Commit faac0f36 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Remoe parent_brtnode. Fixes #251

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@1538 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent fba743d2
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ struct brtnode {
LSN disk_lsn; // The LSN as of the most recent version on disk.
LSN log_lsn; // The LSN as of the most recent log write.
int layout_version; // What version of the data structure?
BRTNODE parent_brtnode; /* Invariant: The parent of an in-memory node must be in main memory. This is so we can find and update the down pointer when we change the diskoff of a node. */
int height; /* height is always >= 0. 0 for leaf, >0 for nonleaf. */
u_int32_t rand4fingerprint;
u_int32_t local_fingerprint; /* For leaves this is everything in the buffer. For nonleaves, this is everything in the hash tables, but does not include child subtree fingerprints. */
......@@ -34,29 +34,7 @@ static void verify_local_fingerprint (BRTNODE node) {
static void verify_parent_fingerprint (BRTNODE node) {
BRTNODE parent=node->parent_brtnode;
u_int32_t subtree_fingerprint=node->local_fingerprint;
if (node->height>0) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<node->u.n.n_children; i++) {
subtree_fingerprint += BRTNODE_CHILD_SUBTREE_FINGERPRINTS(node, i);
if (parent) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<parent->u.n.n_children; i++) {
if (parent->u.n.children[i]==node->thisnodename) {
assert(BRTNODE_CHILD_SUBTREE_FINGERPRINTS(parent, i)==subtree_fingerprint);
assert(0); // no parent matches
int toku_verify_brtnode (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, bytevec lorange, ITEMLEN lolen, bytevec hirange, ITEMLEN hilen, int recurse, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
int toku_verify_brtnode (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, bytevec lorange, ITEMLEN lolen, bytevec hirange, ITEMLEN hilen, int recurse) {
int result=0;
void *node_v;
......@@ -66,9 +44,7 @@ int toku_verify_brtnode (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, bytevec lorange, ITEMLEN lolen, b
return r;
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v);
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
if (node->height>0) {
int i;
for (i=0; i< node->u.n.n_children-1; i++) {
......@@ -114,8 +90,7 @@ int toku_verify_brtnode (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, bytevec lorange, ITEMLEN lolen, b
(i==0) ? lolen : toku_brt_pivot_key_len(brt, node->u.n.childkeys[i-1]),
(i==node->u.n.n_children-1) ? hirange : kv_pair_key(node->u.n.childkeys[i]),
(i==node->u.n.n_children-1) ? hilen : toku_brt_pivot_key_len(brt, node->u.n.childkeys[i]),
......@@ -131,7 +106,7 @@ int toku_verify_brt (BRT brt) {
return r;
rootp = toku_calculate_root_offset_pointer(brt);
if ((r=toku_verify_brtnode(brt, *rootp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, null_brtnode))) goto died0;
if ((r=toku_verify_brtnode(brt, *rootp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))) goto died0;
if ((r = toku_unpin_brt_header(brt))!=0) return r;
return 0;
......@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ static void fix_up_parent_pointers_of_children (BRT t, BRTNODE node) {
if (r==0) {
BRTNODE child = v;
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, v);
child->parent_brtnode = node;
r=toku_cachetable_unpin(t->cf, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, i), child->dirty, brtnode_size(child));
......@@ -103,7 +102,6 @@ static void fix_up_parent_pointers_of_children_now_that_parent_is_gone (CACHEFIL
if (r==0) {
BRTNODE child = v;
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, v);
child->parent_brtnode = 0;
r=toku_cachetable_unpin(cf, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, i), child->dirty, brtnode_size(child));
......@@ -151,40 +149,6 @@ void toku_brtnode_flush_callback (CACHEFILE cachefile, DISKOFF nodename, void *b
//if (modified_lsn.lsn > brtnode->lsn.lsn) brtnode->lsn=modified_lsn;
fix_up_parent_pointers_of_children_now_that_parent_is_gone(cachefile, brtnode);
BRTNODE parent = brtnode->parent_brtnode;
//printf("%s:%d Looking at %p (offset=%lld) tag=%d parent=%p height=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, brtnode, nodename, brtnode->tag, parent, brtnode->height);
if (parent!=0) {
/* make sure we are one of the children of the parent. */
int i;
//int pheight=0;//parent->height;
//int nc = 0;//parent->u.n.n_children;
//printf("%s:%d parent height=%d has %d children: The first few are", __FILE__, __LINE__, pheight, nc);
for (i=0; i<parent->u.n.n_children; i++) {
//printf(" %lld\n", BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(parent, i));
if (BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(parent, i)==nodename) {
// Rename the block, informing the parent of the new block
#if 0
if (rename_p) {
DISKOFF newnodename = malloc_diskblock(brtnode->brt, brtnode->nodesize);
int r=toku_logger_log_block_rename(cachefile_logger(cachefile), cachefile_filenum(cachefile), nodename, newnodename, parent->thisnodename, i);
assert(r!=0); // !!! This error should be handled better (e.g., what if the disk fills up)
// !!! Don't forget to free the old node (sometime after some future checkpoint. TODO!!!)
BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(parent, i) = newnodename;
toku_cachetable_rename(cachefile, nodename, newnodename);
goto ok;
printf("%s:%d Whoops, the parent of %p (%p) isn't right\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, brtnode, parent);
ok: ;
//printf("%s:%d %p->mdict[0]=%p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, brtnode, brtnode->mdicts[0]);
if (write_me) {
toku_serialize_brtnode_to(toku_cachefile_fd(cachefile), brtnode->thisnodename, brtnode->nodesize, brtnode);
......@@ -336,7 +300,7 @@ static void initialize_brtnode (BRT t, BRTNODE n, DISKOFF nodename, int height)
static void create_new_brtnode (BRT t, BRTNODE *result, int height, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
static void create_new_brtnode (BRT t, BRTNODE *result, int height) {
int r;
DISKOFF name = malloc_diskblock(t, t->h->nodesize);
......@@ -346,7 +310,6 @@ static void create_new_brtnode (BRT t, BRTNODE *result, int height, BRTNODE pare
initialize_brtnode(t, n, name, height);
*result = n;
n->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
// n->brt = t;
//printf("%s:%d putting %p (%lld) parent=%p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, n, n->thisnodename, parent_brtnode);
r=toku_cachetable_put(t->cf, n->thisnodename, n, brtnode_size(n),
......@@ -395,8 +358,8 @@ static int brtleaf_split (TOKUTXN txn, FILENUM filenum, BRT t, BRTNODE node, BRT
assert(t->h->nodesize>=node->nodesize); /* otherwise we might be in trouble because the nodesize shrank. */
create_new_brtnode(t, &A, 0, node->parent_brtnode);
create_new_brtnode(t, &B, 0, node->parent_brtnode);
create_new_brtnode(t, &A, 0);
create_new_brtnode(t, &B, 0);
//printf("leaf_split %lld - %lld %lld\n", node->thisnodename, A->thisnodename, B->thisnodename);
//printf("%s:%d A PMA= %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, A->u.l.buffer);
//printf("%s:%d B PMA= %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, A->u.l.buffer);
......@@ -439,8 +402,8 @@ static void brt_nonleaf_split (BRT t, BRTNODE node, BRTNODE *nodea, BRTNODE *nod
assert(node->u.n.n_children>=2); // Otherwise, how do we split? We need at least two children to split. */
assert(t->h->nodesize>=node->nodesize); /* otherwise we might be in trouble because the nodesize shrank. */
create_new_brtnode(t, &A, node->height, node->parent_brtnode);
create_new_brtnode(t, &B, node->height, node->parent_brtnode);
create_new_brtnode(t, &A, node->height);
create_new_brtnode(t, &B, node->height);
//printf("%s:%d %p (%lld) becomes %p and %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node, node->thisnodename, A, B);
......@@ -800,7 +763,6 @@ static int push_some_brt_cmds_down (BRT t, BRTNODE node, int childnum,
if (r!=0) return r;
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, childnode_v);
child->parent_brtnode = node;
//printf("%s:%d height=%d n_bytes_in_hashtable = {%d, %d, %d, ...}\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, child->height, child->n_bytes_in_hashtable[0], child->n_bytes_in_hashtable[1], child->n_bytes_in_hashtable[2]);
......@@ -1069,7 +1031,6 @@ static int brt_nonleaf_put_cmd_child (BRT t, BRTNODE node, BRT_CMD *cmd,
return r;
child = child_v;
child->parent_brtnode = node;
child_did_split = 0;
r = brtnode_put_cmd(t, child, cmd,
......@@ -1453,7 +1414,6 @@ static int setup_brt_root_node (BRT t, DISKOFF offset, TOKUTXN txn) {
initialize_brtnode(t, node,
offset, /* the location is one nodesize offset from 0. */
// node->brt = t;
if (0) {
printf("%s:%d for tree %p node %p mdict_create--> %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, t, node, node->u.l.buffer);
......@@ -1789,7 +1749,6 @@ static int brt_init_new_root(BRT brt, BRTNODE nodea, BRTNODE nodeb, DBT splitk,
initialize_brtnode (brt, newroot, newroot_diskoff, nodea->height+1);
//printf("new_root %lld %d %lld %lld\n", newroot_diskoff, newroot->height, nodea->thisnodename, nodeb->thisnodename);
//printf("%s:%d Splitkey=%p %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, splitkey, splitkey);
newroot->u.n.childkeys[0] =;
......@@ -1797,8 +1756,6 @@ static int brt_init_new_root(BRT brt, BRTNODE nodea, BRTNODE nodeb, DBT splitk,
nodea->parent_brtnode = newroot;
nodeb->parent_brtnode = newroot;
fixup_child_fingerprint(newroot, 0, nodea);
fixup_child_fingerprint(newroot, 1, nodeb);
r=toku_hashtable_create(&newroot->u.n.htables[0]); if (r!=0) return r;
......@@ -1839,7 +1796,6 @@ static int brt_root_put_cmd(BRT brt, BRT_CMD *cmd, TOKUTXN txn) {
//printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v);
node->parent_brtnode = 0;
if (debug) printf("%s:%d node inserting\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
did_split = 0;
result = brtnode_put_cmd(brt, node, cmd,
......@@ -1884,7 +1840,7 @@ int toku_brt_insert (BRT brt, DBT *key, DBT *val, TOKUTXN txn) {
return r;
static int brt_lookup_node (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, DBT *k, DBT *v, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
static int brt_lookup_node (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, DBT *k, DBT *v) {
int result;
void *node_v;
int r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin(brt->cf, off, &node_v, NULL,
......@@ -1898,8 +1854,6 @@ static int brt_lookup_node (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, DBT *k, DBT *v, BRTNODE parent
//printf("%s:%d pin %p height=%d children=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v, node->height, node->u.n.n_children);
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
if (node->height==0) {
result = toku_pma_lookup(node->u.l.buffer, k, v);
//printf("%s:%d looked up something, got answerlen=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, answerlen);
......@@ -1917,7 +1871,7 @@ static int brt_lookup_node (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, DBT *k, DBT *v, BRTNODE parent
if (toku_hash_find (node->u.n.htables[childnum], k->data, k->size, &hanswer, &hanswerlen, &type)==0) {
if (type == BRT_INSERT) {
if ((brt->flags & TOKU_DB_DUP)) {
result = brt_lookup_node(brt, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), k, v, node);
result = brt_lookup_node(brt, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), k, v);
if (result != 0) {
toku_dbt_set_value(v, hanswer, hanswerlen, &brt->sval);
result = 0;
......@@ -1946,7 +1900,7 @@ static int brt_lookup_node (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, DBT *k, DBT *v, BRTNODE parent
result = brt_lookup_node(brt, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), k, v, node);
result = brt_lookup_node(brt, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), k, v);
r = toku_cachetable_unpin(brt->cf, off, 0, 0);
assert(r == 0);
......@@ -1966,7 +1920,7 @@ int toku_brt_lookup (BRT brt, DBT *k, DBT *v) {
return r;
rootp = toku_calculate_root_offset_pointer(brt);
if ((r = brt_lookup_node(brt, *rootp, k, v, 0))) {
if ((r = brt_lookup_node(brt, *rootp, k, v))) {
// printf("%s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
goto died0;
......@@ -2012,7 +1966,6 @@ int toku_dump_brtnode (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, int depth, bytevec lorange, ITEMLEN
printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v);
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
result=toku_verify_brtnode(brt, off, lorange, lolen, hirange, hilen, 0, parent_brtnode);
printf("%*sNode=%p\n", depth, "", node);
if (node->height>0) {
......@@ -2070,7 +2023,7 @@ int toku_dump_brt (BRT brt) {
return 0;
static int show_brtnode_blocknumbers (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
static int show_brtnode_blocknumbers (BRT brt, DISKOFF off) {
void *node_v;
int i,r;
......@@ -2082,11 +2035,10 @@ static int show_brtnode_blocknumbers (BRT brt, DISKOFF off, BRTNODE parent_brtno
printf("%s:%d pin %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, node_v);
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
printf(" %lld", off/brt->h->nodesize);
if (node->height>0) {
for (i=0; i<node->u.n.n_children; i++) {
if ((r=show_brtnode_blocknumbers(brt, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, i), node))) goto died0;
if ((r=show_brtnode_blocknumbers(brt, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, i)))) goto died0;
r = toku_cachetable_unpin(brt->cf, off, 0, 0);
......@@ -2448,7 +2400,7 @@ void toku_brt_cursor_print(BRT_CURSOR cursor) {
static int brtcurs_set_position_last (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
static int brtcurs_set_position_last (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn) {
BRT brt=cursor->brt;
void *node_v;
......@@ -2459,7 +2411,6 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_last (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key,
return r;
BRTNODE node = node_v;
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
cursor->path[cursor->path_len++] = node;
if (node->height>0) {
......@@ -2483,7 +2434,7 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_last (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key,
brt_node_remove_cursor(node, childnum, cursor);
goto try_last_child;
r=brtcurs_set_position_last (cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn, node);
r=brtcurs_set_position_last (cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn);
if (r == 0)
return 0;
assert(node == cursor->path[cursor->path_len-1]);
......@@ -2510,7 +2461,7 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_last (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key,
static int brtcurs_set_position_first (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
static int brtcurs_set_position_first (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn) {
BRT brt=cursor->brt;
void *node_v;
......@@ -2521,7 +2472,6 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_first (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key,
return r;
BRTNODE node = node_v;
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
cursor->path[cursor->path_len++] = node;
if (node->height>0) {
......@@ -2545,7 +2495,7 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_first (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, DBT *key,
brt_node_remove_cursor(node, childnum, cursor);
goto try_first_child;
r=brtcurs_set_position_first (cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn, node);
r=brtcurs_set_position_first (cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn);
if (r == 0)
return r;
assert(node == cursor->path[cursor->path_len-1]);
......@@ -2609,7 +2559,7 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_next2(BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn)
node = cursor->path[cursor->path_len-1];
childnum = cursor->pathcnum[cursor->path_len-1];
r = brtcurs_set_position_first(cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn, node);
r = brtcurs_set_position_first(cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn);
if (r == 0)
return 0;
assert(node == cursor->path[cursor->path_len-1]);
......@@ -2670,7 +2620,7 @@ static int brtcurs_set_position_prev2(BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *key, TOKUTXN txn)
node = cursor->path[cursor->path_len-1];
childnum = cursor->pathcnum[cursor->path_len-1];
r = brtcurs_set_position_last(cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn, node);
r = brtcurs_set_position_last(cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), key, txn);
if (r == 0)
return 0;
assert(node == cursor->path[cursor->path_len-1]);
......@@ -2705,7 +2655,7 @@ static int brtcurs_nodup_next_child(BRT_CURSOR cursor, BRTNODE node, int childnu
return childnum + 1;
static int brtcurs_set_search(BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, int op, DBT *key, DBT *val, TOKUTXN txn, BRTNODE parent_brtnode) {
static int brtcurs_set_search(BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, int op, DBT *key, DBT *val, TOKUTXN txn) {
BRT brt = cursor->brt;
void *node_v;
int r;
......@@ -2716,7 +2666,6 @@ static int brtcurs_set_search(BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, int op, DBT *key,
BRTNODE node = node_v;
int childnum;
node->parent_brtnode = parent_brtnode;
if (node->height > 0) {
cursor->path_len += 1;
......@@ -2740,7 +2689,7 @@ static int brtcurs_set_search(BRT_CURSOR cursor, DISKOFF off, int op, DBT *key,
/* search in the child subtree */
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), op, key, val, txn, node);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, BRTNODE_CHILD_DISKOFF(node, childnum), op, key, val, txn);
if (r == 0)
/* not found in the child subtree, look elsewhere */
......@@ -2843,7 +2792,7 @@ int toku_brt_cursor_get (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *kbt, DBT *vbt, int flags, TOKUT
r=unpin_cursor(cursor); if (r!=0) goto died0;
assert(cursor->pmacurs == 0);
r=brtcurs_set_position_last(cursor, *rootp, kbt, txn, null_brtnode); if (r!=0) goto died0;
r=brtcurs_set_position_last(cursor, *rootp, kbt, txn); if (r!=0) goto died0;
r=toku_pma_cursor_get_current(cursor->pmacurs, kbt, vbt, 0);
if (r == 0) assert_cursor_path(cursor);
......@@ -2851,7 +2800,7 @@ int toku_brt_cursor_get (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *kbt, DBT *vbt, int flags, TOKUT
r=unpin_cursor(cursor); if (r!=0) goto died0;
assert(cursor->pmacurs == 0);
r=brtcurs_set_position_first(cursor, *rootp, kbt, txn, null_brtnode); if (r!=0) goto died0;
r=brtcurs_set_position_first(cursor, *rootp, kbt, txn); if (r!=0) goto died0;
r=toku_pma_cursor_get_current(cursor->pmacurs, kbt, vbt, 0);
if (r == 0) assert_cursor_path(cursor);
......@@ -2890,7 +2839,7 @@ int toku_brt_cursor_get (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *kbt, DBT *vbt, int flags, TOKUT
r = brtcurs_set_position_next(cursor, 0, txn);
if (r != 0) {
brtcurs_set_position_last(cursor, *rootp, kbt, txn, null_brtnode);
brtcurs_set_position_last(cursor, *rootp, kbt, txn);
goto died0;
DBT k2; memset(&k2, 0, sizeof k2); k2.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;
......@@ -2923,7 +2872,7 @@ int toku_brt_cursor_get (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *kbt, DBT *vbt, int flags, TOKUT
case DB_SET:
r = unpin_cursor(cursor);
assert(r == 0);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_SET, kbt, 0, txn, null_brtnode);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_SET, kbt, 0, txn);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
r = toku_pma_cursor_get_current(cursor->pmacurs, 0, vbt, 0);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
......@@ -2931,13 +2880,13 @@ int toku_brt_cursor_get (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *kbt, DBT *vbt, int flags, TOKUT
r = unpin_cursor(cursor);
assert(r == 0);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_GET_BOTH, kbt, vbt, txn, null_brtnode);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_GET_BOTH, kbt, vbt, txn);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
r = unpin_cursor(cursor);
assert(r == 0);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_SET_RANGE, kbt, 0, txn, null_brtnode);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_SET_RANGE, kbt, 0, txn);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
r = toku_pma_cursor_get_current(cursor->pmacurs, kbt, vbt, 0);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
......@@ -2945,7 +2894,7 @@ int toku_brt_cursor_get (BRT_CURSOR cursor, DBT *kbt, DBT *vbt, int flags, TOKUT
r = EINVAL; goto died0; /* does not work yet */
r = unpin_cursor(cursor); assert(r == 0);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE, kbt, vbt, txn, null_brtnode);
r = brtcurs_set_search(cursor, *rootp, DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE, kbt, vbt, txn);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
r = toku_pma_cursor_get_current(cursor->pmacurs, kbt, vbt, 0);
if (r != 0) goto died0;
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