# Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA BEGIN{ PRINT=0; SIGNAL_ARRAY[0]=""; BLOCK_ID=0; SIGNAL_ID=-22; } { SIGNAL_ARRAY[SIGNAL_ID]=SIGNAL_ID; } /^---- Send ----- Signal ----------------/ { DIRECTION="S"; SENDER=""; SENDPROCESS=""; RECEIVER=""; RECPROCESS=""; SIGNAL=""; RECSIGID="?"; SIGID="?"; DELAY="N/A"; } /^---- Send delay Signal/ { DIRECTION="SD"; SENDER=""; SENDPROCESS=""; RECEIVER=""; RECPROCESS=""; SIGNAL=""; RECSIGID="?"; SIGID="?"; DELAY=$5; LEN=length(DELAY); DELAY=substr(DELAY,2,LEN); } /^---- Received - Signal ----------------/ { DIRECTION="R"; SENDER=""; SENDPROCESS=""; RECEIVER=""; RECPROCESS=""; SIGNAL=""; RECSIGID="?"; SIGID="?"; DELAY="N/A"; } /r.bn:/{ RECEIVER=$3; RECPROCESS=$5; if(DIRECTION == "R"){ SIGNAL=$10; RECSIGID=$7; } else SIGNAL=$8; } /s.bn:/{ SENDER=$3; SIGID=$7; if(SIGID == SIGNAL_ARRAY[SIGID]){ PRINT=1; if(DIRECTION == "R"){ SIGNAL_ARRAY[RECSIGID]=RECSIGID; }; } SENDPROCESS=$5; LEN=length(RECEIVER); RECEIVER=substr(RECEIVER,2,LEN-3); if(BLOCK_ID == "ALL" || RECEIVER==BLOCK_ID){PRINT=1; } LEN=length(SENDER); SENDER=substr(SENDER,2,LEN-3); if(BLOCK_ID == "ALL" || SENDER == BLOCK_ID){ PRINT=1;} LEN=length(SIGNAL); SIGNAL=substr(SIGNAL,2,LEN-2); LEN=length(SENDPROCESS); SENDPROCESS=substr(SENDPROCESS,1,LEN-1); LEN=length(RECPROCESS); RECPROCESS=substr(RECPROCESS,1,LEN-1); if( PRINT == 1){ print DIRECTION" "SENDPROCESS" "SENDER" "RECPROCESS" "RECEIVER" "SIGNAL" "SIGID" "RECSIGID" "DELAY; } PRINT=0; }