Commit 81ce493a authored by Mouadh's avatar Mouadh

fix tox tests (expanduser prob)

parents d72f403c 208dbbd6
# -*- encoding: utf8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import itertools import os import re from os.path import expanduser from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as psql from import ConfigParser from import MyDB RUNNING_TOX = 'RUNTING_TOX' in os.environ class MdxEngine: """ The principal class for executing a query :param cube_name: Cube name , it must be under cube_folder (example : olapy/cubes/sales) :param mdx_query: query to execute """ CUBE_FOLDER = "cubes" # (before instantiate MdxEngine I need to access cubes information) csv_files_cubes = [] postgres_db_cubes = [] # to show just config file's dimensions dimension_display_name = [] def __init__(self, cube_name, cubes_path=None, mdx_query=None, cube_folder=CUBE_FOLDER, sep=';', fact_table_name="Facts"): ''' :param cube_folder: parent cube folder name :param mdx_query: query to execute :param sep: separator in the csv files ''' self.cube_folder = cube_folder self.cube = cube_name self.sep = sep self.facts = fact_table_name self.mdx_query = mdx_query if cubes_path is None: self.cube_path = self._get_default_cube_directory() else: self.cube_path = cubes_path # to get cubes in db self._ = self.get_cubes_names() self.tables_loaded = self._load_tables() # all measures self.measures = self._get_measures() self.load_star_schema_dataframe = self._get_star_schema_dataframe( cube_name) self.tables_names = self._get_tables_name() # default measure is the first one self.selected_measures = [self.measures[0]] @classmethod def get_cubes_names(cls): ''' :return: list cubes name under cubes folder ''' # get csv files folders (cubes) if RUNNING_TOX: location = os.path.join( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..")), MdxEngine.CUBE_FOLDER) else: home_directory = expanduser("~") location = os.path.join(home_directory, 'olapy-data', cls.CUBE_FOLDER) try: MdxEngine.csv_files_cubes = [ file for file in os.listdir(location) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(location, file)) ] except: pass # get postgres databases try: db = MyDB() cursor = db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;""") MdxEngine.postgres_db_cubes = [ database[0] for database in cursor.fetchall() ] except: pass return MdxEngine.csv_files_cubes + MdxEngine.postgres_db_cubes def _get_default_cube_directory(self): if RUNNING_TOX: return os.path.join( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..")), MdxEngine.CUBE_FOLDER) else: home_directory = expanduser("~") return os.path.join(home_directory, 'olapy-data', self.cube_folder) def _get_tables_name(self): return self.tables_loaded.keys() def _load_table_config_file(self, cube_obj): """ load tables from config file :param cube_obj: cubes object :return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value """ tables = {} # just one facts table right now self.facts = cube_obj.facts[0].table_name db = MyDB(db=self.cube) for table in cube_obj.dimensions: value = psql.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(, db.connection) tables[] = value[[ col for col in value.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id' ]] # update table display name for dimension in cube_obj.dimensions: if dimension.displayName and and dimension.displayName != tables[dimension.displayName] = tables[][ dimension.columns] MdxEngine.dimension_display_name.append( return tables def _load_tables_csv_files(self): """ load tables from csv files :return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value """ tables = {} cube = self.get_cube() for file in os.listdir(cube): # to remove file extension ".csv" table_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] value = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cube, file), sep=self.sep) tables[table_name] = value[[ col for col in value.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id' ]] return tables def _load_tables_db(self): """ load tables from database :return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value """ tables = {} db = MyDB(db=self.cube) cursor = db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'""") for table_name in cursor.fetchall(): value = psql.read_sql_query( 'SELECT * FROM "{0}" '.format(table_name[0]), db.connection) tables[table_name[0]] = value[[ col for col in value.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id' ]] return tables def _load_tables(self): """ load all tables :return: dict with key as table name and DataFrame as value """ config_file_parser = ConfigParser(self.cube_path) tables = {} if config_file_parser.config_file_exist( ) and self.cube in config_file_parser.get_cubes_names(): for cubes in config_file_parser.construct_cubes(): # TODO cubes.source == 'csv' if cubes.source == 'postgres': tables = self._load_table_config_file(cubes) elif self.cube in self.csv_files_cubes: tables = self._load_tables_csv_files() elif self.cube in self.postgres_db_cubes: tables = self._load_tables_db() return tables def _get_measures(self): """ :return: all numerical columns in facts table """ # col.lower()[-2:] != 'id' to ignore any id column return [ col for col in self.tables_loaded[self.facts].select_dtypes( include=[np.number]).columns if col.lower()[-2:] != 'id' ] def _construct_star_schema_config_file(self, cube_name, cubes_obj): """ Construct star schema Dataframe from configuration file :param cube_name: cube name (or database name) :param cubes_obj: cubes object :return: star schema Dataframe """ self.facts = cubes_obj.facts[0].table_name db = MyDB(db=cube_name) # load facts table fusion = psql.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(self.facts), db.connection) for fact_key, dimension_and_key in cubes_obj.facts[0].keys.items(): df = psql.read_sql_query( "SELECT * FROM {0}".format(dimension_and_key.split('.')[0]), db.connection) fusion = fusion.merge( df, left_on=fact_key, right_on=dimension_and_key.split('.')[1]) # TODO CHOSE BETWEEN THOSES DF # if separated dimensions # fusion = fusion.merge(df, left_on=fact_key,right_on=dimension_and_key.split('.')[1]) # TODO CHOSE BETWEEN THOSES DF # if facts contains all dimensions # fusion = facts # measures in config-file only if cubes_obj.facts[0].measures: self.measures = cubes_obj.facts[0].measures return fusion def _construct_star_schema_csv_files(self, cube_name): """ Construct star schema Dataframe from csv files :param cube_name: cube name (folder name) :return: star schema Dataframe """ cube = self.get_cube() # loading facts table fusion = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(cube, self.facts + '.csv'), sep=self.sep) for file_name in os.listdir(cube): try: fusion = fusion.merge( pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cube, file_name), sep=self.sep)) except: print('No common column') pass return fusion def _construct_star_schema_db(self, cube_name): """ Construct star schema Dataframe from database :param cube_name: cube name (database name) :return: star schema Dataframe """ db = MyDB(db=cube_name) # load facts table fusion = psql.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM "{0}" '.format(self.facts), db.connection) cursor = db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'""") for db_table_name in cursor.fetchall(): try: fusion = fusion.merge( psql.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM {0}".format( db_table_name[0]), db.connection)) except: print('No common column') pass return fusion def _get_star_schema_dataframe(self, cube_name): ''' :return: all DataFrames merged as star schema ''' fusion = None config_file_parser = ConfigParser(self.cube_path) if config_file_parser.config_file_exist( ) and cube_name in config_file_parser.get_cubes_names(): for cubes in config_file_parser.construct_cubes(): # TODO cubes.source == 'csv' if cubes.source == 'postgres': fusion = self._construct_star_schema_config_file( cube_name, cubes) elif cube_name in self.csv_files_cubes: fusion = self._construct_star_schema_csv_files(cube_name) elif cube_name in self.postgres_db_cubes: fusion = self._construct_star_schema_db(cube_name) return fusion[[ col for col in fusion.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id' ]] def get_all_tables_names(self, ignore_fact=False): """ get list of tables names of the cube :param ignore_fact: return all table name with facts table name :return: all tables names """ if ignore_fact: return [tab for tab in self.tables_names if self.facts not in tab] return self.tables_names def get_cube(self): """ get path to the cube (example /home/your_user_name/olapy-core/cubes) :return: path to the cube """ return os.path.join(self.cube_path, self.cube) # TODO temporary function def get_tuples(self, query, start=None, stop=None): # french characters # or use new regex 2017.02.08 regex = "(\[[\w+\d ]+\](\.\[[\w+\d\.\,\s\_\-\é\ù\è\ù\û\ü\ÿ\€\’\à\â\æ\ç\é\è\ê\ë\ï\î" \ "\ô\œ\Ù\Û\Ü\Ÿ\À\Â\Æ\Ç\É\È\Ê\Ë\Ï\Î\Ô\Œ\& ]+\])*\.?((Members)|(\[Q\d\]))?)" if start is not None: start = query.index(start) if stop is not None: stop = query.index(stop) # clean the query (from All, Members...) return [[ tup_att.replace('All ', '').replace('[', "").replace("]", "") for tup_att in tup[0].replace('.Members', '').split('.') ] for tup in re.compile(regex).findall( query.encode("utf-8")[start:stop]) if len(tup[0].split('.')) > 1] # TODO temporary function def decorticate_query(self, query): """ get all tuples that exists in the MDX Query :param query: MDX Query :return: all tuples in the query """ tuples_on_mdx_query = self.get_tuples(query) on_rows = [] on_columns = [] on_where = [] # ON ROWS if 'ON ROWS' in query: stop = 'ON ROWS' if 'ON COLUMNS' in query: start = 'ON COLUMNS' else: start = 'SELECT' on_rows = self.get_tuples(query, start, stop) # ON COLUMNS if 'ON COLUMNS' in query: start = 'SELECT' stop = 'ON COLUMNS' on_columns = self.get_tuples(query, start, stop) # WHERE if 'WHERE' in query: start = 'FROM' on_where = self.get_tuples(query, start) return { 'all': tuples_on_mdx_query, 'columns': on_columns, 'rows': on_rows, 'where': on_where } def change_measures(self, tuples_on_mdx): """ set measures to which exists in the query :param tuples_on_where: list of tuples example : [ '[Measures].[Amount]' , '[Geography].[Geography].[Continent]' ] :return: measures columns names """ return [ tple[-1] for tple in tuples_on_mdx if tple[0].upper() == "MEASURES" ] def get_tables_and_columns(self, tuple_as_list): # TODO update docstring """ get used dimensions and columns in the MDX Query (useful for DataFrame -> xmla response transformation) :param tuple_as_list: list of tuples example : [ '[Measures].[Amount]' , '[Geography].[Geography].[Continent]' ] :return: dimension and columns dict example : { Geography : ['Continent','Country'], Product : ['Company'] Facts : ['Amount','Count'] } """ axes = {} # TODO optimize for axis, tuples in tuple_as_list.items(): measures = [] tables_columns = OrderedDict() # if we have measures in columns or rows axes like : # SELECT {[Measures].[Amount],[Measures].[Count]} ON COLUMNS # we have to add measures directly to tables_columns for tupl in tuples: if tupl[0].upper() == 'MEASURES': if tupl[-1] not in measures: measures.append(tupl[-1]) tables_columns.update({self.facts: measures}) else: continue else: tables_columns.update({ tupl[0]: self.tables_loaded[tupl[0]].columns[:len(tupl[2:])] }) axes.update({axis: tables_columns}) return axes def execute_one_tuple(self, tuple_as_list, Dataframe_in, columns_to_keep): """ filter a DataFrame (Dataframe_in) with one tuple Example : tuple = ['Geograpy','Geograpy','Continent','Europe','France','olapy'] Dataframe_in in = +-------------+----------+---------+---------+---------+ | Continent | Country | Company | Article | Amount | +=============+==========+=========+=========+=========+ | America | US | MS | SSAS | 35150 | +-------------+----------+---------+---------+---------+ | Europe | France | AB | olapy | 41239 | +-------------+----------+---------+---------+---------+ | ..... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... | +-------------+----------+---------+---------+---------+ out : +-------------+----------+---------+---------+---------+ | Continent | Country | Company | Article | Amount | +=============+==========+=========+=========+=========+ | Europe | France | AB | olapy | 41239 | +-------------+----------+---------+---------+---------+ :param tuple_as_list: tuple as list :param Dataframe_in: DataFrame in with you want to execute tuple :param columns_to_keep: (useful for executing many tuples, for instance execute_mdx) other columns to keep in the execution except the current tuple :return: Filtered DataFrame """ df = Dataframe_in # tuple_as_list like ['Geograpy','Geograpy','Continent'] # return df with Continent column non empty if len(tuple_as_list) == 3: df = df[(df[tuple_as_list[-1]].notnull())] # tuple_as_list like['Geograpy', 'Geograpy', 'Continent' , 'America','US'] # execute : df[(df['Continent'] == 'America')] and # df[(df['Country'] == 'US')] elif len(tuple_as_list) > 3: for idx, tup_att in enumerate(tuple_as_list[3:]): # df[(df['Year'] == 2010)] # 2010 must be as int, otherwise , pandas generate exception if tup_att.isdigit(): tup_att = int(tup_att) df = df[(df[self.tables_loaded[tuple_as_list[0]].columns[idx]] == tup_att)] cols = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(columns_to_keep)) return df[cols + self.selected_measures] def add_missed_column(self, dataframe1, dataframe2): """ solution to fix BUG : if you want to concat two dataframes with different columns like : +-------------+---------+ | Continent | Amount | +=============+=========+ | America | 35150 | +-------------+---------+ | Europe | 41239 | +-------------+---------+ and : +-------------+---------------+---------+ | Continent | Country_code | Amount | +=============+===============+=========+ | America | 1111 | 35150 | +-------------+---------------+---------+ result : +-------------+--------------+---------+ | Continent | Country_code | Amount | +=============+==============+=========+ | America | 1111.0 |35150 | +-------------+--------------+---------+ | Europe | NaN |41239 | +-------------+--------------+---------+ Country_code is converted to float, so the solution is to add a column to the fist DataFrame filled with -1, thus +-------------+---------------+---------+ | Continent | Country_code | Amount | +=============+===============+=========+ | America | -1 | 35150 | +-------------+---------------+---------+ | Europe | -1 | 41239 | +-------------+---------------+---------+ and : +-------------+---------------+---------+ | Continent | Country_code | Amount | +=============+===============+=========+ | America | 1111 | 35150 | +-------------+---------------+---------+ result : +-------------+--------------+---------+ | Continent | Country_code | Amount | +=============+==============+=========+ | America | 1111 |35150 | +-------------+--------------+---------+ | Europe | -1 |41239 | +-------------+--------------+---------+ :return: two DataFrames with same columns """ df_with_less_columns = dataframe1 df_with_more_columns = dataframe2 if len(list(dataframe1.columns)) != len(list(dataframe2.columns)): if len(list(dataframe1.columns)) > len(list(dataframe2.columns)): df_with_more_columns = dataframe1 df_with_less_columns = dataframe2 missed_columns = [ col for col in list(df_with_more_columns.columns) if col not in list(df_with_less_columns.columns) ] for missed_column in missed_columns: df_with_less_columns[missed_column] = -1 return [df_with_less_columns, df_with_more_columns] def update_columns_to_keep(self, tuple_as_list, columns_to_keep): """ If we have multiple dimensions, with many columns like columns_to_keep => ( Geo -> Continent,Country Prod -> Company Time -> Year,Month,Day ) we have to use only dimension's columns of current dimension that exist in tuple_as_list a keep other dimensions columns so if tuple_as_list = ['Geography','Geography','Continent'] columns_to_keep will be columns_to_keep => ( Geo -> Continent Prod -> Company Time -> Year,Month,Day ) (we need columns_to_keep for grouping our columns in the DataFrame) :param tuple_as_list: example -> ['Geography','Geography','Continent'] :param columns_to_keep: example -> { 'Geography' : ['Continent','Country'], 'Time' : ['Year','Month','Day'] } :return: updated columns_to_keep """ if len( tuple_as_list ) == 3 and tuple_as_list[-1] in self.tables_loaded[tuple_as_list[0]].columns: # in case of [Geography].[Geography].[Country] cols = [tuple_as_list[-1]] else: cols = self.tables_loaded[tuple_as_list[0]].columns[:len( tuple_as_list[2:])] columns_to_keep.update({tuple_as_list[0]: cols}) def execute_mdx(self): """ execute and MDX Query usage :: executer = MdxEngine('sales') executer.mdx_query = "SELECT FROM [sales] WHERE ([Measures].[Amount])" executer.execute_mdx() :return: dict with DataFrame execution result and (dimension and columns used as dict) { 'result' : DataFrame result 'columns_desc' : dict of dimension and columns used } """ # use measures that exists on where or insides axes query_axes = self.decorticate_query(self.mdx_query) if self.change_measures(query_axes['all']): self.selected_measures = self.change_measures(query_axes['all']) # get only used columns and dimensions for all query start_df = self.load_star_schema_dataframe tables_n_columns = self.get_tables_and_columns(query_axes) columns_to_keep = OrderedDict( (table, columns) for table, columns in tables_n_columns['all'].items() if table != self.facts) # if we have measures on axes we have to ignore them tuples_on_mdx_query = [ tup for tup in query_axes['all'] if tup[0].upper() != 'MEASURES' ] # if we have tuples in axes # to avoid prob with query like this: SELECT FROM [Sales] WHERE ([Measures].[Amount]) if tuples_on_mdx_query: df_to_fusion = [] table_name = tuples_on_mdx_query[0][0] # in every tuple for tupl in tuples_on_mdx_query: # if we have measures in columns or rows axes like : # SELECT {[Measures].[Amount],[Measures].[Count], [Customers].[Geography].[All Regions]} ON COLUMNS # we use only used columns for dimension in that tuple and keep other dimension's columns self.update_columns_to_keep(tupl, columns_to_keep) # a tuple with new dimension if tupl[0] != table_name: # if we change dimension , we have to work on the exection's result on previous DataFrames # TODO BUG !!! # solution 1 .astype(str) ( take a lot of time from execution) # solution 2 a['ccc'] = "" ( good solution i think ) also it avoid nan values and -1 :D !! # solution 3 a['ccc'] = -1 # solution 4 finding something with merge # fix 3 test df = df_to_fusion[0] for next_df in df_to_fusion[1:]: df = pd.concat(self.add_missed_column(df, next_df)) # df = pd.concat(df_to_fusion) table_name = tupl[0] df_to_fusion = [] start_df = df df_to_fusion.append( self.execute_one_tuple(tupl, start_df, columns_to_keep.values())) cols = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(columns_to_keep.values())) # TODO BUG !!! # solution 1 .astype(str) ( take a lot of time from execution) # solution 2 a['ccc'] = "" ( good solution i think ) also it avoid nan values and -1 :D !! # solution 3 a['ccc'] = -1 (the best) # solution 4 finding something with merge # fix 3 test df = df_to_fusion[0] for next_df in df_to_fusion[1:]: df = pd.concat(self.add_missed_column(df, next_df)) # TODO groupby in web demo (remove it for more performance) # TODO margins=True for columns total !!!!! return { 'result': df.groupby(cols).sum()[self.selected_measures], 'columns_desc': tables_n_columns } else: return { 'result': start_df[self.selected_measures].sum().to_frame().T, 'columns_desc': tables_n_columns } # -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
\ No newline at end of file
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import itertools
import os
import re
from os.path import expanduser
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as psql
from import ConfigParser
from import MyDB
RUNNING_TOX = 'RUNTING_TOX' in os.environ
class MdxEngine:
The principal class for executing a query
:param cube_name: Cube name , it must be under cube_folder (example : olapy/cubes/sales)
:param mdx_query: query to execute
CUBE_FOLDER = "cubes"
# (before instantiate MdxEngine I need to access cubes information)
csv_files_cubes = []
postgres_db_cubes = []
# to show just config file's dimensions
dimension_display_name = []
def __init__(self,
:param cube_folder: parent cube folder name
:param mdx_query: query to execute
:param sep: separator in the csv files
self.cube_folder = cube_folder
self.cube = cube_name
self.sep = sep
self.facts = fact_table_name
self.mdx_query = mdx_query
if cubes_path is None:
self.cube_path = self._get_default_cube_directory()
self.cube_path = cubes_path
# to get cubes in db
self._ = self.get_cubes_names()
self.tables_loaded = self._load_tables()
# all measures
self.measures = self._get_measures()
self.load_star_schema_dataframe = self._get_star_schema_dataframe(
self.tables_names = self._get_tables_name()
# default measure is the first one
self.selected_measures = [self.measures[0]]
def get_cubes_names(cls):
:return: list cubes name under cubes folder
# get csv files folders (cubes)
location = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..")),
home_directory = expanduser("~")
location = os.path.join(home_directory, 'olapy-data', cls.CUBE_FOLDER)
MdxEngine.csv_files_cubes = [
file for file in os.listdir(location)
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(location, file))
# get postgres databases
db = MyDB()
cursor = db.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT datname FROM pg_database
WHERE datistemplate = false;""")
MdxEngine.postgres_db_cubes = [
database[0] for database in cursor.fetchall()
return MdxEngine.csv_files_cubes + MdxEngine.postgres_db_cubes
def _get_default_cube_directory(self):
return os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..")),
home_directory = expanduser("~")
return os.path.join(home_directory, 'olapy-data', self.cube_folder)
def _get_tables_name(self):
return self.tables_loaded.keys()
def _load_table_config_file(self, cube_obj):
load tables from config file
:param cube_obj: cubes object
:return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value
tables = {}
# just one facts table right now
self.facts = cube_obj.facts[0].table_name
db = MyDB(db=self.cube)
for table in cube_obj.dimensions:
value = psql.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(,
tables[] = value[[
col for col in value.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id'
# update table display name
for dimension in cube_obj.dimensions:
if dimension.displayName and and dimension.displayName !=
tables[dimension.displayName] = tables[][
return tables
def _load_tables_csv_files(self):
load tables from csv files
:return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value
tables = {}
cube = self.get_cube()
for file in os.listdir(cube):
# to remove file extension ".csv"
table_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
value = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cube, file), sep=self.sep)
tables[table_name] = value[[
col for col in value.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id'
return tables
def _load_tables_db(self):
load tables from database
:return: tables dict with table name as key and dataframe as value
tables = {}
db = MyDB(db=self.cube)
cursor = db.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'""")
for table_name in cursor.fetchall():
value = psql.read_sql_query(
'SELECT * FROM "{0}" '.format(table_name[0]), db.connection)
tables[table_name[0]] = value[[
col for col in value.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id'
return tables
def _load_tables(self):
load all tables
:return: dict with key as table name and DataFrame as value
config_file_parser = ConfigParser(self.cube_path)
tables = {}
if config_file_parser.config_file_exist(
) and self.cube in config_file_parser.get_cubes_names():
for cubes in config_file_parser.construct_cubes():
# TODO cubes.source == 'csv'
if cubes.source == 'postgres':
tables = self._load_table_config_file(cubes)
elif self.cube in self.csv_files_cubes:
tables = self._load_tables_csv_files()
elif self.cube in self.postgres_db_cubes:
tables = self._load_tables_db()
return tables
def _get_measures(self):
:return: all numerical columns in facts table
# col.lower()[-2:] != 'id' to ignore any id column
return [
for col in self.tables_loaded[self.facts].select_dtypes(
include=[np.number]).columns if col.lower()[-2:] != 'id'
def _construct_star_schema_config_file(self, cube_name, cubes_obj):
Construct star schema Dataframe from configuration file
:param cube_name: cube name (or database name)
:param cubes_obj: cubes object
:return: star schema Dataframe
self.facts = cubes_obj.facts[0].table_name
db = MyDB(db=cube_name)
# load facts table
fusion = psql.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(self.facts),
for fact_key, dimension_and_key in cubes_obj.facts[0].keys.items():
df = psql.read_sql_query(
"SELECT * FROM {0}".format(dimension_and_key.split('.')[0]),
fusion = fusion.merge(
df, left_on=fact_key, right_on=dimension_and_key.split('.')[1])
# if separated dimensions
# fusion = fusion.merge(df, left_on=fact_key,right_on=dimension_and_key.split('.')[1])
# if facts contains all dimensions
# fusion = facts
# measures in config-file only
if cubes_obj.facts[0].measures:
self.measures = cubes_obj.facts[0].measures
return fusion
def _construct_star_schema_csv_files(self, cube_name):
Construct star schema Dataframe from csv files
:param cube_name: cube name (folder name)
:return: star schema Dataframe
cube = self.get_cube()
# loading facts table
fusion = pd.read_csv(
os.path.join(cube, self.facts + '.csv'), sep=self.sep)
for file_name in os.listdir(cube):
fusion = fusion.merge(
pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cube, file_name), sep=self.sep))
print('No common column')
return fusion
def _construct_star_schema_db(self, cube_name):
Construct star schema Dataframe from database
:param cube_name: cube name (database name)
:return: star schema Dataframe
db = MyDB(db=cube_name)
# load facts table
fusion = psql.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM "{0}" '.format(self.facts),
cursor = db.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'""")
for db_table_name in cursor.fetchall():
fusion = fusion.merge(
psql.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM {0}".format(
db_table_name[0]), db.connection))
print('No common column')
return fusion
def _get_star_schema_dataframe(self, cube_name):
:return: all DataFrames merged as star schema
fusion = None
config_file_parser = ConfigParser(self.cube_path)
if config_file_parser.config_file_exist(
) and cube_name in config_file_parser.get_cubes_names():
for cubes in config_file_parser.construct_cubes():
# TODO cubes.source == 'csv'
if cubes.source == 'postgres':
fusion = self._construct_star_schema_config_file(
cube_name, cubes)
elif cube_name in self.csv_files_cubes:
fusion = self._construct_star_schema_csv_files(cube_name)
elif cube_name in self.postgres_db_cubes:
fusion = self._construct_star_schema_db(cube_name)
return fusion[[
col for col in fusion.columns if col.lower()[-3:] != '_id'
def get_all_tables_names(self, ignore_fact=False):
get list of tables names of the cube
:param ignore_fact: return all table name with facts table name
:return: all tables names
if ignore_fact:
return [tab for tab in self.tables_names if self.facts not in tab]
return self.tables_names
def get_cube(self):
get path to the cube (example /home/your_user_name/olapy-core/cubes)
:return: path to the cube
return os.path.join(self.cube_path, self.cube)
# TODO temporary function
def get_tuples(self, query, start=None, stop=None):
# french characters
# or use new regex 2017.02.08
regex = "(\[[\w+\d ]+\](\.\[[\w+\d\.\,\s\_\-\é\ù\è\ù\û\ü\ÿ\\\à\â\æ\ç\é\è\ê\ë\ï\î" \
"\ô\œ\Ù\Û\Ü\Ÿ\À\Â\Æ\Ç\É\È\Ê\Ë\Ï\Î\Ô\Œ\& ]+\])*\.?((Members)|(\[Q\d\]))?)"
if start is not None:
start = query.index(start)
if stop is not None:
stop = query.index(stop)
# clean the query (from All, Members...)
return [[
tup_att.replace('All ', '').replace('[', "").replace("]", "")
for tup_att in tup[0].replace('.Members', '').split('.')
for tup in re.compile(regex).findall(
if len(tup[0].split('.')) > 1]
# TODO temporary function
def decorticate_query(self, query):
get all tuples that exists in the MDX Query
:param query: MDX Query
:return: all tuples in the query
tuples_on_mdx_query = self.get_tuples(query)
on_rows = []
on_columns = []
on_where = []
if 'ON ROWS' in query:
stop = 'ON ROWS'
if 'ON COLUMNS' in query:
start = 'ON COLUMNS'
start = 'SELECT'
on_rows = self.get_tuples(query, start, stop)
if 'ON COLUMNS' in query:
start = 'SELECT'
stop = 'ON COLUMNS'
on_columns = self.get_tuples(query, start, stop)
if 'WHERE' in query:
start = 'FROM'
on_where = self.get_tuples(query, start)
return {
'all': tuples_on_mdx_query,
'columns': on_columns,
'rows': on_rows,
'where': on_where
def change_measures(self, tuples_on_mdx):
set measures to which exists in the query
:param tuples_on_where: list of tuples
example : [ '[Measures].[Amount]' , '[Geography].[Geography].[Continent]' ]
:return: measures columns names
return [
tple[-1] for tple in tuples_on_mdx if tple[0].upper() == "MEASURES"
def get_tables_and_columns(self, tuple_as_list):
# TODO update docstring
get used dimensions and columns in the MDX Query (useful for DataFrame -> xmla response transformation)
:param tuple_as_list: list of tuples
example : [ '[Measures].[Amount]' , '[Geography].[Geography].[Continent]' ]
:return: dimension and columns dict
example :
Geography : ['Continent','Country'],
Product : ['Company']
Facts : ['Amount','Count']
axes = {}
# TODO optimize
for axis, tuples in tuple_as_list.items():
measures = []
tables_columns = OrderedDict()
# if we have measures in columns or rows axes like :
# SELECT {[Measures].[Amount],[Measures].[Count]} ON COLUMNS
# we have to add measures directly to tables_columns
for tupl in tuples:
if tupl[0].upper() == 'MEASURES':
if tupl[-1] not in measures:
tables_columns.update({self.facts: measures})
axes.update({axis: tables_columns})
return axes
def execute_one_tuple(self, tuple_as_list, Dataframe_in, columns_to_keep):
filter a DataFrame (Dataframe_in) with one tuple
Example :
tuple = ['Geograpy','Geograpy','Continent','Europe','France','olapy']
Dataframe_in in =
| Continent | Country | Company | Article | Amount |
| America | US | MS | SSAS | 35150 |
| Europe | France | AB | olapy | 41239 |
| ..... | ..... | ...... | ..... | ..... |
out :
| Continent | Country | Company | Article | Amount |
| Europe | France | AB | olapy | 41239 |
:param tuple_as_list: tuple as list
:param Dataframe_in: DataFrame in with you want to execute tuple
:param columns_to_keep: (useful for executing many tuples, for instance execute_mdx)
other columns to keep in the execution except the current tuple
:return: Filtered DataFrame
df = Dataframe_in
# tuple_as_list like ['Geograpy','Geograpy','Continent']
# return df with Continent column non empty
if len(tuple_as_list) == 3:
df = df[(df[tuple_as_list[-1]].notnull())]
# tuple_as_list like['Geograpy', 'Geograpy', 'Continent' , 'America','US']
# execute : df[(df['Continent'] == 'America')] and
# df[(df['Country'] == 'US')]
elif len(tuple_as_list) > 3:
for idx, tup_att in enumerate(tuple_as_list[3:]):
# df[(df['Year'] == 2010)]
# 2010 must be as int, otherwise , pandas generate exception
if tup_att.isdigit():
tup_att = int(tup_att)
df = df[(df[self.tables_loaded[tuple_as_list[0]].columns[idx]]
== tup_att)]
cols = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(columns_to_keep))
return df[cols + self.selected_measures]
def add_missed_column(self, dataframe1, dataframe2):
solution to fix BUG :
if you want to concat two dataframes with different columns like :
| Continent | Amount |
| America | 35150 |
| Europe | 41239 |
and :
| Continent | Country_code | Amount |
| America | 1111 | 35150 |
result :
| Continent | Country_code | Amount |
| America | 1111.0 |35150 |
| Europe | NaN |41239 |
Country_code is converted to float,
so the solution is to add a column to the fist DataFrame filled with -1, thus
| Continent | Country_code | Amount |
| America | -1 | 35150 |
| Europe | -1 | 41239 |
and :
| Continent | Country_code | Amount |
| America | 1111 | 35150 |
result :
| Continent | Country_code | Amount |
| America | 1111 |35150 |
| Europe | -1 |41239 |
:return: two DataFrames with same columns
df_with_less_columns = dataframe1
df_with_more_columns = dataframe2
if len(list(dataframe1.columns)) != len(list(dataframe2.columns)):
if len(list(dataframe1.columns)) > len(list(dataframe2.columns)):
df_with_more_columns = dataframe1
df_with_less_columns = dataframe2
missed_columns = [
col for col in list(df_with_more_columns.columns)
if col not in list(df_with_less_columns.columns)
for missed_column in missed_columns:
df_with_less_columns[missed_column] = -1
return [df_with_less_columns, df_with_more_columns]
def update_columns_to_keep(self, tuple_as_list, columns_to_keep):
If we have multiple dimensions, with many columns like
columns_to_keep =>
( Geo -> Continent,Country
Prod -> Company
Time -> Year,Month,Day
we have to use only dimension's columns of current dimension that exist in tuple_as_list a keep other dimensions
so if tuple_as_list = ['Geography','Geography','Continent']
columns_to_keep will be
columns_to_keep =>
( Geo -> Continent
Prod -> Company
Time -> Year,Month,Day
(we need columns_to_keep for grouping our columns in the DataFrame)
:param tuple_as_list: example -> ['Geography','Geography','Continent']
:param columns_to_keep: example -> { 'Geography' : ['Continent','Country'],
'Time' : ['Year','Month','Day']
:return: updated columns_to_keep
if len(
) == 3 and tuple_as_list[-1] in self.tables_loaded[tuple_as_list[0]].columns:
# in case of [Geography].[Geography].[Country]
cols = [tuple_as_list[-1]]
cols = self.tables_loaded[tuple_as_list[0]].columns[:len(
columns_to_keep.update({tuple_as_list[0]: cols})
def execute_mdx(self):
execute and MDX Query
usage ::
executer = MdxEngine('sales')
executer.mdx_query = "SELECT FROM [sales] WHERE ([Measures].[Amount])"
:return: dict with DataFrame execution result and (dimension and columns used as dict)
'result' : DataFrame result
'columns_desc' : dict of dimension and columns used
# use measures that exists on where or insides axes
query_axes = self.decorticate_query(self.mdx_query)
if self.change_measures(query_axes['all']):
self.selected_measures = self.change_measures(query_axes['all'])
# get only used columns and dimensions for all query
start_df = self.load_star_schema_dataframe
tables_n_columns = self.get_tables_and_columns(query_axes)
columns_to_keep = OrderedDict(
(table, columns)
for table, columns in tables_n_columns['all'].items()
if table != self.facts)
# if we have measures on axes we have to ignore them
tuples_on_mdx_query = [
tup for tup in query_axes['all'] if tup[0].upper() != 'MEASURES'
# if we have tuples in axes
# to avoid prob with query like this: SELECT FROM [Sales] WHERE ([Measures].[Amount])
if tuples_on_mdx_query:
df_to_fusion = []
table_name = tuples_on_mdx_query[0][0]
# in every tuple
for tupl in tuples_on_mdx_query:
# if we have measures in columns or rows axes like :
# SELECT {[Measures].[Amount],[Measures].[Count], [Customers].[Geography].[All Regions]} ON COLUMNS
# we use only used columns for dimension in that tuple and keep other dimension's columns
self.update_columns_to_keep(tupl, columns_to_keep)
# a tuple with new dimension
if tupl[0] != table_name:
# if we change dimension , we have to work on the exection's result on previous DataFrames
# TODO BUG !!!
# solution 1 .astype(str) ( take a lot of time from execution)
# solution 2 a['ccc'] = "" ( good solution i think ) also it avoid nan values and -1 :D !!
# solution 3 a['ccc'] = -1
# solution 4 finding something with merge
# fix 3 test
df = df_to_fusion[0]
for next_df in df_to_fusion[1:]:
df = pd.concat(self.add_missed_column(df, next_df))
# df = pd.concat(df_to_fusion)
table_name = tupl[0]
df_to_fusion = []
start_df = df
self.execute_one_tuple(tupl, start_df,
cols = list(
# TODO BUG !!!
# solution 1 .astype(str) ( take a lot of time from execution)
# solution 2 a['ccc'] = "" ( good solution i think ) also it avoid nan values and -1 :D !!
# solution 3 a['ccc'] = -1 (the best)
# solution 4 finding something with merge
# fix 3 test
df = df_to_fusion[0]
for next_df in df_to_fusion[1:]:
df = pd.concat(self.add_missed_column(df, next_df))
# TODO groupby in web demo (remove it for more performance)
# TODO margins=True for columns total !!!!!
return {
# df.drop_duplicates().replace(np.nan, -1).groupby(cols).sum(),
# TODO remove this (FIX V1)
# df.replace(np.nan, -1).groupby(cols).sum()[self.selected_measures],
# TODO chech this FIX
return {
'result': start_df[self.selected_measures].sum().to_frame().T,
'columns_desc': tables_n_columns
...@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ commands= ...@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ commands=
pip install -q -r requirements.txt pip install -q -r requirements.txt
; ;
; skip until I found a solution
pytest tests pytest tests
make lint make lint
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