Ndb::sendPollNdb.
-   - Prepare-Send-Poll.  This is the three-step variant using
-     NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare, Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions, and
-     Ndb::pollNdb.
-   Transactions first has to be prepared by using method
-   NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare or NdbTransaction::executeAsynch.
-   The difference between these is that 
-   NdbTransaction::executeAsynch also sends the transaction to 
-   the NDB kernel.
-   One of the arguments to these methods is a callback method.
-   The callback method is executed during polling (item 5 above).
-   Note that NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare does not 
-   send the transaction to the NDB kernel.  When using 
-   NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare, you either have to call 
-   Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions or Ndb::sendPollNdb to send the 
-   database operations.
-   (Ndb::sendPollNdb also polls Ndb for completed transactions.)
-   The methods Ndb::pollNdb and Ndb::sendPollNdb checks if any 
-   sent transactions are completed.  The method Ndb::sendPollNdb 
-   also send all prepared transactions before polling NDB.
-   Transactions still in the definition phase (i.e. items 1-3 above, 
-   transactions which has not yet been sent to the NDB kernel) are not 
-   affected by poll-calls.
-   The poll method invoked (either Ndb::pollNdb or Ndb::sendPollNdb)
-   will return when:
-    -# at least 'minNoOfEventsToWakeup' of the transactions
-       are finished processing, and
-    -# all of these transactions have executed their 
-       callback methods.
-   The poll method returns the number of transactions that 
-   have finished processing and executed their callback methods.
+   Rows are returned unordered unless sorted is set to true.
+   @note When performing sorted scan, parameter parallelism to readTuples will
+   be ignored and max parallelism will be used instead. 
-   @note When an asynchronous transaction has been started and sent to
-         the NDB kernel, it is not allowed to execute any methods on
-         objects belonging to this transaction until the transaction
-         callback method have been executed.
-         (The transaction is stated and sent by either
-	 NdbTransaction::executeAsynch or through the combination of
-         NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare and either
-         Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions or Ndb::sendPollNdb).
+   @subsection secScanLocks Lock handling with scans
-   More about how transactions are sent the NDB Kernel is 
-   available in section @ref secAdapt.
+   When scanning a table or an index potentially 
+   a lot of records will be returned.
+   But Ndb will only lock a batch of rows per fragment at a time.
+   How many rows will be locked per fragment is controlled by the 
+   <code>batch</code> parameter to @ref NdbScanOperation::readTuples.
+   To let the application handle how locks are released 
+   @ref NdbScanOperation::nextResult have a parameter <code>fetch_allow</code>.
+   If NdbScanOperation::nextResult is called with fetch_allow = false, no
+   locks may be released as result of the function call. Otherwise the locks
+   for the current batch may be released.
+   This example shows scan delete, handling locks in an efficient manner.
+   For the sake of brevity, we omit error-handling.
+   @code
+     int check;
+     // Outer loop for each batch of rows
+     while((check = MyScanOperation->nextResult(true)) == 0)
+     {
+       do
+       {
+         // Inner loop for each row within batch
+         MyScanOperation->deleteCurrentTuple();
+       } while((check = MyScanOperation->nextResult(false) == 0));
+       // When no more rows in batch, exeute all defined deletes       
+       MyTransaction->execute(NoCommit);
+     }
+   @endcode
+   See @ref ndbapi_scan.cpp for full example of scan.
    @section secError                    Error Handling
    Errors can occur when
@@ -659,18 +440,6 @@
  * @include ndbapi_example4.cpp 
- * @page select_all.cpp select_all.cpp
- * @include select_all.cpp 
- */
- * @page ndbapi_async.cpp ndbapi_async.cpp
- * @include ndbapi_async.cpp
- */
  * @page ndbapi_scan.cpp ndbapi_scan.cpp
  * @include ndbapi_scan.cpp
@@ -803,24 +572,10 @@
    and thus each record of the table has the same schema.
-   @subsection secKeys               Tuple Keys
-   Each record has from zero up to four attributes which belong
+   @subsection secKeys               Primary Keys
+   Each record has from 1 up to 32 attributes which belong
    to the primary key of the table.
-   If no attribute belongs to the primary key, then
-   the NDB Cluster creates an attribute named <em>NDB$TID</em>
-   which stores a tuple identity.
-   The <em>tuple key</em> of a table is thus either 
-   the primary key attributes or the special NDB$TID attribute.
-   @subsection secArrays             Array Attributes
-   A table attribute in NDB Cluster can be of <em>array type</em>.
-   This means that the attribute consists of an array of 
-   <em>elements</em>.  The <em>attribute size</em> is the size
-   of one element of the array (expressed in bits) and the 
-   <em>array size</em> is the number of elements of the array.
    @section secTrans                 Transactions
    Transactions are committed to main memory, 
@@ -881,6 +636,280 @@
    of the primary key and keyLen will be 4.
+   (A transaction's execution can also be divided into three 
+   steps: prepare, send, and poll. This allows us to perform asynchronous
+   transactions.  More about this later.)
+   Another way to execute several parallel transactions is to use
+   asynchronous transactions.
+   Operations are of two different kinds:
+   -# standard operations, and
+   -# interpreted program operations.
+   <h3>Interpreted Program Operations</h3>
+   The following types of interpreted program operations exist:
+    -# NdbOperation::interpretedUpdateTuple :
+       updates a tuple using an interpreted program
+    -# NdbOperation::interpretedDeleteTuple :
+       delete a tuple using an interpreted program
+   The operations interpretedUpdateTuple and interpretedDeleteTuple both
+   work using the unique tuple key.
+   These <em>interpreted programs</em> 
+   make it possible to perform computations
+   inside the NDB Cluster Kernel instead of in the application
+   program.
+   This is sometimes very effective, since no intermediate results
+   are sent to the application, only the final result.
+  <h3>Interpreted Update and Delete</h3>
+   Operations for interpreted updates and deletes must follow a
+   certain order when defining operations on a tuple.
+   As for read and write operations,
+   one must first define the operation type and then the search key.
+   -# The first step is to define the initial readings.
+      In this phase it is only allowed to use the
+      NdbOperation::getValue method.
+      This part might be empty.
+   -# The second step is to define the interpreted part.
+      The methods supported are the methods listed below except
+      NdbOperation::def_subroutine and NdbOperation::ret_sub
+      which can only be used in a subroutine.
+      NdbOperation::incValue and NdbOperation::subValue
+      increment and decrement attributes
+      (currently only unsigned integers supported).
+      This part can also be empty since interpreted updates
+      can be used for reading and updating the same tuple.
+      <p>
+      Even though getValue and setValue are not really interpreted
+      program instructions, it is still allowed to use them as
+      the last instruction of the program.
+      (If a getValue or setValue is found when an interpret_exit_ok
+      could have been issued then the interpreted_exit_ok
+      will be inserted.
+      A interpret_exit_ok should be viewed as a jump to the first
+      instruction after the interpreted instructions.)
+   -# The third step is to define all updates without any
+      interpreted program instructions.
+      Here a set of NdbOperation::setValue methods are called.
+      There might be zero such calls.
+   -# The fourth step is the final readings.
+      The initial readings reads the initial value of attributes
+      and the final readings reads them after their updates.
+      There might be zero NdbOperation::getValue calls.
+   -# The fifth step is possible subroutine definitions using
+      NdbOperation::def_subroutine and NdbOperation::ret_sub.
+   <h3>Interpreted Programs</h3>
+   Interpretation programs are executed in a
+   register-based virtual machine.
+   The virtual machine has eight 64 bit registers numbered 0-7.
+   Each register contains type information which is used both
+   for type conversion and for type checking.
+   @note Arrays are currently <b>not</b> supported in the virtual machine.
+         Currently only unsigned integers are supported and of size
+         maximum 64 bits.
+   All errors in the interpretation program will cause a
+   transaction abort, but will not affect any other transactions.
+   The following are legal interpreted program instructions:
+   -# incValue        : Add to an attribute
+   -# subValue        : Subtract from an attribute
+   -# def_label       : Define a label in the interpreted program
+   -# add_reg         : Add two registers
+   -# sub_reg         : Subtract one register from another
+   -# load_const_u32  : Load an unsigned 32 bit value into a register
+   -# load_const_u64  : Load an unsigned 64 bit value into a register
+   -# load_const_null : Load a NULL value into a register
+   -# read_attr       : Read attribute value into a register
+   -# write_attr      : Write a register value into an attribute
+   -# branch_ge       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
+   -# branch_gt       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
+   -# branch_le       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
+   -# branch_lt       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
+   -# branch_eq       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
+   -# branch_ne       : Compares registers and possibly jumps to specified label
+   -# branch_ne_null  : Jumps if register does not contain NULL value
+   -# branch_eq_null  : Jumps if register contains NULL value
+   -# branch_label    : Unconditional jump to label
+   -# interpret_exit_ok  : Exit interpreted program
+                           (approving tuple if used in scan)
+   -# interpret_exit_nok : Exit interpreted program
+                           (disqualifying tuple if used in scan)
+   There are also three instructions for subroutines, which
+   are described in the next section.
+   @subsection subsubSub                Interpreted Programs: Subroutines
+   The following are legal interpreted program instructions for
+   subroutines:
+   -# NdbOperation::def_subroutine : 
+      Defines start of subroutine in interpreted program code
+   -# NdbOperation::call_sub : 
+      Calls a subroutine
+   -# NdbOperation::ret_sub : 
+      Return from subroutine
+   The virtual machine executes subroutines using a stack for
+   its operation.
+   The stack allows for up to 24 subroutine calls in succession.
+   Deeper subroutine nesting will cause an abort of the transaction.
+   All subroutines starts with the instruction
+   NdbOperation::def_subroutine and ends with the instruction
+   NdbOperation::ret_sub.
+   If it is necessary to return earlier in the subroutine
+   it has to be done using a branch_label instruction
+   to a label defined right before the 
+   NdbOperation::ret_sub instruction.
+   @note The subroutines are automatically numbered starting with 0.
+         The parameter used by NdbOperation::def_subroutine 
+	 should match the automatic numbering to make it easier to 
+	 debug the interpreted program.
+   @section secAsync                    Asynchronous Transactions
+   The asynchronous interface is used to increase the speed of
+   transaction executing by better utilizing the connection
+   between the application and the NDB Kernel.
+   The interface is used to send many transactions 
+   at the same time to the NDB kernel.  
+   This is often much more efficient than using synchronous transactions.
+   The main reason for using this method is to ensure that 
+   Sending many transactions at the same time ensures that bigger 
+   chunks of data are sent when actually sending and thus decreasing 
+   the operating system overhead.
+   The synchronous call to NdbTransaction::execute 
+   normally performs three main steps:<br>
+   -# <b>Prepare</b> 
+      Check transaction status
+      - if problems, abort the transaction
+      - if ok, proceed
+   -# <b>Send</b> 
+      Send the defined operations since last execute
+      or since start of transaction.
+   -# <b>Poll</b>
+      Wait for response from NDB kernel.
+   The asynchronous method NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare 
+   only perform step 1.
+   (The abort part in step 1 is only prepared for.  The actual 
+   aborting of the transaction is performed in a later step.)
+   Asynchronous transactions are defined and executed 
+   in the following way.
+   -# Start (create) transactions (same way as for the 
+       synchronous transactions)
+   -# Add and define operations (also as in the synchronous case)
+   -# <b>Prepare</b> transactions 
+       (using NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare or 
+       NdbTransaction::executeAsynch)
+   -# <b>Send</b> transactions to NDB Kernel
+       (using Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions, 
+       NdbTransaction::executeAsynch, or Ndb::sendPollNdb)
+   -# <b>Poll</b> NDB kernel to find completed transactions 
+       (using Ndb::pollNdb or Ndb::sendPollNdb)
+   -# Close transactions (same way as for the synchronous transactions)
+   See example program in section @ref ndbapi_example2.cpp.
+   This prepare-send-poll protocol actually exists in four variants:
+   - (Prepare-Send-Poll).  This is the one-step variant provided
+     by synchronous transactions.
+   - (Prepare-Send)-Poll.  This is the two-step variant using
+     NdbTransaction::executeAsynch and Ndb::pollNdb.
+   - Prepare-(Send-Poll).  This is the two-step variant using
+     NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare and Ndb::sendPollNdb.
+   - Prepare-Send-Poll.  This is the three-step variant using
+     NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare, Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions, and
+     Ndb::pollNdb.
+   Transactions first has to be prepared by using method
+   NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare or NdbTransaction::executeAsynch.
+   The difference between these is that 
+   NdbTransaction::executeAsynch also sends the transaction to 
+   the NDB kernel.
+   One of the arguments to these methods is a callback method.
+   The callback method is executed during polling (item 5 above).
+   Note that NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare does not 
+   send the transaction to the NDB kernel.  When using 
+   NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare, you either have to call 
+   Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions or Ndb::sendPollNdb to send the 
+   database operations.
+   (Ndb::sendPollNdb also polls Ndb for completed transactions.)
+   The methods Ndb::pollNdb and Ndb::sendPollNdb checks if any 
+   sent transactions are completed.  The method Ndb::sendPollNdb 
+   also send all prepared transactions before polling NDB.
+   Transactions still in the definition phase (i.e. items 1-3 above, 
+   transactions which has not yet been sent to the NDB kernel) are not 
+   affected by poll-calls.
+   The poll method invoked (either Ndb::pollNdb or Ndb::sendPollNdb)
+   will return when:
+    -# at least 'minNoOfEventsToWakeup' of the transactions
+       are finished processing, and
+    -# all of these transactions have executed their 
+       callback methods.
+   The poll method returns the number of transactions that 
+   have finished processing and executed their callback methods.
+   @note When an asynchronous transaction has been started and sent to
+         the NDB kernel, it is not allowed to execute any methods on
+         objects belonging to this transaction until the transaction
+         callback method have been executed.
+         (The transaction is stated and sent by either
+	 NdbTransaction::executeAsynch or through the combination of
+         NdbTransaction::executeAsynchPrepare and either
+         Ndb::sendPreparedTransactions or Ndb::sendPollNdb).
+   More about how transactions are sent the NDB Kernel is 
+   available in section @ref secAdapt.
+   Put this back when real array ops are supported
+   i.e. get/setValue("kalle[3]");
+   @subsection secArrays             Array Attributes
+   A table attribute in NDB Cluster can be of <em>array type</em>.
+   This means that the attribute consists of an array of 
+   <em>elements</em>.  The <em>attribute size</em> is the size
+   of one element of the array (expressed in bits) and the 
+   <em>array size</em> is the number of elements of the array.
 #ifndef Ndb_H
 #define Ndb_H
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp
index c94f48ea06bdf669db3d15a87b36657ec4f525e1..6fe4dc3df84fe641aeb03fa1049fd6b072005b2f 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbIndexScanOperation.hpp
@@ -34,16 +34,15 @@ class NdbIndexScanOperation : public NdbScanOperation {
-   * readTuples returns a NdbResultSet where tuples are stored.
-   * Tuples are not stored in NdbResultSet until execute(NoCommit) 
-   * has been executed and nextResult has been called.
+   * readTuples using ordered index
-   * @param parallel  Scan parallelism
+   * @param lock_mode Lock mode
    * @param batch     No of rows to fetch from each fragment at a time
-   * @param LockMode  Scan lock handling   
+   * @param parallel  No of fragments to scan in parallel
    * @param order_by  Order result set in index order
-   * @param order_desc  Order descending, ignored unless order_by
-   * @returns NdbResultSet.
+   * @param order_desc Order descending, ignored unless order_by
+   * @param read_range_no Enable reading of range no using @ref get_range_no
+   * @returns 0 for success and -1 for failure
    * @see NdbScanOperation::readTuples
   int readTuples(LockMode = LM_Read,
@@ -53,16 +52,6 @@ public:
                  bool order_desc = false,
 		 bool read_range_no = false);
-  inline int readTuples(int parallell){
-    return readTuples(LM_Read, 0, parallell, false);
-  }
-  inline int readTuplesExclusive(int parallell = 0){
-    return readTuples(LM_Exclusive, 0, parallell, false);
-  }
    * Type of ordered index key bound.  The values (0-4) will not change
    * and can be used explicitly (e.g. they could be computed).
@@ -134,7 +123,14 @@ public:
   int get_range_no();
+  /**
+   * Is current scan sorted
+   */
   bool getSorted() const { return m_ordered; }
+  /**
+   * Is current scan sorted descending
+   */
   bool getDescending() const { return m_descending; }
   NdbIndexScanOperation(Ndb* aNdb);
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbOperation.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbOperation.hpp
index 2e62b64492d58c20d9f648972fa079dcea90d220..c9a961c519d52c5c65fd4c6b099a3ffc0b1396ec 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbOperation.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbOperation.hpp
@@ -265,21 +265,6 @@ public:
   int  equal(Uint32 anAttrId, Int64 aValue);	
   int  equal(Uint32 anAttrId, Uint64 aValue);
-  /**
-   * Generate a tuple id and set it as search argument.
-   *
-   * The Tuple id has NDB$TID as attribute name and 0 as attribute id.
-   *
-   * The generated tuple id is returned by the method.
-   * If zero is returned there is an error.
-   *
-   * This is mostly used for tables without any primary key 
-   * attributes.
-   * 
-   * @return    Generated tuple id if successful, otherwise 0.
-   */
-  Uint64       setTupleId();			
   /** @} *********************************************************************/
    * @name Specify Attribute Actions for Operations
@@ -708,6 +693,7 @@ public:
   /** @} *********************************************************************/
    * Type of operation
@@ -723,11 +709,16 @@ public:
     NotDefined2,                  ///< Internal for debugging
     NotDefined                    ///< Internal for debugging
+  /**
+   * Return lock mode for operation
+   */
   LockMode getLockMode() const { return theLockMode; }
-  void setAbortOption(Int8 ao) { m_abortOption = ao; }
+  void setAbortOption(Int8 ao) { m_abortOption = ao; }
    * Set/get distribution/partition key
@@ -758,8 +749,10 @@ protected:
   void	next(NdbOperation*);		// Set next pointer		      
   NdbOperation*	    next();	        // Get next pointer		       
   const NdbOperation* next() const;
   const NdbRecAttr* getFirstRecAttr() const;
   enum OperationStatus
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbRecAttr.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbRecAttr.hpp
index 71c4d4e1247a2431c0e9472f9872ffad0e790ff4..32a75cee74535e997457fde9bf7b56a1a8f3c8dd 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbRecAttr.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbRecAttr.hpp
@@ -245,7 +245,9 @@ public:
   const NdbRecAttr* next() const;
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp
index 983aa51fbee2069f5ff9886252fc93f9cc65dd42..58793c2875006022cca71d7ace61e5da1d7c29b4 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbScanOperation.hpp
@@ -37,16 +37,14 @@ class NdbScanOperation : public NdbOperation {
-   * readTuples returns a NdbResultSet where tuples are stored.
-   * Tuples are not stored in NdbResultSet until execute(NoCommit) 
-   * has been executed and nextResult has been called.
+   * readTuples
-   * @param parallel  Scan parallelism
+   * @param lock_mode Lock mode
    * @param batch No of rows to fetch from each fragment at a time
-   * @param LockMode  Scan lock handling   
+   * @param parallel No of fragments to scan in parallell
    * @note specifying 0 for batch and parallall means max performance
-  int readTuples(LockMode = LM_Read, 
+  int readTuples(LockMode lock_mode = LM_Read, 
 		 Uint32 batch = 0, Uint32 parallel = 0);
@@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ public:
    * Get the next tuple in a scan transaction. 
-   * After each call to NdbResult::nextResult
+   * After each call to nextResult
    * the buffers and NdbRecAttr objects defined in 
    * NdbOperation::getValue are updated with values 
    * from the scanned tuple. 
@@ -114,53 +112,31 @@ public:
   int nextResult(bool fetchAllowed = true, bool forceSend = false);
-   * Close result set (scan)
+   * Close scan
   void close(bool forceSend = false);
-   * Restart
-   */
-  int restart(bool forceSend = false);
-  /**
-   * Transfer scan operation to an updating transaction. Use this function 
-   * when a scan has found a record that you want to update. 
-   * 1. Start a new transaction.
-   * 2. Call the function takeOverForUpdate using your new transaction 
-   *    as parameter, all the properties of the found record will be copied 
-   *    to the new transaction.
-   * 3. When you execute the new transaction, the lock held by the scan will 
-   *    be transferred to the new transaction(it's taken over).
-   *
-   * @note You must have started the scan with openScanExclusive
-   *       to be able to update the found tuple.
+   * Update current tuple
-   * @param updateTrans the update transaction connection.
    * @return an NdbOperation or NULL.
   NdbOperation* updateCurrentTuple();
   NdbOperation*	updateCurrentTuple(NdbTransaction* updateTrans);
-   * Transfer scan operation to a deleting transaction. Use this function 
-   * when a scan has found a record that you want to delete. 
-   * 1. Start a new transaction.
-   * 2. Call the function takeOverForDelete using your new transaction 
-   *    as parameter, all the properties of the found record will be copied 
-   *    to the new transaction.
-   * 3. When you execute the new transaction, the lock held by the scan will 
-   *    be transferred to the new transaction(its taken over).
-   *
-   * @note You must have started the scan with openScanExclusive
-   *       to be able to delete the found tuple.
-   *
-   * @param deleteTrans the delete transaction connection.
-   * @return an NdbOperation or NULL.
+   * Delete current tuple
+   * @return 0 on success or -1 on failure
   int deleteCurrentTuple();
   int deleteCurrentTuple(NdbTransaction* takeOverTransaction);
+  /**
+   * Restart scan with exactly the same
+   *   getValues and search conditions
+   */
+  int restart(bool forceSend = false);
   NdbScanOperation(Ndb* aNdb);
   virtual ~NdbScanOperation();
diff --git a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbTransaction.hpp b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbTransaction.hpp
index a2008b809885a93837d7b10ac750383cf0d2f11e..10d641c022e4e64d9c570d91b7ed0ce5cb9ae2bd 100644
--- a/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbTransaction.hpp
+++ b/ndb/include/ndbapi/NdbTransaction.hpp
@@ -110,23 +110,6 @@ enum ExecType {
  * -# AbortOption::IgnoreError
  *    Continue execution of transaction even if operation fails
- * NdbTransaction::execute can sometimes indicate an error 
- * (return with -1) while the error code on the NdbTransaction is 0. 
- * This is an indication that one of the operations found a record 
- * problem. The transaction is still ok and can continue as usual.
- * The NdbTransaction::execute returns -1 together with error code 
- * on NdbTransaction object equal to 0 always means that an 
- * operation was not successful but that the total transaction was OK. 
- * By checking error codes on the individual operations it is possible 
- * to find out which operation was not successful. 
- *
- * NdbTransaction::executeScan is used to setup a scan in the NDB kernel
- * after it has been defined.
- * NdbTransaction::nextScanResult is used to iterate through the 
- * scanned tuples. 
- * After each call to NdbTransaction::nextScanResult, the pointers
- * of NdbRecAttr objects defined in the NdbOperation::getValue 
- * operations are updated with the values of the new the scanned tuple. 
@@ -376,6 +359,7 @@ public:
   void close();
    * Restart transaction
@@ -385,6 +369,7 @@ public:
    *   Note this method also releases completed operations
   int restart();
   /** @} *********************************************************************/
@@ -494,7 +479,7 @@ public:
   const NdbOperation * getNextCompletedOperation(const NdbOperation * op)const;
   const NdbOperation* getFirstDefinedOperation()const{return theFirstOpInList;}
   const NdbOperation* getLastDefinedOperation()const{return theLastOpInList;}
@@ -508,6 +493,7 @@ public:
    * ops are used (read, insert, update, delete).
   int executePendingBlobOps(Uint8 flags = 0xFF);
diff --git a/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbOperationSearch.cpp b/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbOperationSearch.cpp
index 65e2ab3e7699c60a4ecbfe3c140f5236b6845114..70850bcc66b35578527dfccec62a57037cac5c72 100644
--- a/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbOperationSearch.cpp
+++ b/ndb/src/ndbapi/NdbOperationSearch.cpp
@@ -300,32 +300,6 @@ NdbOperation::equal_impl(const NdbColumnImpl* tAttrInfo,
   return -1;
- * Uint64 setTupleId( void )
- *
- * Return Value:  Return > 0: OK 
- *                Return 0 : setTupleId failed
- * Parameters:     
- * Remark:
- *****************************************************************************/
-  if (theStatus != OperationDefined)
-  {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  Uint64 tTupleId = theNdb->getTupleIdFromNdb(m_currentTable->m_tableId);
-  if (tTupleId == ~(Uint64)0){
-    setErrorCodeAbort(theNdb->theError.code);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (equal((Uint32)0, tTupleId) == -1)
-    return 0;
-  return tTupleId;
  * int insertKEYINFO(const char* aValue, aStartPosition, 
  *                   anAttrSizeInWords, Uint32 anAttrBitsInLastWord);