From 4d479e15447343eaf2f08f8b8881cf9b2ea025fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Aur=C3=A9lien=20Calonne?= <>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 15:26:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove actions which are now globals xml update

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 .../list.xml                                  |  86 ------------
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Balance%20Regulation/final.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Balance%20Regulation/history.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../incoming_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
 .../Cash%20Balance%20Regulation/initial.xml   |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Balance%20Regulation/metadata.xml  |  86 ------------
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 .../Cash%20Balance%20Regulation/print.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Balance%20Regulation/view.xml      |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Container%20Item/metadata.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Container%20Item/view.xml          |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Container/metadata.xml             |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Container/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Exchange%20Module/list.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Exchange%20Module/list_sort_on.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Exchange%20Module/list_ui.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Exchange%20Module/view.xml         |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Exchange/history.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Exchange/incoming_fastinput.xml    |  14 +-
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 .../portal_types/Cash%20Exchange/print.xml    |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Exchange/receipt.xml  |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Exchange/return.xml   |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Exchange/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Movement%20Module/list_ui.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Movement%20Module/print_pdf.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Movement%20Module/sort_on.xml      |  86 ------------
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 .../Cash%20Movement/fastinput.xml             |  16 +--
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Movement/history.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Movement/metadata.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Movement/print_pdf.xml             |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Movement/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Sorting%20Module/list.xml          |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Sorting%20Module/list_ui.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Sorting%20Module/sort_on.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Sorting%20Module/view.xml          |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Sorting/history.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Sorting/incoming_fastinput.xml     |  14 +-
 .../Cash%20Sorting/incoming_line_view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Sorting/metadata.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Sorting/outgoing_fastinput.xml     |  14 +-
 .../Cash%20Sorting/outgoing_line_list.xml     |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Cash%20Sorting/view.xml      |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
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 .../History.xml                               |  86 ------------
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 .../incoming_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
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 .../outgoing_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
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 .../Cash%20To%20Currency%20Purchase/view.xml  |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20To%20Currency%20Sale/history.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../incoming_cash_view.xml                    |   7 +-
 .../incoming_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
 .../Cash%20To%20Currency%20Sale/metadata.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../outgoing_cash_view.xml                    |   7 +-
 .../outgoing_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
 .../Cash%20To%20Currency%20Sale/print.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20To%20Currency%20Sale/view.xml      |   7 +-
 .../Classification%20Survey%20Module/list.xml |  86 ------------
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../Classification%20Survey%20Module/view.xml |   7 +-
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 .../incoming_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
 .../Classification%20Survey/metadata.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../outgoing_fastinput.xml                    |  14 +-
 .../Classification%20Survey/print.xml         |   7 +-
 .../Classification%20Survey/result.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Classification%20Survey/supply.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Classification%20Survey/view.xml          |   7 +-
 .../Container%20Cell/metadata.xml             |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Container%20Cell/print.xml   |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Container%20Cell/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Container%20Line/metadata.xml             |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Container%20Line/print.xml   |   9 +-
 .../portal_types/Container%20Line/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Container%20Line/view_history.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../Container%20Line/view_quantity.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Counter%20Rendering%20Module/list_ui.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   7 +-
 .../Counter%20Rendering%20Module/sort_on.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../Counter%20Rendering%20Module/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Counter%20Rendering/history.xml           |  83 -----------
 .../Counter%20Rendering/metadata.xml          |  83 -----------
 .../Destruction%20Survey%20Module/list.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Destruction%20Survey%20Module/list_ui.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Destruction%20Survey%20Module/sort_on.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Destruction%20Survey%20Module/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Destruction%20Survey/fastInput.xml        |  14 +-
 .../Destruction%20Survey/history.xml          |  86 ------------
 .../Destruction%20Survey/metadata.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../Destruction%20Survey/print.xml            |   7 +-
 .../Destruction%20Survey/view.xml             |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
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 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Foreign%20Cash%20Reception/history.xml    |  83 -----------
 .../Foreign%20Cash%20Reception/metadata.xml   |  83 -----------
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../history.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../Incoming%20Cash%20Sorting%20Line/view.xml |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../accouting_view.xml                        |   7 +-
 .../Internal%20Money%20Deposit/fast_input.xml |  14 +-
 .../Internal%20Money%20Deposit/history.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Internal%20Money%20Deposit/metadata.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../Internal%20Money%20Deposit/print.xml      |   7 +-
 .../Internal%20Money%20Deposit/view.xml       |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Destruction%20Cell/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Destruction%20Line/print.xml   |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Destruction%20Line/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Destruction%20Module/view.xml  |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Destruction/fastinput.xml      |  14 +-
 .../Monetary%20Destruction/history.xml        |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Destruction/metadata.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Destruction/print.xml          |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Destruction/view.xml           |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Container/metadata.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Container/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Line/metadata.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Line/print.xml         |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Line/view.xml          |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Module/list_ui.xml     |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Module/sort_on.xml     |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Issue%20Module/view.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue/coin_fastinput.xml       |  14 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue/container.xml            |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Issue/fastInput.xml            |  14 +-
 .../portal_types/Monetary%20Issue/history.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Issue/metadata.xml             |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Monetary%20Issue/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Cell/metadata.xml     |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Cell/view.xml         |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Line/metadata.xml     |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Line/print.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Line/view.xml         |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Module/list.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Module/list_ui.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Module/sort_on.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Recall%20Module/view.xml       |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Recall/fastinput.xml           |  14 +-
 .../Monetary%20Recall/history.xml             |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Recall/metadata.xml            |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Monetary%20Recall/print.xml  |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Monetary%20Recall/view.xml   |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Reception%20Module/import.xml  |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Reception%20Module/list_ui.xml |  86 ------------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Reception%20Module/sort_on.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Reception%20Module/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Reception/cahs_container.xml   |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Reception/fastinput.xml        |  21 +--
 .../Monetary%20Reception/history.xml          |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Reception/metadata.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Reception/print_pdf.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Reception/view.xml             |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Survey%20Module/list.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Survey%20Module/list_ui.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Survey%20Module/sort_on.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Survey%20Module/view.xml       |   7 +-
 .../Monetary%20Survey/fastInput.xml           |  14 +-
 .../Monetary%20Survey/history.xml             |  86 ------------
 .../Monetary%20Survey/metadata.xml            |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Monetary%20Survey/print.xml  |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Monetary%20Survey/view.xml   |   7 +-
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Module/list.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Module/list_ui.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Module/sort_on.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Module/view.xml         |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   7 +-
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Rendering/fastinput.xml |  14 +-
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Rendering/history.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Rendering/metadata.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Rendering/print_pdf.xml |   7 +-
 .../Money%20Deposit%20Rendering/view.xml      |   7 +-
 .../Money%20Deposit/accouting_view.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Money%20Deposit/fast_input.xml            |  21 +--
 .../portal_types/Money%20Deposit/history.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Money%20Deposit/metadata.xml |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Money%20Deposit/print.xml    |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Money%20Deposit/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote%20Module/list_ui.xml |  86 ------------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   7 +-
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote%20Module/sort_on.xml |  86 ------------
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote%20Module/view.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/exchanged_line.xml   |   7 +-
 .../exchanged_line_fast_input.xml             |  21 +--
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/history.xml          |  86 ------------
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/metadata.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/print_pdf.xml        |   7 +-
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/returned_line.xml    |   7 +-
 .../returned_line_fast_input.xml              |  21 +--
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/supply_line.xml      |   7 +-
 .../supply_line_fast_input.xml                |  21 +--
 .../Mutilated%20Banknote/view.xml             |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../Outgoing%20Cash%20Sorting%20Cell/view.xml |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../Outgoing%20Cash%20Sorting%20Line/view.xml |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
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 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
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 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   7 +-
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Rendering/fastinput.xml    |  14 +-
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Rendering/history.xml      |  86 ------------
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Rendering/metadata.xml     |  86 ------------
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Rendering/print_pdf.xml    |   7 +-
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Rendering/view.xml         |   7 +-
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 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Transfer%20Module/view.xml |   7 +-
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Transfer/history.xml       |  83 -----------
 .../Usual%20Cash%20Transfer/metadata.xml      |  83 -----------
 .../Vault%20Transfer%20Cell/metadata.xml      |  86 ------------
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 .../Vault%20Transfer%20Line/metadata.xml      |  86 ------------
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 .../Vault%20Transfer%20Line/view.xml          |   7 +-
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 .../Vault%20Transfer/print_pdf.xml            |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Vault%20Transfer/view.xml    |   7 +-
 bt5/erp5_banking_cash/bt/revision             |   2 +-
 .../bt/template_action_path_list              | 129 ------------------
 .../Check%20Deposit%20Module/list_ui.xml      |  86 ------------
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 .../Check%20Payment%20Module/list_ui.xml      |  83 -----------
 .../Check%20Payment%20Module/sort_on.xml      |  83 -----------
 .../Check%20Payment/accounting_view.xml       |   7 +-
 .../Check%20Payment/fastInput.xml             |  21 +--
 .../portal_types/Check%20Payment/history.xml  |  86 ------------
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 .../portal_types/Check%20Payment/print.xml    |   7 +-
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 .../portal_types/Check%20Payment/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Checkbook%20Delivery%20Line/metadata.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../Checkbook%20Delivery%20Line/print.xml     |   7 +-
 .../Checkbook%20Delivery%20Line/view.xml      |   7 +-
 .../Checkbook%20Delivery/history.xml          |  83 -----------
 .../Checkbook%20Delivery/metadata.xml         |  83 -----------
 .../Checkbook%20Reception%20Line/metadata.xml |  86 ------------
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 .../Checkbook%20Reception%20Line/view.xml     |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
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 .../Checkbook%20Reception%20Module/view.xml   |   7 +-
 .../Checkbook%20Reception/fastInput.xml       |   4 +-
 .../Checkbook%20Reception/history.xml         |  83 -----------
 .../Checkbook%20Reception/metadata.xml        |  83 -----------
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 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
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 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
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 .../list.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   7 +-
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Checkbook%20Vault%20Transfer/history.xml  |  83 -----------
 .../Checkbook%20Vault%20Transfer/metadata.xml |  83 -----------
 .../Stop%20Payment%20Module/list_ui.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Stop%20Payment%20Module/print.xml         |   9 +-
 .../Stop%20Payment%20Module/sort_on.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Stop%20Payment%20Module/view.xml          |   7 +-
 .../Stop%20Payment/accounting_view.xml        |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Stop%20Payment/fastinput.xml |  14 +-
 .../portal_types/Stop%20Payment/history.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Stop%20Payment/metadata.xml  |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Stop%20Payment/print_pdf.xml |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Stop%20Payment/view.xml      |   7 +-
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   9 +-
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../view.xml                                  |   7 +-
 .../Traveler%20Check%20Purchase/history.xml   |  83 -----------
 .../Traveler%20Check%20Purchase/metadata.xml  |  83 -----------
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   9 +-
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  86 ------------
 .../Traveler%20Check%20Sale%20Module/view.xml |   7 +-
 .../Traveler%20Check%20Sale/history.xml       |  83 -----------
 .../Traveler%20Check%20Sale/metadata.xml      |  83 -----------
 bt5/erp5_banking_check/bt/revision            |   2 +-
 .../bt/template_action_path_list              |  36 -----
 .../history.xml                               |  83 -----------
 .../metadata.xml                              |  83 -----------
 .../list_ui.xml                               |  83 -----------
 .../print_pdf.xml                             |   2 +-
 .../sort_on.xml                               |  83 -----------
 .../Accounting%20Cancellation/history.xml     |  83 -----------
 .../Accounting%20Cancellation/metadata.xml    |  83 -----------
 .../Accounting%20Date%20Module/list_ui.xml    |  83 -----------
 .../Accounting%20Date%20Module/print_pdf.xml  |   2 +-
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 .../Accounting%20Date/history.xml             |  83 -----------
 .../Accounting%20Date/metadata.xml            |  83 -----------
 .../Banking%20Operation%20Line/history.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Banking%20Operation%20Line/metadata.xml   |  86 ------------
 .../Banking%20Operation%20Line/print.xml      |   7 +-
 .../Banking%20Operation%20Line/view.xml       |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Banknote/history.xml         |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Banknote/metadata.xml        |  86 ------------
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 .../Cash%20Delivery%20Cell/metadata.xml       |  86 ------------
 .../Cash%20Delivery%20Cell/view.xml           |   7 +-
 .../Cash%20Delivery%20Line/metadata.xml       |  86 ------------
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 .../Cash%20Delivery%20Line/view.xml           |   7 +-
 .../metadata.xml                              |  86 ------------
 .../print.xml                                 |   7 +-
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 .../portal_types/Check/metadata.xml           |  86 ------------
 .../portal_types/Check/print.xml              |   7 +-
 .../portal_types/Check/view.xml               |   7 +-
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 .../Checkbook%20Model%20Module/list_ui.xml    |  86 ------------
 .../Checkbook%20Model%20Module/print_pdf.xml  |   9 +-
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-Cash Balance Regulation Module | list
-Cash Balance Regulation Module | list_ui
-Cash Balance Regulation Module | sort_on
 Cash Balance Regulation Module | view
 Cash Balance Regulation | final
-Cash Balance Regulation | history
 Cash Balance Regulation | incoming_fastinput
 Cash Balance Regulation | initial
-Cash Balance Regulation | metadata
 Cash Balance Regulation | outgoing_fastinput
 Cash Balance Regulation | print
 Cash Balance Regulation | view
-Cash Container Item | metadata
 Cash Container Item | view
-Cash Container | metadata
 Cash Container | view
-Cash Exchange Module | list
-Cash Exchange Module | list_sort_on
-Cash Exchange Module | list_ui
 Cash Exchange Module | view
-Cash Exchange | history
 Cash Exchange | incoming_fastinput
-Cash Exchange | metadata
 Cash Exchange | outgoing_fastinput
 Cash Exchange | print
 Cash Exchange | receipt
 Cash Exchange | return
 Cash Exchange | view
-Cash Movement Module | list_ui
 Cash Movement Module | print_pdf
-Cash Movement Module | sort_on
 Cash Movement Module | view
 Cash Movement | fastinput
-Cash Movement | history
-Cash Movement | metadata
 Cash Movement | print_pdf
 Cash Movement | view
-Cash Sorting Module | list
-Cash Sorting Module | list_ui
-Cash Sorting Module | sort_on
 Cash Sorting Module | view
-Cash Sorting | history
 Cash Sorting | incoming_fastinput
 Cash Sorting | incoming_line_view
-Cash Sorting | metadata
 Cash Sorting | outgoing_fastinput
 Cash Sorting | outgoing_line_list
 Cash Sorting | view
-Cash To Currency Purchase Module | list_ui
-Cash To Currency Purchase Module | sort_on
 Cash To Currency Purchase Module | view
-Cash To Currency Purchase | History
 Cash To Currency Purchase | incoming_cash
 Cash To Currency Purchase | incoming_fastinput
-Cash To Currency Purchase | metadata
 Cash To Currency Purchase | outgoing_cash
 Cash To Currency Purchase | outgoing_fastinput
 Cash To Currency Purchase | print
 Cash To Currency Purchase | view
-Cash To Currency Sale Module | list_ui
-Cash To Currency Sale Module | sort_on
 Cash To Currency Sale Module | view
-Cash To Currency Sale | history
 Cash To Currency Sale | incoming_cash_view
 Cash To Currency Sale | incoming_fastinput
-Cash To Currency Sale | metadata
 Cash To Currency Sale | outgoing_cash_view
 Cash To Currency Sale | outgoing_fastinput
 Cash To Currency Sale | print
 Cash To Currency Sale | view
-Classification Survey Module | list
-Classification Survey Module | list_ui
-Classification Survey Module | sort_on
 Classification Survey Module | view
-Classification Survey | history
 Classification Survey | incoming_fastinput
-Classification Survey | metadata
 Classification Survey | outgoing_fastinput
 Classification Survey | print
 Classification Survey | result
 Classification Survey | supply
 Classification Survey | view
-Container Cell | metadata
 Container Cell | print
 Container Cell | view
-Container Line | metadata
 Container Line | print
 Container Line | view
-Container Line | view_history
 Container Line | view_quantity
-Counter Rendering Module | list_ui
 Counter Rendering Module | print_pdf
-Counter Rendering Module | sort_on
 Counter Rendering Module | view
 Counter Rendering | fastinput
-Counter Rendering | history
-Counter Rendering | metadata
 Counter Rendering | print_pdf
 Counter Rendering | view
-Destruction Survey Module | list
-Destruction Survey Module | list_ui
-Destruction Survey Module | sort_on
 Destruction Survey Module | view
 Destruction Survey | fastInput
-Destruction Survey | history
-Destruction Survey | metadata
 Destruction Survey | print
 Destruction Survey | view
-Exchanged Mutilated Banknote Line | metadata
 Exchanged Mutilated Banknote Line | print
 Exchanged Mutilated Banknote Line | view
-Foreign Cash Reception Module | list_ui
-Foreign Cash Reception Module | print_pdf
-Foreign Cash Reception Module | sort_on
 Foreign Cash Reception Module | view
 Foreign Cash Reception | fastinput
-Foreign Cash Reception | history
-Foreign Cash Reception | metadata
 Foreign Cash Reception | print_pdf
 Foreign Cash Reception | view
-Incoming Cash Balance Regulation Line | metadata
 Incoming Cash Balance Regulation Line | view
-Incoming Cash Exchange Line | history
-Incoming Cash Exchange Line | metadata
 Incoming Cash Exchange Line | print
 Incoming Cash Exchange Line | view
-Incoming Cash Sorting Line | metadata
 Incoming Cash Sorting Line | view
-Incoming Cash To Currency Purchase Line | metadata
 Incoming Cash To Currency Purchase Line | print
 Incoming Cash To Currency Purchase Line | view
-Incoming Cash To Currency Sale Line | metadata
 Incoming Cash To Currency Sale Line | print
 Incoming Cash To Currency Sale Line | view
-Incoming Classification Survey Line | metadata
 Incoming Classification Survey Line | view
-Incoming Mutilated Banknote Line | metadata
 Incoming Mutilated Banknote Line | print
 Incoming Mutilated Banknote Line | view
-Internal Money Deposit Module | list_ui
-Internal Money Deposit Module | sort_on
 Internal Money Deposit Module | view
 Internal Money Deposit | accouting_view
 Internal Money Deposit | fast_input
-Internal Money Deposit | history
-Internal Money Deposit | metadata
 Internal Money Deposit | print
 Internal Money Deposit | view
-Monetary Destruction Cell | metadata
 Monetary Destruction Cell | view
-Monetary Destruction Line | metadata
 Monetary Destruction Line | print
 Monetary Destruction Line | view
-Monetary Destruction Module | list_ui
-Monetary Destruction Module | sort_on
 Monetary Destruction Module | view
 Monetary Destruction | fastinput
-Monetary Destruction | history
-Monetary Destruction | metadata
 Monetary Destruction | print
 Monetary Destruction | view
-Monetary Issue Container | metadata
 Monetary Issue Container | view
-Monetary Issue Line | metadata
 Monetary Issue Line | print
 Monetary Issue Line | view
-Monetary Issue Module | list_ui
-Monetary Issue Module | sort_on
 Monetary Issue Module | view
 Monetary Issue | coin_fastinput
 Monetary Issue | container
 Monetary Issue | fastInput
-Monetary Issue | history
-Monetary Issue | metadata
 Monetary Issue | view
-Monetary Recall Cell | metadata
 Monetary Recall Cell | view
-Monetary Recall Line | metadata
 Monetary Recall Line | print
 Monetary Recall Line | view
-Monetary Recall Module | list
-Monetary Recall Module | list_ui
-Monetary Recall Module | sort_on
 Monetary Recall Module | view
 Monetary Recall | fastinput
-Monetary Recall | history
-Monetary Recall | metadata
 Monetary Recall | print
 Monetary Recall | view
 Monetary Reception Module | import
-Monetary Reception Module | list_ui
 Monetary Reception Module | print_pdf
-Monetary Reception Module | sort_on
 Monetary Reception Module | view
 Monetary Reception | cahs_container
 Monetary Reception | fastinput
-Monetary Reception | history
-Monetary Reception | metadata
 Monetary Reception | print_pdf
 Monetary Reception | view
-Monetary Survey Module | list
-Monetary Survey Module | list_ui
-Monetary Survey Module | sort_on
 Monetary Survey Module | view
 Monetary Survey | fastInput
-Monetary Survey | history
-Monetary Survey | metadata
 Monetary Survey | print
 Monetary Survey | view
-Money Deposit Module | list
-Money Deposit Module | list_ui
-Money Deposit Module | sort_on
 Money Deposit Module | view
-Money Deposit Rendering Module | list_ui
 Money Deposit Rendering Module | print_pdf
-Money Deposit Rendering Module | sort_on
 Money Deposit Rendering Module | view
 Money Deposit Rendering | fastinput
-Money Deposit Rendering | history
-Money Deposit Rendering | metadata
 Money Deposit Rendering | print_pdf
 Money Deposit Rendering | view
 Money Deposit | accouting_view
 Money Deposit | fast_input
-Money Deposit | history
-Money Deposit | metadata
 Money Deposit | print
 Money Deposit | view
-Mutilated Banknote Module | list_ui
 Mutilated Banknote Module | print_pdf
-Mutilated Banknote Module | sort_on
 Mutilated Banknote Module | view
 Mutilated Banknote | exchanged_line
 Mutilated Banknote | exchanged_line_fast_input
-Mutilated Banknote | history
-Mutilated Banknote | metadata
 Mutilated Banknote | print_pdf
 Mutilated Banknote | returned_line
 Mutilated Banknote | returned_line_fast_input
 Mutilated Banknote | supply_line
 Mutilated Banknote | supply_line_fast_input
 Mutilated Banknote | view
-Outgoing Cash Balance Regulation Line | metadata
 Outgoing Cash Balance Regulation Line | view
-Outgoing Cash Exchange Line | metadata
 Outgoing Cash Exchange Line | view
-Outgoing Cash Sorting Cell | metadata
 Outgoing Cash Sorting Cell | view
-Outgoing Cash Sorting Line | metadata
 Outgoing Cash Sorting Line | view
-Outgoing Cash To Currency Purchase Line | metadata
 Outgoing Cash To Currency Purchase Line | print
 Outgoing Cash To Currency Purchase Line | view
-Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line | metadata
 Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line | print
 Outgoing Cash To Currency Sale Line | view
-Outgoing Classification Survey Cell | metadata
 Outgoing Classification Survey Cell | view
-Outgoing Classification Survey Line | metadata
 Outgoing Classification Survey Line | view
-Outgoing Mutilated Banknote Line | metadata
 Outgoing Mutilated Banknote Line | print
 Outgoing Mutilated Banknote Line | view
-Usual Cash Rendering Module | list_ui
 Usual Cash Rendering Module | print_pdf
-Usual Cash Rendering Module | sort_on
 Usual Cash Rendering Module | view
 Usual Cash Rendering | fastinput
-Usual Cash Rendering | history
-Usual Cash Rendering | metadata
 Usual Cash Rendering | print_pdf
 Usual Cash Rendering | view
-Usual Cash Transfer Module | list
-Usual Cash Transfer Module | list_ui
-Usual Cash Transfer Module | sort_on
 Usual Cash Transfer Module | view
 Usual Cash Transfer | fastinput
-Usual Cash Transfer | history
-Usual Cash Transfer | metadata
 Usual Cash Transfer | print
 Usual Cash Transfer | view
-Vault Transfer Cell | metadata
 Vault Transfer Cell | view
-Vault Transfer Line | metadata
 Vault Transfer Line | print
 Vault Transfer Line | view
 Vault Transfer Module | list
-Vault Transfer Module | list_ui
 Vault Transfer Module | print_pdf
-Vault Transfer Module | sort_on
 Vault Transfer Module | view
 Vault Transfer | fastinput
-Vault Transfer | history
-Vault Transfer | metadata
 Vault Transfer | print_pdf
 Vault Transfer | view
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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-Check Deposit Module | sort_on
 Check Deposit Module | view
 Check Deposit | accounting_view
-Check Deposit | history
-Check Deposit | metadata
 Check Deposit | view
-Check Payment Module | list_ui
 Check Payment Module | print
-Check Payment Module | sort_on
 Check Payment Module | view
 Check Payment | accounting_view
 Check Payment | fastInput
-Check Payment | history
-Check Payment | metadata
 Check Payment | print
 Check Payment | related_agents
 Check Payment | view
-Checkbook Delivery Line | metadata
 Checkbook Delivery Line | print
 Checkbook Delivery Line | view
 Checkbook Delivery | fastinput
-Checkbook Delivery | history
-Checkbook Delivery | metadata
 Checkbook Delivery | print_pdf
 Checkbook Delivery | view
-Checkbook Reception Line | metadata
 Checkbook Reception Line | print
 Checkbook Reception Line | view
-Checkbook Reception Module | list_ui
-Checkbook Reception Module | sort_on
 Checkbook Reception Module | view
 Checkbook Reception | fastInput
-Checkbook Reception | history
-Checkbook Reception | metadata
 Checkbook Reception | view
 Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer Module | list
-Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer Module | list_ui
 Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer Module | print_pdf
-Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer Module | sort_on
 Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer Module | view
 Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer | fastinput
-Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer | history
-Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer | metadata
 Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer | print_pdf
 Checkbook Usual Cash Transfer | view
 Checkbook Vault Transfer Module | list
-Checkbook Vault Transfer Module | list_ui
 Checkbook Vault Transfer Module | print_pdf
-Checkbook Vault Transfer Module | sort_on
 Checkbook Vault Transfer Module | view
 Checkbook Vault Transfer | fastinput
-Checkbook Vault Transfer | history
-Checkbook Vault Transfer | metadata
 Checkbook Vault Transfer | print_pdf
 Checkbook Vault Transfer | view
-Stop Payment Module | list_ui
 Stop Payment Module | print
-Stop Payment Module | sort_on
 Stop Payment Module | view
 Stop Payment | accounting_view
 Stop Payment | fastinput
-Stop Payment | history
-Stop Payment | metadata
 Stop Payment | print_pdf
 Stop Payment | view
-Traveler Check Purchase Module | list_ui
 Traveler Check Purchase Module | print
-Traveler Check Purchase Module | sort_on
 Traveler Check Purchase Module | view
 Traveler Check Purchase | accounting_view
 Traveler Check Purchase | fastinput
-Traveler Check Purchase | history
-Traveler Check Purchase | metadata
 Traveler Check Purchase | print_pdf
 Traveler Check Purchase | view
-Traveler Check Sale Module | list_ui
 Traveler Check Sale Module | print
-Traveler Check Sale Module | sort_on
 Traveler Check Sale Module | view
 Traveler Check Sale | accounting_view
 Traveler Check Sale | fastinput
-Traveler Check Sale | history
-Traveler Check Sale | metadata
 Traveler Check Sale | print_pdf
 Traveler Check Sale | view
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-Accounting Cancellation Line | history
-Accounting Cancellation Line | metadata
 Accounting Cancellation Line | print
 Accounting Cancellation Line | view
-Accounting Cancellation Module | list_ui
 Accounting Cancellation Module | print_pdf
-Accounting Cancellation Module | sort_on
 Accounting Cancellation Module | view
-Accounting Cancellation | history
-Accounting Cancellation | metadata
 Accounting Cancellation | print
 Accounting Cancellation | view
-Accounting Date Module | list_ui
 Accounting Date Module | print_pdf
-Accounting Date Module | sort_on
 Accounting Date Module | view
-Accounting Date | history
-Accounting Date | metadata
 Accounting Date | remaining_operations
 Accounting Date | view
-Banking Operation Line | history
-Banking Operation Line | metadata
 Banking Operation Line | print
 Banking Operation Line | view
-Banknote | history
-Banknote | metadata
 Banknote | view
-Cash Delivery Cell | metadata
 Cash Delivery Cell | view
-Cash Delivery Line | metadata
 Cash Delivery Line | print
 Cash Delivery Line | view
-Check Model Type Variation | metadata
 Check Model Type Variation | print
 Check Model Type Variation | view
-Check Model | history
-Check Model | metadata
 Check Model | print
 Check Model | view
-Check Module | list_ui
-Check Module | sort_on
 Check Module | view
 Check Operation Line | agents
-Check Operation Line | metadata
 Check Operation Line | print
 Check Operation Line | view
-Check | history
-Check | metadata
 Check | print
 Check | view
-Checkbook Model Check Amount Variation | metadata
 Checkbook Model Check Amount Variation | print
 Checkbook Model Check Amount Variation | view
-Checkbook Model Module | list_ui
 Checkbook Model Module | print_pdf
-Checkbook Model Module | sort_on
 Checkbook Model Module | view
-Checkbook Model | history
-Checkbook Model | metadata
 Checkbook Model | print
 Checkbook Model | view
-Checkbook Module | list_ui
 Checkbook Module | print_pdf
-Checkbook Module | sort_on
 Checkbook Module | view
 Checkbook | create_check_list
-Checkbook | history
-Checkbook | metadata
 Checkbook | print
 Checkbook | view
-Coin | history
-Coin | metadata
 Coin | view
-Counter Date Module | list_ui
 Counter Date Module | print_pdf
-Counter Date Module | sort_on
 Counter Date Module | view
-Counter Date | history
-Counter Date | metadata
 Counter Date | remaining_operations
 Counter Date | view
-Counter Module | list_ui
 Counter Module | print_pdf
-Counter Module | sort_on
 Counter Module | vault_report
 Counter Module | view
-Counter | history
-Counter | metadata
 Counter | view
-Currency Cash Module | list_sort_on
-Currency Cash Module | list_ui
 Currency Cash Module | print_pdf
 Currency Cash Module | view
\ No newline at end of file