Commit fe89ccd1 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

Business Template V2: Change name from Business Manager to Business Commit V2

parent cede04bb
......@@ -162,13 +162,12 @@ def manage_addBusinessPatchItem(self, item_path='', item_sign=1, item_layer=0, *
return c
class BusinessManager(Folder):
class BusinessTemplateV2(XMLObject):
"""Business Manager is responsible for saving objects and properties in
an ERP5Site. Everything will be saved just via path"""
"""Business Template V2 is config for paths of all objects to be installed"""
meta_type = 'ERP5 Business Manager'
portal_type = 'Business Manager'
meta_type = 'ERP5 Business Template'
portal_type = 'Business Template V2'
add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
template_format_version = 3
......@@ -180,12 +179,9 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
, 'icon' : 'file_icon.gif'
, 'product' : 'ERP5Type'
, 'factory' : ''
, 'type_class' : 'BusinessManager'
, 'immediate_view' : 'BusinessManager_view'
, 'type_class' : 'BusinessTemplateV2'
, 'immediate_view' : 'BusinessTemplateV2_view'
, 'allow_discussion' : 1
, 'allowed_content_types': ('Business Item',
'Business Property Item',
, 'filter_content_types' : 1
......@@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
# XXX: This explicit setter and getter should be replaced using property
......@@ -218,10 +214,10 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
We have to create the snapshot state to find out what is going to be
installed and thus install only those paths which cater to the right commit
i.e, find the latest commit which modifies this Business Manager and
i.e, find the latest commit which modifies this Business Template V2 and
install it
# Get all Business Item which corresponds to this Business Manager
# Get all Business Item which corresponds to this Business Template V2
business_item_list = self.getFollowUpRelatedValueList()
# Get the commits corresponding to the Business Item
commit_list = [l.aq_parent for l in business_item_list]
......@@ -239,7 +235,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
portal_workflow = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow')
wf = portal_workflow.getWorkflowById(
return wf._getWorkflowStateOf(self, id_only=id_only )
......@@ -251,22 +247,22 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
portal_workflow = portal.portal_workflow
wf = portal_workflow.getWorkflowById(
return wf._getWorkflowStateOf(self, id_only=id_only )
def changeBuildingStatetoModified(self):
Change building_state to 'modified'. This is needed specifically as we want
to update the building state even if we change any sub-objects(Business Item
or Business Property Item) of Business Manager.
or Business Property Item) of Business Template V2.
portal_workflow = self.getPortalObject().portal_workflow
wf = portal_workflow._getOb('business_manager_building_workflow')
wf = portal_workflow._getOb('business_template_v2_building_workflow')
wf._executeMetaTransition(self, 'modified')
def applytoERP5(self, DB):
"""Apply the flattened/reduced Business Manager to the DB"""
"""Apply the flattened/reduced Business Template V2 to the DB"""
portal = self.getPortalObject()
......@@ -293,7 +289,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'preinstall')
def preinstall(self, check_dependencies=1, **kw):
Preinstall for Business Manager comapres the installation state and returns
Preinstall for Business Template V2 comapres the installation state and returns
the changes in a manner which can keep up compatibilty with the view we use
in Business Template installation.
......@@ -334,7 +330,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
self.template_format_version = int(value)
def propertyMap(self):
prop_map = super(BusinessManager, self).propertyMap()
prop_map = super(BusinessTemplateV2, self).propertyMap()
final_prop_map = prop_map+self._properties
return final_prop_map
......@@ -343,7 +339,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
Export the object as zexp file
if not self.getBuildingState() == 'built':
raise ValueError, 'Manager not built properly'
raise ValueError, 'Template not built properly'
f = StringIO()
self._p_jar.exportFile(self._p_oid, f)
......@@ -371,14 +367,14 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'importFile')
def importFile(self, path, connection=None):
Import Business Manager object and all attribute to current BM itself
Import Business Template V2 object and all attribute to current BM itself
if not connection:
connection = self.aq_parent._p_jar
file = open(path, 'rb')
imported_manager = connection.importFile(file)
self.title = imported_manager.title
for obj in imported_manager.objectValues():
imported_template_v2 = connection.importFile(file)
self.title = imported_template_v2.title
for obj in imported_template_v2.objectValues():
delattr(obj, '__ac_local_roles__')
# XXX: Donot merge this, needed just for migrated erp5_core
......@@ -389,7 +385,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
def __add__(self, other):
Adds the Business Item objects for the given Business Manager objects
Adds the Business Item objects for the given Business Template V2 objects
# XXX: Still to define
return self
......@@ -402,7 +398,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
# Create the sha list for all path item list available in current object
sha_list = [item.sha for item in self._path_item_list]
# Reverse the sign of Business Item objects for the old Business Manager
# Reverse the sign of Business Item objects for the old Business Template V2
# Trying comparing/subtracting ZODB with old installed object
for path_item in other._path_item_list:
if path_item.sha in sha_list:
......@@ -425,7 +421,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
layers to all Business Item objects
portal = self.getPortalObject()
LOG('Business Manager', INFO, 'Storing Manager Data')
LOG('Business Template V2', INFO, 'Storing template Data')
to_delete_id_list = []
for item in self.objectValues():
......@@ -462,7 +458,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
def _resolvePath(self, folder, relative_url_list, id_list):
For Business Manager, we expect to resolve the path incase we face
For Business Template V2, we expect to resolve the path incase we face
paths which expect to include sub-objects.
For example: 'portal_catalog/erp5_mysql_innodb/**' should only consider
the sub-objects of the object mentioned, and create separate BusinessItem
......@@ -514,7 +510,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
def build(self, no_action=False, **kw):
"""Creates new values for business item from the values from
OFS Database"""
LOG('Business Manager', INFO, 'Building Business Manager')
LOG('Business Template V2', INFO, 'Building Business Template V2')
removable_sub_object_path_list = kw.get('removable_sub_object_path', [])
removable_property_dict = kw.get('removable_property', {})
# Now, we need to put a check here for returning whih objects should be
......@@ -539,20 +535,20 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
return self
def flattenBusinessManager(self):
def flattenBusinessTemplateV2(self):
Flattening a reduced Business Manager with two path p1 and p2 where p1 <> p2:
Flattening a reduced Business Template V2 with two path p1 and p2 where p1 <> p2:
flatten([(p1, s1, l1, v1), (p2, s2, l2, v2)]) = [(p1, s1, 0, v1), (p2, s2, 0, v2)]
A reduced Business Manager BT is said to be flattened if and only if:
A reduced Business Template V2 BT is said to be flattened if and only if:
flatten(BT) = BT
def reduceBusinessManager(self):
def reduceBusinessTemplateV2(self):
Reduction is a function that takes a Business Manager as input and returns
a smaller Business Manager by taking out values with lower priority layers.
Reduction is a function that takes a Business Template V2 as input and returns
a smaller Business Template V2 by taking out values with lower priority layers.
After taking out BusinessItem(s) with lower priority layer, we also go
through arithmetic in case there are multiple number of BI at the higher layer
......@@ -562,7 +558,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
If l1 > l2,
reduce([(p, s, l1, (a, b, c)), (p, s, l2, (d, e))]) = [(p, s, l1, merge(a, b, c))]
A Business Manager BT is said to be reduced if and only if:
A Business Template V2 BT is said to be reduced if and only if:
reduce(BT) = BT
path_list = self.getPathList()
......@@ -751,13 +747,13 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
def updateFollowUpPathList(self):
Update the path list for Follow Up Business Manager
Update the path list for Follow Up Business Template V2
manager = self.getFollowUpValue()
# Check if the manager has already been set or not
if manager:
# Copy the path list for Business Manager and update it with new path
item_path_list = manager.getItemPathList()[:]
template = self.getFollowUpValue()
# Check if the template has already been set or not
if template:
# Copy the path list for Business Template V2 and update it with new path
item_path_list = template.getItemPathList()[:]
old_item_path = self._v_modified_property_dict.get('item_path')
if old_item_path and item_path_list:
if old_item_path in item_path_list:
......@@ -771,12 +767,12 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
# append the new_path in path_list
# Update the manager with new path list
# Update the template with new path list
# Complain loudly if the follow_up is not there
raise ValueError('Follow Up Business Manager is not set or defined yet')
raise ValueError('Follow Up Business Template V2 is not set or defined yet')
def build(self, context, **kw):
......@@ -788,7 +784,7 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
3. For paths which point to property of an object in OFS : In this case,
we can have URL delimiters like ?, #, = in the path
LOG('Business Manager', INFO, 'Building Business Item')
LOG('Business Template V2', INFO, 'Building Business Item')
# Remove the old sub-objects if exisiting before building
id_list = [l for l in self.objectIds()]
......@@ -949,7 +945,7 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
value = container[key]
except KeyError:
LOG('BusinessManager', WARNING,
LOG('BusinessTemplateV2', WARNING,
'Could not access object %s' % (path,))
if default is _MARKER:
......@@ -960,7 +956,7 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
if not validate(container, container, key, value):
raise Unauthorized('unauthorized access to element %s' % key)
except Unauthorized:
LOG('BusinessManager', WARNING,
LOG('BusinessTemplateV2', WARNING,
'access to %s is forbidden' % (path,))
if default is _MARKER:
......@@ -1096,7 +1092,7 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
def getBusinessPathLayer(self):
return self.getProperty('item_layer', 1)
def getParentBusinessManager(self):
def getParentBusinessTemplateV2(self):
return self.aq_parent
class BusinessPropertyItem(XMLObject):
......@@ -1191,7 +1187,7 @@ class BusinessPropertyItem(XMLObject):
def getBusinessPathLayer(self):
return self.getProperty('item_layer', 1)
def getParentBusinessManager(self):
def getParentBusinessTemplateV2(self):
return self.aq_parent
def getBusinessItemPropertyName(self):
......@@ -1323,13 +1319,13 @@ class BusinessPatchItem(XMLObject):
if old_id_list:
# Get the dependency Business Manager
# Get the dependency Business Template V2
dependency_list = self.getProperty('dependency_list')
if dependency_list:
dependency_title = dependency_list[0]
dependency_bm = portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessManager(dependency_title)
dependency_bm = portal_templates.getInstalledBusinessTemplateV2(dependency_title)
if not dependency_bm:
raise ValueError('Missing Installed Business Manager for dependecy_list \
raise ValueError('Missing Installed Business Template V2 for dependecy_list \
which is required to build')
# Use item_path to determine if we need to create Business Item or
......@@ -1356,7 +1352,7 @@ class BusinessPatchItem(XMLObject):
# Copy old item/property item from the item at similar path in dependency_bm
dependency_item = dependency_bm.getBusinessItemByPath(item_path)
# Raise if there is no item exisiting in dependency Business Manager
# Raise if there is no item exisiting in dependency Business Template V2
if not dependency_item:
raise ValueError('No %s exist at path %s in installed version of %s'
......@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
meta_type = 'ERP5 Template Tool'
portal_type = 'Template Tool'
allowed_content_types = [
'Business Manager',
'Business Template',
'Business Template V2',
# This stores information on repositories.
......@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
"""Download Business Template from local directory or file
if format_version == 3:
bm = self.newContent(bt_id, 'Business Manager')
bm = self.newContent(bt_id, 'Business Template V2')
return bm
......@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ from Tool import CategoryTool, SimulationTool, RuleTool, IdTool, TemplateTool,\
CertificateAuthorityTool, InotifyTool, TaskDistributionTool,\
DiffTool, CommitTool
import ERP5Site
from Document import PythonScript, BusinessManager
from Document import PythonScript, BusinessTemplateV2
object_classes = ( ERP5Site.ERP5Site,
portal_tools = ( CategoryTool.CategoryTool,
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