diff --git a/src/lock_tree/locktree.c b/src/lock_tree/locktree.c
index f9ccbb25bbdb92cbdfe854b9ea363963de2280b1..ac415358aab58b536bc0560959e48d4807b7caae 100644
--- a/src/lock_tree/locktree.c
+++ b/src/lock_tree/locktree.c
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@
 /* TODO: During integration, create a db panic function to take care of this.
          The panic function will go in ydb.c.
          We may have to return the panic return code DB_RUNRECOVERY. */
-static int __toku_lt_panic(toku_lock_tree *tree, int r) {
-    tree->panic(tree->db);
-    return r;
+static int __toku_lt_panic(toku_lock_tree *tree) {
+    return tree->panic(tree->db);
 const unsigned __toku_default_buflen = 2;
@@ -679,7 +678,7 @@ static void __toku_lt_free_contents(toku_lock_tree* tree, toku_range_tree* rt) {
 int toku_lt_create(toku_lock_tree** ptree, DB* db, BOOL duplicates,
-                   void  (*panic)(DB*), size_t payload_capacity,
+                   int   (*panic)(DB*), size_t payload_capacity,
                    int   (*compare_fun)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*),
                    int   (*dup_compare)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*),
                    void* (*user_malloc) (size_t),
@@ -855,8 +854,8 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
     BOOL dominated;
     toku_range_tree* mainread;
-    __toku_init_point(&endpoint,   tree,  key, data);
-    __toku_init_query(&query,  &endpoint, &endpoint);
+    __toku_init_point(&endpoint, tree, key, data);
+    __toku_init_query(&query, &endpoint, &endpoint);
     /* if 'K' is dominated by selfwrite('txn') then return success. */
     r = __toku_lt_dominated(tree, &query, 
@@ -865,7 +864,7 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
     /* else if K meets mainread at 'txn2' then return failure */
     BOOL met;
-    mainread = tree->mainread; assert(mainread);
+    mainread = tree->mainread;                          assert(mainread);
     r = __toku_lt_meets_peer(tree, &query, mainread, txn, &met);
     if (r!=0) return r; 
     if (met)  return DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED;
@@ -877,10 +876,7 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
     r = __toku_lt_check_borderwrite_conflict(tree, txn, &query);
     if (r!=0) return r;
-    /* Now need to copy the memory and insert. */
-    assert(FALSE);  //Not implemented yet.
-    /*
+    /*  Now need to copy the memory and insert.
         No merging required in selfwrite.
         This is a point, and if merging was possible it would have been
         dominated by selfwrite.
@@ -920,53 +916,34 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
         This is a point, and if merging was possible it would have been
         dominated by selfwrite.
-    BOOL dummy = TRUE;
-    toku_range  to_insert;
+    toku_range to_insert;
     __toku_init_insert(&to_insert, &endpoint, &endpoint, txn);
+    BOOL dummy = TRUE;
     r = __toku_lt_alloc_extreme(tree, &to_insert, TRUE, &dummy)
-    if (0) {
-        died1:
-        __toku_p_free(tree, to_insert->left);
-        return r;
-    }
+    if (0) { died1:  __toku_p_free(tree, to_insert->left);   return r; }
     if (r!=0) return r;
     toku_range_tree* selfwrite;
     r = __toku_lt_selfwrite(tree, txn, &selfwrite);
     if (r!=0) goto died1;
-    /* TODO: We are inserting here, but maybe this should be later. */       
     r = toku_rt_insert(selfwrite, &to_insert);
-    if (0) {
-        died2:
-        int  r2;
-        r2 = toku_rt_delete(selfwrite, &to_insert);
-        if (r2!=0) r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, r);
-        goto died1;
-    }
     if (r!=0) goto died1;
     /* Need to update borderwrite. */
-    toku_range_tree* borderwrite = tree->borderwrite;
-    assert(borderwrite);
+    toku_range_tree* borderwrite = tree->borderwrite;   assert(borderwrite);
     unsigned numfound;
     r = toku_rt_find(borderwrite, &query, 1, &tree->buf, &tree->buflen,
-    /* If find fails, there is no way we can run the algorithm, so we panic! */
-    if (r!=0) { r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, r); goto died2; }
+    if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree, r);
     assert(numfound <= 1);
     /* No updated needed in borderwrite: we return right away. */
     if (numfound == 1 && tree->buf[0].data == txn) return 0;
-    /* The range we insert in borderwrite may differ (bigger) than the
-       to_insert=point that we inserted before. We need a new one because
-       the old one may be needed for error recovery. */
-    toku_range border_insert;
-    memcpy(&border_insert, &to_insert, sizeof(toku_range));
     /* Find predecessor and successors */
     toku_range pred;
     toku_range succ;
@@ -976,44 +953,47 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
     range_tree* rt;
     rt = numfound == 0 ? borderwrite : 
                          __toku_lt_ifexist_selfwrite(tree, tree->buf[0].data);
-    if (!rt) { r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, EINVAL); goto died2; }
+    if (!rt)  return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
     r = toku_rt_predecessor(rt, to_insert.left,  &pred, &found_p);
-    if (r!=0) { r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, r); goto died2; }
+    if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
     r = toku_rt_successor  (rt, to_insert.right, &succ, &found_s);
-    if (r!=0) { r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, r); goto died2; }
+    if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
     if (found_p && found_s && pred.data == succ.data) {
-        r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, EINVAL); goto died2; }
+        return __toku_lt_panic(tree); }
     if (numfound == 0) {
         if      (found_p && pred.data == txn) {
             r = toku_rt_delete(borderwrite, &pred);
-            if (r!=0) { r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, r); goto died2; }
-            border_insert.left = pred.left;
+            if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
+            to_insert.left = pred.left;
         else if (found_s && succ.data == txn) {
             r = toku_rt_delete(borderwrite, &succ);
-            if (r!=0) { r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, r); goto died2; }
-            border_insert.right = succ.right;
+            if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
+            to_insert.right = succ.right;
     else {  
         assert(tree->buf[0].data != txn);
-        if (!found_s || !found_p) { 
-            r = __toku_lt_panic(tree, EINVAL); goto died2; }
+        if (!found_s || !found_p) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
         r = toku_rt_delete(borderwrite, &tree->buf[0]);
-        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree, r);
-        pred.right = tree->buf[0].right;
-        succ.left  = tree->buf[0].left;
+        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
+        pred.left  = tree->buf[0].left;
+        succ.right = tree->buf[0].right;
+        if (tree->end_cmp(pred.left, pred.right) > 0 ||
+            tree->end_cmp(succ.left, succ.right) > 0) {
+            return __toku_lt_panic(tree);}
         r = toku_rt_insert(borderwrite, &pred);
-        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree, r);
+        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
         r = toku_rt_insert(borderwrite, &succ);
-        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree, r);
-    }
-    if (numfound == 0 || tree->buf[0].data != txn) {
-        r = toku_rt_insert(borderwrite, &to_insert);
-        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree, r);
+        if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
+    r = toku_rt_insert(borderwrite, &to_insert);
+    if (r!=0) return __toku_lt_panic(tree);
     return 0;
@@ -1027,6 +1007,8 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_range_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
         __toku_lt_is_infinite(key_left))                    return EINVAL;
     if (tree->duplicates  && key_right != data_right &&
         __toku_lt_is_infinite(key_right))                   return EINVAL;
+    /* Verify that NULL keys have payload and size that are mutually 
+       consistent*/
diff --git a/src/lock_tree/locktree.h b/src/lock_tree/locktree.h
index 76e4a1edc79c8e1d8d213f53f6869783b6c383a7..278a907eaed9e64dc87e548192aa754e3ce5864f 100644
--- a/src/lock_tree/locktree.h
+++ b/src/lock_tree/locktree.h
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ typedef struct {
     /** The data compare function */
     int                 (*dup_compare)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*);
     /** The panic function */
-    void                (*panic)(DB*);
+    int                 (*panic)(DB*);
     /** The user malloc function */
     void*               (*malloc) (size_t);
     /** The user free function */
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ int toku_lt_point_cmp(void* a, void* b);
 int toku_lt_create(toku_lock_tree** ptree, DB* db, BOOL duplicates,
-                   void(*panic)(DB*), size_t payload_capacity,
+                   int (*panic)(DB*), size_t payload_capacity,
                    int (*compare_fun)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*),
                    int (*dup_compare)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*),
                    void* (*user_malloc) (size_t),