Commit f2cea772 authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

test app_private with cursors

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@391 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent ea9cd982
......@@ -815,22 +815,26 @@ static void test_wrongendian_compare (int wrong_p, unsigned int N) {
int test_cursor_debug = 0;
DB *test_db;
DB *test_db = 0;
void *test_app_private = 0;
void set_test_db(DB *db) {
void set_test_db_app(DB *db, void *app_private) {
test_db = db;
test_app_private = app_private;
void clear_test_db() {
test_db = null_db;
test_app_private = 0;
int test_brt_cursor_keycompare(DB *db, const DBT *a, const DBT *b) {
assert(db == test_db);
assert(a->app_private == test_app_private);
return keycompare(a->data, a->size, b->data, b->size);
void assert_cursor_notfound(BRT brt, int position, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_notfound(BRT brt, int position, DB *db, void *app_private) {
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int r;
DBT kbt, vbt;
......@@ -838,7 +842,7 @@ void assert_cursor_notfound(BRT brt, int position, DB *db) {
r = brt_cursor(brt, &cursor);
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, position, db, null_txn);
assert(r == DB_NOTFOUND);
......@@ -847,7 +851,7 @@ void assert_cursor_notfound(BRT brt, int position, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_value(BRT brt, int position, long long value, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_value(BRT brt, int position, long long value, DB *db, void *app_private) {
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int r;
DBT kbt, vbt;
......@@ -857,7 +861,7 @@ void assert_cursor_value(BRT brt, int position, long long value, DB *db) {
if (test_cursor_debug) printf("key: ");
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, position, db, null_txn);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -873,7 +877,7 @@ void assert_cursor_value(BRT brt, int position, long long value, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_first_last(BRT brt, long long firstv, long long lastv, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_first_last(BRT brt, long long firstv, long long lastv, DB *db, void *app_private) {
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int r;
DBT kbt, vbt;
......@@ -883,7 +887,7 @@ void assert_cursor_first_last(BRT brt, long long firstv, long long lastv, DB *db
if (test_cursor_debug) printf("first key: ");
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_FIRST, db, null_txn);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -896,7 +900,7 @@ void assert_cursor_first_last(BRT brt, long long firstv, long long lastv, DB *db
if (test_cursor_debug) printf("\n");
if (test_cursor_debug) printf("last key:");
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_LAST, db, null_txn);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -918,10 +922,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_first(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_first:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -936,7 +941,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_first(int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", i);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -944,9 +949,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_first(int n, DB *db) {
if (n == 0)
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_FIRST, db);
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_FIRST, db, &my_app_private);
assert_cursor_value(brt, DB_FIRST, 0, db);
assert_cursor_value(brt, DB_FIRST, 0, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -963,10 +968,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_last(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_last:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -981,7 +987,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_last(int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", i);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -989,9 +995,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_last(int n, DB *db) {
if (n == 0)
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_LAST, db);
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_LAST, db, &my_app_private);
assert_cursor_value(brt, DB_LAST, n-1, db);
assert_cursor_value(brt, DB_LAST, n-1, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -1008,16 +1014,17 @@ void test_brt_cursor_first_last(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_first_last:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
r = open_brt(fname, 0, 1, &brt, 1<<12, ct, default_compare_fun);
r = open_brt(fname, 0, 1, &brt, 1<<12, ct, test_brt_cursor_keycompare);
/* insert a bunch of kv pairs */
......@@ -1026,7 +1033,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_first_last(int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", i);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -1034,10 +1041,10 @@ void test_brt_cursor_first_last(int n, DB *db) {
if (n == 0) {
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_FIRST, db);
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_LAST, db);
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_FIRST, db, &my_app_private);
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_LAST, db, &my_app_private);
} else
assert_cursor_first_last(brt, 0, n-1, db);
assert_cursor_first_last(brt, 0, n-1, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -1054,10 +1061,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rfirst(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_rfirst:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1072,7 +1080,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rfirst(int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", i);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -1080,9 +1088,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rfirst(int n, DB *db) {
if (n == 0)
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_FIRST, db);
assert_cursor_notfound(brt, DB_FIRST, db, &my_app_private);
assert_cursor_value(brt, DB_FIRST, 0, db);
assert_cursor_value(brt, DB_FIRST, 0, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -1093,7 +1101,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rfirst(int n, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_walk(BRT brt, int n, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_walk(BRT brt, int n, DB *db, void *app_private) {
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int i;
int r;
......@@ -1106,7 +1114,7 @@ void assert_cursor_walk(BRT brt, int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
long long v;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_NEXT, db, null_txn);
if (r != 0)
......@@ -1131,10 +1139,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_walk:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1149,7 +1158,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", i);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -1157,7 +1166,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
/* walk the tree */
assert_cursor_walk(brt, n, db);
assert_cursor_walk(brt, n, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -1168,7 +1177,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_rwalk(BRT brt, int n, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_rwalk(BRT brt, int n, DB *db, void *app_private) {
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int i;
int r;
......@@ -1181,7 +1190,7 @@ void assert_cursor_rwalk(BRT brt, int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
long long v;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_PREV, db, null_txn);
if (r != 0)
......@@ -1206,10 +1215,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rwalk(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_rwalk:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1224,7 +1234,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rwalk(int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
k = htonl(i);
fill_dbt(&kbt, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -1232,7 +1242,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rwalk(int n, DB *db) {
/* walk the tree */
assert_cursor_rwalk(brt, n, db);
assert_cursor_rwalk(brt, n, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -1243,7 +1253,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rwalk(int n, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_walk_inorder(BRT brt, int n, DB *db) {
void assert_cursor_walk_inorder(BRT brt, int n, DB *db, void *app_private) {
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int i;
int r;
......@@ -1258,7 +1268,7 @@ void assert_cursor_walk_inorder(BRT brt, int n, DB *db) {
DBT kbt, vbt;
long long v;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_NEXT, db, null_txn);
if (r != 0)
......@@ -1287,10 +1297,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rand(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
int r;
int i;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_rand:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1307,7 +1318,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rand(int n, DB *db) {
for (;;) {
v = ((long long) random() << 32) + random();
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%lld", v);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_lookup(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db);
......@@ -1322,7 +1333,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_rand(int n, DB *db) {
/* walk the tree */
assert_cursor_walk_inorder(brt, n, db);
assert_cursor_walk_inorder(brt, n, db, &my_app_private);
r = close_brt(brt);
......@@ -1342,10 +1353,11 @@ void test_brt_cursor_split(int n, DB *db) {
int keyseqnum;
int i;
DBT kbt, vbt;
int my_app_private;
printf("test_brt_cursor_split:%d %p\n", n, db);
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1359,7 +1371,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_split(int n, DB *db) {
char key[8]; long long v;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", keyseqnum);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = keyseqnum;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -1371,7 +1383,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_split(int n, DB *db) {
if (test_cursor_debug) printf("key: ");
for (i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = &my_app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_NEXT, db, null_txn);
......@@ -1385,7 +1397,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_split(int n, DB *db) {
char key[8]; long long v;
snprintf(key, sizeof key, "%4.4d", keyseqnum);
fill_dbt(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1);
fill_dbt_ap(&kbt, key, strlen(key)+1, &my_app_private);
v = keyseqnum;
fill_dbt(&vbt, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &kbt, &vbt, db, 0);
......@@ -1394,7 +1406,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_split(int n, DB *db) {
if (test_cursor_debug) printf("key: ");
for (;;) {
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&kbt); kbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; kbt.app_private = &my_app_private;
init_dbt(&vbt); vbt.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &kbt, &vbt, DB_NEXT, db, null_txn);
if (r != 0)
......@@ -1425,8 +1437,9 @@ void test_multiple_brt_cursors(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
BRT_CURSOR cursors[n];
int my_app_private;
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1475,8 +1488,9 @@ void test_multiple_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
const int cursor_gap = 1000;
const int ncursors = n/cursor_gap;
BRT_CURSOR cursors[ncursors];
int my_app_private;
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
int nodesize = 1<<12;
......@@ -1503,7 +1517,7 @@ void test_multiple_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
r = brt_insert(brt, &key, &val, db, 0);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -1511,7 +1525,7 @@ void test_multiple_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
/* point cursor i / cursor_gap to the current last key i */
if ((i % cursor_gap) == 0) {
c = i / cursor_gap;
init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; key.app_private = &my_app_private;
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursors[c], &key, &val, DB_LAST, db, null_txn);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -1523,7 +1537,7 @@ void test_multiple_brt_cursor_walk(int n, DB *db) {
/* walk the cursors by cursor_gap */
for (i=0; i<cursor_gap; i++) {
for (c=0; c<ncursors; c++) {
init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; key.app_private = &my_app_private;
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursors[c], &key, &val, DB_NEXT, db, null_txn);
if (r == DB_NOTFOUND) {
......@@ -1563,8 +1577,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set(int n, int cursor_op, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int my_app_private;
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1581,8 +1596,8 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set(int n, int cursor_op, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(10*i);
v = 10*i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt_ap(&val, &v, sizeof v, &my_app_private);
r = brt_insert(brt, &key, &val, db, 0);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -1596,7 +1611,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set(int n, int cursor_op, DB *db) {
v = 10*(random() % n);
k = htonl(v);
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, cursor_op, db, null_txn);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -1611,7 +1626,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set(int n, int cursor_op, DB *db) {
if (i % 10 == 0)
k = htonl(i);
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_SET, db, null_txn);
assert(r == DB_NOTFOUND);
......@@ -1637,8 +1652,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set_range(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int my_app_private;
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
r = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1656,8 +1672,8 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set_range(int n, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(10*i);
v = 10*i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt_ap(&val, &v, sizeof v, &my_app_private);
r = brt_insert(brt, &key, &val, db, 0);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -1672,7 +1688,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_set_range(int n, DB *db) {
v = random() % (10*n);
k = htonl(v);
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
r = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_SET_RANGE, db, null_txn);
if (v > max_key)
......@@ -1707,8 +1723,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_delete(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int my_app_private;
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
error = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1728,7 +1745,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_delete(int n, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
error = brt_insert(brt, &key, &val, db, 0);
assert(error == 0);
......@@ -1736,7 +1753,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_delete(int n, DB *db) {
/* walk the tree and delete under the cursor */
for (;;) {
init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; key.app_private = &my_app_private;
init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
error = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_NEXT, db, null_txn);
if (error == DB_NOTFOUND)
......@@ -1772,8 +1789,9 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
BRT brt;
BRT_CURSOR cursor;
int my_app_private;
set_test_db_app(db, &my_app_private);
error = brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0);
......@@ -1791,7 +1809,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
/* verify get_both on an empty tree fails */
k = htonl(n+1);
v = n+1;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
error = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_GET_BOTH, db, null_txn);
assert(error == DB_NOTFOUND);
......@@ -1801,7 +1819,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
error = brt_insert(brt, &key, &val, db, 0);
assert(error == 0);
......@@ -1810,7 +1828,7 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
/* verify that keys not in the tree fail */
k = htonl(n+1);
v = n-1;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
error = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_GET_BOTH, db, null_txn);
assert(error == DB_NOTFOUND);
......@@ -1819,8 +1837,8 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i+1;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt_ap(&val, &v, sizeof v, &my_app_private);
error = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_GET_BOTH, db, null_txn);
assert(error == DB_NOTFOUND);
......@@ -1829,8 +1847,8 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt_ap(&val, &v, sizeof v, &my_app_private);
error = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_GET_BOTH, db, null_txn);
assert(error == 0);
......@@ -1850,8 +1868,8 @@ void test_brt_cursor_get_both(int n, DB *db) {
k = htonl(i);
v = i;
fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k);
fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v);
fill_dbt_ap(&key, &k, sizeof k, &my_app_private);
fill_dbt_ap(&val, &v, sizeof v, &my_app_private);
error = brt_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &val, DB_GET_BOTH, db, null_txn);
assert(error == DB_NOTFOUND);
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