{% if software_type == slap_software_type -%}
Note: all port counters are pre-incremented. No idea why base port is skipped.
{% set current_zeo_port = zeo_port_base | int -%}
{% set zope_port_base = zope_port_base | int -%}
{% set zope_dummy_list = [] -%}
{% set current_apache_port = apache_port_base | int -%}
{% set current_haproxy_port = haproxy_port_base | int -%}
{% set json = json_module.loads(slapparameter_dict['json']) -%}
{% set bin_directory = parameter_dict['buildout-bin-directory'] -%}
XXX: This template only supports exactly one IPv4 and one IPv6 per
partition. No more (undefined result), no less (IndexError).
{% set ipv4 = (ipv4_set | list)[0] -%}
{% set ipv6 = (ipv6_set | list)[0] -%}
BBB: erp5-ca['state'] has been configured as string by mistake. Keep this for
backward compatibility with existing automatically setup CAs.
{% set erp5_ca = json.get('erp5-ca', {
  'country-code': 'ZZ',
  'email': 'nobody@example.com',
  'state': "('State',)",
  'city': 'City',
  'company': 'Company',
}) -%}
{% set site_id = json['site-id'] -%}
{% set part_list = [] -%}
{% set known_tid_storage_identifier_dict = {} -%}
{% set zodb_connection_list = [] -%}
{% macro section(name) %}{% do part_list.append(name) %}{{ name }}{% endmacro -%}
{% macro zope(
) -%}
{% set conf_name = name ~ '-conf' -%}
{% set conf_parameter_name = conf_name ~ '-param' -%}
[{{ conf_parameter_name }}]
< = zope-conf-parameter-base
pid-file = ${directory:run}/{{ name }}.pid
lock-file = ${directory:run}/{{ name }}.lock
{% do zope_dummy_list.append(None) -%}
{% set offset = zope_dummy_list | length -%}
port = {{ zope_port_base + offset }}
thread-amount = {{ thread_amount }}
{% if timerserver_interval -%}
timerserver-interval = {{ timerserver_interval }}
{% endif -%}
event-log = ${directory:log}/{{ name }}-event.log
z2-log = ${directory:log}/{{ name }}-Z2.log

[{{ conf_name }}]
< = zope-conf-base
rendered = ${directory:etc}/{{ name }}.conf
extra-context =
  section parameter_dict {{ conf_parameter_name }}

[{{ section(name) }}]
< = zope-base
longrequest-logger-file = {{ longrequest_logger_file }}
longrequest-logger-timeout = {{ longrequest_logger_timeout }}
longrequest-logger-interval = {{ longrequest_logger_interval }}
wrapper = ${directory:services}/{{ name }}
configuration-file = {{ '${' ~ conf_name ~ ':rendered}' }}
port = {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':port}' }}

[{{ section('logrotate-entry-' ~ name) }}]
< = logrotate-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
name = {{ name }}
log = {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':event-log}' }} {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':z2-log}' }}
post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile {{ '${' ~ conf_parameter_name ~ ':pid-file}' }} SIGUSR2
{% endmacro -%}
# Directory creation
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
apache-conf = ${:etc}/apache
backup = ${:srv}/backup
bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin
ca-dir = ${:srv}/ssl
cron-entries = ${:etc}/cron.d
cronstamps = ${:etc}/cronstamps
crontabs = ${:etc}/crontabs
erp5-ca-dir = ${:srv}/erp5-ssl
etc = ${buildout:directory}/etc
instance = ${:srv}/erp5shared
instance-constraint = ${:instance}/Constraint
instance-document = ${:instance}/Document
instance-etc = ${:instance}/etc
instance-etc-package-include = ${:instance}/etc/package-include
instance-extensions = ${:instance}/Extensions
instance-import = ${:instance}/import
instance-lib = ${:instance}/lib
instance-products = ${:instance}/Products
instance-propertysheet = ${:instance}/PropertySheet
instance-tests = ${:instance}/tests
log = ${:var}/log
logrotate-backup = ${:backup}/logrotate
logrotate-entries = ${:etc}/logrotate.d
run = ${:var}/run
services = ${:etc}/run
srv = ${buildout:directory}/srv
tidstorage = ${:srv}/tidstorage
tmp = ${buildout:directory}/tmp
var = ${buildout:directory}/var
zodb = ${:srv}/zodb
zodb-backup = ${:backup}/zodb

# Binary symlinking
recipe = slapos.cookbook:symbolic.link
target-directory = ${directory:bin}
link-binary =
  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/basename
  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/cat
  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/cp
  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/ls
  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/tr
  {{ parameter_dict['coreutils'] }}/bin/uname
  {{ parameter_dict['git'] }}/bin/git
  {{ parameter_dict['graphviz'] }}/bin/dot
  {{ parameter_dict['grep'] }}/bin/grep
  {{ parameter_dict['imagemagick'] }}/bin/convert
  {{ parameter_dict['imagemagick'] }}/bin/identify
  {{ parameter_dict['mariadb'] }}/bin/mysql
  {{ parameter_dict['mariadb'] }}/bin/mysqldump
  {{ parameter_dict['pdftk'] }}/bin/pdftk
  {{ parameter_dict['sed'] }}/bin/sed
  {{ parameter_dict['tesseract'] }}/bin/tesseract
  {{ parameter_dict['w3m'] }}/bin/w3m
  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdfinfo
  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdftotext
  {{ parameter_dict['poppler'] }}/bin/pdftohtml
  {{ parameter_dict['dmtx-utils'] }}/bin/dmtxwrite

# CA
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
requests = ${directory:ca-dir}/requests
private = ${directory:ca-dir}/private
certs = ${directory:ca-dir}/certs
newcerts = ${directory:ca-dir}/newcerts
crl = ${directory:ca-dir}/crl

recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
openssl-binary = {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
ca-dir = ${directory:ca-dir}
requests-directory = ${cadirectory:requests}
wrapper = ${directory:services}/ca
ca-private = ${cadirectory:private}
ca-certs = ${cadirectory:certs}
ca-newcerts = ${cadirectory:newcerts}
ca-crl = ${cadirectory:crl}

recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
requests = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/requests
private = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/private
certs = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/certs
newcerts = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/newcerts
crl = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}/crl

recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority
openssl-binary = {{ parameter_dict['openssl'] }}/bin/openssl
ca-dir = ${directory:erp5-ca-dir}
requests-directory = ${erp5-cadirectory:requests}
wrapper = ${directory:services}/erp5-ca
ca-private = ${erp5-cadirectory:private}
ca-certs = ${erp5-cadirectory:certs}
ca-newcerts = ${erp5-cadirectory:newcerts}
ca-crl = ${erp5-cadirectory:crl}
country-code = {{ erp5_ca['country-code'] }}
email = {{ erp5_ca['email'] }}
state = {{ erp5_ca['state'] }}
city = {{ erp5_ca['city'] }}
company = {{ erp5_ca['company'] }}

cron-entries = ${directory:cron-entries}

< = cron-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron
dcrond-binary = {{ parameter_dict['dcron'] }}/sbin/crond
crontabs = ${directory:crontabs}
cronstamps = ${directory:cronstamps}
catcher = ${cron-simplelogger:wrapper}
binary = ${directory:services}/crond

recipe = slapos.cookbook:simplelogger
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/cron_simplelogger
log = ${directory:log}/cron.log

# Logrotate
logrotate-entries = ${directory:logrotate-entries}
backup = ${directory:logrotate-backup}

< = logrotate-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate
# Binaries
logrotate-binary = {{ parameter_dict['logrotate'] }}/usr/sbin/logrotate
gzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip'] }}/bin/gzip
gunzip-binary = {{ parameter_dict['gzip'] }}/bin/gunzip
# Directories
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/logrotate
conf = ${directory:etc}/logrotate.conf
state-file = ${directory:srv}/logrotate.status

< = cron-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
name = logrotate
frequency = 0 0 * * *
command = ${logrotate:wrapper}

# ERP5 bootstrap
recipe = slapos.cookbook:erp5.bootstrap
runner-path = ${directory:services}/erp5-bootstrap
mysql-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['mysql-url'] }}
zope-url = http://${zope-admin:user}:${zope-admin:password}@${zope-admin:ip}:${zope-admin:port}/{{ site_id }}

# ERP5 promise
recipe = slapos.cookbook:erp5.promise
promise-path = ${directory:etc}/erp5promise.cfg
kumofs-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['kumofs-url'] }}
memcached-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['memcached-url'] }}
cloudooo-url = {{ slapparameter_dict['cloudooo-url'] }}
smtp-url = ${slap-parameter:smtp-url}
bt5 = ${slap-parameter:bt5}
bt5-repository-url = ${slap-parameter:bt5-repository-url}

recipe = slapos.cookbook:zeo
ip = {{ ipv4 }}
binary-path = {{ bin_directory }}/runzeo

{% for zeo_id, zeo_configuration_list in json['zeo'].iteritems() -%}
{%   set current_zeo_port = current_zeo_port + 1 -%}
{%   set storage_list = [] -%}
{%   for zeo_slave in zeo_configuration_list -%}
{%     do zodb_connection_list.append((
         zeo_slave['mount-point'] % {'site-id': site_id},
           'cache-size': zeo_slave['zeo-cache-size'],
           'server': ipv4 ~ ':' ~ current_zeo_port,
           'storage': zeo_slave['storage-name'],
           'name': zeo_slave['storage-name'],
       )) -%}
{%     set zodb_path = '${directory:zodb}/' ~ zeo_slave['storage-name'] ~ '.fs' -%}
{%     do storage_list.append('storage-name=%(storage-name)s zodb-path=%(zodb-path)s' % {'zodb-path': zodb_path, 'storage-name': zeo_slave['storage-name']}) -%}
{%     do known_tid_storage_identifier_dict.__setitem__("((('${zeo-instance-%(zeo_id)s:ip}', ${zeo-instance-%(zeo_id)s:port}),), '%(storage_name)s')" % {
         'zeo_id': zeo_id,
         'storage_name': zeo_slave['storage-name']
       }, (zodb_path, '${directory:zodb-backup}/%s/' % zeo_slave['storage-name'], zeo_slave['serialize-path'] % {'site-id': site_id})) -%}
{%   endfor -%}
[{{ section('zeo-instance-%s' % zeo_id) }}]
< = zeo-instance-entry-common
log-path = ${directory:log}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}.log
pid-path = ${directory:run}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}.pid
conf-path = ${directory:etc}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}.conf
port = {{ current_zeo_port }}
storage =
  {{ storage_list | join('\n  ') }}
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/zeo-{{ zeo_id }}

[{{ section('logrotate-entry-zeo-%s' % zeo_id) }}]
< = logrotate-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
name = zeo-{{ zeo_id }}
log = ${zeo-instance-{{ zeo_id }}:log-path}
post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${zeo-instance-{{ zeo_id }}:pid-path} SIGUSR2

{% endfor -%}
# Zope
recipe = slapos.cookbook:generic.zope.zeo.client
user = zope
ip = {{ ipv4 }}
timezone = {{ json['timezone'] }}
tidstorage-ip = ${tidstorage:ip}
tidstorage-port = ${tidstorage:port}
instance-etc = ${directory:instance-etc}
bt5-repository = ${directory:var}/bt5_repository
tmp-path = ${directory:tmp}
bin-path = ${directory:bin}
site-zcml = ${:instance-etc}/site.zcml
inituser = ${directory:instance}/inituser
runzope-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/runzope
bt5-repository-list =

recipe = slapos.cookbook:pwgen.stable

ip = {{ ipv4 }}
site-id = {{ site_id }}
zodb-list = {{ json_module.dumps(zodb_connection_list) }}
# XXX: products won't be needed as soon as all ERP5 (and products-deps)
# products will be eggified so then it will be possible to use them thanks to
# availability in software's eggs
products = {{ parameter_dict['products'] }}

recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = {{ parameter_dict['zope-conf-template'] }}
extra-context =
context =
  key instance directory:instance
  key instance_products directory:instance-products
  raw deadlock_path /manage_debug_threads
  key deadlock_debugger_password deadlock-debugger-password:password
  import json_module json
  key tidstorage_ip tidstorage:ip
  key tidstorage_port tidstorage:port
  key promise_path erp5-promise:promise-path

# Distribution node
{{ zope('zope-distribution', timerserver_interval=1) }}
# Admin node
{{ zope('zope-admin') }}
# Activity nodes
{% for q in range(1, json['activity']['zopecount'] + 1) -%}
{{   zope('zope-activity-%s' % q, timerserver_interval=1) }}
{%- endfor %}
# Other zopes, apaches and haproxies
{% set publish_url_list =  [] -%}
{% for backend_name, backend_configuration in json['backend'].iteritems() -%}
{%   set haproxy_backend_list = [] -%}
{%   set longrequest_logger = backend_configuration.get('longrequest-logger') -%}
{%   for q in range(1, backend_configuration['zopecount'] + 1) -%}
{%     set part_name = 'zope-%s-%s' % (backend_name, q) -%}
{%     if longrequest_logger != None -%}
{%       set longrequest_logger_file = '${directory:log}/%s-longrequest.log' % (part_name, ) -%}
{%       set longrequest_logger_timeout = longrequest_logger.get('timeout', '4') -%}
{%       set longrequest_logger_interval = longrequest_logger.get('interval', '2') -%}
{%     else -%}
{%       set longrequest_logger_file = '' -%}
{%       set longrequest_logger_timeout = '' -%}
{%       set longrequest_logger_interval = '' -%}
{%     endif -%}
{{     zope(
       ) }}
{%     do haproxy_backend_list.append('${%(part_name)s:ip}:${%(part_name)s:port}' % {'part_name': part_name}) -%}
{%  endfor -%}
{%   set scheme = backend_configuration.get('scheme', ['https']) -%}
{%   set current_apache_port = current_apache_port + 2 -%}
{%   set current_haproxy_port = current_haproxy_port + 1 -%}
{%   if 'http' in scheme -%}
{%     set section_name = 'apache-public-' ~ backend_name -%}
{%     do publish_url_list.append(
         'url-public-%(backend_name)s = http://[${%(section_name)s:ip}]:${%(section_name)s:port}' % {
         'backend_name': backend_name,
         'section_name': section_name,
       }) -%}
[{{ section(section_name) }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:apache.zope.backend
backend = http://${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:ip}:${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:port}
ip = {{ ipv6 }}
port = {{ current_apache_port }}
scheme = http
wrapper = ${directory:services}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}
configuration-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}.conf
access-control-string = {{ backend_configuration['access-control-string'] }}
pid-file = ${directory:run}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}.pid
lock-file = ${directory:run}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}.lock
error-log = ${directory:log}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}-error.log
access-log = ${directory:log}/apache-public-{{ backend_name }}-access.log
apache-binary = {{ parameter_dict['apache'] }}/bin/httpd

[{{ section('logrotate-entry-apache-public-' ~ backend_name) }}]
< = logrotate-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
name = apache-public-{{ backend_name }}
log = ${apache-public-{{ backend_name }}:error-log} ${apache-public-{{ backend_name }}:access-log}
post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${apache-public-{{ backend_name }}:pid-file} SIGUSR1
{%   endif -%}
{%   if 'https' in scheme -%}
{%     set section_name = 'apache-' ~ backend_name -%}
{%     do publish_url_list.append(
         'url-%(backend_name)s = https://[${%(section_name)s:ip}]:${%(section_name)s:port}' % {
         'backend_name': backend_name,
         'section_name': section_name,
       }) -%}
[{{ section(section_name) }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:apache.zope.backend
backend = http://${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:ip}:${haproxy-{{ backend_name }}:port}
ip = {{ ipv6 }}
port = {{ current_apache_port - 1 }}
wrapper = ${directory:bin}/apache-{{ backend_name }}
scheme = https
key-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.key
cert-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.crt
configuration-file = ${directory:apache-conf}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.conf
access-control-string = {{ backend_configuration['access-control-string'] }}
pid-file = ${directory:run}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.pid
lock-file = ${directory:run}/apache-{{ backend_name }}.lock
ssl-session-cache = $${directory:log}/apache-ssl-session-cache
error-log = ${directory:log}/apache-{{ backend_name }}-error.log
access-log = ${directory:log}/apache-{{ backend_name }}-access.log
apache-binary = {{ parameter_dict['apache'] }}/bin/httpd
ssl-authentication = {{ backend_configuration.get('ssl-authentication', False) }}
backend-path = {{ backend_configuration.get('backend-path', '/') % {'site-id': site_id} }}
# Note: Without erp5-certificate-authority main certificate have to be hardcoded
ssl-authentication-certificate = ${erp5-certificate-authority:ca-dir}/cacert.pem
ssl-authentication-crl = ${erp5-certificate-authority:ca-crl}

[{{ section('ca-apache-' ~ backend_name) }}]
< = certificate-authority
recipe = slapos.cookbook:certificate_authority.request
key-file = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:key-file}
cert-file = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:cert-file}
executable = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:wrapper}
wrapper = ${directory:services}/apache-{{ backend_name }}

[{{ section('logrotate-entry-apache-' ~ backend_name) }}]
< = logrotate-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
name = apache-{{ backend_name }}
log = ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:error-log} ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:access-log}
post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${apache-{{ backend_name }}:pid-file} SIGUSR1

[{{ section('haproxy-' ~ backend_name) }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:haproxy
name = {{ backend_name }}
conf-path = ${directory:etc}/haproxy-{{ backend_name }}.cfg
ip = {{ ipv4 }}
port = {{ current_haproxy_port }}
maxconn = {{ backend_configuration['maxconn'] }}
server-check-path = /{{ site_id }}/getId
wrapper-path = ${directory:services}/haproxy-{{ backend_name }}
binary-path = {{ parameter_dict['haproxy'] }}/sbin/haproxy
backend-list = {{ haproxy_backend_list | join(' ')}}
{%-  endif %}
{% endfor -%}
[{{ section('publish-apache-backend-list') }}]
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
{{ publish_url_list | join('\n') }}

# tidstorage
recipe = slapos.cookbook:tidstorage
known-tid-storage-identifier-dict = {{ known_tid_storage_identifier_dict }}
base-url = http://${zope-admin:ip}:${zope-admin:port}/%s/serialize
configuration-path = ${directory:etc}/tidstorage.py
ip = {{ ipv4 }}
port = 6001
timestamp-file-path = ${directory:tidstorage}/repozo_tidstorage_timestamp.log
logfile-name = ${directory:log}/tidstorage.log
pidfile-name = ${directory:run}/tidstorage.pid
status-file = ${directory:tidstorage}/tidstorage.tid
tidstorage-repozo-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/tidstorage_repozo
tidstoraged-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/tidstoraged
repozo-binary = {{ bin_directory }}/repozo
tidstorage-wrapper = ${directory:services}/tidstoraged
repozo-wrapper = ${buildout:bin-directory}/tidstorage-repozo

< = cron-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:cron.d
name = tidstorage
frequency = 0 0 * * *
command = ${tidstorage:repozo-wrapper}

< = logrotate-base
recipe = slapos.cookbook:logrotate.d
name = tidstorage
log = ${tidstorage:logfile-name}
post = {{ bin_directory }}/killpidfromfile ${tidstorage:pidfile-name} SIGHUP

# buildout main section
parts =
  {{ part_list | join('\n  ') }}

eggs-directory = {{ eggs_directory }}
develop-eggs-directory = {{ develop_eggs_directory }}
offline = true
{%- endif %}