{ "type": "object", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "Input Parameters", "properties": { "image-to-test-url": { "title": "Image To Test (URL)", "description": "Absolute URL to QCOW2 vm-bootstrap compatible image.", "type": "string" }, "image-to-test-md5sum": { "title": "MD5 checksum of Image To Test.", "description": "MD5 checksum of QCOW2 vm-bootstrap compatible image.", "type": "string" }, "test-relative-directory": { "title": "Relative directory where tests are found.", "description": "The base of this directory is [slapos-package].", "type": "string" }, "test-type": { "title": "Type of the test.", "type": "string", "default": "script-from-url", "enum": [ "script-from-url", "cloned-playbook" ] }, "script-to-test-url": { "title": "Optional URL of script to test, used for test-type=script-from-url.", "description": "Optional URL of script to test, which will be injected into the VM.\nThis parameter will NOT use local git clone of [slapos-package] part, it will test fully provided script.", "type": "string" }, "yml-path-to-test": { "title": "Optional YML path to test from the playbook, used for test-type=cloned-playbook.", "description": "Optional YML path to test from the playbook, provided as relative path to playbook root.\nThis parameter will use local git clone of [slapos-package] part, from which playbook will be constructed.", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "image-to-test-url", "image-to-test-md5sum", "test-type" ] }