Commit 4975b455 authored by Priscila Manhaes's avatar Priscila Manhaes

updated to master

parent 6d694550
the lamp recipe help you to deploy simply a php based application on slapos. This recipe is
able to setup mariadb, apache and apache-php for your php application, is also capable to
configure your software during installation to ensure a full compatibility.
How to use?
just add this part in your software.cfg to use the lamp.simple module
egg = slapos.cookbook
module = lamp.simple
you also need to extend lamp.cfg
extends =
When you install some software (such as prestashop) you need to remove or rename folder, with slapos you can not
access to the www-data directory. to do this, you need to tell to lamp recipe to remove or/and it when software
will be instantiated. Some software requires more than rename or delete a folder (manualy create database etc...)
in this case you need to write a python script and lamp recipe must run it when installing your software.
How to use?
the action (move, rename, launch script) only starts when the condition is filled.
in instance.cfg, add
file_token = path_of_file
and the action will begin when path_of_www-data/path_of_file will be created
you can also use database to check condition. add
table_name = name_of_table
constraint = sql_where_condition
name_of_table is the full or partial name(in some cases we can not know the prefix used to create tables) of table
into mariadb databse for example table_name = admin. if you use
name_of_table = **, the action will begin when database is ready.
constraint is the sql_condition to use when search entry into name_of_table for example constraint = `admin_id`=1
you can no use file_token and table_name at the same time, otherwise file_token will be used in priority. attention
to the conditions that will never be satisfied.
the action start when condition is true
1- delete file or folder
into instance.cfg, use
delete = file_or_folder1, file_or_folder2, file_or_folder3 ...
for example delete = admin
2- rename file or folder
into instance.cfg, use
rename = old_name1 => new_name1, old_name2 => new_name2, ... you can also use
rename = old_name1, old_name2 => new_name2, ... in this case old_name1 will be rename and the new name will be chose
by joining old_name1 and mysql_user: this should give
rename = old_name1 => old_name1-mysql_user, old_name2 => new_name2, ...
3- launch python script
use script = ${configure-script:location}/${configure-script:filename} into instance.cfg, add part configure-script
into software.cfg
parts = configure-script
recipe =
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
url =
filename =
download-only = True
the should contain a main module, sys.argv is passed to the main. you can write like this
def setup(args):
base_url, htdocs, renamed, mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_database, mysql_host = args
if __name__ == '__main__':
base_url: is the url of php software
htdocs: is the path of www-data directory
mysql_user, mysql_password, mysql_database, mysql_host: is the mariadb parameters
mkdirectory loops on its options and create the directory joined
.. Note::
Use a slash ``/`` as directory separator. Don't use system dependent separator.
The slash will be parsed and replace by the operating system right separator.
Only use relative directory to the buildout root directory.
The created directory won't be added to path list.
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
import hashlib
import ConfigParser
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def setPath(self):
self.ca_dir = self.options['ca-dir']
self.request_directory = self.options['requests-directory']
self.ca_private = self.options['ca-private']
self.ca_certs = self.options['ca-certs']
self.ca_newcerts = self.options['ca-newcerts']
self.ca_crl = self.options['ca-crl']
self.ca_key_ext = '.key'
self.ca_crt_ext = '.crt'
def install(self):
path_list = []
# XXX: We gotta find better a way to get these options
ca_country_code = 'XX'
ca_email = ''
ca_state = 'State',
ca_city = 'City'
ca_company = 'Company'
# XXX: end
config = dict(ca_dir=self.ca_dir, request_dir=self.request_directory)
for f in ['crlnumber', 'serial']:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f)):
open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f), 'w').write('01')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt')):
open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt'), 'w').write('')
openssl_configuration = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'openssl.cnf')
self.createFile(openssl_configuration, self.substituteTemplate(
self.getTemplateFilename(''), config))
ca_wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
'%s.certificate_authority.runCertificateAuthority' % __name__,
certificate=os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'cacert.pem'),
key=os.path.join(self.ca_private, 'cakey.pem'),
return path_list
class Request(Recipe):
def _options(self, options):
if 'name' not in options:
options['name'] =
def install(self):
key_file = self.options['key-file']
cert_file = self.options['cert-file']
name = self.options['name']
hash_ = hashlib.sha512(name).hexdigest()
key = os.path.join(self.ca_private, hash_ + self.ca_key_ext)
certificate = os.path.join(self.ca_certs, hash_ + self.ca_crt_ext)
parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
parser.set('certificate', 'name', name)
parser.set('certificate', 'key_file', key)
parser.set('certificate', 'certificate_file', certificate)
parser.write(open(os.path.join(self.request_directory, hash_), 'w'))
for link in [key_file, cert_file]:
if os.path.islink(link):
elif os.path.exists(link):
raise OSError("%r file should be a symbolic link.")
os.symlink(key, key_file)
os.symlink(certificate, cert_file)
wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
[ [self.options['executable']],
[certificate, key] ],
return [key_file, cert_file, wrapper]
import os
import subprocess
import time
import ConfigParser
def popenCommunicate(command_list, input=None):
subprocess_kw = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if input is not None:
popen = subprocess.Popen(command_list, **subprocess_kw)
result = popen.communicate(input)[0]
if popen.returncode is None:
if popen.returncode != 0:
raise ValueError('Issue during calling %r, result was:\n%s' % (
command_list, result))
return result
class CertificateAuthority:
def __init__(self, key, certificate, openssl_binary,
openssl_configuration, request_dir):
self.key = key
self.certificate = certificate
self.openssl_binary = openssl_binary
self.openssl_configuration = openssl_configuration
self.request_dir = request_dir
def checkAuthority(self):
file_list = [ self.key, self.certificate ]
ca_ready = True
for f in file_list:
if not os.path.exists(f):
ca_ready = False
if ca_ready:
for f in file_list:
if os.path.exists(f):
# no CA, let us create new one
popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'req', '-nodes', '-config',
self.openssl_configuration, '-new', '-x509', '-extensions',
'v3_ca', '-keyout', self.key, '-out', self.certificate,
'-days', '10950'], 'Automatic Certificate Authority\n')
for f in file_list:
if os.path.exists(f):
# do not raise during cleanup
def _checkCertificate(self, common_name, key, certificate):
file_list = [key, certificate]
ready = True
for f in file_list:
if not os.path.exists(f):
ready = False
if ready:
return False
for f in file_list:
if os.path.exists(f):
csr = certificate + '.csr'
popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'req', '-config',
self.openssl_configuration, '-nodes', '-new', '-keyout',
key, '-out', csr, '-days', '3650'],
common_name + '\n')
popenCommunicate([self.openssl_binary, 'ca', '-batch', '-config',
self.openssl_configuration, '-out', certificate,
'-infiles', csr])
if os.path.exists(csr):
for f in file_list:
if os.path.exists(f):
# do not raise during cleanup
return True
def checkRequestDir(self):
for request_file in os.listdir(self.request_dir):
parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
parser.readfp(open(os.path.join(self.request_dir, request_file), 'r'))
if self._checkCertificate(parser.get('certificate', 'name'),
parser.get('certificate', 'key_file'), parser.get('certificate',
print 'Created certificate %r' % parser.get('certificate', 'name')
def runCertificateAuthority(ca_conf):
ca = CertificateAuthority(ca_conf['key'], ca_conf['certificate'],
ca_conf['openssl_binary'], ca_conf['openssl_configuration'],
while True:
# Antoine: I really don't like that at all. It wastes useful CPU time.
# I think it would be a greater idea to use pyinotify
# <>
# Or we could use select() with socket as well.
# end XXX
# OpenSSL example configuration file.
# This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
# This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
# defined.
HOME = .
#oid_file = $ENV::HOME/.oid
oid_section = new_oids
# To use this configuration file with the "-extfile" option of the
# "openssl x509" utility, name here the section containing the
# X.509v3 extensions to use:
# extensions =
# (Alternatively, use a configuration file that has only
# X.509v3 extensions in its main [= default] section.)
[ new_oids ]
# We can add new OIDs in here for use by 'ca', 'req' and 'ts'.
# Add a simple OID like this:
# testoid1=
# Or use config file substitution like this:
# testoid2=${testoid1}.5.6
# Policies used by the TSA examples.
tsa_policy1 =
tsa_policy2 =
tsa_policy3 =
[ ca ]
default_ca = CA_default # The default ca section
[ CA_default ]
dir = %(working_directory)s # Where everything is kept
certs = $dir/certs # Where the issued certs are kept
crl_dir = $dir/crl # Where the issued crl are kept
database = $dir/index.txt # database index file.
#unique_subject = no # Set to 'no' to allow creation of
# several ctificates with same subject.
new_certs_dir = $dir/newcerts # default place for new certs.
certificate = $dir/cacert.pem # The CA certificate
serial = $dir/serial # The current serial number
crlnumber = $dir/crlnumber # the current crl number
# must be commented out to leave a V1 CRL
crl = $dir/crl.pem # The current CRL
private_key = $dir/private/cakey.pem # The private key
RANDFILE = $dir/private/.rand # private random number file
x509_extensions = usr_cert # The extentions to add to the cert
# Comment out the following two lines for the "traditional"
# (and highly broken) format.
name_opt = ca_default # Subject Name options
cert_opt = ca_default # Certificate field options
# Extension copying option: use with caution.
# copy_extensions = copy
# Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
# so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
# crlnumber must also be commented out to leave a V1 CRL.
# crl_extensions = crl_ext
default_days = 3650 # how long to certify for
default_crl_days= 30 # how long before next CRL
default_md = default # use public key default MD
preserve = no # keep passed DN ordering
# A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
# For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
# and supplied fields are just that :-)
policy = policy_match
# For the CA policy
[ policy_match ]
countryName = match
stateOrProvinceName = match
organizationName = match
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional
# For the 'anything' policy
# At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
# types.
[ policy_anything ]
countryName = optional
stateOrProvinceName = optional
localityName = optional
organizationName = optional
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
default_md = sha1
default_keyfile = privkey.pem
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
#attributes = req_attributes
x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert
# Passwords for private keys if not present they will be prompted for
# input_password = secret
# output_password = secret
# This sets a mask for permitted string types. There are several options.
# default: PrintableString, T61String, BMPString.
# pkix : PrintableString, BMPString (PKIX recommendation before 2004)
# utf8only: only UTF8Strings (PKIX recommendation after 2004).
# nombstr : PrintableString, T61String (no BMPStrings or UTF8Strings).
# MASK:XXXX a literal mask value.
# WARNING: ancient versions of Netscape crash on BMPStrings or UTF8Strings.
string_mask = utf8only
# req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request
[ req_distinguished_name ]
countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_value = %(country_code)s
countryName_min = 2
countryName_max = 2
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_value = %(state)s
localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
localityName_value = %(city)s
0.organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company)
0.organizationName_value = %(company)s
# we can do this but it is not needed normally :-)
#1.organizationName = Second Organization Name (eg, company)
#1.organizationName_default = World Wide Web Pty Ltd
commonName = Common Name (eg, your name or your server\'s hostname)
commonName_max = 64
emailAddress = Email Address
emailAddress_value = %(email_address)s
emailAddress_max = 64
# SET-ex3 = SET extension number 3
#[ req_attributes ]
#challengePassword = A challenge password
#challengePassword_min = 4
#challengePassword_max = 20
#unstructuredName = An optional company name
[ usr_cert ]
# These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.
# This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
# requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
# Here are some examples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted
# the certificate can be used for anything *except* object signing.
# This is OK for an SSL server.
# nsCertType = server
# For an object signing certificate this would be used.
# nsCertType = objsign
# For normal client use this is typical
# nsCertType = client, email
# and for everything including object signing:
# nsCertType = client, email, objsign
# This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
# keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
# This will be displayed in Netscape's comment listbox.
nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Certificate"
# PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
# This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
# Import the email address.
# subjectAltName=email:copy
# An alternative to produce certificates that aren't
# deprecated according to PKIX.
# subjectAltName=email:move
# Copy subject details
# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
#nsCaRevocationUrl = http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem
# This is required for TSA certificates.
# extendedKeyUsage = critical,timeStamping
[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
[ v3_ca ]
# Extensions for a typical CA
# PKIX recommendation.
# This is what PKIX recommends but some broken software chokes on critical
# extensions.
#basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
# So we do this instead.
basicConstraints = CA:true
# Key usage: this is typical for a CA certificate. However since it will
# prevent it being used as an test self-signed certificate it is best
# left out by default.
# keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
# Some might want this also
# nsCertType = sslCA, emailCA
# Include email address in subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation
# subjectAltName=email:copy
# Copy issuer details
# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
# DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
# obj=DER:02:03
# Where 'obj' is a standard or added object
# You can even override a supported extension:
# basicConstraints= critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF
[ crl_ext ]
# CRL extensions.
# Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.
# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
[ proxy_cert_ext ]
# These extensions should be added when creating a proxy certificate
# This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
# requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
# Here are some examples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted
# the certificate can be used for anything *except* object signing.
# This is OK for an SSL server.
# nsCertType = server
# For an object signing certificate this would be used.
# nsCertType = objsign
# For normal client use this is typical
# nsCertType = client, email
# and for everything including object signing:
# nsCertType = client, email, objsign
# This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
# keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
# This will be displayed in Netscape's comment listbox.
nsComment = "OpenSSL Generated Certificate"
# PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
# This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
# Import the email address.
# subjectAltName=email:copy
# An alternative to produce certificates that aren't
# deprecated according to PKIX.
# subjectAltName=email:move
# Copy subject details
# issuerAltName=issuer:copy
#nsCaRevocationUrl = http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem
# This really needs to be in place for it to be a proxy certificate.
[ tsa ]
default_tsa = tsa_config1 # the default TSA section
[ tsa_config1 ]
# These are used by the TSA reply generation only.
dir = /etc/pki/tls # TSA root directory
serial = $dir/tsaserial # The current serial number (mandatory)
crypto_device = builtin # OpenSSL engine to use for signing
signer_cert = $dir/tsacert.pem # The TSA signing certificate
# (optional)
certs = $dir/cacert.pem # Certificate chain to include in reply
# (optional)
signer_key = $dir/private/tsakey.pem # The TSA private key (optional)
default_policy = tsa_policy1 # Policy if request did not specify it
# (optional)
other_policies = tsa_policy2, tsa_policy3 # acceptable policies (optional)
digests = md5, sha1 # Acceptable message digests (mandatory)
accuracy = secs:1, millisecs:500, microsecs:100 # (optional)
clock_precision_digits = 0 # number of digits after dot. (optional)
ordering = yes # Is ordering defined for timestamps?
# (optional, default: no)
tsa_name = yes # Must the TSA name be included in the reply?
# (optional, default: no)
ess_cert_id_chain = no # Must the ESS cert id chain be included?
# (optional, default: no)
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import BaseSlapRecipe
import os
import subprocess
import pkg_resources
import zc.buildout
import zc.recipe.egg
import sys
class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
'template/%s' % template_name)
def _install(self):
self.path_list = []
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
document_root = self.createDataDirectory('www')
apache_config = self.installApache(document_root)
return self.path_list
def installApache(self, document_root, ip=None, port=None):
if ip is None:
if port is None:
port = '9080'
htpasswd_config = self.createHtpasswd()
ssl_config = self.createCertificate(size=2048)
apache_config = dict(
pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, ''),
lock_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'httpd.lock'),
davlock_db=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'davdb.lock'),
error_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-error.log'),
access_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-access.log'),
httpd_config_file = self.createConfigurationFile('httpd.conf',
apache_runner = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
[('httpd', 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory,
'-f', httpd_config_file,
return dict(ip=apache_config['ip'],
def createHtpasswd(self):
htpasswd = self.createConfigurationFile('htpasswd', '')
password = self.generatePassword()
user = 'user'
'-bc', htpasswd,
user, password
return dict(htpasswd_file=htpasswd,
def createCertificate(self, size=1024, subject='/C=FR/L=Marcq-en-Baroeul/O=Nexedi'):
key_file = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'httpd.key')
certificate_file = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'httpd.crt')
'req', '-x509', '-nodes',
'-newkey', 'rsa:%s' % size,
'-subj', str(subject),
'-out', certificate_file,
'-keyout', key_file
return dict(key=key_file,
ServerRoot "%(server_root)s"
Listen [%(ip)s]:%(port)s
# Needed modules
LoadModule authn_file_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule authz_host_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule authz_user_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule auth_basic_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule auth_digest_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule log_config_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule headers_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule setenvif_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule ssl_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule mime_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule dav_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule dav_fs_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
LoadModule dir_module "%(modules_dir)s/"
ServerAdmin %(email_address)s
# Quiet Server header (if not, Apache give its life history)
# It's safer
ServerTokens ProductOnly
DocumentRoot "%(document_root)s"
PidFile "%(pid_file)s"
LockFile "%(lock_file)s"
DavLockDB "%(davlock_db)s"
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory %(document_root)s>
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Dav On
# Security Rules to avoid DDoS Attacks
DavDepthInfinity Off
LimitXMLRequestBody 0
# Cross-Origin Resources Sharing
Header always set Access-Control-Max-Age "0"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PROPFIND"
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Content-Type, X-Requested-With, X-HTTP-Method-Override, Accept, Authorization, Depth"
SetEnvIf Origin "(.+)" ORIGIN=$1
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %%{ORIGIN}e
AuthType Basic
AuthName "WebDAV Storage"
AuthUserFile "%(htpasswd_file)s"
<LimitExcept OPTIONS>
Require valid-user
ErrorLog "%(error_log)s"
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b" common
CustomLog "%(access_log)s" common
DefaultType text/plain
TypesConfig "%(mime_types)s"
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile "%(ssl_certificate)s"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "%(ssl_key)s"
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def install(self):"Installing dcron...")
path_list = []
cronstamps = self.options['cronstamps']
cron_d = self.options['cron-entries']
crontabs = self.options['crontabs']
catcher = self.options['catcher']
binary = self.options['binary']
script = self.createPythonScript(binary,
[self.options['dcrond-binary'].strip(), '-s', cron_d, '-c', crontabs,
'-t', cronstamps, '-f', '-l', '5', '-M', catcher]
self.logger.debug('Main cron executable created at : %r', script)"dcron successfully installed.")
return path_list
class Part(GenericBaseRecipe):
def _options(self, options):
if 'name' not in options:
options['name'] =
def install(self):
cron_d = self.options['cron-entries']
filename = os.path.join(cron_d, 'name')
with open(filename, 'w') as part:
part.write('%(frequency)s %(command)s\n' % {
'frequency': self.options['frequency'],
'command': self.options['command'],
return [filename]
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def install(self):
remote_url = self.options['remote_backup']
backup_directory = self.options['directory']
wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
[self.options['duplicity_binary'], '--no-encryption',
backup_directory, remote_url]
return [wrapper]
...@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
if self.parameter_dict.get("slap_software_type", "").lower() == "cluster": if self.parameter_dict.get("slap_software_type", "").lower() == "cluster":
# Site access is done by HAProxy # Site access is done by HAProxy
zope_access, site_access = self.installZopeCluster() zope_access, site_access, key_access = self.installZopeCluster(ca_conf)
else: else:
zope_access = self.installZopeStandalone() zope_access = self.installZopeStandalone()
site_access = zope_access site_access = zope_access
key_access = None
key, certificate = self.requestCertificate('Login Based Access') key, certificate = self.requestCertificate('Login Based Access')
apache_conf = dict( apache_conf = dict(
...@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.requestCertificate(frontend_name) self.requestCertificate(frontend_name)
connection_dict["site_url"] = self.installFrontendZopeApache( connection_dict["site_url"] = self.installFrontendZopeApache(
ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), port=13001, name=frontend_name, ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), port=4443, name=frontend_name,
frontend_path='/%s' % self.site_id, backend_path='/%s' % self.site_id, frontend_path='/', backend_path='',
backend_url="http://%s" % site_access, key=frontend_key, backend_url=apache_conf['apache_login'], key=frontend_key,
certificate=frontend_certificate) certificate=frontend_certificate)
default_bt5_list = [] default_bt5_list = []
...@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.installERP5Site(user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf, self.installERP5Site(user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf,
conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf, conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf,
self.site_id, default_bt5_list) self.site_id, default_bt5_list, ca_conf)
self.installTestRunner(ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf, self.installTestRunner(ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf,
memcached_conf, kumo_conf) memcached_conf, kumo_conf)
...@@ -120,6 +121,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -120,6 +121,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
memcached_url=memcached_conf['memcached_url'], memcached_url=memcached_conf['memcached_url'],
kumo_url=kumo_conf['kumo_address'] kumo_url=kumo_conf['kumo_address']
)) ))
if key_access is not None:
connection_dict['key_access'] = key_access
if self.options.get('fulltext_search', None) == 'sphinx':
sphinx_searchd = self.installSphinxSearchd(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address())
self.setConnectionDict(connection_dict) self.setConnectionDict(connection_dict)
return self.path_list return self.path_list
...@@ -128,19 +134,82 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -128,19 +134,82 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
""" """
zodb_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'zodb') zodb_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'zodb')
self._createDirectory(zodb_dir) self._createDirectory(zodb_dir)
zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'root.fs') zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'main.fs')
thread_amount_per_zope = int(self.options.get( thread_amount_per_zope = int(self.options.get(
'single_zope_thread_amount', 4)) 'single_zope_thread_amount', 4))
zodb_cache_size = int(self.options.get('zodb_cache_size', 5000))
return self.installZope(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address(), return self.installZope(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address(),
port=12000 + 1, name='zope_%s' % 1, port=12000 + 1, name='zope_%s' % 1,
zodb_configuration_string=self.substituteTemplate( zodb_configuration_string=self.substituteTemplate(
self.getTemplateFilename(''), self.getTemplateFilename(''),
dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path)), with_timerservice=True, dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path,
thread_amount=thread_amount_per_zope) thread_amount=thread_amount_per_zope)
def installZopeCluster(self): def installKeyAuthorisationApache(self, ipv6, port, backend, key, certificate,
ca_conf, key_auth_path='/'):
if ipv6:
ip = self.getGlobalIPv6Address()
ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
ssl_template = """SSLEngine on
SSLVerifyClient require
RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s
SSLCertificateFile %(key_auth_certificate)s
SSLCertificateKeyFile %(key_auth_key)s
SSLCACertificateFile %(ca_certificate)s
SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
apache_conf = self._getApacheConfigurationDict('key_auth_apache', ip, port)
apache_conf['ssl_snippet'] = ssl_template % dict(
prefix = 'ssl_key_auth_apache'
rewrite_rule_template = \
"RewriteRule (.*) http://%(backend)s%(key_auth_path)s$1 [L,P]"
path_template = pkg_resources.resource_string('slapos.recipe.erp5',
path = path_template % dict(path='/')
d = dict(
vhname=path.replace('/', ''),
rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % d
apache_config_file = self.createConfigurationFile(prefix + '.conf',
'template/') % apache_conf)
'slapos.recipe.erp5.apache', 'runApache')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
required_path_list=[certificate, key, ca_conf['ca_certificate'],
if ipv6:
return 'https://[%(ip)s:%(port)s]' % apache_conf
return 'https://%(ip)s:%(port)s' % apache_conf
def installZopeCluster(self, ca_conf=None):
""" Install ERP5 using ZEO Cluster """ Install ERP5 using ZEO Cluster
""" """
site_check_path = '/%s/getId' % self.site_id site_check_path = '/%s/getId' % self.site_id
...@@ -153,6 +222,9 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -153,6 +222,9 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
user_node_amount = int(self.options.get( user_node_amount = int(self.options.get(
"cluster_user_node_amount", 2)) "cluster_user_node_amount", 2))
key_auth_node_amount = int(self.options.get(
"key_auth_node_amount", 0))
ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address() ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
storage_dict = self._requestZeoFileStorage('Zeo Server 1', 'main') storage_dict = self._requestZeoFileStorage('Zeo Server 1', 'main')
...@@ -161,6 +233,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -161,6 +233,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
# XXX How to define good values for this? # XXX How to define good values for this?
mount_point = '/' mount_point = '/'
zodb_cache_size = 5000
zeo_client_cache_size = '20MB'
check_path = '/erp5/account_module' check_path = '/erp5/account_module'
known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {} known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {}
...@@ -172,7 +246,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -172,7 +246,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.getTemplateFilename(''), dict( self.getTemplateFilename(''), dict(
storage_name=storage_dict['storage_name'], storage_name=storage_dict['storage_name'],
address='%s:%s' % (storage_dict['ip'], storage_dict['port']), address='%s:%s' % (storage_dict['ip'], storage_dict['port']),
mount_point=mount_point mount_point=mount_point, zodb_cache_size=zodb_cache_size,
)) ))
zope_port = 12000 zope_port = 12000
...@@ -203,11 +278,28 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -203,11 +278,28 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
login_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15001, 'login', login_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15001, 'login',
site_check_path, login_url_list) site_check_path, login_url_list)
key_access = None
if key_auth_node_amount > 0:
service_url_list = []
for i in range(key_auth_node_amount):
zope_port += 1
service_url_list.append(self.installZope(ip, zope_port,
'zope_service_%s' % i, with_timerservice=False,
service_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15000, 'service',
site_check_path, service_url_list)
key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate = self.requestCertificate(
'Key Based Access')
key_access = self.installKeyAuthorisationApache(True, 15500,
service_haproxy, key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate, ca_conf)
self.installTidStorage(tidstorage_config['host'], self.installTidStorage(tidstorage_config['host'],
tidstorage_config['port'], tidstorage_config['port'],
known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, 'http://' + login_haproxy) known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, 'http://' + login_haproxy)
return login_url_list[-1], login_haproxy return login_url_list[-1], login_haproxy, key_access
def _requestZeoFileStorage(self, server_name, storage_name): def _requestZeoFileStorage(self, server_name, storage_name):
"""Local, slap.request compatible, call to ask for filestorage on Zeo """Local, slap.request compatible, call to ask for filestorage on Zeo
...@@ -342,6 +434,27 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -342,6 +434,27 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
memcached_ip=config['memcached_ip'], memcached_ip=config['memcached_ip'],
memcached_port=config['memcached_port']) memcached_port=config['memcached_port'])
def installSphinxSearchd(self, ip, port=9312, sql_port=9306):
data_directory = self.createDataDirectory('sphinx')
sphinx_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('sphinx.conf',
self.substituteTemplate(self.getTemplateFilename(''), dict(
wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('sphinx_searchd',
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],, sys.executable,
self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
self.options['sphinx_searchd_binary'].strip(), '-c', sphinx_conf_path, '--nodetach']
return dict(sphinx_searchd_ip=ip,
def installTestRunner(self, ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf, def installTestRunner(self, ca_conf, mysql_conf, conversion_server_conf,
memcached_conf, kumo_conf): memcached_conf, kumo_conf):
"""Installs bin/runUnitTest executable to run all tests using """Installs bin/runUnitTest executable to run all tests using
...@@ -546,14 +659,24 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -546,14 +659,24 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
} }
def installHaproxy(self, ip, port, name, server_check_path, url_list): def installHaproxy(self, ip, port, name, server_check_path, url_list):
server_template = """ server %(name)s %(address)s cookie %(name)s check inter 20s rise 2 fall 4""" # inter must be quite short in order to detect quickly an unresponsive node
# and to detect quickly a node which is back
# rise must be minimal possible : 1, indeed, a node which is back don't need
# to sleep more time and we can give him work immediately
# fall should be quite sort. with inter at 3, and fall at 2, a node will be
# considered as dead after 6 seconds.
# maxconn should be set as the maximum thread we have per zope, like this
# haproxy will manage the queue of request with the possibility to
# move a request to another node if the initially selected one is dead
server_template = """ server %(name)s %(address)s cookie %(name)s check inter 3s rise 1 fall 2 maxconn %(cluster_zope_thread_amount)s"""
config = dict(name=name, ip=ip, port=port, config = dict(name=name, ip=ip, port=port,
server_check_path=server_check_path,) server_check_path=server_check_path,)
i = 1 i = 1
server_list = [] server_list = []
cluster_zope_thread_amount = self.options.get('cluster_zope_thread_amount', 1)
for url in url_list: for url in url_list:
server_list.append(server_template % dict(name='%s_%s' % (name, i), server_list.append(server_template % dict(name='%s_%s' % (name, i),
address=url)) address=url, cluster_zope_thread_amount=cluster_zope_thread_amount))
i += 1 i += 1
config['server_text'] = '\n'.join(server_list) config['server_text'] = '\n'.join(server_list)
haproxy_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('haproxy_%s.cfg' % name, haproxy_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('haproxy_%s.cfg' % name,
...@@ -640,10 +763,14 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -640,10 +763,14 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
return user, password return user, password
def installERP5Site(self, user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf, def installERP5Site(self, user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf,
conversion_server_conf=None, memcached_conf=None, kumo_conf=None, conversion_server_conf=None, memcached_conf=None,
erp5_site_id='erp5', default_bt5_list=[]): kumo_conf=None,
""" Create a script controlled by supervisor, which creates a erp5 erp5_site_id='erp5', default_bt5_list=[], ca_conf={},
site on current available zope and mysql environment""" supervisor_controlled=True):
Create a script to automatically set up an erp5 site (controlled by
supervisor by default) on available zope and mysql environments.
conversion_server = None conversion_server = None
if conversion_server_conf is not None: if conversion_server_conf is not None:
conversion_server = "%s:%s" % (conversion_server_conf['conversion_server_ip'], conversion_server = "%s:%s" % (conversion_server_conf['conversion_server_ip'],
...@@ -660,9 +787,12 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -660,9 +787,12 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
bt5_repository_list = self.parameter_dict.get("bt5_repository_list", "").split() \ bt5_repository_list = self.parameter_dict.get("bt5_repository_list", "").split() \
or getattr(self, 'bt5_repository_list', []) or getattr(self, 'bt5_repository_list', [])
self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('erp5_update', erp5_update_directory = supervisor_controlled and self.wrapper_directory or \
script = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('erp5_update',
__name__ + '.erp5', 'updateERP5')],, __name__ + '.erp5', 'updateERP5')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, sys.executable, erp5_update_directory,
arguments=[erp5_site_id, arguments=[erp5_site_id,
mysql_connection_string, mysql_connection_string,
[user, password, zope_access], [user, password, zope_access],
...@@ -670,7 +800,12 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -670,7 +800,12 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
conversion_server, conversion_server,
kumo_conf.get("kumo_address"), kumo_conf.get("kumo_address"),
bt5_list, bt5_list,
bt5_repository_list])) bt5_repository_list,
return [] return []
def installZeo(self, ip): def installZeo(self, ip):
...@@ -713,6 +848,26 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -713,6 +848,26 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.path_list.append(wrapper) self.path_list.append(wrapper)
return zeo_configuration_dict return zeo_configuration_dict
def installRepozo(self, zodb_root_path):
Add only repozo to cron (e.g. without tidstorage) allowing full
and incremental backups.
backup_path = self.createBackupDirectory('zodb')
repozo_cron_path = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'repozo')
repozo_cron_file = open(repozo_cron_path, 'w')
0 0 * * 0 %(repozo_binary)s --backup --full --file="%(zodb_root_path)s" --repository="%(backup_path)s"
0 * * * * %(repozo_binary)s --backup --file="%(zodb_root_path)s" --repository="%(backup_path)s"
''' % dict(repozo_binary=self.options['repozo_binary'],
def installTidStorage(self, ip, port, known_tid_storage_identifier_dict, def installTidStorage(self, ip, port, known_tid_storage_identifier_dict,
access_url): access_url):
"""Install TidStorage with all required backup tools """Install TidStorage with all required backup tools
...@@ -825,10 +980,6 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -825,10 +980,6 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.erp5_directory, 'Products')) self.erp5_directory, 'Products'))
zope_config['products'] = '\n'.join(prefixed_products) zope_config['products'] = '\n'.join(prefixed_products)
zope_config['address'] = '%s:%s' % (ip, port) zope_config['address'] = '%s:%s' % (ip, port)
zope_environment_list = []
for envk, envv in zope_environment.iteritems():
zope_environment_list.append('%s %s' % (envk, envv))
zope_config['environment'] = "\n".join(zope_environment_list)
zope_wrapper_template_location = self.getTemplateFilename('') zope_wrapper_template_location = self.getTemplateFilename('')
zope_conf_content = self.substituteTemplate( zope_conf_content = self.substituteTemplate(
...@@ -851,10 +1002,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -851,10 +1002,11 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.path_list.append(zope_conf_path) self.path_list.append(zope_conf_path)
# Create init script # Create init script
wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(name, wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(name,
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],, sys.executable, 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')],, sys.executable,
self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[ self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
self.options['runzope_binary'].strip(), '-C', zope_conf_path] [self.options['runzope_binary'].strip(), '-C', zope_conf_path],
)[0] zope_environment
self.path_list.append(wrapper) self.path_list.append(wrapper)
return zope_config['address'] return zope_config['address']
...@@ -915,9 +1067,6 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -915,9 +1067,6 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
'template/') % dict( 'template/') % dict(
login_certificate=certificate, login_key=key) login_certificate=certificate, login_key=key)
rewrite_rule_template = \
"RewriteRule ^%(path)s($|/.*) %(backend_url)s/VirtualHostBase/https/%(server_name)s:%(port)s%(backend_path)s/VirtualHostRoot/_vh_%(vhname)s$1 [L,P]\n"
path = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, path = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
'template/') % \ 'template/') % \
dict(path='/', access_control_string='none') dict(path='/', access_control_string='none')
...@@ -931,14 +1080,24 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -931,14 +1080,24 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
'template/') 'template/')
path += path_template % dict(path=frontend_path, path += path_template % dict(path=frontend_path,
access_control_string=access_control_string) access_control_string=access_control_string)
d = dict(
rewrite_rule_template = \
"RewriteRule ^%(path)s($|/.*) %(backend_url)s/VirtualHostBase/https/%(server_name)s:%(port)s%(backend_path)s/VirtualHostRoot/%(vhname)s$1 [L,P]\n"
if frontend_path not in ["", None, "/"]:
vhname = "_vh_%s" % frontend_path.replace('/', '')
vhname = ""
frontend_path = ""
rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % dict(
path=frontend_path, path=frontend_path,
backend_url=backend_url, backend_url=backend_url,
backend_path=backend_path, backend_path=backend_path,
port=apache_conf['port'], port=apache_conf['port'],
vhname=frontend_path.replace('/', ''), vhname=vhname,
server_name=name) server_name=name)
rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % d
apache_conf.update(**dict( apache_conf.update(**dict(
path_enable=path, path_enable=path,
rewrite_rule=rewrite_rule rewrite_rule=rewrite_rule
...@@ -987,7 +1146,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -987,7 +1146,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
def installMysqlServer(self, ip, port, database='erp5', user='user', def installMysqlServer(self, ip, port, database='erp5', user='user',
test_database='test_erp5', test_user='test_user', template_filename=None, test_database='test_erp5', test_user='test_user', template_filename=None,
parallel_test_database_amount=100, mysql_conf=None, with_backup=True, parallel_test_database_amount=100, mysql_conf=None, with_backup=True,
with_maatkit=True): with_percona_toolkit=True):
if mysql_conf is None: if mysql_conf is None:
mysql_conf = {} mysql_conf = {}
backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql') backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql')
...@@ -1096,29 +1255,46 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -1096,29 +1255,46 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
open(mysql_backup_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * ' + backup_controller) open(mysql_backup_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * ' + backup_controller)
self.path_list.append(mysql_backup_cron) self.path_list.append(mysql_backup_cron)
if with_maatkit: if with_percona_toolkit:
# maatkit installation # maatkit installation
for mk_script_name in ( for pt_script_name in (
'mk-variable-advisor', 'pt-archiver',
'mk-table-usage', 'pt-config-diff',
'mk-visual-explain', 'pt-deadlock-logger',
'mk-config-diff', 'pt-duplicate-key-checker',
'mk-deadlock-logger', 'pt-fifo-split',
'mk-error-log', 'pt-find',
'mk-index-usage', 'pt-fk-error-logger',
'mk-query-advisor', 'pt-heartbeat',
): ):
mk_argument_list = [self.options['perl_binary'], pt_argument_list = [self.options['perl_binary'],
self.options['%s_binary' % mk_script_name], self.options['%s_binary' % pt_script_name],
'--defaults-file=%s' % mysql_conf_path, '--defaults-file=%s' % mysql_conf_path,
'--socket=%s' %mysql_conf['socket'].strip(), '--user=root', '--socket=%s' %mysql_conf['socket'].strip(), '--user=root',
] ]
environment = dict(PATH='%s' % self.bin_directory) environment = dict(PATH='%s' % self.bin_directory)
mk_exe = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([( pt_exe = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([(
mk_script_name,'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')], pt_script_name,'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')],, sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[, sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[
mk_argument_list, environment])[0] pt_argument_list, environment])[0]
self.path_list.append(mk_exe) self.path_list.append(pt_exe)
# The return could be more explicit database, user ... # The return could be more explicit database, user ...
return mysql_conf return mysql_conf
...@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
erp5_catalog_storage = "erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog" erp5_catalog_storage = "erp5_mysql_innodb_catalog"
header_dict = {} header_dict = {}
sleeping_time = 120 sleeping_time = 300
short_sleeping_time = 60
def __init__(self, user, password, host, def __init__(self, user, password, host,
site_id, mysql_url, memcached_address, site_id, mysql_url, memcached_address,
conversion_server_address, persistent_cache_address, conversion_server_address, persistent_cache_address,
bt5_list, bt5_repository_list): bt5_list, bt5_repository_list, certificate_authority_path,
authentication_string = '%s:%s' % (user, password) authentication_string = '%s:%s' % (user, password)
base64string = base64.encodestring(authentication_string).strip() base64string = base64.encodestring(authentication_string).strip()
...@@ -54,13 +56,17 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -54,13 +56,17 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
self.business_template_repository_list = bt5_repository_list self.business_template_repository_list = bt5_repository_list
self.business_template_list = bt5_list self.business_template_list = bt5_list
self.memcached_address = memcached_address self.memcached_address = memcached_address
self.persintent_cached_address = persistent_cache_address self.persistent_cached_address = persistent_cache_address
self.mysql_url = mysql_url self.mysql_url = mysql_url
host, port = conversion_server_address.split(":") host, port = conversion_server_address.split(":")
self.conversion_server_address = host self.conversion_server_address = host
self.conversion_server_port = int(port) self.conversion_server_port = int(port)
# Certificate Authority Tool configuration
self.certificate_authority_path = certificate_authority_path
self.openssl_binary = openssl_binary
def log(self, level, message): def log(self, level, message):
date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000") date = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
print "%s - %s : %s" % (date, level, message) print "%s - %s : %s" % (date, level, message)
...@@ -147,34 +153,25 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -147,34 +153,25 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
return [i for i in self.business_template_repository_list return [i for i in self.business_template_repository_list
if i not in found_list] if i not in found_list]
def getMissingBusinessTemplateList(self): def getMissingBusinessTemplateSet(self):
bt5_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("business_template_dict", []) found_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("business_template_dict", {})
found_bt5_list = bt5_dict.keys() return set(self.business_template_list).difference(found_dict)
return [bt for bt in self.business_template_list\
if bt not in found_bt5_list]
def isBusinessTemplateUpdated(self):
return len(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateList()) == 0
def isBusinessTemplateRepositoryUpdated(self):
return len(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateRepositoryList()) == 0
def updateBusinessTemplateList(self): def updateBusinessTemplateList(self):
""" Update Business Template Configuration, including the repositories """ Update Business Template Configuration, including the repositories
""" """
if not self.isBusinessTemplateUpdated(): missing_business_template_set = self.getMissingBusinessTemplateSet()
# Before update the business templates, it is required to make if missing_business_template_set:
# sure the repositories are updated. # Before updating the business templates, it is required to make sure
if not self.isBusinessTemplateRepositoryUpdated(): # the repositories are updated, thus update them even if they are
# Require to update Business template Repository # already present because there may be new business templates...
repository_list = self.getSystemSignatureDict( repository_list = self.getSystemSignatureDict(
"business_template_repository_list", []) "business_template_repository_list", [])
repository_list.extend(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateRepositoryList()) repository_list.extend(self.getMissingBusinessTemplateRepositoryList())
self._setRepositoryList(repository_list) self._setRepositoryList(repository_list)
# Require to update Business template # Require to update Business template
for bt in self.getMissingBusinessTemplateList(): self._installBusinessTemplateList(list(missing_business_template_set))
return True return True
return False return False
...@@ -186,18 +183,20 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -186,18 +183,20 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
def _installBusinessTemplateList(self, name_list, update_catalog=False): def _installBusinessTemplateList(self, name_list, update_catalog=False):
""" Install a Business Template on Remote ERP5 setup """ """ Install a Business Template on Remote ERP5 setup """
set_path = "/%s/portal_templates/installBusinessTemplatesFromRepositories" % self.site_id set_path = "/%s/portal_templates/installBusinessTemplateListFromRepository" % self.site_id
self.POST(set_path, {"template_list": name_list, self.POST(set_path, {"template_list": name_list,
"only_newer": 1, "only_newer": 1,
"update_catalog": int(update_catalog)}) "update_catalog": int(update_catalog),
"activate": 1,
"install_dependency": 1})
def _createActiveSystemPreference(self): def _createActiveSystemPreference(self, edit_kw={}):
""" Assert that at least one enabled System Preference is present on """ Assert that at least one enabled System Preference is present on
the erp5 instance. the erp5 instance.
""" """
self.log("INFO", "Try to create New System Preference into ERP5!") self.log("INFO", "Try to create New System Preference into ERP5!")
path = "/%s/portal_preferences/createActiveSystemPreference" % self.site_id path = "/%s/portal_preferences/createActiveSystemPreference" % self.site_id
status, data = self.POST(path, {}) status, data = self.POST(path, edit_kw)
if status != 200: if status != 200:
self.log("ERROR", "Unable to create System Preference, an error ocurred %s." % data) self.log("ERROR", "Unable to create System Preference, an error ocurred %s." % data)
...@@ -217,18 +216,62 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -217,18 +216,62 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
if None in [host_key, port_key]: if None in [host_key, port_key]:
self.log("ERROR", "Unable to find the Active System Preference to Update!") self.log("ERROR", "Unable to find the Active System Preference to Update!")
self._createActiveSystemPreference() self._createActiveSystemPreference(
{"preferred_ooodoc_server_address" : self.conversion_server_address,
"preferred_ooodoc_server_port_number": self.conversion_server_port })
return True return True
is_updated = self._assertAndUpdateDocument(host_key, self.conversion_server_address, is_updated = self._assertAndUpdateDocument(host_key, self.conversion_server_address,
"setPreferredOoodocServerAddress") "setPreferredOoodocServerAddress")
is_updated = is_updated or self._assertAndUpdateDocument(port_key, is_updated = self._assertAndUpdateDocument(port_key,
self.conversion_server_port, self.conversion_server_port,
"setPreferredOoodocServerPortNumber") "setPreferredOoodocServerPortNumber") or is_updated
return is_updated return is_updated
def updateCertificateAuthority(self):
""" Update the certificate authority only if is not configured yet """
if self.isCertificateAuthorityAvailable():
if self.isCertificateAuthorityConfigured():
return True
path = "/%s/portal_certificate_authority/" \
"manage_editCertificateAuthorityTool" % self.site_id
self.POST(path, {"certificate_authority_path": self.certificate_authority_path,
"openssl_binary": self.openssl_binary})
def isCertificateAuthorityAvailable(self):
""" Check if certificate Authority is available. """
external_connection_dict = self.system_signature_dict[
if 'portal_certificate_authority/certificate_authority_path' in \
return True
return False
def isCertificateAuthorityConfigured(self):
""" Check if certificate Authority is configured correctly. """
external_connection_dict = self.system_signature_dict[
if self.certificate_authority_path == external_connection_dict.get(
'portal_certificate_authority/certificate_authority_path') and \
self.openssl_binary == external_connection_dict.get(
return True
return False
def isCertificateAuthorityConfigured(self):
""" Check if certificate Authority is configured correctly. """
external_connection_dict = self.system_signature_dict[
if self.certificate_authority_path == external_connection_dict.get(
'portal_certificate_authority/certificate_authority_path') and \
self.openssl_binary == external_connection_dict.get(
return True
return False
def updateMemcached(self): def updateMemcached(self):
# Assert Memcached configuration # Assert Memcached configuration
self._assertAndUpdateDocument( self._assertAndUpdateDocument(
...@@ -239,7 +282,7 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -239,7 +282,7 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
# Assert Persistent cache configuration (Kumofs) # Assert Persistent cache configuration (Kumofs)
self._assertAndUpdateDocument( self._assertAndUpdateDocument(
"portal_memcached/persistent_memcached_plugin/getUrlString", "portal_memcached/persistent_memcached_plugin/getUrlString",
self.persintent_cached_address, self.persistent_cached_address,
"setUrlString") "setUrlString")
def _assertAndUpdateDocument(self, key, expected_value, update_method): def _assertAndUpdateDocument(self, key, expected_value, update_method):
...@@ -258,24 +301,9 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -258,24 +301,9 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
return True return True
return False return False
def updateMysql(self):
""" This API is not implemented yet, because it is not needed to
update Mysql Connection on ERP5 Sites.
def updatePortalActivities(self):
""" This API is not implemented yet, because it is not needed for
a single instance configuration. This method should define which
instances will handle activities, which one will distribute
def updateERP5Site(self): def updateERP5Site(self):
if not self.isERP5Present(): if not self.isERP5Present():
url = '/manage_addProduct/ERP5/manage_addERP5Site' self.POST('/manage_addProduct/ERP5/manage_addERP5Site', {
self.POST(url, {
"id": self.site_id, "id": self.site_id,
"erp5_catalog_storage": self.erp5_catalog_storage, "erp5_catalog_storage": self.erp5_catalog_storage,
"erp5_sql_connection_string": self.mysql_url, "erp5_sql_connection_string": self.mysql_url,
...@@ -286,54 +314,30 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -286,54 +314,30 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
def _hasActivityPresent(self): def _hasActivityPresent(self):
activity_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("activity_dict") activity_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("activity_dict")
if activity_dict["total"] > 0: if activity_dict["total"] > 0:
self.log("DEBUG", "Waiting for activities on ERP5...")
return True return True
return False
def _hasFailureActivity(self): def _hasFailureActivity(self):
activity_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("activity_dict") activity_dict = self.getSystemSignatureDict("activity_dict")
if activity_dict["failure"] > 0: if activity_dict["failure"] > 0:
self.log("ERROR", "Update progress found Failure activities" +\
"and it will not be able to progress until" +\
" activites issue be solved")
return True return True
return False
def _updatePreRequiredBusinessTemplateList(self):
""" Update only the first part of bt5."""
# This list contains the minimal set of bt5 required to install
# portal_introspections. Move portal_introspection to erp5_core
# can remove this set.
pre_required_business_template_list = [i for i in self.business_template_list\
if i.startswith("erp5_full_text") or i == "erp5_base"]
if len(self.business_template_repository_list) > 0 and \
pre_required_business_template_list.insert(0, "erp5_core_proxy_field_legacy")
for bt in pre_required_business_template_list:
update_catalog = bt.endswith("_catalog")
self._installBusinessTemplateList([bt], update_catalog)
self.log("ERROR", "Unable to install erp5_base, it is not on your " +\
"requested business templates list. Once it is installed " +\
"setup will continue")
def run(self): def run(self):
""" Keep running until kill""" """ Keep running until kill"""
while 1: while 1:
time.sleep(30) time.sleep(self.short_sleeping_time)
if not self.updateERP5Site(): if not self.updateERP5Site():
self.loadSystemSignatureDict() self.loadSystemSignatureDict()
if self.getSystemSignatureDict() is None: if self._hasFailureActivity():
self.log("INFO", "The erp5_base is not installed yet, trying to " +\ time.sleep(self.sleeping_time)
"install it before continue.")
continue continue
if self._hasActivityPresent(): if self._hasActivityPresent():
self.log("DEBUG", "Waiting for activities on ERP5...")
if self._hasFailureActivity():
self.log("ERROR", "Update progress found " +\
"Failure activities and it will not progress until " +\
" activites issue be solved")
continue continue
if self.updateBusinessTemplateList(): if self.updateBusinessTemplateList():
...@@ -341,11 +345,8 @@ class ERP5Updater(object): ...@@ -341,11 +345,8 @@ class ERP5Updater(object):
self.updateMemcached() self.updateMemcached()
if self.updateConversionServer(): if self.updateConversionServer():
# If update Conversion Server adds a bit more delay to continue
# To wait for activiies.
continue continue
time.sleep(self.sleeping_time) time.sleep(self.sleeping_time)
def updateERP5(argument_list): def updateERP5(argument_list):
...@@ -356,6 +357,8 @@ def updateERP5(argument_list): ...@@ -356,6 +357,8 @@ def updateERP5(argument_list):
conversion_server_address = argument_list[4] conversion_server_address = argument_list[4]
persistent_cache_provider = argument_list[5] persistent_cache_provider = argument_list[5]
bt5_list = argument_list[6] bt5_list = argument_list[6]
certificate_authority_path = argument_list[8]
openssl_binary = argument_list[9]
bt5_repository_list = [] bt5_repository_list = []
if len(argument_list) > 7: if len(argument_list) > 7:
...@@ -374,6 +377,8 @@ def updateERP5(argument_list): ...@@ -374,6 +377,8 @@ def updateERP5(argument_list):
conversion_server_address=conversion_server_address, conversion_server_address=conversion_server_address,
persistent_cache_address=persistent_cache_provider, persistent_cache_address=persistent_cache_provider,
bt5_list=bt5_list, bt5_list=bt5_list,
bt5_repository_list=bt5_repository_list) bt5_repository_list=bt5_repository_list,
...@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ SSLCertificateKeyFile %(login_key)s ...@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ SSLCertificateKeyFile %(login_key)s
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLProxyEngine On
...@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ RequestHeader unset REMOTE_USER ...@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ RequestHeader unset REMOTE_USER
# Log configuration # Log configuration
ErrorLog "%(error_log)s" ErrorLog "%(error_log)s"
LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined # Default apache log format with request time in microsecond at the end
LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b" common LogFormat "%%h %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\" %%D" combined
CustomLog "%(access_log)s" common CustomLog "%(access_log)s" combined
# Directory protection # Directory protection
<Directory /> <Directory />
...@@ -9,10 +9,25 @@ defaults ...@@ -9,10 +9,25 @@ defaults
retries 1 retries 1
option redispatch option redispatch
maxconn 2000 maxconn 2000
timeout server 3000s # it is useless to have timeout much bigger than the one of apache.
timeout queue 5s # By default apache use 300s, so we set slightly more in order to
timeout connect 10s # make sure that apache will first stop the connection.
timeout client 3600s timeout server 305s
# Stop waiting in queue for a zope to become available.
# If no zope can be reached after one minute, consider the request will
# never succeed.
timeout queue 60s
# The connection should be immediate on LAN,
# so we should not set more than 5 seconds, and it could be already too much
timeout connect 5s
# As requested in haproxy doc, make this "at least equal to timeout server".
timeout client 305s
# Use "option httpclose" to not preserve client & server persistent connections
# while handling every incoming request individually, dispatching them one after
# another to servers, in HTTP close mode. This is really needed when haproxy
# is configured with maxconn to 1, without this options browser are unable
# to render a page
option httpclose
listen %(name)s %(ip)s:%(port)s listen %(name)s %(ip)s:%(port)s
cookie SERVERID insert cookie SERVERID insert
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(mysql_database)s.* TO %(mysql_user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY '%(mysql_password)s'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(mysql_database)s.* TO %(mysql_user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY '%(mysql_password)s';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(mysql_database)s.* TO %(mysql_user)s@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '%(mysql_password)s';
%(file_list)s { %(file_list)s {
daily daily
dateext dateext
rotate 30 rotate 3650
compress compress
notifempty notifempty
sharedscripts sharedscripts
## index definition
# realtime index
# you can run INSERT, REPLACE, and DELETE on this index on the fly
# using MySQL protocol (see 'listen' directive below)
index erp5
# 'rt' index type must be specified to use RT index
type = rt
# index files path and file name, without extension
# mandatory, path must be writable, extensions will be auto-appended
path = %(data_directory)s/erp5
# RAM chunk size limit
# RT index will keep at most this much data in RAM, then flush to disk
# optional, default is 32M
# rt_mem_limit = 512M
# full-text field declaration
# multi-value, mandatory
rt_field = SearchableText
# unsigned integer attribute declaration
# multi-value (an arbitrary number of attributes is allowed), optional
# declares an unsigned 32-bit attribute
rt_attr_uint = uid
# RT indexes currently support the following attribute types:
# uint, bigint, float, timestamp, string
# rt_attr_bigint = guid
# rt_attr_float = gpa
# rt_attr_timestamp = ts_added
# rt_attr_string = author
# document attribute values (docinfo) storage mode
# optional, default is 'extern'
# known values are 'none', 'extern' and 'inline'
# docinfo = extern
# memory locking for cached data (.spa and .spi), to prevent swapping
# optional, default is 0 (do not mlock)
# requires searchd to be run from root
# mlock = 0
# a list of morphology preprocessors to apply
# optional, default is empty
# builtin preprocessors are 'none', 'stem_en', 'stem_ru', 'stem_enru',
# 'soundex', and 'metaphone'; additional preprocessors available from
# libstemmer are 'libstemmer_XXX', where XXX is algorithm code
# (see libstemmer_c/libstemmer/modules.txt)
# morphology = stem_en, stem_ru, soundex
# morphology = libstemmer_german
# morphology = libstemmer_sv
morphology = stem_en
# minimum word length at which to enable stemming
# optional, default is 1 (stem everything)
# min_stemming_len = 1
# stopword files list (space separated)
# optional, default is empty
# contents are plain text, charset_table and stemming are both applied
# stopwords = %(data_directory)s/erp5/stopwords.txt
# wordforms file, in "mapfrom > mapto" plain text format
# optional, default is empty
# wordforms = %(data_directory)s/erp5/wordforms.txt
# tokenizing exceptions file
# optional, default is empty
# plain text, case sensitive, space insensitive in map-from part
# one "Map Several Words => ToASingleOne" entry per line
# exceptions = %(data_directory)s/erp5/exceptions.txt
# minimum indexed word length
# default is 1 (index everything)
min_word_len = 1
# charset encoding type
# optional, default is 'sbcs'
# known types are 'sbcs' (Single Byte CharSet) and 'utf-8'
charset_type = utf-8
# charset definition and case folding rules "table"
# optional, default value depends on charset_type
# defaults are configured to include English and Russian characters only
# you need to change the table to include additional ones
# this behavior MAY change in future versions
# 'sbcs' default value is
# charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+A8->U+B8, U+B8, U+C0..U+DF->U+E0..U+FF, U+E0..U+FF
# 'utf-8' default value is
# charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F
charset_table = \
U+00C0->a, U+00C1->a, U+00C2->a, U+00C3->a, U+00C4->a, U+00C5->a, U+00E0->a, U+00E1->a, U+00E2->a, U+00E3->a, U+00E4->a, U+00E5->a, U+0100->a, U+0101->a, U+0102->a, U+0103->a, U+010300->a, U+0104->a, U+0105->a, U+01CD->a, U+01CE->a, U+01DE->a, U+01DF->a, \
U+01E0->a, U+01E1->a, U+01FA->a, U+01FB->a, U+0200->a, U+0201->a, U+0202->a, U+0203->a, U+0226->a, U+0227->a, U+023A->a, U+0250->a, U+04D0->a, U+04D1->a, U+1D2C->a, U+1D43->a, U+1D44->a, U+1D8F->a, U+1E00->a, U+1E01->a, U+1E9A->a, U+1EA0->a, U+1EA1->a, \
U+1EA2->a, U+1EA3->a, U+1EA4->a, U+1EA5->a, U+1EA6->a, U+1EA7->a, U+1EA8->a, U+1EA9->a, U+1EAA->a, U+1EAB->a, U+1EAC->a, U+1EAD->a, U+1EAE->a, U+1EAF->a, U+1EB0->a, U+1EB1->a, U+1EB2->a, U+1EB3->a, U+1EB4->a, U+1EB5->a, U+1EB6->a, U+1EB7->a, U+2090->a, \
U+2C65->a, U+0180->b, U+0181->b, U+0182->b, U+0183->b, U+0243->b, U+0253->b, U+0299->b, U+16D2->b, U+1D03->b, U+1D2E->b, U+1D2F->b, U+1D47->b, U+1D6C->b, U+1D80->b, U+1E02->b, U+1E03->b, U+1E04->b, U+1E05->b, U+1E06->b, U+1E07->b, U+00C7->c, U+00E7->c, \
U+0106->c, U+0107->c, U+0108->c, U+0109->c, U+010A->c, U+010B->c, U+010C->c, U+010D->c, U+0187->c, U+0188->c, U+023B->c, U+023C->c, U+0255->c, U+0297->c, U+1D9C->c, U+1D9D->c, U+1E08->c, U+1E09->c, U+212D->c, U+2184->c, U+010E->d, U+010F->d, U+0110->d, \
U+0111->d, U+0189->d, U+018A->d, U+018B->d, U+018C->d, U+01C5->d, U+01F2->d, U+0221->d, U+0256->d, U+0257->d, U+1D05->d, U+1D30->d, U+1D48->d, U+1D6D->d, U+1D81->d, U+1D91->d, U+1E0A->d, U+1E0B->d, U+1E0C->d, U+1E0D->d, U+1E0E->d, U+1E0F->d, U+1E10->d, \
U+1E11->d, U+1E12->d, U+1E13->d, U+00C8->e, U+00C9->e, U+00CA->e, U+00CB->e, U+00E8->e, U+00E9->e, U+00EA->e, U+00EB->e, U+0112->e, U+0113->e, U+0114->e, U+0115->e, U+0116->e, U+0117->e, U+0118->e, U+0119->e, U+011A->e, U+011B->e, U+018E->e, U+0190->e, \
U+01DD->e, U+0204->e, U+0205->e, U+0206->e, U+0207->e, U+0228->e, U+0229->e, U+0246->e, U+0247->e, U+0258->e, U+025B->e, U+025C->e, U+025D->e, U+025E->e, U+029A->e, U+1D07->e, U+1D08->e, U+1D31->e, U+1D32->e, U+1D49->e, U+1D4B->e, U+1D4C->e, U+1D92->e, \
U+1D93->e, U+1D94->e, U+1D9F->e, U+1E14->e, U+1E15->e, U+1E16->e, U+1E17->e, U+1E18->e, U+1E19->e, U+1E1A->e, U+1E1B->e, U+1E1C->e, U+1E1D->e, U+1EB8->e, U+1EB9->e, U+1EBA->e, U+1EBB->e, U+1EBC->e, U+1EBD->e, U+1EBE->e, U+1EBF->e, U+1EC0->e, U+1EC1->e, \
U+1EC2->e, U+1EC3->e, U+1EC4->e, U+1EC5->e, U+1EC6->e, U+1EC7->e, U+2091->e, U+0191->f, U+0192->f, U+1D6E->f, U+1D82->f, U+1DA0->f, U+1E1E->f, U+1E1F->f, U+011C->g, U+011D->g, U+011E->g, U+011F->g, U+0120->g, U+0121->g, U+0122->g, U+0123->g, U+0193->g, \
U+01E4->g, U+01E5->g, U+01E6->g, U+01E7->g, U+01F4->g, U+01F5->g, U+0260->g, U+0261->g, U+0262->g, U+029B->g, U+1D33->g, U+1D4D->g, U+1D77->g, U+1D79->g, U+1D83->g, U+1DA2->g, U+1E20->g, U+1E21->g, U+0124->h, U+0125->h, U+0126->h, U+0127->h, U+021E->h, \
U+021F->h, U+0265->h, U+0266->h, U+029C->h, U+02AE->h, U+02AF->h, U+02B0->h, U+02B1->h, U+1D34->h, U+1DA3->h, U+1E22->h, U+1E23->h, U+1E24->h, U+1E25->h, U+1E26->h, U+1E27->h, U+1E28->h, U+1E29->h, U+1E2A->h, U+1E2B->h, U+1E96->h, U+210C->h, U+2C67->h, \
U+2C68->h, U+2C75->h, U+2C76->h, U+00CC->i, U+00CD->i, U+00CE->i, U+00CF->i, U+00EC->i, U+00ED->i, U+00EE->i, U+00EF->i, U+010309->i, U+0128->i, U+0129->i, U+012A->i, U+012B->i, U+012C->i, U+012D->i, U+012E->i, U+012F->i, U+0130->i, U+0131->i, U+0197->i, \
U+01CF->i, U+01D0->i, U+0208->i, U+0209->i, U+020A->i, U+020B->i, U+0268->i, U+026A->i, U+040D->i, U+0418->i, U+0419->i, U+0438->i, U+0439->i, U+0456->i, U+1D09->i, U+1D35->i, U+1D4E->i, U+1D62->i, U+1D7B->i, U+1D96->i, U+1DA4->i, U+1DA6->i, U+1DA7->i, \
U+1E2C->i, U+1E2D->i, U+1E2E->i, U+1E2F->i, U+1EC8->i, U+1EC9->i, U+1ECA->i, U+1ECB->i, U+2071->i, U+2111->i, U+0134->j, U+0135->j, U+01C8->j, U+01CB->j, U+01F0->j, U+0237->j, U+0248->j, U+0249->j, U+025F->j, U+0284->j, U+029D->j, U+02B2->j, U+1D0A->j, \
U+1D36->j, U+1DA1->j, U+1DA8->j, U+0136->k, U+0137->k, U+0198->k, U+0199->k, U+01E8->k, U+01E9->k, U+029E->k, U+1D0B->k, U+1D37->k, U+1D4F->k, U+1D84->k, U+1E30->k, U+1E31->k, U+1E32->k, U+1E33->k, U+1E34->k, U+1E35->k, U+2C69->k, U+2C6A->k, U+0139->l, \
U+013A->l, U+013B->l, U+013C->l, U+013D->l, U+013E->l, U+013F->l, U+0140->l, U+0141->l, U+0142->l, U+019A->l, U+01C8->l, U+0234->l, U+023D->l, U+026B->l, U+026C->l, U+026D->l, U+029F->l, U+02E1->l, U+1D0C->l, U+1D38->l, U+1D85->l, U+1DA9->l, U+1DAA->l, \
U+1DAB->l, U+1E36->l, U+1E37->l, U+1E38->l, U+1E39->l, U+1E3A->l, U+1E3B->l, U+1E3C->l, U+1E3D->l, U+2C60->l, U+2C61->l, U+2C62->l, U+019C->m, U+026F->m, U+0270->m, U+0271->m, U+1D0D->m, U+1D1F->m, U+1D39->m, U+1D50->m, U+1D5A->m, U+1D6F->m, U+1D86->m, \
U+1DAC->m, U+1DAD->m, U+1E3E->m, U+1E3F->m, U+1E40->m, U+1E41->m, U+1E42->m, U+1E43->m, U+00D1->n, U+00F1->n, U+0143->n, U+0144->n, U+0145->n, U+0146->n, U+0147->n, U+0148->n, U+0149->n, U+019D->n, U+019E->n, U+01CB->n, U+01F8->n, U+01F9->n, U+0220->n, \
U+0235->n, U+0272->n, U+0273->n, U+0274->n, U+1D0E->n, U+1D3A->n, U+1D3B->n, U+1D70->n, U+1D87->n, U+1DAE->n, U+1DAF->n, U+1DB0->n, U+1E44->n, U+1E45->n, U+1E46->n, U+1E47->n, U+1E48->n, U+1E49->n, U+1E4A->n, U+1E4B->n, U+207F->n, U+00D2->o, U+00D3->o, \
U+00D4->o, U+00D5->o, U+00D6->o, U+00D8->o, U+00F2->o, U+00F3->o, U+00F4->o, U+00F5->o, U+00F6->o, U+00F8->o, U+01030F->o, U+014C->o, U+014D->o, U+014E->o, U+014F->o, U+0150->o, U+0151->o, U+0186->o, U+019F->o, U+01A0->o, U+01A1->o, U+01D1->o, U+01D2->o, \
U+01EA->o, U+01EB->o, U+01EC->o, U+01ED->o, U+01FE->o, U+01FF->o, U+020C->o, U+020D->o, U+020E->o, U+020F->o, U+022A->o, U+022B->o, U+022C->o, U+022D->o, U+022E->o, U+022F->o, U+0230->o, U+0231->o, U+0254->o, U+0275->o, U+043E->o, U+04E6->o, U+04E7->o, \
U+04E8->o, U+04E9->o, U+04EA->o, U+04EB->o, U+1D0F->o, U+1D10->o, U+1D11->o, U+1D12->o, U+1D13->o, U+1D16->o, U+1D17->o, U+1D3C->o, U+1D52->o, U+1D53->o, U+1D54->o, U+1D55->o, U+1D97->o, U+1DB1->o, U+1E4C->o, U+1E4D->o, U+1E4E->o, U+1E4F->o, U+1E50->o, \
U+1E51->o, U+1E52->o, U+1E53->o, U+1ECC->o, U+1ECD->o, U+1ECE->o, U+1ECF->o, U+1ED0->o, U+1ED1->o, U+1ED2->o, U+1ED3->o, U+1ED4->o, U+1ED5->o, U+1ED6->o, U+1ED7->o, U+1ED8->o, U+1ED9->o, U+1EDA->o, U+1EDB->o, U+1EDC->o, U+1EDD->o, U+1EDE->o, U+1EDF->o, \
U+1EE0->o, U+1EE1->o, U+1EE2->o, U+1EE3->o, U+2092->o, U+2C9E->o, U+2C9F->o, U+01A4->p, U+01A5->p, U+1D18->p, U+1D3E->p, U+1D56->p, U+1D71->p, U+1D7D->p, U+1D88->p, U+1E54->p, U+1E55->p, U+1E56->p, U+1E57->p, U+2C63->p, U+024A->q, U+024B->q, U+02A0->q, \
U+0154->r, U+0155->r, U+0156->r, U+0157->r, U+0158->r, U+0159->r, U+0210->r, U+0211->r, U+0212->r, U+0213->r, U+024C->r, U+024D->r, U+0279->r, U+027A->r, U+027B->r, U+027C->r, U+027D->r, U+027E->r, U+027F->r, U+0280->r, U+0281->r, U+02B3->r, U+02B4->r, \
U+02B5->r, U+02B6->r, U+1D19->r, U+1D1A->r, U+1D3F->r, U+1D63->r, U+1D72->r, U+1D73->r, U+1D89->r, U+1DCA->r, U+1E58->r, U+1E59->r, U+1E5A->r, U+1E5B->r, U+1E5C->r, U+1E5D->r, U+1E5E->r, U+1E5F->r, U+211C->r, U+2C64->r, U+00DF->s, U+015A->s, U+015B->s, \
U+015C->s, U+015D->s, U+015E->s, U+015F->s, U+0160->s, U+0161->s, U+017F->s, U+0218->s, U+0219->s, U+023F->s, U+0282->s, U+02E2->s, U+1D74->s, U+1D8A->s, U+1DB3->s, U+1E60->s, U+1E61->s, U+1E62->s, U+1E63->s, U+1E64->s, U+1E65->s, U+1E66->s, U+1E67->s, \
U+1E68->s, U+1E69->s, U+1E9B->s, U+0162->t, U+0163->t, U+0164->t, U+0165->t, U+0166->t, U+0167->t, U+01AB->t, U+01AC->t, U+01AD->t, U+01AE->t, U+021A->t, U+021B->t, U+0236->t, U+023E->t, U+0287->t, U+0288->t, U+1D1B->t, U+1D40->t, U+1D57->t, U+1D75->t, \
U+1DB5->t, U+1E6A->t, U+1E6B->t, U+1E6C->t, U+1E6D->t, U+1E6E->t, U+1E6F->t, U+1E70->t, U+1E71->t, U+1E97->t, U+2C66->t, U+00D9->u, U+00DA->u, U+00DB->u, U+00DC->u, U+00F9->u, U+00FA->u, U+00FB->u, U+00FC->u, U+010316->u, U+0168->u, U+0169->u, U+016A->u, \
U+016B->u, U+016C->u, U+016D->u, U+016E->u, U+016F->u, U+0170->u, U+0171->u, U+0172->u, U+0173->u, U+01AF->u, U+01B0->u, U+01D3->u, U+01D4->u, U+01D5->u, U+01D6->u, U+01D7->u, U+01D8->u, U+01D9->u, U+01DA->u, U+01DB->u, U+01DC->u, U+0214->u, U+0215->u, \
U+0216->u, U+0217->u, U+0244->u, U+0289->u, U+1D1C->u, U+1D1D->u, U+1D1E->u, U+1D41->u, U+1D58->u, U+1D59->u, U+1D64->u, U+1D7E->u, U+1D99->u, U+1DB6->u, U+1DB8->u, U+1E72->u, U+1E73->u, U+1E74->u, U+1E75->u, U+1E76->u, U+1E77->u, U+1E78->u, U+1E79->u, \
U+1E7A->u, U+1E7B->u, U+1EE4->u, U+1EE5->u, U+1EE6->u, U+1EE7->u, U+1EE8->u, U+1EE9->u, U+1EEA->u, U+1EEB->u, U+1EEC->u, U+1EED->u, U+1EEE->u, U+1EEF->u, U+1EF0->u, U+1EF1->u, U+01B2->v, U+0245->v, U+028B->v, U+028C->v, U+1D20->v, U+1D5B->v, U+1D65->v, \
U+1D8C->v, U+1DB9->v, U+1DBA->v, U+1E7C->v, U+1E7D->v, U+1E7E->v, U+1E7F->v, U+2C74->v, U+0174->w, U+0175->w, U+028D->w, U+02B7->w, U+1D21->w, U+1D42->w, U+1E80->w, U+1E81->w, U+1E82->w, U+1E83->w, U+1E84->w, U+1E85->w, U+1E86->w, U+1E87->w, U+1E88->w, \
U+1E89->w, U+1E98->w, U+02E3->x, U+1D8D->x, U+1E8A->x, U+1E8B->x, U+1E8C->x, U+1E8D->x, U+2093->x, U+00DD->y, U+00FD->y, U+00FF->y, U+0176->y, U+0177->y, U+0178->y, U+01B3->y, U+01B4->y, U+0232->y, U+0233->y, U+024E->y, U+024F->y, U+028E->y, U+028F->y, \
U+02B8->y, U+1E8E->y, U+1E8F->y, U+1E99->y, U+1EF2->y, U+1EF3->y, U+1EF4->y, U+1EF5->y, U+1EF6->y, U+1EF7->y, U+1EF8->y, U+1EF9->y, U+0179->z, U+017A->z, U+017B->z, U+017C->z, U+017D->z, U+017E->z, U+01B5->z, U+01B6->z, U+0224->z, U+0225->z, U+0240->z, \
U+0290->z, U+0291->z, U+1D22->z, U+1D76->z, U+1D8E->z, U+1DBB->z, U+1DBC->z, U+1DBD->z, U+1E90->z, U+1E91->z, U+1E92->z, U+1E93->z, U+1E94->z, U+1E95->z, U+2128->z, U+2C6B->z, U+2C6C->z, U+00C6->U+00E6, U+01E2->U+00E6, U+01E3->U+00E6, U+01FC->U+00E6, \
U+01FD->U+00E6, U+1D01->U+00E6, U+1D02->U+00E6, U+1D2D->U+00E6, U+1D46->U+00E6, U+00E6, U+0622->U+0627, U+0623->U+0627, U+0624->U+0648, U+0625->U+0627, U+0626->U+064A, U+06C0->U+06D5, U+06C2->U+06C1, U+06D3->U+06D2, U+FB50->U+0671, U+FB51->U+0671, U+FB52->U+067B, \
U+FB53->U+067B, U+FB54->U+067B, U+FB56->U+067E, U+FB57->U+067E, U+FB58->U+067E, U+FB5A->U+0680, U+FB5B->U+0680, U+FB5C->U+0680, U+FB5E->U+067A, U+FB5F->U+067A, U+FB60->U+067A, U+FB62->U+067F, U+FB63->U+067F, U+FB64->U+067F, U+FB66->U+0679, U+FB67->U+0679, \
U+FB68->U+0679, U+FB6A->U+06A4, U+FB6B->U+06A4, U+FB6C->U+06A4, U+FB6E->U+06A6, U+FB6F->U+06A6, U+FB70->U+06A6, U+FB72->U+0684, U+FB73->U+0684, U+FB74->U+0684, U+FB76->U+0683, U+FB77->U+0683, U+FB78->U+0683, U+FB7A->U+0686, U+FB7B->U+0686, U+FB7C->U+0686, \
U+FB7E->U+0687, U+FB7F->U+0687, U+FB80->U+0687, U+FB82->U+068D, U+FB83->U+068D, U+FB84->U+068C, U+FB85->U+068C, U+FB86->U+068E, U+FB87->U+068E, U+FB88->U+0688, U+FB89->U+0688, U+FB8A->U+0698, U+FB8B->U+0698, U+FB8C->U+0691, U+FB8D->U+0691, U+FB8E->U+06A9, \
U+FB8F->U+06A9, U+FB90->U+06A9, U+FB92->U+06AF, U+FB93->U+06AF, U+FB94->U+06AF, U+FB96->U+06B3, U+FB97->U+06B3, U+FB98->U+06B3, U+FB9A->U+06B1, U+FB9B->U+06B1, U+FB9C->U+06B1, U+FB9E->U+06BA, U+FB9F->U+06BA, U+FBA0->U+06BB, U+FBA1->U+06BB, U+FBA2->U+06BB, \
U+FBA4->U+06C0, U+FBA5->U+06C0, U+FBA6->U+06C1, U+FBA7->U+06C1, U+FBA8->U+06C1, U+FBAA->U+06BE, U+FBAB->U+06BE, U+FBAC->U+06BE, U+FBAE->U+06D2, U+FBAF->U+06D2, U+FBB0->U+06D3, U+FBB1->U+06D3, U+FBD3->U+06AD, U+FBD4->U+06AD, U+FBD5->U+06AD, U+FBD7->U+06C7, \
U+FBD8->U+06C7, U+FBD9->U+06C6, U+FBDA->U+06C6, U+FBDB->U+06C8, U+FBDC->U+06C8, U+FBDD->U+0677, U+FBDE->U+06CB, U+FBDF->U+06CB, U+FBE0->U+06C5, U+FBE1->U+06C5, U+FBE2->U+06C9, U+FBE3->U+06C9, U+FBE4->U+06D0, U+FBE5->U+06D0, U+FBE6->U+06D0, U+FBE8->U+0649, \
U+FBFC->U+06CC, U+FBFD->U+06CC, U+FBFE->U+06CC, U+0621, U+0627..U+063A, U+0641..U+064A, U+0660..U+0669, U+066E, U+066F, U+0671..U+06BF, U+06C1, U+06C3..U+06D2, U+06D5, U+06EE..U+06FC, U+06FF, U+0750..U+076D, U+FB55, U+FB59, U+FB5D, U+FB61, U+FB65, U+FB69, \
U+FB6D, U+FB71, U+FB75, U+FB79, U+FB7D, U+FB81, U+FB91, U+FB95, U+FB99, U+FB9D, U+FBA3, U+FBA9, U+FBAD, U+FBD6, U+FBE7, U+FBE9, U+FBFF, U+0531..U+0556->U+0561..U+0586, U+0561..U+0586, U+0587, U+09DC->U+09A1, U+09DD->U+09A2, U+09DF->U+09AF, U+09F0->U+09AC, \
U+09F1->U+09AC, U+0985..U+0990, U+0993..U+09B0, U+09B2, U+09B6..U+09B9, U+09CE, U+09E0, U+09E1, U+09E6..U+09EF, U+F900->U+8C48, U+F901->U+66F4, U+F902->U+8ECA, U+F903->U+8CC8, U+F904->U+6ED1, U+F905->U+4E32, U+F906->U+53E5, U+F907->U+9F9C, U+F908->U+9F9C, \
U+F909->U+5951, U+F90A->U+91D1, U+F90B->U+5587, U+F90C->U+5948, U+F90D->U+61F6, U+F90E->U+7669, U+F90F->U+7F85, U+F910->U+863F, U+F911->U+87BA, U+F912->U+88F8, U+F913->U+908F, U+F914->U+6A02, U+F915->U+6D1B, U+F916->U+70D9, U+F917->U+73DE, U+F918->U+843D, \
U+F919->U+916A, U+F91A->U+99F1, U+F91B->U+4E82, U+F91C->U+5375, U+F91D->U+6B04, U+F91E->U+721B, U+F91F->U+862D, U+F920->U+9E1E, U+F921->U+5D50, U+F922->U+6FEB, U+F923->U+85CD, U+F924->U+8964, U+F925->U+62C9, U+F926->U+81D8, U+F927->U+881F, U+F928->U+5ECA, \
U+F929->U+6717, U+F92A->U+6D6A, U+F92B->U+72FC, U+F92C->U+90CE, U+F92D->U+4F86, U+F92E->U+51B7, U+F92F->U+52DE, U+F930->U+64C4, U+F931->U+6AD3, U+F932->U+7210, U+F933->U+76E7, U+F934->U+8001, U+F935->U+8606, U+F936->U+865C, U+F937->U+8DEF, U+F938->U+9732, \
U+F939->U+9B6F, U+F93A->U+9DFA, U+F93B->U+788C, U+F93C->U+797F, U+F93D->U+7DA0, U+F93E->U+83C9, U+F93F->U+9304, U+F940->U+9E7F, U+F941->U+8AD6, U+F942->U+58DF, U+F943->U+5F04, U+F944->U+7C60, U+F945->U+807E, U+F946->U+7262, U+F947->U+78CA, U+F948->U+8CC2, \
U+F949->U+96F7, U+F94A->U+58D8, U+F94B->U+5C62, U+F94C->U+6A13, U+F94D->U+6DDA, U+F94E->U+6F0F, U+F94F->U+7D2F, U+F950->U+7E37, U+F951->U+964B, U+F952->U+52D2, U+F953->U+808B, U+F954->U+51DC, U+F955->U+51CC, U+F956->U+7A1C, U+F957->U+7DBE, U+F958->U+83F1, \
U+F959->U+9675, U+F95A->U+8B80, U+F95B->U+62CF, U+F95C->U+6A02, U+F95D->U+8AFE, U+F95E->U+4E39, U+F95F->U+5BE7, U+F960->U+6012, U+F961->U+7387, U+F962->U+7570, U+F963->U+5317, U+F964->U+78FB, U+F965->U+4FBF, U+F966->U+5FA9, U+F967->U+4E0D, U+F968->U+6CCC, \
U+F969->U+6578, U+F96A->U+7D22, U+F96B->U+53C3, U+F96C->U+585E, U+F96D->U+7701, U+F96E->U+8449, U+F96F->U+8AAA, U+F970->U+6BBA, U+F971->U+8FB0, U+F972->U+6C88, U+F973->U+62FE, U+F974->U+82E5, U+F975->U+63A0, U+F976->U+7565, U+F977->U+4EAE, U+F978->U+5169, \
U+F979->U+51C9, U+F97A->U+6881, U+F97B->U+7CE7, U+F97C->U+826F, U+F97D->U+8AD2, U+F97E->U+91CF, U+F97F->U+52F5, U+F980->U+5442, U+F981->U+5973, U+F982->U+5EEC, U+F983->U+65C5, U+F984->U+6FFE, U+F985->U+792A, U+F986->U+95AD, U+F987->U+9A6A, U+F988->U+9E97, \
U+F989->U+9ECE, U+F98A->U+529B, U+F98B->U+66C6, U+F98C->U+6B77, U+F98D->U+8F62, U+F98E->U+5E74, U+F98F->U+6190, U+F990->U+6200, U+F991->U+649A, U+F992->U+6F23, U+F993->U+7149, U+F994->U+7489, U+F995->U+79CA, U+F996->U+7DF4, U+F997->U+806F, U+F998->U+8F26, \
U+F999->U+84EE, U+F99A->U+9023, U+F99B->U+934A, U+F99C->U+5217, U+F99D->U+52A3, U+F99E->U+54BD, U+F99F->U+70C8, U+F9A0->U+88C2, U+F9A1->U+8AAA, U+F9A2->U+5EC9, U+F9A3->U+5FF5, U+F9A4->U+637B, U+F9A5->U+6BAE, U+F9A6->U+7C3E, U+F9A7->U+7375, U+F9A8->U+4EE4, \
U+F9A9->U+56F9, U+F9AA->U+5BE7, U+F9AB->U+5DBA, U+F9AC->U+601C, U+F9AD->U+73B2, U+F9AE->U+7469, U+F9AF->U+7F9A, U+F9B0->U+8046, U+F9B1->U+9234, U+F9B2->U+96F6, U+F9B3->U+9748, U+F9B4->U+9818, U+F9B5->U+4F8B, U+F9B6->U+79AE, U+F9B7->U+91B4, U+F9B8->U+96B8, \
U+F9B9->U+60E1, U+F9BA->U+4E86, U+F9BB->U+50DA, U+F9BC->U+5BEE, U+F9BD->U+5C3F, U+F9BE->U+6599, U+F9BF->U+6A02, U+F9C0->U+71CE, U+F9C1->U+7642, U+F9C2->U+84FC, U+F9C3->U+907C, U+F9C4->U+9F8D, U+F9C5->U+6688, U+F9C6->U+962E, U+F9C7->U+5289, U+F9C8->U+677B, \
U+F9C9->U+67F3, U+F9CA->U+6D41, U+F9CB->U+6E9C, U+F9CC->U+7409, U+F9CD->U+7559, U+F9CE->U+786B, U+F9CF->U+7D10, U+F9D0->U+985E, U+F9D1->U+516D, U+F9D2->U+622E, U+F9D3->U+9678, U+F9D4->U+502B, U+F9D5->U+5D19, U+F9D6->U+6DEA, U+F9D7->U+8F2A, U+F9D8->U+5F8B, \
U+F9D9->U+6144, U+F9DA->U+6817, U+F9DB->U+7387, U+F9DC->U+9686, U+F9DD->U+5229, U+F9DE->U+540F, U+F9DF->U+5C65, U+F9E0->U+6613, U+F9E1->U+674E, U+F9E2->U+68A8, U+F9E3->U+6CE5, U+F9E4->U+7406, U+F9E5->U+75E2, U+F9E6->U+7F79, U+F9E7->U+88CF, U+F9E8->U+88E1, \
U+F9E9->U+91CC, U+F9EA->U+96E2, U+F9EB->U+533F, U+F9EC->U+6EBA, U+F9ED->U+541D, U+F9EE->U+71D0, U+F9EF->U+7498, U+F9F0->U+85FA, U+F9F1->U+96A3, U+F9F2->U+9C57, U+F9F3->U+9E9F, U+F9F4->U+6797, U+F9F5->U+6DCB, U+F9F6->U+81E8, U+F9F7->U+7ACB, U+F9F8->U+7B20, \
U+F9F9->U+7C92, U+F9FA->U+72C0, U+F9FB->U+7099, U+F9FC->U+8B58, U+F9FD->U+4EC0, U+F9FE->U+8336, U+F9FF->U+523A, U+FA00->U+5207, U+FA01->U+5EA6, U+FA02->U+62D3, U+FA03->U+7CD6, U+FA04->U+5B85, U+FA05->U+6D1E, U+FA06->U+66B4, U+FA07->U+8F3B, U+FA08->U+884C, \
U+FA09->U+964D, U+FA0A->U+898B, U+FA0B->U+5ED3, U+FA0C->U+5140, U+FA0D->U+55C0, U+FA10->U+585A, U+FA12->U+6674, U+FA15->U+51DE, U+FA16->U+732A, U+FA17->U+76CA, U+FA18->U+793C, U+FA19->U+795E, U+FA1A->U+7965, U+FA1B->U+798F, U+FA1C->U+9756, U+FA1D->U+7CBE, \
U+FA1E->U+7FBD, U+FA20->U+8612, U+FA22->U+8AF8, U+FA25->U+9038, U+FA26->U+90FD, U+FA2A->U+98EF, U+FA2B->U+98FC, U+FA2C->U+9928, U+FA2D->U+9DB4, U+FA30->U+4FAE, U+FA31->U+50E7, U+FA32->U+514D, U+FA33->U+52C9, U+FA34->U+52E4, U+FA35->U+5351, U+FA36->U+559D, \
U+FA37->U+5606, U+FA38->U+5668, U+FA39->U+5840, U+FA3A->U+58A8, U+FA3B->U+5C64, U+FA3C->U+5C6E, U+FA3D->U+6094, U+FA3E->U+6168, U+FA3F->U+618E, U+FA40->U+61F2, U+FA41->U+654F, U+FA42->U+65E2, U+FA43->U+6691, U+FA44->U+6885, U+FA45->U+6D77, U+FA46->U+6E1A, \
U+FA47->U+6F22, U+FA48->U+716E, U+FA49->U+722B, U+FA4A->U+7422, U+FA4B->U+7891, U+FA4C->U+793E, U+FA4D->U+7949, U+FA4E->U+7948, U+FA4F->U+7950, U+FA50->U+7956, U+FA51->U+795D, U+FA52->U+798D, U+FA53->U+798E, U+FA54->U+7A40, U+FA55->U+7A81, U+FA56->U+7BC0, \
U+FA57->U+7DF4, U+FA58->U+7E09, U+FA59->U+7E41, U+FA5A->U+7F72, U+FA5B->U+8005, U+FA5C->U+81ED, U+FA5D->U+8279, U+FA5E->U+8279, U+FA5F->U+8457, U+FA60->U+8910, U+FA61->U+8996, U+FA62->U+8B01, U+FA63->U+8B39, U+FA64->U+8CD3, U+FA65->U+8D08, U+FA66->U+8FB6, \
U+FA67->U+9038, U+FA68->U+96E3, U+FA69->U+97FF, U+FA6A->U+983B, U+FA70->U+4E26, U+FA71->U+51B5, U+FA72->U+5168, U+FA73->U+4F80, U+FA74->U+5145, U+FA75->U+5180, U+FA76->U+52C7, U+FA77->U+52FA, U+FA78->U+559D, U+FA79->U+5555, U+FA7A->U+5599, U+FA7B->U+55E2, \
U+FA7C->U+585A, U+FA7D->U+58B3, U+FA7E->U+5944, U+FA7F->U+5954, U+FA80->U+5A62, U+FA81->U+5B28, U+FA82->U+5ED2, U+FA83->U+5ED9, U+FA84->U+5F69, U+FA85->U+5FAD, U+FA86->U+60D8, U+FA87->U+614E, U+FA88->U+6108, U+FA89->U+618E, U+FA8A->U+6160, U+FA8B->U+61F2, \
U+FA8C->U+6234, U+FA8D->U+63C4, U+FA8E->U+641C, U+FA8F->U+6452, U+FA90->U+6556, U+FA91->U+6674, U+FA92->U+6717, U+FA93->U+671B, U+FA94->U+6756, U+FA95->U+6B79, U+FA96->U+6BBA, U+FA97->U+6D41, U+FA98->U+6EDB, U+FA99->U+6ECB, U+FA9A->U+6F22, U+FA9B->U+701E, \
U+FA9C->U+716E, U+FA9D->U+77A7, U+FA9E->U+7235, U+FA9F->U+72AF, U+FAA0->U+732A, U+FAA1->U+7471, U+FAA2->U+7506, U+FAA3->U+753B, U+FAA4->U+761D, U+FAA5->U+761F, U+FAA6->U+76CA, U+FAA7->U+76DB, U+FAA8->U+76F4, U+FAA9->U+774A, U+FAAA->U+7740, U+FAAB->U+78CC, \
U+FAAC->U+7AB1, U+FAAD->U+7BC0, U+FAAE->U+7C7B, U+FAAF->U+7D5B, U+FAB0->U+7DF4, U+FAB1->U+7F3E, U+FAB2->U+8005, U+FAB3->U+8352, U+FAB4->U+83EF, U+FAB5->U+8779, U+FAB6->U+8941, U+FAB7->U+8986, U+FAB8->U+8996, U+FAB9->U+8ABF, U+FABA->U+8AF8, U+FABB->U+8ACB, \
U+FABC->U+8B01, U+FABD->U+8AFE, U+FABE->U+8AED, U+FABF->U+8B39, U+FAC0->U+8B8A, U+FAC1->U+8D08, U+FAC2->U+8F38, U+FAC3->U+9072, U+FAC4->U+9199, U+FAC5->U+9276, U+FAC6->U+967C, U+FAC7->U+96E3, U+FAC8->U+9756, U+FAC9->U+97DB, U+FACA->U+97FF, U+FACB->U+980B, \
U+FACC->U+983B, U+FACD->U+9B12, U+FACE->U+9F9C, U+FACF->U+2284A, U+FAD0->U+22844, U+FAD1->U+233D5, U+FAD2->U+3B9D, U+FAD3->U+4018, U+FAD4->U+4039, U+FAD5->U+25249, U+FAD6->U+25CD0, U+FAD7->U+27ED3, U+FAD8->U+9F43, U+FAD9->U+9F8E, U+2F800->U+4E3D, U+2F801->U+4E38, \
U+2F802->U+4E41, U+2F803->U+20122, U+2F804->U+4F60, U+2F805->U+4FAE, U+2F806->U+4FBB, U+2F807->U+5002, U+2F808->U+507A, U+2F809->U+5099, U+2F80A->U+50E7, U+2F80B->U+50CF, U+2F80C->U+349E, U+2F80D->U+2063A, U+2F80E->U+514D, U+2F80F->U+5154, U+2F810->U+5164, \
U+2F811->U+5177, U+2F812->U+2051C, U+2F813->U+34B9, U+2F814->U+5167, U+2F815->U+518D, U+2F816->U+2054B, U+2F817->U+5197, U+2F818->U+51A4, U+2F819->U+4ECC, U+2F81A->U+51AC, U+2F81B->U+51B5, U+2F81C->U+291DF, U+2F81D->U+51F5, U+2F81E->U+5203, U+2F81F->U+34DF, \
U+2F820->U+523B, U+2F821->U+5246, U+2F822->U+5272, U+2F823->U+5277, U+2F824->U+3515, U+2F825->U+52C7, U+2F826->U+52C9, U+2F827->U+52E4, U+2F828->U+52FA, U+2F829->U+5305, U+2F82A->U+5306, U+2F82B->U+5317, U+2F82C->U+5349, U+2F82D->U+5351, U+2F82E->U+535A, \
U+2F82F->U+5373, U+2F830->U+537D, U+2F831->U+537F, U+2F832->U+537F, U+2F833->U+537F, U+2F834->U+20A2C, U+2F835->U+7070, U+2F836->U+53CA, U+2F837->U+53DF, U+2F838->U+20B63, U+2F839->U+53EB, U+2F83A->U+53F1, U+2F83B->U+5406, U+2F83C->U+549E, U+2F83D->U+5438, \
U+2F83E->U+5448, U+2F83F->U+5468, U+2F840->U+54A2, U+2F841->U+54F6, U+2F842->U+5510, U+2F843->U+5553, U+2F844->U+5563, U+2F845->U+5584, U+2F846->U+5584, U+2F847->U+5599, U+2F848->U+55AB, U+2F849->U+55B3, U+2F84A->U+55C2, U+2F84B->U+5716, U+2F84C->U+5606, \
U+2F84D->U+5717, U+2F84E->U+5651, U+2F84F->U+5674, U+2F850->U+5207, U+2F851->U+58EE, U+2F852->U+57CE, U+2F853->U+57F4, U+2F854->U+580D, U+2F855->U+578B, U+2F856->U+5832, U+2F857->U+5831, U+2F858->U+58AC, U+2F859->U+214E4, U+2F85A->U+58F2, U+2F85B->U+58F7, \
U+2F85C->U+5906, U+2F85D->U+591A, U+2F85E->U+5922, U+2F85F->U+5962, U+2F860->U+216A8, U+2F861->U+216EA, U+2F862->U+59EC, U+2F863->U+5A1B, U+2F864->U+5A27, U+2F865->U+59D8, U+2F866->U+5A66, U+2F867->U+36EE, U+2F868->U+36FC, U+2F869->U+5B08, U+2F86A->U+5B3E, \
U+2F86B->U+5B3E, U+2F86C->U+219C8, U+2F86D->U+5BC3, U+2F86E->U+5BD8, U+2F86F->U+5BE7, U+2F870->U+5BF3, U+2F871->U+21B18, U+2F872->U+5BFF, U+2F873->U+5C06, U+2F874->U+5F53, U+2F875->U+5C22, U+2F876->U+3781, U+2F877->U+5C60, U+2F878->U+5C6E, U+2F879->U+5CC0, \
U+2F87A->U+5C8D, U+2F87B->U+21DE4, U+2F87C->U+5D43, U+2F87D->U+21DE6, U+2F87E->U+5D6E, U+2F87F->U+5D6B, U+2F880->U+5D7C, U+2F881->U+5DE1, U+2F882->U+5DE2, U+2F883->U+382F, U+2F884->U+5DFD, U+2F885->U+5E28, U+2F886->U+5E3D, U+2F887->U+5E69, U+2F888->U+3862, \
U+2F889->U+22183, U+2F88A->U+387C, U+2F88B->U+5EB0, U+2F88C->U+5EB3, U+2F88D->U+5EB6, U+2F88E->U+5ECA, U+2F88F->U+2A392, U+2F890->U+5EFE, U+2F891->U+22331, U+2F892->U+22331, U+2F893->U+8201, U+2F894->U+5F22, U+2F895->U+5F22, U+2F896->U+38C7, U+2F897->U+232B8, \
U+2F898->U+261DA, U+2F899->U+5F62, U+2F89A->U+5F6B, U+2F89B->U+38E3, U+2F89C->U+5F9A, U+2F89D->U+5FCD, U+2F89E->U+5FD7, U+2F89F->U+5FF9, U+2F8A0->U+6081, U+2F8A1->U+393A, U+2F8A2->U+391C, U+2F8A3->U+6094, U+2F8A4->U+226D4, U+2F8A5->U+60C7, U+2F8A6->U+6148, \
U+2F8A7->U+614C, U+2F8A8->U+614E, U+2F8A9->U+614C, U+2F8AA->U+617A, U+2F8AB->U+618E, U+2F8AC->U+61B2, U+2F8AD->U+61A4, U+2F8AE->U+61AF, U+2F8AF->U+61DE, U+2F8B0->U+61F2, U+2F8B1->U+61F6, U+2F8B2->U+6210, U+2F8B3->U+621B, U+2F8B4->U+625D, U+2F8B5->U+62B1, \
U+2F8B6->U+62D4, U+2F8B7->U+6350, U+2F8B8->U+22B0C, U+2F8B9->U+633D, U+2F8BA->U+62FC, U+2F8BB->U+6368, U+2F8BC->U+6383, U+2F8BD->U+63E4, U+2F8BE->U+22BF1, U+2F8BF->U+6422, U+2F8C0->U+63C5, U+2F8C1->U+63A9, U+2F8C2->U+3A2E, U+2F8C3->U+6469, U+2F8C4->U+647E, \
U+2F8C5->U+649D, U+2F8C6->U+6477, U+2F8C7->U+3A6C, U+2F8C8->U+654F, U+2F8C9->U+656C, U+2F8CA->U+2300A, U+2F8CB->U+65E3, U+2F8CC->U+66F8, U+2F8CD->U+6649, U+2F8CE->U+3B19, U+2F8CF->U+6691, U+2F8D0->U+3B08, U+2F8D1->U+3AE4, U+2F8D2->U+5192, U+2F8D3->U+5195, \
U+2F8D4->U+6700, U+2F8D5->U+669C, U+2F8D6->U+80AD, U+2F8D7->U+43D9, U+2F8D8->U+6717, U+2F8D9->U+671B, U+2F8DA->U+6721, U+2F8DB->U+675E, U+2F8DC->U+6753, U+2F8DD->U+233C3, U+2F8DE->U+3B49, U+2F8DF->U+67FA, U+2F8E0->U+6785, U+2F8E1->U+6852, U+2F8E2->U+6885, \
U+2F8E3->U+2346D, U+2F8E4->U+688E, U+2F8E5->U+681F, U+2F8E6->U+6914, U+2F8E7->U+3B9D, U+2F8E8->U+6942, U+2F8E9->U+69A3, U+2F8EA->U+69EA, U+2F8EB->U+6AA8, U+2F8EC->U+236A3, U+2F8ED->U+6ADB, U+2F8EE->U+3C18, U+2F8EF->U+6B21, U+2F8F0->U+238A7, U+2F8F1->U+6B54, \
U+2F8F2->U+3C4E, U+2F8F3->U+6B72, U+2F8F4->U+6B9F, U+2F8F5->U+6BBA, U+2F8F6->U+6BBB, U+2F8F7->U+23A8D, U+2F8F8->U+21D0B, U+2F8F9->U+23AFA, U+2F8FA->U+6C4E, U+2F8FB->U+23CBC, U+2F8FC->U+6CBF, U+2F8FD->U+6CCD, U+2F8FE->U+6C67, U+2F8FF->U+6D16, U+2F900->U+6D3E, \
U+2F901->U+6D77, U+2F902->U+6D41, U+2F903->U+6D69, U+2F904->U+6D78, U+2F905->U+6D85, U+2F906->U+23D1E, U+2F907->U+6D34, U+2F908->U+6E2F, U+2F909->U+6E6E, U+2F90A->U+3D33, U+2F90B->U+6ECB, U+2F90C->U+6EC7, U+2F90D->U+23ED1, U+2F90E->U+6DF9, U+2F90F->U+6F6E, \
U+2F910->U+23F5E, U+2F911->U+23F8E, U+2F912->U+6FC6, U+2F913->U+7039, U+2F914->U+701E, U+2F915->U+701B, U+2F916->U+3D96, U+2F917->U+704A, U+2F918->U+707D, U+2F919->U+7077, U+2F91A->U+70AD, U+2F91B->U+20525, U+2F91C->U+7145, U+2F91D->U+24263, U+2F91E->U+719C, \
U+2F91F->U+243AB, U+2F920->U+7228, U+2F921->U+7235, U+2F922->U+7250, U+2F923->U+24608, U+2F924->U+7280, U+2F925->U+7295, U+2F926->U+24735, U+2F927->U+24814, U+2F928->U+737A, U+2F929->U+738B, U+2F92A->U+3EAC, U+2F92B->U+73A5, U+2F92C->U+3EB8, U+2F92D->U+3EB8, \
U+2F92E->U+7447, U+2F92F->U+745C, U+2F930->U+7471, U+2F931->U+7485, U+2F932->U+74CA, U+2F933->U+3F1B, U+2F934->U+7524, U+2F935->U+24C36, U+2F936->U+753E, U+2F937->U+24C92, U+2F938->U+7570, U+2F939->U+2219F, U+2F93A->U+7610, U+2F93B->U+24FA1, U+2F93C->U+24FB8, \
U+2F93D->U+25044, U+2F93E->U+3FFC, U+2F93F->U+4008, U+2F940->U+76F4, U+2F941->U+250F3, U+2F942->U+250F2, U+2F943->U+25119, U+2F944->U+25133, U+2F945->U+771E, U+2F946->U+771F, U+2F947->U+771F, U+2F948->U+774A, U+2F949->U+4039, U+2F94A->U+778B, U+2F94B->U+4046, \
U+2F94C->U+4096, U+2F94D->U+2541D, U+2F94E->U+784E, U+2F94F->U+788C, U+2F950->U+78CC, U+2F951->U+40E3, U+2F952->U+25626, U+2F953->U+7956, U+2F954->U+2569A, U+2F955->U+256C5, U+2F956->U+798F, U+2F957->U+79EB, U+2F958->U+412F, U+2F959->U+7A40, U+2F95A->U+7A4A, \
U+2F95B->U+7A4F, U+2F95C->U+2597C, U+2F95D->U+25AA7, U+2F95E->U+25AA7, U+2F95F->U+7AEE, U+2F960->U+4202, U+2F961->U+25BAB, U+2F962->U+7BC6, U+2F963->U+7BC9, U+2F964->U+4227, U+2F965->U+25C80, U+2F966->U+7CD2, U+2F967->U+42A0, U+2F968->U+7CE8, U+2F969->U+7CE3, \
U+2F96A->U+7D00, U+2F96B->U+25F86, U+2F96C->U+7D63, U+2F96D->U+4301, U+2F96E->U+7DC7, U+2F96F->U+7E02, U+2F970->U+7E45, U+2F971->U+4334, U+2F972->U+26228, U+2F973->U+26247, U+2F974->U+4359, U+2F975->U+262D9, U+2F976->U+7F7A, U+2F977->U+2633E, U+2F978->U+7F95, \
U+2F979->U+7FFA, U+2F97A->U+8005, U+2F97B->U+264DA, U+2F97C->U+26523, U+2F97D->U+8060, U+2F97E->U+265A8, U+2F97F->U+8070, U+2F980->U+2335F, U+2F981->U+43D5, U+2F982->U+80B2, U+2F983->U+8103, U+2F984->U+440B, U+2F985->U+813E, U+2F986->U+5AB5, U+2F987->U+267A7, \
U+2F988->U+267B5, U+2F989->U+23393, U+2F98A->U+2339C, U+2F98B->U+8201, U+2F98C->U+8204, U+2F98D->U+8F9E, U+2F98E->U+446B, U+2F98F->U+8291, U+2F990->U+828B, U+2F991->U+829D, U+2F992->U+52B3, U+2F993->U+82B1, U+2F994->U+82B3, U+2F995->U+82BD, U+2F996->U+82E6, \
U+2F997->U+26B3C, U+2F998->U+82E5, U+2F999->U+831D, U+2F99A->U+8363, U+2F99B->U+83AD, U+2F99C->U+8323, U+2F99D->U+83BD, U+2F99E->U+83E7, U+2F99F->U+8457, U+2F9A0->U+8353, U+2F9A1->U+83CA, U+2F9A2->U+83CC, U+2F9A3->U+83DC, U+2F9A4->U+26C36, U+2F9A5->U+26D6B, \
U+2F9A6->U+26CD5, U+2F9A7->U+452B, U+2F9A8->U+84F1, U+2F9A9->U+84F3, U+2F9AA->U+8516, U+2F9AB->U+273CA, U+2F9AC->U+8564, U+2F9AD->U+26F2C, U+2F9AE->U+455D, U+2F9AF->U+4561, U+2F9B0->U+26FB1, U+2F9B1->U+270D2, U+2F9B2->U+456B, U+2F9B3->U+8650, U+2F9B4->U+865C, \
U+2F9B5->U+8667, U+2F9B6->U+8669, U+2F9B7->U+86A9, U+2F9B8->U+8688, U+2F9B9->U+870E, U+2F9BA->U+86E2, U+2F9BB->U+8779, U+2F9BC->U+8728, U+2F9BD->U+876B, U+2F9BE->U+8786, U+2F9BF->U+45D7, U+2F9C0->U+87E1, U+2F9C1->U+8801, U+2F9C2->U+45F9, U+2F9C3->U+8860, \
U+2F9C4->U+8863, U+2F9C5->U+27667, U+2F9C6->U+88D7, U+2F9C7->U+88DE, U+2F9C8->U+4635, U+2F9C9->U+88FA, U+2F9CA->U+34BB, U+2F9CB->U+278AE, U+2F9CC->U+27966, U+2F9CD->U+46BE, U+2F9CE->U+46C7, U+2F9CF->U+8AA0, U+2F9D0->U+8AED, U+2F9D1->U+8B8A, U+2F9D2->U+8C55, \
U+2F9D3->U+27CA8, U+2F9D4->U+8CAB, U+2F9D5->U+8CC1, U+2F9D6->U+8D1B, U+2F9D7->U+8D77, U+2F9D8->U+27F2F, U+2F9D9->U+20804, U+2F9DA->U+8DCB, U+2F9DB->U+8DBC, U+2F9DC->U+8DF0, U+2F9DD->U+208DE, U+2F9DE->U+8ED4, U+2F9DF->U+8F38, U+2F9E0->U+285D2, U+2F9E1->U+285ED, \
U+2F9E2->U+9094, U+2F9E3->U+90F1, U+2F9E4->U+9111, U+2F9E5->U+2872E, U+2F9E6->U+911B, U+2F9E7->U+9238, U+2F9E8->U+92D7, U+2F9E9->U+92D8, U+2F9EA->U+927C, U+2F9EB->U+93F9, U+2F9EC->U+9415, U+2F9ED->U+28BFA, U+2F9EE->U+958B, U+2F9EF->U+4995, U+2F9F0->U+95B7, \
U+2F9F1->U+28D77, U+2F9F2->U+49E6, U+2F9F3->U+96C3, U+2F9F4->U+5DB2, U+2F9F5->U+9723, U+2F9F6->U+29145, U+2F9F7->U+2921A, U+2F9F8->U+4A6E, U+2F9F9->U+4A76, U+2F9FA->U+97E0, U+2F9FB->U+2940A, U+2F9FC->U+4AB2, U+2F9FD->U+29496, U+2F9FE->U+980B, U+2F9FF->U+980B, \
U+2FA00->U+9829, U+2FA01->U+295B6, U+2FA02->U+98E2, U+2FA03->U+4B33, U+2FA04->U+9929, U+2FA05->U+99A7, U+2FA06->U+99C2, U+2FA07->U+99FE, U+2FA08->U+4BCE, U+2FA09->U+29B30, U+2FA0A->U+9B12, U+2FA0B->U+9C40, U+2FA0C->U+9CFD, U+2FA0D->U+4CCE, U+2FA0E->U+4CED, \
U+2FA0F->U+9D67, U+2FA10->U+2A0CE, U+2FA11->U+4CF8, U+2FA12->U+2A105, U+2FA13->U+2A20E, U+2FA14->U+2A291, U+2FA15->U+9EBB, U+2FA16->U+4D56, U+2FA17->U+9EF9, U+2FA18->U+9EFE, U+2FA19->U+9F05, U+2FA1A->U+9F0F, U+2FA1B->U+9F16, U+2FA1C->U+9F3B, U+2FA1D->U+2A600, \
U+2F00->U+4E00, U+2F01->U+4E28, U+2F02->U+4E36, U+2F03->U+4E3F, U+2F04->U+4E59, U+2F05->U+4E85, U+2F06->U+4E8C, U+2F07->U+4EA0, U+2F08->U+4EBA, U+2F09->U+513F, U+2F0A->U+5165, U+2F0B->U+516B, U+2F0C->U+5182, U+2F0D->U+5196, U+2F0E->U+51AB, U+2F0F->U+51E0, \
U+2F10->U+51F5, U+2F11->U+5200, U+2F12->U+529B, U+2F13->U+52F9, U+2F14->U+5315, U+2F15->U+531A, U+2F16->U+5338, U+2F17->U+5341, U+2F18->U+535C, U+2F19->U+5369, U+2F1A->U+5382, U+2F1B->U+53B6, U+2F1C->U+53C8, U+2F1D->U+53E3, U+2F1E->U+56D7, U+2F1F->U+571F, \
U+2F20->U+58EB, U+2F21->U+5902, U+2F22->U+590A, U+2F23->U+5915, U+2F24->U+5927, U+2F25->U+5973, U+2F26->U+5B50, U+2F27->U+5B80, U+2F28->U+5BF8, U+2F29->U+5C0F, U+2F2A->U+5C22, U+2F2B->U+5C38, U+2F2C->U+5C6E, U+2F2D->U+5C71, U+2F2E->U+5DDB, U+2F2F->U+5DE5, \
U+2F30->U+5DF1, U+2F31->U+5DFE, U+2F32->U+5E72, U+2F33->U+5E7A, U+2F34->U+5E7F, U+2F35->U+5EF4, U+2F36->U+5EFE, U+2F37->U+5F0B, U+2F38->U+5F13, U+2F39->U+5F50, U+2F3A->U+5F61, U+2F3B->U+5F73, U+2F3C->U+5FC3, U+2F3D->U+6208, U+2F3E->U+6236, U+2F3F->U+624B, \
U+2F40->U+652F, U+2F41->U+6534, U+2F42->U+6587, U+2F43->U+6597, U+2F44->U+65A4, U+2F45->U+65B9, U+2F46->U+65E0, U+2F47->U+65E5, U+2F48->U+66F0, U+2F49->U+6708, U+2F4A->U+6728, U+2F4B->U+6B20, U+2F4C->U+6B62, U+2F4D->U+6B79, U+2F4E->U+6BB3, U+2F4F->U+6BCB, \
U+2F50->U+6BD4, U+2F51->U+6BDB, U+2F52->U+6C0F, U+2F53->U+6C14, U+2F54->U+6C34, U+2F55->U+706B, U+2F56->U+722A, U+2F57->U+7236, U+2F58->U+723B, U+2F59->U+723F, U+2F5A->U+7247, U+2F5B->U+7259, U+2F5C->U+725B, U+2F5D->U+72AC, U+2F5E->U+7384, U+2F5F->U+7389, \
U+2F60->U+74DC, U+2F61->U+74E6, U+2F62->U+7518, U+2F63->U+751F, U+2F64->U+7528, U+2F65->U+7530, U+2F66->U+758B, U+2F67->U+7592, U+2F68->U+7676, U+2F69->U+767D, U+2F6A->U+76AE, U+2F6B->U+76BF, U+2F6C->U+76EE, U+2F6D->U+77DB, U+2F6E->U+77E2, U+2F6F->U+77F3, \
U+2F70->U+793A, U+2F71->U+79B8, U+2F72->U+79BE, U+2F73->U+7A74, U+2F74->U+7ACB, U+2F75->U+7AF9, U+2F76->U+7C73, U+2F77->U+7CF8, U+2F78->U+7F36, U+2F79->U+7F51, U+2F7A->U+7F8A, U+2F7B->U+7FBD, U+2F7C->U+8001, U+2F7D->U+800C, U+2F7E->U+8012, U+2F7F->U+8033, \
U+2F80->U+807F, U+2F81->U+8089, U+2F82->U+81E3, U+2F83->U+81EA, U+2F84->U+81F3, U+2F85->U+81FC, U+2F86->U+820C, U+2F87->U+821B, U+2F88->U+821F, U+2F89->U+826E, U+2F8A->U+8272, U+2F8B->U+8278, U+2F8C->U+864D, U+2F8D->U+866B, U+2F8E->U+8840, U+2F8F->U+884C, \
U+2F90->U+8863, U+2F91->U+897E, U+2F92->U+898B, U+2F93->U+89D2, U+2F94->U+8A00, U+2F95->U+8C37, U+2F96->U+8C46, U+2F97->U+8C55, U+2F98->U+8C78, U+2F99->U+8C9D, U+2F9A->U+8D64, U+2F9B->U+8D70, U+2F9C->U+8DB3, U+2F9D->U+8EAB, U+2F9E->U+8ECA, U+2F9F->U+8F9B, \
U+2FA0->U+8FB0, U+2FA1->U+8FB5, U+2FA2->U+9091, U+2FA3->U+9149, U+2FA4->U+91C6, U+2FA5->U+91CC, U+2FA6->U+91D1, U+2FA7->U+9577, U+2FA8->U+9580, U+2FA9->U+961C, U+2FAA->U+96B6, U+2FAB->U+96B9, U+2FAC->U+96E8, U+2FAD->U+9751, U+2FAE->U+975E, U+2FAF->U+9762, \
U+2FB0->U+9769, U+2FB1->U+97CB, U+2FB2->U+97ED, U+2FB3->U+97F3, U+2FB4->U+9801, U+2FB5->U+98A8, U+2FB6->U+98DB, U+2FB7->U+98DF, U+2FB8->U+9996, U+2FB9->U+9999, U+2FBA->U+99AC, U+2FBB->U+9AA8, U+2FBC->U+9AD8, U+2FBD->U+9ADF, U+2FBE->U+9B25, U+2FBF->U+9B2F, \
U+2FC0->U+9B32, U+2FC1->U+9B3C, U+2FC2->U+9B5A, U+2FC3->U+9CE5, U+2FC4->U+9E75, U+2FC5->U+9E7F, U+2FC6->U+9EA5, U+2FC7->U+9EBB, U+2FC8->U+9EC3, U+2FC9->U+9ECD, U+2FCA->U+9ED1, U+2FCB->U+9EF9, U+2FCC->U+9EFD, U+2FCD->U+9F0E, U+2FCE->U+9F13, U+2FCF->U+9F20, \
U+2FD0->U+9F3B, U+2FD1->U+9F4A, U+2FD2->U+9F52, U+2FD3->U+9F8D, U+2FD4->U+9F9C, U+2FD5->U+9FA0, U+3042->U+3041, U+3044->U+3043, U+3046->U+3045, U+3048->U+3047, U+304A->U+3049, U+304C->U+304B, U+304E->U+304D, U+3050->U+304F, U+3052->U+3051, U+3054->U+3053, \
U+3056->U+3055, U+3058->U+3057, U+305A->U+3059, U+305C->U+305B, U+305E->U+305D, U+3060->U+305F, U+3062->U+3061, U+3064->U+3063, U+3065->U+3063, U+3067->U+3066, U+3069->U+3068, U+3070->U+306F, U+3071->U+306F, U+3073->U+3072, U+3074->U+3072, U+3076->U+3075, \
U+3077->U+3075, U+3079->U+3078, U+307A->U+3078, U+307C->U+307B, U+307D->U+307B, U+3084->U+3083, U+3086->U+3085, U+3088->U+3087, U+308F->U+308E, U+3094->U+3046, U+3095->U+304B, U+3096->U+3051, U+30A2->U+30A1, U+30A4->U+30A3, U+30A6->U+30A5, U+30A8->U+30A7, \
U+30AA->U+30A9, U+30AC->U+30AB, U+30AE->U+30AD, U+30B0->U+30AF, U+30B2->U+30B1, U+30B4->U+30B3, U+30B6->U+30B5, U+30B8->U+30B7, U+30BA->U+30B9, U+30BC->U+30BB, U+30BE->U+30BD, U+30C0->U+30BF, U+30C2->U+30C1, U+30C5->U+30C4, U+30C7->U+30C6, U+30C9->U+30C8, \
U+30D0->U+30CF, U+30D1->U+30CF, U+30D3->U+30D2, U+30D4->U+30D2, U+30D6->U+30D5, U+30D7->U+30D5, U+30D9->U+30D8, U+30DA->U+30D8, U+30DC->U+30DB, U+30DD->U+30DB, U+30E4->U+30E3, U+30E6->U+30E5, U+30E8->U+30E7, U+30EF->U+30EE, U+30F4->U+30A6, U+30AB->U+30F5, \
U+30B1->U+30F6, U+30F7->U+30EF, U+30F8->U+30F0, U+30F9->U+30F1, U+30FA->U+30F2, U+30AF->U+31F0, U+30B7->U+31F1, U+30B9->U+31F2, U+30C8->U+31F3, U+30CC->U+31F4, U+30CF->U+31F5, U+30D2->U+31F6, U+30D5->U+31F7, U+30D8->U+31F8, U+30DB->U+31F9, U+30E0->U+31FA, \
U+30E9->U+31FB, U+30EA->U+31FC, U+30EB->U+31FD, U+30EC->U+31FE, U+30ED->U+31FF, U+FF66->U+30F2, U+FF67->U+30A1, U+FF68->U+30A3, U+FF69->U+30A5, U+FF6A->U+30A7, U+FF6B->U+30A9, U+FF6C->U+30E3, U+FF6D->U+30E5, U+FF6E->U+30E7, U+FF6F->U+30C3, U+FF71->U+30A1, \
U+FF72->U+30A3, U+FF73->U+30A5, U+FF74->U+30A7, U+FF75->U+30A9, U+FF76->U+30AB, U+FF77->U+30AD, U+FF78->U+30AF, U+FF79->U+30B1, U+FF7A->U+30B3, U+FF7B->U+30B5, U+FF7C->U+30B7, U+FF7D->U+30B9, U+FF7E->U+30BB, U+FF7F->U+30BD, U+FF80->U+30BF, U+FF81->U+30C1, \
U+FF82->U+30C3, U+FF83->U+30C6, U+FF84->U+30C8, U+FF85->U+30CA, U+FF86->U+30CB, U+FF87->U+30CC, U+FF88->U+30CD, U+FF89->U+30CE, U+FF8A->U+30CF, U+FF8B->U+30D2, U+FF8C->U+30D5, U+FF8D->U+30D8, U+FF8E->U+30DB, U+FF8F->U+30DE, U+FF90->U+30DF, U+FF91->U+30E0, \
U+FF92->U+30E1, U+FF93->U+30E2, U+FF94->U+30E3, U+FF95->U+30E5, U+FF96->U+30E7, U+FF97->U+30E9, U+FF98->U+30EA, U+FF99->U+30EB, U+FF9A->U+30EC, U+FF9B->U+30ED, U+FF9C->U+30EF, U+FF9D->U+30F3, U+FFA0->U+3164, U+FFA1->U+3131, U+FFA2->U+3132, U+FFA3->U+3133, \
U+FFA4->U+3134, U+FFA5->U+3135, U+FFA6->U+3136, U+FFA7->U+3137, U+FFA8->U+3138, U+FFA9->U+3139, U+FFAA->U+313A, U+FFAB->U+313B, U+FFAC->U+313C, U+FFAD->U+313D, U+FFAE->U+313E, U+FFAF->U+313F, U+FFB0->U+3140, U+FFB1->U+3141, U+FFB2->U+3142, U+FFB3->U+3143, \
U+FFB4->U+3144, U+FFB5->U+3145, U+FFB6->U+3146, U+FFB7->U+3147, U+FFB8->U+3148, U+FFB9->U+3149, U+FFBA->U+314A, U+FFBB->U+314B, U+FFBC->U+314C, U+FFBD->U+314D, U+FFBE->U+314E, U+FFC2->U+314F, U+FFC3->U+3150, U+FFC4->U+3151, U+FFC5->U+3152, U+FFC6->U+3153, \
U+FFC7->U+3154, U+FFCA->U+3155, U+FFCB->U+3156, U+FFCC->U+3157, U+FFCD->U+3158, U+FFCE->U+3159, U+FFCF->U+315A, U+FFD2->U+315B, U+FFD3->U+315C, U+FFD4->U+315D, U+FFD5->U+315E, U+FFD6->U+315F, U+FFD7->U+3160, U+FFDA->U+3161, U+FFDB->U+3162, U+FFDC->U+3163, \
U+3131->U+1100, U+3132->U+1101, U+3133->U+11AA, U+3134->U+1102, U+3135->U+11AC, U+3136->U+11AD, U+3137->U+1103, U+3138->U+1104, U+3139->U+1105, U+313A->U+11B0, U+313B->U+11B1, U+313C->U+11B2, U+313D->U+11B3, U+313E->U+11B4, U+313F->U+11B5, U+3140->U+111A, \
U+3141->U+1106, U+3142->U+1107, U+3143->U+1108, U+3144->U+1121, U+3145->U+1109, U+3146->U+110A, U+3147->U+110B, U+3148->U+110C, U+3149->U+110D, U+314A->U+110E, U+314B->U+110F, U+314C->U+1110, U+314D->U+1111, U+314E->U+1112, U+314F->U+1161, U+3150->U+1162, \
U+3151->U+1163, U+3152->U+1164, U+3153->U+1165, U+3154->U+1166, U+3155->U+1167, U+3156->U+1168, U+3157->U+1169, U+3158->U+116A, U+3159->U+116B, U+315A->U+116C, U+315B->U+116D, U+315C->U+116E, U+315D->U+116F, U+315E->U+1170, U+315F->U+1171, U+3160->U+1172, \
U+3161->U+1173, U+3162->U+1174, U+3163->U+1175, U+3165->U+1114, U+3166->U+1115, U+3167->U+11C7, U+3168->U+11C8, U+3169->U+11CC, U+316A->U+11CE, U+316B->U+11D3, U+316C->U+11D7, U+316D->U+11D9, U+316E->U+111C, U+316F->U+11DD, U+3170->U+11DF, U+3171->U+111D, \
U+3172->U+111E, U+3173->U+1120, U+3174->U+1122, U+3175->U+1123, U+3176->U+1127, U+3177->U+1129, U+3178->U+112B, U+3179->U+112C, U+317A->U+112D, U+317B->U+112E, U+317C->U+112F, U+317D->U+1132, U+317E->U+1136, U+317F->U+1140, U+3180->U+1147, U+3181->U+114C, \
U+3182->U+11F1, U+3183->U+11F2, U+3184->U+1157, U+3185->U+1158, U+3186->U+1159, U+3187->U+1184, U+3188->U+1185, U+3189->U+1188, U+318A->U+1191, U+318B->U+1192, U+318C->U+1194, U+318D->U+119E, U+318E->U+11A1, U+A490->U+A408, U+A491->U+A1B9, U+4E00..U+9FBB, \
U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057, \
U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB, \
U+30BD, U+30BF, U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9, \
U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6, U+2C80->U+2C81, U+2C81, U+2C82->U+2C83, U+2C83, U+2C84->U+2C85, U+2C85, U+2C86->U+2C87, U+2C87, U+2C88->U+2C89, \
U+2C89, U+2C8A->U+2C8B, U+2C8B, U+2C8C->U+2C8D, U+2C8D, U+2C8E->U+2C8F, U+2C8F, U+2C90->U+2C91, U+2C91, U+2C92->U+2C93, U+2C93, U+2C94->U+2C95, U+2C95, U+2C96->U+2C97, U+2C97, U+2C98->U+2C99, U+2C99, U+2C9A->U+2C9B, U+2C9B, U+2C9C->U+2C9D, U+2C9D, U+2C9E->U+2C9F, \
U+2C9F, U+2CA0->U+2CA1, U+2CA1, U+2CA2->U+2CA3, U+2CA3, U+2CA4->U+2CA5, U+2CA5, U+2CA6->U+2CA7, U+2CA7, U+2CA8->U+2CA9, U+2CA9, U+2CAA->U+2CAB, U+2CAB, U+2CAC->U+2CAD, U+2CAD, U+2CAE->U+2CAF, U+2CAF, U+2CB0->U+2CB1, U+2CB1, U+2CB2->U+2CB3, U+2CB3, U+2CB4->U+2CB5, \
U+2CB5, U+2CB6->U+2CB7, U+2CB7, U+2CB8->U+2CB9, U+2CB9, U+2CBA->U+2CBB, U+2CBB, U+2CBC->U+2CBD, U+2CBD, U+2CBE->U+2CBF, U+2CBF, U+2CC0->U+2CC1, U+2CC1, U+2CC2->U+2CC3, U+2CC3, U+2CC4->U+2CC5, U+2CC5, U+2CC6->U+2CC7, U+2CC7, U+2CC8->U+2CC9, U+2CC9, U+2CCA->U+2CCB, \
U+2CCB, U+2CCC->U+2CCD, U+2CCD, U+2CCE->U+2CCF, U+2CCF, U+2CD0->U+2CD1, U+2CD1, U+2CD2->U+2CD3, U+2CD3, U+2CD4->U+2CD5, U+2CD5, U+2CD6->U+2CD7, U+2CD7, U+2CD8->U+2CD9, U+2CD9, U+2CDA->U+2CDB, U+2CDB, U+2CDC->U+2CDD, U+2CDD, U+2CDE->U+2CDF, U+2CDF, U+2CE0->U+2CE1, \
U+2CE1, U+2CE2->U+2CE3, U+2CE3, U+0400->U+0435, U+0401->U+0435, U+0402->U+0452, U+0452, U+0403->U+0433, U+0404->U+0454, U+0454, U+0405->U+0455, U+0455, U+0406->U+0456, U+0407->U+0456, U+0457->U+0456, U+0456, U+0408..U+040B->U+0458..U+045B, U+0458..U+045B, \
U+040C->U+043A, U+040D->U+0438, U+040E->U+0443, U+040F->U+045F, U+045F, U+0450->U+0435, U+0451->U+0435, U+0453->U+0433, U+045C->U+043A, U+045D->U+0438, U+045E->U+0443, U+0460->U+0461, U+0461, U+0462->U+0463, U+0463, U+0464->U+0465, U+0465, U+0466->U+0467, \
U+0467, U+0468->U+0469, U+0469, U+046A->U+046B, U+046B, U+046C->U+046D, U+046D, U+046E->U+046F, U+046F, U+0470->U+0471, U+0471, U+0472->U+0473, U+0473, U+0474->U+0475, U+0476->U+0475, U+0477->U+0475, U+0475, U+0478->U+0479, U+0479, U+047A->U+047B, U+047B, \
U+047C->U+047D, U+047D, U+047E->U+047F, U+047F, U+0480->U+0481, U+0481, U+048A->U+0438, U+048B->U+0438, U+048C->U+044C, U+048D->U+044C, U+048E->U+0440, U+048F->U+0440, U+0490->U+0433, U+0491->U+0433, U+0490->U+0433, U+0491->U+0433, U+0492->U+0433, U+0493->U+0433, \
U+0494->U+0433, U+0495->U+0433, U+0496->U+0436, U+0497->U+0436, U+0498->U+0437, U+0499->U+0437, U+049A->U+043A, U+049B->U+043A, U+049C->U+043A, U+049D->U+043A, U+049E->U+043A, U+049F->U+043A, U+04A0->U+043A, U+04A1->U+043A, U+04A2->U+043D, U+04A3->U+043D, \
U+04A4->U+043D, U+04A5->U+043D, U+04A6->U+043F, U+04A7->U+043F, U+04A8->U+04A9, U+04A9, U+04AA->U+0441, U+04AB->U+0441, U+04AC->U+0442, U+04AD->U+0442, U+04AE->U+0443, U+04AF->U+0443, U+04B0->U+0443, U+04B1->U+0443, U+04B2->U+0445, U+04B3->U+0445, U+04B4->U+04B5, \
U+04B5, U+04B6->U+0447, U+04B7->U+0447, U+04B8->U+0447, U+04B9->U+0447, U+04BA->U+04BB, U+04BB, U+04BC->U+04BD, U+04BE->U+04BD, U+04BF->U+04BD, U+04BD, U+04C0->U+04CF, U+04CF, U+04C1->U+0436, U+04C2->U+0436, U+04C3->U+043A, U+04C4->U+043A, U+04C5->U+043B, \
U+04C6->U+043B, U+04C7->U+043D, U+04C8->U+043D, U+04C9->U+043D, U+04CA->U+043D, U+04CB->U+0447, U+04CC->U+0447, U+04CD->U+043C, U+04CE->U+043C, U+04D0->U+0430, U+04D1->U+0430, U+04D2->U+0430, U+04D3->U+0430, U+04D4->U+00E6, U+04D5->U+00E6, U+04D6->U+0435, \
U+04D7->U+0435, U+04D8->U+04D9, U+04DA->U+04D9, U+04DB->U+04D9, U+04D9, U+04DC->U+0436, U+04DD->U+0436, U+04DE->U+0437, U+04DF->U+0437, U+04E0->U+04E1, U+04E1, U+04E2->U+0438, U+04E3->U+0438, U+04E4->U+0438, U+04E5->U+0438, U+04E6->U+043E, U+04E7->U+043E, \
U+04E8->U+043E, U+04E9->U+043E, U+04EA->U+043E, U+04EB->U+043E, U+04EC->U+044D, U+04ED->U+044D, U+04EE->U+0443, U+04EF->U+0443, U+04F0->U+0443, U+04F1->U+0443, U+04F2->U+0443, U+04F3->U+0443, U+04F4->U+0447, U+04F5->U+0447, U+04F6->U+0433, U+04F7->U+0433, \
U+04F8->U+044B, U+04F9->U+044B, U+04FA->U+0433, U+04FB->U+0433, U+04FC->U+0445, U+04FD->U+0445, U+04FE->U+0445, U+04FF->U+0445, U+0410..U+0418->U+0430..U+0438, U+0419->U+0438, U+0430..U+0438, U+041A..U+042F->U+043A..U+044F, U+043A..U+044F, U+0929->U+0928, \
U+0931->U+0930, U+0934->U+0933, U+0958->U+0915, U+0959->U+0916, U+095A->U+0917, U+095B->U+091C, U+095C->U+0921, U+095D->U+0922, U+095E->U+092B, U+095F->U+092F, U+0904..U+0928, U+092A..U+0930, U+0932, U+0933, U+0935..U+0939, U+0960, U+0961, U+0966..U+096F, \
U+097B..U+097F, U+10FC->U+10DC, U+10D0..U+10FA, U+10A0..U+10C5->U+2D00..U+2D25, U+2D00..U+2D25, U+0386->U+03B1, U+0388->U+03B5, U+0389->U+03B7, U+038A->U+03B9, U+038C->U+03BF, U+038E->U+03C5, U+038F->U+03C9, U+0390->U+03B9, U+03AA->U+03B9, U+03AB->U+03C5, \
U+03AC->U+03B1, U+03AD->U+03B5, U+03AE->U+03B7, U+03AF->U+03B9, U+03B0->U+03C5, U+03CA->U+03B9, U+03CB->U+03C5, U+03CC->U+03BF, U+03CD->U+03C5, U+03CE->U+03C9, U+03D0->U+03B2, U+03D1->U+03B8, U+03D2->U+03C5, U+03D3->U+03C5, U+03D4->U+03C5, U+03D5->U+03C6, \
U+03D6->U+03C0, U+03D8->U+03D9, U+03DA->U+03DB, U+03DC->U+03DD, U+03DE->U+03DF, U+03E0->U+03E1, U+03E2->U+03E3, U+03E4->U+03E5, U+03E6->U+03E7, U+03E8->U+03E9, U+03EA->U+03EB, U+03EC->U+03ED, U+03EE->U+03EF, U+03F0->U+03BA, U+03F1->U+03C1, U+03F2->U+03C3, \
U+03F4->U+03B8, U+03F5->U+03B5, U+03F6->U+03B5, U+03F7->U+03F8, U+03F9->U+03C3, U+03FA->U+03FB, U+1F00->U+03B1, U+1F01->U+03B1, U+1F02->U+03B1, U+1F03->U+03B1, U+1F04->U+03B1, U+1F05->U+03B1, U+1F06->U+03B1, U+1F07->U+03B1, U+1F08->U+03B1, U+1F09->U+03B1, \
U+1F0A->U+03B1, U+1F0B->U+03B1, U+1F0C->U+03B1, U+1F0D->U+03B1, U+1F0E->U+03B1, U+1F0F->U+03B1, U+1F10->U+03B5, U+1F11->U+03B5, U+1F12->U+03B5, U+1F13->U+03B5, U+1F14->U+03B5, U+1F15->U+03B5, U+1F18->U+03B5, U+1F19->U+03B5, U+1F1A->U+03B5, U+1F1B->U+03B5, \
U+1F1C->U+03B5, U+1F1D->U+03B5, U+1F20->U+03B7, U+1F21->U+03B7, U+1F22->U+03B7, U+1F23->U+03B7, U+1F24->U+03B7, U+1F25->U+03B7, U+1F26->U+03B7, U+1F27->U+03B7, U+1F28->U+03B7, U+1F29->U+03B7, U+1F2A->U+03B7, U+1F2B->U+03B7, U+1F2C->U+03B7, U+1F2D->U+03B7, \
U+1F2E->U+03B7, U+1F2F->U+03B7, U+1F30->U+03B9, U+1F31->U+03B9, U+1F32->U+03B9, U+1F33->U+03B9, U+1F34->U+03B9, U+1F35->U+03B9, U+1F36->U+03B9, U+1F37->U+03B9, U+1F38->U+03B9, U+1F39->U+03B9, U+1F3A->U+03B9, U+1F3B->U+03B9, U+1F3C->U+03B9, U+1F3D->U+03B9, \
U+1F3E->U+03B9, U+1F3F->U+03B9, U+1F40->U+03BF, U+1F41->U+03BF, U+1F42->U+03BF, U+1F43->U+03BF, U+1F44->U+03BF, U+1F45->U+03BF, U+1F48->U+03BF, U+1F49->U+03BF, U+1F4A->U+03BF, U+1F4B->U+03BF, U+1F4C->U+03BF, U+1F4D->U+03BF, U+1F50->U+03C5, U+1F51->U+03C5, \
U+1F52->U+03C5, U+1F53->U+03C5, U+1F54->U+03C5, U+1F55->U+03C5, U+1F56->U+03C5, U+1F57->U+03C5, U+1F59->U+03C5, U+1F5B->U+03C5, U+1F5D->U+03C5, U+1F5F->U+03C5, U+1F60->U+03C9, U+1F61->U+03C9, U+1F62->U+03C9, U+1F63->U+03C9, U+1F64->U+03C9, U+1F65->U+03C9, \
U+1F66->U+03C9, U+1F67->U+03C9, U+1F68->U+03C9, U+1F69->U+03C9, U+1F6A->U+03C9, U+1F6B->U+03C9, U+1F6C->U+03C9, U+1F6D->U+03C9, U+1F6E->U+03C9, U+1F6F->U+03C9, U+1F70->U+03B1, U+1F71->U+03B1, U+1F72->U+03B5, U+1F73->U+03B5, U+1F74->U+03B7, U+1F75->U+03B7, \
U+1F76->U+03B9, U+1F77->U+03B9, U+1F78->U+03BF, U+1F79->U+03BF, U+1F7A->U+03C5, U+1F7B->U+03C5, U+1F7C->U+03C9, U+1F7D->U+03C9, U+1F80->U+03B1, U+1F81->U+03B1, U+1F82->U+03B1, U+1F83->U+03B1, U+1F84->U+03B1, U+1F85->U+03B1, U+1F86->U+03B1, U+1F87->U+03B1, \
U+1F88->U+03B1, U+1F89->U+03B1, U+1F8A->U+03B1, U+1F8B->U+03B1, U+1F8C->U+03B1, U+1F8D->U+03B1, U+1F8E->U+03B1, U+1F8F->U+03B1, U+1F90->U+03B7, U+1F91->U+03B7, U+1F92->U+03B7, U+1F93->U+03B7, U+1F94->U+03B7, U+1F95->U+03B7, U+1F96->U+03B7, U+1F97->U+03B7, \
U+1F98->U+03B7, U+1F99->U+03B7, U+1F9A->U+03B7, U+1F9B->U+03B7, U+1F9C->U+03B7, U+1F9D->U+03B7, U+1F9E->U+03B7, U+1F9F->U+03B7, U+1FA0->U+03C9, U+1FA1->U+03C9, U+1FA2->U+03C9, U+1FA3->U+03C9, U+1FA4->U+03C9, U+1FA5->U+03C9, U+1FA6->U+03C9, U+1FA7->U+03C9, \
U+1FA8->U+03C9, U+1FA9->U+03C9, U+1FAA->U+03C9, U+1FAB->U+03C9, U+1FAC->U+03C9, U+1FAD->U+03C9, U+1FAE->U+03C9, U+1FAF->U+03C9, U+1FB0->U+03B1, U+1FB1->U+03B1, U+1FB2->U+03B1, U+1FB3->U+03B1, U+1FB4->U+03B1, U+1FB6->U+03B1, U+1FB7->U+03B1, U+1FB8->U+03B1, \
U+1FB9->U+03B1, U+1FBA->U+03B1, U+1FBB->U+03B1, U+1FBC->U+03B1, U+1FC2->U+03B7, U+1FC3->U+03B7, U+1FC4->U+03B7, U+1FC6->U+03B7, U+1FC7->U+03B7, U+1FC8->U+03B5, U+1FC9->U+03B5, U+1FCA->U+03B7, U+1FCB->U+03B7, U+1FCC->U+03B7, U+1FD0->U+03B9, U+1FD1->U+03B9, \
U+1FD2->U+03B9, U+1FD3->U+03B9, U+1FD6->U+03B9, U+1FD7->U+03B9, U+1FD8->U+03B9, U+1FD9->U+03B9, U+1FDA->U+03B9, U+1FDB->U+03B9, U+1FE0->U+03C5, U+1FE1->U+03C5, U+1FE2->U+03C5, U+1FE3->U+03C5, U+1FE4->U+03C1, U+1FE5->U+03C1, U+1FE6->U+03C5, U+1FE7->U+03C5, \
U+1FE8->U+03C5, U+1FE9->U+03C5, U+1FEA->U+03C5, U+1FEB->U+03C5, U+1FEC->U+03C1, U+1FF2->U+03C9, U+1FF3->U+03C9, U+1FF4->U+03C9, U+1FF6->U+03C9, U+1FF7->U+03C9, U+1FF8->U+03BF, U+1FF9->U+03BF, U+1FFA->U+03C9, U+1FFB->U+03C9, U+1FFC->U+03C9, U+0391..U+03A1->U+03B1..U+03C1, \
U+03B1..U+03C1, U+03A3..U+03A9->U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03C3..U+03C9, U+03C2, U+03D9, U+03DB, U+03DD, U+03DF, U+03E1, U+03E3, U+03E5, U+03E7, U+03E9, U+03EB, U+03ED, U+03EF, U+03F3, U+03F8, U+03FB, U+0A85..U+0A8C, U+0A8F, U+0A90, U+0A93..U+0AB0, U+0AB2, U+0AB3, \
U+0AB5..U+0AB9, U+0AE0, U+0AE1, U+0AE6..U+0AEF, U+0A33->U+0A32, U+0A36->U+0A38, U+0A59->U+0A16, U+0A5A->U+0A17, U+0A5B->U+0A1C, U+0A5E->U+0A2B, U+0A05..U+0A0A, U+0A0F, U+0A10, U+0A13..U+0A28, U+0A2A..U+0A30, U+0A32, U+0A35, U+0A38, U+0A39, U+0A5C, U+0A66..U+0A6F, \
U+FB1D->U+05D9, U+FB1F->U+05F2, U+FB20->U+05E2, U+FB21->U+05D0, U+FB22->U+05D3, U+FB23->U+05D4, U+FB24->U+05DB, U+FB25->U+05DC, U+FB26->U+05DD, U+FB27->U+05E8, U+FB28->U+05EA, U+FB2A->U+05E9, U+FB2B->U+05E9, U+FB2C->U+05E9, U+FB2D->U+05E9, U+FB2E->U+05D0, \
U+FB2F->U+05D0, U+FB30->U+05D0, U+FB31->U+05D1, U+FB32->U+05D2, U+FB33->U+05D3, U+FB34->U+05D4, U+FB35->U+05D5, U+FB36->U+05D6, U+FB38->U+05D8, U+FB39->U+05D9, U+FB3A->U+05DA, U+FB3B->U+05DB, U+FB3C->U+05DC, U+FB3E->U+05DE, U+FB40->U+05E0, U+FB41->U+05E1, \
U+FB43->U+05E3, U+FB44->U+05E4, U+FB46->U+05E6, U+FB47->U+05E7, U+FB48->U+05E8, U+FB49->U+05E9, U+FB4A->U+05EA, U+FB4B->U+05D5, U+FB4C->U+05D1, U+FB4D->U+05DB, U+FB4E->U+05E4, U+FB4F->U+05D0, U+05D0..U+05F2, U+0C85..U+0C8C, U+0C8E..U+0C90, U+0C92..U+0CA8, \
U+0CAA..U+0CB3, U+0CB5..U+0CB9, U+0CE0, U+0CE1, U+0CE6..U+0CEF, U+1900..U+191C, U+1930..U+1938, U+1946..U+194F, U+0D05..U+0D0C, U+0D0E..U+0D10, U+0D12..U+0D28, U+0D2A..U+0D39, U+0D60, U+0D61, U+0D66..U+0D6F, U+0B94->U+0B92, U+0B85..U+0B8A, U+0B8E..U+0B90, \
U+0B92, U+0B93, U+0B95, U+0B99, U+0B9A, U+0B9C, U+0B9E, U+0B9F, U+0BA3, U+0BA4, U+0BA8..U+0BAA, U+0BAE..U+0BB9, U+0BE6..U+0BEF, U+0E01..U+0E30, U+0E32, U+0E33, U+0E40..U+0E46, U+0E50..U+0E5B, U+FF10..U+FF19->0..9, U+FF21..U+FF3A->a..z, U+FF41..U+FF5A->a..z, \
0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z
# ignored characters list
# optional, default value is empty
# ignore_chars = U+00AD
# minimum word prefix length to index
# optional, default is 0 (do not index prefixes)
# min_prefix_len = 0
# minimum word infix length to index
# optional, default is 0 (do not index infixes)
# min_infix_len = 0
# list of fields to limit prefix/infix indexing to
# optional, default value is empty (index all fields in prefix/infix mode)
# prefix_fields = filename
# infix_fields = url, domain
# enable star-syntax (wildcards) when searching prefix/infix indexes
# search-time only, does not affect indexing, can be 0 or 1
# optional, default is 0 (do not use wildcard syntax)
# enable_star = 1
# expand keywords with exact forms and/or stars when searching fit indexes
# search-time only, does not affect indexing, can be 0 or 1
# optional, default is 0 (do not expand keywords)
# expand_keywords = 1
# n-gram length to index, for CJK indexing
# only supports 0 and 1 for now, other lengths to be implemented
# optional, default is 0 (disable n-grams)
ngram_len = 1
# n-gram characters list, for CJK indexing
# optional, default is empty
ngram_chars = U+4E00..U+9FBB, U+3400..U+4DB5, U+20000..U+2A6D6, U+FA0E, U+FA0F, U+FA11, U+FA13, U+FA14, U+FA1F, U+FA21, U+FA23, U+FA24, U+FA27, U+FA28, U+FA29, U+3105..U+312C, U+31A0..U+31B7, U+3041, U+3043, U+3045, U+3047, U+3049, U+304B, U+304D, U+304F, U+3051, U+3053, U+3055, U+3057, U+3059, U+305B, U+305D, U+305F, U+3061, U+3063, U+3066, U+3068, U+306A..U+306F, U+3072, U+3075, U+3078, U+307B, U+307E..U+3083, U+3085, U+3087, U+3089..U+308E, U+3090..U+3093, U+30A1, U+30A3, U+30A5, U+30A7, U+30A9, U+30AD, U+30AF, U+30B3, U+30B5, U+30BB, U+30BD, U+30BF, U+30C1, U+30C3, U+30C4, U+30C6, U+30CA, U+30CB, U+30CD, U+30CE, U+30DE, U+30DF, U+30E1, U+30E2, U+30E3, U+30E5, U+30E7, U+30EE, U+30F0..U+30F3, U+30F5, U+30F6, U+31F0, U+31F1, U+31F2, U+31F3, U+31F4, U+31F5, U+31F6, U+31F7, U+31F8, U+31F9, U+31FA, U+31FB, U+31FC, U+31FD, U+31FE, U+31FF, U+AC00..U+D7A3, U+1100..U+1159, U+1161..U+11A2, U+11A8..U+11F9, U+A000..U+A48C, U+A492..U+A4C6
# phrase boundary characters list
# optional, default is empty
# phrase_boundary = ., ?, !, U+2026 # horizontal ellipsis
# phrase boundary word position increment
# optional, default is 0
# phrase_boundary_step = 100
# blended characters list
# blended chars are indexed both as separators and valid characters
# for instance, AT&T will results in 3 tokens ("at", "t", and "at&t")
# optional, default is empty
# blend_chars = +, &, U+23
# blended token indexing mode
# a comma separated list of blended token indexing variants
# known variants are trim_none, trim_head, trim_tail, trim_both, skip_pure
# optional, default is trim_none
# blend_mode = trim_tail, skip_pure
# whether to strip HTML tags from incoming documents
# known values are 0 (do not strip) and 1 (do strip)
# optional, default is 0
html_strip = 0
# what HTML attributes to index if stripping HTML
# optional, default is empty (do not index anything)
# html_index_attrs = img=alt,title; a=title;
# what HTML elements contents to strip
# optional, default is empty (do not strip element contents)
# html_remove_elements = style, script
# whether to preopen index data files on startup
# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen), searchd-only
# preopen = 1
# whether to keep dictionary (.spi) on disk, or cache it in RAM
# optional, default is 0 (cache in RAM), searchd-only
# ondisk_dict = 1
# whether to enable in-place inversion (2x less disk, 90-95% speed)
# optional, default is 0 (use separate temporary files), indexer-only
# inplace_enable = 1
# in-place fine-tuning options
# optional, defaults are listed below
# inplace_hit_gap = 0 # preallocated hitlist gap size
# inplace_docinfo_gap = 0 # preallocated docinfo gap size
# inplace_reloc_factor = 0.1 # relocation buffer size within arena
# inplace_write_factor = 0.1 # write buffer size within arena
# whether to index original keywords along with stemmed versions
# enables "=exactform" operator to work
# optional, default is 0
# index_exact_words = 1
# position increment on overshort (less that min_word_len) words
# optional, allowed values are 0 and 1, default is 1
# overshort_step = 1
# position increment on stopword
# optional, allowed values are 0 and 1, default is 1
# stopword_step = 1
# hitless words list
# positions for these keywords will not be stored in the index
# optional, allowed values are 'all', or a list file name
# hitless_words = all
# hitless_words = hitless.txt
# detect and index sentence and paragraph boundaries
# required for the SENTENCE and PARAGRAPH operators to work
# optional, allowed values are 0 and 1, default is 0
# index_sp = 1
# index zones, delimited by HTML/XML tags
# a comma separated list of tags and wildcards
# required for the ZONE operator to work
# optional, default is empty string (do not index zones)
# index_zones = title, h*, th
## searchd settings
# [hostname:]port[:protocol], or /unix/socket/path to listen on
# known protocols are 'sphinx' (SphinxAPI) and 'mysql41' (SphinxQL)
# multi-value, multiple listen points are allowed
# optional, defaults are 9312:sphinx and 9306:mysql41, as below
# listen =
# listen =
# listen = 9312
# listen = /var/run/searchd.sock
listen = %(ip_address)s:%(port)s:sphinx
listen = %(ip_address)s:%(sql_port)s:mysql41
# log file, searchd run info is logged here
# optional, default is 'searchd.log'
log = %(log_directory)s/sphinx-searchd.log
# query log file, all search queries are logged here
# optional, default is empty (do not log queries)
query_log = %(log_directory)s/sphinx-query.log
# client read timeout, seconds
# optional, default is 5
read_timeout = 5
# request timeout, seconds
# optional, default is 5 minutes
client_timeout = 300
# maximum amount of children to fork (concurrent searches to run)
# optional, default is 0 (unlimited)
max_children = 30
# PID file, searchd process ID file name
# mandatory
pid_file = %(data_directory)s/
# max amount of matches the daemon ever keeps in RAM, per-index
# default is 1000 (just like Google)
max_matches = 1000
# seamless rotate, prevents rotate stalls if precaching huge datasets
# optional, default is 1
seamless_rotate = 1
# whether to forcibly preopen all indexes on startup
# optional, default is 0 (do not preopen)
preopen_indexes = 0
# whether to unlink .old index copies on succesful rotation.
# optional, default is 1 (do unlink)
unlink_old = 1
# attribute updates periodic flush timeout, seconds
# updates will be automatically dumped to disk this frequently
# optional, default is 0 (disable periodic flush)
# attr_flush_period = 900
# instance-wide ondisk_dict defaults (per-index value take precedence)
# optional, default is 0 (precache all dictionaries in RAM)
# ondisk_dict_default = 1
# MVA updates pool size
# shared between all instances of searchd, disables attr flushes!
# optional, default size is 1M
mva_updates_pool = 1M
# max allowed network packet size
# limits both query packets from clients, and responses from agents
# optional, default size is 8M
max_packet_size = 8M
# crash log path
# searchd will (try to) log crashed query to 'crash_log_path.PID' file
# optional, default is empty (do not create crash logs)
# crash_log_path = %(log_directory)s
# max allowed per-query filter count
# optional, default is 256
max_filters = 256
# max allowed per-filter values count
# optional, default is 4096
max_filter_values = 4096
# socket listen queue length
# optional, default is 5
# listen_backlog = 5
# per-keyword read buffer size
# optional, default is 256K
# read_buffer = 256K
# unhinted read size (currently used when reading hits)
# optional, default is 32K
# read_unhinted = 32K
# max allowed per-batch query count (aka multi-query count)
# optional, default is 32
max_batch_queries = 32
# max common subtree document cache size, per-query
# optional, default is 0 (disable subtree optimization)
# subtree_docs_cache = 4M
# max common subtree hit cache size, per-query
# optional, default is 0 (disable subtree optimization)
# subtree_hits_cache = 8M
# multi-processing mode (MPM)
# known values are none, fork, prefork, and threads
# optional, default is fork
workers = threads # for RT to work
# max threads to create for searching local parts of a distributed index
# optional, default is 0, which means disable multi-threaded searching
# should work with all MPMs (ie. does NOT require workers=threads)
# dist_threads = 4
# binlog files path; use empty string to disable binlog
# optional, default is build-time configured data directory
binlog_path = # disable logging
# binlog_path = %(data_directory)s # binlog.001 etc will be created there
# binlog flush/sync mode
# 0 means flush and sync every second
# 1 means flush and sync every transaction
# 2 means flush every transaction, sync every second
# optional, default is 2
# binlog_flush = 2
# binlog per-file size limit
# optional, default is 128M, 0 means no limit
# binlog_max_log_size = 256M
# ZEO configuration file generated by SlapOS # ZEO configuration file generated by SlapOS
<zeo> <zeo>
address %(zeo_ip)s:%(zeo_port)s address %(zeo_ip)s:%(zeo_port)s
read-only false
invalidation-queue-size 100
pid-filename %(zeo_pid)s pid-filename %(zeo_pid)s
</zeo> </zeo>
...@@ -10,6 +8,7 @@ ...@@ -10,6 +8,7 @@
<eventlog> <eventlog>
<logfile> <logfile>
path %(zeo_event_log)s path %(zeo_event_log)s
</logfile> </logfile>
</eventlog> </eventlog>
<zodb_db %(storage_name)s> <zodb_db %(storage_name)s>
cache-size %(zodb_cache_size)d
mount-point %(mount_point)s mount-point %(mount_point)s
<zeoclient> <zeoclient>
cache-size %(zeo_client_cache_size)s
server %(address)s server %(address)s
storage %(storage_name)s storage %(storage_name)s
name %(storage_name)s name %(storage_name)s
<zodb_db root> <zodb_db root>
cache-size %(zodb_cache_size)d
<filestorage> <filestorage>
path %(zodb_root_path)s path %(zodb_root_path)s
</filestorage> </filestorage>
...@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE ...@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
# Used products # Used products
%(products)s %(products)s
# Environment override # Environment is setup in running wrapper script
<environment> # Reason: zope.conf is read too late for some componets
# No need to debug # No need to debug
debug-mode off debug-mode off
...@@ -34,11 +32,13 @@ lock-filename %(lock-filename)s ...@@ -34,11 +32,13 @@ lock-filename %(lock-filename)s
# Logging configuration # Logging configuration
<eventlog> <eventlog>
<logfile> <logfile>
path %(event_log)s path %(event_log)s
</logfile> </logfile>
</eventlog> </eventlog>
<logger access> <logger access>
<logfile> <logfile>
path %(z2_log)s path %(z2_log)s
</logfile> </logfile>
</logger> </logger>
...@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ import hashlib ...@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ import hashlib
class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
# To avoid magic numbers
def _install(self): def _install(self):
""" """
Set the connection dictionnary for the computer partition and create a list Set the connection dictionnary for the computer partition and create a list
...@@ -54,15 +57,30 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -54,15 +57,30 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.ca_conf = self.installCertificateAuthority() self.ca_conf = self.installCertificateAuthority()
self.key_path, self.certificate_path = self.requestCertificate('noVNC') self.key_path, self.certificate_path = self.requestCertificate('noVNC')
# Install the socket_connection_attempt script
catcher = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
[('check_port_listening', __name__ + 'socket_connection_attempt', 'connection_attempt')],,
# Save the check_port_listening script path
check_port_listening_script = catcher[0]
# Get the port_listening_promise template path, and save it
self.port_listening_promise_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
__name__, 'template/')
self.port_listening_promise_conf = dict(
kvm_conf = self.installKvm(vnc_ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()) kvm_conf = self.installKvm(vnc_ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address())
vnc_port = 5900 + kvm_conf['vnc_display'] vnc_port = Recipe.VNC_BASE_PORT + kvm_conf['vnc_display']
noVNC_conf = self.installNoVnc(source_ip = self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), noVNC_conf = self.installNoVnc(source_ip = self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
source_port = 6080, source_port = 6080,
target_ip = kvm_conf['vnc_ip'], target_ip = kvm_conf['vnc_ip'],
target_port = vnc_port, target_port = vnc_port)
python_path = kvm_conf['python_path'])
self.linkBinary() self.linkBinary()
self.computer_partition.setConnectionDict(dict( self.computer_partition.setConnectionDict(dict(
...@@ -137,8 +155,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -137,8 +155,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
# Instanciate KVM # Instanciate KVM
kvm_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename( kvm_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
__name__, os.path.join( __name__, 'template/')
'template', ''))
kvm_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm", kvm_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm",
self.substituteTemplate(kvm_template_location, self.substituteTemplate(kvm_template_location,
...@@ -148,9 +165,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -148,9 +165,7 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
# Instanciate KVM controller # Instanciate KVM controller
kvm_controller_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename( kvm_controller_template_location = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
__name__, os.path.join( __name__, 'template/')
'' ))
kvm_controller_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm_controller", kvm_controller_runner_path = self.createRunningWrapper("kvm_controller",
self.substituteTemplate(kvm_controller_template_location, self.substituteTemplate(kvm_controller_template_location,
...@@ -165,10 +180,20 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -165,10 +180,20 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
##slapreport_runner_path = self.instanciate_wrapper("slapreport", ##slapreport_runner_path = self.instanciate_wrapper("slapreport",
# [database_path, python_path]) # [database_path, python_path])
# Add VNC promise
port=Recipe.VNC_BASE_PORT + kvm_conf['vnc_display'],
return kvm_conf return kvm_conf
def installNoVnc(self, source_ip, source_port, target_ip, target_port, def installNoVnc(self, source_ip, source_port, target_ip, target_port):
""" """
Create noVNC configuration dictionnary and instanciate Websockify proxy Create noVNC configuration dictionnary and instanciate Websockify proxy
...@@ -184,11 +209,17 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -184,11 +209,17 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
noVNC_conf['source_ip'] = source_ip noVNC_conf['source_ip'] = source_ip
noVNC_conf['source_port'] = source_port noVNC_conf['source_port'] = source_port
# Install numpy.
# XXX-Cedric : this looks like a hack. Do we have better solution, knowing
# That websockify is not an egg?
numpy = zc.buildout.easy_install.install(['numpy'], self.options['eggs-directory'])
environment = dict(PYTHONPATH='%s' % numpy.entries[0])
# Instanciate Websockify # Instanciate Websockify
websockify_runner_path = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('websockify', websockify_runner_path = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('websockify',
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute_wait')],, 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee_wait')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[ sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
[python_path.strip(), [sys.executable.strip(),
self.options['websockify_path'], self.options['websockify_path'],
'--web', '--web',
self.options['noVNC_location'], self.options['noVNC_location'],
...@@ -197,11 +228,22 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -197,11 +228,22 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
'--ssl-only', '--ssl-only',
'%s:%s' % (source_ip, source_port), '%s:%s' % (source_ip, source_port),
'%s:%s' % (target_ip, target_port)], '%s:%s' % (target_ip, target_port)],
[self.certificate_path, self.key_path]] [self.certificate_path, self.key_path],
)[0] )[0]
self.path_list.append(websockify_runner_path) self.path_list.append(websockify_runner_path)
# Add noVNC promise
return noVNC_conf return noVNC_conf
def linkBinary(self): def linkBinary(self):
import socket
import sys
def connection_attempt():
hostname, port = sys.argv[1:3]
except ValueError:
print >> sys.stderr, """Bad command line.
Usage: %s hostname|ip port""" % sys.argv[0]
connection_okay = False
s = socket.create_connection((hostname, port))
connection_okay = True
except (socket.error, socket.timeout):
connection_okay = False
if not connection_okay:
print >> sys.stderr, "%(port)s on %(ip)s isn't listening" % {
'port': port, 'ip': hostname
#!/usr/bin/env sh
"%(check_port_listening_script)s" "%(hostname)s" "%(port)s"
exit $?
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import BaseSlapRecipe
import os
import shutil
import pkg_resources
import zc.buildout
import sys
import zc.recipe.egg
import urlparse
class BaseRecipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
'template/%s' % template_name)
def installMysqlServer(self, ip=None, port=None):
if ip is None:
ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
if port is None:
port = '3306'
mysql_conf = dict(
pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, ''),
socket=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'mysqld.sock'),
error_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'mysqld.log'),
mysql_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile("my.cnf",
'template/'), mysql_conf))
mysql_script = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
'template/') % mysql_conf
__name__ + '.mysql', 'updateMysql')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
__name__ + '.mysql', 'runMysql')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
return dict(
def createHtdocs(self, source, document_root):
source = self.options['source'].strip()
document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
for p in os.listdir(document_root):
path = os.path.join(document_root, p)
if os.path.isdir(path):
for p in os.listdir(source):
path = os.path.join(source, p)
if os.path.isdir(path):
shutil.copytree(path, os.path.join(document_root, p))
shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(document_root, p))
def installApache(self, document_root, ip=None, port=None):
if ip is None:
if port is None:
port = '9080'
apache_config = dict(
pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, ''),
lock_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'httpd.lock'),
error_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-error.log'),
access_log=os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'httpd-access.log'),
config_file = self.createConfigurationFile('httpd.conf',
'template/'), apache_config))
'template/'), dict(tmp_directory=self.tmp_directory))))
__name__ + '.apache', 'runApache')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
return 'http://[%s]:%s' % (ip, port)
def createConfiguration(self, template, document_root, destination, d):
directory = os.path.dirname(destination)
file = os.path.basename(destination)
path = document_root
if directory:
path = os.path.join(document_root, directory)
if not os.path.exists(path):
destination = os.path.join(path, file)
open(destination, 'w').write(open(template, 'r').read() % d)
def configureInstallation(self, document_root, mysql_conf, url):
"""Start process which can launch python scripts, move or remove files or
directories when installing software.
if not self.options.has_key('delete') and not self.options.has_key('rename') and not\
self.options.has_key('chmod') and not self.options.has_key('script'):
delete = []
chmod = []
data = []
rename = []
rename_list = ""
argument = [self.options['lampconfigure_directory'].strip()]
if not self.options.has_key('file_token'):
argument = argument + ["-d", mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
"-H", mysql_conf['mysql_host'], "-P", mysql_conf['mysql_port'],
"-p", mysql_conf['mysql_password'], "-u", mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
"--table", self.options['table_name'].strip(), "--cond",
argument = argument + ["-f", self.options['file_token'].strip()]
argument += ["-t", document_root]
if self.options.has_key('delete'):
delete = ["delete"]
for fname in self.options['delete'].split(','):
if self.options.has_key('rename'):
for fname in self.options['rename'].split(','):
if fname.find("=>") < 0:
old_name = fname
fname = []
fname.append(old_name + '-' + mysql_conf['mysql_user'])
fname = fname.split("=>")
cmd = ["rename"]
if self.options.has_key('rename_chmod'):
cmd += ["--chmod", self.options['rename_chmod'].strip()]
rename.append(cmd + [fname[0].strip(), fname[1].strip()])
rename_list += fname[0] + "=>" + fname[1] + " "
if self.options.has_key('chmod'):
chmod = ["chmod ", self.options['mode'].strip()]
for fname in self.options['chmod'].split(','):
if self.options.has_key('script') and \
data = ["run", self.options['script'].strip(), "-v", mysql_conf['mysql_database'], url, document_root]
[('configureInstall', __name__ + '.runner', 'executeRunner')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[argument, delete, rename,
chmod, data]))
return rename_list
class Static(BaseRecipe):
def _install(self):
self.path_list = []
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
self.createHtdocs(self.options['source'].strip(), document_root)
url = self.installApache(document_root)
self.setConnectionDict(dict(url = url))
return self.path_list
class Simple(BaseRecipe):
def _install(self):
self.path_list = []
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
self.createHtdocs(self.options['source'].strip(), document_root)
mysql_conf = self.installMysqlServer()
url = self.installApache(document_root)
renamed = self.configureInstallation(document_root, mysql_conf, url)
if self.options.has_key('template') and self.options.has_key('configuration'):
self.createConfiguration(self.options['template'], document_root,
self.options['configuration'], mysql_conf)
return self.path_list
class Request(BaseRecipe):
def _install(self):
self.path_list = []
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
software_type = self.parameter_dict['slap_software_type']
document_root = self.createDataDirectory('htdocs')
self.createHtdocs(self.options['source'].strip(), document_root)
if software_type == 'Backuped':
davstorage = self.request(self.options['davstorage-software-url'],
software_type, 'Backup Server').getConnectionParameter('url')
parameters = {'remote_backup': davstorage}
elif software_type == 'PersonnalBackup':
parameters = {'remote_backup': self.parameter_dict['remote_backup']}
parameters = {}
mysql = self.request(self.options['mariadb-software-url'],
software_type, 'MariaDB Server', partition_parameter_kw=parameters
mysql_parsed = urlparse.urlparse(mysql)
mysql_host, mysql_port = mysql_parsed.hostname, mysql_parsed.port
if mysql_parsed.scheme == 'mysqls': # Listen over stunnel
mysql_host, mysql_port = self.installStunnelClient(mysql_host,
mysql_conf = dict(mysql_database=mysql_parsed.path.strip('/'),
mysql_host='%s:%s' % (mysql_host,mysql_port))
url = self.installApache(document_root)
self.createConfiguration(self.options['template'], document_root,
self.options['configuration'], mysql_conf)
return self.path_list
def installStunnelClient(self, remote_host, remote_port):
local_host = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
local_port = 8888
stunnel_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile('stunnel.conf',
self.getTemplateFilename(''), {
'log': os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'stunnel.log'),
'pid_file': os.path.join(self.run_directory, ''),
'remote_host': remote_host, 'remote_port': remote_port,
'local_host': local_host, 'local_port': local_port,
wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('stunnel',
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
self.options['stunnel_binary'].strip(), stunnel_conf_path]
return (local_host, local_port,)
import os
import sys
import time
def runApache(args):
sleep = 60
conf = args[0]
while True:
ready = True
for f in conf.get('required_path_list', []):
if not os.path.exists(f):
print 'File %r does not exists, sleeping for %s' % (f, sleep)
ready = False
if ready:
apache_wrapper_list = [conf['binary'], '-f', conf['config'], '-DFOREGROUND']
os.execl(apache_wrapper_list[0], *apache_wrapper_list)
import os
import subprocess
import time
import sys
def runMysql(args):
sleep = 60
conf = args[0]
mysqld_wrapper_list = [conf['mysqld_binary'], '--defaults-file=%s' %
# we trust mysql_install that if mysql directory is available mysql was
# correctly initalised
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conf['data_directory'], 'mysql')):
while True:
# XXX: Protect with proper root password
popen = subprocess.Popen([conf['mysql_install_binary'],
'--skip-name-resolve', '--no-defaults', '--datadir=%s' %
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
result = popen.communicate()[0]
if popen.returncode is None or popen.returncode != 0:
print "Failed to initialise server.\nThe error was: %s" % result
print "Waiting for %ss and retrying" % sleep
print "Mysql properly initialised"
print "MySQL already initialised"
print "Starting %r" % mysqld_wrapper_list[0]
os.execl(mysqld_wrapper_list[0], *mysqld_wrapper_list)
def updateMysql(args):
conf = args[0]
sleep = 30
is_succeed = False
while True:
if not is_succeed:
mysql_upgrade_list = [conf['mysql_upgrade_binary'], '--no-defaults', '--user=root', '--socket=%s' % conf['socket']]
mysql_upgrade = subprocess.Popen(mysql_upgrade_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
result = mysql_upgrade.communicate()[0]
if mysql_upgrade.returncode is None:
if mysql_upgrade.returncode != 0 and not 'is already upgraded' in result:
print "Command %r failed with result:\n%s" % (mysql_upgrade_list, result)
print 'Sleeping for %ss and retrying' % sleep
if mysql_upgrade.returncode == 0:
print "MySQL database upgraded with result:\n%s" % result
print "No need to upgrade MySQL database"
mysql_script = conf.get('mysql_script')
if mysql_script:
mysql_list = [conf['mysql_binary'].strip(), '--no-defaults', '-B', '--user=root', '--socket=%s' % conf['socket']]
mysql = subprocess.Popen(mysql_list, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
result = mysql.communicate(conf['mysql_script'])[0]
if mysql.returncode is None:
if mysql.returncode != 0:
print 'Command %r failed with:\n%s' % (mysql_list, result)
print 'Sleeping for %ss and retrying' % sleep
is_succeed = True
print 'SlapOS initialisation script succesfully applied on database.'
import sys
import subprocess
def executeRunner(args):
"""Start the instance configure. this may run a python script, move or/and rename
file or directory when dondition is filled. the condition may be when file exist or when an entry
exist into database.
arguments, delete, rename, chmod, data = args
if delete != []:
print "Calling lampconfigure with 'delete' arguments"
result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + delete)
if rename != []:
for parameters in rename:
print "Calling lampconfigure with 'rename' arguments"
result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + parameters)
if chmod != []:
print "Calling lampconfigure with 'chmod' arguments"
result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + chmod)
if data != []:
print "Calling lampconfigure with 'run' arguments"
result = subprocess.Popen(arguments + data)
# Apache static configuration
# Automatically generated
# Basic server configuration
PidFile "%(pid_file)s"
LockFile "%(lock_file)s"
Listen %(ip)s:%(port)s
PHPINIDir %(php_ini_dir)s
ServerAdmin someone@email
DefaultType text/plain
TypesConfig conf/mime.types
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php5 .php4
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
# Log configuration
ErrorLog "%(error_log)s"
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b \"%%{Referer}i\" \"%%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%%h %%{REMOTE_USER}i %%l %%u %%t \"%%r\" %%>s %%b" common
CustomLog "%(access_log)s" common
# Directory protection
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory %(document_root)s>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DocumentRoot %(document_root)s
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
# List of modules
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule version_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule php5_module modules/
LoadModule alias_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
# ERP5 buildout my.cnf template based on my-huge.cnf shipped with mysql
# The MySQL server
# ERP5 by default requires InnoDB storage. MySQL by default fallbacks to using
# different engine, like MyISAM. Such behaviour generates problems only, when
# tables requested as InnoDB are silently created with MyISAM engine.
# Loud fail is really required in such case.
port = %(tcp_port)s
bind-address = %(ip)s
socket = %(socket)s
datadir = %(data_directory)s
pid-file = %(pid_file)s
log-error = %(error_log)s
log-slow-file = %(slow_query_log)s
long_query_time = 5
max_allowed_packet = 128M
query_cache_size = 32M
plugin-load =
# The following are important to configure and depend a lot on to the size of
# your database and the available resources.
#innodb_buffer_pool_size = 4G
#innodb_log_file_size = 256M
#innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
# Some dangerous settings you may want to uncomment if you only want
# performance or less disk access. Useful for unit tests.
#innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
#innodb_flush_method = nosync
#innodb_doublewrite = 0
#sync_frm = 0
# Uncomment the following if you need binary logging, which is recommended
# on production instances (either for replication or incremental backups).
# Force utf8 usage
collation_server = utf8_unicode_ci
character_set_server = utf8
socket = %(socket)s
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(database)s.* TO %(user)s@localhost IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %(database)s.* TO %(user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
GRANT SHOW DATABASES ON *.* TO %(user)s@localhost IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
GRANT SHOW DATABASES ON *.* TO %(user)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY %(password)r;
engine = On
safe_mode = Off
expose_php = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~(E_DEPRECATED|E_NOTICE|E_WARNING)
display_errors = On
display_startup_errors = Off
log_errors = On
log_errors_max_len = 1024
ignore_repeated_errors = Off
ignore_repeated_source = Off
session.save_path = "%(tmp_directory)s"
session.auto_start = 0
date.timezone = Europe/Paris
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 16M
post_max_size = 16M
foreground = yes
output = %(log)s
pid = %(pid_file)s
syslog = no
client = yes
accept = %(local_host)s:%(local_port)s
connect = %(remote_host)s:%(remote_port)s
...@@ -33,9 +33,16 @@ from hashlib import md5 ...@@ -33,9 +33,16 @@ from hashlib import md5
import stat import stat
import netaddr import netaddr
import time import time
import re
import urlparse
# Use to do from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
from generic import GenericBaseRecipe
from genericslap import GenericSlapRecipe
class BaseSlapRecipe: class BaseSlapRecipe:
"""Base class for all slap.recipe.*""" """Base class for all slap.recipe.*"""
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options): def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
"""Default initialisation""" """Default initialisation""" = name = name
...@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe: ...@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
'xml_report') 'xml_report')
self.destroy_script_location = os.path.join(self, self.work_directory, self.destroy_script_location = os.path.join(self, self.work_directory,
'sbin', 'destroy') 'sbin', 'destroy')
self.promise_directory = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'promise')
# default directory structure information # default directory structure information
self.default_directory_list = [ self.default_directory_list = [
...@@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe: ...@@ -71,6 +79,7 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
self.etc_directory, # CP/etc - configuration container self.etc_directory, # CP/etc - configuration container
self.wrapper_directory, # CP/etc/run - for wrappers self.wrapper_directory, # CP/etc/run - for wrappers
self.wrapper_report_directory, # CP/etc/report - for report wrappers self.wrapper_report_directory, # CP/etc/report - for report wrappers
self.promise_directory, # CP/etc/promise - for promise checking scripts
self.var_directory, # CP/var - partition "internal" container for logs, self.var_directory, # CP/var - partition "internal" container for logs,
# and another metadata # and another metadata
self.wrapper_xml_report_directory, # CP/var/xml_report - for xml_report wrappers self.wrapper_xml_report_directory, # CP/var/xml_report - for xml_report wrappers
...@@ -81,16 +90,19 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe: ...@@ -81,16 +90,19 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
# SLAP related information # SLAP related information
slap_connection = buildout['slap_connection'] slap_connection = buildout['slap_connection']
self.computer_id=slap_connection['computer_id'] self.computer_id = slap_connection['computer_id']
self.computer_partition_id=slap_connection['partition_id'] self.computer_partition_id = slap_connection['partition_id']
self.server_url=slap_connection['server_url'] self.server_url = slap_connection['server_url']
self.software_release_url=slap_connection['software_release_url'] self.software_release_url = slap_connection['software_release_url']
self.key_file=slap_connection.get('key_file') self.key_file = slap_connection.get('key_file')
self.cert_file=slap_connection.get('cert_file') self.cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert_file')
# setup egg to give possibility to generate scripts # setup egg to give possibility to generate scripts
self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(buildout, options['recipe'], options) self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(buildout, options['recipe'], options)
# Hook options
# setup auto uninstall/install # setup auto uninstall/install
self._setupAutoInstallUninstall() self._setupAutoInstallUninstall()
...@@ -243,3 +255,55 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe: ...@@ -243,3 +255,55 @@ class BaseSlapRecipe:
def _install(self): def _install(self):
"""Hook which shall be implemented in children class""" """Hook which shall be implemented in children class"""
raise NotImplementedError('Shall be implemented by subclass') raise NotImplementedError('Shall be implemented by subclass')
def _options(self, options):
"""Hook which can be implemented in children class"""
def createPromiseWrapper(self, promise_name, file_content):
"""Create a promise wrapper.
This wrapper aim to check if the software release is doing its job.
Return the promise file path.
promise_path = os.path.join(self.promise_directory, promise_name)
self._writeExecutable(promise_path, file_content)
return promise_path
def setConnectionUrl(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self._unparseUrl(*args, **kwargs)
def _unparseUrl(self, scheme, host, path='', params='', query='',
fragment='', port=None, auth=None):
"""Join a url with auth, host, and port.
* auth can be either a login string or a tuple (login, password).
* if the host is an ipv6 address, brackets will be added to surround it.
# XXX-Antoine: I didn't find any standard module to join an url with
# login, password, ipv6 host and port.
# So instead of copy and past in every recipe I factorized it right here.
netloc = ''
if auth is not None:
auth = tuple(auth)
netloc = str(auth[0]) # Login
if len(auth) > 1:
netloc += ':%s' % auth[1] # Password
netloc += '@'
# host is an ipv6 address whithout brackets
if ':' in host and not re.match(r'^\[.*\]$', host):
netloc += '[%s]' % host
netloc += str(host)
if port is not None:
netloc += ':%s' % port
url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))
return url
...@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ def execute_wait(args): ...@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ def execute_wait(args):
ready = False ready = False
if ready: if ready:
break break
# XXX: It's the same as ../ca/
# We should use pyinotify as well. Or select() on socket.
time.sleep(sleep) time.sleep(sleep)
os.execv(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:]) os.execv(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:])
...@@ -39,6 +41,25 @@ def executee(args): ...@@ -39,6 +41,25 @@ def executee(args):
env[k] = v env[k] = v
os.execve(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:], env) os.execve(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:], env)
def executee_wait(args):
"""Portable execution with process replacement and environment manipulation"""
exec_list = list(args[0])
file_list = list(args[1])
environment = args[2]
env = os.environ.copy()
for k,v in environment.iteritems():
env[k] = v
sleep = 60
while True:
ready = True
for f in file_list:
if not os.path.exists(f):
print 'File %r does not exists, sleeping for %s' % (f, sleep)
ready = False
if ready:
os.execve(exec_list[0], exec_list + sys.argv[1:], env)
def sig_handler(signal, frame): def sig_handler(signal, frame):
print 'Received signal %r, killing children and exiting' % signal print 'Received signal %r, killing children and exiting' % signal
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import logging
import os
import sys
import inspect
import pkg_resources
import zc.buildout
class GenericBaseRecipe(object):
TRUE_VALUES = ['y', 'yes', '1', 'true']
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
"""Recipe initialisation""" = name
self.options = options
self.buildout = buildout
self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
self._options(options) # Options Hook
self._ws = self.getWorkingSet()
def update(self):
"""By default update method does the same thing than install"""
return self.install()
def install(self):
"""Install method of the recipe. This must be overriden in child
classes """
raise NotImplementedError("install method is not implemented.")
def getWorkingSet(self):
"""If you want do override the default working set"""
egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(self.buildout, 'slapos.cookbook',
requirements, ws = egg.working_set()
return ws
def _options(self, options):
"""Options Hook method. This method can be overriden in child classes"""
def createFile(self, name, content, mode=0600):
"""Create a file with content
The parent directory should exists, else it would raise IOError"""
with open(name, 'w') as fileobject:
os.chmod(, mode)
return os.path.abspath(name)
def createExecutable(self, name, content, mode=0700):
return self.createFile(name, content, mode)
def createPythonScript(self, name, absolute_function, arguments=''):
"""Create a python script using zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts
* function should look like 'module.function', or only 'function'
if it is a builtin function."""
absolute_function = tuple(absolute_function.rsplit('.', 1))
if len(absolute_function) == 1:
absolute_function = ('__builtin__',) + absolute_function
if len(absolute_function) != 2:
raise ValueError("A non valid function was given")
module, function = absolute_function
path, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(name))
script = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
[(filename, module, function)], self._ws, sys.executable,
path, arguments=arguments)[0]
return script
def substituteTemplate(self, template_location, mapping_dict):
"""Read from file template_location an substitute content with
mapping_dict douing a dummy python format."""
with open(template_location, 'r') as template:
return % mapping_dict
def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
caller = inspect.stack()[1]
caller_frame = caller[0]
name = caller_frame.f_globals['__name__']
return pkg_resources.resource_filename(name,
'template/%s' % template_name)
def generatePassword(self, len_=32):
# TODO: implement a real password generator which remember the last
# call.
return "insecure"
def isTrueValue(self, value):
return str(value).lower() in GenericBaseRecipe.TRUE_VALUES
def optionIsTrue(self, optionname, default=None):
return self.isTrueValue(self.options[optionname])
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import logging
from slapos import slap
import zc.buildout
import zc.recipe.egg
import time
import re
import urlparse
class GenericSlapRecipe(object):
"""Base class for all slap.recipe.*"""
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
"""Default initialisation""" = name
options['eggs'] = 'slapos.cookbook'
self.options = options
self.logger = logging.getLogger(
self.slap = slap.slap()
# SLAP related information
slap_connection = buildout['slap-connection']
self.computer_id = slap_connection['computer-id']
self.computer_partition_id = slap_connection['partition-id']
self.server_url = slap_connection['server-url']
self.software_release_url = slap_connection['software-release-url']
self.key_file = slap_connection.get('key-file')
self.cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert-file')
# setup egg to give possibility to generate scripts
self.egg = zc.recipe.egg.Egg(buildout, options['recipe'], options)
# Hook options
# setup auto uninstall/install
def _setupAutoInstallUninstall(self):
"""By default SlapOS recipes are reinstalled each time"""
# Note: It is possible to create in future subclass which will do no-op in
# this method
self.options['slapos-timestamp'] = str(time.time())
def install(self):
self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, self.key_file,
self.computer_partition = self.slap.registerComputerPartition(
self.request = self.computer_partition.request
self.setConnectionDict = self.computer_partition.setConnectionDict
self.parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict()
# call children part of install
path_list = self._install()
return path_list
update = install
def _install(self):
"""Hook which shall be implemented in children class"""
raise NotImplementedError('Shall be implemented by subclass')
def _options(self, options):
"""Hook which can be implemented in children class"""
def setConnectionUrl(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self._unparseUrl(*args, **kwargs)
def _unparseUrl(self, scheme, host, path='', params='', query='',
fragment='', port=None, auth=None):
"""Join a url with auth, host, and port.
* auth can be either a login string or a tuple (login, password).
* if the host is an ipv6 address, brackets will be added to surround it.
# XXX-Antoine: I didn't find any standard module to join an url with
# login, password, ipv6 host and port.
# So instead of copy and past in every recipe I factorized it right here.
netloc = ''
if auth is not None:
auth = tuple(auth)
netloc = str(auth[0]) # Login
if len(auth) > 1:
netloc += ':%s' % auth[1] # Password
netloc += '@'
# host is an ipv6 address whithout brackets
if ':' in host and not re.match(r'^\[.*\]$', host):
netloc += '[%s]' % host
netloc += str(host)
if port is not None:
netloc += ':%s' % port
url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment))
return url
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def _options(self, options):
if 'name' not in options:
options['name'] =
def install(self):
path_list = []
logrotate_backup = self.options['backup']
logrotate_d = self.options['logrotate-entries']
logrotate_conf_file = self.options['conf']
logrotate_conf = []
logrotate_conf.append("include %s" % logrotate_d)
logrotate_conf.append("olddir %s" % logrotate_backup)
frequency = 'daily'
if 'frequency' in self.options:
frequency = self.options['frequency']
num_rotate = 30
if 'num-rotate' in self.options:
num_rotate = self.options['num-rotate']
logrotate_conf.append("rotate %s" % num_rotate)
logrotate_conf.append("compresscmd %s" % self.options['gzip-binary'])
logrotate_conf.append("compressoptions -9")
logrotate_conf.append("uncompresscmd %s" % self.options['gunzip-binary'])
logrotate_conf_file = self.createFile(logrotate_conf_file, '\n'.join(logrotate_conf))
state_file = self.options['state-file']
logrotate = self.createPythonScript(
[self.options['logrotate-binary'], '-s', state_file, logrotate_conf_file, ]
return path_list
class Part(GenericBaseRecipe):
def _options(self, options):
if 'name' not in options:
options['name'] =
def install(self):
logrotate_d = self.options['logrotate-entries']
part_path = os.path.join(logrotate_d, self.options['name'])
conf = []
if 'frequency' in self.options:
if 'num-rotate' in self.options:
conf.append('rotate %s' % self.options['num-rotate'])
if 'post' in self.options:
conf.append("postrotate\n%s\nendscript" % self.options['post'])
if 'pre' in self.options:
conf.append("prerotate\n%s\nendscript" % self.options['pre'])
if self.optionIsTrue('sharedscripts', False):
if self.optionIsTrue('notifempty', False):
if self.optionIsTrue('create', True):
log = self.options['log']
self.createFile(os.path.join(logrotate_d, self.options['name']),
"%(logfiles)s {\n%(conf)s\n}" % {
'logfiles': log,
'conf': '\n'.join(conf),
return [part_path]
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def _options(self, options): = options.copy()
str_mode = '0700'
if 'mode' in
str_mode =['mode']
self.mode = int(str_mode, 8)
def install(self):
for directory in
path = directory
if not os.path.exists(path):
os.mkdir(path, self.mode)
elif not os.path.isdir(path):
raise OSError("%s path exits, but it's not a directory.")
return []
...@@ -24,312 +24,135 @@ ...@@ -24,312 +24,135 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# #
############################################################################## ##############################################################################
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import BaseSlapRecipe from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
import hashlib
import os import os
import pkg_resources
import sys
import zc.buildout
import ConfigParser
class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def getTemplateFilename(self, template_name):
return pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,
'template/%s' % template_name)
def _install(self): def _options(self, options):
self.path_list = [] options['password'] = self.generatePassword()
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set() def install(self):
# self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered path_list = []
self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
mysql_conf = self.installMysqlServer(self.getLocalIPv4Address(), 45678) template_filename = self.getTemplateFilename('')
ca_conf = self.installCertificateAuthority()
key, certificate = self.requestCertificate('MySQL')
stunnel_conf = self.installStunnel(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
self.getLocalIPv4Address(), 12345, mysql_conf['tcp_port'],
certificate, key, ca_conf['ca_crl'],
stunnel_ip = stunnel_conf['public_ip'],
stunnel_port = stunnel_conf['public_port'],
mysql_database = mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
mysql_user = mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
mysql_password = mysql_conf['mysql_password'],
return self.path_list
def linkBinary(self):
"""Links binaries to instance's bin directory for easier exposal"""
for linkline in self.options.get('link_binary_list', '').splitlines():
if not linkline:
target = linkline.split()
if len(target) == 1:
target = target[0]
path, linkname = os.path.split(target)
linkname = target[1]
target = target[0]
link = os.path.join(self.bin_directory, linkname)
if os.path.lexists(link):
if not os.path.islink(link):
raise zc.buildout.UserError(
'Target link already %r exists but it is not link' % link)
os.symlink(target, link)
self.logger.debug('Created link %r -> %r' % (link, target))
def installCrond(self):
timestamps = self.createDataDirectory('cronstamps')
cron_output = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'cron-output')
catcher = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('catchcron',
__name__ + '.catdatefile', 'catdatefile')],, sys.executable,
self.bin_directory, arguments=[cron_output])[0]
cron_d = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'cron.d')
crontabs = os.path.join(self.etc_directory, 'crontabs')
wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('crond',
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],, sys.executable,
self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
self.options['dcrond_binary'].strip(), '-s', cron_d, '-c', crontabs,
'-t', timestamps, '-f', '-l', '5', '-M', catcher]
return cron_d
def installLogrotate(self):
"""Installs logortate main configuration file and registers its to cron"""
logrotate_d = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.etc_directory,
logrotate_backup = self.createBackupDirectory('logrotate')
logrotate_conf = self.createConfigurationFile("logrotate.conf",
"include %s" % logrotate_d)
logrotate_cron = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'logrotate')
state_file = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'logrotate.status')
open(logrotate_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * %s -s %s %s' %
(self.options['logrotate_binary'], state_file, logrotate_conf))
self.path_list.extend([logrotate_d, logrotate_conf, logrotate_cron])
return logrotate_d, logrotate_backup
def registerLogRotation(self, name, log_file_list, postrotate_script):
"""Register new log rotation requirement"""
open(os.path.join(self.logrotate_d, name), 'w').write(
dict(file_list=' '.join(['"'+q+'"' for q in log_file_list]),
postrotate=postrotate_script, olddir=self.logrotate_backup)))
def installCertificateAuthority(self, ca_country_code='XX', mysql_conf = dict(
ca_email='', ca_state='State', ca_city='City', ip=self.options['ip'],
ca_company='Company'): data_directory=self.options['data-directory'],
backup_path = self.createBackupDirectory('ca') tcp_port=self.options['port'],
self.ca_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'ca') pid_file=self.options['pid-file'],
self._createDirectory(self.ca_dir) socket=self.options['socket'],
self.ca_request_dir = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'requests') error_log=self.options['error-log'],
self._createDirectory(self.ca_request_dir) slow_query_log=self.options['slow-query-log'],
config = dict(ca_dir=self.ca_dir, request_dir=self.ca_request_dir) mysql_database=self.options['database'],
self.ca_private = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'private') mysql_user=self.options['user'],
self.ca_certs = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'certs') mysql_password=self.options['password'],
self.ca_crl = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'crl')
self.ca_newcerts = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'newcerts')
self.ca_key_ext = '.key'
self.ca_crt_ext = '.crt'
for d in [self.ca_private, self.ca_crl, self.ca_newcerts, self.ca_certs]:
for f in ['crlnumber', 'serial']:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f)):
open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, f), 'w').write('01')
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt')):
open(os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'index.txt'), 'w').write('')
openssl_configuration = os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'openssl.cnf')
) )
self._writeFile(openssl_configuration, pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'template/') % config)
__name__ + '.certificate_authority', 'runCertificateAuthority')],, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
certificate=os.path.join(self.ca_dir, 'cacert.pem'),
key=os.path.join(self.ca_private, 'cakey.pem'),
# configure backup
backup_cron = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'ca_rdiff_backup')
open(backup_cron, 'w').write(
'''0 0 * * * %(rdiff_backup)s %(source)s %(destination)s'''%dict(
return dict( mysql_binary = self.options['mysql-binary']
ca_certificate=os.path.join(config['ca_dir'], 'cacert.pem'), socket = self.options['socket'],
ca_crl=os.path.join(config['ca_dir'], 'crl'), post_rotate = self.createPythonScript(
certificate_authority_path=config['ca_dir'] self.options['logrotate-post'],
[mysql_binary, '--no-defaults', '-B', '--socket=%s' % socket, '-e',
) )
def requestCertificate(self, name): mysql_conf_file = self.createFile(
hash = hashlib.sha512(name).hexdigest() self.options['conf-file'],
key = os.path.join(self.ca_private, hash + self.ca_key_ext) self.substituteTemplate(template_filename, mysql_conf)
certificate = os.path.join(self.ca_certs, hash + self.ca_crt_ext)
parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
parser.set('certificate', 'name', name)
parser.set('certificate', 'key_file', key)
parser.set('certificate', 'certificate_file', certificate)
parser.write(open(os.path.join(self.ca_request_dir, hash), 'w'))
return key, certificate
def installStunnel(self, public_ip, private_ip, public_port, private_port,
ca_certificate, key, ca_crl, ca_path):
"""Installs stunnel"""
template_filename = self.getTemplateFilename('')
log = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'stunnel.log')
pid_file = os.path.join(self.run_directory, '')
stunnel_conf = dict(
cert = ca_certificate,
key = key,
ca_crl = ca_crl,
ca_path = ca_path,
private_port = private_port,
) )
stunnel_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile("stunnel.conf", path_list.append(mysql_conf_file)
wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('stunnel',
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute_wait')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
[self.options['stunnel_binary'].strip(), stunnel_conf_path],
[ca_certificate, key]]
return stunnel_conf
mysql_script_list = []
def installMysqlServer(self, ip, port, database='db', user='user', init_script = self.substituteTemplate(
template_filename=None, mysql_conf=None): self.getTemplateFilename(''),
if mysql_conf is None: {
mysql_conf = {} 'mysql_database': mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql') 'mysql_user': mysql_conf['mysql_user'],
if template_filename is None: 'mysql_password': mysql_conf['mysql_password']
template_filename = self.getTemplateFilename('') }
error_log = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'mysqld.log')
slow_query_log = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'mysql-slow.log')
pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, ''),
socket=os.path.join(self.run_directory, 'mysqld.sock'),
) )
self.registerLogRotation('mysql', [error_log, slow_query_log], mysql_script_list.append(init_script)
'%(mysql_binary)s --no-defaults -B --user=root '
'--socket=%(mysql_socket)s -e "FLUSH LOGS"' % dict(
mysql_conf_path = self.createConfigurationFile("my.cnf",
mysql_script_list = []
for x_database, x_user, x_password in \
'template/') % {
'mysql_database': x_database,
'mysql_user': x_user,
'mysql_password': x_password})
mysql_script_list.append('EXIT') mysql_script_list.append('EXIT')
mysql_script = '\n'.join(mysql_script_list) mysql_script = '\n'.join(mysql_script_list)
__name__ + '.mysql', 'updateMysql')],, mysql_upgrade_binary = self.options['mysql-upgrade-binary']
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict( mysql_update = self.createPythonScript(
'%s.mysql.updateMysql' % __name__,
mysql_script=mysql_script, mysql_script=mysql_script,
mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'].strip(), mysql_binary=mysql_binary,
mysql_upgrade_binary=self.options['mysql_upgrade_binary'].strip(), mysql_upgrade_binary=mysql_upgrade_binary,
socket=mysql_conf['socket'], socket=socket,
)])) )
self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('mysqld', )
__name__ + '.mysql', 'runMysql')],, path_list.append(mysql_update)
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
mysql_install_binary=self.options['mysql_install_binary'].strip(), mysqld_binary = self.options['mysqld-binary']
mysqld_binary=self.options['mysqld_binary'].strip(), mysqld = self.createPythonScript(
data_directory=mysql_conf['data_directory'].strip(), self.options['wrapper'],
mysql_binary=self.options['mysql_binary'].strip(), '%s.mysql.runMysql' % __name__,
socket=mysql_conf['socket'].strip(), dict(
configuration_file=mysql_conf_path, mysql_install_binary=self.options['mysql-install-binary'],
)])) mysqld_binary=mysqld_binary,
self.path_list.extend([mysql_conf_path]) data_directory=mysql_conf['data_directory'],
# backup configuration # backup configuration
backup_directory = self.createBackupDirectory('mysql') mysqldump_binary = self.options['mysqldump-binary']
full_backup = os.path.join(backup_directory, 'full') backup_directory = self.options['backup-directory']
incremental_backup = os.path.join(backup_directory, 'incremental') pending_backup_dir = self.options['backup-pending-directory']
self._createDirectory(full_backup) dump_filename = self.options['dumpname']
innobackupex_argument_list = [self.options['perl_binary'], mysqldump_cmd = [mysqldump_binary,
self.options['innobackupex_binary'], mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
'--defaults-file=%s' % mysql_conf_path, '-u', 'root',
'--socket=%s' %mysql_conf['socket'].strip(), '--user=root'] '-S', mysql_conf['socket'].strip(),
environment = dict(PATH='%s' % self.bin_directory) '--single-transaction', '--opt',
innobackupex_incremental = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([( ]
'innobackupex_incremental', 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')], dump_file = os.path.join(backup_directory, dump_filename), sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[ tmpdump_file = os.path.join(pending_backup_dir, dump_filename)
innobackupex_argument_list + ['--incremental'], backup_script = self.createPythonScript(
environment])[0] self.options['backup-script'],
self.path_list.append(innobackupex_incremental) '%s.backup.do_backup' % __name__,
innobackupex_full = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('innobackupex_full', {
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'executee')],, 'mysqldump': mysqldump_cmd,
sys.executable, self.bin_directory, arguments=[ 'gzip': self.options['gzip-binary'],
innobackupex_argument_list, 'tmpdump': tmpdump_file,
environment])[0] 'dumpfile': dump_file,
self.path_list.append(innobackupex_full) },
backup_controller = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([ )
('innobackupex_controller', __name__ + '.innobackupex', 'controller')], path_list.append(backup_script), sys.executable, self.bin_directory,
arguments=[innobackupex_incremental, innobackupex_full, full_backup, # Recovering backup
incremental_backup])[0] if self.optionIsTrue('recovering', default=False):
self.path_list.append(backup_controller) recovering_script = self.createPythonScript(
mysql_backup_cron = os.path.join(self.cron_d, 'mysql_backup') self.options['recovering-wrapper'],
open(mysql_backup_cron, 'w').write('0 0 * * * ' + backup_controller) '%s.recover.import_remote_dump' % __name__,
self.path_list.append(mysql_backup_cron) {
# The return could be more explicit database, user ... 'lock_file': os.path.join(self.work_directory,
return mysql_conf 'import_done'),
'database': mysql_conf['mysql_database'],
'mysql_binary': self.options['mysql-binary'],
'mysql_socket': mysql_conf['socket'],
'duplicity_binary': self.options['duplicity-binary'],
'remote_backup': self.parameter_dict['remote-backup'],
'local_directory': self.mysql_backup_directory,
'dump_name': dump_filename,
'zcat_binary': self.options['zcat-binary'],
return path_list
import subprocess
import os
# Replace mysqldump | gzip > tmpdump && mv -f tmpdump dumpfile
def do_backup(kwargs):
mysqldump_cmd = kwargs['mysqldump']
gzip_bin = kwargs['gzip']
tmpdump = kwargs['tmpdump']
dumpfile = kwargs['dumpfile']
# mysqldump | gzip > tmpdump
with open(tmpdump, 'w') as output:
mysqldump = subprocess.Popen(mysqldump_cmd,
gzip = subprocess.Popen([gzip_bin],
if gzip.wait() != 0:
raise ValueError("Gzip return a non zero value.")
os.rename(tmpdump, dumpfile)
import os
import sys
import time
def catdatefile(args):
directory = args[0]
suffix = args[1]
except IndexError:
suffix = '.log'
f = open(os.path.join(directory,
time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M.%s') + suffix), 'aw')
for line in
...@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ import time ...@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ import time
import sys import sys
def runMysql(args): def runMysql(conf):
sleep = 60 sleep = 60
conf = args[0]
mysqld_wrapper_list = [conf['mysqld_binary'], '--defaults-file=%s' % mysqld_wrapper_list = [conf['mysqld_binary'], '--defaults-file=%s' %
conf['configuration_file']] conf['configuration_file']]
# we trust mysql_install that if mysql directory is available mysql was # we trust mysql_install that if mysql directory is available mysql was
...@@ -16,8 +15,8 @@ def runMysql(args): ...@@ -16,8 +15,8 @@ def runMysql(args):
# XXX: Protect with proper root password # XXX: Protect with proper root password
# XXX: Follow # XXX: Follow
popen = subprocess.Popen([conf['mysql_install_binary'], popen = subprocess.Popen([conf['mysql_install_binary'],
'--skip-name-resolve', '--no-defaults', '--datadir=%s' % '--skip-name-resolve', '--skip-host-cache', '--no-defaults',
conf['data_directory']], '--datadir=%s' % conf['data_directory']],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
result = popen.communicate()[0] result = popen.communicate()[0]
if popen.returncode is None or popen.returncode != 0: if popen.returncode is None or popen.returncode != 0:
...@@ -35,8 +34,7 @@ def runMysql(args): ...@@ -35,8 +34,7 @@ def runMysql(args):
os.execl(mysqld_wrapper_list[0], *mysqld_wrapper_list) os.execl(mysqld_wrapper_list[0], *mysqld_wrapper_list)
def updateMysql(args): def updateMysql(conf):
conf = args[0]
sleep = 30 sleep = 30
is_succeed = False is_succeed = False
while True: while True:
import sys
import os
import time
import subprocess
def import_remote_dump(kwargs):
# Get data from kwargs
lock_file = kwargs['lock_file']
database = kwargs['database']
mysql_binary = kwargs['mysql_binary']
mysql_socket = kwargs['mysql_socket']
duplicity_binary = kwargs['duplicity_binary']
remote_backup = kwargs['remote_backup']
local_directory = kwargs['local_directory']
dump_name = kwargs['dump_name']
zcat_binary = kwargs['zcat_binary']
# The script start really here
if os.path.exists(lock_file):
while[mysql_binary, '--socket=%s' % mysql_socket,
'-u', 'root', '-e', 'use %s;' % database]) != 0:
subprocess.check_call([duplicity_binary, 'restore', '--no-encryption',
remote_backup, local_directory])
zcat = subprocess.Popen([zcat_binary, os.path.join(local_directory,
mysql = subprocess.Popen([mysql_binary, '--socket=%s' % mysql_socket,
'-D', database, '-u', 'root'],
returncode = mysql.poll()
if returncode == 0:
open(lock_file, 'w').close() # Just a touch
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import zc.buildout
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericSlapRecipe
class Recipe(GenericSlapRecipe):
def _options(self, options):
self.useparts = True
if 'url' in options:
self.useparts = False
self.url = options['url']
self.urlparts = {}
if 'scheme' not in options:
raise zc.buildout.UserError("No scheme specified.")
if 'host' not in options:
raise zc.buildout.UserError("No host specified.")
def _install(self):
if self.useparts:
for option in ['path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment', 'port']:
if option in self.options:
self.urlparts[option] = self.options[option]
if 'user' in self.options:
if 'password' in self.options:
return []
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import logging
import os
from slapos import slap as slapmodule
class Recipe(object):
def parseMultiValues(self, string):
return dict([ [str(column).strip() for column in line.split('=', 1)]
for line in str(string).splitlines() if '=' in line])
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(name)
slap = slapmodule.slap()
slap_connection = buildout['slap_connection']
self.software_release_url = slap_connection['software_release_url']
# XXX: Dirty network interation stuff
computer_partition = slap.registerComputerPartition(
slap_connection['computer_id'], slap_connection['partition_id'])
self.request = computer_partition.request
if 'software-url' not in options:
options['software-url'] = self.software_release_url
if 'name' not in options:
options['name'] = name
self.return_parameters = []
if 'return' in options:
self.return_parameters = [str(parameter).strip()
for parameter in options['return'].splitlines()]
self.logger.warning("No parameter to return to main instance."
"Be careful about that...")
software_type = 'RootInstanceSoftware'
if 'software-type' in options:
software_type = options['software-type']
filter_kw = {}
if 'sla' in options:
filter_kw = self.parseMultiValues(options['sla'])
partition_parameter_kw = {}
if 'config' in options:
partition_parameter_kw = self.parseMultiValues(options['config'])
instance = self.request(options['software-url'], software_type,
options['name'], partition_parameter_kw=partition_parameter_kw,
result = {}
for param in self.return_parameters:
result[param] = instance.getConnectionParameter(param)
# Return the connections parameters in options dict
for key, value in result.items():
options['connection-%s' % key] = value
def install(self):
return []
update = install
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import shutil
import os
import sys
import time
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
def log(args):
directory, suffix = args
filename = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M.%s') + suffix
with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), 'aw') as logfile:
shutil.copyfileobj(sys.stdin, logfile)
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def install(self):"Simple logger installation")
binary = self.options['binary']
output = self.options['output']
suffix = self.options.get('suffix', '.log')
script = self.createPythonScript(binary,
arguments=[output, suffix])
self.logger.debug("Logger script created at : %r", script)"Simple logger installed.")
return [script]
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import os
import sys
import copy
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import subprocess
import slapos.slap
import netaddr
import logging
import zc.buildout
class Recipe:
def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
self.buildout = buildout
self.options = options = name
self.logger = logging.getLogger(
def _getIpAddress(self, test_method):
"""Internal helper method to fetch ip address"""
if not 'ip_list' in self.parameter_dict:
raise AttributeError
for name, ip in self.parameter_dict['ip_list']:
if test_method(ip):
return ip
raise AttributeError
def getLocalIPv4Address(self):
"""Returns local IPv4 address available on partition"""
# XXX: Lack checking for locality of address
return self._getIpAddress(netaddr.valid_ipv4)
def getGlobalIPv6Address(self):
"""Returns global IPv6 address available on partition"""
# XXX: Lack checking for globality of address
return self._getIpAddress(netaddr.valid_ipv6)
def install(self):
slap = slapos.slap.slap()
slap_connection = self.buildout['slap_connection']
computer_id = slap_connection['computer_id']
computer_partition_id = slap_connection['partition_id']
server_url = slap_connection['server_url']
key_file = slap_connection.get('key_file')
cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert_file')
slap.initializeConnection(server_url, key_file, cert_file)
self.computer_partition = slap.registerComputerPartition(
self.parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict()
software_type = self.parameter_dict['slap_software_type']
if software_type not in self.options:
if 'default' in self.options:
software_type = 'default'
raise zc.buildout.UserError("This software type isn't mapped. And"
"there's no default software type.")
instance_file_path = self.options[software_type]
if not os.path.exists(instance_file_path):
raise zc.buildout.UserError("The specified buildout config file does not"
buildout = ConfigParser()
with open(instance_file_path) as instance_path:
buildout.set('buildout', 'installed',
'.installed-%s.cfg' % software_type)
for parameter, value in self.parameter_dict.items():
buildout.set('slap-parameter', parameter, value)
buildout.set('slap-network-information', 'local-ipv4',
buildout.set('slap-network-information', 'global-ipv6',
# Copy/paste slap_connection
for key, value in self.buildout['slap_connection'].iteritems():
# XXX: Waiting for SlapBaseRecipe to use dash instead of underscores
buildout.set('slap-connection', key.replace('_', '-'), value)
work_directory = os.path.abspath(self.buildout['buildout'][
buildout_filename = os.path.join(work_directory,
'buildout-%s.cfg' % software_type)
with open(buildout_filename, 'w') as buildout_file:
# XXX-Antoine: We gotta find a better way to do this. I tried to check
# out how slapgrid-cp was running buildout. But it is worse than that.
command_line_args = copy.copy(sys.argv) + ['-c', buildout_filename]"Invoking commandline : '%s'",
' '.join(command_line_args))
subprocess.check_call(command_line_args, cwd=work_directory,
return []
update = install
# Copyright (c) 2010 Vifib SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# guarantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import itertools
import zc.buildout
from slapos.recipe.librecipe import GenericBaseRecipe
class Recipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
def _options(self, options):
self.types = ['local', 'remote']
self.datas = ['address', 'port']
for type_ in self.types:
for data in self.datas:
opt = '%s-%s' % (type_, data)
if opt not in options:
raise zc.buildout.UserError("No %s for %s connections." % (data, type_))
self.isClient = self.optionIsTrue('client', default=False)
if self.isClient:"Client mode")
else:"Server mode")
if 'name' not in options:
options['name'] =
def install(self):
path_list = []
conf = {}
gathered_options = ['%s-%s' % option
for option in itertools.product(self.types,
for option in gathered_options:
# XXX: Because the options are using dash and the template uses
# underscore
conf[option.replace('-', '_')] = self.options[option]
pid_file = self.options['pid-file']
log_file = self.options['log-file']
if self.isClient:
template = self.getTemplateFilename('')
template = self.getTemplateFilename('')
key = self.options['key-file']
cert = self.options['cert-file']
conf.update(key=key, cert=cert)
conf_file = self.createFile(
self.substituteTemplate(template, conf))
wrapper = self.createPythonScript(
[self.options['stunnel-binary'], conf_file]
return path_list
foreground = yes
output = %(log)s
pid = %(pid_file)s
syslog = no
client = yes
accept = %(local_host)s:%(local_port)s
connect = %(remote_host)s:%(remote_port)s
foreground = yes
output = %(log)s
pid = %(pid_file)s
syslog = no
key = %(key)s
cert = %(cert)s
accept = %(remote_address)s:%(remote_port)s
connect = %(local_address)s:%(local_port)s
...@@ -34,58 +34,6 @@ class Recipe(slapos.recipe.erp5.Recipe): ...@@ -34,58 +34,6 @@ class Recipe(slapos.recipe.erp5.Recipe):
default_bt5_list = [] default_bt5_list = []
def installKeyAuthorisationApache(self, ip, port, backend, key, certificate,
ca_conf, key_auth_path='/erp5/portal_slap'):
ssl_template = """SSLEngine on
SSLVerifyClient require
RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s
SSLCertificateFile %(key_auth_certificate)s
SSLCertificateKeyFile %(key_auth_key)s
SSLCACertificateFile %(ca_certificate)s
SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
apache_conf = self._getApacheConfigurationDict('key_auth_apache', ip, port)
apache_conf['ssl_snippet'] = ssl_template % dict(
prefix = 'ssl_key_auth_apache'
rewrite_rule_template = \
"RewriteRule (.*) http://%(backend)s%(key_auth_path)s$1 [L,P]"
path_template = pkg_resources.resource_string('slapos.recipe.erp5',
path = path_template % dict(path='/')
d = dict(
vhname=path.replace('/', ''),
rewrite_rule = rewrite_rule_template % d
apache_config_file = self.createConfigurationFile(prefix + '.conf',
'template/') % apache_conf)
'slapos.recipe.erp5.apache', 'runApache')],,
sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[
required_path_list=[certificate, key, ca_conf['ca_certificate'],
return 'https://%(ip)s:%(port)s' % apache_conf
def _getZeoClusterDict(self): def _getZeoClusterDict(self):
site_path = '/erp5/' site_path = '/erp5/'
return { return {
...@@ -119,8 +67,8 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -119,8 +67,8 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
self.getTemplateFilename(''), dict( self.getTemplateFilename(''), dict(
storage_name=storage_dict['storage_name'], storage_name=storage_dict['storage_name'],
address='%s:%s' % (storage_dict['ip'], storage_dict['port']), address='%s:%s' % (storage_dict['ip'], storage_dict['port']),
mount_point=mount_point mount_point=mount_point, zodb_cache_size=self.zodb_cache_size,
))) zeo_client_cache_size=self.zeo_client_cache_size)))
tidstorage_config = dict(host=self.getLocalIPv4Address(), port='6001') tidstorage_config = dict(host=self.getLocalIPv4Address(), port='6001')
zodb_configuration_string = '\n'.join(zodb_configuration_list) zodb_configuration_string = '\n'.join(zodb_configuration_list)
zope_port = 12000 zope_port = 12000
...@@ -150,9 +98,15 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -150,9 +98,15 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
login_url_list) login_url_list)
apache_login = self.installBackendApache(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 15000, apache_login = self.installBackendApache(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 15000,
login_haproxy, backend_key, backend_certificate) login_haproxy, backend_key, backend_certificate)
# Install Frontend
frontend_domain_name = self.parameter_dict.get("domain_name", 'vifib')
frontend_key, frontend_certificate = \
apache_frontend_login = self.installFrontendZopeApache( apache_frontend_login = self.installFrontendZopeApache(
self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 4443, 'vifib', '/', self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), 4443, frontend_domain_name, '/',
apache_login, '/', backend_key, backend_certificate) apache_login, '', frontend_key, frontend_certificate)
# Four Web Service Nodes (Machine access) # Four Web Service Nodes (Machine access)
service_url_list = [] service_url_list = []
for i in (1, 2, 3, 4): for i in (1, 2, 3, 4):
...@@ -166,9 +120,9 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -166,9 +120,9 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate = self.requestCertificate( key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate = self.requestCertificate(
'Key Based Access') 'Key Based Access')
apache_keyauth = self.installKeyAuthorisationApache( apache_keyauth = self.installKeyAuthorisationApache(False, 15500,
self.getLocalIPv4Address(), 15500, service_haproxy, key_auth_key, service_haproxy, key_auth_key, key_auth_certificate, ca_conf,
key_auth_certificate, ca_conf, key_auth_path=self.key_auth_path) key_auth_path=self.key_auth_path)
memcached_conf = self.installMemcached(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address(), memcached_conf = self.installMemcached(ip=self.getLocalIPv4Address(),
port=11000) port=11000)
kumo_conf = self.installKumo(self.getLocalIPv4Address()) kumo_conf = self.installKumo(self.getLocalIPv4Address())
...@@ -179,7 +133,7 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -179,7 +133,7 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
# Connect direct to Zope to create the instance. # Connect direct to Zope to create the instance.
self.installERP5Site(user, password, service_url_list[-1], mysql_conf, self.installERP5Site(user, password, service_url_list[-1], mysql_conf,
conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf, conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf,
self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list) self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list, ca_conf)
self.setConnectionDict(dict( self.setConnectionDict(dict(
front_end_url=apache_frontend_login, front_end_url=apache_frontend_login,
...@@ -191,12 +145,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -191,12 +145,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
kumo_url=kumo_conf['kumo_address'], kumo_url=kumo_conf['kumo_address'],
conversion_server_url='%(conversion_server_ip)s:%(conversion_server_port)s' % conversion_server_url='%(conversion_server_ip)s:%(conversion_server_port)s' %
conversion_server_conf, conversion_server_conf,
# openssl binary might be removed, as soon as CP environment will be
# fully controlled
# As soon as there would be Vifib ERP5 configuration and possibility to
# call it over the network this can be removed
# as installERP5Site is not trusted (yet) and this recipe is production # as installERP5Site is not trusted (yet) and this recipe is production
# ready expose more information # ready expose more information
mysql_url='%(mysql_database)s@%(ip)s:%(tcp_port)s %(mysql_user)s %(mysql_password)s' % mysql_conf, mysql_url='%(mysql_database)s@%(ip)s:%(tcp_port)s %(mysql_user)s %(mysql_password)s' % mysql_conf,
...@@ -213,13 +161,14 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -213,13 +161,14 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
user, password = self.installERP5() user, password = self.installERP5()
zodb_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'zodb') zodb_dir = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'zodb')
self._createDirectory(zodb_dir) self._createDirectory(zodb_dir)
zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'root.fs') zodb_root_path = os.path.join(zodb_dir, 'main.fs')
ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address() ip = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
zope_port = '18080' zope_port = '18080'
zope_access = self.installZope(ip, zope_port, 'zope_development', zope_access = self.installZope(ip, zope_port, 'zope_development',
zodb_configuration_string=self.substituteTemplate( zodb_configuration_string=self.substituteTemplate(
self.getTemplateFilename(''), self.getTemplateFilename(''),
dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path)), dict(zodb_root_path=zodb_root_path,
thread_amount=8, with_timerservice=True) thread_amount=8, with_timerservice=True)
service_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15000, 'service', service_haproxy = self.installHaproxy(ip, 15000, 'service',
self.site_check_path, [zope_access]) self.site_check_path, [zope_access])
...@@ -238,7 +187,7 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -238,7 +187,7 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
self.linkBinary() self.linkBinary()
self.installERP5Site(user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf, self.installERP5Site(user, password, zope_access, mysql_conf,
conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf, conversion_server_conf, memcached_conf, kumo_conf,
self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list) self.site_id, self.default_bt5_list, ca_conf)
self.setConnectionDict(dict( self.setConnectionDict(dict(
development_zope='http://%s:%s/' % (ip, zope_port), development_zope='http://%s:%s/' % (ip, zope_port),
...@@ -249,12 +198,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -249,12 +198,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
kumo_url=kumo_conf['kumo_address'], kumo_url=kumo_conf['kumo_address'],
conversion_server_url='%(conversion_server_ip)s:%(conversion_server_port)s' % conversion_server_url='%(conversion_server_ip)s:%(conversion_server_port)s' %
conversion_server_conf, conversion_server_conf,
# openssl binary might be removed, as soon as CP environment will be
# fully controlled
# As soon as there would be Vifib ERP5 configuration and possibility to
# call it over the network this can be removed
# as installERP5Site is not trusted (yet) and this recipe is production # as installERP5Site is not trusted (yet) and this recipe is production
# ready expose more information # ready expose more information
mysql_url='%(mysql_database)s@%(ip)s:%(tcp_port)s %(mysql_user)s %(mysql_password)s' % mysql_conf, mysql_url='%(mysql_database)s@%(ip)s:%(tcp_port)s %(mysql_user)s %(mysql_password)s' % mysql_conf,
...@@ -267,6 +210,9 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -267,6 +210,9 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
self.path_list = [] self.path_list = []
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set() self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
# self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered # self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered
self.zodb_cache_size = int(self.options.get('zodb_cache_size', 5000))
self.zeo_client_cache_size = self.options.get('zeo_client_cache_size',
self.cron_d = self.installCrond() self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate() self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
self.killpidfromfile = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts( self.killpidfromfile = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
...@@ -276,8 +222,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s""" ...@@ -276,8 +222,6 @@ SSLCARevocationPath %(ca_crl)s"""
if self.parameter_dict.get("flavour", "default") == 'configurator': if self.parameter_dict.get("flavour", "default") == 'configurator':
self.default_bt5_list = self.options.get("configurator_bt5_list", '').split() self.default_bt5_list = self.options.get("configurator_bt5_list", '').split()
if self.parameter_dict.get('development', 'false').lower() == 'true':
return self.installDevelopment()
if self.parameter_dict.get('production', 'false').lower() == 'true': if self.parameter_dict.get('production', 'false').lower() == 'true':
return self.installProduction() return self.installProduction()
raise NotImplementedError('Flavour of instance have to be given.') return self.installDevelopment()
...@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ import zc.buildout ...@@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ import zc.buildout
class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
def _install(self): def _install(self):
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict() parameter_dict = self.computer_partition.getInstanceParameterDict()
ipv4 = self.getLocalIPv4Address(parameter_dict) ipv4 = self.getLocalIPv4Address()
ipv6 = self.getGlobalIPv6Address(parameter_dict) ipv6 = self.getGlobalIPv6Address()
self.install_mysql_server_configuration(self.getLocalIPv4Address(parameter_dict)) self.install_mysql_server_configuration(ipv4)
port = '8900' port = '8900'
tomcat_home = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'tomcat') tomcat_home = os.path.join(self.data_root_directory, 'tomcat')
...@@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
shtuil.rmtree(dst) shtuil.rmtree(dst)
raise raise
shutil.copy(self.options['hsql_location'].strip(), os.path.join(tomcat_lib, shutil.copy(self.options['jdbc_location'].strip(), os.path.join(tomcat_lib,
'hsqldb.jar')) 'jdbc.jar'))
# headless mode # headless mode
self._writeFile(os.path.join(tomcat_home, 'bin', ''), '''#!/bin/sh self._writeFile(os.path.join(tomcat_home, 'bin', ''), '''#!/bin/sh
export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true" export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true"
...@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ...@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
Uncomment if you want to use MySQL and comment out other database configurations. Uncomment if you want to use MySQL and comment out other database configurations.
We need to set the sql_mode to a less strict value, see XWIKI-1945 We need to set the sql_mode to a less strict value, see XWIKI-1945
--> -->
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://%(mysql_ip)s:%(mysql_port)s/xwiki?useServerPrepStmts=false&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=sql_mode=''</property> <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://%(mysql_ip)s:%(mysql_port)s/xwiki?useServerPrepStmts=false&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=&amp;sql_mode=''</property>
<property name="connection.username">xwiki</property> <property name="connection.username">xwiki</property>
<property name="connection.password">xwiki</property> <property name="connection.password">xwiki</property>
<property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property> <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
...@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ query_cache_size = 32M ...@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ query_cache_size = 32M
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
thread_concurrency = 8 thread_concurrency = 8
# Disable Federated by default
# Replication Master Server (default) # Replication Master Server (default)
# binary logging is required for replication # binary logging is required for replication
log-bin=mysql-bin log-bin=mysql-bin
...@@ -79,35 +79,50 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe): ...@@ -79,35 +79,50 @@ class Recipe(BaseSlapRecipe):
self.path_list.append(wrapper) self.path_list.append(wrapper)
return cron_d return cron_d
def _install(self): def installZabbixAgentd(self, ip, port, hostname, server_ip,
self.path_list = [] user_parameter_string=''):
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set() log_file = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'zabbix_agentd.log')
# self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered self.registerLogRotation('zabbix_agentd', [log_file])
self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate() zabbix_agentd_conf = dict(
zabbix_log_file = os.path.join(self.log_directory, 'zabbix_agentd.log')
self.registerLogRotation('zabbix_agentd', [zabbix_log_file])
zabbix_agentd = dict(
pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, ""), pid_file=os.path.join(self.run_directory, ""),
log_file=zabbix_log_file, log_file=log_file,
ip=self.getGlobalIPv6Address(), ip=ip,
server=self.parameter_dict['server'], server=server_ip,
hostname=self.parameter_dict['hostname'], hostname=hostname,
port='10050' port=port,
) user_parameter_string=user_parameter_string)
zabbix_agentd_conf = self.createConfigurationFile("zabbix_agentd.conf",
pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, zabbix_agentd_path = self.createConfigurationFile(
'template/') % zabbix_agentd) "zabbix_agentd.conf",
self.path_list.append(zabbix_agentd_conf) pkg_resources.resource_string(
__name__, 'template/') % zabbix_agentd_conf)
wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('zabbixagentd', wrapper = zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([('zabbixagentd',
'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],, sys.executable, 'slapos.recipe.librecipe.execute', 'execute')],, sys.executable,
self.bin_directory, arguments=[ self.bin_directory, arguments=[
self.options['zabbix_agentd_binary'].strip(), '-c', self.options['zabbix_agentd_binary'].strip(), '-c',
zabbix_agentd_conf])[0] zabbix_agentd_path])[0]
self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([ self.path_list.extend(zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts([
('zabbixagentd', __name__ + '.svcdaemon', 'svcdaemon')], ('zabbixagentd', __name__ + '.svcdaemon', 'svcdaemon')],, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(, sys.executable, self.wrapper_directory, arguments=[dict(
real_binary=wrapper, pid_file=zabbix_agentd['pid_file'])])) real_binary=wrapper, pid_file=zabbix_agentd_conf['pid_file'])]))
name=zabbix_agentd['hostname'], port=zabbix_agentd['port'])) return zabbix_agentd_conf
def _install(self):
self.path_list = []
self.requirements, = self.egg.working_set()
# self.cron_d is a directory, where cron jobs can be registered
self.cron_d = self.installCrond()
self.logrotate_d, self.logrotate_backup = self.installLogrotate()
zabbix_agentd_conf = self.installZabbixAgentd(self.getGlobalIPv6Address(),
name=zabbix_agentd_conf['hostname'], port=zabbix_agentd_conf['port']))
return self.path_list return self.path_list
...@@ -229,3 +229,5 @@ ListenIP=%(ip)s ...@@ -229,3 +229,5 @@ ListenIP=%(ip)s
# Mandatory: no # Mandatory: no
# Default: # Default:
# UserParameter= # UserParameter=
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