Commit b2fa8224 authored by sirex's avatar sirex

Merged in lrowe/rubygemsrecipe (pull request #5)

Add option to sepcify rubygems url now that download location has changed.
parents a5b62f3d 4fcfb6ec
......@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ gems
list of gem package names, also you can specify gem version, example:
rubygems zip download url, if not specified, recipe will try to find most
recent version.
rubygems version, if not specified, recipe will try to find most recent
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class Recipe(object):
self.gems = options['gems'].split()
self.version = options.get('version')
self.url = options.get('url')
# Allow to define specific ruby executable. If not, take just 'ruby'
self.ruby_executable = options.get('ruby-executable', 'ruby')
......@@ -95,6 +96,12 @@ class Recipe(object):
return env
def _get_latest_rubygems(self):
if self.url:
version = self.version
if not version:
version ='rubygems-([0-9.]+).zip$', self.url).group(1)
return (self.url, version)
if self.version:
return (''
'' % self.version, self.version)
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