powerdns: fix for several slaves with same origin

the name of constructed records should be unique so use the slave
reference instead of the "origin" parameter to be sure it is unique.

Before this change, if 2 slaves have the same origin parameter
"foo.com", we have the following in zone-files.yml:

      - cname: cname.of.slave1.for.sa
      - cname: cname.of.slave2.for.sa

So only the cname for slave2 will be used.
5 jobs for 1.0
Status Job ID Name Coverage
passed SlapOS.SlapRunner.ResilienceTest-Master


failed SlapOS.SlapRunner.ResilienceTest-Master.ERP5

failed SlapOS.SoftwareReleases.IntegrationTest-Master.Python2

passed SlapOS.SoftwareReleases.IntegrationTest-Master.Python3

failed SlapOS.SlapRunner.ResilienceTest-Master.ERP5