Commit 26058b5b authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

gpython: Factor-out options parsing into getopt-style _IGetOpt helper

Python allows multiple single-letter options and their arguments to be
coming on single argument, for example:

	python -OQc'print 1'
	python -OQc 'print 1'
	python -OQ -c 'print 1'

We are currently trying to handle that at every option, but even though
it kind of works, it is limited and will break once we will start adding

-> Refactor options parsing into getopt-style helper. We cannot use
getopt itself because it will complain e.g. on `gpython
--my-custom-opt` that my-custom-opt is unexpected.
parent 167912d3
......@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ $GPYTHON_RUNTIME=threads.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
_pyopt = "c:m:VW:X:"
_pyopt_long = ('version',)
# pymain mimics `python ...`
# argv is what comes via `...` without first [0] for python.
......@@ -53,20 +56,17 @@ def pymain(argv, init=None):
version = False # set if `-V`
warnoptions = [] # collected `-W arg`
while len(argv) > 0:
igetopt = _IGetOpt(argv, _pyopt, _pyopt_long)
for (opt, arg) in igetopt:
# -V / --version
if argv[0] in ('-V', '--version'):
if opt in ('-V', '--version'):
version = True
# -c command
elif argv[0].startswith('-c'):
cmd = argv[0][2:] # -c<command> also works
argv = argv[1:]
if cmd == '':
cmd = argv[0]
argv = argv[1:]
sys.argv = ['-c'] + argv # python leaves '-c' as argv[0]
elif opt == '-c':
cmd = arg
sys.argv = ['-c'] + igetopt.argv # python leaves '-c' as argv[0]
sys.path.insert(0, '') # cwd
def run():
import six
......@@ -78,13 +78,9 @@ def pymain(argv, init=None):
# -m module
elif argv[0].startswith('-m'):
mod = argv[0][2:] # -m<module> also works
argv = argv[1:]
if mod == '':
mod = argv[0]
argv = argv[1:]
sys.argv = [mod] + argv
elif opt == '-m':
mod = arg
sys.argv = [mod] + igetopt.argv
# sys.path <- cwd
# NOTE python2 injects '', while python3 injects realpath('')
# we stick to python3 behaviour, as it is more sane because e.g.
......@@ -98,20 +94,17 @@ def pymain(argv, init=None):
# -W arg (warning control)
elif argv[0].startswith('-W'):
wopt = argv[0][2:] # -W<arg> also works
argv = argv[1:]
if wopt == '':
wopt = argv[0]
argv = argv[1:]
elif argv[0].startswith('-'):
print("unknown option: '%s'" % argv[0], file=sys.stderr)
elif opt == '-W':
print("unknown option: '%s'" % opt, file=sys.stderr)
argv = igetopt.argv
if run is None:
# file
if len(argv) > 0:
sys.argv = argv
filepath = argv[0]
......@@ -124,10 +117,9 @@ def pymain(argv, init=None):
'__doc__': None,
'__package__': None}
_execfile(filepath, g)
# interactive console
if run is None:
sys.argv = ['']
sys.path.insert(0, '') # cwd
......@@ -299,35 +291,33 @@ def main():
raise RuntimeError('gpython: internal error: sys.path does not contain dirname(gpython):'
'\n\n\tgpython:\t%s\n\tsys.path:\t%s' % (exe, sys.path))
# extract and process -X
# extract and process `-X gpython.*`
# -X gpython.runtime=(gevent|threads) + $GPYTHON_RUNTIME
sys._xoptions = getattr(sys, '_xoptions', {})
argv_ = []
gpy_runtime = os.getenv('GPYTHON_RUNTIME', 'gevent')
while len(argv) > 0:
arg = argv[0]
argv = argv[1:]
igetopt = _IGetOpt(argv, _pyopt, _pyopt_long)
for (opt, arg) in igetopt:
if opt == '-X':
if arg.startswith('gpython.'):
if arg.startswith('gpython.runtime='):
gpy_runtime = arg[len('gpython.runtime='):]
sys._xoptions['gpython.runtime'] = gpy_runtime
raise RuntimeError('gpython: unknown -X option %s' % opt)
if not arg.startswith('-X'):
# continue looking for -X only until options end
if not arg.startswith('-'):
# -X <opt>
opt = arg[2:] # -X<opt>
if opt == '':
opt = argv[0] # -X <opt>
argv = argv[1:]
if arg is not None:
if opt.startswith('gpython.runtime='):
gpy_runtime = opt[len('gpython.runtime='):]
sys._xoptions['gpython.runtime'] = gpy_runtime
# options after -c / -m are not for python itself
if opt in ('-c', '-m'):
raise RuntimeError('gpython: unknown -X option %s' % opt)
argv = argv_ + argv
argv = argv_ + igetopt.argv
# init initializes according to selected runtime
# it is called after options are parsed and sys.path is setup correspondingly.
......@@ -382,5 +372,106 @@ def _is_buildout_script(path):
return ('\nsys.path[0:0] = [\n' in src)
# _IGetOpt provides getopt-style incremental options parsing.
# ( we cannot use getopt directly, because it complains about "unrecognized options"
# on e.g. `gpython -opt` )
class _IGetOpt:
def __init__(self, argv, shortopts, longopts):
self.argv = argv
self._opts = {} # opt -> bool(arg-required)
self._shortopttail = '' # current tail of short options from e.g. -abcd
# parse shortopts -> ._opts
opt = None
for _ in shortopts:
if _ == ':':
if opt is None:
raise RuntimeError("invalid shortopts: unexpected ':'")
self._opts['-'+opt] = True
opt = None # prevent ::
opt = _
if opt in self._opts:
raise RuntimeError("invalid shortopts: double '%s'" % opt)
self._opts['-'+opt] = False
# parse longopts -> ._opts
for opt in longopts:
arg_required = (opt[-1:] == '=')
if arg_required:
opt = opt[:-1]
self._opts['--'+opt] = arg_required
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
# yield e.g. -b -c -d from -abcd
if len(self._shortopttail) > 0:
opt = '-'+self._shortopttail[0]
self._shortopttail = self._shortopttail[1:]
if opt not in self._opts:
raise RuntimeError('unexpected option %s' % opt)
arg = None
if self._opts[opt]: # arg required
if len(self._shortopttail) > 0:
# -o<arg>
arg = self._shortopttail
self._shortopttail = ''
# -o <arg>
if len(self.argv) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('option %s requires an argument' % opt)
arg = self.argv[0]
self.argv = self.argv[1:]
return (opt, arg)
# ._shortopttail is empty - proceed with .argv
if len(self.argv) == 0:
raise StopIteration # end of argv
opt = self.argv[0]
if not opt.startswith('-'):
raise StopIteration # not an option
if opt == '-':
raise StopIteration # not an option
self.argv = self.argv[1:]
if opt == '--':
raise StopIteration # options -- args delimiter
# short option
if not opt.startswith('--'):
self._shortopttail = opt[1:]
return self.__next__()
# long option
arg = None
if '=' in opt:
opt, arg = opt.split('=')
if opt not in self._opts:
raise RuntimeError('unexpected option %s' % opt)
arg_required = self._opts[opt]
if not arg_required:
if arg is not None:
raise RuntimeError('option %s requires no argument' % opt)
if arg is None:
if len(self.argv) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('option %s requires no argument' % opt)
arg = self.argv[0]
self.argv[0] = self.argv[1:]
return (opt, arg)
next = __next__ # for py2
if __name__ == '__main__':
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