Commit 07d5634a authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet


* Refactor/simplify in order to extend jQuery with a erp5_popup function that can be re-used in other scripts/projects.

In this way anyone who has loaded the .js can invoke a popup:

dialog: { // usual jquery.ui.dialog parameters here
title: "a popup to make UI snappier",
load: { // specify what url should be loaded inside the popup
url: "/erp5/my_module",
params: ....,

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 67857de9
......@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="Folder" module="OFS.Folder"/>
<global name="Folder" module="OFS.Folder"/>
......@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@
<record id="1" aka="AAAAAAAAAAE=">
<global name="DTMLMethod" module="OFS.DTMLMethod"/>
<global name="DTMLMethod" module="OFS.DTMLMethod"/>
......@@ -66,151 +63,182 @@ If you want to use this feature, you need to load additional files in global_def
The first two lines are required for loading jQuery and jQuery UI. The last line is for this file.\n
jQuery(function() {\n
// XXX It is necessary to keep a reference to a dialog, because jQuery / jQuery UI does not keep information\n
// in elements of DOM unfortunately. This is not a big problem at the moment, because this implementation assumes\n
// that a dialog is modal.\n
var dialog = null;\n
var load = function(url, query, method_name) {\n
// Some bogus animations for having the user to feel easier.\n
var animate = function() {\n
var element = jQuery(\'p.loading\', dialog);\n
if (element.length != 0) {\n
//element.animate({opacity: 1}, 2000, \'linear\');\n
//element.animate({opacity: 0}, 2000, \'linear\', animate);\n
element.animate({color: "white"}, 2000, \'linear\');\n
element.animate({color: "black"}, 2000, \'linear\', animate);\n
jQuery(\'<div class="loading" style="background-color: #AAAAAA; opacity: 0.5; position: absolute; left: 0%; width: 100%; top: 0%; height: 100%; transparent;"><p class="loading" style="position: absolute; left: 0%; width: 100%; top: 30%; height: 40%; text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 32pt;">Loading...</p></div>\').appendTo(dialog);\n
// define fallback values\n
if (method_name == undefined)\n
method_name = \'post\';\n
if (method_name == \'post\')\n
var caller =;\n
if (method_name == \'get\')\n
var caller = jQuery.get;\n
caller(url, query, function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {\n
if (textStatus == \'success\' || textStatus == \'notmodified\') {\n
// Stop the animations above.\n
//jQuery(\'div.loading\', dialog).remove();\n
dialog.html(jQuery(\'<div />\').append(data.replace(/<script(.|\\s)*?\\/script>/g, "")).find(\'form\'));\n
// XXX Get rid of unneeded stuff in JavaScript for now.\n
jQuery(\'.bars, .breadcrumb, .logged_in_as\', dialog).remove();\n
jQuery(\'[id]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'id\');\n
// XXX Get rid of unneeded KM stuff in JavaScript for now.\n
jQuery(\'.wrapper\', dialog).remove();\n
// Insert the same buttons as at the bottom into near the top.\n
jQuery(\'div.bottom_actions\', dialog).clone().insertAfter(jQuery(\'div.dialog_box\', dialog)).css(\'margin-bottom\', \'1em\');\n
jQuery(\'input[type="image"], button.sort_button, .dialog_selector > button\', dialog).click(function(event) {\n
var self = jQuery(this);\n
var form = jQuery(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var params = {};\n
params[self.attr(\'name\')] = self.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), jQuery.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
// XXX Remove the hardcoded handler.\n
jQuery(\'.dialog_selector > select[onchange]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'onchange\');\n
jQuery(\'.dialog_selector > select\', dialog).change(function(event) {\n
var button = jQuery(\'button\', this.parentNode);\n
var form = jQuery(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var params = {};\n
params[button.attr(\'name\')] = button.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), jQuery.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize()); \n
// XXX Remove the hardcoded handler.\n
jQuery(\'input[type="text"][name="listbox_page_start"][onkeypress]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'onkeypress\');\n
jQuery(\'input[type="text"][name="listbox_page_start"]\', dialog).keypress(function(event) {\n
if (event.keyCode == \'13\') {\n
$(function() {\n
* generic dialog to display another ERP5 page on top of the page.\n
* Parameters:\n
* \'dialog\': object to pass as argument to $.ui.dialog on creation.\n
* erp5_dialog has generic defaults, and everything you will\n
* pass will override those defaults.\n
* \'load\' :\n
* - url: url to load in the popup\n
* - params: parameters to give to the ajax call. can be omitted\n
* - method: default $.post, you can change it to $.get\n
* Example:\n
* $(\'<div id="jquery_erp5_dialog" />\').appendTo(\'body\').erp5_popup({\n
* dialog: {title: \'It works\', },\n
* load: {url: \'/erp5/some_module/someobject\'},\n
* )};\n
$.fn.erp5_popup = function(params) {\n
dialog = $(this);\n
var default_dialog_parameters = {\n
modal: true,\n
width: $(window).width() * 0.8,\n
height: $(window).height() * 0.8,\n
title: \'ERP5 dialog\',\n
close: function() {\n
// initalize jQuery dialog\n
dialog.dialog($.extend({}, default_dialog_parameters, params.dialog));\n
var load = function(url, query, ajax_method) {\n
if (!query) query = {};\n
if (!ajax_method) ajax_method = $.post;\n
// Some bogus animations for having the user to feel easier.\n
var animate = function() {\n
var element = $(\'p.loading\', dialog);\n
if (element.length != 0) {\n
//element.animate({opacity: 1}, 2000, \'linear\');\n
//element.animate({opacity: 0}, 2000, \'linear\', animate);\n
element.animate({color: "white"}, 2000, \'linear\');\n
element.animate({color: "black"}, 2000, \'linear\', animate);\n
$(\'<div class="loading" style="background-color: #AAAAAA; opacity: 0.5; position: absolute; left: 0%; width: 100%; top: 0%; height: 100%; transparent;"><p class="loading" style="position: absolute; left: 0%; width: 100%; top: 30%; height: 40%; text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 32pt;">Loading...</p></div>\').appendTo(dialog);\n
ajax_method(url, query, function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {\n
if (textStatus == \'success\' || textStatus == \'notmodified\') {\n
// Stop the animations above.\n
//$(\'div.loading\', dialog).remove();\n
dialog.html($(\'<div />\').append(data.replace(/<script(.|\\s)*?\\/script>/g, "")).find(\'form\'));\n
// XXX Get rid of unneeded stuff in JavaScript for now.\n
$(\'.bars, .breadcrumb, .logged_in_as\', dialog).remove();\n
$(\'[id]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'id\');\n
// XXX Get rid of unneeded KM stuff in JavaScript for now.\n
$(\'.wrapper\', dialog).remove();\n
// Insert the same buttons as at the bottom into near the top.\n
$(\'div.bottom_actions\', dialog).clone().insertAfter($(\'div.dialog_box\', dialog)).css(\'margin-bottom\', \'1em\');\n
$(\'input[type="image"], button.sort_button, .dialog_selector > button\', dialog).click(function(event) {\n
var self = jQuery(this);\n
self.value = self.attr(\'defaultValue\');\n
var form = jQuery(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
// XXX no other way but hardcoding the method name.\n
load(\'listbox_setPage\', form.serialize()); \n
jQuery(\'tr.listbox_search_line input[type="text"]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'onkeypress\').keypress(function(event) {\n
if (event.keyCode == \'13\') {\n
var self = $(this);\n
var form = $(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var params = {};\n
params[self.attr(\'name\')] = self.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), $.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
// XXX Remove the hardcoded handler.\n
$(\'.dialog_selector > select[onchange]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'onchange\');\n
$(\'.dialog_selector > select\', dialog).change(function(event) {\n
var button = $(\'button\', this.parentNode);\n
var form = $(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var params = {};\n
params[button.attr(\'name\')] = button.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), $.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
// XXX Remove the hardcoded handler.\n
$(\'input[type="text"][name="listbox_page_start"][onkeypress]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'onkeypress\');\n
$(\'input[type="text"][name="listbox_page_start"]\', dialog).keypress(function(event) {\n
if (event.keyCode == \'13\') {\n
var self = $(this);\n
self.value = self.attr(\'defaultValue\');\n
var form = $(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
// XXX no other way but hardcoding the method name.\n
load(\'listbox_setPage\', form.serialize());\n
$(\'tr.listbox_search_line input[type="text"]\', dialog).removeAttr(\'onkeypress\').keypress(function(event) {\n
if (event.keyCode == \'13\') {\n
//var self = $(this);\n
//self.value = self.attr(\'defaultValue\');\n
var form = $(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var first_submit_button = $($(\'input[type="submit"]\', form)[0]);\n
var params = {};\n
params[first_submit_button.attr(\'name\')] = first_submit_button.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), $.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
$(\'button.dialog_cancel_button\', dialog).click(function(event) {\n
//var self = jQuery(this);\n
//self.value = self.attr(\'defaultValue\');\n
var form = jQuery(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var first_submit_button = jQuery(jQuery(\'input[type="submit"]\', form)[0]);\n
$(\'button.dialog_update_button\', dialog).click(function(event) {\n
var self = $(this);\n
var form = $(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var params = {};\n
params[first_submit_button.attr(\'name\')] = first_submit_button.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), jQuery.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize()); \n
jQuery(\'button.dialog_cancel_button\', dialog).click(function(event) {\n
jQuery(\'button.dialog_update_button\', dialog).click(function(event) {\n
var self = jQuery(this);\n
var form = jQuery(\'form.main_form\', dialog);\n
var params = {};\n
params[self.attr(\'name\')] = self.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), jQuery.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
params[self.attr(\'name\')] = self.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), $.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
load(params.load.url, params.load.params, params.load.method);\n
$(function() {\n
// XXX It is necessary to keep a reference to a dialog, because jQuery / jQuery UI does not keep information\n
// in elements of DOM unfortunately. This is not a big problem at the moment, because this implementation assumes\n
// that a dialog is modal.\n
// XXX Nicolas: see $.data() for storage in DOM. I dont think that it matters however. $("#jquery_erp5_dialog") should be enough\n
var dialog = $(\'<div id="jquery_erp5_dialog" />\').appendTo(\'body\');\n
// Those two definitions could be kept in a different file. The jQuery plugin providing an implementation is different than\n
// the places where we use this plugin\n
// Make the relation update dialogs as pop-ups.\n
jQuery(\'input[value="update..."]\').click(function(event) {\n
$(\'input[value="update..."]\').click(function(event) {\n
var self = jQuery(this);\n
// Make sure that the dialog is present, and it is empty.\n
if (dialog != null) {\n
dialog = jQuery(\'<div id="dialog" />\').appendTo(\'body\');\n
dialog.dialog({ modal: true,\n
width: jQuery(window).width() * 0.8,\n
height: jQuery(window).height() * 0.8,\n
title: jQuery(\'label\', this.parentNode.parentNode).text()\n
var form = jQuery(\'form#main_form\');\n
var self = $(this);\n
var form = $(\'form#main_form\');\n
var params = {};\n
params[self.attr(\'name\')] = self.attr(\'value\');\n
load(form.attr(\'action\'), jQuery.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize());\n
dialog: { title: $(\'label\', this.parentNode.parentNode).text() },\n
load: {\n
url: form.attr(\'action\'),\n
params: $.param(params) + \'&\' + form.serialize(),\n
// Make the Add gadget dialog work as pop-ups.\n
jQuery(\'a[id="add-gadgets"]\').click(function(event) {\n
$(\'a[id="add-gadgets"]\').click(function(event) {\n
// Make sure that the dialog is present, and it is empty.\n
if (dialog != null) {\n
dialog = jQuery(\'<div id="dialog" />\').appendTo(\'body\');\n
dialog.dialog({ modal: true,\n
width: jQuery(window).width() * 0.8,\n
height: jQuery(window).height() * 0.8,\n
title: jQuery(\'label\', this.parentNode.parentNode).text()\n
dialog: { title: $(\'label\', this.parentNode.parentNode).text() },\n
load: {\n
url: this.href,\n
method: $.get,\n
load(this.href, query={}, method_name=\'get\');\n
* Refactor/simplify in order to extend jQuery with a erp5_popup function that can be re-used in other scripts/projects.
2010-07-01 yo
* Fix a bug that scripts in every fetched document may be executed. Otherwise, ready callbacks can be executed many times.
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