/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
   Copyright (c) 2009, 2018, MariaDB Corporation

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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  More functions to be used with IO_CACHE files

#include "mysys_priv.h"
#include <m_string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <m_ctype.h>

  Copy the cache to the file. Copying can be constrained to @c count
  number of bytes when the parameter is less than SIZE_T_MAX.  The
  cache will be optionally re-inited to a read cache and will read
  from the beginning of the cache.  If a failure to write fully
  occurs, the cache is only copied partially.

  Make this function solid by handling partial reads from the cache
  in a correct manner: it should be atomic.

  @param cache      IO_CACHE to copy from
  @param file       File to copy to
  @param count      the copied size or the max of the type
                    when the whole cache is to be copied.
         0          All OK
         1          An error occurred
my_b_copy_to_file(IO_CACHE *cache, FILE *file,
                  size_t count)
  size_t curr_write, bytes_in_cache;

  bytes_in_cache= my_b_bytes_in_cache(cache);
    curr_write= MY_MIN(bytes_in_cache, count);
    if (my_fwrite(file, cache->read_pos, curr_write,
                  MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP)) == (size_t) -1)

    cache->read_pos += curr_write;
    count -= curr_write;
  } while (count && (bytes_in_cache= my_b_fill(cache)));
  if(cache->error == -1)

int my_b_copy_all_to_file(IO_CACHE *cache, FILE *file)
  /* Reinit the cache to read from the beginning of the cache */
  if (reinit_io_cache(cache, READ_CACHE, 0L, FALSE, FALSE))
  DBUG_RETURN(my_b_copy_to_file(cache, file, SIZE_T_MAX));

my_off_t my_b_append_tell(IO_CACHE* info)
    Sometimes we want to make sure that the variable is not put into
    a register in debugging mode so we can see its value in the core
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
# define dbug_volatile volatile
# define dbug_volatile

    Prevent optimizer from putting res in a register when debugging
    we need this to be able to see the value of res when the assert fails
  dbug_volatile my_off_t res; 

    We need to lock the append buffer mutex to keep flush_io_cache()
    from messing with the variables that we need in order to provide the
    answer to the question.

#ifndef DBUG_OFF
    Make sure EOF is where we think it is. Note that we cannot just use
    my_tell() because we have a reader thread that could have left the
    file offset in a non-EOF location
    volatile my_off_t save_pos;
    save_pos= mysql_file_tell(info->file, MYF(0));
    mysql_file_seek(info->file, 0, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(0));
      Save the value of my_tell in res so we can see it when studying coredump
    DBUG_ASSERT(info->end_of_file - (info->append_read_pos-info->write_buffer)
		== (res= mysql_file_tell(info->file, MYF(0))));
    mysql_file_seek(info->file, save_pos, MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0));
  res = info->end_of_file + (info->write_pos-info->append_read_pos);
  return res;

my_off_t my_b_safe_tell(IO_CACHE *info)
  if (unlikely(info->type == SEQ_READ_APPEND))
    return my_b_append_tell(info);
  return my_b_tell(info);

  Make next read happen at the given position
  For write cache, make next write happen at the given position

void my_b_seek(IO_CACHE *info,my_off_t pos)
  my_off_t offset;
  DBUG_PRINT("enter",("pos: %lu", (ulong) pos));

       Verify that it is OK to do seek in the non-append
       area in SEQ_READ_APPEND cache
     a) see if this always works
     b) see if there is a better way to make it work
  if (info->type == SEQ_READ_APPEND)
    (void) flush_io_cache(info);

  offset=(pos - info->pos_in_file);

  if (info->type == READ_CACHE || info->type == SEQ_READ_APPEND)
    /* TODO: explain why this works if pos < info->pos_in_file */
    if ((ulonglong) offset < (ulonglong) (info->read_end - info->buffer))
      /* The read is in the current buffer; Reuse it */
      info->read_pos = info->buffer + offset;
      /* Force a new read on next my_b_read */
  else if (info->type == WRITE_CACHE)
    /* If write is in current buffer, reuse it */
    if ((ulonglong) offset <
	(ulonglong) (info->write_end - info->write_buffer))
      info->write_pos = info->write_buffer + offset;
    (void) flush_io_cache(info);
    /* Correct buffer end so that we write in increments of IO_SIZE */
		     (pos & (IO_SIZE-1)));

int my_b_pread(IO_CACHE *info, uchar *Buffer, size_t Count, my_off_t pos)
  if (info->myflags & MY_ENCRYPT)
    my_b_seek(info, pos);
    return my_b_read(info, Buffer, Count);

  /* backward compatibility behavior. XXX remove it? */
  if (mysql_file_pread(info->file, Buffer, Count, pos, info->myflags | MY_NABP))
    return info->error= -1;
  return 0;

  Read a string ended by '\n' into a buffer of 'max_length' size.
  Returns number of characters read, 0 on error.
  last byte is set to '\0'
  If buffer is full then to[max_length-1] will be set to \0.

size_t my_b_gets(IO_CACHE *info, char *to, size_t max_length)
  char *start = to;
  size_t length;
  max_length--;					/* Save place for end \0 */

  /* Calculate number of characters in buffer */
  if (!(length= my_b_bytes_in_cache(info)) &&
      !(length= my_b_fill(info)))
    return 0;

  for (;;)
    uchar *pos, *end;
    if (length > max_length)
    for (pos=info->read_pos,end=pos+length ; pos < end ;)
      if ((*to++ = *pos++) == '\n')
	return (size_t) (to-start);
    if (!(max_length-=length))
     /* Found enough charcters;  Return found string */
      return (size_t) (to-start);
    if (!(length=my_b_fill(info)))
      return 0;

my_off_t my_b_filelength(IO_CACHE *info)
  if (info->type == WRITE_CACHE)
    return my_b_tell(info);

  info->seek_not_done= 1;
  return mysql_file_seek(info->file, 0, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(0));

my_b_write_backtick_quote(IO_CACHE *info, const char *str, size_t len)
  const uchar *start;
  const uchar *p= (const uchar *)str;
  const uchar *end= p + len;
  size_t count;
  size_t total= 0;

  if (my_b_write(info, (uchar *)"`", 1))
    return (size_t)-1;
  for (;;)
    start= p;
    while (p < end && *p != '`')
    count= p - start;
    if (count && my_b_write(info, start, count))
      return (size_t)-1;
    total+= count;
    if (p >= end)
    if (my_b_write(info, (uchar *)"``", 2))
      return (size_t)-1;
    total+= 2;
  if (my_b_write(info, (uchar *)"`", 1))
    return (size_t)-1;
  return total;

  Simple printf version.  Supports '%s', '%d', '%u', "%ld" and "%lu"
  Used for logging in MySQL
  returns number of written character, or (size_t) -1 on error

size_t my_b_printf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, ...)
  size_t result;
  va_list args;
  result=my_b_vprintf(info, fmt, args);
  return result;

size_t my_b_vprintf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, va_list args)
  size_t out_length= 0;
  uint minimum_width; /* as yet unimplemented */
  uint minimum_width_sign;
  uint precision; /* as yet unimplemented for anything but %b */
  my_bool is_zero_padded;
  my_bool backtick_quoting;

    Store the location of the beginning of a format directive, for the
    case where we learn we shouldn't have been parsing a format string
    at all, and we don't want to lose the flag/precision/width/size
  const char* backtrack;

  for (; *fmt != '\0'; fmt++)
    /* Copy everything until '%' or end of string */
    const char *start=fmt;
    size_t length;
    for (; (*fmt != '\0') && (*fmt != '%'); fmt++) ;

    length= (size_t) (fmt - start);
    if (my_b_write(info, (const uchar*) start, length))
      goto err;

    if (*fmt == '\0')				/* End of format */
      return out_length;

      By this point, *fmt must be a percent;  Keep track of this location and
      skip over the percent character. 
    DBUG_ASSERT(*fmt == '%');
    backtrack= fmt;

    is_zero_padded= FALSE;
    backtick_quoting= FALSE;
    minimum_width_sign= 1;
    minimum_width= 0;
    precision= 0;
    /* Skip if max size is used (to be compatible with printf) */

    switch (*fmt)
      case '-': 
        minimum_width_sign= -1; fmt++; goto process_flags;
      case '0':
        is_zero_padded= TRUE; fmt++; goto process_flags;
      case '`':
        backtick_quoting= TRUE; fmt++; goto process_flags;
      case '#':
        /** @todo Implement "#" conversion flag. */  fmt++; goto process_flags;
      case ' ':
        /** @todo Implement " " conversion flag. */  fmt++; goto process_flags;
      case '+':
        /** @todo Implement "+" conversion flag. */  fmt++; goto process_flags;

    if (*fmt == '*')
      precision= (int) va_arg(args, int);
      while (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt)) {
        minimum_width=(minimum_width * 10) + (*fmt - '0');
    minimum_width*= minimum_width_sign;

    if (*fmt == '.')
      if (*fmt == '*') {
        precision= (int) va_arg(args, int);
        while (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt)) {
          precision=(precision * 10) + (*fmt - '0');

    if (*fmt == 's')				/* String parameter */
      reg2 char *par = va_arg(args, char *);
      size_t length2 = strlen(par);
      /* TODO: implement precision */
      if (backtick_quoting)
        size_t total= my_b_write_backtick_quote(info, par, length2);
        if (total == (size_t)-1)
          goto err;
        out_length+= total;
        out_length+= length2;
        if (my_b_write(info, (uchar*) par, length2))
          goto err;
    else if (*fmt == 'c')                     /* char type parameter */
      char par[2];
      par[0] = va_arg(args, int);
      if (my_b_write(info, (uchar*) par, 1))
        goto err;
    else if (*fmt == 'b')                       /* Sized buffer parameter, only precision makes sense */
      char *par = va_arg(args, char *);
      out_length+= precision;
      if (my_b_write(info, (uchar*) par, precision))
        goto err;
    else if (*fmt == 'd' || *fmt == 'u')	/* Integer parameter */
      register int iarg;
      size_t length2;
      char buff[32];

      iarg = va_arg(args, int);
      if (*fmt == 'd')
	length2= (size_t) (int10_to_str((long) iarg,buff, -10) - buff);
        length2= (uint) (int10_to_str((long) (uint) iarg,buff,10)- buff);

      /* minimum width padding */
      if (minimum_width > length2) 
        uchar *buffz;
        buffz= (uchar*) my_alloca(minimum_width - length2);
        if (is_zero_padded)
          memset(buffz, '0', minimum_width - length2);
          memset(buffz, ' ', minimum_width - length2);
        if (my_b_write(info, buffz, minimum_width - length2))
          goto err;

      out_length+= length2;
      if (my_b_write(info, (uchar*) buff, length2))
	goto err;
    else if ((*fmt == 'l' && (fmt[1] == 'd' || fmt[1] == 'u')))
      /* long parameter */
      register long iarg;
      size_t length2;
      char buff[32];

      iarg = va_arg(args, long);
      if (*++fmt == 'd')
	length2= (size_t) (int10_to_str(iarg,buff, -10) - buff);
	length2= (size_t) (int10_to_str(iarg,buff,10)- buff);
      out_length+= length2;
      if (my_b_write(info, (uchar*) buff, length2))
	goto err;
      /* %% or unknown code */
      if (my_b_write(info, (uchar*) backtrack, (size_t) (fmt-backtrack)))
        goto err;
      out_length+= fmt-backtrack;
  return out_length;

  return (size_t) -1;