Commit 40f2197b authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Add RenderJs.

parent f6d1f243
// fallback for IE
if (typeof console === "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") {
console = {};
console.log = function() {};
* Generic Gadget library renderer
var RenderJs = (function () {
// a variable indicating if current gadget loading is over or not
var is_ready = false;
return {
bootstrap: function (root){
/* initial load application gadget */
load: function (root) {
/* Load gadget layout by traversing DOM */
var gadget_list;
gadget_list = root.find("[gadget]");
// Load chilren
gadget_list.each(function() {
updateAndRecurse: function(gadget, data){
/* Update current gadget and recurse down */
// a gadget may contain sub gadgets
loadGadgetFromUrl: function(gadget) {
/* Load gadget's SPECs from URL */
var url, gadget_id, gadget_property, cacheable, cache_id, app_cache, data, gadget_js;
url = gadget.attr("gadget");
gadget_id = gadget.attr("id");
// register gadget in javascript namespace
gadget_js = new RenderJs.Gadget(gadget_id, gadget);
if (url!==undefined && url!==""){
gadget_property = gadget.attr("gadget:property");
cacheable = false;
if (gadget_property!==undefined) {
gadget_property = $.parseJSON(gadget_property);
cacheable = Boolean(gadget_property.cacheable);
//cacheable = false ; // to develop faster
if (cacheable) {
// get from cache if possible, use last part from URL as cache_key
cache_id = gadget_property.cache_id;
app_cache = RenderJs.Cache.get(cache_id, undefined);
if(app_cache===undefined || app_cache===null){
// not in cache so we pull from network and cache
//console.log("not in cache: " + cache_id + " " + url);
yourCustomData: {"gadget_id": gadget_id, "cache_id": cache_id},
success: function (data) {
cache_id = this.yourCustomData.cache_id;
gadget_id = this.yourCustomData.gadget_id;
//console.log("set in cache: " + cache_id);
RenderJs.Cache.set(cache_id, data);
RenderJs.updateAndRecurse(gadget, data);
else {
// get from cache
data = app_cache;
this.updateAndRecurse(gadget, data);
else {
// not to be cached
//console.log("Not to be cached " + url + gadget_id);
yourCustomData: {"gadget_id": gadget_id},
success: function (data) {
gadget_id = this.yourCustomData.gadget_id;
RenderJs.updateAndRecurse(gadget, data);
else {
// gadget is an inline one so no need to load it from network
isReady: function (value) {
* Get rendering status
return is_ready;
setReady: function (value) {
* Update rendering status
is_ready = value;
checkAndTriggerReady: function() {
* Trigger "ready" event only if all gadgets were marked as "ready"
var is_gadget_list_loaded;
is_gadget_list_loaded = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.isGadgetListLoaded();
if (is_gadget_list_loaded){
//console.log("to trigger ");
if (!RenderJs.isReady()) {
//console.log("trigger ", RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetList());
//is_ready = true;
return is_gadget_list_loaded;
update: function (root) {
/* update gadget with data from remote source */
updateGadgetWithDataHandler: function (result) {
var data_handler;
data_handler = this.yourCustomData.data_handler;
if (data_handler!==undefined){
eval(data_handler+ "(result)");
updateGadgetData: function(gadget) {
/* Do real gagdet update here */
var data_source, data_handler;
data_source = gadget.attr("gadget:data-source");
data_handler = gadget.attr("gadget:data-handler");
// acquire data and pass it to method handler
if (data_source!==undefined){
dataType: "json",
yourCustomData: {"data_handler": data_handler},
success: RenderJs.updateGadgetWithDataHandler});}
Cache : (function() {
* Generic cache implementation that can fall back to local namespace storage
* if no "modern" storage like localStorage is available
return {
getCacheId: function (cache_id) {
/* We should have a way to 'purge' localStorage by setting a ROOT_CACHE_ID in all browser
* instances
return this.ROOT_CACHE_ID + cache_id;
hasLocalStorage: function() {
* Feature test if localStorage is supported
var mod;
mod = 'localstorage_test_12345678';
try {
localStorage.setItem(mod, mod);
return true;
catch (e) {
return false;
get: function (cache_id, default_value) {
/* Get cache key value */
cache_id = this.getCacheId(cache_id);
if (this.hasLocalStorage()) {
return this.LocalStorageCachePlugin.get(cache_id, default_value);
//fallback to javscript namespace cache
return this.NameSpaceStorageCachePlugin.get(cache_id, default_value);
set: function (cache_id, data) {
/* Set cache key value */
cache_id = this.getCacheId(cache_id);
if (this.hasLocalStorage()){
this.LocalStorageCachePlugin.set(cache_id, data);}
this.NameSpaceStorageCachePlugin.set(cache_id, data);}
LocalStorageCachePlugin : (function() {
* This plugin saves using HTML5 localStorage.
return {
get: function (cache_id, default_value) {
/* Get cache key value */
return $.jStorage.get(cache_id, default_value);
set: function (cache_id, data) {
/* Set cache key value */
$.jStorage.set(cache_id, data);
NameSpaceStorageCachePlugin: (function() {
* This plugin saves within current page namespace.
var namespace = {};
return {
get: function (cache_id, default_value) {
/* Get cache key value */
return namespace[cache_id];
set: function (cache_id, data) {
/* Set cache key value */
namespace[cache_id] = data;
Gadget: ( function (id, dom) {
* Javascript Gadget representation
*/ = id;
this.dom = dom;
this.is_ready = false;
this.getId = function() {
this.getDom = function() {
return this.dom;
this.isReady = function() {
* Return True if remote gadget is loaded into DOM.
return this.is_ready;
this.setReady = function() {
* Return True if remote gadget is loaded into DOM.
this.is_ready = true;
TabbularGadget : (function () {
* Generic tabular gadget
return {
toggleVisibility: function(visible_dom) {
* Set tab as active visually and mark as not active rest.
$(".selected").addClass("not_selected"); $(".selected").removeClass("selected");
addNewTabGadget: function(dom_id, gadget, gadget_data_handler, gadget_data_source) {
* add new gadget and render it
var html_string;
html_string =['<div class="gadget" ',
'gadget="' + gadget + '"',
'gadget:data-handler="' + gadget_data_handler + '" ',
'gadget:data-source="' + gadget_data_source +'"></div>'].join('\n');
tab_gadget = tab_container.find(".gadget");
// XXX: we should unregister all gadgets (if any we replace now in DOM)
// render new gadget
// clear previous events
RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getRootGadget().getDom().bind("ready", function (){
if (!is_ready){
is_ready = true;
GadgetIndex : (function () {
* Generic gadget index placeholder
var gadget_list = [];
return {
getGadgetList: function() {
* Return list of registered gadgets
return gadget_list;
registerGadget: function(gadget) {
* Register gadget
unregisterGadget: function(gadget) {
* Unregister gadget
var index = $.inArray(gadget, gadget_list);
if (index!==-1) {
gadget_list.splice(index, 1);
getGadgetById: function (gadget_id) {
* Get gadget javascript representation by its Id
var gadget;
gadget = undefined;
function (index, value) {
if (value.getId()===gadget_id) {
gadget = value;
return gadget;
getRootGadget: function () {
* Return root gadget (always first one in list)
return this.getGadgetList()[0];
isGadgetListLoaded: function () {
* Return True if all gadgets were loaded from network or cache
var result;
result = true;
function (index, value) {
if (value.isReady()===false) {
result = false;
return result;
getSelf: function (){
* Return Gadget's Javascript representation
// XXX:
InteractionGadget : (function () {
* Basic gadget interaction gadget implementation.
return {
bind: function (gadget_dom){
* Bind event between gadgets.
gadget_id = gadget_dom.attr("id");
gadget_dom.find("connect").each(function (key, value){
var source, source_gadget_id, source_method_id, source_gadget, destination, destination_gadget_id,
destination_method_id, destination_gadget, func_body, func;
source = $(value).attr("source").split(".");
source_gadget_id = source[0];
source_method_id = source[1];
source_gadget = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById(source_gadget_id);
destination = $(value).attr("destination").split(".");
destination_gadget_id = destination[0];
destination_method_id = destination[1];
destination_gadget = RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById(destination_gadget_id);
if (source_gadget.hasOwnProperty(source_method_id)){
// direct javascript use case
func_body = 'RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById("' + source_gadget_id + '")["original_' + source_method_id + '"]();';
func_body = func_body + '\nRenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById("' + destination_gadget_id + '")["' + destination_method_id + '"]();';
func = new Function(func_body);
source_gadget["original_" + source_method_id] = source_gadget[source_method_id];
source_gadget[source_method_id] = func;
// this is a custom event attached to HTML gadget representation
func_body = 'RenderJs.GadgetIndex.getGadgetById("' + destination_gadget_id + '")["' + destination_method_id + '"]();';
func = new Function(func_body);
source_gadget.dom.bind(source_method_id, func);
console.log(source_gadget_id, '.', source_method_id, '-->', destination_gadget_id, '.', destination_method_id);
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