# Helper functions # # Create a log entry # sub logger { my $message= $_[0]; my $cmnd= $_[1]; print $message . "\n" if !$opt_quiet && !$opt_verbose && !$cmnd; print timestamp() . " " . $message . "\n" if $opt_verbose; if (defined $opt_log && !$opt_dry_run) { open LOG, ">>$LOGFILE" or die "Can't open logfile $LOGFILE!"; print LOG timestamp() . " " . $message . "\n"; close LOG; } } # # run_command(<command>,<error message>) # Execute the given command or die with the respective error message # Just print out the command when doing a dry run # sub run_command { my $command= $_[0]; my $errormsg= $_[1]; if ($opt_dry_run) { print "$command\n"; } else { &logger($command, 1); $command.= ';' unless ($command =~ m/^.*;$/); $command =~ s/;/ >> $LOGFILE 2>&1;/g if defined $opt_log; $command =~ s/;/ > \/dev\/null;/g if (!$opt_verbose && !$opt_log); system($command) == 0 or &abort("$errormsg\n"); } } # # abort(<message>) # Exit with giving out the given error message or by sending # it via email to the given mail address (including a log file snippet, # if available) # sub abort { my $message= $_[0]; my $messagefile; my $subject= "Bootstrap of $REPO failed" if $opt_mail; $message= "ERROR: " . $message; &logger($message); if ($opt_mail && !$opt_dry_run) { $messagefile= "/tmp/message.$$"; open(TMP,">$messagefile"); print TMP "$message\n\n"; close TMP; if (defined $opt_log) { system("tail -n 40 $LOGFILE >> $messagefile"); } system("mail -s \"$subject\" $opt_mail < $messagefile"); unlink($messagefile); } exit 1; } # Create a time stamp for logging purposes sub timestamp { return &ymd() . " " . &hms(); } # # return the current time as a string (HH:MM:SS) # sub hms { my @ta= localtime(time()); my $h= $ta[2]; $h= "0" . "$h" if ($h <= 9); my $m= $ta[1]; $m= "0" . "$m" if ($m <= 9); my $s= $ta[0]; $s="0" . "$s" if ($s <= 9); return "$h:$m:$s"; } # # return the current date as a string (YYYYMMDD) # sub ymd { my @ta=localtime(time()); my $d=$ta[3]; $d="0" . "$d" if ($d <= 9); my $m=$ta[4]+1; $m="0" . "$m" if ($m <= 9); my $y=1900+$ta[5]; return "$y$m$d"; }