# # Testing SQL SECURITY of stored procedures # # Can't test with embedded server that doesn't support grants -- source include/not_embedded.inc connect (con1root,localhost,root,,); connection con1root; use test; # Create user user1 with no particular access rights grant usage on *.* to user1@localhost; flush privileges; --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; drop database if exists db1_secret; --enable_warnings # Create our secret database create database db1_secret; # Can create a procedure in other db create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end; drop procedure db1_secret.dummy; use db1_secret; create table t1 ( u varchar(64), i int ); # A test procedure and function create procedure stamp(i int) insert into db1_secret.t1 values (user(), i); --replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show procedure status like 'stamp'; create function db() returns varchar(64) return database(); --replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show function status like 'db'; # root can, of course call stamp(1); select * from t1; select db(); grant execute on procedure db1_secret.stamp to user1@'%'; grant execute on function db1_secret.db to user1@'%'; grant execute on procedure db1_secret.stamp to ''@'%'; grant execute on function db1_secret.db to ''@'%'; connect (con2user1,localhost,user1,,); connect (con3anon,localhost,anon,,); # # User1 can # connection con2user1; # This should work... call db1_secret.stamp(2); select db1_secret.db(); # ...but not this --error 1142 select * from db1_secret.t1; # ...and not this --error 1044 create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end; --error 1305 drop procedure db1_secret.dummy; # # Anonymous can # connection con3anon; # This should work... call db1_secret.stamp(3); select db1_secret.db(); # ...but not this --error 1142 select * from db1_secret.t1; # ...and not this --error 1044 create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end; --error 1305 drop procedure db1_secret.dummy; # # Check it out # connection con1root; select * from t1; # # Change to invoker's rights # alter procedure stamp sql security invoker; --replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show procedure status like 'stamp'; alter function db sql security invoker; --replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show function status like 'db'; # root still can call stamp(4); select * from t1; select db(); # # User1 cannot # connection con2user1; # This should not work --error 1044 call db1_secret.stamp(5); --error 1044 select db1_secret.db(); # # Anonymous cannot # connection con3anon; # This should not work --error 1044 call db1_secret.stamp(6); --error 1044 select db1_secret.db(); # # BUG#2777 # connection con1root; --disable_warnings drop database if exists db2; --enable_warnings create database db2; use db2; create table t2 (s1 int); insert into t2 values (0); grant usage on db2.* to user1@localhost; grant select on db2.* to user1@localhost; grant usage on db2.* to user2@localhost; grant select,insert,update,delete,create routine on db2.* to user2@localhost; grant create routine on db2.* to user1@localhost; flush privileges; connection con2user1; use db2; create procedure p () insert into t2 values (1); # Check that this doesn't work. --error 1142 call p(); connect (con4user2,localhost,user2,,); connection con4user2; use db2; # This should not work, since p is executed with definer's (user1's) rights. --error 1370 call p(); select * from t2; create procedure q () insert into t2 values (2); call q(); select * from t2; connection con1root; grant usage on procedure db2.q to user2@localhost with grant option; connection con4user2; grant execute on procedure db2.q to user1@localhost; connection con2user1; use db2; # This should work call q(); select * from t2; # # BUG#6030: Stored procedure has no appropriate DROP privilege # (or ALTER for that matter) # still connection con2user1 in db2 # This should work: alter procedure p modifies sql data; drop procedure p; # This should NOT work --error 1370 alter procedure q modifies sql data; --error 1370 drop procedure q; connection con1root; use db2; # But root always can alter procedure q modifies sql data; drop procedure q; # Clean up #Still connection con1root; disconnect con2user1; disconnect con3anon; disconnect con4user2; use test; select type,db,name from mysql.proc; drop database db1_secret; drop database db2; # Make sure the routines are gone select type,db,name from mysql.proc; # Get rid of the users delete from mysql.user where user='user1' or user='user2'; # And any routine privileges delete from mysql.procs_priv where user='user1' or user='user2'; # # Test the new security acls # grant usage on *.* to usera@localhost; grant usage on *.* to userb@localhost; grant usage on *.* to userc@localhost; create database sptest; create table t1 ( u varchar(64), i int ); create procedure sptest.p1(i int) insert into test.t1 values (user(), i); grant insert on t1 to usera@localhost; grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to usera@localhost; show grants for usera@localhost; grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userc@localhost with grant option; show grants for userc@localhost; connect (con2usera,localhost,usera,,); connect (con3userb,localhost,userb,,); connect (con4userc,localhost,userc,,); connection con2usera; call sptest.p1(1); --error 1370 grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost; --error 1370 drop procedure sptest.p1; connection con3userb; --error 1370 call sptest.p1(2); --error 1370 grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost; --error 1370 drop procedure sptest.p1; connection con4userc; call sptest.p1(3); grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost; --error 1370 drop procedure sptest.p1; connection con3userb; call sptest.p1(4); --error 1370 grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost; --error 1370 drop procedure sptest.p1; connection con1root; select * from t1; grant all privileges on procedure sptest.p1 to userc@localhost; show grants for userc@localhost; show grants for userb@localhost; connection con4userc; revoke all privileges on procedure sptest.p1 from userb@localhost; connection con1root; show grants for userb@localhost; #cleanup disconnect con4userc; disconnect con3userb; disconnect con2usera; use test; drop database sptest; delete from mysql.user where user='usera' or user='userb' or user='userc'; delete from mysql.procs_priv where user='usera' or user='userb' or user='userc'; # # BUG#9503: reseting correct parameters of thread after error in SP function # connect (root,localhost,root,,test); connection root; --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug_9503; --enable_warnings delimiter //; create database mysqltest// use mysqltest// create table t1 (s1 int)// grant select on t1 to user1@localhost// create function bug_9503 () returns int sql security invoker begin declare v int; select min(s1) into v from t1; return v; end// delimiter ;// connect (user1,localhost,user1,,test); connection user1; use mysqltest; -- error 1370 select bug_9503(); connection root; grant execute on function bug_9503 to user1@localhost; connection user1; do 1; use test; connection root; REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM user1@localhost; drop function bug_9503; use test; drop database mysqltest;