Commit feacc0aa authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

unify mtr handling of debuggers

"debugger" is anything that wraps execution of a target
binary (mysqld or mysqltest). Currently the list includes:
gdb, ddd, dbx, lldb, valgrind, strace, ktrace, rr,
devenv, windbg, vsjitdebugger.

for every debugger xxx, mtr will recognize four options:
--xxx, --boot-xxx, --manual-xxx, --client-xxx.
They all support an optional "=string" argument. String
being a semicolon-separated list of commands (e.g. for gdb)
or one (not semicolon-separated) command line of options
(e.g. for valgrind). Or both (e.g. --gdb='-quiet -nh;info files'

In embedded both --xxx and --client-xxx work.

Functionality changed/removed:
* --rr-args is gone
* --rr-dir is gone
* --manual-debug is gone
* --debugger={devenv|vc|windbg|vc_express|vsjitdebugger} is gone
* --strace-option is gone
* --stracer={strace|ktrace} is gone
* --valgrind only enables it for the server, not for everything
* --valgrind-all is gone
* --valgrind-mysqltest is gone
* --valgrind-mysqld is gone
* --valgrind-options is gone
* --valgrind-option is gone
* --valgrind-path is gone
* --callgrind is gone
* one cannot combine --valgrind --gdb anymore
* valgrind report doesn't add a fake test line to the output
* vc and vcexpress on windows are no longer supported
parent 3b0b4e61
package My::Debugger;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Wrap;
use Cwd;
# 1. options to support:
# --xxx[=ARGS]
# --manual-xxx[=ARGS]
# --client-xxx[=ARGS]
# --boot-xxx[=ARGS]
# TODO --manual-client-xxx[=ARGS]
# TODO --manual-boot-xxx[=ARGS]
# TODO --exec-xxx[=ARGS] (for $ENV{MYSQL}, etc)
# ARGS is a semicolon-separated list of commands for the
# command file. If the first command starts from '-' it'll
# be for a command line, not for a command file.
# 2. terminal to use: xterm
# TODO MTR_TERM="xterm -title {title} -e {command}"
# 3. debugger combinations are *not allowed*
# (thus no --valgrind --gdb)
# 4. variables for the command line / file templates:
# {vardir} -> vardir
# {exe} -> /path/to/binary/to/execute
# {args} -> command-line arguments, "-quoted
# {input}
# {type} -> client, mysqld.1, etc
# {script} -> vardir/tmp/{debugger}init.$type
# {log} -> vardir/log/$type.{debugger}
# {options} -> user options for the debugger.
# if {options} isn't used, they're auto-placed before {exe}
# or at the end if no {exe}
my %debuggers = (
gdb => {
term => 1,
options => '-x {script} {exe}',
script => 'set args {args} < {input}',
ddd => {
options => '--command {script} {exe}',
script => 'set args {args} < {input}',
dbx => {
term => 1,
options => '-c "stop in main; run {exe} {args} < {input}"',
devenv => {
options => '/debugexe {exe} {args}',
windbg => {
options => '{exe} {args}',
lldb => {
term => 1,
options => '-s {script} {exe}',
script => 'process launch --stop-at-entry {args}',
valgrind => {
options => '--tool=memcheck --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=yes --num-callers=16 --quiet --suppressions='.cwd().'/valgrind.supp {exe} {args} --loose-wait-for-pos-timeout=1500',
pre => sub {
my $debug_libraries_path= "/usr/lib/debug";
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} .= ":$debug_libraries_path" if -d $debug_libraries_path;
strace => {
options => '-f -o {log} {exe} {args}',
rr => {
options => 'record -o {log} {exe} {args}',
pre => sub {
::mtr_error('rr requires kernel.perf_event_paranoid <= 1')
if ::mtr_grab_file('/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid') > 1;
# aliases
vsjitdebugger => 'windbg',
ktrace => 'strace',
my %opts;
my %opt_vals;
my $help = "\n\nOptions for running debuggers\n\n";
for my $k (sort keys %debuggers) {
my $v = $debuggers{$k};
$v = $debuggers{$k} = $debuggers{$v} if not ref $v; # resolve aliases
sub register_opt($$) {
my ($name, $msg) = @_;
$opts{"$name=s"} = \$opt_vals{$name};
$help .= wrap(sprintf(" %-23s", $name), ' 'x25, "$msg under $name\n");
$v->{script} = '' unless $v->{script};
$v->{options} =~ s/(\{exe\}|$)/ {options} $&/ unless $v->{options} =~ /\{options\}/;
register_opt "$k" => "Start mysqld";
register_opt "client-$k" => "Start mysqltest client";
register_opt "boot-$k" => "Start bootstrap server";
register_opt "manual-$k" => "Before running test(s) let user manually start mysqld";
sub subst($%) {
use warnings FATAL => 'uninitialized';
my ($templ, %vars) = @_;
$templ =~ s/\{(\w+)\}/$vars{$1}/g;
sub do_args($$$$$) {
my ($args, $exe, $input, $type, $opt) = @_;
my $k = $opt =~ /^(?:client|boot|manual)-(.*)$/ ? $1 : $opt;
my $v = $debuggers{$k};
# on windows mtr args are quoted (for system), otherwise not (for exec)
sub quote($) { $_[0] =~ / / ? "\"$_[0]\"" : $_[0] }
sub unquote($) { $_[0] =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; $_[0] }
sub quote_from_mtr($) { ::IS_WINDOWS ? $_[0] : quote($_[0]) }
sub unquote_for_mtr($) { ::IS_WINDOWS ? $_[0] : unquote($_[0]) }
my %vars = (
vardir => $::opt_vardir,
exe => $$exe,
args => join(' ', map { quote_from_mtr $_ } @$$args, '--gdb'),
input => $input,
script => "$::opt_vardir/tmp/${k}init.$type",
log => "$::opt_vardir/log/$type.$k",
options => '',
my @params = split /;/, $opt_vals{$opt};
$vars{options} = shift @params if @params and $params[0] =~ /^-/;
my $script = join "\n", @params;
if ($v->{script}) {
::mtr_tofile($vars{script}, subst($v->{script}, %vars)."\n".$script);
} elsif ($script) {
die "$k is not using a script file, nowhere to write the script \n---\n$script\n---\n";
my $options = subst($v->{options}, %vars);
@$$args = map { unquote_for_mtr $_ } $options =~ /("[^"]+"|\S+)/g;
if ($opt =~ /^manual-/) {
print "\nTo start $k for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "$k $options\n";
$$exe= undef; # Indicate the exe should not be started
} elsif ($v->{term}) {
unshift @$$args, '-title', $type, '-e', $k;
$$exe = 'xterm';
} else {
$$exe = $k;
sub options() { %opts }
sub help() { $help }
sub fix_options(@) {
my $re=join '|', keys %opts;
$re =~ s/=s//g;
map { $_ . (/^--($re)$/ and '=;') } @_;
sub pre_setup() {
my $used;
for my $k (keys %debuggers) {
for my $opt ($k, "manual-$k", "boot-$k", "client-$k") {
if ($opt_vals{$opt})
$used = 1;
if ($debuggers{$k}->{pre}) {
delete $debuggers{$k}->{pre};
if ($used) {
$ENV{ASAN_OPTIONS}= 'abort_on_error=1:'.($ENV{ASAN_OPTIONS} || '');
::mtr_error("Can't use --extern when using debugger") if $ENV{USE_RUNNING_SERVER};
$::opt_retry= 1;
$::opt_retry_failure= 1;
$::opt_testcase_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; # in minutes
$::opt_suite_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60; # in minutes
$::opt_shutdown_timeout= 24 * 60 *60; # in seconds
$::opt_start_timeout= 24 * 60 * 60; # in seconds
sub setup_boot_args($$$) {
my ($args, $exe, $input) = @_;
my $found;
for my $k (keys %debuggers) {
if ($opt_vals{"boot-$k"}) {
die "--boot-$k and --$found cannot be used at the same time\n" if $found;
do_args($args, $exe, $input, 'bootstrap', $found);
sub setup_client_args($$) {
my ($args, $exe) = @_;
my $found;
my $embedded = $::opt_embedded_server ? ' with --embedded' : '';
for my $k (keys %debuggers) {
my @opt_names=("client-$k");
push @opt_names, $k if $embedded;
for my $opt (@opt_names) {
if ($opt_vals{$opt}) {
die "--$opt and --$found cannot be used at the same time$embedded\n" if $found;
do_args($args, $exe, ::IS_WINDOWS ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null', 'client', $found);
sub setup_args($$$) {
my ($args, $exe, $type) = @_;
my $found;
for my $k (keys %debuggers) {
for my $opt ($k, "manual-$k") {
if ($opt_vals{$opt}) {
die "--$opt and --$found cannot be used at the same time\n" if $found;
do_args($args, $exe, ::IS_WINDOWS ? 'NUL' : '/dev/null', $type, $found);
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ use My::Tee;
use My::Find;
use My::SysInfo;
use My::CoreDump;
use My::Debugger;
use mtr_cases;
use mtr_report;
use mtr_match;
......@@ -106,6 +107,9 @@ require "";
require "";
require "";
my $opt_valgrind;
my $valgrind_reports= 0;
$SIG{INT}= sub { mtr_error("Got ^C signal"); };
$SIG{HUP}= sub { mtr_error("Hangup detected on controlling terminal"); };
......@@ -257,28 +261,6 @@ our $opt_gcov;
our $opt_gprof;
our %gprof_dirs;
our $glob_debugger= 0;
our $opt_gdb;
my $opt_rr;
my $opt_rr_dir;
my @rr_record_args;
our $opt_client_gdb;
my $opt_boot_gdb;
my $opt_boot_rr;
our $opt_dbx;
our $opt_client_dbx;
my $opt_boot_dbx;
our $opt_ddd;
our $opt_client_ddd;
my $opt_boot_ddd;
our $opt_manual_gdb;
our $opt_manual_lldb;
our $opt_manual_dbx;
our $opt_manual_ddd;
our $opt_manual_debug;
our $opt_debugger;
our $opt_client_debugger;
my $config; # The currently running config
my $current_config_name; # The currently running config file template
......@@ -304,34 +286,23 @@ our $opt_report_times= 0;
my $opt_sleep;
my $opt_testcase_timeout= $ENV{MTR_TESTCASE_TIMEOUT} || 15; # minutes
my $opt_suite_timeout = $ENV{MTR_SUITE_TIMEOUT} || 360; # minutes
my $opt_shutdown_timeout= $ENV{MTR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT} || 10; # seconds
my $opt_start_timeout = $ENV{MTR_START_TIMEOUT} || 180; # seconds
our $opt_retry= 1;
our $opt_retry_failure= env_or_val(MTR_RETRY_FAILURE => 2);
our $opt_testcase_timeout= $ENV{MTR_TESTCASE_TIMEOUT} || 15; # minutes
our $opt_suite_timeout = $ENV{MTR_SUITE_TIMEOUT} || 360; # minutes
our $opt_shutdown_timeout= $ENV{MTR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT} || 10; # seconds
our $opt_start_timeout = $ENV{MTR_START_TIMEOUT} || 180; # seconds
sub suite_timeout { return $opt_suite_timeout * 60; };
my $opt_wait_all;
my $opt_user_args;
my $opt_repeat= 1;
my $opt_retry= 1;
my $opt_retry_failure= env_or_val(MTR_RETRY_FAILURE => 2);
my $opt_reorder= 1;
my $opt_force_restart= 0;
our $opt_user = "root";
our $opt_valgrind= 0;
my $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 0;
my $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 0;
my @valgrind_args;
my $opt_strace= 0;
my $opt_stracer;
my $opt_client_strace = 0;
my @strace_args;
my $opt_valgrind_path;
my $valgrind_reports= 0;
my $opt_callgrind;
my %mysqld_logs;
my $opt_debug_sync_timeout= 300; # Default timeout for WAIT_FOR actions.
my $warn_seconds = 60;
......@@ -1154,7 +1125,7 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
my $valgrind_reports= 0;
if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) {
if ($opt_valgrind) {
$valgrind_reports= valgrind_exit_reports();
print $server "VALGREP\n" if $valgrind_reports;
......@@ -1216,8 +1187,6 @@ sub print_global_resfile {
resfile_global("debug", $opt_debug ? 1 : 0);
resfile_global("gcov", $opt_gcov ? 1 : 0);
resfile_global("gprof", $opt_gprof ? 1 : 0);
resfile_global("valgrind", $opt_valgrind ? 1 : 0);
resfile_global("callgrind", $opt_callgrind ? 1 : 0);
resfile_global("mem", $opt_mem);
resfile_global("tmpdir", $opt_tmpdir);
resfile_global("vardir", $opt_vardir);
......@@ -1307,30 +1276,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'debug' => \$opt_debug,
'debug-common' => \$opt_debug_common,
'debug-server' => \$opt_debug_server,
'gdb=s' => \$opt_gdb,
'rr' => \$opt_rr,
'rr-arg=s' => \@rr_record_args,
'rr-dir=s' => \$opt_rr_dir,
'client-gdb=s' => \$opt_client_gdb,
'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb,
'manual-lldb' => \$opt_manual_lldb,
'boot-gdb' => \$opt_boot_gdb,
'boot-rr' => \$opt_boot_rr,
'manual-debug' => \$opt_manual_debug,
'ddd' => \$opt_ddd,
'client-ddd' => \$opt_client_ddd,
'manual-ddd' => \$opt_manual_ddd,
'boot-ddd' => \$opt_boot_ddd,
'dbx' => \$opt_dbx,
'client-dbx' => \$opt_client_dbx,
'manual-dbx' => \$opt_manual_dbx,
'debugger=s' => \$opt_debugger,
'boot-dbx' => \$opt_boot_dbx,
'client-debugger=s' => \$opt_client_debugger,
'strace' => \$opt_strace,
'strace-option=s' => \@strace_args,
'client-strace' => \$opt_client_strace,
'stracer=s' => \$opt_stracer,
'max-save-core=i' => \$opt_max_save_core,
'max-save-datadir=i' => \$opt_max_save_datadir,
'max-test-fail=i' => \$opt_max_test_fail,
......@@ -1339,23 +1284,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# Coverage, profiling etc
'gcov' => \$opt_gcov,
'gprof' => \$opt_gprof,
'valgrind|valgrind-all' => \$opt_valgrind,
'valgrind-mysqltest' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqltest,
'valgrind-mysqld' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqld,
'valgrind-options=s' => sub {
my ($opt, $value)= @_;
# Deprecated option unless it's what we know pushbuild uses
if ($value eq "--gen-suppressions=all --show-reachable=yes") {
push(@valgrind_args, $_) for (split(' ', $value));
die("--valgrind-options=s is deprecated. Use ",
"--valgrind-option=s, to be specified several",
" times if necessary");
'valgrind-option=s' => \@valgrind_args,
'valgrind-path=s' => \$opt_valgrind_path,
'callgrind' => \$opt_callgrind,
'debug-sync-timeout=i' => \$opt_debug_sync_timeout,
# Directories
......@@ -1404,12 +1332,13 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# list-options is internal, not listed in help
'list-options' => \$opt_list_options,
'skip-test-list=s' => \@opt_skip_test_list,
'xml-report=s' => \$opt_xml_report
'xml-report=s' => \$opt_xml_report,
# fix options (that take an optional argument and *only* after = sign
my %fixopt = ( '--gdb' => '--gdb=#', '--client-gdb' => '--client-gdb=#' );
@ARGV = map { $fixopt{$_} or $_ } @ARGV;
@ARGV = My::Debugger::fix_options(@ARGV);
GetOptions(%options) or usage("Can't read options");
usage("") if $opt_usage;
list_options(\%options) if $opt_list_options;
......@@ -1734,39 +1663,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --embedded-server");
if ($opt_gdb)
$opt_client_gdb= $opt_gdb;
$opt_gdb= undef;
if ($opt_ddd)
$opt_client_ddd= $opt_ddd;
$opt_ddd= undef;
if ($opt_dbx) {
mtr_warning("Silently converting --dbx to --client-dbx in embedded mode");
$opt_client_dbx= $opt_dbx;
$opt_dbx= undef;
if ($opt_debugger)
$opt_client_debugger= $opt_debugger;
$opt_debugger= undef;
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_lldb ||
$opt_manual_ddd || $opt_manual_debug || $opt_debugger || $opt_dbx ||
mtr_error("You need to use the client debug options for the",
"embedded server. Ex: --client-gdb");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1786,42 +1682,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
mtr_error("Coverage test needs the source - please use source dist");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check debug related options
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_client_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_client_ddd || $opt_rr ||
$opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_lldb || $opt_manual_ddd ||
$opt_manual_debug || $opt_dbx || $opt_client_dbx || $opt_manual_dbx ||
$opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger )
$ENV{ASAN_OPTIONS}= 'abort_on_error=1:'.($ENV{ASAN_OPTIONS} || '');
if ( using_extern() )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern when using debugger");
# Indicate that we are using debugger
$glob_debugger= 1;
$opt_retry= 1;
$opt_retry_failure= 1;
# Set one week timeout (check-testcase timeout will be 1/10th)
$opt_testcase_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60;
$opt_suite_timeout= 7 * 24 * 60;
# One day to shutdown
$opt_shutdown_timeout= 24 * 60;
# One day for PID file creation (this is given in seconds not minutes)
$opt_start_timeout= 24 * 60 * 60;
if ($opt_rr && open(my $fh, '<', '/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'))
my $perf_event_paranoid= <$fh>;
close $fh;
chomp $perf_event_paranoid;
if ($perf_event_paranoid == 0)
mtr_error("rr requires kernel.perf_event_paranoid set to 1");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modified behavior with --start options
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1883,87 +1743,6 @@ sub command_line_setup {
"for option --testsuite-timeout")
if ($opt_suite_timeout <= 0);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check valgrind arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_valgrind or $opt_valgrind_path or @valgrind_args)
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for all executables");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 1;
elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqld(s) only");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqltest and mysql_client_test only");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
if ($opt_valgrind)
# Increase the timeouts when running with valgrind
$opt_testcase_timeout*= 10;
$opt_suite_timeout*= 6;
$opt_start_timeout*= 10;
$warn_seconds*= 10;
if ( $opt_callgrind )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind with callgrind for mysqld(s)");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1;
# Set special valgrind options unless options passed on command line
push(@valgrind_args, "--trace-children=yes")
unless @valgrind_args;
unshift(@valgrind_args, "--tool=callgrind");
# default to --tool=memcheck
if ($opt_valgrind && ! grep(/^--tool=/i, @valgrind_args))
# Set valgrind_option unless already defined
push(@valgrind_args, ("--show-reachable=yes", "--leak-check=yes",
unless @valgrind_args;
unshift(@valgrind_args, "--tool=memcheck");
if ( $opt_valgrind )
# Make valgrind run in quiet mode so it only print errors
push(@valgrind_args, "--quiet" );
push(@valgrind_args, "--suppressions=${glob_mysql_test_dir}/valgrind.supp")
if -f "$glob_mysql_test_dir/valgrind.supp";
mtr_report("Running valgrind with options \"",
join(" ", @valgrind_args), "\"");
if (@strace_args || $opt_stracer)
# InnoDB does not bother to do individual de-allocations at exit. Instead it
# relies on a custom allocator to track every allocation, and frees all at
# once during exit.
# In XtraDB, an option use-sys-malloc is introduced (and on by default) to
# disable this (for performance). But this exposes Valgrind to all the
# missing de-allocations, so we need to disable it to at least get
# meaningful leak checking for the rest of the server.
if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld)
push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, "--loose-skip-innodb-use-sys-malloc");
if ($opt_debug_common)
$opt_debug= 1;
......@@ -2178,21 +1957,6 @@ sub executable_setup () {
$exe_patch='patch' if `patch -v`;
# Check if libtool is available in this distribution/clone
# we need it when valgrinding or debugging non installed binary
# Otherwise valgrind will valgrind the libtool wrapper or bash
# and gdb will not find the real executable to debug
if ( -x "../libtool")
$exe_libtool= "../libtool";
if ($opt_valgrind or $glob_debugger or $opt_strace)
mtr_report("Using \"$exe_libtool\" when running valgrind, strace or debugger");
# Look for the client binaries
$exe_mysqladmin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin");
$exe_mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql");
......@@ -2317,9 +2081,6 @@ sub mysql_client_test_arguments(){
my $args;
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) {
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--testcase");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--vardir=$opt_vardir");
......@@ -2365,6 +2126,8 @@ sub environment_setup {
$ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= using_extern();
my @ld_library_paths;
if ($path_client_libdir)
......@@ -2395,30 +2158,12 @@ sub environment_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Valgrind need to be run with debug libraries otherwise it's almost
# impossible to add correct supressions, that means if "/usr/lib/debug"
# is available, it should be added to
# But pthread is broken in libc6-dbg on Debian <= 3.1 (see Debian
# bug 399035,,
# so don't change LD_LIBRARY_PATH on that platform.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $debug_libraries_path= "/usr/lib/debug";
my $deb_version;
if ( $opt_valgrind and -d $debug_libraries_path and
(! -e '/etc/debian_version' or
mtr_grab_file('/etc/debian_version')) !~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]$/ or
$deb_version > 3.1 ) )
push(@ld_library_paths, $debug_libraries_path);
$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths,
split(':', $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ());
$ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths,
......@@ -2453,7 +2198,6 @@ sub environment_setup {
$ENV{'LC_CTYPE'}= "C";
$ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= using_extern();
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
$ENV{'DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT'}= $mysqld_variables{'port'};
$ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}= $opt_tmpdir;
......@@ -2604,10 +2348,6 @@ sub environment_setup {
$ENV{'INNOCHECKSUM'}= native_path($exe_innochecksum);
# Create an environment variable to make it possible
# to detect that valgrind is being used from test cases
$ENV{'VALGRIND_TEST'}= $opt_valgrind;
# Add dir of this perl to aid mysqltest in finding perl
my $perldir= dirname($^X);
my $pathsep= ":";
......@@ -3404,25 +3144,7 @@ sub mysql_install_db {
if (! -e $bootstrap_sql_file)
if ($opt_boot_gdb) {
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $mysqld->name(),
if ($opt_boot_dbx) {
dbx_arguments(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $mysqld->name(),
if ($opt_boot_ddd) {
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $mysqld->name(),
if ($opt_boot_rr) {
$args= ["record", @rr_record_args, $exe_mysqld_bootstrap, @$args];
$exe_mysqld_bootstrap= "rr";
my $rr_dir= $opt_rr_dir ? $opt_rr_dir : "$opt_vardir/rr.boot";
$ENV{'_RR_TRACE_DIR'}= $rr_dir;
My::Debugger::setup_boot_args(\$args, \$exe_mysqld_bootstrap, $bootstrap_sql_file);
my $path_sql= my_find_file($install_basedir,
["mysql", "sql/share", "share/mariadb",
......@@ -5140,7 +4862,7 @@ sub after_failure ($) {
sub report_failure_and_restart ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
if ($opt_valgrind_mysqld && ($tinfo->{'warnings'} || $tinfo->{'timeout'}) &&
if ($opt_valgrind && ($tinfo->{'warnings'} || $tinfo->{'timeout'}) &&
$opt_core_on_failure == 0)
# In these cases we may want valgrind report from normal termination
......@@ -5270,12 +4992,6 @@ sub mysqld_arguments ($$$) {
# Check if "extra_opt" contains --log-bin
my $skip_binlog= not grep /^--(loose-)?log-bin/, @$extra_opts;
# Indicate to mysqld it will be debugged in debugger
if ( $glob_debugger )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--gdb");
my $found_skip_core= 0;
foreach my $arg ( @$extra_opts )
......@@ -5324,7 +5040,6 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("mysqld_start", @$extra_opts));
my $exe= find_mysqld($mysqld->value('basedir'));
my $wait_for_pid_file= 1;
mtr_error("Internal error: mysqld should never be started for embedded")
if $opt_embedded_server;
......@@ -5332,15 +5047,6 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
my $args;
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld and not $opt_gdb and not $opt_manual_gdb )
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
if ( $opt_strace)
strace_arguments($args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
# Add any additional options from an in-test restart
......@@ -5364,49 +5070,8 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
# options from *.opt and *.combination files.
$ENV{'MYSQLD_LAST_CMD'}= "$exe @$args";
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_manual_gdb )
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_manual_lldb )
lldb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_ddd )
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_dbx || $opt_manual_dbx ) {
dbx_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_debugger )
debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_manual_debug )
print "\nStart " .$mysqld->name()." in your debugger\n" .
"dir: $glob_mysql_test_dir\n" .
"exe: $exe\n" .
"args: " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n\n" .
"Waiting ....\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$exe= undef;
elsif ( $opt_rr )
$args= ["record", @rr_record_args, "$exe", @$args];
$exe= "rr";
my $rr_dir= $opt_rr_dir ? $opt_rr_dir : "$opt_vardir/rr". $mysqld->after('mysqld');
$ENV{'_RR_TRACE_DIR'}= $rr_dir;
# Default to not wait until pid file has been created
$wait_for_pid_file= 0;
My::Debugger::setup_args(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
$ENV{'VALGRIND_TEST'}= $opt_valgrind = int($exe && $exe eq 'valgrind');
# Remove the old pidfile if any
......@@ -5455,11 +5120,8 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
mtr_verbose("Started $mysqld->{proc}");
if ( $wait_for_pid_file &&
if (!sleep_until_file_created($mysqld->value('pid-file'),
$opt_start_timeout, $mysqld->{'proc'}, $warn_seconds))
my $mname= $mysqld->name();
mtr_error("Failed to start mysqld $mname with command $exe");
......@@ -5906,13 +5568,6 @@ sub start_mysqltest ($) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--sleep=%d", $opt_sleep);
if ( $opt_valgrind )
# We are running server under valgrind, which causes some replication
# test to be much slower, notable rpl_mdev6020. Increase timeout.
mtr_add_arg($args, "--wait-for-pos-timeout=1500");
if ( $opt_ssl )
# Turn on SSL for _all_ test cases if option --ssl was used
......@@ -5945,31 +5600,6 @@ sub start_mysqltest ($) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST'}= mtr_args2str($exe_mysqltest, @$args);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add arguments that should not go into the MYSQL_TEST env var
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
# Prefix the Valgrind options to the argument list.
# We do this here, since we do not want to Valgrind the nested invocations
# of mysqltest; that would mess up the stderr output causing test failure.
my @args_saved = @$args;
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $_) for @args_saved;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prefix the strace options to the argument list.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_client_strace )
my @args_saved = @$args;
strace_arguments($args, \$exe, "mysqltest");
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $_) for @args_saved;
if ($opt_force > 1)
mtr_add_arg($args, "--continue-on-error");
......@@ -6005,21 +5635,7 @@ sub start_mysqltest ($) {
if ( $opt_client_gdb )
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
elsif ( $opt_client_ddd )
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
if ( $opt_client_dbx ) {
dbx_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
elsif ( $opt_client_debugger )
debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
My::Debugger::setup_client_args(\$args, \$exe);
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new
......@@ -6034,291 +5650,6 @@ sub start_mysqltest ($) {
return $proc;
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in gdb in xterm
sub gdb_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
my $input= shift;
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type";
# Remove the old gdbinit file
# Put $args into a single string
$input = $input ? "< $input" : "";
if ($type eq 'client') {
"set args @$$args $input",
split /;/, $opt_client_gdb || ""
} elsif ($opt_valgrind_mysqld) {
my $v = $$exe;
my $vargs = [];
valgrind_arguments($vargs, \$v);
mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, <<EOF);
shell @My::SafeProcess::safe_process_cmd --parent-pid=`pgrep -x gdb` -- $v --vgdb-error=0 @$vargs @$$args &
shell sleep 1
target remote | /usr/lib64/valgrind/../../bin/vgdb
} else {
"set args @$$args $input",
split /;/, $opt_gdb || ""
if ( $opt_manual_gdb )
print "\nTo start gdb for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "gdb -cd $glob_mysql_test_dir -x $gdb_init_file $$exe\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$$exe= undef;
$$args= [];
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-title");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$type");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-e");
if ( $exe_libtool )
mtr_add_arg($$args, $exe_libtool);
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "gdb");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-x");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$gdb_init_file");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$$exe");
$$exe= "xterm";
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in lldb
sub lldb_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
my $input= shift;
my $lldb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/lldbinit.$type";
# Put $args into a single string
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
$input = $input ? "< $input" : "";
# write init file for mysqld or client
mtr_tofile($lldb_init_file, "process launch --stop-at-entry -- $str $input\n");
print "\nTo start lldb for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "cd $glob_mysql_test_dir && lldb -s $lldb_init_file $$exe\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$$exe= undef;
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in ddd
sub ddd_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
my $input= shift;
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type";
# Remove the old gdbinit file
# Put $args into a single string
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
$input = $input ? "< $input" : "";
# write init file for mysqld or client
mtr_tofile($gdb_init_file, "file $$exe\nset args $str $input\n");
if ( $opt_manual_ddd )
print "\nTo start ddd for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "ddd -cd $glob_mysql_test_dir -x $gdb_init_file $$exe\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$$exe= undef;
my $save_exe= $$exe;
$$args= [];
if ( $exe_libtool )
$$exe= $exe_libtool;
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "ddd");
$$exe= "ddd";
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--command=$gdb_init_file");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$save_exe");
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in dbx in xterm
sub dbx_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
my $input= shift;
# Put $args into a single string
my $str= join " ", @$$args;
my $runline= $input ? "run $str < $input" : "run $str";
if ( $opt_manual_dbx ) {
print "\nTo start dbx for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "cd $glob_mysql_test_dir; dbx -c \"stop in main; " .
"$runline\" $$exe\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$$exe= undef;
$$args= [];
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-title");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$type");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-e");
if ( $exe_libtool ) {
mtr_add_arg($$args, $exe_libtool);
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "dbx");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-c");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "stop in main; $runline");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$$exe");
$$exe= "xterm";
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in the selected debugger
sub debugger_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $debugger= $opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger;
if ( $debugger =~ /vcexpress|vc|devenv/ )
# vc[express] /debugexe exe arg1 .. argn
# Add name of the exe and /debugexe before args
unshift(@$$args, "$$exe");
unshift(@$$args, "/debugexe");
# Set exe to debuggername
$$exe= $debugger;
elsif ( $debugger =~ /windbg|vsjitdebugger/ )
# windbg exe arg1 .. argn
# Add name of the exe before args
unshift(@$$args, "$$exe");
# Set exe to debuggername
$$exe= $debugger;
mtr_error("Unknown argument \"$debugger\" passed to --debugger");
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in valgrind
sub valgrind_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
# Ensure the jemalloc works with mysqld
if ($$exe =~ /mysqld/)
my %somalloc=(
'system jemalloc' => 'libjemalloc*',
'bundled jemalloc' => 'NONE'
my ($syn) = $somalloc{$mysqld_variables{'version-malloc-library'}};
mtr_add_arg($args, '--soname-synonyms=somalloc=%s', $syn) if $syn;
# Add valgrind options, can be overridden by user
mtr_add_arg($args, '%s', $_) for (@valgrind_args);
mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe);
$$exe= $opt_valgrind_path || "valgrind";
if ($exe_libtool)
# Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute
# if running in valgrind(to avoid valgrinding bash)
unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $$exe);
$$exe= $exe_libtool;
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in strace
sub strace_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $mysqld_name= shift;
my $output= sprintf("%s/log/%s.strace", $path_vardir_trace, $mysqld_name);
mtr_add_arg($args, "-f");
mtr_add_arg($args, "-o%s", $output);
# Add strace options
mtr_add_arg($args, '%s', $_) for (@strace_args);
mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe);
$$exe= $opt_stracer || "strace";
if ($exe_libtool)
# Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute
# if running in valgrind(to avoid valgrinding bash)
unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $$exe);
$$exe= $exe_libtool;
# Search server logs for valgrind reports printed at mysqld termination
......@@ -6400,7 +5731,7 @@ sub usage ($) {
local $"= ','; # for @DEFAULT_SUITES below
print <<HERE;
print <<HERE . My::Debugger::help() . <<HERE;
......@@ -6527,32 +5858,11 @@ Options to run test on running server
Options for debugging the product
boot-dbx Start bootstrap server in dbx
boot-ddd Start bootstrap server in ddd
boot-gdb Start bootstrap server in gdb
client-dbx Start mysqltest client in dbx
client-ddd Start mysqltest client in ddd
client-debugger=NAME Start mysqltest in the selected debugger
client-gdb Start mysqltest client in gdb
dbx Start the mysqld(s) in dbx
ddd Start the mysqld(s) in ddd
debug Dump trace output for all servers and client programs
debug-common Same as debug, but sets 'd' debug flags to
debug-server Use debug version of server, but without turning on
debugger=NAME Start mysqld in the selected debugger
gdb[=gdb_arguments] Start the mysqld(s) in gdb
manual-debug Let user manually start mysqld in debugger, before
running test(s)
manual-gdb Let user manually start mysqld in gdb, before running
manual-ddd Let user manually start mysqld in ddd, before running
manual-dbx Let user manually start mysqld in dbx, before running
manual-lldb Let user manually start mysqld in lldb, before running
max-save-core Limit the number of core files saved (to avoid filling
up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to
$opt_max_save_core. Set its default with
......@@ -6566,38 +5876,7 @@ Options for debugging the product
$opt_max_test_fail, set to 0 for no limit. Set
it's default with MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL
core-in-failure Generate a core even if run server is run with valgrind
Options for valgrind
valgrind Run the "mysqltest" and "mysqld" executables using
valgrind with default options
valgrind-all Synonym for --valgrind
valgrind-mysqltest Run the "mysqltest" and "mysql_client_test" executable
with valgrind
valgrind-mysqld Run the "mysqld" executable with valgrind
valgrind-options=ARGS Deprecated, use --valgrind-option
valgrind-option=ARGS Option to give valgrind, replaces default option(s),
can be specified more then once
valgrind-path=<EXE> Path to the valgrind executable
callgrind Instruct valgrind to use callgrind
Options for strace
strace Run the "mysqld" executables using strace. Default
options are -f -o 'vardir'/log/'mysqld-name'.strace.
client-strace Trace the "mysqltest".
strace-option=ARGS Option to give strace, appends to existing options.
stracer=<EXE> Specify name and path to the trace program to use.
Default is "strace". Example: $0 --stracer=ktrace.
Options for rr (Record and Replay)
rr Run the "mysqld" executables using rr. Default run
option is "rr record mysqld mysqld_options"
boot-rr Start bootstrap server in rr
rr-arg=ARG Option to give rr record, can be specified more then once
rr-dir=DIR The directory where rr recordings are stored. Defaults
to 'vardir'/rr.0 (rr.boot for bootstrap instance and
rr.1, ..., rr.N for slave instances).
Misc options
user=USER User for connecting to mysqld(default: $opt_user)
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