############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Romain Courteaud <romain@nexedi.com> # Ivan Tyagov <ivan@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Persistence import PersistentMapping from Acquisition import aq_base from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet from erp5.component.tool.ConfiguratorTool import _validateFormToRequest from erp5.component.document.Item import Item ## Workflow states definitions INITIAL_STATE_TITLE = 'Start' DOWNLOAD_STATE_TITLE = 'Download' END_STATE_TITLE = 'End' ## TODO-ERP5Workflow: Initially part of Workflow implementation done for ## ERP5Configurator but not used by ERP5 Workflow... def initializeDocument(workflow, document): """ Set initial state on the Document """ state_bc_id = workflow.getStateBaseCategory() document.setCategoryMembership(state_bc_id, workflow.getSource()) object = workflow.getStateChangeInformation(document, workflow.getSourceValue()) # Initialize workflow history status_dict = {state_bc_id: workflow.getSource()} variable_list = workflow.contentValues(portal_type='Workflow Variable') for variable in variable_list: status_dict[variable.getTitle()] = variable.getVariableValue(object=object) workflow._updateWorkflowHistory(document, status_dict) def _generateHistoryKey(workflow): """ Generate a key used in the workflow history. """ return workflow.getReference() def getWorkflowHistory(state, document, remove_undo=0, remove_not_displayed=0): """ Return history tuple """ wh = document.workflow_history[_generateHistoryKey(state.getParentValue())] result = [] # Remove undo if not remove_undo: result = [x.copy() for x in wh] else: result = [] for x in wh: if x.has_key('undo') and x['undo'] == 1: result.pop() else: result.append(x.copy()) return result def _checkPermission(transition, document): """ Check if transition is allowed. """ expr_value = transition.getGuardExpression(evaluate=0) if expr_value is not None: # do not use 'getGuardExpression' to calculate tales because # it caches value which is bad. Instead do it manually from Products.ERP5Type.Accessor.Base import _evaluateTales value = _evaluateTales(document, expr_value) else: value = True #print "CALC", expr_value, '-->', value return value def getAvailableTransitionList(state, document): """ Return available transitions only if they are accessible for the current document. """ result_list = [] for transition in state.getDestinationValueList(): value = _checkPermission(transition, document) if value: result_list.append(transition) return result_list class BusinessConfiguration(Item): """ BusinessConfiguration store the values enter by the wizard. """ meta_type = 'ERP5 Business Configuration' portal_type = 'Business Configuration' add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent isPortalContent = 1 isRADContent = 1 # Declarative security security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation) # Declarative properties property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base , PropertySheet.XMLObject , PropertySheet.CategoryCore , PropertySheet.DublinCore , PropertySheet.Item , PropertySheet.Arrow , PropertySheet.BusinessConfiguration , PropertySheet.Comment ) security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isInitialConfigurationState') def isInitialConfigurationState(self): """ Check if the Business Configuration is on initial workflow state """ workflow = self.getResourceValue() if workflow is not None: return self.getCurrentState() == workflow.getSource() return None security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isDownloadConfigurationState') def isDownloadConfigurationState(self): """ Check if the Business Configuration is on Download State """ return self.getCurrentStateTitle() == DOWNLOAD_STATE_TITLE security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isEndConfigurationState') def isEndConfigurationState(self): """ Check if the Business Configuration is on End State """ return self.getCurrentStateTitle() == END_STATE_TITLE security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, \ 'initializeWorkflow') def initializeWorkflow(self): """ Initialize Related Workflow""" workflow = self.getResourceValue() workflow_history = getattr(self, 'workflow_history', {}) if workflow is None: return if self.getResource() not in workflow_history: if len(self.objectValues("ERP5 Configuration Save")) > 0: raise ValueError("Business Configuration Cannot be initialized, \ it contains one or more Configurator Save") # TODO-BEFORE-MERGE: initializeDocument() in workflow_module # implementation: Without this getCurrentState() is None and nothing # happens because getNextTransition() returns None in such case. But # there is no field to modify 'state_base_category' which is sets to # 'current_state' and BusinessConfiguration uses getCurrentState() so is # 'state_base_category' really needed? self.setCategoryMembership(workflow.getStateBaseCategory(), workflow.getSource()) workflow.notifyCreated(self) security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getNextTransition') def getNextTransition(self): """ Return next transition. """ current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue() if current_state is None: return None transition_list = getAvailableTransitionList(current_state, self) transition_number = len(transition_list) if transition_number > 1: raise TypeError("More than one transition is available.") elif transition_number == 0: return None return transition_list[0] security.declarePrivate('_executeTransition') def _executeTransition(self, \ form_kw=None, request_kw=None): """ Execute the transition. """ if form_kw is None: form_kw = {} current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue() transition = self.getNextTransition() ## it's possible that we have already saved a configuration save object ## in workflow_history for this state so we use it configuration_save = self._getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory() if configuration_save is None: ## we haven't saved any configuration save for this state so create new one configuration_save = self.newContent(portal_type='Configuration Save', title=current_state.getTitle()) else: ## we have already created configuration save for this state ## so remove from it already existing configuration items if configuration_save != self: # don't delete ourselves existing_conf_items = configuration_save.objectIds() existing_conf_items = map(None, existing_conf_items) configuration_save.manage_delObjects(existing_conf_items) modified_form_kw = {} for k in form_kw.keys(): if form_kw[k].__class__.__name__ != 'FileUpload': modified_form_kw[k] = form_kw[k] configuration_save.edit(**modified_form_kw) ## Add some variables so we can get use them in workflow after scripts form_kw['configuration_save_url'] = configuration_save.getRelativeUrl() form_kw['transition'] = transition.getRelativeUrl() current_state.executeTransition(transition, self, form_kw=form_kw) security.declarePrivate('_displayNextForm') def _displayNextForm(self, \ validation_errors=None, \ context=None, \ transition=None): """ Render next form. """ if transition is None: transition = self.getNextTransition() while transition is not None: form_id = transition.getTransitionFormId() if self.isDownloadConfigurationState(): ## exec next transition for this business configuration self._executeTransition() transition = self.getNextTransition() return None, None, None, None if form_id is None: ## go on until you find a form self._executeTransition() transition = self.getNextTransition() else: if context is None: ## examine workflow_history for already saved ## 'Configuration Save' objects for this state context = self._getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory() ## get form object in a proper context form_html, form_title = self._renderFormInContext(form_id, context, validation_errors) ## check if we've can shown 'Previous' button previous = None translate = self.Base_translateString if self._isAlreadyConfSaveInWorkflowHistory(transition): previous = translate("Previous") return previous, form_html, form_title, \ translate(transition.getTitle()) security.declarePrivate('_renderFormInContext') def _renderFormInContext(self, form_id, context, validation_errors): html = "" html_forms = [] isMultiEntryTransition = self._isMultiEntryTransition() forms_number = isMultiEntryTransition if context is None: form = getattr(self, form_id) if not isMultiEntryTransition: if validation_errors is not None: self.REQUEST.set('field_errors', form.ErrorFields(validation_errors)) html = form() else: template_html = form() for form_counter in range(0, forms_number): form_html = self.Base_mainConfiguratorFormTemplate( current_form_number=form_counter + 1, max_form_numbers=forms_number, form_title=form.title, form_html=template_html) html_forms.append(form_html) else: if not isMultiEntryTransition: ## only one form saved under this context form = getattr(context, form_id) if validation_errors is not None: self.REQUEST.set('field_errors', form.ErrorFields(validation_errors)) html = form() else: ## we have many forms saved under this context form = getattr(self, form_id) field_ids = form.get_fields() for form_counter in range(0, forms_number): ## fill REQUEST with data as it will be used to render form for field in field_ids: field_value = getattr(context, "field_%s" % field.id, None) if field_value is not None and len(field_value) > form_counter: field_value = field_value[form_counter] self.REQUEST.set(field.id, field_value) else: self.REQUEST.set(field.id, '') form_html = self.Base_mainConfiguratorFormTemplate( \ current_form_number=form_counter + 1,\ max_form_numbers=forms_number,\ form_html=getattr(context, form_id)()) html_forms.append(form_html) if html_forms != []: html = "\n".join(html_forms) title = form.title return html, title security.declarePrivate('_displayPreviousForm') def _displayPreviousForm(self): """ Render previous form using workflow history. """ workflow_history = getWorkflowHistory(self.getCurrentStateValue(), self, remove_undo=1) workflow_history.reverse() for wh in workflow_history: ## go one step back current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue() current_state.undoTransition(self) if not wh['transition']: raise ValueError("Empty URL for transition in workflow history.") transition = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['transition']) conf_save = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['configuration_save_url']) ## check if this transition can be shown to user ... if _checkPermission(transition, self) and \ transition.getTransitionFormId() is not None: return self._displayNextForm(context=conf_save, transition=transition) security.declarePrivate('_validateNextForm') def _validateNextForm(self, **kw): """ Validate the form displayed to the user. """ REQUEST = self.REQUEST form = getattr(self, self.getNextTransition().getTransitionFormId()) return _validateFormToRequest(form, REQUEST, **kw) security.declarePrivate('_getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory') def _getConfSaveForStateFromWorkflowHistory(self): """ Get from workflow history configuration save for this state """ configuration_save = None current_state = self.getCurrentStateValue() transition = self.getNextTransition() next_state = self.unrestrictedTraverse(transition.getDestination()) for wh in getWorkflowHistory(current_state, self): if next_state == self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['current_state']): import pdb; pdb.set_trace() configuration_save = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['configuration_save_url']) return configuration_save security.declarePrivate('_isAlreadyConfSaveInWorkflowHistory') def _isAlreadyConfSaveInWorkflowHistory(self, transition): """ check if we have an entry in worklow history for this state """ workflow_history = getWorkflowHistory(self.getCurrentStateValue(), self, remove_undo=1) workflow_history.reverse() for wh in workflow_history: wh_state = self.unrestrictedTraverse(wh['current_state']) for wh_transition in getAvailableTransitionList(wh_state, self): if wh_transition.getTransitionFormId() is not None and \ wh_transition != transition: return True return False security.declarePrivate('_isMultiEntryTransition') def _isMultiEntryTransition(self): """ Return number of multiple forms to show for a transition. """ next_transition = self.getNextTransition() if next_transition is not None: if getattr(aq_base(self), '_multi_entry_transitions', None) is not None: multi_forms = self._multi_entry_transitions.get(next_transition.getRelativeUrl(), 0) if multi_forms == 1: # we have set '1' which means show one form which is not multiple forms multi_forms = 0 return multi_forms else: return 0 else: ## no transitions available return 0 security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setMultiEntryTransition') def setMultiEntryTransition(self, transition_url, max_entry_number): """ Set a transition as multiple - i.e max_entry_number of forms which will be rendered. This method is called in after scripts and usually this number is set by user in a web form. """ if getattr(aq_base(self), '_multi_entry_transitions', None) is None: self._multi_entry_transitions = PersistentMapping() self._multi_entry_transitions[transition_url] = max_entry_number security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setGlobalConfigurationAttr') def setGlobalConfigurationAttr(self, **kw): """ Set global business configuration attribute. """ if getattr(aq_base(self), '_global_configuration_attributes', None) is None: self._global_configuration_attributes = PersistentMapping() for key, value in kw.items(): self._global_configuration_attributes[key] = value security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getGlobalConfigurationAttr') def getGlobalConfigurationAttr(self, key, default=None): """ Get global business configuration attribute. """ return getattr(self, '_global_configuration_attributes', {}).get(key, default) ############# Instance and Business Configuration ######################## security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'buildConfiguration') def buildConfiguration(self): """ Build list of business templates according to already saved Configuration Saves (i.e. user input). This is the actual implementation which can be used from workflow actions and Configurator requets """ kw = dict(tag="start_configuration_%s" % self.getId(), after_method_id=["updateBusinessTemplateFromUrl", "immediateReindexObject"]) # build configuration_save_list = self.contentValues(portal_type='Configuration Save') configuration_save_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getIntIndex(x.getIntId()), y.getIntIndex(y.getIntId()))) for configuration_save in configuration_save_list: # XXX: check which items are configure-able configuration_item_list = configuration_save.contentValues() configuration_item_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getIntId(), y.getIntId())) for configurator_item in configuration_item_list: configurator_item.activate(**kw).fixConsistency( filter={"constraint_type":"configuration"}) kw["after_tag"] = kw["tag"] kw["tag"] = "configurator_item_%s_%s" % (configurator_item.getId(), configurator_item.getUid()) kw["tag"] = "final_configuration_step_%s" % self.getId() kw["after_method_id"] = ["fixConsistency", 'immediateReindexObject'] self.activate(**kw).ERP5Site_afterConfigurationSetup() if self.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(self, 'install'): self.activate(after_tag=kw["tag"]).install()