Commit 0b65f5f5 authored by Thomas Bernard's avatar Thomas Bernard

New features :

- Implements smart zoom processing over the secondary axis : delimiter range
is now automatically adapted to the current zoom level : available range are
day, week, month, 6months, year. (hours, 6hours, 12hours coming soon).
- Implements Tooltip over the secondary axis : full group informations is
display when the cursor is left over
- Fix block start & stop bounds. Values are now rounded to the closest entire
- Improved validator : in case of non validation blocs that causes problem are
displayed in another color (strong pink), their activity in light pink (in case
several blocks are needed to represent the activity).
- Improved validator : in case of non validation all blocks are removed to their
previous position. This prevents the user from having to move again all the blocs
when one of them was wrongly placed

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 87d3e67d
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Companyf
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ from Products.Formulator.Field import ZMIField
from Products.Formulator.DummyField import fields
from Products.Formulator.MethodField import BoundMethod
from DateTime import DateTime
#import DateUtils
from Products.Formulator import Widget, Validator
from Products.Formulator.Errors import FormValidationError, ValidationError
from SelectionTool import makeTreeList,TreeListLine
......@@ -76,12 +75,10 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
here = getattr(form, 'aq_parent', REQUEST)
# recover usefull properties
block_moved_string = REQUEST.get('block_moved')
old_delta1 = REQUEST.get('old_delta1')
old_delta2 = REQUEST.get('old_delta2')
block_moved_string = REQUEST.get('block_moved','')
block_previous_string = REQUEST.get('previous_block_moved','')
############## REBUILD STRUCTURE #################
......@@ -95,32 +92,53 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
planning_coordinates = planning_coordinates_method(structure=structure)
########## RECOVERING BLOCK MOVED DICT ###########
########## RECOVERING BLOCK MOVED DICTS ##########
# converting string to a structure
block_moved_list = []
if block_moved_string != '':
block_moved_object_list = block_moved_string.split('*')
for block_moved_object_string in block_moved_object_list:
block_moved_dict = None
block_moved_dict = {}
block_moved_sub_list = block_moved_object_string.split(',')
block_moved_dict['name'] = block_moved_sub_list[0]
block_moved_dict['old_X'] = float(block_moved_sub_list[1])
block_moved_dict['old_Y'] = float(block_moved_sub_list[2])
block_moved_dict['new_X'] = float(block_moved_sub_list[3])
block_moved_dict['new_Y'] = float(block_moved_sub_list[4])
block_moved_dict['width'] = float(block_moved_sub_list[5])
block_moved_dict['height'] = float(block_moved_sub_list[6])
block_moved_list = self.getBlockPositionFromString(block_moved_string)
# block_moved_list now holds a list of structure recovered from the REQUEST
# and correspondig to the movements done before validating
block_previous_list = self.getBlockPositionFromString(block_previous_string)
# list of previous blocks moved if an error occured during previous
# validation
# updating block_moved_list using block_previous_list. This is very important
# not to escape processing blocks that have been moved during a previous
# validation attempt.
if block_previous_list != [] and block_moved_list != []:
for block_previous in block_previous_list:
# checking if the block has been moved again in this validation attempt.
# if it is the case, the block must be also present in the current
# block_moved_list
block_found = {}
for block_moved in block_moved_list:
if block_moved['name'] == block_previous['name']:
block_found = block_moved
if block_found != {}:
# block has been moved again, updating its properties in the current
# list to take into account its previous position. current block is
# known as 'block_found', and the value to update is the original
# absolute position used to get relative coordinates
block_found['old_X'] = block_previous['old_X']
block_found['old_Y'] = block_previous['old_Y']
return ''
# block_moved_list now holds a list of structure recovered from the REQUEST.
# XXX once this works, call a special python script 'planning_validator' to process
# the content instead of hardcoding it in the 'PlanningBox' script
# for the moment, to have faster and easier debugging, leaving this part of
# code in the main script
# block has not been moved again, adding old block informations to the
# current list of block_moved
elif block_previous_list != []:
# block_moved_list is empty but not block_previous_list. This means the
# user is trying to validate again without any change
block_moved_list = block_previous_list
elif block_moved_list != []:
# block_previous_list is empty, this means this is the first validation
# attempt. Using the block_moved_list as it is
# the two lists are empty : nothing to validate
return None
# block_moved_list is updated
# dict aimed to hold all informations about block
......@@ -130,6 +148,12 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
# of the blocks concerned is moved
activity_dict = {}
# list holding all the activities having one of their block not validated
# in such a case the update process of the activity is canceled
warning_activity_list = []
error_block_list = []
########## GETTING BLOCK INFORMATIONS ############
......@@ -147,7 +171,6 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
# recovering relative block information in planning_coordinates
final_block['block_info'] = planning_coordinates['content'][block_moved['name']]
# calculating delta
# block_moved holds coordinates recovered from drag&drop script, while
# block_info has the relative coordinates.
......@@ -192,13 +215,29 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
group_destination = self.getDestinationGroup(structure, block_moved,planning_coordinates['main_axis'], group_position, group_length)
if group_destination == None:
# XXX need to take care of such a case :
# block has been moved outside the content area
# !! Generate an Error !!
# block has been moved outside the content area (not in line with any
# group of the current area).
# adding current block to error_list
# adding if necessary current activity to warning_list
if final_block['activity_origin'].name not in warning_activity_list:
# now that all informations about the main axis changes are
# known, checking modifications over the secondary axis.
secondary_axis_positions = self.getDestinationBounds(structure, block_moved, final_block['block_object'], planning_coordinates, axis_length)
if secondary_axis_positions[2] == 1 :
# !! Generate an Error !!
# block has been moved outside the content area (bounds do not match
# current area limits)
if block_moved['name'] not in error_block_list:
if final_block['activity_origin'].name not in warning_activity_list:
block_moved['secondary_axis_start'] = secondary_axis_positions[0]
block_moved['secondary_axis_stop'] = secondary_axis_positions[1]
......@@ -216,6 +255,14 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
############# UPDATING ACTIVITIES ################
update_dict = {}
errors_list = []
# getting start & stop property names
start_property = structure.basic.field.get_value('x_start_bloc')
stop_property = structure.basic.field.get_value('x_stop_bloc')
# getting round_script if exists
# now processing activity updates
for activity_name in activity_dict.keys():
# recovering list of moved blocks in the current activity
......@@ -226,19 +273,102 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
# now getting list of blocks related to the activity (moved or not)
activity_block_list = activity_object.block_list
if in warning_activity_list:
# activity contains a block that has not be validated
# The validation update process is canceled, and the error is reported
err = ValidationError(StandardError,activity_object)
# no error : continue
# recovering new activity bounds
new_bounds = self.getActivityBounds(activity_object, activity_block_moved_list, activity_block_list)
(start_value, stop_value) = self.getActivityBounds(activity_object,
# XXX call specific external method to round value in case hh:mn:s are useless
if round_script != None:
start_value = round_script(start_value)
stop_value = round_script(stop_value)
# saving updating informations in the final dict
# all process is now finished, just need to return final dict
# testing if need to raise errors
if len(errors_list) > 0:
# need to raise an error
# rebuilt position string including new values
block_moved_string = self.setBlockPositionToString(block_moved_list)
# save the current block_list for repositionning the blocks
# to their final position
# saving blocks not validated as such as the activity they belong to to
# apply a special treatment.
# now raise error => automatically call
raise FormValidationError(errors_list, {} )
# the whole process is now finished, just need to return final dict
return update_dict
def getBlockPositionFromString(self, block_string):
takes a string with block data and convert it to a list of dicts
block_list = []
if block_string != '':
block_object_list = block_string.split('*')
for block_object_string in block_object_list:
block_dict = None
block_dict = {}
block_sub_list = block_object_string.split(',')
block_dict['name'] = block_sub_list[0]
block_dict['old_X'] = float(block_sub_list[1])
block_dict['old_Y'] = float(block_sub_list[2])
block_dict['new_X'] = float(block_sub_list[3])
block_dict['new_Y'] = float(block_sub_list[4])
block_dict['width'] = float(block_sub_list[5])
block_dict['height'] = float(block_sub_list[6])
return block_list
return block_list
def setBlockPositionToString(self,block_list):
takes a list of dicts updated and convert it to a string in order to save
it in the request
block_string = ''
if block_list != []:
block_object_list = []
for block_dict in block_list:
# property position is important that's why ','.join() is not used in
# this case
block_sub_string = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (
block_string = '*'.join(block_object_list)
return block_string
return block_string
def getBlockObject(self, block_name, content_list):
......@@ -280,7 +410,7 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
check the new bounds of the block over the secondary axis according to its
new position
error = 0
# has to be improved : for now the axis bounds are recovered globally, it
# implies that all groups have the same bounds, which is not the case in
......@@ -292,8 +422,8 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
# testing different cases of invalidation
if delta_stop < 0 or delta_start > 1 :
# block if fully out of the bounds
# XXX must generate a block_error
# can not validate it : returning None
error = 1
if delta_start < 0 or delta_stop > 1:
# part of the block is inside
......@@ -302,10 +432,15 @@ class PlanningBoxValidator(Validator.StringBaseValidator):
axis_range = structure.basic.secondary_axis_info['bound_stop'] - structure.basic.secondary_axis_info['bound_start']
# defining new final block bounds
new_start = delta_start * axis_range + structure.basic.secondary_axis_info['bound_start']
new_stop = delta_stop * axis_range + structure.basic.secondary_axis_info['bound_start']
new_start = structure.basic.secondary_axis_info['bound_start'] + delta_start * axis_range
new_stop = structure.basic.secondary_axis_info['bound_start'] + delta_stop * axis_range
return [new_start,new_stop]
# update block bounds (round to the closest round day)
#new_start = DateTime(new_start.Date())
#new_stop = DateTime(new_stop.Date())
return [new_start,new_stop, error]
......@@ -372,7 +507,8 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
'size_x_axis_space', 'delimiter',
......@@ -381,7 +517,7 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
# kind of representation to render :
# Planning or Calendar
representation_type = fields.TextAreaField('representation_type',
representation_type = fields.StringField('representation_type',
title='representtion Type (YX or XY)',
description='YX for horizontal or XY for vertical',
......@@ -462,9 +598,6 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
default = fields.TextAreaField('default',
......@@ -473,39 +606,6 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
width=20, height=3,
height_header = fields.IntegerField('height_header',
title='height of the header (px):',
"value of the height of the header, required"),
height_global_div = fields.IntegerField('height_global_div',
title='height of the graphic (px):',
"value of the height of the graphic, required"),
height_axis_x = fields.IntegerField('height_axis_x',
title='height of X-axis (px):',
"value of the height of X-axis"),
width_line = fields.IntegerField('width_line',
title='width of the graphic (px):',
"value of width_line, required"),
space_line = fields.IntegerField('space_line',
title='space between each line of the graphic (px):',
description=("space between each line of the graphic,not required"),
delimiter = fields.IntegerField('delimiter',
title='number of delimiters over the secondary axis:',
......@@ -553,31 +653,9 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
y_unity = fields.StringField('y_unity',
title='Unity in Y-axis:',
description=('The unity in Y-axis,not required'),
y_axis_width = fields.IntegerField('y_axis_width',
title='width of Y-axis (px):',
"width of Y-axis, required"),
y_range = fields.IntegerField('y_range',
title='number of range of Y-axis :',
"Number of Range of Y-axis, not required"),
x_range = fields.StringField('x_range',
title='range of X-Axis:',
description=('Nature of the subdivisions of X-Axes, not Required'),
x_axis_script_id = fields.StringField('x_axis_script_id',
title='script for building the X-Axis:',
......@@ -586,19 +664,19 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
x_start_bloc = fields.StringField('x_start_bloc',
title='specific method which fetches the data for the beginning\
title='specific property which fetches the data for the beginning\
of a block:',
description=('Method for building X-Axis such as getstartDate\
description=('Property for building X-Axis such as start_date\
x_stop_bloc = fields.StringField('x_stop_bloc',
title='specific method which fetches the data for the end of\
title='specific property which fetches the data for the end of\
each block',
description=('Method for building X-Axis such getStopDate\
description=('Property for building X-Axis such as stop_date\
y_axis_method = fields.StringField('y_axis_method',
......@@ -625,6 +703,18 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
round_script = fields.StringField('round_script',
title='name of script which allow to round block bounds when validating',
description=('script for block bounds rounding when validating'),
sec_axis_script = fields.StringField('sec_axis_script',
title='name of script which allow to build secondary axis',
description=('script for building secondary axis'),
info_center = fields.StringField('info_center',
title='specific method of data called for inserting info in\
block center',
......@@ -685,9 +775,13 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
# build structure
here = REQUEST['here']
structure = self.render_structure(field=field, key=key, value=value, REQUEST=REQUEST, here=here)
if structure != None:
# getting CSS script generator
planning_css_method = getattr(REQUEST['here'],'planning_css')
......@@ -718,7 +812,7 @@ class PlanningBoxWidget(Widget.Widget):
# recover structure
structure = REQUEST.get('structure')
# getting HTML rendering Page Template
planning_html_method = getattr(REQUEST['here'],'planning_content')
......@@ -1007,6 +1101,7 @@ class BasicStructure:
# object_tree_line is Pure summary : does not have any activity
stat_result = {}
# adding current line to report_section where
# line is pure Summary
self.report_groups += [object_tree_line]
......@@ -1059,12 +1154,14 @@ class BasicStructure:
already_in_list = 1
if add == 1: # testing : object not present, can add it
# adding current line to report_section where
# line is report_tree
if already_in_list:
self.report_groups = self.report_groups[:-1]
#self.report_groups = self.report_groups[:-1]
self.report_groups += [object_tree_line]
self.nbr_groups += 1
#for p_object in object_list:
......@@ -1145,12 +1242,11 @@ class BasicStructure:
secondary_axis_occurence = []
# specific start & stop methods name for secondary axis
start_method_id = self.field.get_value('x_start_bloc')
stop_method_id= self.field.get_value('x_stop_bloc')
start_property_id = self.field.get_value('x_start_bloc')
stop_property_id= self.field.get_value('x_stop_bloc')
for object_tree_group in self.report_groups:
# recover method to et begin and end limits
method_start = getattr(object_tree_group.getObject(),start_method_id,None)
method_stop = getattr(object_tree_group.getObject(),stop_method_id,None)
child_activity_list = self.report_activity_dict[object_tree_group.getObject().getTitle()]
......@@ -1165,15 +1261,14 @@ class BasicStructure:
# get : <bound method ImplicitAcquirerWrapper.(?) of <Project at /erp5/project_module/planning>>
# so just trying if children exist
for child_activity in child_activity_list:
method_start = getattr(child_activity,start_method_id,None)
method_stop = getattr(child_activity,stop_method_id,None)
if method_start != None:
block_begin = method_start()
if start_property_id != None:
block_begin = child_activity.getObject().getProperty(start_property_id)
block_begin = None
if method_stop != None:
block_stop = method_stop()
if stop_property_id != None:
block_stop = child_activity.getObject().getProperty(stop_property_id)
block_stop = None
......@@ -1182,13 +1277,13 @@ class BasicStructure:
# method sucessfully recovered
# getting values
if method_start != None:
block_begin = method_start()
if start_property_id != None:
block_begin = object_tree_group.object.getObject().getProperty(start_property_id)
block_begin = None
if method_stop != None:
block_stop = method_stop()
if stop_property_id != None:
block_stop = object_tree_group.object.getObject().getProperty(stop_property_id)
block_stop = None
......@@ -1205,7 +1300,7 @@ class BasicStructure:
apply selection informations to get start and stop.
axis_dict['zoom_start'] = int(self.params.get('zoom_start',0))
......@@ -1256,7 +1351,7 @@ class BasicStructure:
axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'] = self.field.get_value('main_axis_groups')
if axis_dict['bound_axis_groups'] == None:
#XXX raise exception : no group defined
......@@ -1313,6 +1408,7 @@ class BasicStructure:
position = 0
# iterating each element
for report_group_object in self.report_groups:
......@@ -1392,13 +1488,10 @@ class BasicGroup:
# specific begin & stop methods for secondary axis
object_begin_method_id = self.field.get_value('x_start_bloc')
object_end_method_id= self.field.get_value('x_stop_bloc')
# recover method to et begin and end limits
method_begin = getattr(self.object.getObject(),object_begin_method_id,None)
method_end = getattr(self.object.getObject(),object_end_method_id,None)
# specific begin & stop property names for secondary axis
object_property_begin = self.field.get_value('x_start_bloc')
object_property_end = self.field.get_value('x_stop_bloc')
# specific block text_information methods
......@@ -1439,23 +1532,19 @@ class BasicGroup:
# iterating each activity linked to the current group
for activity_content in activity_list:
# group does not have valid begin_method, trying to find them on
# the activity itself.
method_begin = getattr(activity_content,object_begin_method_id,None)
method_end = getattr(activity_content,object_end_method_id,None)
# interpreting results and getting begin and end values from
# previously recovered method
block_begin = None
block_end = None
if method_begin !=None:
block_begin = method_begin()
if object_property_begin !=None:
block_begin = activity_content.getObject().getProperty(object_property_begin)
block_begin = None
if method_end != None:
block_end = method_end()
if object_property_end != None:
block_end = activity_content.getObject().getProperty(object_property_end)
block_end = None
......@@ -1551,13 +1640,13 @@ class BasicGroup:
# getting begin and end values from previously recovered method
if method_begin !=None:
block_begin = method_begin()
if object_property_begin !=None:
block_begin = self.object.getObject().getProperty(object_property_begin)
block_begin = None
if method_end != None:
block_end = method_end()
if object_property_end != None:
block_end = self.object.getObject().getProperty(object_property_end)
block_end = None
......@@ -1694,88 +1783,74 @@ class PlanningStructure:
self.main_axis.size = self.buildGroups(basic_structure=basic_structure)
# call method to build secondary axis structure
# need start_bound, stop_bound and number of groups to build
# completing axisgroup informations according to their bounds
# the whole structure is almost completed : axis_groups are defined, as
# axis_elements with their activities. Just need to create blocks related to
# the activities (special process only for Calendar mode) with their
# BlockPosition
self.buildBlocs(REQUEST = REQUEST)
def buildSecondaryAxis(self,basic_structure, field):
build secondary axis structure
# defining min and max delimiter number
delimiter_min_number = 4
date_stop = self.secondary_axis.stop
date_start = self.secondary_axis.start
date_range = date_stop - date_start
# testing delimiter_type to apply (day, week, month, year)
# from smallest type to biggest
type_list = [['year', 365],
['month', 30],
['week', 7],
['day', 1]
# default good_type is last one (if nothing else matches)
good_type = type_list[-1]
for date_type in type_list:
# iterating each delimiter_type and testing if it matches the delimitation
# number definition
if date_range / date_type[1] >= delimiter_min_number:
good_type = date_type
# good type is known need to get first delimiter after start_date
# for that use special function getClosestDate (cf.
first_delimiter = getClosestDate(date=None, target_date=date_start, precision=good_type[0], before=0)
delimiter_list = []
current_delimiter = first_delimiter
while current_delimiter.Date() < date_stop.Date():
# defining min and max delimiter number
delimiter_min_number = basic_structure.field.get_value('delimiter')
axis_stop = (self.secondary_axis.stop)
axis_start = (self.secondary_axis.start)
# calling script to get list of delimiters to implement
# just need to pass start, stop, and the minimum number of delimiter wanted.
# a structure is returned : list of delimiters, each delimiter defined by a
# list [ relative position, title, tooltip , delimiter_type]
delimiter_list = axis_script(axis_start,axis_stop,delimiter_min_number)
return None
axis_stop = int(axis_stop)
axis_start = int(axis_start)
axis_range = axis_stop - axis_start
# getting secondary axis script generator
planning_secondary_axis_method = getattr(,'planning_secondary_axis')
# calling script to generate axis_group_list
group_list = planning_secondary_axis_method(self.secondary_axis.start, self.secondary_axis.stop, field.get_value('delimiter'))
# axis_element_number is used to fix the group size
self.secondary_axis.axis_size = axis_range
# axis_group_number is used to differenciate groups
axis_group_number = 0
for group_title in group_list:
# adding new group to list of groups
axis_group = AxisGroup(name='Group_sec_' + str(axis_group_number), title=group_title)
# updating informations
axis_group.axis_element_start = axis_group_number
axis_group.axis_element_number = 1
axis_group.axis_element_stop = axis_group_number + 1
# now iterating list of delimiters and building group list
# group position and size informations are saved in position_secondary
# using relative coordinates
for delimiter in delimiter_list:
axis_group = AxisGroup(name='Group_sec_' + str(axis_group_number), title=delimiter[1], delimiter_type=delimiter[3])
axis_group.tooltip = delimiter[2]
axis_group.position_secondary.relative_begin = int(delimiter[0]) - int(axis_start)
# set defaut stop bound and size
axis_group.position_secondary.relative_end = int(axis_stop)
axis_group.position_secondary.relative_range = int(axis_stop) - int(delimiter[0])
if delimiter == delimiter_list[0]:
# actual delimiter is the first delimiter entered
# do not need to update previous delimiter informations
# actual delimiter info has a previous delimiter
# update its informations
self.secondary_axis.axis_group[-1].position_secondary.relative_end = axis_group.position_secondary.relative_begin
self.secondary_axis.axis_group[-1].position_secondary.relative_range = axis_group.position_secondary.relative_begin - self.secondary_axis.axis_group[-1].position_secondary.relative_begin
# add current axis_group to axis_group list
axis_group = None
axis_group_number += 1
def buildMainAxis (self):
def completeAxis (self):
complete axis infomations (and more precisely axis position objects) thanks
to the actual planning structure
......@@ -1790,13 +1865,22 @@ class PlanningStructure:
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_end = 1
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_range= 1
for axis_group_element in self.secondary_axis.axis_group:
position = axis_group_element.position_secondary
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_begin = (
float(axis_group_element.position_secondary.relative_begin) /
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_end = (
float(axis_group_element.position_secondary.relative_end) /
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_range = (
float(axis_group_element.position_secondary.relative_range) /
axis_group_element.position_main.absolute_begin = 0
axis_group_element.position_main.absolute_end = 1
axis_group_element.position_main.absolute_range= 1
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_begin = float(axis_group_element.axis_element_start) / float(len(self.secondary_axis.axis_group))
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_end = float(axis_group_element.axis_element_stop) / float(len(self.secondary_axis.axis_group))
axis_group_element.position_secondary.absolute_range= float(1) / float(len(self.secondary_axis.axis_group))
axis_group_element.position_main.absolute_range = 1
def buildGroups (self, basic_structure=None):
......@@ -1854,16 +1938,25 @@ class PlanningStructure:
return axis_element_already_present
def buildBlocs(self):
def buildBlocs(self,REQUEST):
iterate the whole planning structure to get various activities and build
their related blocs.
# recover activity and block error lists
warning_activity_list = REQUEST.get('warning_activity_list',[])
error_block_list = REQUEST.get('error_block_list',[])
for axis_group_object in self.main_axis.axis_group:
for axis_element_object in axis_group_object.axis_element_list:
for activity in axis_element_object.activity_list:
activity.addBlocs(main_axis_start=0, main_axis_stop=self.main_axis.size, secondary_axis_start=self.secondary_axis.start, secondary_axis_stop=self.secondary_axis.stop,planning=self)
if in warning_activity_list:
warning = 1
warning = 0
activity.addBlocs(main_axis_start=0, main_axis_stop=self.main_axis.size, secondary_axis_start=self.secondary_axis.start, secondary_axis_stop=self.secondary_axis.stop,planning=self, warning=warning, error_block_list=error_block_list)
except TypeError:
......@@ -1881,6 +1974,7 @@ class Activity:
def __init__ (self,name=None, title=None, object=None, types=None, color=None, link=None, secondary_axis_begin=None, secondary_axis_end=None, secondary_axis_start=None, secondary_axis_stop=None, primary_axis_block=None, info=None, render_format='YX'): = name # internal activity_name =
self.title = title # displayed activity_name
self.object = object
self.types = types # activity, activity_error, info
......@@ -1898,6 +1992,12 @@ class Activity:
self.parent_axis_element = None
self.render_format= render_format
def get_error_message (self, Error):
# need to update the error message
return 'et paf, à coté de la ligne !'
def isValidPosition(self, bound_begin, bound_end):
can check if actual activity can fit within the bounds, returns :
......@@ -1913,7 +2013,7 @@ class Activity:
return 2
def addBlocs(self, main_axis_start=None, main_axis_stop=None, secondary_axis_start=None, secondary_axis_stop=None,planning=None):
def addBlocs(self, main_axis_start=None, main_axis_stop=None, secondary_axis_start=None, secondary_axis_stop=None,planning=None, warning=0, error_block_list=[]):
define list of (begin & stop) values for blocs representing the actual
activity (can have several blocs if necessary).
......@@ -1930,10 +2030,19 @@ class Activity:
for (start,stop) in secondary_block_bounds:
block_number += 1
block_name = + '_Block_' + str(block_number)
# create new block instance
new_block = Bloc( + '_Block_' + str(block_number) ,color=self.color,, number = block_number, render_format=self.render_format, parent_activity=self)
if block_name in error_block_list:
error = 1
error = 0
new_block = Bloc(name= block_name,color=self.color,, number = block_number, render_format=self.render_format, parent_activity=self, warning=warning, error=error)
new_block.buildInfoDict(info_dict =
# updating secondary_axis block position
......@@ -2008,7 +2117,7 @@ class Bloc:
def __init__ (self, name=None, types=None,
color=None, info=None, link=None, number=0,
constraints=None, secondary_start=None, secondary_stop=None, render_format='YX', parent_activity = None):
constraints=None, secondary_start=None, secondary_stop=None, render_format='YX', parent_activity = None, warning=0, error=0):
creates a Bloc object
......@@ -2021,6 +2130,10 @@ class Bloc:
self.parent_activity = parent_activity
self.constraints = constraints
# setting warning and error flags in case parent_activity or block itself
# have not been validated
self.warning = warning
self.error = error
# list of all the groups the bloc belongs to (reportTree)
#self.container_axis_group = container_AxisGroup
# integer pointing to the AxisElement containing the bloc (multitasking)
......@@ -2042,7 +2155,7 @@ class Bloc:
#XXX /4 = {}
title_list = []
title_list.append(self.buildInfo(info_dict=info_dict, area='info_topleft'))
title_list.append(self.buildInfo(info_dict=info_dict, area='info_topright'))
title_list.append(self.buildInfo(info_dict=info_dict, area='info_center'))
......@@ -2070,16 +2183,16 @@ class Position:
def __init__ (self, absolute_begin=None,
absolute_end=None, absolute_size=None,
relative_begin=None, relative_end=None, relative_size=None):
absolute_end=None, absolute_range=None,
relative_begin=None, relative_end=None, relative_range=None):
# absolute size takes the bloc size in the original unit for the axis
self.absolute_begin = absolute_begin
self.absolute_end = absolute_end
self.absolute_size = absolute_size
self.absolute_range = absolute_range
# selative size in % of the current axis size
self.relative_begin = relative_begin
self.relative_end = relative_end
self.relative_size = relative_size
self.relative_range = relative_range
class Axis:
......@@ -2122,9 +2235,10 @@ class AxisGroup:
def __init__ (self, name='', title='', object = None,
axis_group_list=None, axis_group_number=0,
axis_element_list=None, axis_element_number=0, is_open=0, is_pure_summary=1,depth=0, url=None, axis_element_already_insered= 0, secondary_axis_start=None, secondary_axis_stop=None):
axis_element_list=None, axis_element_number=0, delimiter_type = 0, is_open=0, is_pure_summary=1,depth=0, url=None, axis_element_already_insered= 0, secondary_axis_start=None, secondary_axis_stop=None): = name
self.title = title
self.tooltip = '' # tooltip used when cursor pass over the group
self.object = object # physical object related to the current group (used to validate modifications)
self.axis_group_list = axis_group_list # ReportTree
self.axis_group_number = axis_group_number
......@@ -2132,6 +2246,9 @@ class AxisGroup:
self.axis_element_number = axis_element_number
self.axis_element_start = None
self.axis_element_stop = None
self.delimiter_type = delimiter_type
# define the kind of separator used in graphic rendering
# 0 for standard, 1 for bold, 2 for 2x bold
# dict containing all class properties with their values
self.is_open = is_open
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