/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <ndb_global.h> #include "SimulatedBlock.hpp" #include <NdbOut.hpp> #include <GlobalData.hpp> #include <Emulator.hpp> #include <ErrorHandlingMacros.hpp> #include <TimeQueue.hpp> #include <TransporterRegistry.hpp> #include <SignalLoggerManager.hpp> #include <FastScheduler.hpp> #include <NdbMem.h> #include <signaldata/EventReport.hpp> #include <signaldata/ContinueFragmented.hpp> #include <signaldata/NodeStateSignalData.hpp> #include <DebuggerNames.hpp> #include "LongSignal.hpp" #include <Properties.hpp> #include "Configuration.hpp" #define ljamEntry() jamEntryLine(30000 + __LINE__) #define ljam() jamLine(30000 + __LINE__) // // Constructor, Destructor // SimulatedBlock::SimulatedBlock(BlockNumber blockNumber, const class Configuration & conf) : theNodeId(globalData.ownId), theNumber(blockNumber), theReference(numberToRef(blockNumber, globalData.ownId)), theConfiguration(conf), c_fragmentInfoHash(c_fragmentInfoPool), c_linearFragmentSendList(c_fragmentSendPool), c_segmentedFragmentSendList(c_fragmentSendPool), c_mutexMgr(* this), c_counterMgr(* this), c_ptrMetaDataCommon(0) { NewVarRef = 0; globalData.setBlock(blockNumber, this); c_fragmentIdCounter = 1; c_fragSenderRunning = false; Properties tmp; const Properties * p = &tmp; ndbrequire(p != 0); Uint32 count = 10; char buf[255]; count = 10; snprintf(buf, 255, "%s.FragmentSendPool", getBlockName(blockNumber)); if(!p->get(buf, &count)) p->get("FragmentSendPool", &count); c_fragmentSendPool.setSize(count); count = 10; snprintf(buf, 255, "%s.FragmentInfoPool", getBlockName(blockNumber)); if(!p->get(buf, &count)) p->get("FragmentInfoPool", &count); c_fragmentInfoPool.setSize(count); count = 10; snprintf(buf, 255, "%s.FragmentInfoHash", getBlockName(blockNumber)); if(!p->get(buf, &count)) p->get("FragmentInfoHash", &count); c_fragmentInfoHash.setSize(count); count = 5; snprintf(buf, 255, "%s.ActiveMutexes", getBlockName(blockNumber)); if(!p->get(buf, &count)) p->get("ActiveMutexes", &count); c_mutexMgr.setSize(count); c_counterMgr.setSize(5); #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME clearTimes(); #endif for(GlobalSignalNumber i = 0; i<=MAX_GSN; i++) theExecArray[i] = 0; installSimulatedBlockFunctions(); UpgradeStartup::installEXEC(this); CLEAR_ERROR_INSERT_VALUE; } SimulatedBlock::~SimulatedBlock() { freeBat(); #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME printTimes(stdout); #endif } void SimulatedBlock::installSimulatedBlockFunctions(){ ExecFunction * a = theExecArray; a[GSN_NODE_STATE_REP] = &SimulatedBlock::execNODE_STATE_REP; a[GSN_CHANGE_NODE_STATE_REQ] = &SimulatedBlock::execCHANGE_NODE_STATE_REQ; a[GSN_NDB_TAMPER] = &SimulatedBlock::execNDB_TAMPER; a[GSN_SIGNAL_DROPPED_REP] = &SimulatedBlock::execSIGNAL_DROPPED_REP; a[GSN_CONTINUE_FRAGMENTED]= &SimulatedBlock::execCONTINUE_FRAGMENTED; a[GSN_UTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REF; a[GSN_UTIL_CREATE_LOCK_CONF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_CONF; a[GSN_UTIL_DESTROY_LOCK_REF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_REF; a[GSN_UTIL_DESTROY_LOCK_CONF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_CONF; a[GSN_UTIL_LOCK_REF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_LOCK_REF; a[GSN_UTIL_LOCK_CONF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_LOCK_CONF; a[GSN_UTIL_UNLOCK_REF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_UNLOCK_REF; a[GSN_UTIL_UNLOCK_CONF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_UNLOCK_CONF; a[GSN_READ_CONFIG_REQ] = &SimulatedBlock::execREAD_CONFIG_REQ; } void SimulatedBlock::addRecSignalImpl(GlobalSignalNumber gsn, ExecFunction f, bool force){ if(gsn > MAX_GSN || (!force && theExecArray[gsn] != 0)){ char errorMsg[255]; snprintf(errorMsg, 255, "Illeagal signal (%d %d)", gsn, MAX_GSN); ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_ERROR_PRGERR, errorMsg, errorMsg); } theExecArray[gsn] = f; } void SimulatedBlock::signal_error(Uint32 gsn, Uint32 len, Uint32 recBlockNo, const char* filename, int lineno) const { char objRef[255]; snprintf(objRef, 255, "%s:%d", filename, lineno); char probData[255]; snprintf(probData, 255, "Signal (GSN: %d, Length: %d, Rec Block No: %d)", gsn, len, recBlockNo); ErrorReporter::handleError(ecError, BLOCK_ERROR_BNR_ZERO, probData, objRef); } extern class SectionSegmentPool g_sectionSegmentPool; void SimulatedBlock::sendSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jobBuffer) const { BlockNumber sendBnr = number(); BlockReference sendBRef = reference(); Uint32 noOfSections = signal->header.m_noOfSections; Uint32 recBlock = refToBlock(ref); Uint32 recNode = refToNode(ref); Uint32 ourProcessor = globalData.ownId; signal->header.theLength = length; signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; Uint32 tSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; if ((length == 0) || (length + noOfSections > 25) || (recBlock == 0)) { signal_error(gsn, length, recBlock, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; }//if #ifdef VM_TRACE if(globalData.testOn){ Uint16 proc = (recNode == 0 ? globalData.ownId : recNode); signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = sendBRef; globalSignalLoggers.sendSignal(signal->header, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], proc, signal->m_sectionPtr, signal->header.m_noOfSections); } #endif if(recNode == ourProcessor || recNode == 0) { signal->header.theSendersSignalId = tSignalId; signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = sendBRef; signal->header.theLength = length; globalScheduler.execute(signal, jobBuffer, recBlock, gsn); signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0; return; } else { // send distributed Signal SignalHeader sh; Uint32 tTrace = signal->getTrace(); sh.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; sh.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; sh.theSendersBlockRef = sendBnr; sh.theLength = length; sh.theTrace = tTrace; sh.theSignalId = tSignalId; sh.m_noOfSections = noOfSections; sh.m_fragmentInfo = 0; #ifdef TRACE_DISTRIBUTED ndbout_c("send: %s(%d) to (%s, %d)", getSignalName(gsn), gsn, getBlockName(recBlock), recNode); #endif SendStatus ss = globalTransporterRegistry.prepareSend(&sh, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], recNode, g_sectionSegmentPool, signal->m_sectionPtr); ndbrequire(ss == SEND_OK || ss == SEND_BLOCKED || ss == SEND_DISCONNECTED); ::releaseSections(noOfSections, signal->m_sectionPtr); signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; } return; } void SimulatedBlock::sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jobBuffer) const { Uint32 noOfSections = signal->header.m_noOfSections; Uint32 tSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; Uint32 tTrace = signal->getTrace(); Uint32 tFragInf = signal->header.m_fragmentInfo; Uint32 ourProcessor = globalData.ownId; Uint32 recBlock = rg.m_block; signal->header.theLength = length; signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; signal->header.theSendersSignalId = tSignalId; signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = reference(); if ((length == 0) || (length + noOfSections > 25) || (recBlock == 0)) { signal_error(gsn, length, recBlock, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; }//if SignalHeader sh; sh.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; sh.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; sh.theSendersBlockRef = number(); sh.theLength = length; sh.theTrace = tTrace; sh.theSignalId = tSignalId; sh.m_noOfSections = noOfSections; sh.m_fragmentInfo = tFragInf; /** * Check own node */ bool release = true; if(rg.m_nodes.get(0) || rg.m_nodes.get(ourProcessor)){ #ifdef VM_TRACE if(globalData.testOn){ globalSignalLoggers.sendSignal(signal->header, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], ourProcessor, signal->m_sectionPtr, signal->header.m_noOfSections); } #endif globalScheduler.execute(signal, jobBuffer, recBlock, gsn); rg.m_nodes.clear((Uint32)0); rg.m_nodes.clear(ourProcessor); release = false; } /** * Do the big loop */ Uint32 recNode = 0; while(!rg.m_nodes.isclear()){ recNode = rg.m_nodes.find(recNode + 1); rg.m_nodes.clear(recNode); #ifdef VM_TRACE if(globalData.testOn){ globalSignalLoggers.sendSignal(signal->header, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], recNode, signal->m_sectionPtr, signal->header.m_noOfSections); } #endif #ifdef TRACE_DISTRIBUTED ndbout_c("send: %s(%d) to (%s, %d)", getSignalName(gsn), gsn, getBlockName(recBlock), recNode); #endif SendStatus ss = globalTransporterRegistry.prepareSend(&sh, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], recNode, g_sectionSegmentPool, signal->m_sectionPtr); ndbrequire(ss == SEND_OK || ss == SEND_BLOCKED || ss == SEND_DISCONNECTED); } if(release){ ::releaseSections(noOfSections, signal->m_sectionPtr); } signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0; return; } bool import(Ptr<SectionSegment> & first, const Uint32 * src, Uint32 len); void SimulatedBlock::sendSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jobBuffer, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections) const { BlockNumber sendBnr = number(); BlockReference sendBRef = reference(); Uint32 recBlock = refToBlock(ref); Uint32 recNode = refToNode(ref); Uint32 ourProcessor = globalData.ownId; ::releaseSections(signal->header.m_noOfSections, signal->m_sectionPtr); signal->header.theLength = length; signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; signal->header.m_noOfSections = noOfSections; Uint32 tSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; Uint32 tFragInfo = signal->header.m_fragmentInfo; if ((length == 0) || (length + noOfSections > 25) || (recBlock == 0)) { signal_error(gsn, length, recBlock, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; }//if #ifdef VM_TRACE if(globalData.testOn){ Uint16 proc = (recNode == 0 ? globalData.ownId : recNode); signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = sendBRef; globalSignalLoggers.sendSignal(signal->header, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], proc, ptr, noOfSections); } #endif if(recNode == ourProcessor || recNode == 0) { signal->header.theSendersSignalId = tSignalId; signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = sendBRef; /** * We have to copy the data */ Ptr<SectionSegment> segptr[3]; for(Uint32 i = 0; i<noOfSections; i++){ ndbrequire(import(segptr[i], ptr[i].p, ptr[i].sz)); signal->m_sectionPtr[i].i = segptr[i].i; } globalScheduler.execute(signal, jobBuffer, recBlock, gsn); signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; return; } else { // send distributed Signal SignalHeader sh; Uint32 tTrace = signal->getTrace(); Uint32 noOfSections = signal->header.m_noOfSections; sh.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; sh.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; sh.theSendersBlockRef = sendBnr; sh.theLength = length; sh.theTrace = tTrace; sh.theSignalId = tSignalId; sh.m_noOfSections = noOfSections; sh.m_fragmentInfo = tFragInfo; #ifdef TRACE_DISTRIBUTED ndbout_c("send: %s(%d) to (%s, %d)", getSignalName(gsn), gsn, getBlockName(recBlock), recNode); #endif SendStatus ss = globalTransporterRegistry.prepareSend(&sh, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], recNode, ptr); ndbrequire(ss == SEND_OK || ss == SEND_BLOCKED || ss == SEND_DISCONNECTED); } signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0; return; } void SimulatedBlock::sendSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jobBuffer, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections) const { Uint32 tSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; Uint32 tTrace = signal->getTrace(); Uint32 tFragInfo = signal->header.m_fragmentInfo; Uint32 ourProcessor = globalData.ownId; Uint32 recBlock = rg.m_block; ::releaseSections(signal->header.m_noOfSections, signal->m_sectionPtr); signal->header.theLength = length; signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; signal->header.theSendersSignalId = tSignalId; signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = reference(); signal->header.m_noOfSections = noOfSections; if ((length == 0) || (length + noOfSections > 25) || (recBlock == 0)) { signal_error(gsn, length, recBlock, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; }//if SignalHeader sh; sh.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; sh.theReceiversBlockNumber = recBlock; sh.theSendersBlockRef = number(); sh.theLength = length; sh.theTrace = tTrace; sh.theSignalId = tSignalId; sh.m_noOfSections = noOfSections; sh.m_fragmentInfo = tFragInfo; /** * Check own node */ if(rg.m_nodes.get(0) || rg.m_nodes.get(ourProcessor)){ #ifdef VM_TRACE if(globalData.testOn){ globalSignalLoggers.sendSignal(signal->header, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], ourProcessor, ptr, noOfSections); } #endif /** * We have to copy the data */ Ptr<SectionSegment> segptr[3]; for(Uint32 i = 0; i<noOfSections; i++){ ndbrequire(import(segptr[i], ptr[i].p, ptr[i].sz)); signal->m_sectionPtr[i].i = segptr[i].i; } globalScheduler.execute(signal, jobBuffer, recBlock, gsn); rg.m_nodes.clear((Uint32)0); rg.m_nodes.clear(ourProcessor); } /** * Do the big loop */ Uint32 recNode = 0; while(!rg.m_nodes.isclear()){ recNode = rg.m_nodes.find(recNode + 1); rg.m_nodes.clear(recNode); #ifdef VM_TRACE if(globalData.testOn){ globalSignalLoggers.sendSignal(signal->header, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], recNode, ptr, noOfSections); } #endif #ifdef TRACE_DISTRIBUTED ndbout_c("send: %s(%d) to (%s, %d)", getSignalName(gsn), gsn, getBlockName(recBlock), recNode); #endif SendStatus ss = globalTransporterRegistry.prepareSend(&sh, jobBuffer, &signal->theData[0], recNode, ptr); ndbrequire(ss == SEND_OK || ss == SEND_BLOCKED || ss == SEND_DISCONNECTED); } signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0; return; } void SimulatedBlock::sendSignalWithDelay(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 delayInMilliSeconds, Uint32 length) const { BlockNumber bnr = refToBlock(ref); //BlockNumber sendBnr = number(); BlockReference sendBRef = reference(); if (bnr == 0) { bnr_error(); }//if signal->header.theLength = length; signal->header.theSendersSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; signal->header.theSendersBlockRef = sendBRef; signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber = gsn; signal->header.theReceiversBlockNumber = bnr; #ifdef VM_TRACE { if(globalData.testOn){ globalSignalLoggers.sendSignalWithDelay(delayInMilliSeconds, signal->header, 0, &signal->theData[0], globalData.ownId, signal->m_sectionPtr, signal->header.m_noOfSections); } } #endif globalTimeQueue.insert(signal, bnr, gsn, delayInMilliSeconds); signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0; // befor 2nd parameter to globalTimeQueue.insert // (Priority)theSendSig[sigIndex].jobBuffer } void SimulatedBlock::releaseSections(Signal* signal){ ::releaseSections(signal->header.m_noOfSections, signal->m_sectionPtr); signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; } class SectionSegmentPool& SimulatedBlock::getSectionSegmentPool(){ return g_sectionSegmentPool; } NewVARIABLE * SimulatedBlock::allocateBat(int batSize){ NewVARIABLE* bat = NewVarRef; bat = (NewVARIABLE*)realloc(bat, batSize * sizeof(NewVARIABLE)); NewVarRef = bat; theBATSize = batSize; return bat; } void SimulatedBlock::freeBat(){ if(NewVarRef != 0){ free(NewVarRef); NewVarRef = 0; } } const NewVARIABLE * SimulatedBlock::getBat(Uint16 blockNo){ SimulatedBlock * sb = globalData.getBlock(blockNo); if(sb == 0) return 0; return sb->NewVarRef; } Uint16 SimulatedBlock::getBatSize(Uint16 blockNo){ SimulatedBlock * sb = globalData.getBlock(blockNo); if(sb == 0) return 0; return sb->theBATSize; } void* SimulatedBlock::allocRecord(const char * type, size_t s, size_t n) { void* p = NULL; size_t size = n*s; refresh_watch_dog(); if (size > 0){ #ifdef VM_TRACE_MEM ndbout_c("%s::allocRecord(%s, %u, %u) = %u bytes", getBlockName(number()), type, s, n, size); #endif p = NdbMem_Allocate(size); if (p == NULL){ char buf1[255]; char buf2[255]; snprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%s could not allocate memory for %s", getBlockName(number()), type); snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "Requested: %ux%u = %u bytes", (Uint32)s, (Uint32)n, (Uint32)size); ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_MEMALLOC, buf1, buf2); } #ifdef NDB_DEBUG_FULL // Set the allocated memory to zero #ifndef NDB_PURIFY #if defined NDB_OSE int pages = (size / 4096); if ((size % 4096)!=0) pages++; char* p2 =(char*) p; for (int i = 0; i < pages; i++){ memset(p2, 0, 4096); p2 = p2 + 4096; } #elif 1 /** * This code should be enabled in order to find logical errors and not * initalised errors in the kernel. * * NOTE! It's not just "uninitialised errors" that are found by doing this * it will also find logical errors that have been hidden by all the zeros. */ memset(p, 0xF1, size); #endif #endif #endif } return p; } void SimulatedBlock::deallocRecord(void ** ptr, const char * type, size_t s, size_t n) const { (void)type; (void)s; (void)n; if(* ptr != 0){ NdbMem_Free(* ptr); * ptr = 0; } } void SimulatedBlock::refresh_watch_dog() { globalData.incrementWatchDogCounter(1); } void SimulatedBlock::progError(int line, int err_code, const char* extra) const { jamLine(line); const char *aBlockName = getBlockName(number(), "VM Kernel"); // Pack status of interesting config variables // so that we can print them in error.log int magicStatus = (theConfiguration.stopOnError()<<1) + (theConfiguration.getInitialStart()<<2) + (theConfiguration.getDaemonMode()<<3); /* Add line number to block name */ char buf[100]; snprintf(&buf[0], 100, "%s (Line: %d) 0x%.8x", aBlockName, line, magicStatus); ErrorReporter::handleError(ecError, err_code, extra, buf); } void SimulatedBlock::infoEvent(const char * msg, ...) const { if(msg == 0) return; Uint32 theData[25]; theData[0] = EventReport::InfoEvent; char * buf = (char *)&(theData[1]); va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vsnprintf(buf, 96, msg, ap); // 96 = 100 - 4 va_end(ap); int len = strlen(buf) + 1; if(len > 96){ len = 96; buf[95] = 0; } /** * Init and put it into the job buffer */ SignalHeader sh; memset(&sh, 0, sizeof(SignalHeader)); const Signal * signal = globalScheduler.getVMSignals(); Uint32 tTrace = signal->header.theTrace; Uint32 tSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; sh.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_EVENT_REP; sh.theReceiversBlockNumber = CMVMI; sh.theSendersBlockRef = reference(); sh.theTrace = tTrace; sh.theSignalId = tSignalId; sh.theLength = ((len+3)/4)+1; Uint32 secPtrI[3]; // Dummy globalScheduler.execute(&sh, JBB, theData, secPtrI); } void SimulatedBlock::warningEvent(const char * msg, ...) const { if(msg == 0) return; Uint32 theData[25]; theData[0] = EventReport::WarningEvent; char * buf = (char *)&(theData[1]); va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vsnprintf(buf, 96, msg, ap); // 96 = 100 - 4 va_end(ap); int len = strlen(buf) + 1; if(len > 96){ len = 96; buf[95] = 0; } /** * Init and put it into the job buffer */ SignalHeader sh; memset(&sh, 0, sizeof(SignalHeader)); const Signal * signal = globalScheduler.getVMSignals(); Uint32 tTrace = signal->header.theTrace; Uint32 tSignalId = signal->header.theSignalId; sh.theVerId_signalNumber = GSN_EVENT_REP; sh.theReceiversBlockNumber = CMVMI; sh.theSendersBlockRef = reference(); sh.theTrace = tTrace; sh.theSignalId = tSignalId; sh.theLength = ((len+3)/4)+1; Uint32 secPtrI[3]; // Dummy globalScheduler.execute(&sh, JBB, theData, secPtrI); } void SimulatedBlock::execNODE_STATE_REP(Signal* signal){ const NodeStateRep * const rep = (NodeStateRep *)&signal->theData[0]; this->theNodeState = rep->nodeState; } void SimulatedBlock::execCHANGE_NODE_STATE_REQ(Signal* signal){ const ChangeNodeStateReq * const req = (ChangeNodeStateReq *)&signal->theData[0]; this->theNodeState = req->nodeState; const Uint32 senderData = req->senderData; const BlockReference senderRef = req->senderRef; /** * Pack return signal */ ChangeNodeStateConf * const conf = (ChangeNodeStateConf *)&signal->theData[0]; conf->senderData = senderData; sendSignal(senderRef, GSN_CHANGE_NODE_STATE_CONF, signal, ChangeNodeStateConf::SignalLength, JBB); } void SimulatedBlock::execNDB_TAMPER(Signal * signal){ SET_ERROR_INSERT_VALUE(signal->theData[0]); } void SimulatedBlock::execSIGNAL_DROPPED_REP(Signal * signal){ ErrorReporter::handleError(ecError, ERR_OUT_OF_LONG_SIGNAL_MEMORY, "Signal lost, out of long signal memory", __FILE__, NST_ErrorHandler); } void SimulatedBlock::execCONTINUE_FRAGMENTED(Signal * signal){ ljamEntry(); Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> fragPtr; c_segmentedFragmentSendList.first(fragPtr); for(; !fragPtr.isNull();){ ljam(); Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> copyPtr = fragPtr; c_segmentedFragmentSendList.next(fragPtr); sendNextSegmentedFragment(signal, * copyPtr.p); if(copyPtr.p->m_status == FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete){ ljam(); if(copyPtr.p->m_callback.m_callbackFunction != 0) { ljam(); execute(signal, copyPtr.p->m_callback, 0); }//if c_segmentedFragmentSendList.release(copyPtr); } } c_linearFragmentSendList.first(fragPtr); for(; !fragPtr.isNull();){ ljam(); Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> copyPtr = fragPtr; c_linearFragmentSendList.next(fragPtr); sendNextLinearFragment(signal, * copyPtr.p); if(copyPtr.p->m_status == FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete){ ljam(); if(copyPtr.p->m_callback.m_callbackFunction != 0) { ljam(); execute(signal, copyPtr.p->m_callback, 0); }//if c_linearFragmentSendList.release(copyPtr); } } if(c_segmentedFragmentSendList.isEmpty() && c_linearFragmentSendList.isEmpty()){ ljam(); c_fragSenderRunning = false; return; } ContinueFragmented * sig = (ContinueFragmented*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); sig->line = __LINE__; sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUE_FRAGMENTED, signal, 1, JBB); } #ifdef VM_TRACE_TIME void SimulatedBlock::clearTimes() { for(Uint32 i = 0; i <= MAX_GSN; i++){ m_timeTrace[i].cnt = 0; m_timeTrace[i].sum = 0; m_timeTrace[i].sub = 0; } } void SimulatedBlock::printTimes(FILE * output){ fprintf(output, "-- %s --\n", getBlockName(number())); Uint64 sum = 0; for(Uint32 i = 0; i <= MAX_GSN; i++){ Uint32 n = m_timeTrace[i].cnt; if(n != 0){ double dn = n; double avg = m_timeTrace[i].sum; double avg2 = avg - m_timeTrace[i].sub; avg /= dn; avg2 /= dn; fprintf(output, //name ; cnt ; loc ; acc "%s ; #%d ; %dus ; %dus ; %dms\n", getSignalName(i), n, (Uint32)avg, (Uint32)avg2, (Uint32)((m_timeTrace[i].sum - m_timeTrace[i].sub + 500)/ 1000)); sum += (m_timeTrace[i].sum - m_timeTrace[i].sub); } } sum = (sum + 500)/ 1000; fprintf(output, "-- %s : %d --\n", getBlockName(number()), sum); fprintf(output, "\n"); fflush(output); } #endif void release(SegmentedSectionPtr & ptr); SimulatedBlock::FragmentInfo::FragmentInfo(Uint32 fragId, Uint32 sender){ m_fragmentId = fragId; m_senderRef = sender; m_sectionPtrI[0] = RNIL; m_sectionPtrI[1] = RNIL; m_sectionPtrI[2] = RNIL; } SimulatedBlock::FragmentSendInfo::FragmentSendInfo() { } bool SimulatedBlock::assembleFragments(Signal * signal){ Uint32 sigLen = signal->length() - 1; Uint32 fragId = signal->theData[sigLen]; Uint32 fragInfo = signal->header.m_fragmentInfo; Uint32 senderRef = signal->getSendersBlockRef(); if(fragInfo == 0){ return true; } const Uint32 secs = signal->header.m_noOfSections; const Uint32 * const secNos = &signal->theData[sigLen - secs]; if(fragInfo == 1){ /** * First in train */ Ptr<FragmentInfo> fragPtr; if(!c_fragmentInfoHash.seize(fragPtr)){ ndbrequire(false); return false; } new (fragPtr.p)FragmentInfo(fragId, senderRef); c_fragmentInfoHash.add(fragPtr); for(Uint32 i = 0; i<secs; i++){ Uint32 sectionNo = secNos[i]; ndbassert(sectionNo < 3); fragPtr.p->m_sectionPtrI[sectionNo] = signal->m_sectionPtr[i].i; } /** * Don't release allocated segments */ signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; return false; } FragmentInfo key(fragId, senderRef); Ptr<FragmentInfo> fragPtr; if(c_fragmentInfoHash.find(fragPtr, key)){ /** * FragInfo == 2 or 3 */ Uint32 i; for(i = 0; i<secs; i++){ Uint32 sectionNo = secNos[i]; ndbassert(sectionNo < 3); Uint32 sectionPtrI = signal->m_sectionPtr[i].i; if(fragPtr.p->m_sectionPtrI[sectionNo] != RNIL){ linkSegments(fragPtr.p->m_sectionPtrI[sectionNo], sectionPtrI); } else { fragPtr.p->m_sectionPtrI[sectionNo] = sectionPtrI; } } /** * fragInfo = 2 */ if(fragInfo == 2){ signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; return false; } /** * fragInfo = 3 */ for(i = 0; i<3; i++){ Uint32 ptrI = fragPtr.p->m_sectionPtrI[i]; if(ptrI != RNIL){ signal->m_sectionPtr[i].i = ptrI; } else { break; } } signal->setLength(sigLen - i); signal->header.m_noOfSections = i; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = 0; getSections(i, signal->m_sectionPtr); c_fragmentInfoHash.release(fragPtr); return true; } /** * Unable to find fragment */ ndbrequire(false); return false; } bool SimulatedBlock::sendFirstFragment(FragmentSendInfo & info, NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, Uint32 messageSize){ info.m_sectionPtr[0].m_segmented.i = RNIL; info.m_sectionPtr[1].m_segmented.i = RNIL; info.m_sectionPtr[2].m_segmented.i = RNIL; Uint32 totalSize = 0; SectionSegment * p; switch(signal->header.m_noOfSections){ case 3: p = signal->m_sectionPtr[2].p; info.m_sectionPtr[2].m_segmented.p = p; info.m_sectionPtr[2].m_segmented.i = signal->m_sectionPtr[2].i; totalSize += p->m_sz; case 2: p = signal->m_sectionPtr[1].p; info.m_sectionPtr[1].m_segmented.p = p; info.m_sectionPtr[1].m_segmented.i = signal->m_sectionPtr[1].i; totalSize += p->m_sz; case 1: p = signal->m_sectionPtr[0].p; info.m_sectionPtr[0].m_segmented.p = p; info.m_sectionPtr[0].m_segmented.i = signal->m_sectionPtr[0].i; totalSize += p->m_sz; } if(totalSize <= messageSize + SectionSegment::DataLength){ /** * Send signal directly */ sendSignal(rg, gsn, signal, length, jbuf); info.m_status = FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete; return true; } /** * Consume sections */ signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; /** * Setup info object */ info.m_status = FragmentSendInfo::SendNotComplete; info.m_prio = (Uint8)jbuf; info.m_gsn = gsn; info.m_fragInfo = 1; info.m_messageSize = messageSize; info.m_fragmentId = c_fragmentIdCounter++; info.m_nodeReceiverGroup = rg; info.m_callback.m_callbackFunction = 0; Ptr<SectionSegment> tmp; if(!import(tmp, &signal->theData[0], length)){ ndbrequire(false); return false; } info.m_theDataSection.p = &tmp.p->theData[0]; info.m_theDataSection.sz = length; tmp.p->theData[length] = tmp.i; sendNextSegmentedFragment(signal, info); if(c_fragmentIdCounter == 0){ /** * Fragment id 0 is invalid */ c_fragmentIdCounter = 1; } return true; } #if 0 #define lsout(x) x #else #define lsout(x) #endif void SimulatedBlock::sendNextSegmentedFragment(Signal* signal, FragmentSendInfo & info){ /** * Store "theData" */ const Uint32 sigLen = info.m_theDataSection.sz; memcpy(&signal->theData[0], info.m_theDataSection.p, 4 * sigLen); Uint32 sz = 0; Uint32 maxSz = info.m_messageSize; Int32 secNo = 2; Uint32 secCount = 0; Uint32 * secNos = &signal->theData[sigLen]; enum { Unknown = 0, Full = 1 } loop = Unknown; for(; secNo >= 0 && secCount < 3; secNo--){ Uint32 ptrI = info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_segmented.i; if(ptrI == RNIL) continue; info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_segmented.i = RNIL; SectionSegment * ptrP = info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_segmented.p; const Uint32 size = ptrP->m_sz; signal->m_sectionPtr[secCount].i = ptrI; signal->m_sectionPtr[secCount].p = ptrP; signal->m_sectionPtr[secCount].sz = size; secNos[secCount] = secNo; secCount++; const Uint32 sizeLeft = maxSz - sz; if(size <= sizeLeft){ /** * The section fits */ sz += size; lsout(ndbout_c("section %d saved as %d", secNo, secCount-1)); continue; } const Uint32 overflow = size - sizeLeft; // > 0 if(overflow <= SectionSegment::DataLength){ /** * Only one segment left to send * send even if sizeLeft <= size */ lsout(ndbout_c("section %d saved as %d but full over: %d", secNo, secCount-1, overflow)); secNo--; break; } // size >= 61 if(sizeLeft < SectionSegment::DataLength){ /** * Less than one segment left (space) * dont bother sending */ secCount--; info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_segmented.i = ptrI; loop = Full; lsout(ndbout_c("section %d not saved", secNo)); break; } /** * Split list * 1) Find place to split * 2) Rewrite header (the part that will be sent) * 3) Write new header (for remaining part) * 4) Store new header on FragmentSendInfo - record */ // size >= 61 && sizeLeft >= 60 Uint32 sum = SectionSegment::DataLength; Uint32 prevPtrI = ptrI; ptrI = ptrP->m_nextSegment; const Uint32 fill = sizeLeft - SectionSegment::DataLength; while(sum < fill){ prevPtrI = ptrI; ptrP = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(ptrI); ptrI = ptrP->m_nextSegment; sum += SectionSegment::DataLength; } /** * Rewrite header w.r.t size and last */ Uint32 prev = secCount - 1; const Uint32 last = signal->m_sectionPtr[prev].p->m_lastSegment; signal->m_sectionPtr[prev].p->m_lastSegment = prevPtrI; signal->m_sectionPtr[prev].p->m_sz = sum; signal->m_sectionPtr[prev].sz = sum; /** * Write "new" list header */ ptrP = g_sectionSegmentPool.getPtr(ptrI); ptrP->m_lastSegment = last; ptrP->m_sz = size - sum; /** * And store it on info-record */ info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_segmented.i = ptrI; info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_segmented.p = ptrP; loop = Full; lsout(ndbout_c("section %d split into %d", secNo, prev)); break; } lsout(ndbout_c("loop: %d secNo: %d secCount: %d sz: %d", loop, secNo, secCount, sz)); /** * Store fragment id */ secNos[secCount] = info.m_fragmentId; Uint32 fragInfo = info.m_fragInfo; info.m_fragInfo = 2; switch(loop){ case Unknown: if(secNo >= 0){ lsout(ndbout_c("Unknown - Full")); /** * Not finished */ break; } // Fall through lsout(ndbout_c("Unknown - Done")); info.m_status = FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete; ndbassert(fragInfo == 2); fragInfo = 3; case Full: break; } signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = fragInfo; signal->header.m_noOfSections = secCount; sendSignal(info.m_nodeReceiverGroup, info.m_gsn, signal, sigLen + secCount + 1, (JobBufferLevel)info.m_prio); if(fragInfo == 3){ /** * This is the last signal */ g_sectionSegmentPool.release(info.m_theDataSection.p[sigLen]); } } bool SimulatedBlock::sendFirstFragment(FragmentSendInfo & info, NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, Uint32 messageSize){ ::releaseSections(signal->header.m_noOfSections, signal->m_sectionPtr); signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; info.m_sectionPtr[0].m_linear.p = NULL; info.m_sectionPtr[1].m_linear.p = NULL; info.m_sectionPtr[2].m_linear.p = NULL; Uint32 totalSize = 0; switch(noOfSections){ case 3: info.m_sectionPtr[2].m_linear = ptr[2]; totalSize += ptr[2].sz; case 2: info.m_sectionPtr[1].m_linear = ptr[1]; totalSize += ptr[1].sz; case 1: info.m_sectionPtr[0].m_linear = ptr[0]; totalSize += ptr[0].sz; } if(totalSize <= messageSize + SectionSegment::DataLength){ /** * Send signal directly */ sendSignal(rg, gsn, signal, length, jbuf, ptr, noOfSections); info.m_status = FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete; /** * Indicate to sendLinearSignalFragment * that we'r already done */ return true; } /** * Setup info object */ info.m_status = FragmentSendInfo::SendNotComplete; info.m_prio = (Uint8)jbuf; info.m_gsn = gsn; info.m_messageSize = messageSize; info.m_fragInfo = 1; info.m_fragmentId = c_fragmentIdCounter++; info.m_nodeReceiverGroup = rg; info.m_callback.m_callbackFunction = 0; Ptr<SectionSegment> tmp; if(!import(tmp, &signal->theData[0], length)){ ndbrequire(false); return false; } info.m_theDataSection.p = &tmp.p->theData[0]; info.m_theDataSection.sz = length; tmp.p->theData[length] = tmp.i; sendNextLinearFragment(signal, info); if(c_fragmentIdCounter == 0){ /** * Fragment id 0 is invalid */ c_fragmentIdCounter = 1; } return true; } void SimulatedBlock::sendNextLinearFragment(Signal* signal, FragmentSendInfo & info){ /** * Store "theData" */ const Uint32 sigLen = info.m_theDataSection.sz; memcpy(&signal->theData[0], info.m_theDataSection.p, 4 * sigLen); Uint32 sz = 0; Uint32 maxSz = info.m_messageSize; Int32 secNo = 2; Uint32 secCount = 0; Uint32 * secNos = &signal->theData[sigLen]; LinearSectionPtr signalPtr[3]; enum { Unknown = 0, Full = 2 } loop = Unknown; for(; secNo >= 0 && secCount < 3; secNo--){ Uint32 * ptrP = info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_linear.p; if(ptrP == NULL) continue; info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_linear.p = NULL; const Uint32 size = info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_linear.sz; signalPtr[secCount].p = ptrP; signalPtr[secCount].sz = size; secNos[secCount] = secNo; secCount++; const Uint32 sizeLeft = maxSz - sz; if(size <= sizeLeft){ /** * The section fits */ sz += size; lsout(ndbout_c("section %d saved as %d", secNo, secCount-1)); continue; } const Uint32 overflow = size - sizeLeft; // > 0 if(overflow <= SectionSegment::DataLength){ /** * Only one segment left to send * send even if sizeLeft <= size */ lsout(ndbout_c("section %d saved as %d but full over: %d", secNo, secCount-1, overflow)); secNo--; break; } // size >= 61 if(sizeLeft < SectionSegment::DataLength){ /** * Less than one segment left (space) * dont bother sending */ secCount--; info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_linear.p = ptrP; loop = Full; lsout(ndbout_c("section %d not saved", secNo)); break; } /** * Split list * 1) Find place to split * 2) Rewrite header (the part that will be sent) * 3) Write new header (for remaining part) * 4) Store new header on FragmentSendInfo - record */ Uint32 sum = sizeLeft; sum /= SectionSegment::DataLength; sum *= SectionSegment::DataLength; /** * Rewrite header w.r.t size */ Uint32 prev = secCount - 1; signalPtr[prev].sz = sum; /** * Write/store "new" header */ info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_linear.p = ptrP + sum; info.m_sectionPtr[secNo].m_linear.sz = size - sum; loop = Full; lsout(ndbout_c("section %d split into %d", secNo, prev)); break; } lsout(ndbout_c("loop: %d secNo: %d secCount: %d sz: %d", loop, secNo, secCount, sz)); /** * Store fragment id */ secNos[secCount] = info.m_fragmentId; Uint32 fragInfo = info.m_fragInfo; info.m_fragInfo = 2; switch(loop){ case Unknown: if(secNo >= 0){ lsout(ndbout_c("Unknown - Full")); /** * Not finished */ break; } // Fall through lsout(ndbout_c("Unknown - Done")); info.m_status = FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete; ndbassert(fragInfo == 2); fragInfo = 3; case Full: break; } signal->header.m_noOfSections = 0; signal->header.m_fragmentInfo = fragInfo; sendSignal(info.m_nodeReceiverGroup, info.m_gsn, signal, sigLen + secCount + 1, (JobBufferLevel)info.m_prio, signalPtr, secCount); if(fragInfo == 3){ /** * This is the last signal */ g_sectionSegmentPool.release(info.m_theDataSection.p[sigLen]); } } void SimulatedBlock::sendFragmentedSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, Callback & c, Uint32 messageSize){ bool res = true; Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> ptr; res = c_segmentedFragmentSendList.seize(ptr); ndbrequire(res); res = sendFirstFragment(* ptr.p, NodeReceiverGroup(ref), gsn, signal, length, jbuf, messageSize); ndbrequire(res); if(ptr.p->m_status == FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete){ c_segmentedFragmentSendList.release(ptr); if(c.m_callbackFunction != 0) execute(signal, c, 0); return; } ptr.p->m_callback = c; if(!c_fragSenderRunning){ c_fragSenderRunning = true; ContinueFragmented * sig = (ContinueFragmented*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); sig->line = __LINE__; sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUE_FRAGMENTED, signal, 1, JBB); } } void SimulatedBlock::sendFragmentedSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, Callback & c, Uint32 messageSize){ bool res = true; Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> ptr; res = c_segmentedFragmentSendList.seize(ptr); ndbrequire(res); res = sendFirstFragment(* ptr.p, rg, gsn, signal, length, jbuf, messageSize); ndbrequire(res); if(ptr.p->m_status == FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete){ c_segmentedFragmentSendList.release(ptr); if(c.m_callbackFunction != 0) execute(signal, c, 0); return; } ptr.p->m_callback = c; if(!c_fragSenderRunning){ c_fragSenderRunning = true; ContinueFragmented * sig = (ContinueFragmented*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); sig->line = __LINE__; sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUE_FRAGMENTED, signal, 1, JBB); } } Callback SimulatedBlock::TheEmptyCallback = {0, 0}; void SimulatedBlock::sendFragmentedSignal(BlockReference ref, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, Callback & c, Uint32 messageSize){ bool res = true; Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> tmp; res = c_linearFragmentSendList.seize(tmp); ndbrequire(res); res = sendFirstFragment(* tmp.p, NodeReceiverGroup(ref), gsn, signal, length, jbuf, ptr, noOfSections, messageSize); ndbrequire(res); if(tmp.p->m_status == FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete){ c_linearFragmentSendList.release(tmp); if(c.m_callbackFunction != 0) execute(signal, c, 0); return; } tmp.p->m_callback = c; if(!c_fragSenderRunning){ c_fragSenderRunning = true; ContinueFragmented * sig = (ContinueFragmented*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); sig->line = __LINE__; sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUE_FRAGMENTED, signal, 1, JBB); } } void SimulatedBlock::sendFragmentedSignal(NodeReceiverGroup rg, GlobalSignalNumber gsn, Signal* signal, Uint32 length, JobBufferLevel jbuf, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, Callback & c, Uint32 messageSize){ bool res = true; Ptr<FragmentSendInfo> tmp; res = c_linearFragmentSendList.seize(tmp); ndbrequire(res); res = sendFirstFragment(* tmp.p, rg, gsn, signal, length, jbuf, ptr, noOfSections, messageSize); ndbrequire(res); if(tmp.p->m_status == FragmentSendInfo::SendComplete){ c_linearFragmentSendList.release(tmp); if(c.m_callbackFunction != 0) execute(signal, c, 0); return; } tmp.p->m_callback = c; if(!c_fragSenderRunning){ c_fragSenderRunning = true; ContinueFragmented * sig = (ContinueFragmented*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); sig->line = __LINE__; sendSignal(reference(), GSN_CONTINUE_FRAGMENTED, signal, 1, JBB); } } NodeInfo & SimulatedBlock::setNodeInfo(NodeId nodeId) { ndbrequire(nodeId > 0 && nodeId < MAX_NODES); return globalData.m_nodeInfo[nodeId]; } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_REF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_CREATE_LOCK_CONF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_REF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_DESTORY_LOCK_CONF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_LOCK_REF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_LOCK_REF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_LOCK_CONF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_LOCK_CONF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_UNLOCK_REF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_UNLOCK_REF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execUTIL_UNLOCK_CONF(Signal* signal){ ljamEntry(); c_mutexMgr.execUTIL_UNLOCK_CONF(signal); } void SimulatedBlock::execREAD_CONFIG_REQ(Signal* signal){ const ReadConfigReq * req = (ReadConfigReq*)signal->getDataPtr(); Uint32 ref = req->senderRef; Uint32 senderData = req->senderData; ReadConfigConf * conf = (ReadConfigConf*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); conf->senderRef = reference(); conf->senderData = senderData; sendSignal(ref, GSN_READ_CONFIG_CONF, signal, ReadConfigConf::SignalLength, JBB); } void SimulatedBlock::ignoreMutexUnlockCallback(Signal* signal, Uint32 ptrI, Uint32 retVal){ c_mutexMgr.release(ptrI); } void UpgradeStartup::installEXEC(SimulatedBlock* block){ SimulatedBlock::ExecFunction * a = block->theExecArray; switch(block->number()){ case QMGR: a[UpgradeStartup::GSN_CM_APPCHG] = &SimulatedBlock::execUPGRADE; break; case CNTR: a[UpgradeStartup::GSN_CNTR_MASTERREF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUPGRADE; a[UpgradeStartup::GSN_CNTR_MASTERCONF] = &SimulatedBlock::execUPGRADE; break; } } void SimulatedBlock::execUPGRADE(Signal* signal){ Uint32 gsn = signal->header.theVerId_signalNumber; switch(gsn){ case UpgradeStartup::GSN_CM_APPCHG: UpgradeStartup::execCM_APPCHG(* this, signal); break; case UpgradeStartup::GSN_CNTR_MASTERREF: UpgradeStartup::execCNTR_MASTER_REPLY(* this, signal); break; case UpgradeStartup::GSN_CNTR_MASTERCONF: UpgradeStartup::execCNTR_MASTER_REPLY(* this, signal); break; } }