# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Kevin DELDYCKE <kevin@nexedi.com> # Guillaume MICHON <guillaume@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## import six from Acquisition import Implicit from Products.PythonScripts.Utility import allow_class from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload from xml.dom import Node from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, get_request from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED from io import BytesIO import imghdr import random from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from zLOG import LOG, INFO, DEBUG from OFS.Image import Pdata from lxml import etree from lxml.etree import Element, XMLSyntaxError from copy import deepcopy from warnings import warn from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import deprecated class CorruptedOOoFile(Exception): pass OOo_mimeType_dict = { 'sxw' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', 'stw' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template', 'sxg' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global', 'sxc' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc', 'stc' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template', 'sxi' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress', 'sti' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template', 'sxd' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw', 'std' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template', 'sxm' : 'application/vnd.sun.xml.math', } class OOoBuilder(Implicit): """ Tool that allows to reinject new files in a ZODB OOo document. """ __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 def __init__(self, document): if hasattr(document, 'data') : self._document = BytesIO() if isinstance(document.data, Pdata): # Handle image included in the style dat = document.data while dat is not None: self._document.write(dat.data) if six.PY2: dat = dat.next else: dat = dat.__next__ else: # Default behaviour self._document.write(document.data) elif hasattr(document, 'read') : self._document = document else : self._document = BytesIO() self._document.write(document) self._image_count = 0 self._manifest_additions_list = [] def replace(self, filename, stream): """ Replaces the content of filename by stream in the archive. Creates a new file if filename was not already there. """ try: zf = ZipFile(self._document, mode='a', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) except RuntimeError: zf = ZipFile(self._document, mode='a') try: # remove the file first if it exists fi = zf.getinfo(filename) zf.filelist.remove( fi ) except KeyError: # This is a new file pass if isinstance(stream, six.text_type): stream = stream.encode('utf-8') zf.writestr(filename, stream) zf.close() def extract(self, filename): """ Extracts a file from the archive """ try: zf = ZipFile(self._document, mode='r', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) except RuntimeError: zf = ZipFile(self._document, mode='r') return zf.read(filename) def getNameList(self): try: zf = ZipFile(self._document, mode='r', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) except RuntimeError: zf = ZipFile(self._document, mode='r') li = zf.namelist() zf.close() return li def getMimeType(self): return self.extract('mimetype') def prepareContentXml(self, ooo_xml_file_id): """ extracts content.xml text and prepare it : - add tal namespace - indent the xml """ content_xml = self.extract(ooo_xml_file_id) content_doc = etree.XML(content_xml) root = content_doc.getroottree().getroot() #Declare zope namespaces NSMAP = {'tal': 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal', 'i18n': 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/i18n', 'metal': 'http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal'} NSMAP.update(root.nsmap) new_root = Element(root.tag, nsmap=NSMAP) new_root.attrib.update(dict(root.attrib)) new_root.attrib.update({'{%s}attributes' % NSMAP.get('tal'): 'dummy python:request.RESPONSE.setHeader(\'Content-Type\', \'text/html;; charset=utf-8\')'}) for child in root.getchildren(): new_root.append(deepcopy(child)) return etree.tostring(new_root, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) def addFileEntry(self, full_path, media_type, content=None): """ Add a file entry to the manifest and possibly is content """ self.addManifest(full_path, media_type) if content: self.replace(full_path, content) def addManifest(self, full_path, media_type): """ Add a path to the manifest """ li = '<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="%s" manifest:full-path="%s"/>'%(media_type, full_path) self._manifest_additions_list.append(li) def updateManifest(self): """ Add a path to the manifest """ MANIFEST_FILENAME = 'META-INF/manifest.xml' meta_infos = self.extract(MANIFEST_FILENAME) # prevent some duplicates for meta_line in meta_infos.split('\n'): for new_meta_line in self._manifest_additions_list: if meta_line.strip() == new_meta_line: self._manifest_additions_list.remove(new_meta_line) # add the new lines self._manifest_additions_list.append('</manifest:manifest>') meta_infos = meta_infos.replace( self._manifest_additions_list[-1], '\n'.join(self._manifest_additions_list) ) self.replace(MANIFEST_FILENAME, meta_infos) self._manifest_additions_list = [] def addImage(self, image, format='png', content_type=None): """ Add an image to the current document and return its id """ count = self._image_count self._image_count += 1 name = "Pictures/%s.%s" % (count, format) if not content_type: import mimetypes warn('content_type argument must be passed explicitely', FutureWarning) content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] self.addManifest(name, content_type) # we need to explicitly update manifest file self.updateManifest() self.replace(name, image) is_legacy = ('oasis.opendocument' not in self.getMimeType()) return "%s%s" % (is_legacy and '#' or '', name,) def render(self, name='', extension='sxw', source=False): """ returns the OOo document """ if name and not(source): request = get_request() request.response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s.%s' % (name, extension)) self._document.seek(0) return self._document.read() allow_class(OOoBuilder) class OOoParser(Implicit): """ General purpose tools to parse and handle OpenOffice v1.x documents. """ __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 def __init__(self): self.oo_content_dom = None self.oo_styles_dom = None self.oo_files = {} self.pictures = {} self.filename = None def openFromBytes(self, bytes_content): return self.openFile(BytesIO(bytes_content)) openFromString = deprecated("openFromString is deprecated, use openFromBytes instead")(openFromBytes) def openFile(self, file_descriptor): """ Load all files in the zipped OpenOffice document """ # Try to unzip the Open Office doc try: oo_unzipped = ZipFile(file_descriptor, mode="r") except Exception as e: LOG('ERP5OOo', DEBUG, 'Error in openFile', error=True) raise CorruptedOOoFile(e) # Test the integrity of the file if oo_unzipped.testzip() is not None: raise CorruptedOOoFile('Invalid zip file') # Get the filename self.filename = getattr(file_descriptor, 'filename', 'default_filename') # List and load the content of the zip file for name in oo_unzipped.namelist(): self.oo_files[name] = oo_unzipped.read(name) oo_unzipped.close() # Get the main content and style definitions self.oo_content_dom = etree.XML(self.oo_files["content.xml"]) self.oo_styles_dom = etree.XML(self.oo_files["styles.xml"]) def getFilename(self): """ Return the name of the OpenOffice file """ return self.filename def getPicturesMapping(self): """ Return a dictionnary of all pictures in the document """ if not self.pictures: for file_name in self.oo_files: raw_data = self.oo_files[file_name] pict_type = imghdr.what(None, raw_data) if pict_type != None: self.pictures[file_name] = raw_data return self.pictures def getContentDom(self): """ Return the DOM tree of the main OpenOffice content """ return self.oo_content_dom def getSpreadsheetsDom(self, include_embedded=False): """ Return a list of DOM tree spreadsheets (optionnaly included embedded ones) """ spreadsheets = [] spreadsheets = self.getPlainSpreadsheetsDom() if include_embedded == True: spreadsheets += self.getEmbeddedSpreadsheetsDom() return spreadsheets def getSpreadsheetsMapping(self, include_embedded=False, no_empty_lines=False, normalize=True): """ Return a list of table-like spreadsheets (optionnaly included embedded ones) """ tables = {} tables = self.getPlainSpreadsheetsMapping(no_empty_lines, normalize) if include_embedded == True: embedded_tables = self.getEmbeddedSpreadsheetsMapping(no_empty_lines, normalize) tables = self._getTableListUnion(tables, embedded_tables) return tables def getPlainSpreadsheetsDom(self): """ Retrieve every spreadsheets from the document and get they DOM tree """ find_path = './/{%s}table' % self.oo_content_dom.nsmap['table'] return self.oo_content_dom.findall(find_path) def getPlainSpreadsheetsMapping(self, no_empty_lines=False, normalize=True): """ Return a list of plain spreadsheets from the document and transform them as table """ tables = {} for spreadsheet in self.getPlainSpreadsheetsDom(): new_table = self.getSpreadsheetMapping(spreadsheet, no_empty_lines, normalize) if new_table != None: tables = self._getTableListUnion(tables, new_table) return tables def getEmbeddedSpreadsheetsDom(self): """ Return a list of existing embedded spreadsheets in the file as DOM tree """ spreadsheets = [] # List all embedded spreadsheets find_path = './/{%s}object' % self.oo_content_dom.nsmap['draw'] emb_objects = self.oo_content_dom.findall(find_path) for embedded in emb_objects: document = embedded.get('{%s}href' % embedded.nsmap['xlink']) if document: try: object_content = etree.XML(self.oo_files[document[3:] + '/content.xml']) find_path = './/{%s}table' % self.oo_content_dom.nsmap['table'] table_list = self.oo_content_dom.findall(find_path) if table_list: for table in table_list: spreadsheets.append(table) else: # XXX: insert the link to OLE document ? pass except XMLSyntaxError: pass return spreadsheets def getEmbeddedSpreadsheetsMapping(self, no_empty_lines=False, normalize=True): """ Return a list of embedded spreadsheets in the document as table """ tables = {} for spreadsheet in self.getEmbeddedSpreadsheetsDom(): new_table = self.getSpreadsheetMapping(spreadsheet, no_empty_lines, normalize) if new_table != None: tables = self._getTableListUnion(tables, new_table) return tables def getSpreadsheetMapping(self, spreadsheet=None, no_empty_lines=False, normalize=True): """ This method convert an OpenOffice spreadsheet to a simple table. This code is based on the oo2pt tool (http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/collective/CMFReportTool/oo2pt). """ if spreadsheet is None or \ spreadsheet.tag != '{%s}table' % spreadsheet.nsmap['table']: return None table = [] # Get the table name table_name = spreadsheet.get('{%s}name' % spreadsheet.nsmap["table"]) # Scan table and store usable information find_path = './/{%s}table-row' % spreadsheet.nsmap['table'] for line in spreadsheet.findall(find_path): # TODO : to the same as cell about abusive repeated lines line_group_found = line.get('{%s}number-rows-repeated' % line.nsmap["table"]) if not line_group_found: lines_to_repeat = 1 else: lines_to_repeat = int(line_group_found) for i in range(lines_to_repeat): table_line = [] # Get all cells find_path = './/{%s}table-cell' % line.nsmap['table'] cells = line.findall(find_path) cell_index_range = range(len(cells)) for cell_index in cell_index_range: cell = cells[cell_index] # If the cell as no child, cells have no content # And if the cell is the last of the row, we don't need to add it to the line # So we can go to the next line (= exit this cells loop) # # I must do this test because sometimes the following cell group # can be found in OOo documents : <table:table-cell table:number-columns-repeated='246'/> # This is bad because it create too much irrevelent content that slow down the process # So it's a good idea to break the loop in this case if len(cell) == 0 and cell_index == cell_index_range[-1]: break # Handle cells group cell_group_found = cell.get('{%s}number-columns-repeated' % cell.nsmap['table']) if not cell_group_found: cells_to_repeat = 1 else: cells_to_repeat = int(cell_group_found) # Ungroup repeated cells for j in range(cells_to_repeat): # Get the cell content cell_data = None attribute_type_mapping = {'date': 'date-value', 'time': 'time-value', 'float': 'value', 'percentage': 'value', 'currency': 'value'} # Depending of odf version, value-type and value attributes can be in # table or office namespaces, so we use local-name. value_type = str(cell.xpath('string(@*[local-name()="value-type"])')) if value_type in attribute_type_mapping: xpath = '@*[local-name()="%s"]' % attribute_type_mapping[value_type] cell_data = str(cell.xpath(xpath)[0]) else: # read text nodes # Text nodes can contain multiple <text:p> tags, one for each # line. There are also some tags for special entities, for # instance <text:s/> for a space (or using <text:s text:c="3"/> # for multiple spaces) <text:tab/> for a tab and <text:line-break/> # for new line text_ns = cell.nsmap['text'] def format_node(node): if node.tag == '{%s}table-cell' % node.nsmap['table']: return "\n".join(part for part in [format_node(child) for child in node.iterchildren()] if part is not None) elif node.tag == '{%s}p' % node.nsmap['text']: part_list = [node.text] part_list.extend(format_node(child) for child in node.iterchildren()) return ''.join(part for part in part_list if part) elif node.tag == '{%s}s' % node.nsmap['text']: count = int(node.get('{%s}c' % node.nsmap['text'], 1)) return ''.join(part for part in [node.text, ' ' * count, node.tail] if part) elif node.tag == '{%s}span' % node.nsmap['text']: part_list = [node.text] part_list.extend(format_node(child) for child in node.iterchildren()) part_list.append(node.tail) return ''.join(part for part in part_list if part) elif node.tag == '{%s}tab' % node.nsmap['text']: return ''.join(part for part in [node.text, '\t', node.tail] if part) elif node.tag == '{%s}line-break' % node.nsmap['text']: return ''.join(part for part in [node.text, '\n', node.tail] if part) elif node.tag == '{%s}a' % node.nsmap['text']: return ''.join(part for part in [node.text, node.tail] if part) # we can also have table:annotation, and they are ignored cell_data = format_node(cell) or None # Add the cell to the line table_line.append(cell_data) # Delete empty lines if needed if no_empty_lines: empty_cell = 0 for table_cell in table_line: if table_cell is None: empty_cell += 1 if empty_cell == len(table_line): table_line = None # Add the line to the table if table_line is not None: table.append(table_line) else: # If the line is empty here, the repeated line will also be empty, so # no need to loop. break # Reduce the table to the minimum new_table = self._getReducedTable(table) # Get a homogenized table if normalize: table_size = self._getTableSizeDict(new_table) new_table = self._getNormalizedBoundsTable( table=new_table , width=table_size['width'] , height=table_size['height'] ) return {table_name: new_table} def _getReducedTable(self, table): """ Reduce the table to its minimum size """ empty_lines = 0 no_more_empty_lines = 0 # Eliminate all empty cells at the ends of lines and columns # Browse the table starting from the bottom for easy empty lines count for line in range(len(table)-1, -1, -1): empty_cells = 0 line_content = table[line] for cell in range(len(line_content)-1, -1, -1): if line_content[cell] in ('', None): empty_cells += 1 else: break if (not no_more_empty_lines) and (empty_cells == len(line_content)): empty_lines += 1 else: line_size = len(line_content) - empty_cells table[line] = line_content[:line_size] no_more_empty_lines = 1 table_height = len(table) - empty_lines return table[:table_height] def _getTableSizeDict(self, table): """ Get table dimension as dictionnary contain both height and width """ return { 'width' : max(len(x) for x in table or [[]]) , 'height': len(table) } def _getNormalizedBoundsTable(self, table, width=0, height=0): """ Add necessary cells and lines to obtain given bounds """ table += [[]] * (len(table) - height) for line in table: line += [None] * (len(line) - width) return table def _getTableListUnion(self, list1, list2): """ Coerce two dict containing tables structures. We need to use this method because a OpenOffice document can hold several embedded spreadsheets with the same id. This explain the use of random suffix in such extreme case. """ for list2_key in list2: # Generate a new table ID if needed new_key = list2_key while new_key in list1: new_key = list2_key + '_' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) list1[new_key] = list2[list2_key] return list1 allow_class(OOoParser) allow_class(CorruptedOOoFile) def newOOoParser(container): return OOoParser().__of__(container)