/*jslint nomen: true*/ /*global Blob, jiodate*/ (function (jIO, QUnit) { "use strict"; var test = QUnit.test, stop = QUnit.stop, start = QUnit.start, ok = QUnit.ok, expect = QUnit.expect, deepEqual = QUnit.deepEqual, equal = QUnit.equal, module = QUnit.module; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _revision parameter updating with RSVP all ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module("bryanStorage.revision_with_RSVP_all"); test("verifying updates correctly when puts are done in parallel", function () { stop(); expect(7); // create storage of type "bryan" with memory as substorage var dbname = "rsvp_db_" + Date.now(), jio = jIO.createJIO({ type: "bryan", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { //type: "memory" type: "indexeddb", database: dbname } } }), not_bryan = jIO.createJIO({ type: "query", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { //type: "memory" type: "indexeddb", database: dbname } } }); jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo0"}) .push(function () { return RSVP.all([ jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo1"}), jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo2"}), jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo3"}), jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo4"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr0"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr1"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr2"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr3"}) ]); }) .push(function () {return jio.get("bar"); }) .push(function (result) { ok(result.title !== "foo0", "Title should have changed from foo0"); }) .push(function () { return not_bryan.allDocs({ query: "", sort_on: [["timestamp", "ascending"]] }); }) .push(function (results) { equal(results.data.rows.length, 9, "All nine versions exist in storage"); return not_bryan.get(results.data.rows[0].id); }) .push(function (results) { deepEqual(results, { doc_id: "bar", doc: { title: "foo0" }, timestamp: results.timestamp, op: "put", lastseen: undefined, leaf: true }, "The first item in the log is pushing bar's title to 'foo0'"); return jio.remove("bar"); }) .push(function () { return jio.get("bar"); }) .push(function () { return jio.get("barbar"); }, function (error) { deepEqual( error.message, "bryanstorage: cannot find object 'bar' (removed)", "Appropriate error is sent explaining object has been removed" ); return jio.get("barbar"); }) .push(function (result) { ok(result.title !== undefined, "barbar exists and has proper form"); return not_bryan.allDocs({ query: "", sort_on: [["op", "descending"]] }); }) .push(function (results) { equal(results.data.rows.length, 10, "Remove operation is recorded"); return not_bryan.get(results.data.rows[0].id); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { doc_id: "bar", timestamp: result.timestamp, op: "remove", lastseen: result.lastseen, leaf: true }); }) .fail(function (error) { //console.log(error); ok(false, error); }) .always(function () {start(); }); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // bryanStorage.querying_from_bryanstorage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module("bryanStorage.querying_from_bryanstorage"); test("verifying the correct results are returned from bryanStorage.allDocs", function () { stop(); expect(10); // create storage of type "bryan" with memory as substorage var jio = jIO.createJIO({ type: "bryan", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { type: "memory" } } }); jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo0"}) .push(function () { return RSVP.all([ jio.remove("bar"), jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo1"}), jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo2"}), jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo3"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr0"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr1"}), jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr2"}), jio.put("barbarbar", {"title": "val0"}), jio.put("barbarbarbar", {"title": "prop0"}) ]); }) // Make two final puts so we know what to expect as the current state of // each document. .push(function () { return jio.put("barbar", {"title": "attr3"}); }) .push(function () { return jio.put("bar", {"title": "foo4"}); }) // Queries should only include information about the final two versions .push(function () { return jio.allDocs({ query: "", sort_on: [["title", "ascending"]] }); }) .push(function (results) { equal(results.data.rows.length, 4, "Empty query yields four results since there are four unique docs"); return jio.get(results.data.rows[0].id); }, function (error) { return ok(false, "Query failed: " + error); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { title: "attr3" }, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: Retrieve correct sort order with no metadata"); }, function () { return ok(false, "Couldn't find document in storage"); }) // Querying with a limit .push(function () { return jio.allDocs({ query: "", sort_on: [["title", "ascending"]], limit: [0, 1] }); }) .push(function (results) { equal(results.data.rows.length, 1, "Since limit [0,1] was supplied, only 1st document is returned"); return jio.get(results.data.rows[0].id); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { title: "attr3" }, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: retrieving documents in specified sort_on order"); }) // Querying with a more complicated limit .push(function () { return jio.allDocs({ query: "", sort_on: [["title", "ascending"]], limit: [2, 2] }); }) .push(function (results) { equal(results.data.rows.length, 2, "Retrieving the correct documents when options.limit is specified"); deepEqual(results.data.rows[0].id, "barbarbarbar", "NOT IMPLEMENTED: retrieving documents in specified sort_on order"); deepEqual(results.data.rows[1].id, "barbarbar", "NOT IMPLEMENTED: retrieving documents in specified sort_on order"); return jio.get(results.data.rows[0].id); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { title: "property0" }, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: retrieving documents in specified sort_on order"); }) // Querying for a specific id .push(function () { return jio.allDocs({ query: "id: bar" }); }) .push(function (results) { equal(results.data.rows.length, 1, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: query involving specific document attributes"); return jio.get(results.data.rows[0].id); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { title: "foo4" }, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: query involving specific document attributes"); }, function () { ok(false, "NOT IMPLEMENTED: query involving specific document attributes" ); }) .fail(function (error) { //console.log(error); ok(false, error); }) .always(function () {start(); }); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Accessing older revisions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module("bryanStorage.accessing_older_revisions"); test("Testing proper retrieval of older revisions of documents", function () { stop(); expect(8); // create storage of type "bryan" with memory as substorage var jio = jIO.createJIO({ type: "bryan", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { type: "memory" } } }); jio.put("doc", { "k0": "v0" }) .push(function () { return jio.put("doc", {"k1": "v1"}); }) .push(function () { return jio.put("doc", {"k2": "v2"}); }) .push(function () { return jio.remove("doc"); }) .push(function () { return jio.put("doc", {"k3": "v3"}); }) .push(function () { return jio.put("doc", {"k4": "v4"}); }) .push(function () { return jio.get("doc"); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, {"k4": "v4"}, "By default, .get returns latest revision"); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 0}); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, {"k4": "v4"}, ".get returns latest revision with second input = 0"); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 1}); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, {"k3": "v3"}, "Walk back one revision with second input = 1"); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 2}); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "Current state of document is 'removed'."); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 3}); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, {"k2": "v2"}, "Walk back three revisions with second input = 3"); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 4}); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, {"k1": "v1"}, "Walk back four revisions with second input = 4"); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 5}); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, {"k0": "v0"}, "Walk back five revisions with second input = 5"); return jio.get("doc", {steps: 6}); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only 5 previous states of this document"); }) .fail(function (error) { //console.log(error); ok(false, error); }) .always(function () {start(); }); }); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Accessing older revisions with multiple users ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module("bryanStorage.accessing_older_revisions_multiple_users"); test("Testing retrieval of older revisions of documents with multiple users", function () { stop(); expect(51); // create storage of type "bryan" with memory as substorage var dbname = "multi_user_db" + Date.now(), jio1 = jIO.createJIO({ type: "bryan", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { type: "indexeddb", database: dbname } } }), jio2 = jIO.createJIO({ type: "bryan", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { type: "indexeddb", database: dbname } } }), jio3 = jIO.createJIO({ type: "bryan", sub_storage: { type: "uuid", sub_storage: { type: "indexeddb", database: dbname } } }); jio1.put("doc", { "k": "v0.1" }) .push(function () { return jio2.get("doc"); }) .push(function () { return jio3.get("doc"); }) .push(function () { return jio2.put("doc", { "k": "v0.1.2" }); }) .push(function () { return jio3.put("doc", { "k": "v0.1.3" }); }) /** .push(function () { return jio2.put("doc", { "k": "v0.1.2.2" }); }) **/ .push(function () { return jio2.remove("doc"); }) .push(function () { return jio3.put("doc", { "k": "v0.1.3.3" }); }) .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc"); }) .push(function () { return jio1.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio2.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio3.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc"); }) // jio2 has a different version than 1 & 3 as its latest revision /** .push(function () { return jio2.get("doc"); }) **/ .push(function () { return jio3.get("doc"); }) // Test all lastseens are the same .push(function () { // These are all undefined outside the storage definition, so these // tests are meaningless //equal(jio1._lastseen, jio2._lastseen, "All users see same version"); //equal(jio1._lastseen, jio3._lastseen, "All users see same version"); // // Test consistent history of user 1 // return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 0 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Get of depth 0 returns latest version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3.3" }, "Get of consistent depth 1 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3" }, "Get of consistent depth 2 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 3 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1" }, "Get of consistent depth 3 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 4 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only 3 previous states of this document: " + error); }) .push(function () { // // Test consistent history of user 2 (Is the same as 1 & 3 even though // User 2 has not explicitly called .get since the latest changes // were made) // return jio2.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 0 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Get of depth 0 returns latest version" ); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3.3" }, "Get of depth 0 returns latest version" ); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3" }, "Get of consistent depth 2 returns correct version" ); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 3 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1" }, "Get of consistent depth 3 returns correct version" ); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 4 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only 3 previous states of this document: " + error); }) .push(function () { // // Test consistent history of user 3 (Should be same as user 1) // return jio3.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 0 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "User 2 consistent history is same as user 1" ); return jio3.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3.3" }, "User 2 consistent history is same as user 1" ); return jio3.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3" }, "User 2 consistent history is same as user 1" ); return jio3.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 3 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1" }, "User 2 consistent history is same as user 1" ); return jio3.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 4 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only 3 previous states of this document"); }) // Reset jio3._lastseen to be at v0. .push(function () { return jio3.get("doc"); }) // // Test absolute history of user 1 // .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 0 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Get of absolute depth 0 returns latest version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Get of absolute depth 1 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Get of absolute depth 2 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 3 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3.3" }, "Get of absolute depth 3 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 4 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "Document has been removed at this point"); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 5 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3" }, "Get of absolute depth 5 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 6 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.2" }, "Get of absolute depth 6 returns correct version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 7 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1" }); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 8 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only 3 previous states of this document"); }) // // Test absolute history of user 2 // .push(function () { return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 0 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 3 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3.3" }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 4 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "Document has been removed at this point"); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 5 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.3" }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 6 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.2" }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 7 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1" }); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 8 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only 3 previous states of this document"); }) // // Tests on checking out an older revision and making a new edit branch // .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc", { path: "absolute", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function () { return jio1.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "The new document is added to the correct edit branch" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "This document was removed at this time"); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 3 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1.2" }, "The new document is added to the correct edit branch" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 4 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0.1" }, "This edit branch also leads back to the original version" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 5 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are no revisions before the original document"); }) .push(function () { return jio3.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) // All three users have the same latest revision .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc"); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "User one accesses latest revision correctly" ); return jio2.get("doc"); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "User two accesses latest revision correctly" ); return jio3.get("doc"); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "User three accesses latest revision correctly" ); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "User 2 accesses the 1st edit in consistent traversal." ); }) // // Testing .getting on leaf nodes // .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc", { path: "leaves" }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "First result is the most-recently-added leaf" ); return jio2.get("doc", { path: "leaves", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Second result is the 2nd most-recently-added leaf" ); return jio3.get("doc", { path: "leaves", steps: 2, db: "jio3" }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Third result is the 3rd most-recently-added leaf" ); // // Editing document revisions stemming from the latest leaf nodes seen // return jio1.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio3.remove("doc"); // removing v0. }) // Check that jio1 sees latest non-removed revision .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc"); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "The most recent edit was a remove, so throw error"); }) .push(function () { // jio2 lastseen should point to "v0." return jio2.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc", { path: "leaves", steps: 0 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Accessing the first leaf node at this time" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "leaves", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "Accessing the second leaf node at this time" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "leaves", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function () { ok(false, "This query should have thrown a 404 error"); }, function (error) { deepEqual(error.status_code, 404, "There are only two non-removed leaves"); // jio1 should still have lastseen at v0. return jio1.put("doc", { "k": "v0." }); }) .push(function () { return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 1 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "If a .get fails, that should not reset ._lastseen parameter" ); return jio1.get("doc", { path: "consistent", steps: 2 }); }) .push(function (result) { deepEqual(result, { "k": "v0." }, "History of has been constructed correctly."); }) .fail(function (error) { //console.log(error); ok(false, error); }) .always(function () {start(); }); }); }(jIO, QUnit));